home · On a note · How to attach j profile for siding. Features of the use of J-shaped and other types of profiles when facing with siding. How to go around windows and doorways with siding

How to attach j profile for siding. Features of the use of J-shaped and other types of profiles when facing with siding. How to go around windows and doorways with siding

Installation of a J-profile on the gable end of gable roofs

Gable roofs of houses in which the wall of the building smoothly merges into the wall of the attic or attic floor, are usually called gable, and the pediment itself in this case is called a gable.

As in others similar cases To ensure the required joining accuracy, a template is made. To make it, use a pair of suitable J-profile trims, one of which is installed on the existing wall siding, and the second is placed under the corresponding roof overhang. On the first segment, a marker draws the roof slope line, after which, as indicated in the figure, the template is trimmed (Fig. 41).

The next step is to mark out the J-rail template that will be used on the left side of the gable. To do this, the template is placed face up at an angle of 90° onto the profile to be marked and a mark is applied with a marker, after which the workpiece is cut along the resulting line. Excess areas of plastic are completely removed, that is, both the nail and front side.

Rice. 41. Installing a J-profile on a tong: a – making a template and installing the profile; b – profile joining along the length; 1 – piece of J-profile; 2 – template; 3 and 4 – left and right cladding elements, respectively.

Now the template needs to be rotated back side up and mark the second J-profile of the Docke siding, the one that will be used with right side pediment. Unlike the previous template, only the nail strip is cut off for this profile, and the front side remains unchanged.

The prepared profiles at the installation site are fixed to the wall according to normal rules fastening of vertical elements. To do this, the first self-tapping screw is installed along the upper edge of the uppermost mounting hole, all other screws are screwed in at the centers. In this case, the front strip of the right profile of the Deke vinyl siding, left uncut, is inserted into the groove of the left one. If this is not possible, due to poor entry of the uncut face strip into the mating part of the profile, careful trimming should be done. The parts of the front profiles facing upward close the assembled unit.

Stroymet engineers remind you that roof gables facing the sunny side become very hot, and this must be taken into account. The same is possible on other gables if used Dock siding dark color. The situation is further aggravated by insufficient ventilation, which is typical for such areas of the roof, where an overhanging canopy limits circulation, creating zones of still air with high temperatures.

To avoid excessive overheating of the J-profiles bordering the gables, during their installation on the wall, a distance of about 2.5 cm is provided from the point of contact between the wall and the roof. To make such an indentation, usually the same J-profile is taken and attached to the end as a temporary spacer between the edging and the roof. In other words, in the corner formed by the wall and roof, a profile is first installed at the end, to which it is pressed, and then the J-profile of the edging is secured. After performing this operation, the first of the profiles is removed, and in its place an indent of the required size remains.

In practice, a situation is known when, in order to save money, the J-profile is not installed on the gables at all, and ordinary siding is laid without it at all. The logic of the reasoning is as follows: after all, the end overhangs are still sheathed with siding or soffits, thereby visually covering the cut ends of the siding. Indeed, aesthetically this installation looks quite decent. However, heavy slanting rain or snow inevitably penetrates the siding wall to the exposed ends of the strip siding. Through them, moisture enters the walls, since there is no obstacle in the form of a J-profile required by technology and, in fact, the outwardly beautiful cladding does not perform its protective functions at all.

Moreover, in some cases even the J-profile is not able to cope with a powerful flow. To completely avoid negative phenomena, you need to join Deke vinyl siding at particularly critical points, which include external and internal corners of walls and gables, as well as the boundaries of window and doorways, upholstered with galvanized roofing sheet. If for some reason this is not possible, it is necessary to paste it with waterproofing material, roofing felt or any other similar material.

Installation of the internal corner profile of Deke siding on the gables

If gable roof It has simple form, it is more convenient to use not a standard J-profile, but specialized internal corners(Fig. 42). This is possible because the angle between the overhang and the pediment is actually an internal one. right angle, and the only peculiarity is its inclined position. When using inner corner Dock profile a number of important tasks are being solved at the same time.

One of them is that in this way the problem with moisture protection of the corner is immediately solved, providing a good barrier to rain and snow getting inside. Equally important is that in this option of covering the gables with ordinary siding or installing soffits, the need for additional profiles is eliminated.

Rice. 42. Installation of the internal corner profile on the gable: 1. covering the gable with siding; 2. internal corner profile; 3. overhang trim.

When installing corner profiles, use the standard rules for laying vertical siding. As usual, the first self-tapping screw is screwed in close to the upper edge of the upper mounting hole of the profile, and all the others are screwed in the centers. The size of the overlap when it is necessary to join the profiles is 2.5 cm. The screws are wrapped tightly enough, preventing sagging, but without unnecessary effort. A correctly screwed self-tapping screw pulls the profile to the surface of the slope and gable, but does not screw in too tightly, providing a gap that allows thermal expansion of the corner profiles. Upon completion of installation, you need to check the correct installation, for which the profile is carefully moved to the sides from its original position.

Important! Stroymet specialists do not recommend and prohibit the direct installation of soffit to the bottom of the roof. The danger is that the heat from the heated roof is directly transferred to the soffit and this can lead to its deformation. To avoid this, they do two things: either increase the air gap between the roof and the soffit, or install additional insulation.

Vinyl and metal panels siding are the most popular facing materials these days. Moreover, since the advent of siding, the principles themselves have been revised facing works. Now you can do the installation yourself without involving specialists.

A wide variety of colors and textures, low cost and ease of installation have determined the popularity of this facing material. In addition, he has a number of unique qualities, which are difficult to overestimate.

About siding

This material appeared in North America, namely, in Canada about 50 years ago. At first it was wooden panels, which, thanks to their excellent appearance, quickly gained popularity. Since wood is a fairly expensive material that requires maintenance, vinyl and metal panels soon appeared that were cheaper, while offering a number of unique qualities.

Nowadays, siding has an extremely wide range of applications. It is actively used for finishing works new buildings and restoration of old country houses or country houses. It is used for cladding facades, insulating and protecting walls from various external influences.

In addition, this type of cladding is used not only in cottage, but also multi-storey construction. Siding covers not only residential buildings, but also industrial, administrative buildings and shopping facilities. As a rule, most often they are covered with siding wooden houses, somewhat less often - brick.

Read here.

Benefits of siding

  1. Price.
  2. Possibility of laying insulation.
  3. Durability. Service life – 50 years.
  4. A variety of colors and textures, including imitation wood, brick or stone. There is also a profile for log siding, which has appearance natural logs, both in color and texture, are practically indistinguishable from this material.

  1. Resistant to mechanical damage. Vinyl siding is flexible, while metal siding has a galvanized steel rod that adds strength to the structure.
  2. Possibility of installation in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The ability to perform installation work without the involvement of professionals.
  4. Resistant to temperature changes.
  5. Fire safety. Vinyl panels melt without spreading fire. Metal ones are not at all susceptible to fire.
  6. Siding does not require special care. A simple wash with water from a hose is sufficient.

Siding installation

Carrying out installation work involves three stages:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Installation of sheathing;
  • Installation of siding panels.

So, before you start installing the profile under the siding, you need to prepare the surface and install lathing.

Surface preparation

During the preparation process, you should dismantle all protruding facade elements that may interfere with installation work. These include gutters, window sills, shutters, and climbing plants. The layer of old, peeling plaster is removed, but if the house was covered with clapboards, then the planks are lined or replaced.

Read here.

Installation of sheathing

The sheathing is installed depending on what type of siding you are installing. So, if the starting profile for siding is laid horizontally, then the sheathing strips must go vertically in order to provide fastening to the panels, and vice versa.

The lathing also differs in wooden and steel. Steel is used in the installation of metal siding. Vinyl panels are mounted on wooden frame.

The presence of the sheathing allows you to install siding on uneven walls Moreover, thanks to its presence, the walls can be insulated. And this will save on heating costs in the winter season and provide warmth and comfort to your home. Sheets of insulation are laid between the sheathing profiles and fixed with self-tapping screws.

By means of the lathing, the necessary ventilation of the siding panels is achieved. Since the sheathing is the basis for attaching the siding, and therefore must be a strong and reliable structure. If you decide to make a wooden frame, be sure to treat the wood special solution, which will protect it from bugs and moisture.

The sheathing pitch depends on the weight and size of the siding sheets.

Siding installation

Carrying out installation work involves not only laying panels, you should also use a variety of Assembling siding with your own hands - step by step guide home handyman, which are installed under windows, on corners, trims, etc.

For installation work you should use special tools which should be prepared in advance.

To cut vinyl panels, use metal scissors, a cutter knife, a hacksaw, or hand power saw with a circular blade or abrasive wheel.

When choosing nails for attaching siding to the sheathing, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Nails must be aluminum or galvanized, the head of which reaches a diameter of 0.9 – 1 cm.
  • The nail shank should be about 0.3mm in diameter. Its length should be sufficient to penetrate the base to a depth of at least 2 cm.

Nailing vinyl siding should be done in such a way as not to interfere with the compression and expansion of the panel. In this case, a gap of about 5-6 mm should be left for the expansion of the panel, ensuring fastening to the edges and chamfers.

Advice! Never nail the siding panels too tightly! This may lead to future deformation of the material.

Features of installation of horizontal siding

Vinyl siding is relatively easy to install. The instructions for carrying out installation work are clear even to a beginner. Therefore, even if you have never encountered similar works, with due diligence and accuracy, you can easily provide your home with an excellent appearance for many years.

The basis for the future cladding design is the starting profile. The success of the installation as a whole will depend on how smoothly and correctly it is laid. Therefore, many are interested in the question: how to install a profile for siding?

This is not difficult to do. You need to find the lowest corner of the previous cladding of the house or the top line of the base. We outline it with chalk. Drive the nail 4 cm above the bottom corner. In the same way we drive a nail into the other wall.

Next, using a paint cord, you need to beat off a straight, even line between the nails. This procedure is carried out around the entire house. The starting strip is set with its top edge on the chalk line. Next you need to nail the strip along the chalk line.

All subsequent panels should be mounted relative to the previous ones. Bottom edge the panel is attached to the lock of the previous one by means of upward tension. Clutching the panels in this way should be done carefully and without much pressure. Pull until you hear a click. Top part the panel is attached to the sheathing by screwing self-tapping screws into the perforated holes.

In addition to conventional siding panels, the cladding design includes auxiliary elements, such as siding profiles, ji profile, designed for joining panels at corners, in door and window frames.

The J-profile gets its name because it resembles the letter “J” in cross-section. When working with siding, this versatile element can replace many accessories. Manufacturers have developed a GI profile for siding as a part that covers the ends of the panels.

Types of J-profile

There are several types of J-profile used for different purposes:

Name Options Application
Ordinary Items produced by different manufacturers, sometimes have different sizes. Typically, panels are produced with a heel width of 23 mm and a height of 46 mm. Inside, its width absolutely corresponds to the thickness of the row panels. The ends of the siding boards are inserted into this part.
Flexible j profile for siding (arched) It has special notches, along which cuts are made. Thanks to this, the rail can be bent along any curved path. With the help of this element, round, arched openings, as well as other elements of complex shapes are made.
Wide (platband) The dimensions of this part may also vary. As a standard, it is produced in the same width as a regular one (height 85-91 mm). The top wall has a height of 65 mm. These elements frame window (door) openings, but its thickness allows this element to be used in other cases.

Features of application


  • The ends of the panels are closed.
  • Replaced finishing profile.
  • The cladding of the gables is being completed.
  • Horizontal cornices are formed.
  • Replaces standard corner profiles.
  • Caps are made for external corner profiles.

Design of panel ends

When a vertical seam is made joining two types of finishing material:

  • When it is necessary to make a less noticeable seam, a regular profile is installed. To highlight the joint, choose a wide one.
  • The J-rail is used as a window strip, windshield, etc.

Note. The J-profile frames the windows, which are located in the same plane with the wall.

Arched openings

The flexible J-bar is designed for finishing round, arched openings and other shaped elements:

  • Notches are made on the rail (with a smaller radius, the notches are made more often).
  • The finished part is attached to the bend.

Installation of the pediment

The finishing of the pediment is carried out similarly to the installation of ordinary strips:

  • The angle of inclination of the roof is measured.
  • The starting strip is attached.
  • A J-profile is installed along the roof slopes.

Note. A J-profile is installed under the roof along the slopes of the gable so that the top is secured with a self-tapping screw at the top of the mounting hole, and the remaining ones in increments of 20-30 cm - in the centers.

It plays a role because the standard finishing profile (at an angle) does not securely fix the siding. Profile j is more often used on gables (see), since cornice finishing profiles are rarely found in hardware stores.

The left and right profiles are joined at the top of the pediment;

  • The slats overlap each other.
  • The front part is cut diagonally.
  • A gap (6 mm) is left between the slats.

Note. The second J-rail is overlapped by 2 cm if more than one J-profile is required along each gable. Siding on the gable must be cut at a certain angle (for this, the angle of the roof is measured).

Replacing a standard corner profile

This helps you save money when installing yourself:

  • The negative aspects include the fact that the tightness of the corner is reduced.
  • Then it is recommended to glue it with a piece of rolled waterproofing.

This is a valid option for a budget finishing option (the price of a standard corner strips higher).

Using stubs

In order to close (bottom and top) the outer corner profiles, you need to make a plug:

  • A piece of the rail is cut off, the length of which is equal to twice the width of the profile.
  • A corner is cut in the center of the strip.
  • The piece is folded so that it goes around the corner correctly.

Installation of horizontal cornices

A J-rail is attached to the top of the pier (wind board), into which it is installed cornice strip. The soffit panels fit into it, and the second edge also fits into the j profile. Siding is easy to install.

Installation of spotlights

Note. Soffits (with or without partial perforation) are installed before installing the top row of siding. They are selected according to the weather conditions of a particular region.


  • First, marks are made on the wall parallel to the pediment with a level, and the J-profile is attached to them with self-tapping screws.
  • The instructions indicate that when installing soffits, the main goal is to secure the J-profiles to accommodate the soffit panel.

The elements are fastened strictly against each other:

  • On the wall.
  • Below the cornice.

Depending on the type of roof overhang (see), several options for attaching spotlights are possible:

  • Standard J-profile.
  • Modified version of the plank.
  • A special strip for attaching spotlights.

Let's take a closer look:

  • In the first option, it must be located along the wall wooden beam(a reliable support, to the bottom of which it is planned to attach the J-profile).

Note. When such a support is missing, it is recommended to install it.

  • In the second case, it is necessary to modify the J-rail and attach it directly to the wall.
  • To do this, you need to make cuts on the J-profile fastening strip, bend the resulting “tabs” and attach them with self-tapping screws.
  • A regular J-profile is attached at the bottom of the pediment (exactly opposite the first one). It is recommended to install an additional frame.
  • Next, you need to measure the distance between the J-profiles, subtract 12 mm (standard expansion margin) and cut off such a soffit. Place it in place, making sure to secure it into the perforated holes.

In the corners, soffits are joined using several methods:

  • Diagonal.
  • Straight.

When finishing a building, the j profile is used to join the soffits (two J-rails are connected back walls). Diagonal joining is more beautiful, but it is more difficult to perform.

Docking Features

To avoid problems, do the following:

  • First, two J-rails are installed vertically along the window;
  • The J-profile is attached to the top of the window so that it overlaps the side chamfers.
  • Ears (size 2 cm) are cut out at its bottom (on the sides) and bent down.
  • Its edges are cut at an angle of 45º.
  • At the top of the side profiles, the bottom is also cut out by 2 cm.
  • Their top is cut at an angle of 45º.

Possible mistakes

You should not replace the starting rail with j profile, siding:

  • It does not secure - it only supports the panels; even an average wind can tear off the finished paneling.
  • The recess in the slats collects water.

Siding has now become one of the most popular types of house cladding. To attach it to each other, j siding profiles are often used. It is necessary to understand why this joining material is so good, how and where it is used, and also in what places it is better not to put it.

What is j profile

If you look at such siding products, almost all of them resemble some letter of the English alphabet. There are H, F and j-profiles. All have a special purpose and place of application when cladding a house. The GI option has become one of the main ones, since in addition to the main areas of fastening - windows, doors, roof, it can be used almost everywhere. J profile comes in three types:

  1. Regular - has dimensions of height 46 mm and heel width 23 mm.
  2. Arched - the same dimensions as the previous one, but there are notches on it. It is used both for the design of completely round windows and on one side and doors.
  3. Wide - the heel remains as usual, and the height varies from 85 to 91 mm.

Application areas j profile

The main area for fastening profiles of this type is the cladding of windows, doors and corners of the house. To cover the ends of siding panels. It is also used as a finishing profile. It is necessary to install it under the inclined slopes of the roof, but it has one significant drawback, does not fix the siding panels, while the j option does an excellent job with this. There are special profiles for the corners of the house, but they are much more expensive, so most craftsmen use more a budget option, replacing them with j type.

The only place where you definitely should not attach this type- this is the starting level, since water accumulates in the recess or heel in rainy weather, and the second reason is that this option is considered supporting, not fastening. If the wind blows, the entire structure may be partially or completely torn off.

In order for the cladding of the house to look like a single whole, you need to choose the color of the profile in accordance with the color of the siding itself. Manufacturers provide a wide range and good color range of all necessary materials and fasteners.

DIY home decoration

Professionals in the field of building cladding will complete the work much faster than the average person, but it is so interesting to try your hand at all areas of construction, especially if the house was built with your own hands.

Siding installation begins with preparatory stage, namely cleaning the walls from overhanging elements. Everything needs to be removed - drainpipes, platbands, shutters. Then precise markings are made according to the building level and the building is sheathed using a thin beam. TO wooden house They are attached with self-tapping screws to brick or stone using a hammer drill using dowels.

After this, the rest are attached - in the corners and for cashing doors and windows, you need to set the j option. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small distance to the lower and upper edges of the building, since the profiles can be cooled or heated and either shrink or expand due to temperature changes. If the latter happens and the product rests on a hard surface, then it may crack and burst, and this will lead to deformation of the entire cladding. It is better to fasten the profile to the wooden casing with press washers, since when using nails, a hammer can also damage the material. They need to be slightly loosened so that the gap allows the product to move easily when the temperature changes.

The correct installation of j profiles for doors and windows is as follows: first attach the vertical strips and only then the horizontal ones. From both ends top material bends and lies on the vertical ones.

All preparatory work completed and only now the installation of siding panels begins. First the bottom one, which will close the starting profile, and then the subsequent ones. They are inserted into the products and snap securely, and are also fixed with press washers. One of them is pushed into the oval slots of the panel in its center, which is also not screwed in, as in the case of fastening profiles.

The j type is mounted under the roof slopes, and the starting type is mounted on the eaves. Work continues, as with the cladding of the house itself. The panels can be overlapped, but it is better to use an H profile.

Using siding of different textures

Of course, you can cover the entire house with the same material, but there is such a type as alpha siding. This type is more durable and is used on bottom part building. The alpha profile will cover any foundation, with the only difference being that with a strip sheathing, the sheathing is attached to the concrete itself, and if the house is on stilts, you will have to make a suspended sheathing. The decorating process is like two peas in a pod, similar to the cladding of the house itself. The only thing that is necessary, in addition to cleaning the foundation itself, will have to do the same with the surface of the land.

For more beautiful design enjoy different textures. If the entire house is finished with ordinary, one-color material, then the foundation can be highlighted with siding under natural stone or brick. Old, time-worn wood also looks good. It is even impossible to distinguish real stone from siding made for this material in the photo.

When cladding a house, to make it more attractive, you can use one product, but different colors or two, for example, a stone and a board.

Conclusion on the topic

With the right and high-quality installation all components and fastenings, the cladding will last a long time, and the annual process of painting the house will become a thing of the past for approximately 30 years. Any type of siding only needs to be washed with a stream of water from a hose. Good pressure will remove the dirt that has settled over the year and give the house its original appearance.

J-profile for siding is a universal additional element with a wide range of applications. It can be used to replace any other auxiliary parts. J-profile for siding is usually used for decoration and edging:

    corners of the house

On the end section, the accessory has the shape of the Latin letter “G”, which is where its name comes from. The element is installed using nails or rigid fastening with self-tapping screws.

Main types of J profile

There are three types of G-profile:

    A regular accessory is a universal one with standard parameters. The heel width is 23 mm and the height is 46 mm.

    Wide J-profile. Used in window framing.

    The arched element is a flexible J-profile. It is used when decorating door and window openings, and is also suitable in a number of other cases. Parameters - 85*91*65 mm.

The component is produced in the same color scheme, which is the material itself. It is also possible to choose contrasting details to make the exterior more vibrant and unusual.

To buy a J-profile for siding and soffits of the desired type, select a product from our catalog and place an order. The current cost of products, detailed descriptions and sizes of accessories are indicated on the website. Delivery is carried out throughout Moscow, as well as throughout the Russian Federation, and is cheap. Are you interested in the wholesale price of components? Contact us now and find out about favorable conditions cooperation. For convenience, we also offer to download the price list.