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Chicken shawarma calories 1 pc. How many calories are in shawarma? need vegetable shawarma

Shawarma is a dish with a very long history, which was first invented in Eastern countries many centuries ago. Its main advantage is its speed of preparation and satiety, which is why the dish has become so popular all over the world.

This is a fairly common dish that came to us from the East. Its preparation does not require much time or any special products. Essentially, it is a flatbread in which various ingredients are wrapped: meat, vegetables, herbs and sauces.

It quickly eliminates hunger and promotes a rapid increase in muscle mass. Traditionally, beef or lamb is used to prepare it. After grilling, the meat is cut into thin strips and soaked in meat juice, so it turns out juicy.

The nutritional value

Fans of this food are often interested in the question: how many calories does it contain? The nutritional value depends entirely on the ingredients, including meat and sauce. The average calorie content of shawarma with pork is about 254 kcal/100g, which is significantly higher than if the filling were chicken.

With a relatively low energy value, the dish contains too much fat per 100 g:

  • calorie content - 254 kcal
  • proteins - 7.4 g
  • fats - 15.8 g
  • carbohydrates - 21 g


It is worth noting that different meats can be used for its preparation - pork, beef, and even chicken. However, the original cooking recipe does not involve the use of pork. This dish has an excellent taste and can be beneficial if you cook it yourself at home. Thus, the lean dough from which the flatbread is made saturates the body with carbohydrates and fiber. The former provide energy, and fiber is necessary for good functioning of the digestive tract. The cake also contains vitamins A, PP, E, and some minerals.

Pork is a source of protein, it is quickly digested and contributes to the normal development of muscle tissue. By consuming such meat, a person will gain excellent resistance to stress and will always be in a good mood.

The vegetables that make up shawarma are also a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.


But it is worth remembering that a dish bought on the street can do more harm than good, as it is often prepared without following sanitary rules. In addition, the ingredients in this case may be spoiled and expired. Therefore, there is a high risk of getting an intestinal disease and even serious poisoning.

For those on a diet

Those who want to lose weight should not overuse shawarma with pork, as this is a very high-calorie dish. You can eat it occasionally in small quantities, preferably in the first half of the day, so that you have time to burn off calories.

How to reduce calories

To further reduce the energy value, meat should be taken with a minimum fat content (choose lean)

You can use sour cream and garlic sauce or yogurt as a sauce, replacing fatty and high-calorie mayonnaise. Or you can add low-fat mayonnaise.

In addition, the flatbread in which the filling is wrapped can also be different. To get the least amount of calories, it is best to take lean Armenian lavash made from barley flour. In this case, the shawarma will be tasty, nutritious, but not so harmful to health.

Irregular consumption of 150 g does not affect the figure, so the food can be consumed without fear even by those who strictly monitor calories.

12/19/2012 CatSy

The topic of our today's publication will be a product that is far from dietary products such as shawarma, but many people like this dish.

And perhaps that is why many are interested in the question of what shawarma has a calorific value and whether there is any benefit for this vessel.

The calorie content of Shawarma is important primarily for those who are trying to track their weight, but at the same time are forced to eat using fast food.

Shawarma, also called Shawarma, Shawarma or Döner Kebab in different countries, is a Middle Eastern dish (probably of Turkish origin) that consists of pita bread or pita bread and is filled with minced fried meat with sauces, various spices and a salad of fresh vegetables.

Almost any meat is suitable for fast food: lamb, pork, beef, turkey or chicken fillet are placed in it. Although in some countries, according to national culinary traditions, certain types of meat are added to shawarma: for example, in Libya, Turkey and other Muslim countries - lamb or camel meat, and in Israel - turkey or chicken.

Shawarma meat is fried on special equipment and using special technologies. The meatloaf, marinated in a special sauce, is screwed onto a vertically rotating skewer, which is equipped with gas burners. When the meat is seared with a long knife, thin pieces are cut off to form the base for the Schawarma filling.

The salad consists of cabbage and Korean carrots in winter and cucumber-tomato salad in summer. In Russian Shawarma, mayonnaise and ketchup are used as sauces; in some regions of the country, mayonnaise is replaced with sour cream or kefir with garlic and herbs.

The herbs in this dish are plentiful - dill, parsley, coriander, green onions and garlic.

In addition to green in shawarma, there are many spices: turmeric, cumin, red and black pepper, since the dish, or its original version, should be fiery hot.

If lean meat is used to prepare shawarma and all hygiene standards are observed, then it can be, although not very healthy, at least not harmful food, so it is better to give preference to shawarma prepared at home.

If you decide to make your own shawarma, follow a few simple tips. Choose low-fat diet mayonnaise.

The safest and healthiest thing is to fry in refined olives, sunflowers or melted butter. Otherwise, at high temperatures, dangerous carcinogens may be formed as a result of combustion.

A grill pan is very useful for preparing this dish. Try adding more vegetables and herbs to the pan.

Benefits of Shawarma:

So what's good about shawarma? Shawarma is high in calories, and at the same time it contains a lot of animal proteins, which help increase muscle mass during training. It is quite obvious that the dish is not clearly shown to those who want to lose weight.

Homemade Sharma will be useful if there is a deficiency of animal fats and proteins in food, as well as for people who are forced to limit themselves to such nutrition.

The product contains fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, vegetable and animal fats, proteins, carbohydrates. A limited number of meals are recommended for schoolchildren.

Shawarma can be an absolutely normal, relatively healthy food if it is properly prepared, made from fresh ingredients and meets all health and safety standards.

For example, grilled meat is much healthier than meat fried in hot oil, although the meatloaf has layers of fat and uses a large chunk of fat in its original form.

Chicken, turkey and veal are considered dietary meat.

Please note that the tortilla has a shelf life of 12 hours. When using Schawarma, high-calorie and unhealthy mayonnaise can be replaced with kefir or sour cream garlic sauce, and ketchup is usually replaced with freshly prepared tomato sauce.

By the way, mayonnaise and ketchup, in principle, do not turn into real Shawarma; this innovation was invented by Shawarma dealers on the domestic market.

Adding various herbs and fresh vegetables can be a very healthy and tasty product from Schawarma, which not only does not add extra calories, but also strengthens the body’s immunity, replenishes it with missing vitamins and microelements, and spices are generally natural antibiotics.

Thus we have achieved the nutritional value of this product. So, how many calories are in shawarma? And here's how many there are:

The calorie content of Shawarma is about 250 kcal per 100 grams of product.

But this figure is ideal, and purchased shawarma can contain much more calories. Since purchased shawarma may contain a lot of fat and salt, you are contributing to weight gain. The worst part, however, is that such a product is often produced without hygienic standards.

What is the calorific value of shawarma obtained in various ways? But this one:

Calorie table for Shawarma, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of shawarma prepared in various ways is as follows:

Shawarma nutritional value table (NTG), per 100 grams of product:

How can I prepare this dish myself? Here is one of the recipes:

How to make shawarma at home:

Particularly popular among locals is the chicken shawarma with lava capsules, Korean carrots and raw white cabbage with mayonnaise and ketchup. It can be prepared at home and is usually quick to prepare.

  • Lavash – 1 article
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2 pieces
  • Chicken – 200 gr.
  • Korean carrots – 150 gr.
  • Cabbage – 150 gr.
  • Mushrooms – 150 gr.
  • grated cheese – 80 gr.
  • Ketchup and mayonnaise taste.
  • The salt tastes good.
  • Black pepper tastes earthy
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Wash and dry the cabbage. Sinkut thin straw, salt and push-ups.

Chicken meat is washed, dried, cut into small pieces and fried in oil in a well-heated frying pan. Salt and glove.

Place the pita bread on a flat surface, place the fried meat, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms, cut into strips along the edge. Then they put in Korean carrots and cabbage.

Ketchup is combined with mayonnaise and grated cheese to create a sauce.

Pour the filling with sauce and wrap the pita bread in an envelope. Then heat the shawarma on both sides in a well-heated frying pan. And serve. Eat, but without fanaticism, if you want to maintain a thin figure, because the calorie content in Shawarma is quite high.

Source: http://prokalorijnost.ru/shaurma-kalorijnost-i-polza

How many calories are in chicken shawarma? 100 g contains approximately 175 kcal. But who said that good shawarma weighs only 100 g? The usual section size is 390 g.

So how many calories are in one? About 620 kcal. Again, if you take ready-made chicken fillet, you will get about 158 ​​kcal per 100 grams.

If you have smoked chicken, Shawarma with this chicken provides 195 calories per 100 gram serving.

And if it's pork hamarma, how many calories are there? About 260 kcal per 100 g. The lowest calorie content was shawarma with beef - 133 kcal. But this is very rare in the assortment of street fast food. Is it possible to reduce the calorie content of food? It looks like it.

Finally, along with meat, which is said to be the main ingredient, it is used in mayonnaise, ketchup and Schawarma mustard. In 100 g of normal mayonnaise, for example, up to 680 kcal. However, this share does not fit into this amount. Still, the upside is that the resulting product is appetizing and nutritious.

By the way, the quality of lava can also affect the number of calories in chicken, pork or beef shawarma.

How do you cook?

It's no secret that this dish is in the making. If you've ever bought shawarma from a tray, the entire portioning process took place before your eyes. To dilute the taste of the filling, you can use all available ingredients:

  • White cabbage;
  • fresh or canned cucumbers;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • Korean carrots;
  • Herbs, lettuce leaves;
  • Onions (fresh or pickled);
  • Cheese (various types of cheese);
  • Mushrooms (marinated or fried);
  • Garlic;
  • French fries;
  • pickled beets;
  • Canned corn;
  • Crab pillars;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Sour cream, mayonnaise or other dressings such as pesto or guacamole.

Each ingredient has its own energy value. If you look at the composition as a whole, it is quite balanced. Meat provides proteins and fats, vegetables provide carbohydrates. The latter also contain many vitamins.

Similarities to Shawarma can be found in the cuisines of some eastern countries. Dener kebab, shawarma, even burritos are the same shawarma.

In Muslim countries, camel and lamb are used instead of the usual shrimp and pig, while Israelis add turkey or chicken.

You can make fish shawarma by, for example, smoking smoked salmon or canned tuna or whatever. In addition, the emphasis is on spices and spices that give the dish an original taste and aroma.

The packaging of Shawarma - Lavash - is also different. Typically, a thin sheet of starvation dough is Armenian lavash. He only needs wheat flour, water and a pinch of salt to make it. By the way, the calorific value is 275 kcal per 100 g. Barley flour reduces the calorific value to 218 calories.

But Georgian lavash or larger tortillas, in addition to the mentioned water, flour and salt, yeast is added to the dough. It is noteworthy that both Armenian and Georgian lava pods are baked without adding oil. They are ideal as “dietary bread”. However, it should not be overused.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken shawarma based on Armenian “Lavash”.

Let's look at the simplest recipe for making chicken shawarma. For one serving you need the following ingredients:

  • Lava sheet – 1 piece – approx. 50 gr;
  • cooked chicken breast – 50 g;
  • Korean carrots, 50 gr;
  • fresh tomatoes, 10 g;
  • fresh cucumber, 20 grams;
  • Classic mayonnaise – 20 g.


  1. The chicken should be cooked in lightly salted water. The finished fillet is cooled and chopped into thin strips.
  2. Fresh vegetables are washed and cut into pieces. Tomatoes are thin pieces, preferably with half rings. Cucumbers sew straws.
  3. Place all ingredients into donuts.

    This will help you choose as many as you need.

  4. Turn the lava disk horizontally on your kitchen countertop.
  5. Step away from the edge and put on some mayonnaise.
  6. Now the finished products are stacked in layers: Chicken, carrots, cucumber and tomatoes.

    You can grab some mayonnaise between shifts.

  7. Now we will bring it to an end. Wrap the top and bottom edges first, then fill like a roll into a pita. Be very careful as the lava disk is thin enough to penetrate.
  8. Place the corrugated lava capsule in a sandwich bowl for a few minutes to give it a nice crust. Or you can grill both sides (without adding oil). Or you can enjoy it with a tray of olive oil. Who likes him as much as you do.

He will hang this bowl at 200 grams. And your body gets about 350 kcal.

Chicken shawarma is perfect for lunch. Immediately meat, salad, and a piece of “bread”.

A little small? Then there is another chicken shawarma recipe.


  • Chicken breast;
  • cabbage – fresh white cabbage;
  • Cucumber;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Garlic tooth;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Ketchup;
  • Armenian lavash.


  1. We will do this with meat, as in the previous recipe.
  2. Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut in the same way. Cabbage is finely chopped. It will take some time.
  3. Garlic is pressed into mayonnaise.
  4. Sauces can be mixed or used separately.
  5. I'm collecting shawarma. Place ketchup on a sheet of lava sponge.

    Then cabbage, chicken, and other vegetables. Don't forget the mayonnaise garlic sauce.

  6. Let's roll up the caster angle.
  7. Typically, the bowl is gently heated in a frying pan or microwave before use.

One serving of this recipe will be about 350-400 grams.

But the calorie content in such shawarma with chicken will be less - 150-160 kcal per 100 grams.

Recipe with pork and cheese


  • Fried pork;
  • Pita;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • Cucumber;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking is not much different from previous recipes. The cheese should be grated and mixed with mayonnaise. The layer starts with cabbage, then with meat and other vegetables. Mayonnaise cheese sauce is added between layers.

Would you like to know how many calories are in one serving of pork and Shawarma cheese? About 600 calories. About half of them are 100 gr.

The first thing that comes to mind is that fast food ruins your figure! If they are consumed uncontrollably, any food becomes harmful, although it is necessary to maintain the vitality of the body.

This is how our body receives from shawarma: animal proteins and fats, vegetable carbohydrates, fiber. In general, the composition of the drug is quite acceptable for increasing muscle mass. The dish contains fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and cholesterol. Therefore, even schoolchildren can eat in moderation.

The benefit for the body is determined by the quantity and quality of healthy foods. Compliance with technological cooking processes and hygienic standards minimizes the harmful properties of fast food. Focus on vegetables and herbs, use less sauce, and choose lean meats. This makes the dish tasty and relatively healthy.

Stomach damage can be caused by purchasing shawarma of questionable quality from street vendors. Urgent dry foods on the street also do not contribute to normal digestion.

Inappropriate consumption of fast food can affect the cardiovascular system and cause problems with the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

We are not talking about extra centimeters in the waist due to excessive love for street food.

Source: http://LadySpecial.ru/zdorovie/pitanie/kalorijnost-produktov/skolko-kalorij-v-shaurme

How many calories does shawarma contain?

Fast food certainly tastes amazing, but such foods are unhealthy. This truth also applies to Shawarma. If your desire to eat is irresistible, try eating it instead of a full breakfast, but only in extreme cases.

Shawarma includes meat, low-calorie vegetables, lava pods and sauce, the recipe includes a harmless set of ingredients. However, this dish is considered one of the most harmful to the body. Let's consider the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the form of 100 grams of ready-made meals:

  1. Shawarma with cooked chicken, carrots, cucumber, cabbage and lava foam tomatoes – 9.0/8.8/14.5 g.
  2. homemade food – 9.1/11.0/16.1g
  3. Chicken, cabbage and other vegetables – 7.1/3.3/24.6 gr.
  4. Vegetables with zucchini, lettuce, red onion and light mayonnaise instead of sauce – 3.7/3.6/20.7 g.
  5. With pork and cheese – 9.0/24.4/13.3 g.
  6. Shawarma with Cherry9rakuo tomatoes, salad, chicken and thermostatic yogurt – 5.4/3.3/10.9 gr.
  7. boiled beef, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce – 8.7/4.2/16.5 gr.
  8. Light shawarma with chicken, cabbage, natural yogurt and cabbage in a wheat tortilla – 13.52/3.3/11.8 g.
  9. With chicken without sauce – 14.1/5.2/11.9 g.
  10. With sausage – 6.5/11.5/15.1 g.

High-calorie Shawarma with chicken in a lava capsule

Unfortunately, the nutritional value of this dish is very high. Therefore, it has no place on the list of dietary products. Indicators depend on the ingredients contained in food products. Below are some values ​​that show how many calories in acute form per 100 grams of product:

  1. With poultry and vegetables, 174.7 kcal.
  2. At home with chicken, vegetables, sour cream and herbs – 199.8.
  3. Bread buns with poultry, cabbage and vegetables – 158 kcal.
  4. Vegetable Hall, 131.1.
  5. With pork, 309.9 pieces.
  6. Roll with chicken, tomatoes “Cherry9rakuo”; and yogurt – 96.3 kcal.
  7. With beef and vegetables – 139.3 pcs.
  8. Just with tortilla and chicken, 131.1 kcal.
  9. Chicken, cheese without sauce, 154.4 pieces.
  10. With sausage and vegetables – 189.8 kcal.

A dish called “Shavarma” has recently found its place in our diet. It originated from the Middle East, where it was a traditional food item for centuries. In different Arab countries it may be called differently - Shawarma, denier kebab, kebab, kebab, kebab, shawarma, shawarma, shawarma, kebab, shawarma... A. But regardless of the name, Shawarma is a tablet packed in meat and vegetables.

In our daily life, shawarma has taken the form of a fast food dish. There are many places that sell shawarma, even in small towns. Many of us use such sockets because they Shawarma is a delicious and quick snack.
. The price for this court is also quite affordable. But many doubt the healthfulness of such snacks.

Let's see how bad or good this food is, how often you can eat Schawarma and how such snacks affect the performance of the scale.

Traditionally, lamb, beef or chicken are used to prepare shawarma.
. Most countries where this dish is a national dish are Muslim, so pork is not used there.

The meat is first fried on vertical spindles using a grill, and then cut into thin pieces on a skewer with a special knife.

In the form of Shawarma pie. with pita bread or pita bread.. Cooked meat can be wrapped in flat bread with various vegetables:

Garlic or tomato sauce is also used.

How high in calories such a food can be depends on the meat.
which forms the basis of the dish and the fat content of the sauce used in cooking.

Since we do not follow the traditions of Muslim countries and Shawarma is also prepared with pork, we also consider the calorific value of this dish.

The calorie content of Shawarma with pork is 259 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Shawarma can also be prepared at home. Finally, in this case we will protect ourselves in terms of cleanliness and food preparation standards, but, on the other hand, try to make this dish less calorie.

For cooking, we need oil-fried chicken meat and vegetables that you prefer. For example, you can use chopped cabbage, Korean carrots, pickled cucumbers (cut into strips). Meat and vegetables should be wrapped in a piece of lava with grated cheese and mayonnaise or ketchup sauce.

The energy value of chicken shawarma is 174.7 kcal per 100 g of product.

The prepared lava shell is placed in a pan and heated into the pan. That's it - homemade shawarma is ready to use!

High-calorie Shawarma without mayonnaise

If during cooking, replace fried chicken with boiled meat and use low-fat sour cream instead of mayonnaise.
Along the way, we will get a healthier and lower calorie version of our favorite dish.


100 g of Shawarma without mayonnaise contains only 110 kcal.

But from time to time, you can cook delicious food at home.

Eggs are a popular and affordable food that is often used in therapeutic diets and diets or eaten only for breakfast. Its calorie content is very low: 100 grams contain 157 kcal. A raw egg.

White chicken meat has long been a leader in the list of dietary and healthy products. It can be used to prepare not only healthy, but also very tasty dishes. The file can be baked.

Almost everyone loves ice cream: children and adults will not refuse to eat it. Among the many types of this delicacy, everyone will find something to suit their taste. Ice cream may be a dairy product.

It is impossible to underestimate the benefits of fish for the human body. Many of us remember such bad but beneficial fish oil. Previously, Thursday was mandatory in Soviet canteens for a reason.

Saithe fish has gained popularity among hosts because it is available and inexpensive all year round. The calorie content of 100 grams of fresh fish is only 72 calories. Almost all seafood.

Attention, just now!

Source: http://chaygrib.ru/skolko-kalorij-v-shaurme/

How many calories are in shawarma: how to make a dietary product

Fast food and bakery products

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Shawarma has a lot of calories, which were mostly bought at the kiosk. To make sure it's not that harmful, you can make it at home.

In this case, the meat can be stewed with low-fat mayonnaise and not fried, preferring natural sauces, sour cream and adjectives.

It is best to warm up in a sandwich bowl and take dietary meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal. Street food should be completely avoided.

Shawarma is hardly a food ingredient, it is high in calories, and what you buy on the street can be dangerous. But if you follow all hygiene standards and put the right products in the bowl, you can get good results (but not daily use).

Shawarma has different names in different regions: Shawarma, Dener Kebab, etc. Its composition differs, but the most important ones are: Lavash or pita bread, sauces, meat (pork, chicken, beef), fresh or pickled vegetables. The latter may include: Korean carrots, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

Almost any meat can be cooked, depending on your wishes. Its calorific value depends on it. In accordance with the culinary traditions of different countries, you add a certain type of meat: in Muslim countries it is lamb or camel meat, in Israel it is chicken or turkey.

The beets are first dipped in the sauce and, after marinating, screwed onto a vertical skewer around which gas burners are secured. During the roasting process, thin pieces of meat are cut off and often moistened with runny fat.

In addition to fresh vegetables in winter, you prefer Korean carrots, pickled cucumbers and cabbage; in summer, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. They can be added upon request:

  • French fries;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Corn;
  • Green.

Add sauces to vegetables and meat: ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic sauce, mustard, adjika.

This product contains a lot of animal fats and proteins, which help build muscle mass during training. It is contraindicated for those who are on a diet to lose weight.

If a person consumes few vegetables, he can benefit from this product. There are people who don't really like vegetables.

Homemade shawarma will be the healthiest dish compared to other fast foods.

The product contains fat-soluble vitamins, cholesterol, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, microelements, proteins and carbohydrates. Limited amounts are considered beneficial for schoolchildren.

Shawarma can also be prepared nutritionally. Instead of mayonnaise, use a low-fat version or sour cream. Instead of pork or beef - chicken, turkey, rabbit. The original shawarma does not contain ketchup and mayonnaise, but it contains a lot of herbs and vegetables. In such conditions, Shawarma can be considered a healthy dish.

Its calorific value is about 250 kcal per 100 grams. However, it should be noted that this is an average. Purchased Schawarma is significantly lower in calories, especially if its production did not meet established standards and sanitary standards.

Energy value depends on the type of meat:

The healthiest thing is shawarma, which is prepared at home. Of all types of meat, it is better to give preference to chicken.

To prepare the dish, you need to fry the chicken slices in vegetable oil. It can be stewed, in which case the taste does not deteriorate and the calorie content is reduced. You can bake it, but it will be a little dry. Add vegetables at your discretion: chopped raw cabbage, Korean carrots, pickled cucumbers, cut into strips.

Meat and vegetables are packed into lava pods and coated with sauce according to the instructions in the picture. When using mayonnaise with the lowest fat content, the calorie content in this peeling is about 170 kcal per 100 g. Without mayonnaise, it is even less. Shawarma made from cheese or potatoes has a slightly higher energy value.

How to properly wrap Shawarma.

The method of heating the chicken shawarma is also important. If you place pita bread in a frying pan with vegetable oil, it is less healthy than in an electric grill or in a sandwich bowl.

There is reason to believe that most of the street shawarma that can be bought in a tent consists of spoiled meat, and the fact is that, according to eyewitnesses, stall owners deliberately buy illiquid (unsalable) products because they are much cheaper. This does not apply to all shawarma sellers, but it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that the meat is fresh.

Shawarma prepared outside often contains pathogenic microorganisms if the conditions for its production were not met.
This product contains many calories from fat and mayonnaise and can cause obesity and intestinal diseases.

In order to choose a quality product, you need to pay attention to the documents available to the owner of the stand. The person preparing Shavarma should wear gloves and aprons for better service, and use disposable utensils (plates, napkins).

Having bundled vegetables and ground meat instead of whole pieces of meat must be a problem. In the second case, anything can be added: Cartilage, skin, bones, hair, soybeans, monosodium glutamate, etc.

Source: https://nadietu.net/dietary-products/fast-food/skolko-kalorij-v-shaurme.html

Calorie content of Shawarma and benefits or harm for weight loss

For many, Shawarma is a product that always helps, especially in situations where there is not enough time for proper nutrition. At the station, at the market or while changing clothes - available everywhere. The only question is how healthy and high-calorie it is. Let's see how it is used in dietetics and weight loss, and learn the classic recipe for its preparation.

Shawarma as a food product

It may not come to mind that Shawarma can be a dietary product because it is mainly associated with dishes containing a large amount of fat. In principle, this is true.

Those who prepare chicken shawarma, whether in pita bread or in pita bread, do not think about its calorific value, which cannot be said about homemade shawarma. In this case, you can monitor the cooking and the amount of fat used in this case. Also choose products that make regular shawarma a tasty dish, and above all, harmless.

Should you consider shawarma as a weight loss bowl? Some people will say that you won't find anything more harmful than it, while others will argue for it and say that those who love it can continue to use it just by making some changes to the ingredients.

Classic recipe for Shawarma

Shawarma with chicken, cabbage and Korean carrots, mayonnaise and ketchup is especially popular among those who love quick snacks.
The calorie content of 1 piece corresponds to 620 kilocalories.

Preparing this seemingly non-dietary dish does not take much time and is easy to remember.

You will need it for delicious shawarma:

  • thin lava foam - 1 piece;
  • Chicken fillet – 180 gr;
  • White cabbage – 100 g;
  • small cucumber (salted or pickled) – 1 pc.
  • small tomato - 1 piece.
  • Ketchup, two tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cooking chicken fillet - washed, discussed on a napkin and seasoned with pepper and salt, chicken fillet is fried until tender, left to cool and cut into plates;
  • The last step is to place the cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes on top of the greased lava sauce and chicken and then package everything up with the sides covered.

It will add a special flavor to the dish and fry it a little until it is crispy.

In this recipe, shawarma has the following properties per 100 grams of calorific value of the product is 250 kcal.

In this case, the calorie content in 1 serving of Shawarma is reduced by an order of magnitude, and the product remains tasty.

To prepare a dietary menu, you need to stock up on:

  • 150 grams of Greek yogurt;
  • 500 grams of chicken breast;
  • with two thin lava capsules;
  • with purple onion;
  • with two cucumbers;
  • with two sweet peppers;
  • with two tomatoes;
  • with a pinch of salt;
  • with two cloves of garlic;
  • with lots of fresh spinach.

All products are cut into pieces or strips, as in the classic recipe, but the pita bread is greased with low-fat yogurt and garlic, then spinach and the rest of the ingredients are layered on it.

The fact is that this recipe, as you can see, prepares Shawarma without mayonnaise and ketchup sauce, which reduces the amount its calorific value is only 148.1 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Recipe for shawarma in high-calorie pita bread.

Shawarma in lavash is no less tasty than lavash. The main thing is to put your soul into it.
Food needed to prepare the dish:

  • 150 g Korean carrots;
  • 150 grams of Korean cabbage;
  • two cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • small onion;
  • 200 gram chicken fillet;
  • Two tablespoons of ketchup;
  • Two tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • Parsley and dill to taste.

Chop cucumbers and tomatoes in small cubes, onion cabbage, greens - crush and mix. The meat, cut into cubes, should be fried with spices. Fill the half-reduced pita with meat and mixed vegetables and pour in mayonnaise and ketchup sauce.

Upon request, shawarma can be grilled in pita bread. Shawarma prepared according to this recipe has the following characteristics 205 kcal per 100 grams of product.

I need vegetable shawarma:

  • Pita;
  • Medium cabbage;
  • 150 g mushrooms;
  • 150 grams of Korean carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • regular eggplant;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • Two tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Diced mushrooms and eggplants are fried, then mixed with chopped cabbage and finely chopped tomatoes. After turning the lava capsule over, place the vegetables in the middle, pour mayonnaise on them and wrap them up. Ready Shawarma can be easily fried in a frying pan by adding a little oil.

This vegetarian shawarma will be small. The calorie content per 100 grams of product is only 131.1 kcal.

Do you agree that Shawarma can be not only a popular snack, but also healthy, unlike various fast foods. If you change only a small number of ingredients in the composition, you can get a very tasty dish.

Shawarma: how many calories are in 1 piece? And this depends on what ingredients are used to prepare one serving. The fast food dish, which can be purchased from a van on the street or cooked at home, is a mixture of meat, vegetables and sauces, wrapped in pita bread.

How many calories are in chicken shawarma? 100 g contains approximately 175 kcal. But who said that good shawarma weighs only 100 g? Regular serving sizes are 390g. So how many calories are in 1 piece? Approximately 620 kcal. Again, if you take boiled chicken fillet, you will get about 158 ​​kcal per 100 g. If you have smoked chicken, then shawarma with such chicken will give 195 calories for every 100 grams of serving.

And if shawarma is with pork, how many calories are there? Almost 260 kcal per 100 g. The lowest calorie was shawarma with beef - 133 kcal. But this is extremely rare in the assortment of street fast food. Is it possible to reduce the calorie content of a dish? It seems so. Indeed, in addition to meat, which is supposedly the main ingredients, shawarma uses mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard. In 100 g of regular mayonnaise, for example, there are as many as 680 kcal. True, there is not that much quantity per serving. And yet, plus for plus - it turns out appetizing and satisfying. By the way, the quality of pita bread can also affect the number of calories in chicken, pork or beef shawarma.

How to cook?

There is no secret in the preparation of this dish. If you have ever bought shawarma from a tray, then the entire process of forming a portion happened before your eyes. To dilute the flavor of the filling, you can use any ingredients you have on hand:

  • White cabbage;
  • fresh or canned cucumber;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • Korean carrot;
  • greens, lettuce;
  • onions (fresh or pickled);
  • cheese (different types);
  • mushrooms (marinated or fried);
  • garlic;
  • French fries;
  • pickled beets;
  • canned corn;
  • crab sticks;
  • boiled eggs;
  • sauces based on sour cream, mayonnaise or other dressings, such as pesto or guacamole.

Each ingredient has its own energy value. If you look at the composition as a whole, it is quite balanced. Meat provides proteins and fats, vegetables provide carbohydrates. The latter also contain a lot of vitamins.

A similarity to shawarma can be found in the cuisines of a number of eastern countries. Dener kebab, shawarma, even burritos are still the same shawarma. In Muslim countries, instead of the usual kritsa and pork, camel meat and lamb are used, and the Israelis add turkey or chicken meat. You can prepare fish shawarma using, for example, smoked salmon, canned tuna, or whatever you like. There is also an emphasis on spices and seasonings, which gives the dish an original taste and aroma.

The packaging for shawarma - lavash - also differs. The thin sheet of lean dough familiar to us is Armenian lavash. Its production requires only wheat flour, water and a pinch of salt. By the way, calorie content is 275 kcal per 100 g. Barley flour reduces calorie content to 218.

But Georgian lavash or flatbread is already fluffier. In addition to the mentioned water, flour and salt, yeast is added to the dough. What’s noteworthy is that both Armenian and Georgian lavash are baked without adding oil. They are ideal as “dietary” bread. However, you should not overuse it.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken shawarma based on Armenian lavash

Let's look at the simplest recipe for making chicken shawarma. For one serving you will need the following ingredients:

  • sheet lavash - 1 pc. - approximately 50 g;
  • boiled chicken breast - 50 g;
  • Korean carrots - 50 g;
  • fresh tomato - 10 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 20 g;
  • classic mayonnaise - 20 g.


  1. The chicken should be boiled in lightly salted water. The finished fillet is cooled and chopped into thin strips.
  2. Fresh vegetables are washed and cut. Tomato - in thin slices, preferably in half rings. Chop the cucumber into strips.
  3. Place all ingredients into bowls. This will make it more convenient to collect as much as you need.
  4. On the work surface of the kitchen table, unfold a sheet of pita bread horizontally.
  5. Stepping back from the edge, apply a little mayonnaise.
  6. Now the prepared products for the filling are stacked in layers: chicken, carrots, cucumber and tomato. You can lightly apply mayonnaise between layers.
  7. Now let's wrap it up. First the top and bottom edges, then wrap the filling in pita bread like a roll. Proceed very carefully, as the lavash sheet is quite thin and can break through.
  8. To give it an appetizing crust, place the rolled pita bread in a sandwich maker for a few minutes. Or you can fry in a grill pan on both sides (without adding oil). Or maybe with butter. Whoever likes it.

This dish will weigh 200 grams. And your body will receive approximately 350 kcal. As a lunchtime snack, chicken shawarma is an ideal option. Immediately meat, salad, and a piece of bread.

Portion too small? Then here is another recipe for chicken shawarma.


  • chicken breast;
  • fresh white cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • clove of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • Armenian lavash.


  1. We proceed with the meat as in the previous recipe.
  2. Tomato and cucumber are cut in the same way. Finely chop the cabbage. It will take a little.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the mayonnaise.
  4. The sauces can be mixed or used separately.
  5. Collecting shawarma. Apply ketchup to a sheet of lavash. Then cabbage, chicken, remaining vegetables. Don't forget about the mayonnaise-garlic sauce.
  6. Roll up the roll.
  7. Usually, before eating, the dish is slightly heated in a frying pan or in the microwave.

One serving according to this recipe will contain approximately 350-400 g. But there will be fewer calories in this chicken shawarma - 150-160 kcal per 100 g.

Recipe with pork and cheese


  • fried pork;
  • pita;
  • hard cheese;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • mayonnaise.

The preparation is not very different from previous recipes. The cheese needs to be grated and mixed with mayonnaise. We start laying out the layers with cabbage, then meat and other vegetables. Add mayonnaise-cheese sauce between layers.

Want to know how many calories are in one serving of shawarma with pork and cheese? About 600 kcal. In 100 g there is about half.

The benefits and harms of shawarma

The first thing that comes to mind: fast food ruins your figure! If consumed uncontrollably, then any food becomes harmful, although it is a necessity to maintain the vitality of the body.

So, from shawarma our body will receive: animal proteins and fats, vegetable carbohydrates, fiber. Overall, the composition is quite acceptable to help increase muscle mass. The dish contains fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol. Therefore, even schoolchildren can consume it in moderation.

The benefit to the body is determined by the quantity and quality of healthy dietary products. Compliance with the technological preparation process and sanitary standards will minimize the harmful qualities of fast food. Focus on vegetables and herbs, use less sauce, choose lean meats. This will make the dish tasty and relatively healthy.

Harm in the form of stomach upset can occur if you buy shawarma of dubious quality from street vendors. Eating on the street in a hurry or dry food also does not contribute to normal digestion. Abuse of fast food can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cause problems with the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. We are no longer talking about extra centimeters in the waist due to excessive love for street food.

Shawarma: how many calories are in 1 piece? And this depends on what ingredients are used to prepare one serving. The fast food dish, which can be purchased from a van on the street or cooked at home, is a mixture of meat, vegetables and sauces, wrapped in pita bread.

How many calories are in chicken shawarma? 100 g contains approximately 175 kcal. But who said that good shawarma weighs only 100 g? Regular serving sizes are 390g. So how many calories are in 1 piece? Approximately 620 kcal. Again, if you take boiled chicken fillet, you will get about 158 ​​kcal per 100 g. If you have smoked chicken, then shawarma with such chicken will give 195 calories for every 100 grams of serving.

And if shawarma is with pork, how many calories are there? Almost 260 kcal per 100 g. The lowest calorie was shawarma with beef - 133 kcal. But this is extremely rare in the assortment of street fast food. Is it possible to reduce the calorie content of a dish? It seems so. Indeed, in addition to meat, which is supposedly the main ingredients, shawarma uses mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard. In 100 g of regular mayonnaise, for example, there are as many as 680 kcal. True, there is not that much quantity per serving. And yet, plus for plus - it turns out appetizing and satisfying. By the way, the quality of pita bread can also affect the number of calories in chicken, pork or beef shawarma.

How to cook?

There is no secret in the preparation of this dish. If you have ever bought shawarma from a tray, then the entire process of forming a portion happened before your eyes. To dilute the flavor of the filling, you can use any ingredients you have on hand:

  • White cabbage;
  • fresh or canned cucumber;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • Korean carrot;
  • greens, lettuce;
  • onions (fresh or pickled);
  • cheese (different types);
  • mushrooms (marinated or fried);
  • garlic;
  • French fries;
  • pickled beets;
  • canned corn;
  • crab sticks;
  • boiled eggs;
  • sauces based on sour cream, mayonnaise or other dressings, such as pesto or guacamole.

Each ingredient has its own energy value. If you look at the composition as a whole, it is quite balanced. Meat provides proteins and fats, vegetables provide carbohydrates. The latter also contain a lot of vitamins.

A similarity to shawarma can be found in the cuisines of a number of eastern countries. Dener kebab, shawarma, even burritos are still the same shawarma. In Muslim countries, instead of the usual kritsa and pork, camel meat and lamb are used, and the Israelis add turkey or chicken meat. You can prepare fish shawarma using, for example, smoked salmon, canned tuna, or whatever you like. There is also an emphasis on spices and seasonings, which gives the dish an original taste and aroma.

The packaging for shawarma - lavash - also differs. The thin sheet of lean dough familiar to us is Armenian lavash. Its production requires only wheat flour, water and a pinch of salt. By the way, calorie content is 275 kcal per 100 g. Barley flour reduces calorie content to 218.

But Georgian lavash or flatbread is already fluffier. In addition to the mentioned water, flour and salt, yeast is added to the dough. What’s noteworthy is that both Armenian and Georgian lavash are baked without adding oil. They are ideal as “dietary” bread. However, you should not overuse it.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken shawarma based on Armenian lavash

Let's look at the simplest recipe for making chicken shawarma. For one serving you will need the following ingredients:

  • sheet lavash - 1 pc. - approximately 50 g;
  • boiled chicken breast - 50 g;
  • Korean carrots - 50 g;
  • fresh tomato - 10 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 20 g;
  • classic mayonnaise - 20 g.


  1. The chicken should be boiled in lightly salted water. The finished fillet is cooled and chopped into thin strips.
  2. Fresh vegetables are washed and cut. Tomato - in thin slices, preferably in half rings. Chop the cucumber into strips.
  3. Place all ingredients into bowls. This will make it more convenient to collect as much as you need.
  4. On the work surface of the kitchen table, unfold a sheet of pita bread horizontally.
  5. Stepping back from the edge, apply a little mayonnaise.
  6. Now the prepared products for the filling are stacked in layers: chicken, carrots, cucumber and tomato. You can lightly apply mayonnaise between layers.
  7. Now let's wrap it up. First the top and bottom edges, then wrap the filling in pita bread like a roll. Proceed very carefully, as the lavash sheet is quite thin and can break through.
  8. To give it an appetizing crust, place the rolled pita bread in a sandwich maker for a few minutes. Or you can fry in a grill pan on both sides (without adding oil). Or maybe with butter. Whoever likes it.

This dish will weigh 200 grams. And your body will receive approximately 350 kcal. As a lunchtime snack, chicken shawarma is an ideal option. Immediately meat, salad, and a piece of bread.

Portion too small? Then here is another recipe for chicken shawarma.


  • chicken breast;
  • fresh white cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • clove of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • Armenian lavash.


  1. We proceed with the meat as in the previous recipe.
  2. Tomato and cucumber are cut in the same way. Finely chop the cabbage. It will take a little.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the mayonnaise.
  4. The sauces can be mixed or used separately.
  5. Collecting shawarma. Apply ketchup to a sheet of lavash. Then cabbage, chicken, remaining vegetables. Don't forget about the mayonnaise-garlic sauce.
  6. Roll up the roll.
  7. Usually, before eating, the dish is slightly heated in a frying pan or in the microwave.

One serving according to this recipe will contain approximately 350-400 g. But there will be fewer calories in this chicken shawarma - 150-160 kcal per 100 g.

Recipe with pork and cheese


  • fried pork;
  • pita;
  • hard cheese;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • mayonnaise.

The preparation is not very different from previous recipes. The cheese needs to be grated and mixed with mayonnaise. We start laying out the layers with cabbage, then meat and other vegetables. Add mayonnaise-cheese sauce between layers.

Want to know how many calories are in one serving of shawarma with pork and cheese? About 600 kcal. In 100 g there is about half.

The benefits and harms of shawarma

The first thing that comes to mind: fast food ruins your figure! If consumed uncontrollably, then any food becomes harmful, although it is a necessity to maintain the vitality of the body.

So, from shawarma our body will receive: animal proteins and fats, vegetable carbohydrates, fiber. Overall, the composition is quite acceptable to help increase muscle mass. The dish contains fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol. Therefore, even schoolchildren can consume it in moderation.

The benefit to the body is determined by the quantity and quality of healthy dietary products. Compliance with the technological preparation process and sanitary standards will minimize the harmful qualities of fast food. Focus on vegetables and herbs, use less sauce, choose lean meats. This will make the dish tasty and relatively healthy.

Harm in the form of stomach upset can occur if you buy shawarma of dubious quality from street vendors. Eating on the street in a hurry or dry food also does not contribute to normal digestion. Abuse of fast food can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cause problems with the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. We are no longer talking about extra centimeters in the waist due to excessive love for street food.