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Types of gutters on the roof. Features of different types of roof gutters. System layout diagrams

Atmospheric precipitation, flowing down the roof slopes, falls to the ground near the foundation, thereby negatively affecting it and the walls. They penetrate in large quantities into the soil, penetrate into basements, forming lakes inside. Humanity has been coping with this problem for a long time; there is only one solution - roof gutters. This is a complex structure, which includes horizontal sections located along the roof eaves, and vertical sections that discharge water in certain places. And these two sections are connected by a funnel. In this case, water can be drained into a container or into a storm drain.

Roof drainage system

Types of drains

It should be noted that today in the construction of buildings and structures two types of drains are used: external and internal. Internal drainage is usually installed on flat roofs With large area. In this case, receiving funnels are installed evenly over the entire plane in order to cover as many areas as possible that receive natural precipitation. At the same time, in this drainage system there are no horizontal parts. But vertical ones are individual elements, connected to funnels, which in the basements are connected to one outlet manifold.

This system received the name internal drain due to the fact that its vertical part is located inside the building. For this purpose, channels are made near the walls or in the walls themselves, into which the elements of the drainage system are inserted. They permeate buildings from the roof to the basement, where they are assembled into a single unit, and from there the water is discharged outside the building. Usually into a storm drain.

External drainage is a frequently encountered design, which is divided into two main sections: horizontal under the roof slopes and several vertical ones. Since all the elements are assembled outside, installing the drain yourself is not a problem. This is what owners of private houses usually do.

How to choose the right one

Before assembling the drainage system at home, you need to understand what kind of drains are offered by manufacturers today. And, of course, it is necessary to calculate all elements in terms of their throughput and quantity.

Currently, the building materials market offers several types of roof gutters made from different materials.

  • Metal gutters.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Wooden.

Plastic drainage system

Concerning metal elements drainage system, it is necessary to note their high strength. But under the influence of moisture and natural stress, the metal quickly corrodes and becomes unusable. Therefore, manufacturers paint or coat them with more effective protective coatings. For example, a galvanized steel drain coated with pural (polymer) will not be inferior in service life to any other type today. True, we must pay tribute that such gutters are not cheap.

Glass and wooden drainage structures are a unique attribute design art. They are not used everywhere. The same cannot be said about plastic gutters for roofs. This is by far the most popular option that can be seen in almost every private home.

Their advantages:

  • this is the most cheap option, which is important in the age of total economy;
  • a wide variety of colors, which makes it possible to match them to the color of the roof or walls;
  • various the lineup in terms of size and shape;
  • high strength and durability, plus frost resistance and resistance to negative influences sun rays, one might add that they are good plastic structures easily tolerate temperature changes.

Wooden drain

Calculation of the drainage system

This is the main stage before starting to assemble the drain, because a correctly made calculation will make it possible to save money, that is, not to purchase more elements. The calculation is based on the shape of the roof and the area of ​​its slopes. To make it clear what we are talking about, a small example.

A drainage system will be calculated for a gable roof, the length of which is 12 m. It turns out that the main drainage will be carried out from two slopes, and accordingly the length of the horizontal part of the structure will be equal to 24 m. Currently, manufacturers of plastic gutters for roofs offer gutters 2 m long , or 3, or 4.2, or 5.4 m. It is clear that for this example Two or three meter gutters are suitable. That is, installation can be carried out without waste.

Attention! Like all plastic products, plastic gutters are easy to process. Trim under required size They can be done using a hacksaw.

Plug on horizontal gutter

You will need to install one plug from each corner, that is, you will have to purchase four of them. Metal or plastic brackets must be installed under the gutters. Their number is determined by the length of the horizontal part of the drain at the rate of every 50-60 cm.

As for vertical pipes, the number of risers is determined by the number of corners of the building. In this case, there will be four corners, which means you will need to purchase four funnels. If the building is long, you will have to install intermediate risers every 10 m. And this will increase both the number of funnels and the number of vertical pipes. A drain must be installed at the bottom of each riser, which directs water away from the wall directly into the storm water inlet for the roof.

There is one more point that concerns the projections on the walls. The simplest option is when these protrusions are absent, so the vertical part is a straight section from the funnel to the ground. But if there are protrusions, you will have to work around them using bends and elbows, as shown in the photo below. Their number will depend on the configuration of the protrusion.

Walking around the ledge on the wall

Vertical drainage pipes are held on clamps that are attached to the wall surface. Their number is determined by the distance of 1.8-2.0 m between them. If the height of the building is more than 10 m, then the distance is reduced to 1.5 m.

  • If the area of ​​the roof slope is no more than 30 m², then pipes with a diameter of 60 mm and gutters with a width of 100 mm can be used for drainage.
  • If the area is 50 m², then elements with a diameter of 80 mm pipes and 100 mm trays are installed.
  • Area 125-150 m², pipes and gutters with a diameter of 87 mm pipes and 125 mm gutters.
  • Within 150-250 m² - 100 mm (pipes) and 125 mm (trays).
  • 250-300 m² - 120 mm and 150 mm.
  • Above 300 m² – 150/200 mm.

Of course, when calculating it is necessary to take into account a large number of various factors. For example, the amount of precipitation in the region, the slope of the roof, its shape, and so on. But for simplicity and convenience of calculation, the above-mentioned dependencies are chosen.

Installation of a drainage system

First of all, the brackets are installed. They can be fastened to the ends of the rafter legs, to front bar, attached to the wall of the building, on the lower extreme lath of the sheathing.

Bracket installation location

Fastening is done with self-tapping screws through the holes in the bracket seats. The location of the bracket is determined by the dimensions, which will help prevent the flowing water from spilling beyond the gutter. This dimension should not exceed half the width of the gutter, as shown in the photo below. This is the only way to avoid overflowing and splashing water.

Correct installation of the bracket relative to the cornice

The horizontal part of the drainage system is installed with a slope towards the funnels. The angle is 2-5 cm per linear meter of gutter structure. Therefore, the highest mounted bracket is installed and secured first. It will be located in the middle of the length of the roof slope. Now two brackets are installed at the corners of the building with the selected slope. Returning to the above example with a 12 m roof, we can say that with a gutter angle of 2 cm, the corner bracket will be installed 12 cm below the central one.

The calculation is as follows. Since the distance between the corner and central brackets is 6 m, because the latter is installed in the middle of the length of the cornice. Multiply 6 by 2 cm to get 12.

Now between established holders you need to stretch the twine or fishing line. This will be the level of installation of intermediate fasteners. Now every 50-60 cm they are installed and secured.


The next stage is the installation of gutters. They are placed on brackets, starting from the central one, in different directions to the corners (towards the funnels). Plastic roof gutters are joined using a socket method, when the extreme end of one gutter is placed into the recessed end of the second, thereby forming a flat and smooth surface.

Attention! In order for the connection of the trays to be airtight, it is necessary to process the joint plane silicone sealant.

Funnels and plugs are installed last. Please note that the funnel is not installed at the very corner of the roof, but slightly to the side along the slope. The distance from the corner to the funnel is 25-30 cm. If the drainage system is installed on hip roof, then not plugs are installed between the horizontal parts, but bends (photo below), with the help of which all four horizontal parts of the drain are connected into one system.

Drainage outlet

Installation of vertical drains

The vertical part of the roof drain is the usual plastic pipes, connected to each other by a socket lock. That is, one narrow end is inserted into the wide one. Their tightness is maintained by a rubber seal or sealant, which is used to coat the surfaces of the socket joint.

As mentioned above, a bend with an angle of 45° is attached to the bottom of the last pipe. His bottom edge should be 30 cm higher than the ground floor. Therefore, the installation of vertical pipes must be carried out from the bottom up. Although this is not a strict requirement. Whichever is convenient for you.

Before installing the vertical structure, it is necessary to apply markings to the wall. First, a plumb line is released from the funnel, along the thread of which a line is drawn along the surface of the wall. Now, starting from the bottom, first mark the installation location of the first clamp. This is 30 cm, as specified above, plus the size of the abductor part of the knee, plus 20 cm. The best option, if the first clamp is installed at the junction of the lower branch and the first lower pipe. All others every 1.8-2.0 m. Fastening the clamps to the wall is done with ordinary self-tapping screws on plastic dowels.

Vertical pipes of the drainage system

One of essential elements A properly equipped roof includes drainage systems. There are several types of such structures, and they are produced using various material. But any storm drain not only protects the basement and foundation of the house from flooding.

  • Find required amount pipes is also not difficult. We multiply the number of risers by the height of the walls. The standard pipe length is 3 meters.
  • Calculating the fasteners is a little more difficult: the brackets should have a pitch of no more than 60 cm, and the clamps for installing pipes should be 1.5–2 meters.
  • The required number of additional elements such as connecting elbows, external and internal corners, couplings and plugs determines the complexity of the configuration of the roof and facade of the house.

Advice! It is better to take materials such as fasteners: brackets or hooks for gutters with a small margin. It may be necessary to install additional fasteners in difficult areas of the roof, for example, to ensure the desired slope.

Installation of drainage systems

Let's take a closer look at the order in which a drainage system is installed for pitched roofs. First of all, under the roof overhang it is installed front board, on which the storm drain for the roof is installed. In this case, the following sequence must be observed:

  • Water intake funnels are being installed at the corners of the roof of the house. They are fastened with ordinary self-tapping screws into the mounting ears.
  • Then brackets or hooks are attached to install the gutters.
  • The first bracket is installed at a distance of no more than 10 cm from the water inlet funnel.
  • Then the end bracket is installed on the other edge of the roof. Its installation should be carried out as high as possible under the very eaves of the roof.
  • A nylon thread is stretched between them to control the slope.
  • Intermediate brackets are attached with a step between them of 40–50 cm.
  • After installing the brackets, the nylon thread that controls the slope is removed and the installation of gutters begins.

Advice! It will be best if the material used to make the gutters and brackets is the same. This greatly simplifies the installation of the drainage system.

  • The gutters and the included brackets have a tongue-and-groove system that allows you to securely fasten the structure.
  • Additional fixation of gutters is carried out with latches, which are available on connecting elements storm drains for roofs.
  • After installing the gutters, it is advisable to check the slope again. This important factor high throughput storm sewer.

After this, you can begin installing vertical drainage pipes. They are attached to the facade of the house using clamps with a long mounting pin. To connect the vertical and horizontal sections of the drainage system, mounting elbows and cuttings of drainpipes are used.

Advice! Sometimes, to ensure a more reliable connection of storm drain elements, silicone sealant is used. This material allows for complete sealing of all joints.

In conclusion, we note that the drainage system is an indispensable attribute of a properly designed country house. Besides everyone protective functions, which an organized drainage system has, it allows you to collect rainwater for household needs. For example, watering a garden or vegetable garden.

Many people live in private homes, so they know the importance of installing gutters. This system performs one function, which can be very important - the drain directs rainwater in the required direction. Installing a drainage system allows home owners to choose a place where rain and melt water will flow. Often drains direct it into special containers or directly into the soil drainage system; it is possible to organize water flow simply in the opposite direction from the house for watering the lawn or other purposes.

Proper installation of gutters can avoid many problems. Destruction of the building facade, flooding of premises basement type, deformation of structures and structures located near the building, this can be caused by the lack of drainage or its incorrect installation. In addition, do not forget about the decorative function of this system; the drain must fit into overall design building, it perfectly separates the facade and roof of the building with its appearance.

Types of drains, their advantages and disadvantages

Gutters usually come in two types, divided according to the material from which they are made:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Metal.

Drainage systems made from each material have their own Advantages and disadvantages, which you should familiarize yourself with before choosing.

Plastic gutters

The disadvantages of such a drain include:

  • its fragility compared to metal;
  • the possibility of changing the material due to sudden changes in temperature, so you should strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Metal gutters

Metal gutters are galvanized systems With polymer coating, their base can be steel, aluminum or copper.

  • copper drain has a long service life from 25 to 150 years;
  • high strength allows it to be used even in harsh conditions;
  • high resistance to corrosion and deformation;
  • has an elegant look.

Steel gutter:

  • steel drainage has high resistance to mechanical loads;
  • the ability to use it in harsh conditions;
  • long service life up to 100 years;
  • has high frost resistance and easily tolerates temperature changes.

The disadvantages of metal drainage systems can be combined:

  • all of them have minor installation difficulties compared to plastic ones;
  • higher cost.

Aluminum gutters:

  • do not corrode;
  • have a long service life;
  • have a low cost;
  • tolerate temperature changes.

Their disadvantages include low strength to deformation.

External or internal drainage, what are the differences?

Gutter systems may also vary according to installation principle and work. They can be external; most often such systems are installed in small houses. It is important that the amount of precipitation corresponds to the average norm, otherwise the drainage may cannot cope with the volume of water.

Outer organized drain usually installed if the roof is made of one of the following materials:

  1. Sheet steel.
  2. Profiled sheeting.
  3. Slate.
  4. Copper.
  5. Metal tiles.
  6. Small-piece materials.

Besides this, there are others important conditions installation of external drainage:

  • the distance between pipes should not exceed 24 meters;
  • the longitudinal slope of the gutters must be at least 2%;
  • The cross-sectional area of ​​the system pipes is calculated based on 1.5 cm² per 1 m² of all roof surfaces.

You can install an external unorganized drain, but most often this is used on thatched (reed) or pitched roofs. But in this case there should always be an extension of the cornices no less than 60−65 cm.

Internal drainage is usually installed in large buildings. For the roof, mastic or roll material. This system consists of drainage funnels, collectors, risers, and so on. The principle of its operation is in the drainage of melt and rain water through pipes laid inside the building. Water enters drainage funnels located on the roofs of the building and flows down the system in special containers or sewer.

First of all it is necessary provide for slopes on the roofing to the funnels. Within a radius of 50 cm from the drainage funnel, the roof layer should be higher by 1.5−2 cm, this will allow water to flow into the drain gradually and unimpeded. All funnels must be located on low areas of the roof, at least 50 cm away from all protruding parts of the building. This is necessary in order to avoid freezing of pipes in the cold season. If the total roof area is less than 700 m² and has no seams or protrusions, then you can limit yourself to one funnel.

External organized drainage easier to install than internal, but with a large volume of melt and rain water, it is best to resort to the second method of drainage.

Choosing a drainage system

The drainage system consists of many parts. Their number calculated individually depending on area roofing covering.

Pipes and gutters may have:

  • round;
  • rectangular section.

Last option cheaper, but its installation in some cases is more difficult. If the building has many angles, protrusions and other nuances, then the drainage system rectangular shape will be installed more convenient and simpler. In general, greater preference is given to gutters with a round cross-section; they look neater and are easier to install.

The cross-section diameter should be determined based on from the average volume of waste and total roofing area. In any case, it would be better to play it safe and purchase a system with a larger diameter, then throughput will increase.

Installation and maintenance of the drainage system

Installing a gutter system is quite simple, first of all hooks are installed on the front board or rafters. Next, a gutter will be laid on them, the main thing is that the pipe runs at an angle. Water should drain on its own otherwise stagnation will form. Next, you need to install plastic gutters, after which the spillways are installed. At the end of the work, a drainpipe is installed and container for collecting water. Heating can be installed under the drainage system so that ice does not form in it during the cold season.

In order for the drain to work for a long time and properly, it is necessary not only to choose the right and carry out installation efficiently, but also care regularly for the entire system.

Care involves regular cleaning, usually once a quarter. Debris, such as dry leaves, may accumulate in the gutters; this can be removed by hand or by flushing the gutter system with strong water pressure. In addition, fastenings are necessary tighten regularly as they may weaken. If a leak occurs, it must be eliminated without harming the roof and the entire drainage system.

The drain is an important part roofing system any building. The presence of drainage provides a lot of advantages, the main one of which is ensuring the safety and increasing the service life of the frame and finishing elements of the building. Therefore, it is very important to correctly select and correctly install the drainage system already at the time of installation of the roofing.

Is it necessary to install a gutter on the roof?

Comfort in a residential building largely depends on the careful arrangement of the roof. Ventilation of the under-roof space, hydro- and vapor barrier are important to ensure optimal conditions residence. Guttering is also an important system to prevent damage load-bearing structures building.

Drainage systems protect the structural elements of a building from destruction and can be part of design solution all exterior decoration

The roof of a private house always has one or more slopes. Precipitation flows down this inclined surface, negatively affecting the foundation of the structure near the building. You can prevent the destruction of the foundation of the house and other unpleasant consequences with the help of a drainage system that performs the following functions:

  • protecting the foundation from destruction by draining water to a specially equipped place;
  • control of wastewater and prevention of roof rotting and load-bearing elements, avoiding leaks of roofing material;
  • complementing the appearance of the building in accordance with the general design concept.

Gutter systems are made from durable materials characterized by strength and durability. Usually they last until the next replacement of the roofing.

Roof drainage system

The efficiency of the drainage system is due to its well-thought-out design, which involves the presence of several basic elements. It is these parts that create a drain that drains water from the roof.

A standard drain consists of drain gutters and pipes, a system of fastenings to the facade of the building and various accessories

Each element performs a specific function, and together they are designed for the main thing - draining water from the roof of the house. Features of the purpose of the elements that make up the drain are expressed in the following:

  • the gutter serves to conduct water to the place where it is drained into the drainpipe;
  • a drainage funnel is necessary to redirect the water flow from the gutter to the pipe;
  • the drainpipe is the final part of the system from which water enters the sewer;
  • brackets and clamps are necessary to fix the drainage components to the wall of the house;
  • pipe tip, coupling, plug, protective mesh are additional elements.

The rounded shape of gutters, funnels and pipes allows you to quickly drain the required volume of water from the roof surface. Thanks to this, it reduces negative impact moisture on the load-bearing elements and ensures the integrity of the structure.

Gutter system options

When arranging a residential building, you can use different types of roof drainage systems. The complexes are classified according to the material of manufacture, type of construction, mounting and installation options.

Organized drains: description and standards

One of the options for organizing a drainage system is organized drains, which are a collection of gutters, pipes and other elements. They are connected into a whole system, which is attached to the walls outside the building using brackets. Water, passing through gutters and pipes, enters a storm sewer or well, intended for further removal of moisture outside the territory of the site.

Organized drains in private houses are usually located outside the building

SNiP allows the installation of organized drains on flat or pitched roofs any types. The set of norms and rules also assumes the following features of the arrangement of organized systems:

  • for each section of the roof where there are expansion joints or walls, you need to install at least two funnels to ensure prompt drainage of water;
  • Gutter risers cannot be installed in the thickness of external walls. Heating of drainage elements is carried out taking into account safety requirements;
  • the bowls of the funnels should be firmly fixed to the wall using metal clamps;
  • the distance between the external pipes of the drainage complex must be at least 24 m, and the cross-sectional area is determined at the rate of 1.5 cm 2 for each square meter roof area.

An organized version of water drainage systems can be of several types. The most popular way to organize gutters is to install drain gutters. The products are semicircular elements that are connected together to form a line of the required length. The gutters can be connected using special glue or couplings. In the first case, the parts are securely fastened, but the structure is non-separable. Couplings are more practical and provide the required rigidity of the drainage channel.

The gutters have a smooth inner surface, along which the flow water is coming as quickly as possible, without encountering any obstacles along the way

For flat roofs, a storm funnel is often used, which has a round shape. Water enters the funnel opening, passes through the pipes and flows into the sewer. Depending on the roof area, the amount of precipitation in the region and other factors, the number of funnels that need to be installed on the roof is determined. In this case, you can organize two options for the drainage system. The traditional one involves gravity flow of water through pipes, while with gravity-vacuum, precipitation passes through a system with a siphon. In this case, a small number of funnels are installed on the roof.

In traditional systems, the flow speed is determined only by the angle of inclination of the trench; in more complex gravity-vacuum systems, high level precipitation, the siphon is turned on and significantly increases the intensity of drainage

A roof drip line is a strip that is fixed to the gable or eaves of a building and protects the facade of the house from moisture. The principle of operation of the dripper is that water from the roof falls onto the plate, and then into gutter. The sediment then goes through the drainage system and ends up in the sewer system.

At correct installation the drip line protects the rafters and the entire roof overhang from getting wet

Unorganized drainage

The drain is not organized type is only a roof with correct slope, which allows moisture to flow down freely without affecting the façade of the building. In this case, water falls in close proximity to the foundation, which increases the risk of rotting of the foundation. This drainage option is suitable for pitched roofs with a slope towards the courtyard.

In the absence of a set of gutters, water can fall on the surface of the walls and on the foundation, and in winter time form large icicles

Unorganized drainage is not suitable for residential buildings, as it does not provide effective water drainage. When creating this option on other buildings, you should take into account the features of SNiP:

  • unorganized drains are allowed on buildings no higher than 5 floors;
  • annual precipitation in the region should not exceed 300 mm/year;
  • on the side of the building where the roof slope faces, there should not be balconies, buildings, or a road or pedestrian road;
  • The size of the roofing canopy should not be less than 60 cm.

An unorganized type drain is suitable for outbuildings, as it cannot provide good protection residential buildings.

Materials for gutters

Gutter systems are exposed to temperature changes, high humidity, exposure to ultraviolet rays and other negative factors. Therefore, for the manufacture of gutters, funnels and other parts, practical materials are used to ensure the durability and strength of the products. Several types of raw materials, which are used to create gutters, meet these requirements.

Metal gutters, which were previously the only possible solution, currently have quite worthy competitors

Features of plastic gutters

Of all the materials that serve as the basis for the production of gutters, plastic is the most inexpensive. Such systems are available in various colors, have an aesthetic appearance and are easy to install. Plastic products are characterized by low weight, which allows not to load the roof. Therefore, such gutters and pipes can be mounted on different variants roofs

Plastic gutter is well suited for soft roofs

Working with plastic gutter elements is quite easy. The parts are connected to each other with glue or special couplings. Plastic systems have the following advantages:

  • smooth surface allowing rapid drainage of water;
  • lower cost than metal gutters;
  • low noise level (up to 27 dB);
  • possibility of operation in temperature range from -40 to +50 °C;
  • easy replacement of individual elements;
  • not susceptible to corrosion and rotting.

A negative feature of cheap plastic gutters is their low level of strength. Such characteristics are characteristic of low-quality products, so you need to choose only rigid and durable gutters, pipes and other elements.

Metal gutters

Metal roof gutters are characterized by high strength and durability. The technical characteristics of the equipment depend on what metal served as the basis for the drain. Copper options are the most durable, and gutters made of roofing steel with anti-corrosion coating. There are also lightweight aluminum gutters, as well as products made from zinc and titanium.

Metal gutters are more expensive than plastic ones, but they are stronger and more durable

The main advantage of metal gutters compared to structures made from other materials is their durability. The service life of metal gutters significantly exceeds the period of use of plastic elements. Other advantages of metal drainage systems are expressed in the following:

  • resistance to mechanical stress, climatic conditions, temperature changes;
  • various options for fastening gutters;
  • protection against corrosion: copper products are not subject to rust at all, and other options have a special anti-corrosion coating;
  • Possibility of painting in any color with special paints for metal.

The disadvantages of metal gutters and funnels are: high cost and more complex installation. The most practical are copper structures, which have a service life of more than 100 years. In other cases, it is important to purchase systems that have a dense and thick anti-corrosion coating, as well as high specifications.

Video: installation of a metal drain

Galvanized roof drain

Galvanized systems for draining water from the roof are lightweight and practical. They combine light weight, a service life of several decades and simple installation.

Galvanized systems have all the advantages of metal gutters, but they do not have a very attractive appearance and fail faster.

Wear-resistant galvanized pipes are installed quickly using clamps and other simple fastening devices. The advantages of galvanized gutters also include the following:

  • resistance to deformation, temperature changes, humidity;
  • Frost resistance down to -60 °C and UV resistance;
  • fire resistance when exposed to direct flame;
  • light weight, eliminating significant load on the roof;
  • low cost with good technical characteristics.

The negative features of galvanized systems are expressed in the low degree of sound insulation. Therefore, it is important to consider the technology of fastening elements to the roof and facade.

Video: installing a galvanized gutter

How to choose a roof drain

When choosing a water drainage system for the roof of a private house, you should take into account the amount of precipitation characteristic of the region. If this figure is quite low, for example, 200–350 mm/year, then plastic or lightweight aluminum structures can be used for the roof. When precipitation amounts exceed 400–500 mm/year, gutters made of more durable materials, such as steel or copper, are optimal.

Copper systems have the longest service life and look very solid and prestigious

Do right choice Roof water drainage systems can be done taking into account the following recommendations:

  • the appearance, shape and color of the product influence the design of the building and must correspond to it;
  • the sizes of gutters, pipes and funnels are determined depending on the amount of precipitation;
  • fasteners must firmly fix the drain to the edge of the roof and other surfaces.

When choosing a drain, the main attention should be paid to the thickness of the walls of pipes and gutters. This figure should not be less than 1 mm. It is also important to take into account the high density and thickness of the anti-corrosion layer.

Popular gutter manufacturers

Many manufacturers present roof drainage systems different types. One of the most popular is the gutters of the Deke company. The products are available in various colors and are resistant to mechanical and climatic influences. Döke products are divided into several series depending on technical characteristics, which makes it easy to make a choice.

The manufacturer of the Döke systems provides a 25-year guarantee on its products.

TechnoNikol products are also in demand and are presented in large assortment. The elements of the drains are easily connected to each other, forming a strong and durable system. The company specializes in the production of plastic parts using modern technologies.

Plastic gutters from Technonikol are easy to install and look very attractive

The company "Aquasystem" produces various types gutters, but one of the most popular options is a complex made of steel and plastic. Appearance, technical characteristics and size range of parts are varied, but all products are durable and easy to install.

Installation of roof drainage

Roof gutters come in different forms, but they are always necessary to ensure the safety of the roof and load-bearing elements of the building. From quality, parameters and correct installation drain depends on the effectiveness of its operation, so it is important to first master the technology of fastening elements and choose the appropriate material.

External roof drainage is an important system for protecting a building from rain and melting snow, because its purpose is to collect water from the roof slopes and drain it into the storm drain. The article discusses what types of drainage systems there are and by what principles they are installed on roofs.

Types of drainage systems

There are three main varieties:

    Disorganized external drain. Essentially, this is a roof cornice that extends beyond the wall by at least half a meter.

    Outer organized roof drainage. This is a system that includes trays, also known as horizontal gutters, and vertical pipes installed in the form of risers.

    Organized internal. This system is only used on flat roofs. We will talk about this variety in a separate section.

Now we will deal with the external drainage system.

External drainage system

As already mentioned, it consists of: gutters located under the edge of the roofing, pipe risers. Both parts of the system are connected to each other by funnels. In addition to these elements, the drain includes:

    brackets, as fastening elements for gutters;

    clamps, with the help of which pipes are attached to the walls of the house;

    couplings which are used to connect gutters and pipes;

    pipe bends at 90 and 45 0;

    drain pipe branch, used at the very bottom of the drains.

Materials for gutters

Today, manufacturers offer two materials, of which drainage elements are made: galvanized steel (painted or coated polymer layer), plastic. Note that hardware They are more expensive, but will also last longer on the roof. As for installation and assembly technology, both types are no different from each other.

But plastic gutters are not as noisy as metal ones, and they are neutral in mildly aggressive environments. Today, manufacturers offer drainage systems made of polyvinyl chloride and a special type of vinyl. The latter is the owner of high performance characteristics. Pipes and trays made from it do not crack in frost, which often happens with PVC. Therefore, they are recommended for use in the northern regions of the country.

It should be noted separately the gutters made of copper. An expensive option with a long service life. Yes and by decorative qualities it is superior to plastic and galvanization, although the latter two are represented on the market by a huge color design. Unfortunately, copper products are rarely used in private housing construction - many people cannot afford it.

How to correctly calculate an external drainage system

This mainly concerns the elements of the system. The number of gutters depends on the length of the roof eaves. For example, if gable roof 10 m long, then the length of the cornice is 20 m. Accordingly, the length of the purchased trays, in general, should be 20 m. And since the standard length of the gutter is 3 m, this means that the quantity is determined as follows: 20: 3 = 6.6, rounded - there will be 7 pieces.

With pipes it's a little different. Firstly, the length of the riser depends on the height of the building wall. Secondly, the number of pipes depends on how many risers will be installed on the roof. Here the ratio is:

    if the length of the roof eaves is within 10 m, then install one boner;

    if more than this value, then several risers.

But in the latter case, it is taken into account that the distance between the risers should not exceed 20 m. Knowing the height of the wall and the number of pipe risers, you can determine the number of pipes on the basis that one pipe has a length of 3 m.

By the way, the number of risers determines the number of funnels and lower drain pipes. They are equal to each other in quantitative terms. But there will be twice as many bends.

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As for brackets for trays, their number is determined by the installation step of fasteners, equal to 50-60 cm. But keep in mind that the first and last brackets are installed from the edge of the grooved structure at a distance of 30 cm. As for clamps for pipe risers, the distance between them – 1.8-2.0 m. But if the wall height exceeds 20 m, then the installation step is reduced to 1.5 m.

These were calculations of the number of elements. But there are also dimensional parameters - the diameter of the pipes and the cross-section of the tray. Since the standard size presented by the manufacturers corresponds to standard parameters tubular products, accordingly, the drainage capacity of the drainage elements is different. A simple relationship applies here - the larger the area of ​​the roof slope, the greater the drainage capacity the drainage system should have. And this depends on the diameters of pipes and trays. Therefore, we propose the ratio of the slope area and the diameters of pipes and trays:

    up to 30 – pipe diameter 80 mm, gutters diameter 100 mm;

    30-50 m²– pipe 87 mm, tray 100-120;

    50-125 – 100 and 150 mm, respectively;

    Over 125 m², pipe 110 mm, gutter 150-200 mm.

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Gutter installation rules

The external drainage system is a gravity flow system, so the gutters are laid at an angle of 2-3 mm per 1 m of the length of the channel route. This important circumstance is taken into account during the installation of brackets. This is done this way if, for example, two risers are installed on the wall at the corners of the building.

    Determined middle of the cornice.

    He received the label in two different directions lay 30 cm.

    In these places mounted on a bracket at the highest point. The two fasteners must be located at the same horizontal level.

    For example, if the length of each part is 10 m, then incline grooved design determined according to the following scheme: for each meter 2 mm, it turns out 2 cm for 10 m.

    Retreat from the edge of the corner of the house 30 cm and at this point a bracket is mounted, which is 2 cm lower than the one already installed.

    Now between two brackets pull a strong thread. It is located at an inclination of 2°.

    Exactly according to her install intermediate brackets in increments of 50-60 cm.

    So install brackets on both sides from the middle of the roof eaves.

All that remains is to lay the trays on top of the brackets. Today on the market you can buy gutters with a socket connection and with a coupling connection. The first one is simpler, there are fewer additional elements. The design of each gutter has a reduced diameter on one side, which fits tightly into the other side of the tray, where the diameter is standard. It is recommended to treat the junction of two gutters with silicone sealant to increase the tightness of the connection.

Plugs are installed at the edges of the trays. A funnel is installed at the location where the pipe risers are installed. By the way, water inlet funnels for external drainage are presented on the market in two design types: a standard funnel and a gutter with a branch pipe that enters the riser pipe using a socket connection system.

Installation of risers

It’s easier here because the riser is positioned vertically. That is, you need to draw a vertical line from the funnel to the ground on the wall using a plumb line. Then mark the installation of clamps, which are immediately attached to the wall with anchors or self-tapping screws on plastic dowels.

There are several points to pay attention to:

    The lower clamp is installed at the junction drain with pipe.

    The lower end of the drain pipe should be located above ground level at a distance of 25 cm. This is precisely the starting point of the marking.

Now about how to properly connect a pipe riser with drainage funnel for external drains. Since the length of the cornice in different roofs is different, the length from the funnel to the riser will also be different. Firstly, you can’t do without two taps here. Secondly, if the length of the cornice is large, then a piece of pipe from the drain will have to be installed between the branches.

In fact installation process not very difficult if you strictly follow the points of the information provided above. Our craftsmen can easily install the drainage system of one house in one working day. That is, it takes a little time.

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We invite you to watch a video that shows the entire installation process, so to speak, from “A” to “Z”:

All about internal drainage

So, let's move on to the topic - internal drainage flat roof. It is called so because the vertical pipe through which it moves from the roof slope rainwater down into the sewer, located inside the building. And on top of the roof itself a funnel of a special design is installed. It is covered with a mesh filter to prevent debris from getting inside the drain pipe.

There are some requirements for internal drainage:

    for every 150-200 m² of slope area install one funnel;

    slope towards the funnel lay down at an inclination of at least 4°;

    diameter pipes are selected at the rate of 1-1.5 cm² of its cross-section per 1 m² of roof area;

    soft roof is laid on the sides of the funnel;

    riser must be located in a heated room;

On a note! The riser is connected to a drain pipe, which is laid at a slope of 2-5° towards the storm drain under the house, and the pipe cuts into it;

    it is forbidden install a funnel near the wall of the building.

Construction of the internal drainage system begins before the foundation is laid. That is, they lay a drain pipe. If the foundation has already been poured, then a hole is made in it with a hammer drill to the diameter of this pipe, where the latter is inserted. Today, the horizontal drainage section of the drainage system is often laid under the floor of a house on the first floor or in basement under the ceiling. This greatly simplifies the installation process. But here you will have to make a hole in the foundation anyway. To avoid this in the foundation structure at the stage of its construction, it is better to leave a hole by inserting a piece of pipe of a larger diameter when pouring.

The riser is laid inside office premises. Therefore, in the project, the place of its passage through the floors is determined in advance, in which they are left or made through holes. Subsequently, after installing the drain, they are sealed and insulated. The main task of the work manufacturer is to carry out installation with complete sealing of the joints. Therefore, the places where pipes connect to each other, as well as to fittings, must be treated with silicone sealant. At least one revision must be left in the riser. This is in case the drain pipe becomes clogged.

Most important stage in the building internal drainage– installation of a water inlet funnel. Here, 100% sealing is required so that precipitation does not penetrate under the roofing material.

Video description

Watch the video to see what requirements apply to the water intake funnels of the external drainage system:

Conclusion on the topic

So we tried to give full information on the external drainage system and touched a little on the topic of internal drainage. In fact, this system is not complicated, because it consists of only two sections, and its equipment is not wide. The main thing is to accurately connect the parts of the system to each other. Although this is not difficult to do, because the manufacturers have taken care of maximum ease of assembly.