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Why Skype doesn't work - ways to solve all possible problems. What to do if Skype does not open

In the twenty-first century, it is difficult to imagine life without communication with the outside world. In order to keep in touch with your friends and loved ones at any time and anywhere, the Skype program was created. In this article we will find out what needs to be done if Skype does not open on the computer.

Program description

Skype is software created to connect users who are far from each other. The application provides text messaging, voice and video communication over the Internet. File sharing is also available to users.

Slype can be installed on different operating systems:

  • computer or laptop;
  • telephone;
  • tablet.

Skype is free to download and easy to use. For a small fee, you can access phone calls and SMS messaging. Considering all these nuances, the program is very popular in the field of communications today.

Causes of malfunction

Let's look at the main reasons why Skype does not open on a computer:

  1. Problems with the main server.
    Perhaps the problem with launching the program is related to a malfunction of the main server, but the developers solve this problem very quickly. If after this Skype does not resume normal operation within 24 hours, then the problem is not with the servers.
  2. Blocking by antiviruses or firewalls.
    The application can also be blocked by a firewall, which controls all data transmitted over the network between computers, or by an antivirus. They mistake Skype for malware. Accordingly, you need to temporarily disable the firewall and check whether the application starts.
  3. Virus infection of application files.
    To find out whether malware is affecting the application, use an antivirus to scan and remove infected files.
  4. Automatic update.
    When the updates are installed, the program will not start; you must wait until it is completely updated, and then restart.


If Skype does not start, first restart your computer. If the problem has not been resolved, then proceed to further actions.

Deleting a file

The crash may be caused by a file located in the application folder. To resume operation, it must be removed.

This method of resuming Skype is suitable for operating systems Windows 7, 8, 10.


Complete removal and subsequent installation of the latest version will solve the problem in 70% of cases.

If these steps do not help, try disabling the running antivirus and firewall on your computer. You will find how to do this in the article.

The rarest case is a person who has not even heard of a program called Skype. Extremely useful software is now available on every device that can support it, smartphones, tablets, etc. With Skype, you not only write to your interlocutor, but hear and even see him. But it happens that Skype does not work.

However, breakdowns cannot always be avoided even with the most vigilant care of equipment and its software. There are many scenarios for the development of events, and Skype often comes under attack. What to do when you still want to continue communicating?

Technical diagnostics

The causes of malfunctions are very diverse, most problems are still fixable and there is no need to panic. Let's try to theoretically figure out what could have happened and why our Skype does not start.

First of all, let's make sure that . There is a possibility that the “terrible catastrophe” was caused by simple carelessness. Check the keyboard layout or functionality.

The underlying reasons may lie in the valiant work of the firewall. The firewall considers the Skype signal transmission process not the most useful for the system and begins to block it.

Why else might Skype refuse to work? Also, prohibiting transactions between the network and Skype is a special case of the antivirus; it prohibits this exchange in this case. More often, the influence of viruses and malware affects the operation of Skype.

It is worth paying attention to the degree of system security and the quality of the antivirus. A lot of problems arise when you handle the Internet and malicious content carelessly.

Affects the operation of this application. The signal from Skype simply does not pass through the network and, as a result, it does not work.

The rarest occurrence is a problem with the main Skype site. There have been cases of database failures in the history of the application, so before going through the entire system, just check the news on the official Skype application page.

Let's put knowledge into practice

Having analyzed several of the most popular cases of Skype failure in theory, we will try to correct errors practically. We have already determined that the reasons why Skype does not work are the following:

  • Inattention
  • Viruses
  • Technical reasons
  • Random factors

Problems due to inattention are the most harmless and we can fix them easily and quickly. Type your password in any text editor and you will immediately see your errors. Then you can simply copy them from there.

Internet connection will also be included in this category. What to do in this case? Check the condition of devices and equipment, networks and lines, Internet payments. Often, a simple reboot of the computer can help correct many errors, although this may bring an ironic smile to your face.

Why Skype does not work, if it is not inattention or an accidental factor, is not so easy to understand at first glance. Let's explore further.

Then we perform a complete and deep scan of our virtual friend for viruses. It is better not to give this delicate, important matter to untested antiviruses. Reliable comrades can best handle this job:

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  • Dr.Web
  • Avz4 utility latest versions

Download one of them, or better yet several, and completely check the system. This action will help not only in restoring Skype, but also in ensuring the security of your computer. We think it’s clear to everyone why these measures shouldn’t be neglected. After checking, we say goodbye to the virus software and, possibly, reinstall some applications, in particular Skype.

Along with restarting the computer, a simple solution to the “Why Skype doesn’t work” dilemma can also be reinstalling the application. First, let’s completely remove the previously installed version of Skype from your computer:

  1. Click Start and go to Control Panel.
  2. Select Programs and Features, look for Skype.
  3. Click Delete.

Let's check for the presence of "tails". For Windows 7, delete the profile file from the hidden AppData folder (Roaming -> Skype -> Username). Then you need to download CCleaner to clean the registry. After completing these operations, a reboot is required.

After cleaning, which you need to do not only if serious problems arise, download the latest version of the Skype application.

It is worth noting that downloading any application from the Internet must be done from official sources, or at least those repositories that do not arouse suspicion. The presence of banners and viral advertising should be alarming.

To bypass firewalls or antivirus blocks, you need to add Skype to the allowed list of programs.

Three effective technical methods

For the first method of reviving Skype, you need to do the following:

  1. Let's start working as usual - by clicking the Start button. Find Execute.
  2. Type in %appdata%\skype.
  3. A window will open, look for the shared.xml file in it and delete it.

The second method will help reset Skype settings if the first method did not help.

  1. Press the Win+R combination and enter %appdata%
  2. Delete or rename the Skype folder

This is important to know: when using the second method, the chat history will disappear and the profile settings will be reset. However, your contact list will not be affected.

The third method may not always work, but it is used quite often.

  1. We leave Skype.
  2. Right-click on Skype and create another shortcut on the desktop.
  3. Click on the new shortcut again with the same button and select Properties.
  4. In the Shortcut insert, in the Object field after .exe, separated by a space, which is important, enter /legacylogin and apply.

Having analyzed many cases and decided what to do if Skype does not function, we can say with confidence only one thing - a careful and careful relationship with the computer is very important. Many problems with software arise precisely as a result of human activity; sometimes, of course, technology fails, but this happens much less often.

Often, numerous users try to understand why Skype is not working. They are looking for answers on various forums and social networks. Often they are interested in the inability to launch the program or the appearance of an empty window, as well as the “crash” of the utility, accompanied by an error message or the appearance of a blue screen of death.

Options for solving the problem

If you clean the service folder of the utility, then you may be able to get rid of the problem associated with its updates. The process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The VoIP application closes.
  2. Pressed Win + R.
  3. On the command line type %APPDATA%\Skype
  4. Enter is pressed on the keyboard.
  5. In the window that opens, the software folder is searched. It will have a username. All contents from it are deleted.

Sometimes users are unable to log into the VoIP utility. Therefore they are interested Why doesn't Skype work?. People encountered this problem after the release of version 5.5, when Microsoft began working on the application. This corporation has tied the program to the IE browser. As a result, when authorizing, VoIP software requires scripts and Active X located in the browser. At the same time, its settings are often violated by both the user and virus software.

Often the VoIP utility stops functioning abnormally. In such a situation, everyone will be wondering why Skype is not working and what to do in this situation. To fix the error, you can try a fresh installation of the application. It is recommended to download the latest version of the software. It is available for free to all users on the official website. To complete this procedure you will need to spend a minimum of time. As a result of such a simple iteration, many are able to get rid of the problem of a crash in a popular application that allows people to communicate from different parts of the world.

However, after the update, the VoIP application may also malfunction. As a result, users have to search for answers as to why Skype does not work on Windows. The cause of this malfunction is an unstable software version. To solve the problem, you can install an earlier version of the program.

Viruses also often affect the functioning of software. In this case, you need to scan your computer using an antivirus product produced by a reputable company.

Skype is one of the most popular instant messengers in the world. The program was developed by Microsoft and is distributed free of charge. Despite the large number of bugs and errors associated with the application, millions of people still use it. In this article you will learn all the most common reasons why Skype does not start and how to fix it.

Types of reasons

First of all, let's look at the main types of reasons that may cause problems with the performance of the described messenger. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • Software problem (crazy update, deleted files, software incompatibility, etc.).
  • Hardware problem.

If you have just installed Skype on your computer and could not launch it, then first check the compatibility of your gadget according to the official system requirements. If the reason is related to hardware, then you will not be able to solve the launch problem using software changes - try using Skype on a mobile device or another PC.

PC requirements

Although the messenger is not too demanding on hardware, like modern games, for example, it is still recommended to check the system requirements. This may be one of the reasons why Skype does not start. For stable operation of the program you need:

  • Operating system Windows XP or later.
  • Processor with a frequency of 1 GHz or higher.
  • Minimum 512 MB of RAM.
  • DirectX 9.

If your computer meets the system requirements, but the messenger still does not work, then proceed to the following reasons.


First of all, try reinstalling. Sometimes it happens that a program may stop working due to incorrect installation or due to virus infection. This is the most common reason why Skype does not start on a computer.

First you need to remove the old version of the program. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and go to the "Uninstall programs" section. Next in the list, find Skype and delete it.

To download the new version and install it, you must follow these steps:

  • Go to the official Skype website.
  • On the main page, click the "Download Skype" button.
  • Select the Computer tab and click Download.
  • Wait until the installation file is downloaded.
  • Run the file and follow the instructions that appear.

Now try launching the program again through “Start” or “Desktop”. Log in to your account and check its functionality.

Rolling back updates

Developers often release new versions of updates that are extremely unstable on PCs. Over time, patches appear that correct all errors. Until a stable version of the messenger is released, you can roll back to the previous one. To do this, you need to find the archive with the previous update and install it on your PC. On software sites you can find almost any Skype update of different years and versions. The main thing is to download the Skype that is compatible with the architecture of your operating system, so that there are no problems with launch and operation.

Another option that can solve the problem is a portable version of the messenger. Portable doesn't need to be installed - you download the exe file and just run it. Next, open the file and log in with your account.

Virus check

If the methods described above did not help you, then be sure to scan your computer for viruses. You can do this using standard Windows Defender if you use eight or ten. To do this, go to “Settings” and click on the “Update and Security” section. Open the Windows Defender tab and then click the Scan Now button.

If you use Windows XP or Vista, you will have to use third-party antivirus software. On the Internet you can find a number of free antiviruses to choose from.

Now let's look at the reasons why Skype does not start, which are associated with individual generations of the Windows operating system.

For Windows XP, Vista and 7

The developers have released a special patch that you can download to your computer. If this option does not help to start the program, then you need to update or uninstall Internet Explorer.

The fact is that in version 5.5, Skype is tied to the IE browser in the Windows XP and 7 operating systems. When launched, the messenger accesses scripts that are located in IE. Since the user can make changes to the browser settings (viruses can also do this), a problem arises in launching and authorizing the messenger. We figured out why Skype won't launch on Windows XP. Now we need to fix this problem.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  • Close all programs and browser.
  • Now restart IE.
  • Using the "Service" button (like a gear in the upper corner of the window) open the menu.
  • Select "Internet Options" from the menu.
  • In properties, go to "Advanced" and click on "Reset".
  • In the menu that opens, select the "Delete personal settings" option.
  • Close your browser and restart. The next time you turn on the browser, the settings will be restored.

Now try launching Skype again and check if it works. If this method does not help, then follow these steps:

  • open "Task Manager" and close the running skype.exe process;
  • go to the system partition of the hard drive and open the Program Files folder;
  • in this directory, find the Skype folder;
  • right-click on the skype.exe file and click “Create a shortcut on the desktop”;
  • now go to the shortcut properties via RMB;
  • go to the “Shortcut” tab;
  • in the “Object” field, add the command /legacylogin to the written line;
  • save the changes and launch the Skype shortcut.

Why doesn't Skype launch on Windows 7?

On the Windows 7 operating system, problems often arise with the performance of Skype after downloading updates. To fix this problem, you need to do the following:

  • Open the Run window via the Start menu or the Win+R key combination.
  • Copy the command %LOCALAPPDATA%\Skype\Apps\ into the line and press Enter.
  • In the folder that opens, find the directory with the name of your login and delete all the files in it.
  • Now launch Skype again.

Why doesn't Skype launch on Windows 10?

The Windows 10 operating system comes with a new version of Skype that runs by default. Many users respond negatively to this experiment, preferring the classic version. Go to the messenger website and click the "Download" button. On the page that opens, you will see a note stating that you already have a new Skype. Scroll down the page and select the “Download” button where it offers to install the classic version of the program.

Web version

If none of the methods described in the article helped, but you urgently need to go to the messenger and start communicating, then use the online version of the service. Log in to your account using your login, email or phone number. After entering the data, click the “Login” button. The only disadvantage of this version is that you will have to keep your browser open all the time. On weak computers, this solution can be a problem.

Bottom line

We have considered all troubleshooting options that are suitable for all operating systems and the main OS separately. If you are unable to resolve the problem, please contact support. You can find the form to fill out on the official Microsoft website. The company's employees will try to sort out this issue as quickly as possible and give you practical advice on launching Skype.

Telephony in the modern world is one of the most important technologies, and the situation when Skype won't open can confuse many users. There can be several reasons for an application to fail - from the program itself to a problem in the operating system. In any case, it is always possible to restore its correct operation.

Skype does not open on the computer due to a variety of reasons - from easy-to-solve problems to problems that require reinstalling the system. The article does not imply that there are communication problems in the program, only an error at startup, lack of response when clicking on a shortcut, or startup with an empty window.

Common causes of Skype crashes:

  • a failure occurred due to user settings;
  • the disruption occurred due to a glitch in Internet Explorer, which is responsible for displaying many program elements;
  • problem in system settings;
  • driver or program conflict;
  • the presence of a failure after updating a program or Windows.

Before any manipulations, it is worth checking, probably the problem is observed among many users and there are malfunctions on the server. If this is the true reason, it is enough to wait for the program to be restored; the developers are responsible for this.

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Skype settings crash

Skype won't open, what should I do first? – It is worth checking the serviceability of the program in the settings area. Sometimes user data creates errors and prevents quality use.

To fix the problem, you need to perform a simple manipulation:

  1. Most often, even an inactive program has a working process; to close it, you should press Ctrl + Alt + Del and go to the “Processes” section. Here it is worth closing the process from the Skype manufacturer.
  2. Now you should press Win + R and enter the text %appdata%\skype and Enter into the line - this command will transfer to the section with user data.
  3. A folder will open in a new window in which you need to locate the shared.xml file and delete it.

By deleting the configuration file, a reset should occur and there is a high probability of restoring the program. If the method does not lead to the expected result, you can use another algorithm, in which the first step is similar, and then follows:

  1. Win + R paste %appdata% into the line, then press Enter.
  2. In the catalog, find the “Skype” and RMB section.
  3. Select the “Rename” option and add any number to the end of the name.

The disadvantage of the manipulation is deleting conversations and chats; the program should start as new, although the contacts are stored on the server and, accordingly, will be saved.

Reset system and Skype settings

Special programs have been developed that detect and eliminate all temporary and useless files. All actions can be performed manually, but there is a risk of forgetting about some section and this will take a lot of time. The best program that will help you cope with this task efficiently is CCleaner.

Let's look at the algorithm of actions using CCleaner:

  1. Download the application - https://ccleaner.org.ua/download/.
  2. On the first “Cleaner” tab, you need to launch the scanning algorithm using the “Analyze” button, having previously selected the applications that need to be checked.
  3. After the analysis, you need to click on the “Run Cleaner” button.

  1. A window with a suggestion will appear (it is advisable to do this).
  2. Then go to the “Registry” section and run registry analysis.

  1. After the search, the number of errors found will be shown and you will be able to start troubleshooting.

Performing this manipulation will in some cases allow you to restore Skype and speed up the performance of the entire Windows system.

Complete reinstallation of the program

Often, to restore the launch of Skype, reinstalling the program is used. An important condition for effectiveness is the complete removal of the previous version, otherwise the method may be useless. There are special programs for this, for example, iObit Uninstaller.

Complete removal of Skype:

  1. Download the program https://ru.iobit.com/advanceduninstaller/ and then install;
  2. In the main application window, find Skype and click on the delete button;

  1. After standard uninstallation, you will be asked to delete traces of the application on your PC in all storage areas; you must agree and create a restore point.

After the procedure, you will need to download the new version of Skype and install it.

Problem in Internet Explorer

A similar problem has existed for a long time, back to the release of version 5.5, when Skype was tied to IE. When you enter the program, authorization occurs, which activates ActiveX and some JavaScript frameworks located in IE. If browser settings are changed due to manipulation by the user or other programs, Skype may stop working. This error is characterized by difficulties in adding new contacts.

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For most popular systems before Windows 8, a special fix can be used, which was made by the developer themselves. For some users, just updating the browser is enough.

Resetting settings in IE helps in many cases, for this you should:

  1. Close all IE windows and other tabs in Explorer.
  2. Relaunch IE browser.
  3. Using the “Service” section, go to the “Properties” item. You can open a window with a section by clicking on the gear.
  4. Next, go to the “Advanced” section and click on “Reset”.
  5. It is important to put a highlight next to the “Delete personal data” item: visited pages, cookies, hash, etc.

  1. In the new window, you should confirm the action by clicking on the “Reset” button.
  2. After completing the manipulation, you should close the program.

When the steps are completed, it is worth checking that Skype is working properly; the program should work again.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if Skype does not open?”, you can ask them in the comments

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