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Send everything to john parker fb2. Read online “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...””. Why is saying Fuck It a spiritual act?

John Parkin

Fuck It. Send everything to... or the paradoxical path to success and prosperity

Fuck It. The Ultimate Spiritual Way

© 2008 by John Parkin. Originally published in 2008 by Hay House UK. Tune into Hay House broadcasting at: www.hayhouseradio.com (in Russian)

© Kulikov D. A., translation, 2009

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2011

Dedicated to my boys Leone and Arco, masters of Fuck It behavior on this planet (just don't say those words out loud, boys).

Translator's Preface

If only there were signs in the world that said “Do you want to live freely? Ask me how” (maybe, of course, they exist, but in our area we have not yet come across them), then all people would be divided into five approximately equal groups. Some would wear these badges in order to be able to give advice even to those who don’t ask. Others would put them on so they could glare contemptuously at those who asked. Still others would pursue the “iconists,” bombarding them with questions. A fourth would secretly idolize the “lucky” badge holders and would be afraid not only to ask a question, but even to approach them, and a fifth...

And still others would not even know about the existence of the first four groups, or even the icons themselves. Although no, having noticed such a badge, some of them would gladly pin it on their bag or clothes, but just like that - excuse the involuntary pun - “for fun”, in order to “have a good laugh.”

And all because they are the ones who “live freely.” They, unlike representatives of the first four categories, are not pressured by the desire to dominate others, nor by the desire to appear better than they really are, nor by the desire for endless self-improvement, nor by fears and complexes. They simply live, being in the flow of life. And after all, we all managed to live like this in childhood and adolescence, but then most of us gave in under the pressure of life and lost this talent.

Returning to the fifth group is quite easy. The author of this book did it himself and is ready to help us achieve the same result. You just need to stop “burdening” yourself and those around you and step onto the Ideal Spiritual Path, learning to pronounce the sacred modern mantra: Fuck It.

It’s much easier for our English-speaking friends to do this, because their little Fuck It simply has to be more universal and multi-hued, and our “great and mighty” is ready to provide a separate phrase of varying degrees of censorship for any of these shades. We may “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care about the lantern” or “don’t care about the lamp”, we can “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care”, “forget about everything”...

Therefore, we decided to simply not limit your freedom and leave Fuck It without translation where the meaning, power and shades of this expression will be explained (“Foreword” and “Prelude”). And then replace it with our dear, super-universal “Wouldn’t it all go to ...” (in short, “send to ...”), which you, if desired and necessary, can replace with your favorite and most suitable for each of the described cases with a magical expression of the same content.

Many remember the catchphrases from the Roshchinsky play (and then the Moscow Art Theater performance, and then the beloved film) “Old New Year”: “Rest, Sing.” This phrase also perfectly conveys the essence of the Fuck It philosophy itself and suggests how one should approach life, and this book, and the jokes, and the good-natured lies of the author, and even his advice.

In a word, “rest, Sing.” Relax and get as much pleasure from reading this book as the author got from writing it, and your humble servant got from working on the translation... And then everything stated below will help you subsequently get much more pleasure from life.

And if you are offended by the title of the book or outraged by the ideas presented in it, then just send it to... both the author and everyone who worked on the Russian edition. We don’t feel sorry, because even in this case, the Fuck It philosophy still worked, and you, by sending us all away, have already taken the first step along the Ideal Spiritual Path...

Dmitry Kulikov


Fuck It - I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind... I wanted to give this book the best introduction possible, because it deserves it. I had already begun to flirt intellectually about this topic, and then suddenly I stopped and realized what I was doing: a preface to a book with such a cheeky and arrogant title as Fuck It. So what is there to think about here?

The keys to liberation are universal and very simple: disconnect from all the stories you tell yourself about life and who you are or should become, and you will immediately feel more omnipotent, unimpeded and majestic, as any divine should. , an omnipotent being who knows no obstacles.

To achieve this, you need a willingness to relax and give a damn about everything. And not just once, but again and again, because the part of your consciousness that is addicted to these stories and identifies with them is a sly fox, and it will cling to its habits with all its might.

To give up on everything, you need to give your consciousness a command, and one with which it can identify and which will awaken a spontaneous feeling of freedom. And what team could be better than Fuck It? At the moment of uttering these vulgarly expressive words, you become one with all the rebels who have ever lived in this world, with all the great liberators of this world, with every outcast who has ever gone against the grain... you find freedom... and in this freedom of yours you gain natural greatness.

John and I are kindred spirits... I am inspired by him and his brilliant book Fuck It... I consider it a very important contribution to human history.

Barefoot Doctor


Below is a list of names. If I've forgotten someone, it's obviously for one of two reasons: a) because I have a terrible memory or b) because your contribution isn't as impressive as you thought.

I would like to express my most important gratitude to my wonderful wife Gaia. We started our Fuck It Weeks at The Hill That Breathes three years ago, and much of what is written in this book grew out of what we experienced together during those weeks and in our daily lives. Thank you Gaia for everything.

Well, now the list. Thanks for helping us do all of this (in alphabetical order, in case any questions arise):

Chas Bayfield, Richard Bolton, Alison Bowditch, Antoine Bowes, Martin Brookes, Dan Brule, Axel Chaldecott, Bob Bob Coleman, Simon Confino, Billy Connolly, Father, Barefoot Doctor, David Gittings, Lucy Greeves, Karl Grunick ), Bisong Guo, John Hegarty, Steve Henry, Rupert Howell, Robin Jones, Jen Lincoln, Patrick Lucocq , Adam Lury, Mama, Tony Parsons, Murray Partridge, Ian Priest, Rach, Jonathon Ross, Mark Seabright, James Spence, Alex Wipperfurth, Georgie Wolfinden.

Translator's Preface 3

Preface 4

Thanks 5


Test: Say something Fuck It right now 6

Why saying Fuck It is a spiritual act 7

Why the expression Fuck It is so powerful 8



We send everything to... refusing to do what we don’t want 10

We send everything to... when we finally do something we never allowed ourselves to do before 10

We send everything to... because life is too overloaded with meaning 11

How we fill our lives with meaning 11

Life has its own thoughts 14

Meaning is pain 14

What happens when we are finally overcome by meanings 16


Relax 20

Stop clinging to world 21

Take it as it comes 22

Become an impartial observer 23

Consciously control your breathing 24


Send to... food 28

Send to... your personal relationships 32

Send to... illnesses and ailments 36

Send to… money 39

Send to… weather 41

Send to... inner peace 41

Send to… raising children 44

Send to... self-control and discipline 49

Send to... plans and goals 51

Plans and goals are wonderful 51

Plans and goals are complete nonsense 53

Let's try to take our hands off the steering wheel 54

Send to... desire to make the world a better place 55

Send to… climate change 57

Send to... your emotional problems 58

Send to... everything that others think about you 60

Why are we so concerned about what others think of us?

The problematic side of worrying about the attitude of others 61

Never take anything people say to you personally 61

You can't please everyone 63

Do you want to spoil everyone's mood? 63

By sending everything to... you will greatly annoy those around you 64

Send to... all your fears 65

Fear and Love 65

In some cases, fear is completely rational 66

The Nature of Fear 66

Feeling pain is not dangerous 68

Send everything to... and become selfish 68

Send to… your work 71

Send to... your country 74

Send to... search for meaning 75


When you send to... life, it reacts to it 78

The influence of the words “And everything went to...” on consciousness 80

You will begin to notice beauty in the most unexpected things 80

Over time, anxiety will disappear 81

Your views will change and become more flexible 82

You will lose the thread of life 83

The influence of the words “And everything went to...” on the body 83

Relax your body 83

The flow of “qi” will increase 84

The body will restore its energy balance on its own 84

Diseases will go away 85

You will live longer 85


The origins of the system of exercises in the style of “And it all went to…” 86

Practical aspects 86

Breathing 87

How “qi” develops 87

System of exercises in the style “And everything went to…” 88

Semi-recumbent poses 88





Seated poses 89




Standing poses 91




Movement exercises 93




I really liked everything 94

Why, by sending everything to... we enter the Ideal Spiritual Path 94

I hope we meet again 95

Dedicated to my boys Leone and Arco, masters of Fuck It behavior on this planet (just don't say those words out loud, boys).

Translator's Preface

If only there were signs in the world that said “Do you want to live freely? Ask me how” (maybe, of course, they exist, but in our area we have not yet come across them), then all people would be divided into five approximately equal groups. Some would wear these badges in order to be able to give advice even to those who don’t ask. Others would put them on so they could glare contemptuously at those who asked. Still others would pursue the “iconists,” bombarding them with questions. A fourth would secretly idolize the “lucky” badge holders and would be afraid not only to ask a question, but even to approach them, and a fifth...

And still others would not even know about the existence of the first four groups, or even the icons themselves. Although no, having noticed such a badge, some of them would gladly pin it on their bag or on their clothes, but so - excuse the involuntary pun - “for fun”, in order to “have a good laugh.”

And all because they are the ones who “live freely.” They, unlike representatives of the first four categories, are not pressured by the desire to dominate others, nor by the desire to appear better than they really are, nor by the desire for endless self-improvement, nor by fears and complexes. They simply live, being in the flow of life. And after all, we all managed to live like this in childhood and adolescence, but then most of us gave in under the pressure of life and lost this talent.

Returning to the fifth group is quite easy. The author of this book did it himself and is ready to help us achieve the same result. You just need to stop “burdening” yourself and those around you and step onto the Ideal Spiritual Path, learning to pronounce the sacred modern mantra: Fuck It.

It’s much easier for our English-speaking friends to do this, because their little Fuck It simply has to be more universal and multi-hued, and our “great and mighty” is ready to provide a separate phrase of varying degrees of censorship for any of these shades. We may “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care about the lantern” or “don’t care about the lamp”, we can “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care”, “forget about everything”...

Therefore, we decided to simply not limit your freedom and leave Fuck It without translation where the meaning, power and shades of this expression will be explained (“Foreword” and “Prelude”). And then replace it with our dear, super-universal “Wouldn’t it all go to...” (in short, “send to...”), which you, if desired and necessary, can replace with your favorite and most suitable for each of the described cases magical expression of a similar content.

Many remember the catchphrases from the Roshchinsky play (and then the Moscow Art Theater performance, and then the beloved film) “Old New Year”: “Rest, Sing.” This phrase also perfectly conveys the essence of the Fuck It philosophy itself and suggests how one should approach life, and this book, and the jokes, and the good-natured lies of the author, and even his advice.

In a word, “rest, Sing.” Relax and get as much pleasure from reading this book as the author got from writing it, and your humble servant got from working on the translation... And then everything stated below will help you subsequently get much more pleasure from life.

And if you are offended by the title of the book or outraged by the ideas presented in it, then just send it to... both the author and everyone who worked on the Russian edition. We don’t feel sorry, because even in this case, the Fuck It philosophy still worked, and you, by sending us all away, have already taken the first step along the Ideal Spiritual Path...

Dmitry Kulikov


Fuck It - I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind... I wanted to give this book the best introduction possible, because it deserves it. I had already begun to flirt intellectually about this topic, and then suddenly I stopped and realized what I was doing: a preface to a book with such a cheeky and arrogant title as Fuck It. So why think about it?

The keys to liberation are universal and very simple: disconnect from all the stories you tell yourself about life and who you are or should become, and you will immediately feel omnipotent, unimpeded and majestic, as any divine being should be. , an omnipotent being who knows no obstacles.

To achieve this, you need a willingness to relax and give a damn about everything. And not just once, but again and again, because the part of your consciousness that is addicted to these stories and identifies with them is a sly fox, and it will cling to its habits with all its might.

To give up on everything, you need to give your consciousness a command, and one with which it can identify and which will awaken a spontaneous feeling of freedom. And what team could be better than Fuck It? At the moment of uttering these vulgarly expressive words, you become one with all the rebels who have ever lived in this world, with all the great liberators of this world, with every outcast who has ever gone against the grain... you find freedom... and in this freedom of yours you gain natural greatness.

Dedicated to my boys Leone and Arco, masters of Fuck It behavior on this planet (just don't say those words out loud, boys).


Fuck It. The Ultimate Spiritual Way

Translation from English D. Kulikova

Decor P. Petrova

© 2008 by John Parkin. Originally published in 2008 by Hay House UK. Tune into Hay House broadcasting at: www.hayhouseradio.com(in Russian)

© Kulikov D. A., translation, 2009

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2011

Translator's Preface

If only there were signs in the world that said “Do you want to live freely? Ask me how” (maybe, of course, they exist, but in our area we have not yet come across them), then all people would be divided into five approximately equal groups. Some would wear these badges in order to be able to give advice even to those who don’t ask. Others would put them on so they could glare contemptuously at those who asked. Still others would pursue the “iconists,” bombarding them with questions. A fourth would secretly idolize the “lucky” badge holders and would be afraid not only to ask a question, but even to approach them, and a fifth...

And still others would not even know about the existence of the first four groups, or even the icons themselves. Although no, having noticed such a badge, some of them would gladly pin it on their bag or clothes, but just like that - excuse the involuntary pun - “for fun”, in order to “have a good laugh.”

And all because they are the ones who “live freely.” They, unlike representatives of the first four categories, are not pressured by the desire to dominate others, nor by the desire to appear better than they really are, nor by the desire for endless self-improvement, nor by fears and complexes. They simply live, being in the flow of life. And after all, we all managed to live like this in childhood and adolescence, but then most of us gave in under the pressure of life and lost this talent.

Returning to the fifth group is quite easy. The author of this book did it himself and is ready to help us achieve the same result. You just need to stop “burdening” yourself and those around you and step onto the Ideal Spiritual Path, learning to pronounce the sacred modern mantra: Fuck It.

It’s much easier for our English-speaking friends to do this, because their little Fuck It simply has to be more universal and multi-hued, and our “great and mighty” is ready to provide a separate phrase of varying degrees of censorship for any of these shades. We may “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care about the lantern” or “don’t care about the lamp”, we can “don’t give a damn”, “don’t care”, “forget about everything”...

Therefore, we decided to simply not limit your freedom and leave Fuck It without translation where the meaning, power and shades of this expression will be explained (“Foreword” and “Prelude”). And then replace it with our dear, super-universal “Wouldn’t it all go to ...” (in short, “send to ...”), which you, if desired and necessary, can replace with your favorite and most suitable for each of the described cases with a magical expression of the same content.

Many remember the catchphrases from the Roshchinsky play (and then the Moscow Art Theater performance, and then the beloved film) “Old New Year”: “Rest, Sing.” This phrase also perfectly conveys the essence of the Fuck It philosophy itself and suggests how one should approach life, and this book, and the jokes, and the good-natured lies of the author, and even his advice.

In a word, “rest, Sing.” Relax and get as much pleasure from reading this book as the author got from writing it, and your humble servant got from working on the translation... And then everything stated below will help you subsequently get much more pleasure from life.

And if you are offended by the title of the book or outraged by the ideas presented in it, then just send it to... both the author and everyone who worked on the Russian edition. We don’t feel sorry, because even in this case, the Fuck It philosophy still worked, and you, by sending us all away, have already taken the first step along the Ideal Spiritual Path...

Dmitry Kulikov


Fuck It - I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind... I wanted to give this book the best introduction possible, because it deserves it. I had already begun to flirt intellectually about this topic, and then suddenly I stopped and realized what I was doing: a preface to a book with such a cheeky and arrogant title as Fuck It. So what is there to think about here?

The keys to liberation are universal and very simple: disconnect from all the stories you tell yourself about life and who you are or should become, and you will immediately feel more omnipotent, unimpeded and majestic, as any divine should. , an omnipotent being who knows no obstacles.

To achieve this, you need a willingness to relax and give a damn about everything. And not just once, but again and again, because the part of your consciousness that is addicted to these stories and identifies with them is a sly fox, and it will cling to its habits with all its might.

To give up on everything, you need to give your consciousness a command, and one with which it can identify and which will awaken a spontaneous feeling of freedom. And what team could be better than Fuck It? At the moment of uttering these vulgarly expressive words, you become one with all the rebels who have ever lived in this world, with all the great liberators of this world, with every outcast who has ever gone against the grain... you find freedom... and in this freedom of yours you gain natural greatness.

John and I are kindred spirits... I am inspired by him and his brilliant book Fuck It... I consider it a very important contribution to human history.

Barefoot Doctor

(estimates: 1 , average: 1,00 out of 5)

Title: Life according to the principle “Send everything to...”. An unconventional path to complete happiness
Author: John Parkin
Year: 2012
Genre: Self-improvement, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Psychotherapy and counseling, Personal growth, Foreign psychology

About the book “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...”. The Unconventional Path to Total Happiness John Parkin

Sometimes, in order to achieve your goal, you need to sacrifice something. Of course, today it is very problematic to meet a person who is worried about what others will think and whether they will be comfortable with your actions, because everyone cares exclusively about themselves, about their desires and needs. But still, sometimes you need to send everything to... in order to get what you have dreamed of for so long.

John Parkin in his book “Life by the principle of “Send everything to...”. An unconventional path to complete happiness” motivates readers to act, but does it so positively that there is no difficulty in perceiving the information or even its rejection.

Moreover, detailed comics allow you to delve even deeper into the meaning of what is written, but with humor. Today there are many books that are aimed at motivating readers, forcing them to act and understand how a person should act in certain situations. But often the text is written too formally, there is a lot of information that is very difficult to comprehend and remember.

The book “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...”. An unconventional path to complete happiness” is written in a different language that everyone can understand – humorous. It immediately lifts your spirits and immediately makes you want to change and change everything around you.

In the book, John Parkin wants to convey to readers one important truth - you need to set your priorities correctly. Sacrificing something unimportant to get more. This way you can move forward faster, get exactly what you want in the shortest possible time.

Thanks to the book “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...”. A non-standard path to complete happiness” you will be able to look at yourself and your life in a completely different way. You will finally decide to do something that you never dared to do, but that was necessary for your success and happiness.

John Parkin offers his theoretical basis on how to get the most out of life, how to change correctly and change everything around you. At the same time, he does not forget that such information will be easier and faster to digest if it is presented in a simple form, decorated with pictures and comics.

The book “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...”. A non-standard path to complete happiness" will appeal to everyone. This is excellent motivational literature that can work real miracles. In addition, it is very easy and interesting to read, because John Parkin presented the material in an unusual form - humorous.

We recommend John Parkin's book to everyone who wants to recharge themselves with positivity, enjoy life every day and not worry about trifles. If you lack the courage to commit any action, to achieve the impossible, this literature will help you take the first step towards meeting your dreams and plans.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Life according to the principle of “Send everything to...”. An unconventional path to complete happiness" by John Parkin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Life by the principle of “Send everything to...” by John Parkin. An unconventional path to complete happiness"

It is completely natural for us to form patterns of behavior, strengthen networks of neural pathways, create habits for ourselves and turn them into prisons. And for this reason, the conscious desire to overcome habits is one of the elements of the “Send everything to...” Therapy. We are able to change the configuration of neural pathways in our heads.

Mindfulness is a constant examination of what is happening, as well as an honest recognition of what is. This means that you accept facts no matter how unpleasant they are.

The concept of energy is difficult to accept by definition because energy is invisible, permeates everything and is constantly changing. For many reasons it is difficult to grasp. Like God, essentially. And maybe energy and God are ultimately the same thing.

Resistance is futile. Step out into reality as it is. Just the way she is. Don't bother her with fighting, resisting, judging, questioning, planning, or learning lessons, don't see it as a higher plan or a great goal. Move the transmission lever to neutral.
Imagine someone with a very “Fuck it…” spirit. And before you will be someone who is able to neutralize things of his own free will, just as a Jedi warrior can deal with anyone using his power. In fact, “neutralize” is the very first way to use “force.” Just don't go to the dark side.

The Universe says, “You know, so many people just whine about what I give them, even if I send diamonds. And I’m thinking, to hell with it, I’ll reward those who appreciate my work.”
When we are grateful, we effectively send away... all the things that upset us and cause us to lament.

Fully experienced emotions go away faster than emotions that are half suppressed, half resolved, or even completely hidden.

This is an organic, living process, this is life - by definition. Only we ourselves are trying to fix everything, redo it, improve it. But life does not lend itself to this. Life is constantly changing, it is absolutely dynamic, rough, imperfect, unpredictable. Life is not just about calm, balance, consistency, classification, predictability, perfection and reliability. It's also everything else.

Imagine being able to live in the present moment and act very effectively without regard to previous reactions, thoughts and stereotypes.

When you think less, or at least fixate less on your old thoughts, you will have space: space for those things that are not based on the mind (like feelings), space for quiet daydreams (like those children have when they stare into space). emptiness), space to let something new into your life (you won’t filter everything based on programmed criteria). You will become more flexible and softer, you will hear yourself and others better, you will learn to better adapt, change and accept things as they are. You will become more tolerant, open and friendly.

We will go nowhere without understanding what the essence of the matter is, because it was not there in the first place.

Nikita/ 08/21/2016 I didn’t finish reading, I realized that if you relax endlessly, you can lose control over yourself. The book was bad...

Denis/ 12/5/2015 I just read it in one sitting. The book is worth the investment
time, it gives such relaxation that you will not get even after a massage. Sending all your problems, fears, goals and plans, it turns out to be so nice. I fucked up my diet and for the first time (in 10 years) imagine eating food without feeling guilty about what I eat. You know, the most surprising thing is that I don’t overeat as much as I thought, but eat as much as I need.

kiko5577/ 08/28/2015 good book! thanks to the author!

Amilius/ 06/16/2014 A. Kurpatov: “It is naive to think that we exist in the world of physical objects - airplanes and ships, telephones and telegraphs, solid and liquid bodies. We live in a world of meanings, ideas, ideas, words and their vague meanings.” The book “Send Everything to...” is exactly about this - about the meanings and ideas that limit and suppress a person and his possibilities for self-expression in life, interaction with the world - and that they are not a death sentence for a person, because in his the power to erase them from your life and replace them with more productive and joyful ones. Great book!

Mira/ 06/12/2014 I’m glad that someone else compared this book with Zealand’s theory! excellent book, there are simply no words. I am grateful to the author. When there is some problem (I start to worry about something), I remember it, open the right chapter, re-read it and tell the problem to hell!

Henry/ 10/19/2013 Friends! The book is great. It was correctly written above that many people suggest relaxing the body first, and then the mind. Here, on the contrary, the mind relaxes and the body relaxes automatically, and this is absolutely fair))) I re-read it for the third time in a week and it relaxes each time. Everyone will take something different from this book.

Kostya Bishkeksky/ 08/09/2013 I didn’t like it! It’s nonsense in my opinion..

Olya/ 05/30/2013 The book is super! After reading it, my mood immediately improves. Everything is simple and easy. Although Zeland wrote the same thing, only in 3 books. I had a desire to find the author and kiss him).

Olesya/ 07/29/2012 It’s very difficult to really sincerely ignore the situation without hoping and without looking back

Marina/ 06/28/2012 I love this book!
All the Zealands and Sviyashis are just relaxing with their verbiage.

Mike/ 05/15/2012 Quote: “I’m very sorry to have to tell you this, but, as a rule, we can’t do anything about most of the things that irritate us in life.” Not quite like that for Zeeland

Dmitry/ 04/09/2012 Read. Hooked. There are very few books where they write the essence, without water and snot. This book is just the essence.

Vladimir/ 02/12/2012 and sent without finishing!!!

Dina/ 01/31/2011 I also noticed that the lifestyle proposed in this book and the essence of Zeeland’s theory of transsurfing are based on identical principles - relax, reset the significance of meanings, become an observer, interact correctly with pendulums (since there is no escape from them), however, everything that Zeland said in five main books fits into one here. But the main advantage of this book is not the smaller volume of content compared to transsurfing, although this is also a very important point, and not a confusing, very specific and convincing in its simplicity presentation of the material. In fact, the application of the “let’s go” philosophy in life is based on the observance of one rule that is understandable to anyone, and Zealand’s concept for its effectiveness requires at least a dozen attitudes, each of which requires separate understanding. Considering the purpose of writing both books - to help a person become happy, Parkin's simplicity "rules"!