home · Lighting · A small village house with a Russian stove. Projects of houses with stove heating for areas remote from centralized networks. Wood stove design

A small village house with a Russian stove. Projects of houses with stove heating for areas remote from centralized networks. Wood stove design

Anyone who decides to build their own house often does not know where to start. But the layout of the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future home; will it be heated; if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout of a one-story house with a stove 6 × 8

The 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to the small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round operation, buildings are being built more spacious, for example, and more. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, the construction company can offer with a heating system. It will include a general and detailed construction plan. The customer, who wishes to have a house with a stove, can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom building.

The client can order from the company not only a finished project, but also the construction of a typical house with planning issues already resolved.

Variant of the internal layout and location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then the construction will cost him much less.


When the layout is well thought out, taking into account a specific heating system, the installation of the stove is practically independent of the building material from which the dwelling is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for space heating: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user himself decides what to heat, which is more affordable and cheaper.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with gas pipelines.

The next advantage is that the heating of the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, on emergency repairs and long interruptions in the supply of fuel. The furnace is autonomous, its mode of operation is determined by the user himself, who does not need a plan for seasonal shutdowns of the system.

The layout of the house with a stove 6 × 9 meters

The ability of the stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere is well known. Thanks to this quality, no other heating system can compare with it. It is pleasant, sitting with a book by the stove, to inhale the smell of resinous firewood and listen to their quiet crackle. This is reminiscent of the distant times, fanned by romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped so that it becomes an original addition to the interior.

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The Russian stove gives a special charm to the room. In terms of heat capacity, nothing can compare with it. She is able to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it away, maintaining constant coziness and comfort in the hut. In the past, it performed a cooking and heating function. Today it is quite rare.

Only those who like the rustic design style of the house will decide to decorate their apartments with it. True, master stove-makers have disappeared, who do not need a drawing for its construction. But recently, the project of a house with a fireplace is a common offer of construction companies. This fashionable heating device heats, but does not accumulate heat at all. Used more as a decorative element.

The age of technological progress has made its own adjustments. Today, a house with a stove that runs not only on solid fuels, but also on electricity, gas, and fuel oil is common. But the most affordable heating material is still firewood.

Installation and operation rules

The shape, appearance of the furnace fixes its drawing. Many try to install it somewhere in the corner so that it does not interfere with anyone, does not take up much space. But this is not the main criterion for installation. Its most rational location reflects, as a rule, each project of a house with heating developed by the company.

In, as well as in or in, it is preferable to put the furnace structure in the very center.

Detailed plan of the house with a fireplace stove 8 × 8

Then the effect of it will be the greatest, because it will successfully warm up all the rooms. As practice has shown, it is impossible to install it at the outer wall in any way, so as not to heat the street.

If the plan of a dwelling with a stove system is developed professionally, then after its implementation, even all year round it will be warm and cozy. It is recommended to plan the stove in suburban or no higher than two-story. If it is still cool on the second floor, then some residents close it for the winter, living only on the well-heated first floor.

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A very important rule: a house with a stove must have effective thermal protection. Otherwise, all efforts to warm it up will be in vain. And the money for the purchase of fuel will literally fly into the pipe. You should not save on the insulation of your home. True, no company will offer a house project without thermal insulation. But if its layout is with a centralized heating system, then such a construction plan is not suitable for installing a furnace.

Layout of a Finnish house with a 6x6 oven

It is a mistake to think that if a powerful stove is installed in a small building, for example, 6x6, then a small amount of firewood will be sufficient for heating. This is not true at all. All of them will leave only for its weak warming up. And the rooms will be cold. Each house with a stove is equipped with a heating facility that corresponds to the space that it is intended to heat. So, if the hearth is 6x9, then the heating structure should be more heat-intensive.

Another important rule that should not be neglected is the installation of the furnace on a separate foundation. It cannot be the same for her and for the whole house. This should be clearly demonstrated both by the general design of the dwelling and by a separate drawing of the structure for the firebox.

Detailed drawing of a log house with a 5×6 stove

The fact is that the soil under different weights sags in different ways. Why the stove can warp, cracks will appear. As a result, not only heat will enter the rooms, but also smoke with carbon monoxide.

Knowing the installation rules, you should not forget about the rules of use. A house with a stove requires strict compliance with fire safety regulations. And it doesn’t matter what area it is, 6x6 or much larger. It should be remembered that the chimney damper is closed on time. If the coals are not burned out enough, the room will fill with carbon monoxide. And the consequences of this are very sad. If you close it too late, then the precious heat will escape into the pipe. Repair of the furnace is usually carried out by the one who installed it.

Residents of megacities are increasingly striving to escape from the bustle of the city closer to nature. Country houses, dachas, country houses have always been popular, but recently the fashion for buying country housing has reached unprecedented proportions. And it's not just about growing vegetables and planting flower beds.

Middle-aged people, pensioners and youth tend to move to nature for permanent residence, just as past generations sought to escape to the city. And this is no coincidence, because in the modern world the city is a source of endless stress, insane speeds and bad ecology.

Country housing can be decorated in any style, but in order to more fully feel the unity with nature, many choose one of the country style directions - the rural orientation of a particular area, usually the whole country, with its unique features and flavor. In all the variety of country style, they are especially popular french provence, american ranch, alpine chalet and of course, Russian hut.

Design Features

The classic version of the samples of Russian culture that have come down to us - the hut, the tower, the Russian bath - was finally formed by the middle of the 19th century. It is he who is considered to be the standard of the Russian style, although this is not entirely complete. Do not forget that there are also South Russian buildings - whitewashed brick huts, and Russian merchant estates. And yet, the Russian hut, common in central and northwestern Russia in the 19th century, is considered a model of style.

The main attributes of the style are the wooden frame of the house, carved architraves on the windows, the presence of a Russian stove, furniture made of natural solid wood.

Sample projects

Standard suburban housing projects presented on the real estate market range from the smallest country houses (6 by 6 sq. m) to spacious village houses with a veranda and porch (10x10 sq. m). This is a typical project of a square one-story building of a private country house. The standard also includes a rectangular layout of houses with dimensions of 6x9, 7x7, 9x8 square meters. m, which may include additional extensions in the form of a vestibule and a veranda.

One-story summer cottages most often do not involve heating systems, so they should be taken care of separately.

Heating system

Experienced designers begin designing a home by designing a heating system. This may not be so relevant for country summer houses, but if you plan to live outside the city for a long time, then you cannot do without a stove in the cold season. Among the many modern heating options for the Russian style, classic Russian oven. It will not only become the main accent of the interior, but also serve as an inexpensive source of heat.

Electric heating is not cost-effective for a country house, gas heating is not always possible, and a properly located wood-burning stove can heat the entire room even in the most severe frosts.

Stove heating will be effective only if the stove is installed in the center of the building and is in contact with each of the rooms. Therefore, in the classic layout of the Russian hut, the stove is installed in the piers between the rooms. The firebox is best taken out into the corridor or living room-kitchen adjacent to the corridor. So it will be more convenient to bring firewood, keep the rooms clean, and not disturb the guests in the rooms.

A centrally located large stove is preferable to several small ones, as it allows you to evenly distribute heat throughout all rooms and significantly saves fuel consumption.

If the house does not involve division into rooms, then the stove will become a natural space divider, zoning it into functional parts. In two-story houses, installing a stove requires certain safety precautions. It is necessary to consider the construction of reliable floors between floors.

Also at the planning stage, a variant of the furnace itself and its functions are selected. It can be a Russian stove with a hob, with a stove bench or a decorative stove that serves only to heat and decorate the home.

The Russian interior style suggests an abundance of wood materials and textiles. Usually, the walls of the log house are not clad, which gives natural naturalness to the whole dwelling. Often the ceiling space is decorated with wooden beams, which does not contradict the rural style.

For finishing houses made of timber or panel dacha buildings, materials such as lining or blockhouse can be used. Additional wall decoration should not be subjected to: wallpaper can negate all the charm of the Russian countryside style.

In a wooden one-story house with high ceilings, you can equip the mezzanine. This kind of division of a part of the room into two mezzanines will help not only save space, create an extra bed, but also give the interior a look of a hut with decks.

It is preferable to install wooden windows, but plastic ones that match the color of the tree are also suitable. Plank floors are left for painting or covered with special compounds. They help prevent premature wear of the wood, repel insects, and make it easy to wash and clean the surface.

There are also fire-resistant compounds that are used without fail in public wooden buildings.


A special atmosphere in the Russian style is brought by the items of decoration that our ancestors had long before the appearance of the usual furniture. It is worth noting that all products are made of wood of varying degrees of processing. In addition to the oven the main attribute of the Russian hut is a large dining table capable of arranging a large family around him. The stylistic orientation and long benches are emphasized. They are not as comfortable to sit on as chairs, but as an element of decor along the wall they will look very colorful.

Indispensable in modern home improvement, comfortable sofas and armchairs are best chosen with minimal design simplicity. It can be an ottoman, a sofa or an ordinary sofa, upholstered in coarse fabric - linen or cotton.

Wooden beds with a beautiful carved headboard and soft featherbeds, ladders, small tables, stools, open wooden shelves can be made by hand, which will give the interior originality and homeliness.

Decor elements

The stylistic direction of the village house is especially emphasized by the symbols of the life of the area, in the style of which the space is decorated. The Russian style is characterized by woodcarving, earthenware and wooden utensils, which are decorated with Khokhloma or Gzhel. In general, folk crafts are very in harmony with everything related to the Russian style. These can be nesting dolls, painted figurines of fairy-tale characters (brownie, firebird, cat-bayun) and, of course, a samovar. Antique chests with forging elements or wicker sack baskets are suitable for storing things.

They can also serve as a side table.


The abundance of fabric decorations, especially handmade ones, will be a great addition to the style. It is better to give preference to simple fabrics - linen, cotton, chintz or even ordinary burlap. National embroidery on curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads and pillows is welcome. Curtains with patterned embroidery on dense fabric can zone the space.

Wicker or knitted floor rugs are an indispensable attribute of any Russian-style hut. Often the housewives make them with their own hands, which gives a special atmosphere to the village house.

In this article I will try to describe modern ideas about a house with a stove. I will give many typical house plans for stove heating with a description! I'll tell you what trends are in the construction of houses with stoves.

It is also important - which stoves are most suitable for a modern interior. The time has already passed when stoves were placed either in a house without rooms or a stove was built into all rooms (in the center). Modern ovens and modern houses are no longer the same.

Heating a house with a stove - 3 main principles

I wrote about this in other publications, but now I decided to make a small summary with the main points.

When you are going to place a stove in a house, you would always like to know in advance how comfortable it will be in such a house. Will a stove heat a house without additional heat sources? How to increase the efficiency of the furnace?

To answer this question as specifically as possible, it is necessary, of course, to make an individual project for heating a specific house with a specific stove. Or choose a stove for a specific house.

But what is most surprising is that it is not so much the stove itself that is important for heating a house. Although, of course, it must be implemented with high quality, it must provide heat for a long time and evenly ... In a heating project, the house is more important - its insulation, size, layout and placement of the stove in the house.

So, the first and most important thing in home heating:

House warming.

Namely - a warm foundation, floors, walls, ceilings and roofing (if the attic is not cold).

If the house has specific cold bridges, drafts, thin non-insulated walls, poor wind protection in problem areas (roof skirt, for example). If windows with thin double-glazed windows are installed in the house, slopes are poorly made (they let heat through) or other mistakes have been made ... For example, one of these mistakes is the layout of windows. It is necessary, if possible, to make windows to the south, but to the north is not desirable, because this will cause more heat loss. It's all part of heating planning too. It is advisable to plan everything, of course, before building a house.

House layout.

Equally important is the layout of the house. Speaking as generally as possible, the fewer doors in the house, the fewer corridors - the easier it will be for the heat from the stove to get to the place. The stove should be located as close as possible to all rooms, if possible.

To regulate the flow of heat in two-story houses, equip the stairs with a door. This is necessary in order to prevent heat from escaping to the second floor, if necessary.

Placement of the oven in the house.

It happens that you need to place the stove in several rooms - in this case, it will heat several rooms at the same time. But this is not always effective. For example, there are walls so thick that the stove will heat the walls rather than the rooms. In this case, of course, you can make wall cutting, but it will not look very good. Here it is necessary to look specifically for each house.

If you do not build a stove in several rooms, then it is better to take it out to the largest part of the house. For example, a studio. Move away from the wall - so that it gives off heat to the room as much as possible. And it, in turn, spread throughout the rooms.

If you still decide to build the stove into any room, think about whether it will be too hot in it. For example, if it is a small bedroom, it may not need such heat in it. And if this is a bathroom, then isn’t it better for the stove to give off heat not there, but to the living quarters (in case a warm floor can be built into the Bathroom).

The simplest layouts for stove heating.

What could be simpler than a 6*6 house? Yes, the most popular layout for stove heating is a 6 * 6 house. But it would not be a house for permanent residence, if you do not make an attic in it. At the same time, the staircase is closed to regulate heat.

Of course, you can live in a house of 6 * 6 meters, but if the family has a child or more than one ... then it is better to consider the same house, but with an attic. So let's look at this:

The simplest layout of such a house is a studio downstairs: a kitchen with a living room and a large bedroom in the attic. Such a house, in my opinion, may be good for a family with one or two children. In addition, a large canopy - an annex - will not interfere. You can either not maintain a high temperature in them, or build in not very powerful electric fields or a small convector on a temperature sensor. It is also possible, for convenience, to place a bathroom in the hallway. In this case, it is definitely necessary to make the hallway well insulated and add an electric heated floor to the bathroom.

Alternatively, you can build a stove in the bathroom, then it will be hot there ... But in this case, less heat will go into the house and it is better to make the stove with excess power.

In extreme cases, you can divide the house into two rooms, build a stove into the wall, while separating a small kitchen-dining room with a staircase and a bedroom on the ground floor. The advantages of such small houses are that the stove can be placed anywhere, even in the center, even in the corner. If the stove is well folded, gives off heat evenly and for a long time, then it will heat it.

So we have sorted out the layout of the simplest house of 72 square meters + canopy, for example 15 square meters. m. It becomes more difficult with larger layouts.

Projects of houses with stove heating on one floor.

When designing larger houses, you need to plan more carefully. Let's make a reservation right away: we give the most simplified layouts with the expectation of maximum savings in heating costs. And with stove heating - the simpler, the better. This is also why we recommend equipping a vestibule (tambour) in a house with stove heating. This is necessary to save heat in the house, because you will not be able to "transport" heat (by batteries, etc.) to cold places. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the microclimate at home, to keep warm.

Let's go straight to examples. To begin with, we will analyze the one-story version, like this:

As you can see, the drawings show four basic options for a house with a dirty area of ​​​​64 square meters. Of course, for a family with children, such a house will not be too large, because the children are growing. But it is cheap to heat and quickly build - after all, this is a one-story house 8 * 8. I know examples of building such houses with a budget of 500-700 thousand rubles. This, you see, is very affordable.

Let's analyze each example separately. Figures 1 and 2 show the same layout with different placement of the oven. In the first case, the stove is removed into the corner. This is convenient when the stove performs not only a heating function, but also, for example, with a stove bench - it is more convenient to place it aside. It's all privately thought out.

The second option illustrates the location of the stove closer to the doors of the bathroom and bedroom. Here we release all the walls for the arrangement of the kitchen-studio, recreation area, windows and other things.

In the third and fourth options, we equip two small bedrooms, reduce the studio. Thus, the recreation areas partially "leave" in the bedrooms. However, the studio can accommodate a kitchen and a small sofa. What is the difference between the third and fourth options? If you want warmth in the living room, and sleep in cool (20-21 degrees) then this option is for you. If you want warmer bedrooms and are not afraid of the relative heat when you sleep, then you can safely build a stove in all three rooms. When laying the stove and finishing it, of course, this will require more effort than just a stove standing in the studio ...

The same layouts can be extrapolated to houses up to 100 sq.m. Simply by increasing the room proportionally and the power of the furnace, respectively.

Projects of houses with stove heating in two floors.

Each of the previous examples of planning a one-story house can be made two-story - just think about the place where to build the stairs. The specific layout depends on the wishes of the owners, the composition of the family, the lifestyle and work of adults, the age of children and many other nuances. Therefore, there may be a lot of options.

Let's take one of the options as an example. For example, a house for a family with two or three rapidly growing children. 😉 We need a large studio for family communication on the first floor, one bedroom (study) downstairs. Large bathroom downstairs and a small bathroom upstairs. Two bedrooms and a large play area in the hall on the second floor.

In my experience of living with children (four children), you need to be very careful about the play areas and it is not always possible to conveniently equip them in the bedrooms. When children grow up, they need to be able to leave the game at any time and go to study in a quiet place at the table. In addition, children from different rooms should be able to play together, and not go "visiting" each other. If you have few children or not yet - it seems insignificant ... but if there are four or five ... life already appears in a different light.

It is very inconvenient if the play area is combined with a recreation area. Because in a society with children you can’t really rest. In addition, it is inconvenient if children play in the kitchen or in the dining area. Therefore, it is very convenient to equip a place of leisure for children on the second floor. Make reliable staircase railings and a gate with an “adult” lock. Or even a closed flight of stairs with a door.

The layout of the house 8 * 8 meters in two floors may look significantly different. I am waiting for your comments and, perhaps, I will supplement the article with more layouts, if necessary. There may be many.

This example probably illustrates the largest possible house that can be heated with a stove. But even then, only if it is competently and well insulated. it turns out that the dirty area of ​​​​such a house is 125 squares.

Anticipating your possible objections - I will say - it is really possible to heat such a house with a stove. There are examples from our experience, I repeat - the main thing is the insulation of the house. The family even installed ceiling heaters in the bedrooms on the second floor, but did not even use them as there was no need ...

Layout of large houses for stove heating + additional heating.

As I said, it is difficult to imagine projects of houses with stove heating of large sizes without additional heating. Nevertheless, sometimes it is very useful to think over such an addition in advance. To make it as economical as possible, it was turned on either for a more comfortable and mild climate with stove heating. For example, the convector in the bedroom will work at night, from 4 to 7, during the coldest time in winter - to maintain the temperature. Or in the bathroom on the second floor, a warm floor of 500-700 watts will maintain the optimum temperature of the floor and the room.

Such an addition is suitable for those houses that I described earlier, as well as for larger houses.

I must say that for large houses, you can provide a warm shield or a second full-fledged stove - by placing it directly on the first stove. This will require enough investment of labor and money, but the savings on additional heating electricity will also be significant.

It is only necessary to take into account this shaky border between making a more thoughtful, maybe a little more compact and simpler house, and making a house with two stoves.

By the way, a house with two stoves, if its size is justified by the size of the family or some other reasons, it’s not so scary. And it’s not a fact that the consumption of firewood will be doubled ... Stoves can be fired every other day in turn. In this case, the consumption of firewood may not increase at all ... or increase slightly. But the heat from the stoves will be more evenly distributed over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. In addition, it will be possible in severe cold to get a great effect when heating the house - by flooding both stoves at the same time.

If we are talking about additional electric heating, or even more so layouts with two furnaces, then it is already difficult to fit information within one article. So I look forward to your comments!

And do not forget that you can lay out the oven yourself, check out, and others!

Stove heating remains a popular option in wooden housing construction: this is the most durable, strong and reliable solution, since once assembled, the stove can last for decades, and it is not afraid of any interruptions in fuel. This is ideal for areas where there is no centralized gas pipeline, since firewood and coal are quite affordable. At the same time, the layout of a house with stove heating can be very different, and you can implement the most interesting interior solutions.

Where to place the stove in a wooden house

The plan of a house with stove heating is primarily built taking into account the size and location of the stove. It depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building: it is assumed that 1 sq. meter stove heats 35 sq. m. area of ​​the house. Even if you do without a water circuit, the stove is able to completely heat several rooms, although the heat from it will still be distributed unevenly.

There are several important conditions when choosing a place for the furnace:

  • Usually it is located in the middle of the building. It is advisable to plan it in such a way that the furnace part is located in the kitchen or other non-residential premises in order to ensure convenient maintenance.
  • The main brick part should go into the living quarters in order to effectively give them heat. At the same time, it is undesirable to close it with any objects and furniture, so as not to reduce the efficiency of the heater.

  • If the building has several floors, you will need to install several furnaces. At the same time, you need to plan them so that the heat is distributed approximately evenly throughout the building. If stove heating is planned for a house with an attic, then you can use it only in the warm season, since it will be extremely difficult to install a separate heater on it.
  • There are several options for heating, and they depend on the layout of a 7x7 house with stove heating. You can use a classic Russian stove, or you can combine it with a fireplace: in this case, the house will be heated both by an open flame and by smoke wells.

In addition, both simple and combined versions can be equipped with a water circuit: it can be used to ensure uniform heating of the entire house, and it does not matter in which part of it the stove will be located. With such a scheme, the main amount of heat will be spent on heating the water in the heat exchanger, while the walls of the furnace themselves will heat up weakly.

Thus, the plan of a house with 8x8 stove heating can vary significantly: you can build a classic Russian hut in which the stove will occupy a central place, or you can use modern options for equipment with a water circuit to heat all the premises of the house.

Fire Safety Measures and Furnace Finish Options

In order for a wooden house with stove heating to serve for a long time, you need to take care of its most effective protection from fire. A fireplace and a Russian stove pose a threat due to an open flame, in addition, unfinished walls will warm up quite strongly. This creates a risk of burns if accidentally touched, in addition, wooden walls and ceilings will be at risk.

During construction, the furnace is located so that the walls do not adjoin closely to the ceilings, this will avoid overheating and possible ignition. There are several rules for the location and decoration of the stove in a wooden house:

  1. All structures must be treated with flame retardants. These substances increase the resistance of wood to fire, they allow it to withstand an open flame for a long time and will not support combustion themselves. Fire retardants process not only walls, but also ceilings and floor boards.
  2. The space in front of the furnace firebox must be sheathed with a metal sheet. This will prevent fire from accidentally falling coal and protect the house from fire.
  3. The chimney of the stove must be whitewashed with lime mortar. It not only makes it more aesthetic, but also allows you to see black cracks in places where smoke can pass. This will allow you to notice and fix the problem in time.
  4. The furnace is installed on the foundation, while there should be a small space between it and the floor, which is called a retreat.
  5. The distance from the furnace firebox to furniture or curtains must be at least a meter. An accidental spark or a fallen coal can set fire to household items, and it will be extremely difficult to put out the fire.

All these measures must be taken into account when drawing up a design project: you have to select finishing materials that are as resistant to fire as possible and find solutions that will be both beautiful and safe.

The stove itself can be plastered using the same mortar that was used for masonry, or it can be finished with refractory tiles - tiles. Once upon a time, it was precisely such ceramic tiles that adorned the homes of wealthy villagers, they were supplied with a hand-applied bright pattern.

The stove can be turned into a full-fledged decorative element of the room, which will diversify the atmosphere and add a special old Russian flavor to it. A stove with a fireplace, on the contrary, will create a harmonious European atmosphere.

What can be the interior of a house with stove heating

The interior of a rural house with stove heating can be made interesting and beautiful, but it is necessary to take into account the features of such heating and choose materials of high strength and practicality. The furnace furnace is inevitably accompanied by the formation of soot and soot, which will have to be constantly fought. The ceiling in a house with stove heating can be decorated using several options for materials:

There are other options, but materials must be selected taking into account maximum fire safety. Floor and wall coverings can also be selected as you wish, but it is best to choose non-combustible options or treat all wooden elements with fire retardants. If the furnace firebox goes into the kitchen, ceramic or porcelain tiles will be the best solution for the floor: they are beautiful, durable and not at all afraid of heat.

The combination of modern interior styles with stove heating

The Russian stove has long been the center of the house, it gave warmth and life to the inhabitants. Today the situation has changed, and yet you can create interesting interior solutions in a house where a stove is chosen for heating. By itself, it easily turns into a decorative element, in addition, you can take care of properly selected furniture and decorative details.

There are several options for placing and finishing the stove, which will allow you to harmoniously integrate it into the interior:

  1. If the stove is equipped with a hob, and its firebox goes into the kitchen, you can use the simplest finishing option - a mud hut. This is a finish with whitewashed plaster, on which small cracks will soon begin to appear.
  2. This design looks interesting and original in a kitchen decorated in Russian or Ukrainian style. Such an “aged” surface will go well with embroidered towels, onion braids and other attributes reminiscent of the old village life.

  3. A tiled stove will become an original decoration of any living room. Bright tiles with a repeating pattern attract attention and look no less interesting than the most luxurious fireplace portal. Such a stove, in its design, goes well with log walls and other options for wooden construction.
  4. Finishing with simple tiles is a cheap solution, although it will not be particularly durable. However, the stove can be made a beautiful element of the room, and over time, the color and appearance of the cladding can be changed.

The advantages of country houses are incomparable with living in an apartment in a multi-storey building, and most residents of large metropolitan areas strive, even if not to move to a country cottage, then to build a small house where they can take a break from the hustle and bustle on weekends or on vacation. But one desire is not enough. To ensure full living conditions, it is necessary, at a minimum, to bring the most important communications - light and water. As for heating, the project of a house with stove heating will help you create the temperature conditions necessary for a full-fledged existence.

Benefits of furnace heating

When designing houses with stove heating, it does not matter at all what building materials the building itself will be built from. The arrangement of such heating systems can be carried out both in houses made of bricks and in wooden rooms.

A clear advantage of planning a house with stove heating is that its operation is completely autonomous from the electrical network.

When planning a private house, many people purposefully prefer a stove, believing that this attribute fills the home with an amazing and at the same time cozy atmosphere. And, despite the fact that over time, wood-burning stoves are gradually losing their popularity, at present people are trying to maintain the traditions of their ancestors and build their cottages according to the projects of village houses, especially since it is not necessary to build a bulky stove, small enough, but very functional.

Wood stove design

Before proceeding with the construction of a house with stove heating, it is necessary to draw up a project. It is in this document that absolutely all the points that apply to premises of this type should be taken into account. This is the height of the ceilings, and the presence of a chimney, and the placement of the stove from other functional items. Simply put, the design of a village house is nothing more than a manual with which you can build a secure home.

House project 9x11 sq.m

If you plan to build a multi-storey building with stove heating, then you should take care of the presence of a separate boiler room, in which the stove will be located.

Furnaces made of brick and material identical in performance characteristics can only be heated up to 120 ° C.

In order to correctly draw up a project for a house with a Russian stove, it is necessary to take into account a number of important nuances:

  • total area of ​​future housing;
  • number of living rooms;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • type of material from which the house is planned to be built;
  • the degree of thermal insulation, both internal and external;
  • seasonality of residence - stay in the summer or year-round stay in the building;
  • the presence of another alternative heating unit.

1 sq.m. furnace installation can heat up to 30 sq.m. area of ​​the room. Such indicators are valid only at outdoor temperatures up to -25 ° C. With a decrease in temperature conditions below the specified value, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room is significantly reduced. When preparing a project, consider the average temperature in the region.

House project 6 x 8 sq.m

Installation location

In accordance with SNiP (building codes and regulations), it can be clearly stated that such heating systems should be located in the center of the structure.

The hob and the firebox must be taken out to the kitchen or other room that is identical in functionality. The stone side of the stove must be located in the living rooms.

If you place the stove against the wall, which is exactly what many homeowners do, you need to understand that cold air will constantly circulate near the floor, which will create not very comfortable conditions for the household.

If the design scheme for building a house with stove heating was chosen correctly, then by means of such a heating installation it is possible to create the most comfortable temperature conditions even in a multi-storey building, without using other alternative heating systems.

The principle of organizing the work of a wood-burning unit

As a rule, water heating is used for wood-burning stoves. To organize such a heating installation, it is enough to install a heat exchanger inside the combustion chamber for fuel resources. Two circuits are connected to it, through which the coolant will be supplied to the heating lines and returned to the heat exchanger for reheating. Heat can be removed using an ordinary steel tank.


The walls of the heat exchanger are made of metal sheets, the minimum thickness of which is 3 mm. However, it is highly undesirable to use a thick material (more than 5 mm), since this will lead to additional costs of fuel resources required for heating the heat exchanger itself.

The thickness of the laying of the furnace can be one brick, and half a brick. For the device of such heaters, it is necessary to use exclusively oven bricks.

The issue of building an additional foundation is also important. Due to the fact that a brick oven has a rather impressive weight (more than a ton), the need for such an element is extremely important. This will eliminate the risk of subsidence or deformation of the heating element. If the stove is built together with the house, there is no need to build a separate foundation.

How to prepare a masonry mortar

Now with regard to the cement mortar, which will be used when laying out the furnace. So, experts recommend using a sand-clay base for these purposes. And it is prepared quite simply: mix 2 parts of clay with 1 part of sifted sand and fill it all with water until a viscous, plastic mixture is obtained. You can make it even easier - go and buy a composition in the store that is suitable for laying stoves.

Separately, you should take care of plastering the finished unit. On the one hand, the plaster allows you to ennoble the stove, on the other hand, to prevent cracking of the seams when heated.

Scheme of the construction of a stone oven

  1. The construction of the furnace can only be started after the foundation is completely dry. This may take 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. The laying of the starting row is carried out with bricks, without the use of a cement mixture. The brick is leveled, the level of the front wall is displayed.
  3. Next comes the laying out of the corners and the arrangement of the heater circuit. Using plumb lines, we stretch a twine thread from the ceiling to the corners of the furnace. This will become a certain level with the further construction of the heater.
  4. Taking into account the chosen model, it is necessary to determine the areas for the location of the blower, furnace, ash pan. The blower door is installed when the third row of bricks is completed. And after another row, an ash pan is set up.
  5. On top of the ash pan is a grate.
  6. Next is the arrangement of the firebox. Each door is fastened with heat-resistant wire. As a rule, the furnace door is located on the side of a little-visited room.
  7. The combustion chamber is lined with refractory bricks and refractory clay mortar.
  8. Then bricklaying is carried out up to 12-15 rows (depending on the height of the ceilings in the room). At this stage, the combustion chamber is covered, on top of which the hob is mounted.
  9. The next stage is the laying out of the first cap, which is being built on the left side of the stove. Here it is also necessary to make a channel for the summer course.
  10. Next, the summer move valve is installed, which is located in the upper corner of the brewing compartment.
  11. Bricklaying up to the 20th row, after which the brewing compartment and the first hood are covered.

Placing bricks on steel corners will make structures stronger and more durable.

  1. We close the portal of the cooking compartment with hinged doors made of hardened steel.
  2. Installing cleaning flaps in the place where it will be easiest for you to remove soot from the stove.
  3. Laying out the walls of the cap. The top of the stove is covered with two rows of bricks. And the gap between the jumper and the top of the furnace is filled with mineral wool.
  4. Next, we lay out the decorative belt, and proceed to the device of the chimney.
  5. When installing a chimney, it is necessary to equip it with a special valve.

VIDEO: Detailed laying of a 3x3.5 brick oven with a stove and a heating shield

Wood stoves are specific equipment that does not require the use of expensive fuel resources for the full functioning. Such a heating element can be assembled on your own, but it is worth enlisting the support of this instruction and choosing the project of the furnace that you want to build in your home.

VIDEO: Typical mistakes when installing stoves and chimneys