home · On a note · Handcuffing. Physo-Do: Martial arts, self-defense, safety measures, physical and psychological preparation. When it is prohibited to use special means in the form of handcuffs

Handcuffing. Physo-Do: Martial arts, self-defense, safety measures, physical and psychological preparation. When it is prohibited to use special means in the form of handcuffs

Special means, in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are objects, devices, mechanisms, substances and animals that can be used in the process of performing military service and other tasks related to law enforcement or security activities.

Handcuffs are special means with a passive effect, made as two rings with a lock (bracelets) that are connected to each other. Handcuffs are typically used by law enforcement officers or private security guards to restrict the mobility of detained or escorted persons. Basically, all handcuffs are metal and are placed on the wrists.

The history of handcuffs

It is believed that handcuffs first appeared during the invention of metalworking. Then these were heavy shackles that were closed and removed only in the forge. These were so-called “handcuffs” without a key. Before this, ropes or other suitable objects were used to tie the hands of the detainees. All of these items had many shortcomings. Revolutionary changes occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when a reusable mechanism in the form of bows was invented. They rotated freely, and the handcuffs themselves were adjusted to the size of people’s wrists.

At the same time, for the first time, the product was equipped with a ratcheting mechanism, which meant that the upper arms of the handcuffs could easily rotate in only one direction. In the opposite direction, the ratchet was held with a key. The handcuff bracelets were connected to each other using welded steel chain links. The product created then has reached us practically unchanged.

In Russia, private security companies are currently allowed to use certain types of handcuffs: “BR-S” and “BR-S2”, as well as “BCS-1” and “BOS”. A special case for handcuffs is used for wearing on a belt.

Use of handcuffs

When deciding on the use of handcuffs, the feasibility of their use is primarily determined. Is it worth emptying the handcuff case at all? They are mainly used during transportation or during the escort of offenders, as well as during the process of escorting convicts or when holding court hearings in premises unprepared for these purposes.

How to handcuff

Basically, handcuffs are placed on the wrists from the “hands behind the back” position. However, by delivering offenders to vehicles, “bracelets” can be worn with the hands in front. The actual process of handcuffing must occur after a warning command to the offender that force may be used against him in the form of the use of techniques hand-to-hand combat or special equipment. In cases of malicious disobedience, even the use of weapons is possible.

Handcuffing procedure

Before use, the case for handcuffs is opened, in which the locking device of the product remains unlocked in its primary position.

  1. In order to put on handcuffs, you need to hold them with your hand in the area of ​​the locking device. Next, applying the sector to the offender’s wrist, press the locking device so that the sector rotates along its axis one hundred and eighty degrees and passes into the locking device. Then, pressing the sector in the direction of movement with such force that possible removal of the hand or excessive compression of the wrist, which can lead to disturbances in blood circulation, is excluded, put on a handcuff;
  2. After handcuffing and after establishing required size(the bracelets should fit tightly around the wrists, and the hands should be able to rotate easily and fit snugly against the secured handcuffs), the locking mechanisms are moved to fixed positions. For these purposes, in handcuffs of the BR type, a key is inserted into the locking mechanism, which is turned clockwise, and in handcuffs of the BR-S type, the tail part of the key must lock the pusher.

How to remove handcuffs

Before removing the handcuffs, the handcuff key must be turned to the “open” position. In BRovsky handcuffs, you should turn it twice in the opposite direction from the clockwise movement. Then, when holding it in this position, the locking mechanism is uncoupled from the toothed half-clips. In BR-Osv handcuffs, the key is first turned counterclockwise (to release it from locking), and then in the opposite direction. When the key is held in this way, the locking mechanism is uncoupled from the toothed half-clips.

After the special means have been removed, they must be immediately and carefully placed in a case for handcuffs.

Rules for putting on special equipment such as handcuffs

Handcuffs can be placed on offenders in standing, lying down or kneeling positions. In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before handcuffing, using force or threatening to use a weapon, force the offender to take a position convenient for the guard, excluding the possibility of an attack on his part;
  • The offender must be pressed with his body close to the surface of the ground, floor, wall, etc.;
  • To put on handcuffs, one by one bends the arm behind the back with a painful effect;
  • Do not allow locking mechanisms to catch on elements outerwear or the body of the offender;
  • Put handcuffs on the side of the offender, out of reach of his feet;
  • Do not place the product on only one limb of the offender while holding the other in your hand. Being in this position, the offender will be able to deliver an unexpected blow without much difficulty.

Rules for using handcuffs

Handcuffs are used in temperature conditions from - 30 to + 40°C. Products must be stored in packages in indoors With temperature conditions from +5 C to +40 C, and relative humidity however, it should not exceed 80%. It is recommended to periodically clean and lubricate products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Handcuffs are kept without a key. To wear special equipment on duty, the instructions recommend using a special case for handcuffs.

When it is prohibited to use special means in the form of handcuffs

The use of special means in relation to pregnant women, with obvious signs of pregnancy, disabled people and minors is prohibited, except in cases where they offer armed resistance or commit a group attack that may threaten the health or life of the guard.

In circumstances where the use of special means cannot be avoided, security guards are obliged to show composure and equanimity, act calmly, soberly assess the current situation and the goals and objectives that must be achieved, with minimal possibility of causing damage to their health and causing minimal bodily harm to the offender.

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If you dreamed that you were being handcuffed, this bad sign, clouds are gathering over you, enemies are not asleep. You put handcuffs on someone - they are intriguing against you. Seeing a stranger in handcuffs means unexpected events will interfere with your life.

Imagine handcuffs made of paper. They break with little effort. Rip your paper handcuffs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Handcuffs

Such a dream speaks of your ambiguous attitude towards sex.

You don't know what you'll like, so you constantly try something new, but you can't decide whether it suits you or not.

If you dream that you are making love in handcuffs with unknown woman(by a man), this means that you are bored with the usual sex and are looking for something unusual.

To do this, you look for another partner who prefers unconventional sex.

However, you don't always enjoy it.

Handcuffing your partner means that you are not paying attention to him.

Your partner, apparently, experiences a lack of freedom, since in sex the initiative often comes from you.

If you saw yourself in handcuffs, and the dream is not associated with intimate life, this means that you will face severe humiliation, for which your partner will be to blame.

He will probably insult you either accidentally or intentionally.

Interpretation of dreams from

Special techniques and actions

Putting handcuffs on and conducting an initial external examination of a detainee is a complex technical actions, including approaching and making physical contact with a detainee during an inspection that directly poses a danger to the persons performing these actions. All this requires constant close attention, skills in handcuffing and inspection, and coordinated actions of employees.

The initial external examination of the detainee is a preventive measure that is carried out to ensure the personal safety of employees, the seizure of weapons from the detainee, items that can be used as weapons for attack, and the seizure of possible material evidence. An external examination is carried out immediately after the person is detained. It is safest to carry out an external examination of the detainee after handcuffing and in the presence of a partner, who is located near the detainee and, threatening him with a weapon, controls his actions. The partner must take a position that would ensure the safety of the officer who is handcuffing and performing the initial external examination. The partner should also be ready to provide assistance if necessary. For example, the officer who carries out the external examination stands on the right, behind the detainee. Another officer, who controls the behavior of the detainee with a weapon, stands to the left, behind the detainee, at an angle of approximately 45°-90° relative to the first officer, also maintaining safe distance from the detainee (2.5-3 meters).

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of position in which handcuffs are put on. Handcuffing can be done in a standing position if there is a partner, the detainee does not resist, and there is reason to believe that he will not resist. If there is even a slight suspicion that the detained person may resist, and also if the officer carries out these actions alone, it is necessary to handcuff him in a kneeling position, against a wall, and, if conditions allow, in a lying position.

External inspection is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • It is necessary to warn the detainee before the inspection that if he tries to resist, coercive measures will be applied to him.
  • It is prohibited to enter into a verbal dialogue with the detainee, allow him to look around, or interfere with the inspection.
  • It is prohibited to begin an inspection before the location of the personnel conducting the inspection is safe. You cannot reduce the distance to the detainee until he takes the position necessary for inspection.
  • You cannot stand between the detainee’s legs, put your hands over your shoulder, put your hands near the armpits, or put your hands in the detainee’s pockets (especially if he is not yet handcuffed). If any item is found in your pocket, you must remove it by turning the pocket inside out, or grab the pocket fabric with your fingers, pushing its contents out.
  • You cannot palpate with both hands at the same time.
  • When carrying out an inspection, you must not lower your head down; you must always look at the detainee, and not at your hands.
  • When conducting an inspection, one employee must hold the gun in his hand. If there is a possibility of an attack from the detainee, the cartridge must be chambered, the fuse in"Fire" positionyour finger should rest on top of the trigger guard.The inspection should only be carried out after handcuffing.

The inspection is carried out visually and by sequentially palpating the clothing and body, from top to bottom and from bottom to top, while paying attention to places where dangerous things can be hidden (sleeves, pockets, shins, hats, hair, behind the collar, under the arms, in groin area). It should be remembered that not always You can identify a hidden weapon or other object after the first probing. It should also be remembered that when carrying out an external examination, palpating and touching the detainee with the entire palm or fingertips, there is a danger of being pricked by a needle from a syringe, which may have the carrier’s blood on it HIV infection , hepatitis or other very dangerous diseases (you must use special gloves, at least medical ones). When identifying weapons, objects that may be weapons of crime, material evidence, etc., it is necessary to use gloves, a handkerchief, and the like. If dangerous or suspicious items are identified, they must be removed by pushing them out. When carrying out an external examination, it is always necessary to be prepared for the fact that the detainee may resist, use hand-to-hand combat techniques, etc.

Handcuffing and external examination in a standing position.

Starting position - having removed the pistol from the holster, facing the detainee, the first officer points the weapon towards the detainee, the second officer with a pistol pointed at the detainee stands on the left side towards the first officer at an angle of 45°-90°:

  • The first employee loudly and clearly gives the command:“Stop! Slowly raise your arms up! Turn around slowly!”Next the command is given: “Put your legs wide! Bend your torso forward! Place both hands behind your back! The backs of your hands are one to one! Thumbs up! Turn your head to the left and don’t move!”;
  • both employees must keep a safe distance (2.5-3 meters), not approach the detainee until he takes the appropriate position and the first employee is ready to handcuff;
  • but no blow!

Hold the handcuffs by the chain with your right hand (one handcuff is located from the thumb, the second from the little finger, a single movable bracket is directed from the four fingers).

Grab both thumbs with your left hand and put on the handcuff with your right hand with a quick movement from above, but without hitting! (or from below, if the detainee is tall) to the narrowest place on the wrists so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed back sides to each other.

Check the tightness of the handcuffs (only one little finger should fit under the handcuff. If the handcuffs are tightened more, the blood supply to the detainee’s cyst may be disrupted, which can lead to injury to the hands. If you can squeeze more than your little finger into the handcuff, then the detainee may try to free himself from the handcuff ).

Typical errors:

  • The detainee turned around and stood in a normal stance.
  • The detainee's torso is not tilted, the detainee's head is down, or he is trying to see what is happening behind him.
  • During inspection, the second officer keeps the first one in the line of fire.
  • Under the threat of a weapon, with clear, decisive commands, force the detainee, after turning around, to spread his legs as far apart as possible, put his hands behind his back, with the backs of his hands facing each other.
  • Force the detainee to turn his head in the direction opposite to the one conducting the inspection and tilt his torso.
  • Handcuffing must be carried out clearly and quickly, but without impact; handcuffs must be prepared for use and be in appropriate technical condition.
  • The second officer must clearly and carefully monitor what is happening during the handcuffing and visual inspection, and hold his weapon, taking into account the position of the first officer.

Handcuffing and external examination while standing near a wall.
The starting position is to remove the pistol from the holster, facing the detainee, the first officer points the weapon towards the detainee, the second officer with a pistol also aimed at the detainee stands to the left of the first officer, at an angle of 45°-90°:

  • Stop! Slowly raise your hands up! Turn around slowly! Go to the wall! Left hand on the wall! Then right! Rest your head against the wall!"Then the command is given: "Put your feet wide! Put your hands behind your back! Backs of palms facing each other! Thumbs up! Do not move!";
  • Next, the first officer can holster the gun, remove the handcuffs and prepare them for use. Holding the handcuffs by the chain with his right hand (one handcuff is located from the thumb, the second from the little finger, a single movable bracket is directed from four fingers), the first officer approaches the detainee from the right at an angle of 45°, grabs both thumbs with his left hand, and puts them on with his right hand. handcuff with a quick movement from above, but no blow! (or from below, if the detainee is tall) to the narrowest place on the wrists so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed with their backs facing each other;
  • then the first officer must check the tightness of the handcuffs (only one little finger should fit under the handcuff. If the handcuffs are tightened more, the blood supply to the detainee’s cyst may be disrupted, which can lead to injury to the hands. If you can squeeze more than your little finger into the handcuff, then an attempt is possible detainee to free himself from handcuffs). After checking the tightness of the handcuffs, you need to lock them with a key. This is done to prevent self-tightening of handcuffs during escort or transportation, which can lead to injury to the detainee’s hands;
  • it is necessary to remember that a detainee in handcuffs cannot be placed on his stomach and left unattended, as well as the need to check the condition of the detainee’s hands and handcuffs every 60 minutes in the summer and every 40 minutes in the winter;
  • subsequently, an external examination of the detainee is carried out, standing from behind from the side, first on his right side, then on his left;
  • The second officer, who insures the first, must constantly monitor the behavior of the detainee and what is happening around him while handcuffing and performing an external examination. He must always be ready to assist the first employee, and also always stand in such a way as not to keep the first employee in the line of fire. As the first officer moves to the left to continue examining the detainee's left side, the second officer must quickly lower his weapon hand down and move to the right, and then again keep the detainee under control (at gunpoint) so as not to keep the first officer in the line of fire.

Force the detainee, after turning around, to rest his head against the wall, put his feet wide apart, away from the wall, put his hands behind his back, with the backs of his hands facing each other.

Typical errors:

  • The detainee turned around and stood in the usual stance; no torso tilt; the head of the detainee does not rest against the wall, but only touches it; the detainee tries to see what is happening behind him.
  • Handcuffing with a blow.
  • Under the threat of a weapon, with clear, decisive commands, force the detainee, after turning in a circle, to rest his head against the wall, put his legs wide apart, away from the wall, put his hands behind his back, with the backs of his hands facing each other.

Handcuffing and external examination in a kneeling position.
The starting position is to remove the pistol from the holster, facing the detainee, the first officer points the weapon towards the detainee, the second officer with a pistol also pointed at the detainee stands on the left side of the first officer, at an angle of 45°-90°:

  • The first employee gives the command loudly and clearly: "Stop! Slowly raise your hands up! Turn around slowly! Get on your left knee! To the right! Cross your shins! Bend your torso!"Then the command is given: "Put your hands behind your back! Backs of palms facing each other! Thumbs up! Turn your head to the left! Do not move!";
  • both officers must maintain a safe distance and not approach the detainee until the detainee is in the appropriate position and the first officer is ready to handcuff;
  • Next, the first officer can holster the gun, remove the handcuffs and prepare them for use. Holding the handcuffs by the chain with his right hand (one handcuff is located from the thumb, the second from the little finger, a single movable bracket is directed from four fingers), the first officer approaches the detainee from the right at an angle of 45°, presses the detainee’s crossed feet with his left foot, and grabs both of his feet with his left hand. thumbs, with his right hand puts on the handcuff with a quick movement from above, but no blow! at the narrowest place on the wrists so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed with their backs facing each other;
  • it is necessary to remember that a detainee in handcuffs cannot be placed on his stomach and left unattended, as well as the need to check the condition of the detainee’s hands and handcuffs every 60 minutes in the summer and every 40 minutes in the winter;
  • Next, an external examination of the detainee is carried out, standing from behind from the side, first on his right side, then on his left;
  • the second officer, who insures the first, must constantly monitor the behavior of the detainee and what is happening around him while handcuffing and performing an external examination. He must always be ready to come to the aid of the first employee, and also always stand in such a way as not to keep the first employee in the line of fire. As the first officer moves to the left to continue examining the detainee's left side, the second officer must quickly lower his weapon hand down and move to the right, and then again keep the detainee under control (at gunpoint) so as not to keep the first officer in the line of fire.

Force the detainee to kneel with his hands raised and cross his legs.

Force the detainee to bend his torso forward, put his hands behind his back, with the backs of his hands facing each other.

Press down the detainee's crossed feet with your left foot, grab both of his thumbs with your left hand, and put on the handcuff with your right hand with a quick movement from above, but without hitting! to the narrowest place on the wrists so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed with their backs facing each other.

Typical errors:

  • No torso tilt; the detainee's legs are not crossed; the detainee tries to see what is happening behind him.
  • Handcuffing with a blow.
  • During the inspection, the second officer keeps the first one in the line of fire.
  • Under the threat of a weapon, with clear, decisive commands, force the detainee to cross his legs in a kneeling position, put his hands behind his back, with his hands facing each other.
  • Handcuffing must be done clearly and quickly, but without impact; handcuffs must be prepared for use and in appropriate technical condition.
  • The second officer must clearly and carefully monitor everything that happens when handcuffing and conducting an external examination, and hold his weapon taking into account the position of the first officer.

Handcuffing and external examination in a prone position.
Starting position - remove the pistol from the holster, facing the detainee, the first officer points the weapon towards the detainee, the second officer with the pistol also pointed at the detainee, stands on the left side of the first officer, at an angle of 45°-90°:

  • The first employee gives the command loudly and clearly: "Stop! Slowly raise your hands up! Turn around slowly! Get on your left knee! Then to the right! Left hand on the floor! Then right! Lie down! Cross your legs! (or spread your legs wide apart) Put your arms to your sides!" After: " Put your hands behind your back! Backs of palms facing each other! Thumbs up! Turn your head to the left! Do not move!";
  • both officers must maintain a safe distance and not approach the detainee until the detainee is in the appropriate position and the first officer is ready to handcuff;
  • Next, the first officer can holster the gun, remove the handcuffs and prepare them for use. Holding the handcuffs by the chain with his right hand (one handcuff is located from the thumb, the second from the little finger, a single movable bracket is directed from four fingers), the first officer approaches the detainee from the right at an angle of 45°, grabs both thumbs with his left hand and, holding them with his knees the body of the detainee, with his right hand puts on the handcuff with a quick movement from above, but no blow! at the narrowest point on the wrists, so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed with their backs facing each other;
  • then the first officer must check the tightness of the handcuffs (only one little finger should fit under the handcuff. If the handcuffs are tightened more, the blood supply to the detainee’s cyst may be disrupted, which can lead to injury to the hands. If you can squeeze more than your little finger into the handcuff, then an attempt is possible detainee to free himself from handcuffs). After checking the tightness of the handcuffs, you need to lock them with a key. This is done to prevent self-tightening of handcuffs during escort or transportation, which can lead to injury to the detainee’s hands.
  • it is necessary to remember that a detainee in handcuffs cannot be placed on his stomach and left unattended, as well as the need to check the condition of the detainee’s hands and handcuffs every 60 minutes in the summer and every 40 minutes in the winter;
  • Next, an external examination of the detainee is carried out in a lying position (on his knees or standing from behind on the side), first of his right side, then of his left;
  • Then: “Get up!” Hold the hand in a painful position (the arm is bent or holding the thumbs), help the detainee sit down, and then stand up;
  • the second officer, who insures the first, must constantly monitor the behavior of the detainee and what is happening around him while handcuffing and performing an external examination. He must always be ready to come to the aid of the first employee, and must always be positioned in such a way as not to keep the first employee in the line of fire. As the first officer moves to the left to continue examining the detainee's left side, the second officer must quickly lower his weapon hand down and move to the right, and then again keep the detainee under control (at gunpoint) so as not to keep the first officer in the line of fire.

Force the detainee to lie down, spread his arms (palms up) and legs to the sides.

Force the detainee to cross his legs, put his hands behind his back and connect the backs of his hands to each other.

Grab both thumbs of the detainee with your left hand and, holding the detainee’s torso with your knees, with your right hand put on the handcuff with a quick movement from above, but without hitting! at the narrowest point on the wrists, so that the detainee’s hands remain handcuffed with their backs facing each other.

Typical errors:

  • Caught in a position where his legs are not crossed; the detainee tries to see what is happening behind him.
  • Handcuffing with a blow.
  • An attempt to lift a detainee from a lying position in one movement.
  • Under the threat of a weapon, with clear, decisive commands, force the detainee to perform all actions and take the indicated position, and then approach him with handcuffs prepared for handcuffing.
  • Handcuffing must be done clearly and quickly, but without impact; handcuffs must be prepared for use and be in appropriate technical condition.
  • By giving clear commands and maintaining control over the movements and behavior of the detainee (using a painful hold), it is necessary to help the detainee sit down and then stand up.

Other methods of handcuffing and external examination, which, in case of emergency, are performed without a partner:

  • under pain control against the wall;
  • throw by two legs from behind;
  • at gunpoint and without handcuffs.

Handcuffing and external examination after a two-legged throw from behind by one officer.
It should be noted that this harsh method of handcuffing can be applied to a detainee if he is suspected of committing serious crimes against life and health, or has previously been convicted of such crimes, or is behaving extremely aggressively.

Starting position - standing behind the detainee:

  • throw with two legs from behind;
  • apply painful pressure to the right shin (with your left leg from the inside), and then give the command: "Hands behind your back! The backs of the hands are towards each other! Thumbs up!"
  • Grab your thumbs with your left hand, reach out with your right hand and put on the handcuffs;
  • it is necessary to remember that a detainee in handcuffs cannot be placed on his stomach and left unattended, as well as the need to check the condition of the detainee’s hands and handcuffs every 60 minutes in the summer and every 40 minutes in the winter;
  • Next, an external examination of the detainee is carried out in a lying position (on his knees or standing behind him on the side), first on his right side, then on his left;
  • To raise a detainee, you must give a clear command: "Lie down on right side! Pull your knees to your stomach! Sit down!" Then: “Get up!” Holding the hand in a painful hold (arm on the bend, or holding the thumbs), help the detainee sit down and then stand up.
  • Holding the detainee under painful pressure is necessary to control his behavior and movements.
  • It is necessary to use clear, decisive commands to force the detainee to perform all actions, after which handcuffing is carried out.
  • Handcuffing must be carried out clearly and quickly, but without impact; handcuffs must be prepared for use and be in appropriate technical condition.

Handcuffing and external examination under painful pressure near the wall by one employee.
Starting position - standing facing each other:

  • upon approaching the detainee, perform a detainee technique when approaching from the front (bending your arm behind your back with a jerk or dive);
  • giving a clear loud command: " To Wall!", bring the detainee to a wall or other support. lean against top part the body of the detainee against the wall (pressing him with your body) and give the command: "Spread your legs wide! Further away from the wall! Left hand on the wall!(if the arrest technique was performed on the detainee’s right hand) Look left!" The position of the detainee near the wall should be inconvenient for him, such that he cannot attempt to surprise attack employee. Holding the right hand of the detainee under painful pressure (in the bend of the arm behind the back) and pressing - controlling the detainee against the wall with your body, take out the handcuffs with your right hand and put the handcuff on your right hand. Give a clear command:"Left hand behind your back!"Capture left hand detained for brush or thumb and quickly put on the second handcuff;
  • then you should check the tightness of the handcuffs (only one little finger should fit under the handcuff. If the handcuffs are tightened more, the blood supply to the detainee’s cyst may be disrupted, which can lead to injury to the hands. If you can squeeze more than your little finger into the handcuff, then the detainee may try to free himself from a handcuff). After checking the tightness of the handcuffs, you need to lock them with a key. This is done to prevent self-tightening of handcuffs during escort or transportation, which can lead to injury to the detainee’s hands.
  • it is necessary to remember that a detainee in handcuffs cannot be placed on his stomach and left unattended, as well as the need to check the condition of the detainee’s hands and handcuffs every 60 minutes in the summer and every 40 minutes in the winter;
  • Next, an external examination of the detainee is carried out in a standing position against the wall, behind the side of the detainee, first on the right side, then on the left;

Typical errors:

  • The detainee is located near the wall, but not pressed against her;
  • legs are not set wide;
  • the detainee tries to see what is happening behind him;
  • stopping the pain on the detainee’s hand while handcuffing.
  • Pressing the detainee with his torso against the wall, together with painful pressure on the right arm, helps to maintain control over the detainee’s movements.
  • It is necessary to use clear, decisive commands to force the detainee to perform all actions, and then proceed to handcuffing.
  • Handcuffing must be done clearly and quickly, but without impact; handcuffs must be prepared for use and be in appropriate technical condition.

External examination at gunpoint without handcuffing by one officer (in a prone position).
It should be noted once again that it is not recommended to carry out an initial external examination without previous handcuffing and without a partner, but in case of emergency, such an external examination is carried out as closely and clearly as possible.
Starting position - remove the pistol from the holster, facing the detainee, the officer points the weapon towards the detainee, maintaining a safe distance (3-5 m):

  • The employee gives the command loudly and clearly: "Stop! Slowly raise your hands up! Turn around slowly! Get on your left knee! Then to the right! Left hand on the floor! Then right! Lie down! Cross your legs!(or spread your legs wide apart)Fingers behind your head! Turn your head to the right! Do not move!"
  • it is necessary to maintain a safe distance until the detainee has completed all commands and taken the required position, and the officer is ready to carry out the initial external examination;
  • then the officer, holding the pistol in his right hand at hip level, can approach the detainee from the legs and left side (step on the bottom of his trousers for better control of the detainee’s movements or press his foot down on the detainee’s foot or shin). Then conduct an external examination of the detainee’s left leg, pelvis, and torso, starting with the feet (shoes), palpating with the left hand. Then give the command:"Raise right elbow up and hold in that position!"Proceed to inspect the upper right (front) part of the body;
  • then proceed to inspect the right side of the detainee, for which purpose move away from him to a safe distance (1.5-2 m), transfer the pistol to his left hand, holding the pistol in his left hand at hip level, and inspect the right side, starting from the legs, then give the command: "Raise your left elbow up and hold it in that position!"inspect the upper left side. After completing the inspection, move to a safe distance and give the command: " Get up!" escort the detainee or carry out other necessary actions.

Typical errors:

  • Insufficient distance between the detainee and the armed officer when giving commands, transferring the pistol to the left hand directly next to the detainee.

  • It is necessary to use clear, decisive commands to force the detainee to perform all actions while maintaining a safe distance, and then conduct an initial external examination.
  • When transferring the pistol to the other hand, you must also move to a safe distance, maintaining visual control of the detainee.


Theoretical information: Reasons for using handcuffs (tying with a rope or trouser belt). Handcuff device. Preparing handcuffs for putting on.

Handcuffing an unresisting offender when approached from the front, from behind, standing with his hands against the wall and his hands behind his head, after arrest using a painful hold on the arm, wrestling techniques and the threat of using a pistol in a prone position, standing and kneeling pressed to wall. Tying with a figure-of-eight rope and a double-loop belt in a lying, standing, or kneeling position against a wall.

External examination of a non-resisting offender, handcuffed (tied) and external examination under the threat of using a pistol in a lying, standing and kneeling position with hands resting on the wall.

Educational and visual support Topics


Reasons for using handcuffs (tying with rope or trouser belt).

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police,” handcuffs are classified as special means.

Handcuffs are used in cases where a police officer has reason to believe that an offender may attack him or another person, get rid of evidence, or escape. Handcuffs can be used in the following most typical cases:

¾ after suppressing an attack on an employee or another person, as well as after suppressing the offender’s resistance to a police officer during forcible detention;

¾ when detaining a person suspected of committing a crime, caught committing a crime against life, health or property or attempting to commit it;

¾ to deliver to the police a person detained on suspicion of committing a crime and to protect him;

¾ to prevent escape from a place of detention of a person prone to escape;

¾ to prevent an attempt by a person in custody to cause harm to others or himself, if his behavior gives such grounds;

¾ for escorting suspects or accused persons in custody;

¾ to prevent an attack by a crime suspect or the destruction of evidence during a search, if the officer has reason to believe that such a possibility exists.

When handcuffing, excessive squeezing of the wrists, which impairs blood circulation, is unacceptable. If handcuffs are placed on long time, then it is necessary to check the wrist clamps every 2 hours in summer and 1 hour in winter, and, if necessary, loosen them for 3 - 5 minutes

In the absence of handcuffs, improvised means of binding that do not pose a danger to the health of the offender may be used to limit the mobility of the hands.

Handcuff device

photo 1 a.

Currently, the police are armed mainly with BR and BRF handcuffs. BR handcuffs (photo 1a) consist of two locking devices (1), with toothed sectors (2) rotating on an axis, connected to each other by a two-link chain (3). The sector is free to rotate in the direction of its free end and engages with a locking device that prevents the sector from rotating in the opposite direction. This allows you to put handcuffs on the wrist and fix the sector, measuring the tightening. There are keyholes on one side of the locking devices (4). On the end side of the locking devices there are clamps for the sector of the locking device in the engaged position (5). The set of handcuffs includes a key (6), which is used to fix the sector of the locking device in the engaged position and open the handcuffs.

It should be noted that BR handcuffs do not fully exclude the possibility of independent opening by handcuffed persons, especially by other persons. Taking this into account, our proposals for improving the design of handcuffs boil down to the following:

photo 1 b

· connect the locking devices not with a chain, but with an axle, as provided for in the design of the “Smith Wesson” M-300 handcuffs (photo 1 b);

· locking devices should not be mirrored, as is the case in some designs of domestic handcuffs;

· locking device sector clamps for ease of use, it is advisable to place it on the side of the keyhole, and not at the end of the locking device;

· to handcuff the hands of especially dangerous criminals, they must have locks of a more complex design, to open which non-standard keys would be used, which will limit the possibility of another person removing the handcuffs.

Preparing handcuffs for use.

Preparing handcuffs for use consists of checking their serviceability, fixing the sector and opening the handcuffs using a key. Then engage the sector with the locking device and install it on the last tooth. The sector in the locking device is not fixed.

photo 2 a photo 2 b

BR handcuffs are folded with the keyholes inward and the sectors forward are placed behind the waist belt (photo 2 a). This arrangement of handcuffs will allow you to put them on with the keyholes facing upward during the grabbing and extraction described below. The locking device located on top is conventionally called the first. Handcuffs can also be placed in a special pouch (case) (photo 2 b).

To make it easier to remove handcuffs with your right hand, it is advisable to place them on the belt on the right or right behind (photo 2 a, b.). Emergency removal of handcuffs is easier due to the waist belt.


If there are grounds, handcuffs, depending on the situation, can be placed on the hands of persons who unquestioningly comply with the demands of a police officer, and on the hands of detainees who offer resistance or who, in the opinion of the police officer, may offer resistance. Appropriate handcuffing techniques are used depending on the situation. When putting handcuffs in all cases, it is advisable to take into account following conditions:

· It is advisable that the locking device is adjacent to inner surface wrists, which will allow the opponent to be handcuffed for a long time. If you wear handcuffs in such a way that the locking devices are adjacent to outside wrists, then the arms end up in an unnatural outward twisted position. After a while, the hands become numb, and the person in handcuffs tends to put their hands in a natural position, turning them inward, which leads to excessive compression of the wrists by the handcuffs.

· When putting on handcuffs, the locking devices in the put-on position must be with the keyhole facing upward. This will limit the ability to open the handcuffs on your own.


upon fulfilling the request of a police officer

Putting handcuffs on when complying with a police officer's request, in existing programs physical training And methodological materials not considered. Meanwhile, situations of compliance with the demands of police officers associated with handcuffing in accordance with legal grounds are much more common than those of those who resist. Handcuffing in situations where the request of a police officer is fulfilled is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 6 and partially in accordance with paragraph 2.

Putting handcuffs on both wrists at the same time.

· demand: “Stretch your arms forward!”;

· apply locking devices to the wrists (photo 3 b);

· insert sectors into the locking devices and press them (photo 3 c);

· perform additional pressure and fixation of sectors.

Handcuffing alternately on each hand when approaching from the front and from behind.


· get handcuffs;

· approach the enemy from the front and grab his hand with your left hand right hand from above and lift it;

Photo 4 a. Photo 4 b. Photo 5.

· press the sector to the wrist of the captured hand from above (photo 4 a) and sharply press the locking device so that the sector rotates 180 degrees on the axis (photo 4 b) and enters the locking device (closed);

· take the second locking device with your left hand, and the opponent’s left hand with your right hand and complete handcuffing in the same order;

Handcuffing is carried out in a similar manner when approaching from behind. In this case free hand the opponent's hand of the same name is captured (photo 5).

Putting handcuffs on while the opponent is standing with his hands resting on the wall (roof) passenger car and so on.)

The opponent's position is standing with his hands resting on the wall, usually used for external inspection. From this position the handcuffs are put on in the following way:

· get handcuffs;

Photo 6 a. Photo 6 b.

· approach from behind from the left;

· with your left hand, grab the opponent’s left hand from above (photo 6 a), lower your hand downwards and pull it back;

· put on the first lock (photo 6 b);

· moving to the right side, take the second locking device with your left hand;

· with your right hand, grab the opponent’s right hand from above, lower your hand down over the side and pull it back;

· perform additional pressure and fixation of sectors.

Putting handcuffs on, with the opponent standing (kneeling) with his hands behind his head.

Photo 7.

· get handcuffs;

· with your left hand, grab the opponent’s left hand from above (photo 7), lower it down over the side and pull it back;

· put on the first locking device (photo 6 b);

· take the second locking device with your left hand and move to the right side;

· with your right hand, grab the opponent’s right hand from above and lower your hand downwards;

· put on the second locking device;

· perform additional pressure and fixation of sectors.

In most cases, handcuffs are associated with a certain helplessness in a given situation. They hinder movement and deprive any opportunity to understand what is happening. However, a dream in which you are handcuffed may not mean exactly what lives in our subconscious. By different dream books The meaning of the dream may differ, but in most cases they are very similar.

Dream Interpretation: handcuffs

One of the meanings of the appearance of shackles in a dream is starting a family or divorce. If we are put in shackles in a dream, you will get married in the near future. Taking off - tired of family life, this bothers you, you want a divorce.


Loff's Dream Book

According to this dream book, if you saw another person in shackles means he needs help. Him serious problems, and since you saw him, it means there is an opportunity to help him. If the shackles are on the hands of close friends, they need your support: share the grief and support in difficult times. This will respond to you in the future from those people whom you helped now.

Did you dream about your son in handcuffs? You control him too much and he is looking for possible ways escape from this control. There is no need for strong feelings. Everything will be fine if you loosen your grip. But if you continue such strong control and constant excitement, most likely he will begin to hide everything from you. The relationship will become as if a black cat ran between you.

Miller's Dream Book

Rommel's Dream Book

  • Handcuffs in a dream - some troubles and problems in your personal life. Quarrels are possible due to the intervention of strangers or due to coincidence.
  • You are in chains - someone from your family or friends has taken control of you. Perhaps your significant other is trying to take control of you, dominate you and tell you what to do. It's time to change something, don't you think?
  • Liberation - quite free from other people's manipulation and various problems. However, still be very careful and vigilant. If you had such a dream, then it is not a fact that it will be like this all the time, because the handcuffs are quite easy to put back on.
  • Others are in shackles - you consider yourself superior to all other people who are around you. We should probably stop doing this, or at least find compelling arguments for this opinion.

Other dream books: girls in handcuffs

Eastern dream book

Women's dream book

  • A woman in handcuffs - the enemies are not asleep and are developing a plan for you to fall face down on the ground.
  • Liberation from shackles - you will successfully avoid all the traps prepared for you.
  • Fetters on others - avoiding other people's influence and rising above one's surroundings.

According to the gypsy dream book, shackles are something that you have been dreaming of doing for a very long time, and it does not give you peace.

English dream book

The dream in which you saw shackles is quite bad. Your addictions can put you behind bars, which is why you should control yourself and not succumb to the influence of others. If you do not come to your senses in time, there is a high probability that you will become a criminal.

You dream of shackles for a reason: they are trying to warn you about any problems - both psychological and everyday. Basically, shackles are associated with enemies and upcoming problems and liberation from them.

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