home · On a note · Ventilated ridge for corrugated sheets. Ridge on a roof made of corrugated sheets: device and features of fastening ridge strips to corrugated sheets. Video example of installation work

Ventilated ridge for corrugated sheets. Ridge on a roof made of corrugated sheets: device and features of fastening ridge strips to corrugated sheets. Video example of installation work

Metal corrugated sheeting is a popular roofing material, which differs affordable price, ease of installation and high wear resistance. Such wide popularity of this material these days is due to the fact that corrugated sheeting does not require additional processing, has a small weight and is easy to cut. To install a corrugated roof with your own hands, you do not need special construction skills or expensive tools.

In general, roofing from corrugated sheets can be done quite quickly with your own hands. This material is supplied in the form of steel profiled sheets with zinc galvanic and polymer coating. If the protective layer is damaged (deep scratches, open cut lines), the future roof will be susceptible to corrosion and premature wear. That is why when installing the roof you should be careful, work in shoes with soft soles and not leave cutting lines exposed to natural precipitation.

Corrugated roofing sheeting is attached to wooden sheathing. For this purpose, well-dried boards treated with antiseptic compounds are used. You can also use steel purlins. In this case, the height of the sheet corrugation must be at least 4 cm. If the roof slope is small, it is advisable to buy corrugated sheeting, the length of which exceeds the size of the slope. In this case, transverse joints of sheets will be eliminated, and the moisture resistance of the roof will increase.

Rice. 1 — Installation of corrugated sheeting with overlap

  • Ng – horizontal overlap size;
  • Ks is the size of the eaves overhang.

When the length of the roof slope exceeds maximum dimensions sheet of corrugated sheets, the material must be mounted from the bottom corner in the horizontal direction. Thus, the top sheet will overlap the bottom sheet, preventing leakage during rain. The size of the horizontal overlap is selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the slope (see Table 1).

How to attach corrugated sheets: selection of hardware, installation technology.

When installing corrugated sheets with your own hands, you must initially align the first sheet along the end, leaving the calculated eaves overhang. The corrugated sheet is fastened using self-tapping screws and a sealing washer is installed at the ridge. The next sheet is mounted overlapping and aligned horizontally with the first. Next, the roofing sheets are fastened together with self-tapping screws with sealing strips. After fastening several sheets, the corrugated sheeting is aligned along the eaves line, attached to the sheathing, after which the next horizontal row is mounted.

The corrugated sheeting for the roof is attached to the sheathing at the bottom of the corrugation, as shown in Figure 2, and the ridge is secured through the upper ridge. The length of the screw (L) varies depending on the height of the material ridge and is calculated using the following formula:

L = H + L1 + L2,

  • where L is the length of the hardware (screw), mm;
  • L1 – length of the part of the profile that cuts into the sheathing (approximately 25 – 30 mm), mm;
  • H – sheet profile height, mm;
  • L2 – total thickness of the washer and seal (about 4 mm), mm.

Rice. 2 – Installation of corrugated sheeting on the sheathing.

When installing several sheets of corrugated roofing, it is recommended to treat the overlaps with silicone or thiokone sealants to prevent roof leaks. The use of welding or gas cutting to work with corrugated sheets is prohibited. It is also not recommended to use nails for fastening, because... When there are gusts of wind, the corrugated sheet may come off. Fastening one square of corrugated sheeting usually requires 5 - 7 fasteners (screws).

Waterproofing and vapor barrier of corrugated roofing.

To ensure the necessary tightness, do-it-yourself installation of a corrugated roof involves performing waterproofing works. To do this, a vapor barrier film is laid in horizontal rows from below the eaves towards the ridge. In general, waterproofing a roof made of corrugated sheets allows you to avoid the following problems: the appearance of condensation, premature wear sheathing, leaks, freezing and mold.

Rice. 3 – Waterproofing of corrugated roofing.

When laying vapor barrier film in several rows, it is necessary to take into account the sagging allowance (about 20 mm) and the overlap of sheets (100 - 150 mm). To ensure a tight connection of the rows, the joints are glued with a special mounting tape.

Rice. 4 – Installation of waterproofing under the sheathing.

  1. rafter leg;
  2. vapor-permeable film for waterproofing;
  3. counter-lattice;
  4. sheathing.

In non-residential buildings, roofing felt, glassine or roofing felt can be used to waterproof the roof. When installing a roof made of corrugated sheets, there must be ventilation gaps between the sheathing or ridge and the waterproofing material, as well as between the seal and the ridge (see Fig. 4). For residential buildings, insulated roofing made of corrugated sheets is used.

Rice. 5 – Scheme of an insulated roof.

  1. sheathing;
  2. corrugated sheeting;
  3. seal;
  4. roofing ridge;
  5. waterproofing material;
  6. rafter strip;
  7. rafter leg;
  8. insulation layer;
  9. vapor barrier material;
  10. ceiling rail;
  11. finishing material (lining, drywall);
  12. a – gap for under-roof ventilation;
  13. b – gap between waterproofing and seal for ventilation.

Installation of sheathing and installation of corrugated sheets.

After laying the waterproofing, the rafter strips and sheathing boards are secured. The pitch of the sheathing and the type of corrugated sheeting are selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof. See the table below for the necessary data for installing corrugated sheets with your own hands. 3.
To protect the roof from drafts and wind, it is necessary to install between the gable and the edge of the roof wind bars. The planks are secured using self-tapping screws at intervals of 200 - 300 mm. The overlap of the planks on the gable is 100 - 150 mm.

Rice. 6 – Installation of a wind strip to protect a corrugated roof.

  1. wind bar;
  2. self-tapping screws with galvanic anti-corrosion coating.

To seal the joints between the slope and the wall, corner strips are installed. They are fastened with self-tapping screws at intervals of 200 - 300 mm. Minimum plank overlap roof covering should be 200 mm, while the overlap on the wall is 150 mm. The diagram for attaching the corner and transverse slope to the wall is shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Rice. 7 – Attaching the corner slope to the wall.

Rice. 8 – Attaching the transverse slope to the wall.

Installation of a ridge on a corrugated roof.

In general, installing a corrugated roof with your own hands is quite easy. The final stage after installing the sheathing, laying waterproofing and roofing is installing the ridge. The roof ridge performs both aesthetic and protective functions, closing the gap at the junction of roofing materials at the top of the roof. For a roof made of corrugated sheets, you can choose a simple, figured or tiled ridge. It must be installed on the leeward side, i.e. from the roof side, where there are smaller gusts of wind.

Installation of a ridge for a roof made of corrugated sheets is carried out on the upper edge of the roof in the upper ridge of the corrugated sheet. For this, galvanized self-tapping screws are used, the interval between which is about 200 - 300 mm. If several tiled ridges are used, then the overlap of one on the other should be 150 - 200 mm.

Rice. 9 – Installing a ridge on a corrugated roof.

To increase the waterproofing properties of the roof and ensure the tightness of the joints, it is necessary to place a sealing gasket between the ridge element and the roofing material. In this case, there should be a small ventilation gap between the ridge and the seal. The end parts of the ridge must also be closed with plugs (see Fig. 10).

Rice. 10 – Ridge for roofing made of corrugated sheets.

The ridge is one of the elements of the roof rafter frame. It is necessary to prevent water from entering the space under the roof, to ensure ventilation of the roof and to give the structure decorative effect. In the article below we will look at how to properly install a ridge on the roof and what Consumables will be needed for this.

Roof ridge installation

The ridge is the junction of opposite roof slopes. There are several types of ridges based on the roof structure. This can be a long, strong beam mounted on vertical supports or laid on gables. Next, the rafters in the upper part will rest on such a beam.

The rafter frame can also consist of individual triangular trusses formed by pairs of rafters connected to each other. Such trusses are assembled together using horizontal jumpers. At the very top of the inclined plane of the trusses, a board is sewn on each side. It is these boards, placed parallel to the cornice, that are the ridge.

If we are talking about a ventilated ridge for corrugated sheeting, then we mean a special element of the roofing covering that closes the gap between the sheets of material laid on the roof slopes. Typically, such parts are made of metal or a material similar to roofing.

Before fixing the ridge to a roof made of corrugated sheets, it is worth deciding which shape will be optimal for a particular structure:

  • conical;
  • round;
  • edge;
  • corner;
  • embossed;
  • curly.


First of all, it is worth saying that a ridge on the roof is necessary not only to give it completeness and aesthetic beauty, but also to ensure the functionality of the entire roofing structure.

Currently, the roofing pie includes several layers at once, including vapor barrier, heat and waterproofing. In addition, such a multi-layer design requires the presence of gaps for ventilation. In particular, the space between the roofing covering and the insulation allows you to reduce heat loss and regulate temperature regime inside the home and ensure durability insulating material. Therefore, in winter time an ice crust does not form on the roof, and in the summer - attic floor does not heat up to steam room temperature.

Therefore, before placing the ridge on the roof, roofing pie it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap and take care of circulation air flow. To achieve this, the overhangs on the eaves are hemmed with soffit, boards, secured with gaps, or other materials in combination with ventilation grilles. Please note that the fastening of the ridge to the corrugated sheet must be done so that it can freely fall under it. Fresh air. In this case wet air from the inside will freely leave the under-roof space without settling as condensation on the insulation and wooden structures.

Calculate the height

It is necessary to carry out calculations at what height the ridge should be located at the project development stage. This is especially true in the case of erecting a hip or other roof with a complex configuration.

Calculation of the installation height of the ridge is made taking into account the following conditions:

  • configuration and appearance building;
  • type of roofing;
  • the level of snow and wind loads in a given region;
  • justification from the point of view of economy and complexity of installation.

The roof structure must be commensurate with the building itself. If you plan to install a high roof with steep slopes, it will require significantly more material. At the same time, the low-slope roof must be designed to a large number of snow precipitation.

To determine how to attach a ridge to a complex roof configuration, you will need a special software or the help of architects who can accurately calculate its height. If we are talking about a simple structure with a slope of slopes within 35-60º, the height of the ridge can be calculated using trigonometric formulas.

Subtleties of installation and fastening to corrugated sheets

Although the ridge girder can be made of steel, owners of private houses mainly use wooden beam. However, before attaching the ridge to corrugated wood, it must be treated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

The harmful effects of precipitation can be minimized by laying special elements made of roofing material or galvanized sheets, and from the inside, joints are waterproofed and gaps are provided for ventilation.

First, it is necessary to fill the upper part of the inclined slopes with a wide sheathing, since the ridge will need to be secured to the corrugated sheet with special fasteners. However, the distance from the edge of the roofing to the top point of the slope should be approximately 7 cm. Wider gaps will require special ridge elements with wide blades.

Waterproofing and insulation of the roof, which will prevent the appearance of condensation, are also carried out before making a ridge from corrugated sheets. However, a space for air circulation must be provided.

How to attach a ventilated ridge to a profiled sheet

Ventilation ridge element roofing allows for free air circulation in the roofing pie.

The technique of how to properly attach a skate to a profiled sheet involves performing the following manipulations:

  • On top of the previously installed rafter frame, perpendicular to the rafters, it is necessary to lay and fix a layer of waterproofing. The overlap of individual sheets should be at least 15 cm, and the seams should be sealed with construction tape.
  • Lath battens and counter-lattens are nailed to the rafter legs.
  • Next, the roofing covering is installed, which does not reach the ridge a little.
  • A hole is made inside the ridge girder for ventilation, which will ensure free circulation of air inside the roof. Waterproofing material placed underneath it with an overlap.
  • When filing overhangs on eaves, it is also necessary to leave a gap for ventilation.

To make the roof ridge made of corrugated sheets as functional as possible, special boxes for ventilation are installed. They are attached with self-adhesive mixtures or special fasteners. Please note that it is best to work in warm, dry weather.

Alternatively, if it is not possible to install a ventilation duct, several end windows are installed inside the attic for ventilation.

Attaching a skate - how to do it right

The method of connecting the ridge on the roof depends on what type of roofing material is chosen. Typically, such additional elements are offered in addition to the main roof covering, so that the method of their fastening will be similar to the material being installed.

The general rule for installing a roof ridge is that the end parts from both gables are placed first. A cord is then pulled between them as a guide. Next, carefully observing the horizontal lines, lay out all the remaining parts. Please note that installation ridge strips must be done so that liquid does not flow into the seams and the wind does not blow.

It is very important to perform high-quality sealing of the ridge strip, for which you can use:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • special sealant;
  • cement mortar in the case of slate covering;
  • compositions provided by roofing material manufacturers.

As a rule, for slate roofs They sell special ridge strips made of asbestos cement. They are mounted on both sides of the ridge with the upper edges overlapping and secured with special nails.

Metal ridge strips can be made independently from galvanized steel or purchased ready-made factory-made products. To install such elements, self-tapping screws with sealing rings made of rubber or neoprene are used.

For ceramic tiles special ridge elements are provided. Using roll materials or soft bitumen roofing, the ridge is insulated with a similar coating.

It is worth noting that you can make the ridge purlin more decorative with the help of special decorations that are available for sale in hardware stores.

After laying the corrugated sheeting on the sheathing, there remains only one obvious leaky unit - the ridge - the line of connection between the roof slopes. The junction of two flat construction parts always demands special attention– even the design of the corner of the house differs from the design of the walls. All the main issues related to installing a ridge on a roof from will be discussed below.

Is it possible without a skate? You can, but you don't need to!

The main purpose of the roof is to protect the home from negative impact external environment - wind, rain, snow. The absence of a ridge immediately deprives the roof of all necessary qualities. Through a leaky joint of profiled sheets, moisture will certainly get under the roof, and the wind, “clinging” to the uncovered edges, will constantly try to tear the sheet off the sheathing.

Moisture protection, but not only

Structurally, roofing made from corrugated sheets requires air to penetrate under the sheets from the eaves side. When heated by the sun, the roof heats up air cushion under the roof. When sealing the joint of the roof slopes, water in the incoming air will settle on the roof elements. Constant dampness is a favorable environment for corrosion, mold and mildew to grow. All this leads to the destruction of roof elements and a reduction in the service life of the roof as a whole.

To eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary that moist air, when heated, moves upward and is discharged outside, beyond the boundaries of the roof.

Thus, the ridge must prevent the penetration of moisture through the joint of the profiled sheets at the top of the roof, and, at the same time, ensure the free movement of air under the roof. The most simple design for this purpose there is a canopy.

Ventilated ridge. Shapes and designs

The ridge is a profiled sheet with one outer edge. Along the length of the structure there is a edging - the edges are folded by 15 mm. The wrap provides additional rigidity, increases installation accuracy and facilitates work in gusts of wind.

With all the possible variety of forms, the main ones are the following types skates:

  • angular;
  • trapezoidal (U-shaped);
  • semicircular.

The length of the parts is from 2 to 3 meters. The width of the shelves is 10–30 cm.

The use of corrugated sheeting as a roofing material greatly simplifies the installation of a ventilated ridge. The profile configuration of the sheets creates natural ventilation channels - air is taken from the eaves through the upper corrugation, and through the lower corrugation it is discharged outside under the ridge.

There is no need to invent any additional elements fastenings - the ridge can be attached directly to the sheathing elements or to bars specially installed on both sides of the ridge gap. Fastening is carried out along the upper corrugation of the profiled sheet.

If the roof structure does not have a ridge beam, then for the U-shaped and semicircular ridge it is necessary to provide, on top of the rafters, a special board to support the upper part of the ridge structure. At the same time, this part will cover the ridge gap of the U-shaped ridge.

Important! Before installation on the ridge beam or support board it is necessary to apply a special coating that prevents the spread of fire and protects against biological species destruction.

The ridge seal is an important structural element

Under the influence of wind, at small angles of the roof slope, it is possible to blow snow and raindrops under the ridge. To eliminate this phenomenon, as well as to prevent birds and insects from getting under the roof, use

Installation - tools, equipment, installation sequence

Tools and equipment

The list of tools and equipment is determined by the type of fastener, method and location of installation.

  1. To attach the ridge to profiled roofing sheets, the same fasteners are used as for installing the corrugated sheeting itself - self-tapping screws. This implies the need for a screwdriver with a head of the appropriate size.

Important! It is advisable to have a spare head, since during operation the tightening becomes loose and the head may fall out of the mount and fall to the ground.

  1. Self-tapping screws can be both sharp - for wood, and with a “drill” type end - for metal. If the fastening is to wood, then using sharp self-tapping screws without drilling holes in the sheet will not work. This means you need a drill.

Recommendation. The use of self-tapping screws with a “drill” type end for fastening the ridge to wooden structures is not as reliable as fastening with sharp self-tapping screws. This is especially true in areas with high wind loads.

  1. The length of the ridge, as a rule, does not correspond to a multiple of the length of the factory ridge elements. It is also necessary to ensure an overlap of 15–20 cm. Therefore, during the installation process you will need metal scissors and a tape measure.
  2. When attaching a ridge, people moving on the roof while working is very dangerous. Therefore, another necessary equipment is a ladder with an L-shaped hook at the end.

Recommendation. Typically the angle of the L-hook is 90 degrees. If the angles between the roof slopes are greater than straight, it is necessary to provide a protective device at the end of the hook to prevent damage to the corrugated sheeting.

  1. For correct device a ventilated ridge requires the use of a sealant.
  2. To check the linearity of the installed ridge, use a mounting cord or a building level.

Thus, the set is minimal necessary equipment and tools appears to be as follows:

  • set of the required number of screws;
  • seal;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • mounting cord or level;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette;
  • ladder.

Installation sequence

The installation of the ridge can be done alone, but it is more convenient to do it together. This eliminates the need to move around the top of the skate while seated.

  1. Before proceeding directly to attaching the ridge to the corrugated sheet, it is necessary to check the linearity finished roof in the ridge area. The vertical divergence of the upper edges of the sheets should not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, large gaps along the length of the ridge will inevitably appear in places of overlap when mating elements.
  2. Work must begin with the gable located on the opposite side of the prevailing wind direction. For example, if the wind in a given area often blows from the north, then you need to start from the south gable of the house. This layout allows the wind to “glide” along the top of the ridge without encountering resistance in the overlap areas.
  3. A mounting cord is stretched between the gables and leveled using a building level. It is against this landmark that the correct installation of the ridge vertically and horizontally is checked. The cord is secured with self-tapping screws.
  4. The shaped seal or sealing tape is attached to the ridge using double-sided tape.

Warning! Curved seals are produced not only for installation under ridge shelves, but also for installation in eaves. When installed on a cornice, the seal is attached to the bottom of the profile, and on the ridge - from the top. Therefore, for the same seal profile configuration will have different shapes. When purchasing a seal, this should not be forgotten.

  1. Installation of the ridge begins with lifting the first element and attaching it in the upper corrugation of the corrugated sheet to specially laid bars running parallel to the ridge (or to the sheathing).

Important! When attaching the ridge, as well as when installing corrugated sheeting to roof structural elements, it is necessary to use only self-tapping screws with a waterproofing washer. The presence of such a gasket prevents the penetration of moisture through the screw channel and allows for increased tightening of the elements being connected.

  1. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws into each upper corrugation of the corrugated sheet. The fastening pitch depends on the configuration of the sheet profile, but must be at least 30 cm. If it is necessary to increase the reliability of fastening, it is possible to screw self-tapping screws into the ridge beam or support board in the overlap area.

Recommendation. Do not screw all the screws in all the way at once. It is enough to “bait” screws at 2-3 points on each element of the ridge. And after the final check of the correct installation of the ridge using a level or a tensioned mounting cord, it is necessary to completely secure the ridge.

  1. Installation of each subsequent element is carried out similarly.
  2. If a semicircular ridge is used, upon completion of installation, special plugs must be inserted into the end parts.


Ridge installation is last step on the way to constructing the roof. Last but very important. The ridge is designed to protect the roof from moisture penetration and provide ventilation. However, the skate has another, not so obvious, but no less important function - decorative. The presence of a ridge gives the roof a finished look, and its shape can also affect the overall aesthetics of the house.

Any building construction or the part has its own purpose. The ridge for corrugated sheeting protects the roof structure from the vagaries of nature. The fate and service life of the roof, and therefore the entire building, depends on it. How to properly design the device and install the ridge structure so that the roof serves for a long time and reliably? Our article will be devoted to this issue.

The construction of a roof made of any roofing material, including corrugated sheeting, presupposes the possibility of ventilation of the under-roof space and the roof as a whole. Outside air penetrates under the roof through the eaves and heats up. Heating up there, it, in accordance with the laws of physics, goes up, blowing and drying the roof. If the air that has absorbed excess moisture vapor stagnates under the roof, it will form ideal conditions for formation, condensation, rust on metal, mold and rot wooden structures. To prevent this from happening, the air must be able to escape at the highest point of the roof. This point is where the top edges of the roof meet.
On the other hand, the presence of such a gap in the roof structure makes it possible for moisture from rain, snow, insects, birds and other unwanted “guests” to penetrate into the roof. It's clear that nothing good home and this does not bode well for its inhabitants. The most important task of the ridge structure is to create such conditions that the air from the ventilated space can freely escape into the atmosphere, and nothing unnecessary from the atmosphere can penetrate under the roof. In addition, the ridge on the roof made of corrugated sheets performs a decorative function, giving the roof a finished look. Therefore, choosing the right material and correctly constructing it is also important for aesthetic reasons.

Ridge for corrugated sheets

Currently, manufacturers offer these parts from the same material from which they are made roofing materials. For a roof made of corrugated sheets, accordingly, you can select ridge structures made using the same technologies used to make this corrugated sheet. Of course, you can also find the same color. Typically these parts come in three types:
  • Regular corner.
  • P - shaped.
  • Semicircular.
Semicircular, as a rule, is equipped with a flat or cone-shaped end cap. There are also other types of sections.
Parts are produced with a length of 2 to 3 meters. The width of the shelves varies from 100 to 300 mm. The radius of the semicircular ridge can also be different. Some manufacturers can produce elements individually according to customer sizes. To stiffen the edges, the parts are bent inward by 20-30 mm in length. This allows you to avoid sharp bends and damage to the ridge due to gusts of wind during installation at height.

What do you need for work?

The use of one or another form of parts depends on various factors. These include the aesthetic preferences of the developer, the design of the rafters, the installation of the roof, and simply the presence on the market of a sufficient range of different roofing elements and components. What needs to be prepared and lifted onto the roof in order to install the ridge elements without going down again and without asking someone to help the required part or a tool?
  1. A ladder with L-shaped protrusions at the ends so that it does not slide down the roof slope.
  2. Roofing screws.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Skate elements.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Metal scissors.
  7. Seal.
The L-shaped protrusion is usually made at a right angle. And the angle between the roof slopes is not always straight. It doesn’t matter if it is sharp, then the entire load falls on the upper edge of the corrugated sheet, which lies on the sheathing and is in no danger. But if the angle is obtuse, then the end of the protrusion can damage polymer coating flooring This point must be taken into account and, at a minimum, wrap the end of the protrusion with something that will protect the corrugated sheet from damage.
Self-tapping screws can now also be selected by color. They come with a sharp end for fastening on wood, and with a drill for fastening on metal.
If the ridge is attached to a tree, you will still need to drill through the corrugated sheet. And here it is worth considering one important nuance. A self-tapping screw with a drill will drill through the metal and crash into the wood, drilling a channel of the appropriate diameter in it. A sharp self-tapping screw will not be able to drill through metal, but it will screw into wood, pressing into it. It is clear that in the latter case it will “sit” more tightly in the tree, which means it will allow the ridge to be secured more reliably. For regions where strong gusty winds are common, this moment can play a decisive role. In this case, it is recommended to first drill holes of the appropriate diameter in the metal, and then screw in sharp screws. You must remember to equip the screwdriver with a head the right size. It's a good idea to take a spare with you. It happens that during operation the tightening of the screwdriver becomes loose and the head may fall out. It is not difficult to calculate exactly how many parts need to be lifted up, knowing the length of the roof. A tape measure and scissors may be needed if you need to cut off an extra piece of the ridge element. The seal is very important detail ridge design! It acts as a barrier for insects and birds, preventing them from entering the roof. It also prevents water and snow from entering there. At the same time, it freely allows air to pass out from the under-roof ventilation ducts and from the attic in general. The industry produces seals whose shape corresponds to the profile of the corrugated sheet.
You should know that such a seal is also available for cornices. Since in the design of the cornice it is adjacent to bottom side profiled sheet, and in the ridge - to the top, it is clear that the shape of the cornice and ridge seals will differ from each other with the same sheet profile. This must be kept in mind when purchasing. This seal is easy to cut and adheres well with glue, sealants or double-sided tape. If suitable profile If you can't find it, you can use universal seal with a special adhesive layer.

Ridge installation

It is more correct to start installation from that edge of the roof, from the gable, in the direction in which the wind most often blows in a given area. You should think about the shape of the ridge even when the rafters are being installed. The process of installing a corrugated roof can also make adjustments. What does this mean?
  1. If you initially planned to install a simple corner ridge, you must try to ensure that the upper edges of the roof converge as much as possible closer friend to friend. Otherwise, the middle may fall down. And the greater the angle between the roof slopes and the distance between the edges of the roof covering, the greater the chances of this unpleasant incident.
  2. If you want to use a U-shaped or semicircular ridge, it would be correct to install a supporting board on top of the rafters, on which the ridge will rest in its upper part.

  1. During the installation of the roofing covering, it may become clear that the standard length of the corrugated sheet (usually 6 meters) is not enough for the upper edges to converge to a distance that allows the use of a corner ridge. In this case, it will be easier to install a support board and buy ridge elements with wider shelves or a larger diameter.
Before installing the ridge element in place, a sealant must be glued to its edges. The elements must be laid with an overlap of 150–200 mm. Self-tapping screws should be screwed to the base every 200–300 mm at the top of the waves, depending on the distance between them. You need to trim the excess length so that the trimmed edge is hidden under the adjacent part. In any case, it is recommended to treat the cut line with special paint, as is the case with cutting corrugated board. We recommend watching the following videos

Profiled sheets are increasingly being used for roofing. An important component gable construction is a hobby for corrugated sheeting. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article. What is it used for and what role does the seal play? How to carry out installation work?

The ridge is the structural part of the roof - the rib, the intersection of the slopes at the highest point of the roof and a part made of corrugated sheets, another name for which is the ridge strip. This strip has the shape of an angle that bridges the gap between two roof slopes. Often the ridge element is made of the same material as the roofing. This allows it to blend in with the main color of the roof.

The skate has several functions:

  • Protection of the under-roof space. Since two sheets of corrugated sheeting form a gap at the junction, it must be closed to prevent rain and snow from getting under the covering. Otherwise wooden rafter system will be subject to rotting and deformation, and metal elements- corrosion. Without a ridge element, the service life of the roof and its heat-shielding properties will decrease significantly.
  • Under-roof ventilation. Thanks to the small space between the ridge and the roof covering, air can circulate freely and the roof is constantly ventilated. Despite the use vapor barrier material in a roofing pie, warm air vapors from the room can still rise and reach the insulation. Such problems can especially arise in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Since condensation has a bad effect on mineral wool, which is used to insulate the roof, the presence of ventilation is very important. In order for the warm air vapors not to condense and then to rise and exit through the fin, a ridge is needed.
  • Decorative function. Together with the ridge for the corrugated sheeting, the roof looks complete.

As you can see, a roof ridge made of corrugated sheets allows vapors from the room to escape into the atmosphere, and also protects the roof from precipitation and other things.

Types of skate

Although the ridge bar is small and simple element roofs, they have several varieties depending on the shape.

Varieties of skate

Types of skate:

  • Triangular. This is a simple design, it is called angular. It looks like an ordinary corner.
  • U-shaped. The ridge at the top has folds that resemble the letter "P". It looks more interesting, but costs more.
  • Semicircular. Used for wave corrugated sheets. They look like a gutter with side shelves designed for mounting a ridge.
  • Other decorative forms.

The length of the ridge element is 2-3 meters. Counting required amount roof ridges, it is important to take into account that they are installed with an overlap. The width of the ridge shelf ranges from 10 to 30 cm, but 15 or 20 cm elements are more often used. The choice of shelf width depends on the length of the roof slope.

Using a sheet bender, you can make your own roof ridge from corrugated sheets, but buying ready-made elements is easier and not much more expensive.

Purpose of the seal

The use of a porous seal plays an important role in the installation of the ridge element. It is not visible like other roof elements, but has the following functions:

  • Serves to seal roofing elements at their joints. Since the surface of the roof is ribbed, a gap equal to the height of the metal is formed between it and the ridge; the sealant seals such gaps.
  • The seal between the ridge and the corrugated sheet prevents birds and insects from entering the under-roof space.
  • Protects against the penetration of precipitation in the form of rain or snow when accompanied by a strong side wind.

Air passes through the seal freely, which means it does not interfere with under-roof ventilation.

Types of sealant

Exist different types seal:

  • Universal. Presented in the form of a tape made of open-cell polyurethane foam. One of the sides of the tape is self-adhesive, so during installation the film is simply removed.
  • Profile. The seal is made in the form of a figured tape with closed pores. It is selected specifically for the bend of the profiled sheet. This helps to completely fill the gaps between materials. In order not to completely block the ventilation of the under-roof space, the seal has holes.
  • Self-expanding. Presented in the form of a strip of polyurethane foam impregnated with acrylic. On one side there is an adhesive side covered with film. After installation, the seal can expand 5 times, filling all the gaps between the ridge strip and the corrugated sheet.

Profile seal

Tools and materials for installation

In order for the installation process to go as quickly and smoothly as possible, it is necessary to prepare all materials and tools. Some work can be done below on the ground, but when you go up to the roof, you need to be sure that all the elements are at hand and you won’t need to go down for some small detail.

Materials for mounting the ridge:

  • Horse. It is necessary to cut off the required number and length of these elements at the bottom, remembering the joining when fastening.
  • Seal. It is also important to calculate its quantity before climbing onto the roof.
  • Roofing screws.

Regarding roofing screws, it is worth mentioning that they come with wood and metal carvings. The former are pointed at the ends, while the latter have a drill. To drill the corrugated sheet and the ridge, you need to use metal screws; however, they will not push through the wood, but will drill a hole of the appropriate diameter in it. Self-tapping screws for wood will not be able to drill through metal. That is why, to drill through metal (only corrugated sheets, not sheathing), metal self-tapping screws are used. Then they are unscrewed and roofing wood screws are screwed in their place.

Roofing screws

You have all the materials, but you need to stock up on a number of tools. Some of them will only be needed below, and some will need to be taken with you when installing the ridge.

Required tools:

  • A ladder with protrusions on the edges that allow it to be fixed to the roof.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Screwdriver.

Having prepared everything necessary materials and tools, you can safely begin installing the ridge.

To understand how the installation process occurs, we recommend watching this video:

Installation process

After completing the work of covering the roof with corrugated sheets, you can begin installing the ridge. It is worth mentioning that the edges of the metal sheets should not touch each other, but should maintain a distance of 5-10 cm from the top point of the roof structure.

Scheme of fastening the ridge to the corrugated sheet

So that the ridge can be properly attached, additional sheathing bars are installed in advance on the upper edges of the slopes, and it is in them that the roofing screws will be driven. But these nuances must be taken into account before installing the ridge. You need to start installation work on the wrong side from which you usually blow strong winds, and from the opposite side and move, so to speak, towards the wind

Ridge installation process:

  • Installation of seal. It can be glued both to the back side of the ridge and to the roof itself. In any case, the seal should be located at a distance of 3 cm from outer edge planks.
  • Skate installation. The elements overlap each other by 15-20 cm.
  • After leveling the ridge, it is finally secured roofing screws. They are driven through the metal into the sheathing. Self-tapping screws should be fastened at intervals of 30-40 cm from each other and at a distance of several centimeters from the edges of the plank. For ease of installation, you can first secure the ridge at both edges and then screw in all the remaining screws. To do this you should use a screwdriver.

As you can see, the process of installing a ridge is not at all complicated and even unskilled people can do it. However, when working at height, it is very important to remember safety precautions. The working ladder must be securely fastened. The person performing the work must wear a safety belt. You should first think about how and what to secure it to. This will contribute to the safety and high-quality performance of all work on installing the ridge element on the roof.