home · Other · How to install a seal under the ridge of a metal tile. To take or not to take a universal roof sealant. Algorithm for compacting the ridge of NS profiled sheets

How to install a seal under the ridge of a metal tile. To take or not to take a universal roof sealant. Algorithm for compacting the ridge of NS profiled sheets

Smart device ridge on the roof is one of the main conditions for the strength and durability of the roofing structure. It simultaneously performs several functions: protects the under-roof space from moisture penetration, decorates the roof, and is ventilated through this element for drying. roofing pie and other.

Arrangement of the roof ridge is associated with certain difficulties. This process has many nuances that are well known to professionals. However, today special elements and accessories, for example, a ridge seal, have greatly simplified installation work.

What is a ridge seal

Roof leaks cause a lot of trouble for homeowners. Eliminating the consequences of this “natural disaster”, as a rule, requires financial costs, sometimes considerable ones. Obviously, it would be wiser to prevent leaks. Some believe that the cause of leaks is solely poor-quality installation of the roof covering. This opinion is actually wrong. The risk zone of any roof in this sense is the ridge, which is why it is necessary to pay attention to sealing the upper edge of the roof Special attention. The ridge seal is designed to solve this problem. This element has a high degree of water resistance, which allows you to completely protect the roof from the effects of water in direct contact.

For example, a seal for the ridge of metal tiles, fitting tightly to the sheets, exactly repeats their wave and protects the under-roof space from the penetration of precipitation, dirt and dust, as well as birds. At the same time, the wind and noise insulation of the roof is increased, and the level of heat in the under-roof space is maintained.

In addition, the ridge seal supports air exchange between the street and the space under the roof. Porous elements are able to “breathe”, condensate is removed through them, which, one way or another, will form during the operation of the roof.

On a note

The sealing elements are made from environmentally friendly material that does not harm the environment.

Which ridge seal to choose: self-expanding, universal or profile

These elements are divided into three types:

  • universal;
  • profile;
  • self-expanding.
  • The universal ridge seal is made of foamed polyurethane and works like a regular filter. On the one hand, it allows air to freely escape outside, and on the other hand, dirt and precipitation do not pass through it from the outside, and it also does not allow excess moisture to accumulate.

ridge seal for ondulin

  • Profile devices, the basis of which is modified foam polyethylene, are used in multi-slope structures for corrugated sheets, ondulin, and metal tiles. Most of them are equipped with ventilation holes that provide ventilation to the under-roof structure. Thus on inside metal does not form condensation.

Profile elements are manufactured in full accordance with each type of corrugated sheet or metal tile, clearly repeating the shape of the wave and its dimensions.

  • Self-expanding ones (PSUL) are perhaps the most popular, since they are also well suited for sealing almost any type of additional ridge elements. This is an excellent tool for sealing joints that have uneven surfaces. It is very convenient to work with, it is completely unpretentious, it can be easily combined with any type of profile and material. With its help you can eliminate any cracks and gaps. The products have a foam base impregnated with a special polymer composition, as a rule, it is acrylic.

The sealing tape is sold on rollers in a highly compressed state. It has an adhesive coating covered protective strip. The self-adhesive edge greatly simplifies the installation process.

When used, the released tape automatically expands, filling the slightest gap, crevice or unevenness. Thus, the ridge on the roof is guaranteed to be protected from climatic factors.

PSUL characteristics

These devices are different:

  • resistance to atmospheric influences and ultraviolet radiation;
  • long service life and excellent quality;
  • non-flammability and hydrophobicity;
  • resistance to sudden changes temperature;
  • withstand exposure to aggressive substances;
  • not subject to chemical deformation, expansion or contraction;
  • easily repel water.

Installation of a universal roof seal

Whatever the features of the roofing structure, do not forget to buy a ridge seal. It would be extremely reckless to neglect the installation of sealing elements. Repairing your roof in the future may cost even more than purchasing it.

self-adhesive ridge seal: price

Seals are used both under the ridge installed parallel to the eaves, and on those installed obliquely. A similar element is also necessary when constructing a valley. To fasten them, galvanized nails are used or installed on an adhesive substance for LDPE. Then proceed to installation ridge strip.

Self-expanding - it is much more convenient to install, since they are placed on a self-adhesive layer. In this case, galvanized nails are not needed.

  • The surface to be sealed must be thoroughly cleaned.
  • During installation, the tape is not bent or pulled out.
  • If necessary, the tape is joined end-to-end.

After five to eight hours, the seal expands to about five centimeters and takes the shape roofing sheets. This is quite enough to ensure the tightness of the roof ridge made of corrugated sheets or metal tiles.

The rate at which the tape expands depends on several factors.

A modern seal for metal tiles is made to fit existing roofing coverings. It may have a shape that matches the waveform of the covering material. This material is intended for sealing gaps. It allows you to prevent the penetration of moisture, dirt and snow, as well as small branches and fallen leaves under the tiles.


The seal for metal tiles has ventilation cutouts, which ensures ventilation of the inner layer and correct work These seals can be made of foamed polyvinyl chloride, which has the qualities of elasticity and lightness.

In addition, this material has closed pores. It is moisture resistant, which allows it to maintain its quality for several decades even when it is constantly exposed to water. The seal does not rot, is resistant to various influences, is environmentally friendly, and is harmless to external environment and has insulating properties.

Main varieties

Sealant for metal tiles can be classified into two types. The first is intended for installation between the profiled covering and the ridge and is called a direct seal. The second is laid between the cornice and the profiled base, as well as at the junction points. Its name is reverse seal.

Main characteristics of the seal

The compaction density can vary up to 35 kg/m3. It has excellent waterproofing properties. This indicates that water absorption does not exceed 1.5%. The material is microbiologically stable, which means that it is resistant to mold and rot, exposure to aggressive environments, and chemicals.

The sealant for metal tiles can come into contact with gasoline and oil without losing its properties. quality characteristics. It is impossible not to mention environmental and hygienic safety, because products that are harmless to environment, are very much appreciated today.

This material is resilient and elastic, which facilitates installation work. The products are quite easy to cut, as well as welding with a soldering iron and construction hairdryer. The material can be glued using special compounds or double sided tape. An alternative fixing solution is to use nails or a furniture stapler.

The sealant for metal tiles is durable; it is able to maintain its performance qualities for a long time. In some cases, the manufacturer talks about 90 years, during which the material will not require replacement.

The operating temperature range is quite wide and is measured in the range from -60 to +95 °C. For private houses, standards are also important fire safety. The seal under the ridge of metal tiles belongs to class G2, which makes the material moderately flammable or difficult to ignite.

Description of the seal for the ridge of metal tiles

The ridge seal is one of the important components of the drainage system of buildings for any purpose. It prevents precipitation from penetrating under the roof and into the room. If you are the owner of a private home whose roof is poorly sealed, then you should be aware of the problem of roof pie leaks, which leads to the need for annual repairs.

The use of such an element allows you to extend service life rafter system And thermal insulation materials. The seals are installed between the metal tiles and the ridge, as well as the base of the roof even before the master begins installation. This is especially important when the sealing element is installed diagonally relative to the roof slope.

Types of ridge seal

The ridge seal for metal tiles can be one of three types, namely self-expanding, universal and profile. The first type is made from polyurethane foam, which is impregnated with polymer during the production process. The latter can be acrylic. To fix the seal on the surface of the element there is a self-adhesive strip. Self-expanding parts are ideal for gaps in roof construction.


A logical question is how much water can get into the space under the roof, because the covering material extends under the ridge by 5 cm or more, while the slopes are inclined. If there is no wind, then moisture will not get in, but if it is very strong, then water will be driven inside. Rainwater will get under the roof, which also applies to snow in winter, which is driven into even the smallest cracks.

- This best option construction of a reliable and durable roof. The design of such a roof involves the use of metal tiles and additional accessories. The ridge for metal tiles is an integral part of the roof, which provides normal conditions operation and is the main ventilation duct the entire roof structure. It copes with this task perfectly, allowing all moisture to pass through from the under-roof space and retaining debris and dust from the street.

Types and design of ridge

Another important function is decorative design junction points of the slopes. The ridge of the metal tile must have a color that matches the base sheets roofing material. The shape of the ridge should provide an aesthetic perception of the roof and be harmoniously combined with the configuration of the main roofing material. Due to the different types of roofing, there are several varieties:

Ridge device for metal tiles

Skates for metal tiles consist of the following components:

  • ridge strip for ventilation;
  • ridge seal.

The seal under the ridge on metal tiles performs one of the most important functions - it protects the interior of the roof from precipitation, dust and debris. If it is deformed, roof leakage cannot be avoided, which will negatively affect its operation and general condition. Quite often, the cause of such problems is poor-quality roof installation, which was carried out in violation of construction technology or the use of obviously low-quality materials. For this reason, it is not recommended to save on purchasing a sealant, because this can reduce the service life of the thermal insulation layer of the material and the rafter system. There are several types of ridge seals on the market today.:

  • universal;
  • self-expanding;
  • profile.

The profile seal is made of foamed polyethylene, which does not allow moisture to pass through, but allows air to pass through perfectly, which makes it possible to use it for a roof ventilation system. Characteristic feature profile seal is a repetition of the roof shape configuration, which ensures good sealing reliability.

Universal seals are made of polyurethane film, which acts as regular filter from dust and debris, while not preventing the penetration of air into the under-roof area. The universal seal is absolutely harmless to humans and has a self-adhesive base that securely attaches it to any surface. In addition, the universal seal does not support combustion, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

The self-expanding seal is made of polyurethane foam impregnated with a polymer substance (in most cases it is acrylic). One of the main purposes of a ridge for metal tiles is to cover the upper edges of sheets of roofing material and securely fasten the roof slopes together.

Please note that it is not recommended to attach the ridge under metal tiles with a width of less than 15 centimeters, as this will cause precipitation to enter the attic.

Skate size calculation

When building a roof, the dimensions of the ridge of metal tiles are calculated using a special formula. The height of the ridge depends on the angle of the roof. There is a special table of coefficients that shows the relationship between the roof slope and a special correction factor for calculating the height of the ridge when installing the roof. The formula for calculation is as follows:

where H is the height of the ridge;

B – width of the house;

K is the coefficient depending on the roof slope, its value is selected from a special table presented below.

An example of calculating the height of a ridge

Building width = 8 meters;

Roof slope = 40°.

Let's calculate the height of the ridge for a metal roof:

H=0.5×8×0.86=3.44 meters.

For a ridge with a flanged edge, reinforced fastening should be used, which is associated with the danger of it being torn off by strong gusts of wind. Before starting construction, you should purchase a set of ridges for metal tiles, which will be enough to cover the entire length of the roof with an overlap of at least 5 centimeters.

Calculation of the number of ridge strips

The number of ridge strips is calculated using the following formula:

N=L slopes ÷(L planks – 10);

where N is the number of ridge strips, pcs;

L slopes – length of slopes, mm;

L strips – standard length of the ridge strip, mm;

10 – overlap length in mm.

By correctly calculating the number of ridge strips, you can correctly plan your roof construction budget in order to optimize all costs in advance.

Installation materials

Immediately before work on installing the ridge on the roof, prepare the entire necessary tool, fastening and safety equipment:

  • self-tapping screws with rubber gasket;
  • ladder and insurance;
  • mounting belt;
  • screwdriver

The sequence of installing a ridge on the roof

For execution installation work attract at least two people. The ridge is installed on the metal tile in the following sequence:

If this is your first time constructing a roof, then be sure to watch the video tutorials first. This will ensure better understanding basic techniques for performing installation work.

Roof ventilation

Effective ventilation of the under-roof space is carried out using a ridge. This issue is especially relevant for a roof with a layer of insulation that negatively tolerates high humidity. For getting ridge ventilation the following type of roofing device is used:

  1. Upon completion of the installation of the rafter system, the waterproofing film is attached transversely to the rafters. At the same time, an overlap is left with bottom side at least 15 cm wide.
  2. The seams of the waterproofing film are taped with a special connecting tape.
  3. A sheathing and a counter-lattice are installed on top of the rafter system.
  4. Metal tiles are installed on the sheathing, where they are pre-fixed waterproofing film, protecting the roof structure from water leaks.
  5. Ventilation gaps are installed at the bottom of the cornice to ensure air flow.
  6. Using a counter-lattice, one achieves the gap under the slope necessary for roof ventilation.
  7. There are outlets under the ridge through which wet air comes out.

The lack of ventilation of the space between the roofing material and the film will contribute to the accumulation of moisture there, the development of mold and the gradual destruction of the sheathing and metal tiles.

Metal roofs in Lately are gaining great popularity. Proper design and calculation of a metal tile roof allows you to obtain the optimal price-quality ratio, which is confirmed by the many years of operation of these roofs in our country. For roof installation on our own you need to know a whole set of rules and be able to apply them in practice. Learning from videos has many benefits that can provide better learning and provide a clear example of how to get the job done. For this reason, video lessons are now used in many areas of personnel training.

Creating a beautiful and practical roof is a responsible process that requires attention to detail. It is not enough to choose a roofing material; you also need to purchase a variety of products designed to ensure the roof is airtight and has good thermal insulation.

If you have chosen profiled products as the roofing material - corrugated sheets, euro slate, etc., then you need to purchase roofing seals used to protect the under-roof space from the penetration of moisture, dust and insects from the outside. Since the formation of voids during the installation of the mentioned types of roofing is inevitable, you will have to resort to the help of sealants in any case (neglecting this product will lead to premature destruction of the roof).

Sealant for corrugated sheets and metal tiles

The task of the seal is as simple as possible - it must accurately follow the topography of the roofing material and fit tightly to it. Each type of roof has its own seal (there are also universal models), so there should be no problems associated with its choice.

For the production of these products, foamed fiberboard is used - a material with excellent performance properties: hydrophobicity, low flammability, chemical and biological stability, long service life (up to 90 years).

Buy rubber seals in Moscow

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