home · On a note · Siding with brown metal tiles. How to choose the color of siding for cladding a house. Other criteria for choosing siding and roofing colors

Siding with brown metal tiles. How to choose the color of siding for cladding a house. Other criteria for choosing siding and roofing colors

Today, siding is one of the most popular materials used for cladding building facades. Its installation technology is quite simple, so anyone can handle this work. The main problem is to choose the right color and texture of the panels. Choosing the color of siding only seems like an easy task, but sometimes situations arise when, if you choose the wrong combination of shades for your home, you have to redo everything. Therefore, further we will consider how to choose the color of siding for cladding a private house.

Varieties of siding colors

You can achieve a beautiful and attractive appearance of your home the right combination colors of siding panels, the color range of which on modern market building materials presented quite widely. This allows you to bring almost any design idea to life when finishing the facade.

When choosing a material, the homeowner, except own preferences, there are some other factors to consider:

  • predisposition of finishing material to fading;
  • uniform color distribution over the entire surface;
  • heating of the material under the influence of sunlight;
  • features of the surrounding landscape;
  • peculiarities architectural style building;
  • cost of panels.

Currently, there are about 25 siding colors, and each color has a rich palette of shades. All colors are divided into 3 groups:

  • white;
  • pastel;
  • colored.

The most popular siding shades are the following:

  • smoky;
  • beige;
  • white;
  • salad;
  • citric;
  • cream;
  • grey-green;
  • light gray, etc.

Siding in pastel colors is considered the most popular, because its price, compared to other models facing material, slightly lower. Materials with rich tones have a higher price. This is due high cost additives that are used to reduce dependence on ultraviolet rays. Dark panels heat up more in the sun, so they require better protection from temperature deformations. The cost of vinyl panels in rich dark shades will be 1.5-2 times higher for a similar light material.

When choosing a color for your home, you should take into account the uniformity of its color. For example, a premium material will be colored evenly and have the same tone on the outside and inside. U budget options backside is slightly lighter, which is not considered a deviation from established standards. This color indicates that when producing the material, the manufacturer used less dye in order to save a little money.

Light or dark siding color?

When choosing between light and dark tones of facing material, you need to consider some points:

  1. Beige, cream, sunny yellow, lavender siding will help visually enlarge the house. Against the background of green spaces, it will look contrasting and stand out noticeably. If you want to emphasize any elements of your home or highlight it completely, you should lean in favor of one of light shades, chosen according to your own taste.
  2. In places where dense plantings predominate, near coniferous trees, and also if there is a “live” hedge on the site, cladding that imitates red brick will look great.
  3. If the surrounding landscape is light and open, then pearl gray or sand is a good color choice.
  4. Dark colors (brown, blue, green, burgundy-red) are suitable for those who want to visually reduce the size of the building and make it less striking against the background of the surrounding landscape. It should be noted that a dark color can make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. Dark colors absorb a large number of sunlight, which causes such panels to become very hot in summer. Thermal stress arising in the walls can cause damage to the façade.
  5. If when decorating your home you want to make it harmonious with nature, then brown or green siding is perfect for you.

Selecting the color of the roof and facade

When selecting the color of the finishing material, it is necessary to take into account the color of the roof. Many owners of private houses, when choosing a color scheme, make some mistakes, among which the most common are the following:

  • owners choose one color for both the roof and the facade;
  • trying to make the design original and modern, private owners go overboard with the number of shades or use too bright, flashy colors;
  • developers avoid the traditional combination of contrasting colors, for example, white and black.

There are some rules, following which you can choose the right one color combination roof and facade of a private house:

  1. Selection of siding according to the color of the roof in one tone. At the same time, the facade and roof make a smooth transition, becoming one. The result is monolithic, but for many it may seem overly simple and boring.
  2. Combination of dark roof and light walls. Very often, such a scheme is also supplemented with contrasting elements in the form of framing the base or windows.
  3. Adherents original solutions It is worth choosing a color scheme with a light roof and a dark facade, which will look quite unusual. It is recommended to complement this scheme with window and door openings in the color of the roof.

Color scheme combination

If you want to highlight any elements of the house, then they can be decorated in a color different from the walls of the facade. However, do not forget that there is a measure for everything. The optimal effect is achieved when complementary colors come from environment building.

It is best to use no more than 1-2 additional colors.

Choice color scheme must be carefully thought out. The brightest colors (green or yellow) go well with brown, copper or white. Less natural shades will look good paired with gray or soft white. If there is a desire to highlight the frames of doors and windows, then they should be finished in a lighter color than the facade.

The color of the facade allows you to visually change the proportions of the house. For example, two-storey house, which one top floor covered with siding more light color than the lower one, will appear higher than it actually is.

Vinyl siding is the leader among exterior finishing materials in beauty and aesthetics. More and more buyers are choosing this material, wanting to decorate the magnificent exterior of their home.

The range of vinyl siding colors is quite wide and is presented in both bright and pastel shades - you are sure to find what you need.

Vinyl siding is a universal finishing material

Is an artificial facing panel, which is easy to install, protects the house and performs a decorative function. Externally, it imitates an ordinary board, brick or timber, while being a reliable modern material.

Advantages of vinyl siding:

  • It doesn't need to be painted.
  • No need to level the walls.
  • Easy installation and dismantling at any time of the year.
  • High-quality siding does not lose color for up to 50 years.
  • Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Not afraid of any precipitation.
  • Resistant to moderate mechanical impacts.
  • Not flammable.

It is very easy to care for - you just need to wash it with a hose and again admire the elegant home.

Vinyl siding color palette

The offered range of this material is such that you will have to choose not only colors. Vinyl siding is rich in both palette, shape and texture. If earlier its types were limited to “herringbone” and “ship timber”, now there are many more options.

Standard vinyl siding colors

To make selection easier, they are divided into subgroups:

  • White tones (see ).
  • Pastel.
  • Colored.

Moreover, the price of pastel colors is usually slightly lower, which makes it popular:

  • This is not just a whim of the manufacturer - the cost of additives that prevent paint from fading is very high.
  • The brighter the color of the siding, the more such additives it contains and the more expensive it is.
  • Besides more affordable price, pastel colors do not become boring even after many years.
  • But this does not mean that bright colored panels should not be used - as a bright edging and decor, they will perfectly highlight the more delicate pastel colors of the main facades.

Note. The same can be said about white tones - they may not be practical, so it is better to use them in corner and edging elements. This will make the house neater and more expressive.

Basement vinyl siding - natural stone colors

Since it is very durable due to its texture, it is most often used to cover the basement part of the building, combined with standard siding panels.

Because the this type imitates natural materials and brick (see), then the color of vinyl basement siding can be:

  • Sandy.
  • Terracotta.
  • Beige.
  • Gray.

Advice. It is best to combine this finish with natural flowers, creating a logical and complete exterior of the building. However, the design of the house, the facades of which are completely covered with siding that imitates brick, looks very nice.

Block House – natural wood motifs


  • Cream.
  • Banana.
  • Caramel.
  • Pistachios.

Any of these natural colors is a win-win option. However, it is worth considering their combination with the roof of the house (see), if it is the same natural pale color, then the house will be faded.

How to choose the color of vinyl siding?

Before you make your choice, it would be wise to find out interesting ideas and inspiration from photos of finished houses.

Note. Any reputable siding company will offer you a service for selecting facade designs for your home. A professional will advise both color and texture solutions.

The selection of colors is made using computer applications that help preview the finished version of the future facade.

The danger of the “I want a brighter color” approach

The selection of colors for finishing the facades of a house is extremely important and has its own characteristics:

  • Did you know that choosing a color from a swatch will be very different when executed on a large scale.
  • Be sure to listen to a material selection consultant - he knows these and other features that you have not encountered.
  • You may think that it offers you too pale a color, you would definitely like it brighter, but trust an experienced eye.

Advice. Choose a shade that is much paler than you would like to see in your home - on a large scale, the color will be intensified many times over.

A bright note in design

Brighter colors can be used in individual decorative elements:

  • Corner panels.
  • Butt strips.
  • Soffits and other details.

The bright color will highlight the most successful architectural moments of your home. Here you can safely play in the contrast of a delicate sand shade with brown, pale pink with burgundy, etc.

Principles of color selection

Vinyl siding will long years be on the walls of the house.

This means that he must have the following basic qualities:

  • Combine with the rest of the house's decoration, mainly the roof.
  • Fits harmoniously into the landscape space.
  • To be pleasant to perceive - not to hurt the eyes and not to get lost.
  • It shouldn't get boring over the years.

Note. This type of finish will last at least half a century, so it is worth considering not only the choice of manufacturer, but also the color scheme.

Although the price of vinyl siding is reasonable, changing the color after finishing the entire house is unwise and very expensive. But the truly chosen color will manifest itself on the finished façade.

How to combine colors?

You need to know the main laws of color combinations and then you definitely won’t go wrong.

In order not to rack your brains, choose win-win options:

  • Beige – brown.
  • Cream – terracotta.
  • Sandy – plum.
  • Pale yellow - burgundy.

But if you are confident in your design sense, then try bolder options, such as fresh shades:

  • Lilac.
  • Blue.
  • Orange.

Note. You are guaranteed an original and bright façade that expresses your individuality. The main thing is that you like your home, first of all, and for this you need to make every effort when choosing a color.

Watch the video in this article - the tips you receive will be useful to you regardless of whether you hire craftsmen or install the siding yourself. By the way, the ease of installation of this material allows you to cover the house yourself. But keep in mind that you need to install horizontal and vertical siding according to its intended purpose.

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The time when all residential buildings were alike is long gone, and modern facades They differ not only in shape, but also in a wide variety of shades. Color palette finishing materials makes it easy to realize the most daring and unusual solutions when arranging your home, make it brighter and more exclusive. The greatest scope for this is given by siding - one of best views finishing with wide choice textures and colors of panels.

Vinyl siding "Tecos"

The widest range of colors for vinyl and metal siding. There are all kinds of colors and shades here - from neutral, close to natural, to the brightest and most saturated. The exception is basement siding, the colors of which are more restrained, imitating natural materials and brick. Palette of wooden and fiber cement siding is also very wide, although there are no bright flashy colors in it.

By color scheme all siding is divided into three types: white, colored and pastel. White panels are best suited classic style home decoration, and are quite popular. Many people prefer to combine them with colored cladding, which gives a certain contrast and makes the facade more expressive.

The second type is panels of rich colors from light yellow to black. Bright colors are more often used in decoration public buildings- kindergartens, entertainment centers, supermarkets and other buildings, but for the cladding of private houses they choose mainly dark ones - burgundy, blue, green, all shades of brown. This finish attracts attention from afar and very clearly emphasizes architectural elements, gives the house original look. Since expensive additives that prevent fading are used in the manufacture of panels, they are more expensive than white and pastel siding.

Siding pastel colors It is considered the most popular material for both private houses and public buildings. The palette of its shades includes dozens of options for cold, warm and neutral colors, which, in combination with various textures, allows you to choose an exclusive finish for absolutely any structure. Pastel colors are less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, they are more pleasing to the eye, and are in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Each manufacturer has catalogs of the colors of their products, while the same color may be called differently by different brands. Entire collections and series of siding are produced in a specific color range: for example, “Oregon Pride” from the Mitten company is light pastel colors, “NATURE” from VOX is warm colors natural wood, and the “Platin” series from American siding is distinguished by its exceptionally rich and bright panel colors.

How to determine the quality of siding paint

Since this material lasts about 40-50 years, it decorative coating special requirements are put forward. It should not quickly fade or fade, become scratched, or peel off. High-quality siding retains the same color for 10-12 years, and subsequent fading occurs evenly and almost imperceptibly, so the homeowner does not have to worry about updating the color.

Unfortunately, high demand for siding has contributed to the market being filled with low quality products. Within a couple of years after installation, such panels begin to fade in spots, peel off, and lose their glossy shine. When choosing a material for finishing your home, know:

How to choose the right trim color

Decoration for a home is like clothing for a person - an inappropriate outfit spoils the impression and makes the appearance awkward or funny. When choosing the color of the cladding, you should take into account the size of the house, its architectural forms, color of the roof and surrounding buildings. If you want to use material of 2-3 shades, they must match each other perfectly. There are several basic rules color design facade, subject to which the house will always look attractive and stylish.

  1. Light siding visually increases the size of the building, so it is perfect for small houses. It is also recommended to use bright hues, if trees or lush shrubs grow near the house - paneling is white, cream, light blue or beige colour goes well with green foliage.

  2. Dark-colored siding makes the house less noticeable, visually reduces its size, and gives a strict appearance. When using dark green and brown shades in the cladding, the building seems to be “lost” against the background of trees and tall grass. Blue, dark gray, red-brown tones make the facade slightly gloomy, and therefore it is recommended to combine them with white finishing elements - corners, cornices, platbands. Many designers use dark colors to highlight individual details of the structure - figured ledges, openings, extensions against the background of light walls.

  3. Bright colored panels give the facade newness and freshness, give it an elegant look, and attract attention from afar. As a rule, only one color is chosen for cladding, since 2-3 flashy shades are already too much. You can highlight corners and openings with elements of a contrasting color that perfectly harmonizes with the main finish. For example, a bright red facade with white corners and trim looks very advantageous, especially against the backdrop of green spaces.

  4. For the facades of buildings with complex architecture, it is advisable to choose siding of the same color, and highlight all corners and protrusions with lighter elements. This technique allows you to smooth out the massiveness of the building, making it more elegant and light.

  5. For houses of simple shape, on the contrary, it is preferable to use multi-colored panels. There are a huge number of options for combining them, and the choice depends only on the imagination of the homeowner. Color combinations give the building a very impressive, expressive look and emphasize the artistic taste of the owners. Of course, all shades must be in harmony with each other and with the color of the roof.

  6. The classic style of the building corresponds to pastel colors of warm and cold tones, as well as White color. Home in rustic style Warm wood shades for walls and dark ones to match are ideal natural stone, for the base. If your home is built in the modern or high-tech style, you can use bright colors for decoration - light green, purple, red, emerald, deep blue in combination with dark gray, beige or white.

Advice. The most classic is the combination of light walls with a dark roof. If there is a base, it should be the same color as the roof, or have a neutral shade, for example, light gray. To decorate door and window openings, corners and protrusions on the facade, elements matching the color of the roof are also used, but only if the house is large enough.

On the websites of siding manufacturers, consumers are given the opportunity to choose the color of the material online. With the help of a special program, everyone can see how the cladding of a particular color will look on the facade of a house, and choose the most suitable color for the roof, plinth and additional elements. True, this only applies to standard cladding, and if you are planning to create a two- or three-color coating with geometric inserts, the program will not help you. In this case, it is recommended to use the color compatibility table so that the selection of shades is as competent as possible.

Combining siding panels

The easiest way to finish is to use panels of the same color. No sketches needed here complex calculations, installation is carried out as standard, regardless of the shade of the siding. But what to do if you want to decorate the facade in a more interesting way, using 2 or 3 types of panels? For those who doubt their abilities, it is better to turn to a professional designer; fortunately, now there is no shortage of such specialists. Although, in fact, you can cope with such a task on your own if you carefully consider all the options.

So, there are several popular ways of multi-colored finishing:

Advice. To determine the most suitable method, consider not only the appearance, but also the complexity of execution if you are going to install the siding yourself.

Material calculation

Let's look at cladding technology using colored inserts as an example. rectangular shape. First you need to draw a sketch of the house and determine the location and size of the inserts. The most popular example is contrasting inserts above and below window openings. The sketch should indicate the height and width of the walls, the dimensions of the openings, the sizes of the colored inserts and the distance between them, and also be sure to indicate where which color of the cladding is used. The more detailed the diagram, the easier it is to calculate the amount of material and additional elements to it.

To calculate the number of panels of the main color, you need to subtract the total area of ​​inserts and openings from the total area of ​​the walls, and divide the resulting value by the area of ​​one panel. To calculate siding of a different color, subtract the area of ​​the openings from the total area of ​​the inserts and also divide by the area of ​​one panel. After this, the number of panels of both sidings must be increased by 10-15%, since there will certainly be material waste during cutting.

Additional elements are measured in linear meters, so calculating their length is not difficult: it is enough to know the length of the perimeter of the walls, the height of the internal and external corners, and the perimeter of each opening. But connecting strips, or H-profiles, will be required more than with standard installation. As you know, panels of the same color can be overlapped, which allows you to save a little on additional elements, but this method is completely unsuitable for multi-colored panels. Here the siding is connected only end-to-end, which means the number of H-planks increases. They should be located on both sides of each insert, so to calculate, multiply the height of the inserts by their number and by 2, and then add 10% for cutting and connecting the planks to each other.

Surface preparation

Before installing the siding, you need to remove everything from the walls that could interfere with the work and begin preparing the surface. First of all, the walls are cleaned with a metal brush, as a result of which problem areas are identified - poorly adhering paint or plaster, crumbling seams, voids under old decoration. Use a hammer and chisel to knock down old cracked mortar until it reaches a solid base.

If the walls are affected by fungus, after cleaning, treat these areas with a bleach solution or a special antiseptic. The fungus must be completely removed, otherwise it will continue to develop under the sheathing, gradually destroying the wall material. Especially it concerns wooden houses, which are most susceptible to a variety of fungi and mold.

Cracks should also not be left, as they will only grow larger later. They are embroidered, cleaned of dust and sealed with ordinary cement mortar.

If, in addition to cracks, there are many potholes and other defects, the best solution would be to plaster the walls again using metal mesh for reinforcement. The prepared walls can only be primed, but this should be done on a dry surface, that is, repair mortar must dry completely.

Application of primer

Frame installation

The frame for siding can be mounted from timber and galvanized profiles. The first option is cheaper, but less durable, while metal lathing will last much longer without requiring replacement individual elements. Best suited for lathing U-shaped profile SD-60 with a wall thickness of 0.4-0.55 mm. Since the panels will be positioned horizontally, the frame guides should be installed vertically.

Step 1. Markings are made on the wall for mounting holes. They retreat 10-15 cm from the corner, use a plumb line to determine the vertical, and mark the drilling points with chalk or a marker in increments of 30-40 cm along this line. Then they step back another half meter to the side and again mark the vertical, and so on until the end of the wall.

Step 2. According to the markings, holes are drilled, dusted off, dowels are inserted and perforated hangers or brackets are attached.

Step 3. Along the lower edge of the wall they beat off the horizontal, and along this line they install starting profile. The ends of the sheathing guides will be inserted into it.

Step 4. The outer profiles are installed on the hangers, aligned vertically and secured with self-tapping screws. Now a strong thread is pulled between them along the bottom and top edges to make it easier to align the rest of the guides.

Step 5. After installing the main profiles, additional jumpers are attached around the openings and along the perimeter of future inserts. The ends of the siding panels will rest on these jumpers.

Video - Frame for siding installation

Panel installation

In general, the cladding process is carried out in a standard way, only you have to attach a larger number of H-planks and follow the sequence of installing the panels by color. It is best to cut the material immediately before installing it on the walls.

Step 1. The ebb plate is attached to the bottom of the sheathing with self-tapping screws, controlling the horizontal level. The planks are overlapped by 20-25 mm.

Step 2. Mount profiles of external and internal corners. A gap of 5-7 mm is left between the cornice and the upper edge of the profile, bottom edge should rest against the low tide.

Step 3. Along the lower edge of the sheathing, above the ebb, a starting strip is attached. It must also be positioned strictly horizontally, otherwise the casing will be skewed. The plank is secured with self-tapping screws every 25-30 cm exactly in the center of the holes. Be sure to leave a gap of 1 mm between the fastener head and the panel to avoid deformation during thermal expansion of the panels. There should be a distance of 10-12 mm between adjacent planks and about 6 mm from the nail edge of the corner profile.

Step 4. Insulate the space around windows and doorways. To do this, along the perimeter of each opening, window strips, platbands and finishing linings in the lower and upper parts are installed.

Step 5. Next, attach the connecting strips according to the diagram. To do this, cut the H-profile to the height of the insert, apply it to the sheathing where the jumpers were previously fixed, level it vertically and screw it on.

Step 6. Start installing the sheathing. Measure and cut the first panel of the main color, apply it to starting bar and bring the bottom edge into the lock. Screw the screws into the center of the holes in increments of 30-40 cm, leaving a gap for thermal expansion. A properly secured panel can be moved left and right without much effort, but if it does not move, you need to loosen the fasteners. Panels of the main color can be overlapped by 25 mm, and the ends of the outer panels are inserted into a corner profile and a connecting strip.

Step 7 Having reached the borders of the insert, take a panel of a different color and cut it to required length and carefully bring its ends into the H-profile. Place a level on top and check the horizontal position of the lamella, after which it is secured with self-tapping screws. Next, the panel of the main color is mounted again, and so on until the edge of the wall. The second row and all subsequent ones are performed in the same order, resulting in the formation of rectangular colored inserts on the trim.

Step 8 When the last panel remains to be fixed, first screw the finishing strip close to the cornice.

Next, take the panel, insert the bottom edge into the lock, snap it into place, insert the top edge and press until it clicks. If the width of the panel is larger than necessary, carefully trim it, use a punch to make new holes along the edge and insert it in the manner described above.

After this, the gables are sheathed (if necessary), soffits and decorative elements are installed.

The pediment, by the way, can also be made to match the color of the inserts - this will give the cladding a more interesting view. The inserts themselves can have a different shape, for example, triangular. In this case, the panels are cut according to a template so that the cutting angle is the same, and instead of the H-bar, a J-profile is used, attached at a certain angle to the guides.

How to sheathe correctly wooden house siding, do it yourself Additional elements for vinyl siding: dimensions

Cladding the external facade of a house with siding is a very popular and justifiable job. In addition to the fact that the material itself has excellent properties and is able to protect the walls of a house from precipitation and destruction for many years, it also looks impeccable. The finishing installation technology allows you to do the work yourself, which can significantly save costs on cladding. One of the main advantages is the ability to choose the color of siding for cladding the house. Having wide palette colors and imitations, the most interesting combinations can be realized.

Which siding to choose for cladding a house?

Types of material

Roof and siding color combination: azure and marshmallow

Siding can be divided into three groups of types. Each of them has its own color scheme, as well as technical and performance characteristics. There are the following types of cladding:

  1. Polymer - that’s what everyone calls it vinyl siding, which is attractive and is made from acrylic and PVC masses. Basement siding, which refers to vinyl material, can imitate stone or brickwork. Has different repeating colors natural material and besides, plinth panels are more resistant to mechanical and atmospheric conditions, since it is subject to a greater detrimental influence. IN Lately they began to cover the wall surfaces of houses with basement panels
  2. Metal is no less popular and is in demand just like vinyl panels. Being light in weight, the structure does not create a special load on the house and therefore can even be used for quick finishing of high-rise buildings
  3. Fiber cement - consists of cement pressed with cellulose fibers. This material is also in demand for cladding buildings, but carries a load on the base
  4. Wooden - perfect for lovers of naturalness. Since the panels are made by pressing under high pressure fibers of ordinary wood, siding is an order of magnitude cheaper than the cost of cladding from valuable species tree. And despite this wood siding can perfectly imitate a natural log house. Because of negative impact moisture on the wood, the material is covered with layers of varnish and paintwork materials

Siding color combination

The combination of siding colors plays a big role for a flawless appearance facade of the house. On modern construction market There are so many colors and shades that it makes no sense to list them all. The main thing before buying siding is to choose the right color of the panels. Many people use various online programs, and someone selects siding to match the color of the roof on their own.

Let's divide all colors into three main groups, from which derivatives come:

  • Colored siding
  • Pastel colors
  • White

Important! Don't expect that the panels will remain as bright in a few years. Although the material is resistant to ultraviolet rays, over time it will still become a little lighter. In principle, you should not be afraid of this, since for a person such changes can be completely invisible. However, if you use too bright and variegated colors, be prepared for them to fade.

In order to choose the required color and choose from existing options, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Light shades visually enlarge the house. They are perfect for buildings that are surrounded by green trees and dense vegetation. Light shades and the color of red brick are perfectly combined. Usually with bright color door and window openings are framed. Yellow is very pleasing to the eye and is also capable of increasing the finishing area
  • Dark colors make the house visually smaller, so it becomes less noticeable and the eye falls more on the surrounding landscape. Typically, dark shades and brown colors emphasize the solidity and wealth of the inhabitants of the house and therefore they are often used to emphasize the wealth of those living in it. Brown shades can go well with green and therefore the facade, made in dark color will fit perfectly into the overall picture

Pastel colors are the most popular for home decoration among buyers. This is also due to the fact that siding is much cheaper than its colored counterparts. In addition, the calm pastel color of the facade will calm and caress the eyes of both the owner and the ordinary guest. Colored versions of the panels are more expensive and this is due to the presence of expensive and high-quality paints in the composition, which have the property of preserving color under open sunlight. With the help of bright colors, many owners emphasize their home. In addition, any cladding can be combined in two colors at once.

Important! If you use basement siding when arranging the facade, then you should take care to choose calm colors for decorating the walls of the house. Plinth panels themselves give the base of the structure massiveness and have rich colors and textures that imitate brickwork or natural stone.

We choose based on the roof

Covering the walls of a house with siding

When selecting the required siding color, you need to understand that in the end all components must be combined with each other. And since the roof has its own color, it is necessary to focus on it. Many people use some tricks and frame window and arched openings in the color of the roof, and the wall cladding itself is done in calm and gentle tones.

For a green roof you can use not only pastel colors and shades gray. However, this depends on the shade of green, since there are quite a lot of derivatives. If the color of the roof is red, then you can use siding that imitates beige brickwork, and choose dark brick shades for the base.

One day I saw a tall two-story house, the roof of which was finished bitumen shingles terracotta color. This option went well with the creme brulee colored siding. You can also use the specified style for your home. For example, you can combine dark green roof colors and lighter, more muted wall colors. But for the Renaissance it is generally not permissible to use gray and cool colors. Alpine style combines dark roofs, light walls and edging of windows and corners in the color of the roofing cladding.

Choosing the color of the roof and siding is one of the most important aesthetic aspects of the exterior decoration of a private home. This process seems easy only at first glance. It turns out that it is not so easy to choose a pleasant combination of tones of roof and facade materials.

If you approach this issue irresponsibly, there is a high probability of unplanned alterations. Since looking at the inharmonious combination of roof and facade every day will get boring quite quickly. The result of such negligence when choosing finishing colors is its double price.

To find out, Choosing siding color - creative process– read our recommendations. Check out the same article.

There are a lot of nuances that need to be taken into account. For example, surface different types roofs in sunny colors look completely different.

Note! There are also general trends - the façade is decorated mainly in yellow tones. This color is considered neutral and warmer compared to the same white coating, which also gets dirty quickly.

Choosing siding color


Siding panels are most often made of vinyl or metal. Selecting siding according to the color of the roof is a very simple question. And the whole point is because there are about 30 types of basic panel colors plus various additional shades.

Siding color

The general classification divides the colors of siding panels into 3 main groups:

  • glossy pastel;
  • glossy bright;
  • white.

Most often, the color of siding and roofing is selected in such a way that the façade cladding is carried out in the same color scheme roof or in contrast to it. The combination of light shades of siding panels with darker additional elements of the same spectrum looks great.

To make it easier to find the most compatible colors, use photo catalogs offered by manufacturing companies. Large construction stores have designers who you can turn to for competent advice.

Note! It is believed that best optiongreen roof and yellow walls. It creates a cozy impression of a warm summer, and this option will not stand out against the background of the landscape design of the site.

Selection methods

When choosing paints, you can use three methods:

  • carry out this work independently by studying catalogs;
  • entrust the selection to specialists - design studios or architectural bureaus;
  • take advantage of a special online calculator colors.

The simplest color transition model is a rainbow. Such a circle of seven primary colors, of course, cannot represent the entire palette, but their combinations, when mixed, create many shades. To successfully select the color of siding and roofing, use templates with which you can make a preliminary assessment by “trying” them on the building.

Note! Such a do-it-yourself assessment is not the best the best option, if you work alone. Ask a few more people to review your choice. It's best if these are members of your family.

It is enough to simply select siding using computer programs that allow you to combine different colors of the roof and walls of the building. The instructions for such online calculators are quite simple - you just need to select the desired color from those available for the facade and roof.

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As soon as you click on the desired colors, the color of the building on the monitor will change. You can carry out such an analysis quickly enough, and without leaving your home.

When choosing a color “live” on your site, consider the most various factors. The best way to do this is to:

  • V different time days;
  • on sunny and cloudy days;
  • on the southern and northern walls of the building.

Advice! Panels in light pastel shades will not only look good, but will also not become as boring over time as the option with a rich dark facade.

A little about the different color options

Plays a big role when choosing color landscape design plot. It can not only highlight a building, but also hide it behind trees or bushes.

Here are the main points for choosing the color of the facade and roof:

  • the structure must stand out from the environment;
  • the house should look beautiful and, if desired, original.

The colors of all structural elements of the house need to be carefully thought out at initial stage its design. It is important to take into account the design of the nearest neighboring houses or adjacent buildings.

Let's look at the main characteristics of various color solutions:

  • White color carries positive energy, harmonizes well with any landscape, standing out against the background of its dark greenery. But making the facade of a house white is not entirely practical, as it gets dirty easily.
  • Grey colour evokes associations of a cloudy sky, fog, dew drops, which evoke indifference, sadness and boredom. This option is rarely used for house facades.
  • Brown color symbolizes dry autumn leaves, chocolate, tree bark. This option is quite simple and emphasizes patience, confidence and modesty.

Advice! Watch several video reviews of finished objects with different color options roofing and siding facade - this will help you make the right choice.

  • Yellow– the color of gold, sun, straw and the shine of honey. Great choice for finishing the facade.
  • Green color– greenery saturated in the sun, as well as various variations from gray-green reeds to dark large conifers and mosses. But green color the facade of the house, around which there are many trees - a truly original and rare solution.
  • Blue color- this is a shade bright sky, but it can also be cool. This roof color option goes well with the white facade.
  • Red colorbright shade, which is always associated with wealth. Most often it is used for painting metal tiles. This roof also looks good with white siding.