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Rat droppings. How can you get infected from mice and rats? Determine how serious your problem is

Mice have been ruining the lives of humanity for a long time. Rodents love to feast on food and spoil other things. The enormous harm has forced people to come up with a lot of ways to get rid of pests. Choose for yourself the right way, listen to the recommendations of experts.

general information

House mice can inhabit a person's home. They are classified as synanthropic animals that live only next to a person or in his house. Rodents follow humans: they move onto ships, get into airplanes. Therefore, pests are able to invade new homes. They enter homes through ventilation strokes, through cracks in the floor and walls.

House owners do not immediately notice the presence of uninvited guests, because mice are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Rustle sounds and squeaks are clearly audible at dusk, and that’s when people begin to notice rodents in their homes. IN field conditions Pests reproduce only seasonally, in apartments - all year round. The mouse can reproduce at two months of age, and pregnancy lasts up to 28 days, so the pest population increases rapidly.

Before the birth of the mice, the mother becomes aggressive and may even attack a person. She arranges the future nest herself: she drags various pieces of paper, shavings, and wool into it. In a secluded place you can see not only a mouse, but also a lot of necessary things. Due to their small size, rodents are able to penetrate even microscopic holes in the floor and walls. Some pests, fearing for their lives, can attack animals larger than themselves.

Damage to people and homes

Suspect the presence of mice in the apartment or own home possible based on the following criteria:

  • Small holes appear in the baseboard area. Often, shredded pieces of paper can be found in these places;
  • there is mouse droppings on the floor and in secluded places;
  • there is a “musty” smell in the room, it is very difficult not to notice it;
  • extraneous sounds (rustling, squeaking). At first they are heard only at night, then residents hear unpleasant sounds during the day;
  • If there is a cat in the house, then its behavior changes significantly (the animal becomes aggressive, nervous, and often rushes from one corner to another).

Effective pest control methods

There are a lot of remedies for mice in a private home. Study the pros and cons of each, choose the appropriate method.

Fluffy pet

The cat has the instinct of a hunter. Many cats are capable of not only scaring away mice, but also killing some individuals. Why is this method not very relevant these days? An excellent hunter's instinct is observed only in yard cats, which, due to circumstances, are forced to constantly hunt, looking for food. Domestic purebred “fluffies,” especially those artificially bred, are completely devoid of this ability. Therefore, only by getting a truly predatory cat can you get rid of uninvited guests in your home.

Traditional methods

How to get mice out of your house using folk remedies? Moisten a cotton pad with any strong-smelling essential oil (mint, citrus, lemon balm), and place the products in the favorite habitats of rodents. The scents will scare away mice and force them to look for other habitats. For this purpose it is also allowed to use turpentine and tar. Update unusual traps regularly, otherwise rodents will want to return to the house.

Traps and repellers

Many people prefer not to kill animals, but simply to catch them and expel them from their homes. There are plenty of methods that won't make you a murderer.

Advice! Tailed weasels are very smart and have a good memory. If they don't like a place or food, they will avoid it. Therefore, use the same traps long time Not recommended.

At home, you can make traps from scrap materials that are also effective against small rodents:

If the number of pests is growing inexorably, humane methods of exterminating rodents do not help, use the help of professionals who have many resources to solve this problem. not an easy task.

Using what means and how to quickly get rid of fruit? We have the answer!

Read the page on what to do if cockroaches appear in your apartment and how to get rid of insects yourself.

The entire procedure requires specialists from 30 to 120 minutes. It all depends on the size of the room and the neglect of the situation. The cost of anti-rodent treatment is quite high: for a resident studio apartment disinfestation will cost approximately 1,500 rubles, for the owner of a private house - more than 2,000 rubles.

How to protect your home from small rodents

Apartment owners are less likely to encounter mice than residents of private houses. Rodents enter human homes through cracks in houses, from garbage chutes, basements, and through ventilation.

There are several ways to protect your home from pests:

  • seal all cracks in the floor and walls;
  • In your own home, at dusk, close the doors and windows tightly;
  • cover ventilation and sewer passages with a metal mesh and secure it securely;
  • Place all foods in the refrigerator in tightly closed containers. Do not leave food items on the floor or kitchen surfaces. Remove pet food after feeding. Leftover food can become a tasty morsel not only for rodents, but also for other pests;
  • Keep your pets' cages clean so that their waste products and cozy nests do not attract uninvited guests.

For useful tips from Elena Mylysheva, watch the following video:

Ivan Pavlovich, the summer season begins with cleaning the house and putting the area in order. What does it mean for summer residents?

If you do not follow generally simple precautions, then summer residents have a fairly high risk of developing some severe infectious diseases, namely: leptospirosis, yersiniosis, pseudotuberculosis, listeriosis, tularemia, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. These are similar heavy acute diseases may occur after contact with rodents. Last year, in 2014, leptospirosis caused the death of two St. Petersburg residents.

There is now an outbreak of tularemia in the Chelyabinsk region, usually by spring they report high level morbidity in Samara region. Is the number of people hospitalized with fevers transmitted by rodents growing in St. Petersburg?

The incidence of tularemia is growing and, fortunately, in our country, it is not as large as in other regions. If in 2012 we treated 4 people with this diagnosis, in 2013 - one, then last year there were already 13 such patients. In St. Petersburg, “imported” fevers from other regions are now more common: Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda regions, sometimes - from Leningradskaya. Last year, 1 person became infected in the Astrakhan region.

Just a few years ago, by the end of winter and into the summer, several departments were overcrowded with patients with yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis. Why has infection in the city become such a rarity now?

Apparently, it is due to the fact that last years The city regularly carries out deratization - the destruction of rodents, which are the main sources and carriers of infection. When 10-15 years ago it was not carried out in a timely manner, indeed, patients with yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis filled almost a third of the hospital beds. But the peak of infection occurred at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, and this was earlier than the beginning summer season. City residents mostly did not become infected at their dachas. At that time, there were huge vegetable warehouses in the city, where they practiced long-term storage vegetables And in these vegetable warehouses, mice and rats felt at ease: they gnawed vegetables and left their excrement on them. By the end of winter, the contamination of vegetables with bacteria became critical. When such vegetables got into public catering, they became infected " mouse diseases"just amateurs fresh salads from cabbage and carrots. They were hospitalized with a severe fever, often in serious condition.

- Nowadays, patients with such diagnoses are not admitted at all?

Since the beginning of 2015, two people have been admitted with pseudotuberculosis and one with yersiniosis. Over the entire last year in St. Petersburg, pseudotuberculosis was diagnosed in 4 people and yersiniosis in 38 patients. With listeriosis, a similar spreading disease, we had 4 patients.

- You named 6 fevers that occur among us. Which of them are the most difficult and dangerous for humans?

Leptospirosis is in first place in terms of severity of the disease and possible adverse complications. Yes, infections are happening less frequently now because there are fewer rats in the city. After all, they are the main carriers of infection. Now city dwellers are more likely to suffer from a type of Leptospira - the bacterium Leptospira canicola, transmitted through contact with dog excretions. The disease caused by it is milder and is not considered fatal. However, dogs also get leptospirosis, and their owners should vaccinate their animals against leptospirosis. In other regions unfavorable for leptospirosis (Pskov, Novgorod regions), another type of bacterium affects people - Leptospira icterohemorrhagica, spread by rodents. Infection with this type of bacterium leads to a very serious condition - hemorrhagic syndrome, people die from bleeding. Last year, two of the eleven patients with leptospirosis admitted to the Botkin hospital died.

In second place in terms of severity of the disease is hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), or hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis. During illness they are affected blood vessels and kidneys. Last year, 56 people suffered from this fever - they were infected in the Leningrad, Pskov, and Novgorod regions.

- How do St. Petersburg residents most often become infected with “mouse diseases”? And can they be avoided?

Now the most common source of infection is one’s own dacha or country house. At the beginning of the summer season, everything in the house should be thoroughly washed with alkaline solutions - furniture, floors, and dishes especially carefully. It is extremely important to do this if mice excrement is found in the house. Before you start cleaning, you should wear gloves - even the smallest injuries on your hands can cause infection.

They say that while working in the garden you can also become infected: the infection, entering the lungs with earthen dust, also causes illness.

Such cases are described in the literature (aerosol route of infection), but in practice I have never seen this. Probably, the concentration of infection in the soil should be extremely high; this is rarely found in nature. Still, the main source of infection is the surfaces of objects - furniture, floors, things, dishes - contaminated with the excrement of infected mice. Upon contact with infected objects, microorganisms enter the bloodstream through wounds on the skin. In summer, you can become infected by swallowing water while swimming in lakes and reservoirs. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is often injured and has defects. And then the infection can enter the human bloodstream, and an infectious process develops. It is important not to get injured while out of town, to work with gloves, and not to swallow raw water from sources. In general, water must be boiled.

Southern fevers are spread through insects (West Nile fever, Crimean fever). Are our mosquitoes safe?

In our geographic latitude There are no diseases of tropical climates - West Nile fever, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, Dengue fever and others.

In natural foci of the Leningrad, Novgorod, and Pskov regions, leptospirosis, tularemia, listeriosis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne infections. The vectors that support the existence of pathogens in natural foci are ticks, mosquitoes and horseflies. These insects bite rodents, which become infected and, in turn, can transmit the infection through their bites to other animals, as well as people. Our mosquitoes are generally harmless, but the climate is gradually changing, and the situation may change too.

- How do the common “mouse diseases” manifest themselves?

They all begin with a high fever - an increase in body temperature to 38-40°C. At the very beginning of the disease, symptoms of intoxication appear - along with fever, weakness, fatigue, headache, aches in muscles and joints, loss of appetite, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. After a few days, clinical symptoms are differentiated according to each specific infectious disease. Thus, with yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis, the gastrointestinal tract is affected, joint pain occurs, a rash appears, abdominal pain, mushy stool, and a jaundiced coloration of the skin is possible.

A rash, as well as jaundice, also occurs with leptospirosis, but, in addition, with this disease a person experiences severe pain V calf muscles, the kidneys are affected, the amount of daily urine decreases, up to its complete absence. This is already a serious complication.

A decrease in the amount of urine is also characteristic of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. In general, the symptoms of leptospirosis and HFRS are very similar.

The peculiarity of tularemia is that patients develop a significant enlargement of a lymph node (lymphadenitis) in the inguinal or femoral or axillary areas (or elsewhere) within 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. Pneumonia may develop.

It turns out that the first symptoms of these serious diseases are very similar to the flu. And not everyone goes to the doctor with this disease. So, call " Ambulance“necessary if the temperature has risen after cleaning the dacha?

Indeed, the onset of these serious infectious diseases with high fever can resemble the flu. True, as a rule, there is no cough or runny nose. However, if a person has been to forests and summer cottages, the temperature rises to 39-40°C or higher and it does not decrease for two or more days, you should definitely consult a doctor. It's impossible to figure it out on your own. The sooner the diagnosis is known and treatment is prescribed, the greater the chance that the disease will not be severe. And since all fevers - diseases transmitted through rodents - have many similar symptoms, a comprehensive laboratory examination is necessary, which can be competently prescribed by an infectious disease specialist. And the most detailed studies can be performed only at the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin, since there is a full range of diagnostic equipment, and high-tech methods for identifying various pathogens of infectious diseases are used.

Irina Dontsova

What to do to avoid becoming a victim of “mouse” diseases?

There are a few important recommendations, mandatory for implementation. Opening the season in country houses and hunting lodges, gatehouses and any other premises that you use only in warm time year, be sure to do it wet cleaning using disinfectants;

Use protective clothing (robes, boots, mittens, masks) for cleaning, clear the territory of your summer cottage from garbage, dead wood, dead wood - burn it or take it to authorized landfills;

In the same protective clothing clean out old hay or straw, basements, attics, sheds, garages;

Do not catch or handle rodents or their carcasses;

Make the premises impenetrable to rodents: close cracks and openings in residential and outbuildings, country houses If there are ventilation or other openings in the house that are low above the ground, cover them with a metal mesh so that “the mouse will not slip through”;

When working with soil, use gloves, and then be sure to wash your hands, never forget to wash your hands before every meal;

Never drink raw water;

Do not leave food (cereals, etc.) in places accessible to rodents for the winter; store food in tightly sealed containers inaccessible to rodents (in closed cabinets), throw away spoiled food;

Avoid the spontaneous formation of spontaneous landfills near gardening cooperatives, residential and outbuildings. They become a breeding ground for rodents.

Doctor Peter

Gray creatures that seem harmless at first glance bring discomfort into our smooth lives. Mice and rats are dangerous. They not only spoil things and food, but are also the first carriers of diseases. Thanks to them, anyone can get a disease that will require long-term treatment and can be life-threatening. What infections are transmitted from mice to humans, what is their harm to health, and what is the help? Read about it right now.

Any of the diseases can be acquired from wild or domestic mice by a rodent bite, after contact with animal waste, through an open wound, through consumption of contaminated urine and mouse droppings in food or water, indirectly from dogs or cats, through fleas or ticks (which inhabit and on rodents), through the respiratory system (being in places where rodent waste is present). Let's take a closer look at the diseases that mice carry.

Bubonic plague

This disease is carried mainly by rats. This infection can be contracted from fleas living on animals. If people are bitten by infected insects or simply inhale a few bacteria, death can occur within a couple of days. Bubonic plague can be treated with powerful antibiotics.


Among other diseases, this is not so common. You can become infected with it by consuming food in your home contaminated with mouse excrement or other waste. Harm from getting such a weight disease. It can provoke gastroenteritis, which in severe form leads to the death of the victim. Salmonella is transmitted from rodents and pets.

Rat bite fever, or sodocosis

As a result of such an infection, fungal spores enter the human body. The reaction to such an external invasion is inflammation of the skin, incessant vomiting, and severe muscle pain.


Mice that appear in the house can infect people with other diseases that are very dangerous. Leptospirosis is caused by Leptospira bacteria. Some people may not have pronounced symptoms, while for others the disease may be very difficult to resolve. Leptospirosis can also infect pets. In addition to rodents, it is spread by dogs, pigs, raccoons, large cattle. Bacteria persist in soil and water.

It is possible to get such an infection through a bite. Characteristic features Experts consider chills, headache, vomiting, cough, muscle pain. If people in poor health or old age are infected, they may die. Usually the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment in this case.

Tapeworms of the family Hymenolepis

Mice and rats in the house are dangerous because they can give you worm eggs. They are found in the body of rodents, and reach people through food and water that contain rat or mouse droppings. Worms emerge from eggs inside the human body, which actively reproduce and can cause enormous harm to health.

The causative agent of lymphocytic Venezuelan encephalomyelitis

The causative agent of such an infection often lurks in the body of house mice. They can become carriers if they have recently been near wild animals in a pet store or home. Greatest harm This most unpleasant of diseases can affect pregnant women. Because it causes mental retardation and disturbances in fetal development.

Hantavirus infection

What other diseases should people be wary of? This infection with a difficult to pronounce name consists of several subspecies - Puumala, Dubrova, Hantaan, Seoul. Rodent feces cause harm; inhaling the smell of rodents, people can become infected with hantavirus infection. It responds to climate conditions depending on the region. Since the reproduction of rodents contributes to its spread. The virus thrives in areas characterized by high temperatures in summer and autumn periods of the year.


Some more harm to the human body may cause an infection called tularemia. It comes not only from rodents, but also from rabbits and some other types of animals. The route of spread is the infected food products and drinking water.

Video “What are the dangers of rodents”

This video talks about the most common diseases carried by rats and mice.


To avoid problems and the need to treat infections, it is better not to neglect prevention. It consists of carrying out measures to exterminate rodents, disinfect premises, and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is also required to periodically inspect granaries and warehouses where food supplies are stored to detect and eliminate pests as soon as possible.

Do not neglect the basic rules - wash your hands before eating and after returning from the street, pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits purchased at the market, do not eat questionable specimens and do not drink suspicious water. Check your pet mice for infections before purchasing and examine your pets.

Which doctor should I contact?

If, after contact with waste products of pests or their bites, you suspect that an infection has entered the body, immediately consult an infectious disease doctor.

Signs such as headache, general weakness, aching bones and muscles, and chills should alert you. Often, in addition to an infectious disease specialist, the victim is referred to a surgeon. He will also examine the wound and treat it with special means.

The first independent aid for a bite before contacting a specialist is to wash it with running water for 10 - 15 minutes with laundry soap. For primary processing Any will do alcohol-containing preparation - cologne, vodka, medical alcohol.

Video “Diseases transmitted from rats and mice”

From this video you will learn what “close contact” with rodents can result in.

You can spot a mouse on almost any grain warehouse, as well as in a private house. The presence of natural enemies in nature and human habitation forces the mouse to constantly hide. Another instinct is the search for food. It is he who brings mice into human buildings.

To settle near humans, mice sometimes have to travel long distances. Most often, migration occurs in the fall. Mice are able to travel distances of up to 5 km in search of best place for life. Most often, mice migrate from nearby fields. In a city, mice may migrate from one home to another or from room to room in a business.

Mice prefer to live in the ground and can live on your personal plot until autumn, and then, as the temperature drops, quickly move into your home.

Being miniature creatures, mice almost always find their way inside the house. One of effective means protection in this case is the arrangement of a deep foundation with reliable system ventilation, careful concreting of all possible holes and joints, covering technological openings with a thick metal mesh.

Mice can also enter through cracks in engineering networks, especially in sewerage and water supply. Favorite place penetration is opened door. Be vigilant and do not leave the door open for long to avoid unwanted visits.

Determining that you have mice in your house is very simple:

Mice are cautious animals, running away at the first danger. But in the silence of the night in the apartment, you can clearly hear them gnawing crackers or breaking through a new corridor, expanding the hole. Often mice make a personal entrance to the grocery shelf if the packaging is too tough for them. Back wall The cabinet is thin, and a small hole can be made in the corner of the mouse.

It is necessary to detect mice as early as possible and begin to fight them

If you look closely, you can see mouse droppings in dark corners and along baseboards. Entering from the street, you can hear the ammonia smell of excrement. In the fall, the owner of the apartment suddenly discovers that at night someone scattered the earth with flower pots. Do not scold children and animals. These are mice trying to create comfortable holes in your apartment. We urgently need to decide how to get rid of mice in the apartment.

Periodically check the pantry for food items. soft packaging, old things and stacks of paper. They can be sharpened by mice for food and to insulate their burrows. Choose any affordable way, how to get mice out of your apartment and start taking action. Simply reducing their numbers is already a success. But you can only stop by destroying all the mice. One litter can have up to 20 mice, which will continue their breeding in a month.

Cats have always been man's first assistants in the fight against rodents. Simple outbred animals with tiger stripes. According to signs, cats are more active than cats in destroying mice. The best hunters have a black pattern on their forehead in the shape of the letter M. Of the noble representatives of the cat family, cats of the following breeds can catch mice in an apartment:

  • Angora;
  • Siamese;
  • Siberian striped.

They are agile and playful, tall on their feet and very flexible.

Some dogs also catch mice:

  • dachshunds:
  • likes;
  • husky;
  • Shepherd dogs.

Cats and dogs are good helpers in the fight against rodents

They have a hunting instinct and easily learn to hunt rodents. The problem with dogs is their size and the inability to get into nooks and crannies. Greyhounds and Giant Schnauzers can only stand up straight and freeze, pointing their muzzle towards the mouse present in the room.

If there is no active mouse hunter in the apartment, you will have to remove them using different methods:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • scaring away.

Various methods will help to temporarily destroy all mice. You can get rid of them forever only by sealing all the cracks, blocking access to food and the trash can, destroying the rubble of old newspapers and magazines, and regularly processing things.

You can get rid of rodents using chemicals, mechanically or scaring away

At the beginning of autumn, it is necessary to place herbs or discs dipped in essential oil that are unpleasant to them in places where rodents may enter the apartment.

You can remove mice simply folk ways. In places where rodents move around the apartment, scatter wood. It gets on the paws of mice and eats them away.

Various poisons homemade with alabaster and quicklime. They are added to a mixture of flour and sugar. Once in the stomach, the plaster hardens and gradually kills the mouse. Quicklime begins to react with water. Heat is released and carbon dioxide. The caustic substance corrodes everything inside. All ingredients are mixed dry.

When this type of poison is spread around the house, you need to place several bowls of water. Liquid is needed for the effect of “nutrient additives” and there is a greater chance of collecting non-living individuals near drinking bowls. They will strive to find water and will not hide in a hole so that after death they will decompose there and spoil the air of the apartment with an unpleasant odor.

When choosing a way to get rid of mice in an apartment, consider the ability of some substances to mummify rodents. Lime partially dries out the pest, and the smell is heard much less or not at all.

Most effective method fighting rodents is to block their path into the house. Then there will be no one to take out. In a private house in the summer, it is necessary to repair the facade, especially pay attention to the base, and cover up all the cracks.

IN apartment buildings mice often come from the basement or from neighbors. A reliable way to prevent mice from entering an apartment is to block possible migration routes. It is necessary to seal all the cracks and holes in the floor, baseboards, corners and pipe entry points. Ordinary cement-sand mortar may be chewed through, so you need to add broken glass, metal shavings, first hammer them with glass wool. If you add a little naphthalene to the composition, mice will avoid the house and apartment with a deadly unpleasant smell for them. On the side of the room, a layer of putty must be applied to the mixture with mothballs so that the smell does not penetrate into the rooms.

You should put grilles on the hoods, even better metal mesh. Mice can crawl through thin wire hanging almost vertically. Check for cables near the balcony and windows. Fix them on the wall away from openings.

Ventilation grilles should be installed to prevent rodents from entering the home.

The front door should close tightly and have no ragged corners or gaps between the door leaf and the frame.

Lovers non-standard solutions can use snake excrement as a repellent. Pet store and terrarium workers will share them for free. Mice are terrified of snakes, and when they smell them they will rush to run away.

How to get mice out of your house quickly, forever. The use of special poisons sold in stores can destroy all mice in a few days. The most popular substances based on blood anticoagulants, which destroy the circulatory system of the rodent and thin the blood:

  • Rat Death;
  • Nutcracker;
  • Krysid;
  • Storm.

The effect of the poison is rapid, from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Most products do not have a mummifying effect on rodents. On the reverse side you need to look at the composition.

Other poisons act more slowly. They can leave up to 20% of rats alive, but the mice all die within a week:

  • Rotendant;
  • Ratindane;
  • Zookoumarin;
  • Ruttidton-HF;
  • Geltsin;
  • Zernotsin-U.

There is quite a wide selection of mouse poisons on the market.

How to remove mice from a private house and apartment is written in detail on each package. Regarding safety, animals do not touch the pickled grain. Birds and hamsters may try and die. Children put everything in their mouth.

An effective poison in briquettes primarily attracts rats. Mice are less interested in it, but still disappear within 10 days after being placed between jars of cereals and flour. The poison does not affect animals; more precisely, its dosage is small for an ordinary cat and dog, but it is better to place it in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Everyone knows mousetraps with a spring mechanism on a board. They catch rodents well and are environmentally friendly. It will take a long time to get it out. You need to place about 3 of them per room, since you can only catch one mouse per night with a mousetrap. The advantage of the device is that it is odorless.

At home, a regular jar turned upside down is used as a trap. The bait is placed under it, one side is supported with a coin placed on the end. The trap is sensitive to shocks and covers the mouse. An empty one may work if a heavy vehicle passes nearby.

Mousetrap with spring mechanism

Mouse Velcro is a piece of cardboard with an attractant glue applied to one side. It is convenient to use store-bought ones. I simply throw them away along with the stuck animal.

If we get rid of mice using traps, then the best bait is not cheese, but a piece of lard. Its smell is more attractive to rodents and it is more difficult to deal with it without catching the stop.

By placing an oiled bottle at an angle, with its neck up, you can lure a mouse. She won't be able to get back out.

Mouse caught in a bottle

On summer cottage and in the grain barn place a bucket half filled with water. IN plastic bottle a metal rod is inserted through the neck and the bottom is pierced. The edges of the rod are attached to the sides of the bucket, inserted into the “ears” for streams, if they are located on top, or wire loops are made. The bottle should rotate freely over the bucket. The neck is located in a place easily accessible to mice. The middle of the bottle is lubricated with oil. The mouse runs towards the smell, loses its balance and falls into the water. Depending on the number of pests, you can catch up to fifty mice in one bucket per night.

IN rural areas There are many attractive things for mice. They enter houses in search of warmth and food. How to remove mice from private buildings and cottages. The bulk of rodents go to winter quarters in the fall, when the fields are empty and gardens begin to freeze.

Before mid-summer, all holes must be repaired inside the house first. Be sure to add substances with a strong odor to the mixture:

  • turpentine;
  • kerosene;
  • vinegar essence.

Smells will repel mice if they have already settled in the insulation or under the floor. In a week we need to caulk everything outside. If done in reverse order, then the mice will crawl into the house or rot in the wall.

The smell of turpentine will repel rodents

You can plant mint around your house. Mice don't like her smell. Spread the poison near front door. If the animal drops by, a treat awaits him.

Preventive measures

To prevent mice from wanting to settle in a house or apartment, it is necessary to deprive them of the opportunity to find food and modest corners. All products must be hidden and garbage must be taken out. Place cotton pads with a few drops in the corners essential oil mint, wild rosemary, wormwood.

Things need to be shaken up, neatly folded and closet doors closed tightly. Arrange wild rosemary and wormwood branches.

It is necessary to clear pantries and other places of trash and unnecessary things. Keep books on closed shelves. Fix all water leaks.

Regularly wipe the floors with vinegar or turpentine. Throw out the trash and wash the bin to remove odors.