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DIY bottle snake. Garden sculptures from ordinary plastic bottles. Distance between anchor bolts

Do you know that from the usual polyurethane foam, you can create interesting crafts for the garden and playground? I think that many of you have already seen, or even possibly done, such crafts for your site ..
Today we will take a look at interesting master a class on making a cobra from polyurethane foam, the author of this master class is Elena Sadovskaya. In general, you can make very interesting and original crafts for the garden, which will be a wonderful decoration on your site, as well as on the playground. Mounting foam is a very common material that can be bought at any hardware store. It is very interesting to create crafts from foam, besides, it easily accepts any desired shape. From it you can also make both small and large crafts that can be easily transferred to any place. The site has already collected a small collection of various crafts from mounting foam. Be sure to look at them too, and now we will learn how to create a cobra for the garden from polyurethane foam.

To make a cobra you will need:
* Wire.
* Corrugation.
* Metal-plastic tube.
* Mounting foam.
* Two buttons.
* Acrylic enamel.
* Acrylic lacquer.

How to make a cobra:
First we will make the base for the cobra. In order to give the cobra rigidity to the body and create the desired bend, one wire will not be enough. Therefore, we take the corrugation and insert an additional metal-plastic tube into it. For the tail, we leave just one wire. You choose the length of the cobra yourself at your discretion, the larger the base for the cobra, the longer the ode we will get. So the frame for making a cobra is ready.

We continue to work on the frame. To make the head, cut out from 5 l. a flat part of a plastic bottle, cut out the head itself from a small bottle, first cut the place where we will have a mouth. We connect everything together with tape. At the tail, we will also fix the wire with adhesive tape.

Now we apply mounting foam completely to the frame. Elena has tried different foams throughout her practice, but she liked Titan foam best of all. She can long time is in the gun and does not dry out. That is, you can work more slowly and more efficiently. I didn’t like Macroflex, it swells up a lot and thickens in three days, and doesn’t come out of the gun well. You have to use it faster so that it doesn’t disappear - it turns out not economically. I tried cheap ones a couple of times, but also only to increase the volume and again bought Titanium. Now Elena does not experiment, but only Titan buys foam. But this is only her opinion, you can use the foam at your discretion.

We form the mouth from the foam, when it is formed, insert the toothpicks for making teeth, carefully foam them and correct with a wet stick or little finger until the foam is dry.

Now it takes time for the foam to dry well.

The eyes are buttons on the leg. First, draw the eyes themselves, and then cover them several times with transparent nail polish. We also glue them on the foam. The tongue can also be cut out of a plastic bottle and shaped with foam.

When it dries, paint in the desired color. Painting like all crafts with acrylic enamel, then acrylic varnish for outdoor work. We paint the cobra with acrylic enamel (namely, with enamel, and that is, it will not work with acrylic paint). The enamel lays down evenly and dries quickly. Elena painted her first works from foam with yacht varnish, but as it turned out, it gives yellowness and does not work white color and besides, it dries for a long time, so it is better to use acrylic enamel. Then we cover all our crafts acrylic varnish for outdoor work. Everything, the polyurethane foam cobra is ready, now it can settle on your site or on the playground.

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Let's imagine a situation. We wake up on the morning of the first of January. Children unpack gifts and joyfully jump in anticipation of entertainment. And parents have only one desire - to eat salads and fall asleep again. We approach the table... and see the bottles... Empty bottles... a lot of empty plastic bottles(Of course, from under the mineral water))). (Probably Santa Claus brought it as a gift)))
Collect everything and throw it in the trash?
No!!! We will entertain the children (at the same time awaken ourselves).
Making the symbol of the year - the Snake!

1. Making the "body": Cut off the bottom of the bottles and remove the caps.

2. With a lighter (candle, matches), we slightly melt the edges of the cut so that it is safe for children.

3. We make 2 holes in one of the covers, thread the rope (it turned out to be an elastic band for me - for greater elasticity of the structure) and tie it in a knot with inside.

4. The other end of the rope (the length of the rope = the length of all the bottles laid out in one line + a little more) is threaded into a knitting needle. (Although you can do without it)

5. We collect the beads: We string all the bottles on a rope, starting with thinner ones (0.5 l - 1.0 l) ending with wider ones (1.5 l - 2.0 l). We pass the rope through the neck and bring it out into the cut off bottom. The very first bead is screwed to the lid (from point 3)

6. Making the "head": For this you need a 5-liter plastic bottle. We cut out the bottom in it - the width of the hole is slightly larger than the width of the plastic bottles from the "body". We melt the edge.

7. We take 3 more bottles: Cut off the neck from 2 bottles and draw eyes on the white caps. At one more bottle we cut off the neck with a margin, cut out the crown. We melt the edges.

8. In the "head" we make holes for the "eyes" and the "crown"

9. We place the "eyes" in the cut out holes (on the inside of the head) and fix them with caps from the outside. On the contrary, we insert the crown with outer side and fix the lid inside. From something red (for example, plastic corner for papers), cut out the tongue and fasten it (with an elastic band, thread, wire) to the neck of the "head".

10. We connect the "head" with the "body". We pass the rope through the cut out bottom and bring it out through the neck. We make 2 holes in the lid of a 5l bottle, thread the rope, tighten it well so that the whole structure is assembled and pulled together. We tie the rope in a knot on the inside of the lid, which we then fasten to the neck of the canister.

11. The snake is ready! Cut out circles and rhombuses from self-adhesive paper of golden color. We give them to the children, and while they are decorating our beauty, we go to eat up the salads.

And then we go for a walk.)))


So my next craft for the “Second Life of Things” column is ripe - cobra (snake) from plastic bottles.

I called her Nagina (I remembered Rikki-Tikki-Tavi from childhood) and settled in my flower bed.

True, it’s already autumn now, so I’ll plant daffodils in the rings, which will delight us with flowers only in spring (if I don’t forget, then I’ll definitely take a picture of a blooming cobra).

To do Cobra (snake) from plastic bottles You will need:

Large bottles (I took 2 liters),

Liter plastic bottles - 2 pieces,

Small plastic bottles - 6 pieces

Copper wire, pliers and an awl,

Paint in cans

Masking tape to paint stripes on a plastic bottle snake.

Let's start creating snakes (cobras) from plastic bottles (step-by-step master class):

1 . We cut the large bottles in half and sequentially connect them into the snake's body using copper wire(I wrote how to do this):

2. The body of the snake - two rings of plastic bottles, ending with a bottle with a cork. The body gradually passes into a vertical neck and head:

3. Rings plastic bottle snakes can be fastened together so that they do not spread to the sides:

4. From smaller bottles we make a hood for a cobra:

5. We cut the half of the bottle from which the head is made from both sides and fasten it with wire (leave a very small hole in the center of the “mouth” for the tongue, which can be cut out of colored polyethylene). Then we make eyes from traffic jams:

6. To make the cobra from plastic bottles more stable, pass a metal rod through the rings and neck from below (you will then hammer one end into the ground in the place where you decide to put the snake).

7. ready. It remains to paint it:

Tip: Paint plastic bottles spray paints better in sunny weather. If the paint does not have time to dry and it rains, then it will stop shining.


So my next craft for the “Second Life of Things” column is ripe - cobra (snake) from plastic bottles.

I called her Nagina (I remembered Rikki-Tikki-Tavi from childhood) and settled in my flower bed.

True, it’s already autumn now, so I’ll plant daffodils in the rings, which will delight us with flowers only in spring (if I don’t forget, then I’ll definitely take a picture of a blooming cobra).

To do Cobra (snake) from plastic bottles You will need:

Large bottles (I took 2 liters),

Liter plastic bottles - 2 pieces,

Small plastic bottles - 6 pieces

Copper wire, pliers and an awl,

Paint in cans

Masking tape to paint stripes on a plastic bottle snake.

Let's start creating snakes (cobras) from plastic bottles (step-by-step master class):

1 . We cut large bottles in half and sequentially connect them into the body of a snake using copper wire (I wrote how to do this):

2. The body of the snake - two rings of plastic bottles, ending with a bottle with a cork. The body gradually passes into a vertical neck and head:

3. Rings plastic bottle snakes can be fastened together so that they do not spread to the sides:

4. From smaller bottles we make a hood for a cobra:

5. We cut the half of the bottle from which the head is made from both sides and fasten it with wire (leave a very small hole in the center of the “mouth” for the tongue, which can be cut out of colored polyethylene). Then we make eyes from traffic jams:

6. To make the cobra from plastic bottles more stable, pass a metal rod through the rings and neck from below (you will then hammer one end into the ground in the place where you decide to put the snake).

7. ready. It remains to paint it:

Tip: It is better to paint plastic bottles with spray paints in sunny weather. If the paint does not have time to dry and it rains, then it will stop shining.


I like to fantasize and make garden sculptures from ordinary plastic bottles together with my 8-year-old daughter Antonina. So the fabulous Serpent Gorynych settled on our site and the colorful inhabitants of the jungle are a feast for everyone.

Serpent Gorynych from plastic bottles

For the body, a 10-liter plastic canister was used; for the neck, two-liter bottles with cut-off bottoms were used. In one of the bottles, the lower cut was notched in a circle and fixed to the canister with self-tapping screws. The second bottle without a bottom was put on the first one, screwed through with self-tapping screws at the junction (photo 1).

For the head perpendicular to the neck fixed 2 liter bottle, cutting a hole in it from below according to the size of the upper part of the neck. On one side of this longitudinal part, a cut-out piece from a 5-liter bottle for the nose was attached with self-tapping screws, on the other - for the back of the head (photo 2).

The nostrils and ears were cut out from the bottom with recesses, fixed on the head with self-tapping screws (photo 3).

Similarly, two other heads were made on the canister. We painted the entire structure with spray red paint (photo 4). Draw eyes and fix the figure on car tire, painting it in the same color (photo 5).

Jungle made from plastic bottles

Using plastic bottles of different sizes and fixing the structure with screws and adhesive tape, they made the inhabitants of Africa - a crocodile, a tiger and a lion. Painted in matching colors.

With our garden figure"The King of the Beasts" my daughter participated in the school competition-exhibition and won first place (photo 6).

Such crafts will not leave anyone indifferent!