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When and what is best to plant. When to plant flowers for seedlings. Counting backwards

Almost every gardener, both beginner and experienced, grows onions on their own plot. This is understandable, because this vegetable is present in most of the daily dishes that we are used to eating. It is rich in beneficial microelements and protects during the flu and cold season. In addition, many people love to eat onions raw and cannot live without them. fresh salads. And this right choice. After all, the benefits of onions for human health have been scientifically proven.

Previously we discussed , and . Today we will take a closer look at how to grow onion sets. This method is most familiar to gardeners and is considered one of the simplest.

To do this you need to select suitable variety and buy it. You can do the same on your own. Seeds are sold in stores, but you can also get them at home by planting an onion of the desired variety in the ground and waiting for an arrow with an inflorescence to appear.

For the harvest to be as successful as possible, experienced gardeners It is recommended to adhere to the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Scientists make a calendar every year taking into account the phases of the moon. Using it, we can determine favorable and undesirable days for planting a particular plant.

To determine the planting date, sowing the lunar calendar is not enough. It is necessary to take into account the location and surrounding climate. Although onions are not particularly demanding of heat, best growth it reaches during sunny and warm summers.

Most favorable days for sowing onion sets in 2020, based on your region of residence, you can choose from this list:

  1. April 7, 8, 9, 16, 28;
  2. May 4, 5, 14, 31;
  3. June 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 18.

Onions for the winter can be planted on the following dates:

  1. September 8, 27, 29;
  2. October 6, 8, 26;
  3. November 3, 22, 28, 30.

Growing and caring for onion sets in Siberia

Onions in Siberia need to be planted either in spring or autumn. It depends on the variety and type of vegetable. For this area, however, spring planting is most suitable. It is better to start sowing seedlings in early May. If you do this in April, when the soil is not yet warm enough, the onions will give you only greens; you can forget about large onions. If you plant onions in the summer, the vegetables will not have time to grow to the desired size by autumn.

Before planting, set, like any other planting material, you need to prepare in advance. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of table salt in 5 liters of water. Place the onions there throughout the day. Then prepare a pink solution of potassium permanganate and soak the seedlings there for 2 hours. Immediately after this you need to start planting in the ground.

Onions love neutral, non-acidic soil. Starting in the fall, you need to fertilize the beds with compost or mullein. You need to choose a bright, well-ventilated place, away from bushes and trees. Onions are planted in dug up and cleaned beds at a distance of about 10 centimeters.

In the first days after planting, onions need constant moistening and loosening. For the next two weeks, watering should be done 2-3 times every 7 days, and then reduce the amount to 1 time per week. Urea and wood ash are well suited for feeding.

If you are aiming to harvest large onions, it is better to avoid fertilizing with organic matter.

You will know for yourself when the onions are ready to be harvested. The greenery stops forming new feathers, withers and falls off. After harvesting, the onions need to lie on a bright, windy side all day, until the evening.

Planting and fertilizing onions in open ground

After planting, after about 2 weeks, the onion beds need to be fed. On this period The green feathers grow slowly and have a yellowish tint to them. To help the bulbs begin to grow properly, you need to apply fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. In a bucket of water, dilute 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of potassium chloride and 50 g of superphosphate. Water the beds with the solution at the rate of 1.5 liters per square meter.

After 2-3 weeks, the beds need to be fed again. In this case, you can use regular compost or mullein. A month later, shortly before digging up the onions, apply the last portion of fertilizer. Potassium and phosphorus will help you here. You can fertilize yourself as follows: in a bucket hot water dissolve 300g of ash and leave for 2 days. Water at the rate of 2 liters per 1 square meter.

In addition, in specialized stores you can find special mixtures of fertilizers that just need to be dissolved in water.

When to plant seedlings in the Leningrad region and in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region and Leningrad region You need to plant the seedlings in early May, when the ground is sufficiently warm. Although onions are not overly heat-loving, they bear fruit much faster and better in warm soil.

Prepared seeds should be planted in fresh beds cleared of weeds and stones. They should be located on a well-lit and ventilated side. Excessive shade can cause onions to rot.

Planting onions too early can rob you of strong bulbs and only leave you with bushy greens. Planting onions at the end of June is also the wrong choice. The onion will not have time to ripen correctly and reach the size required for storage.

Proper planting of onions and caring for them in the Urals

Sow seedlings in open ground needed around mid-May. Onions are planted in beds at a distance of 10 centimeters, pressing them to the top into the ground. One of the most important components proper care after the onions comes weeding. Weed removal should be done every one and a half to two weeks. Weeds provide the soil with excess moisture, which can lead to rotting of the onions.

In the first 2 weeks after planting onions in open ground, the soil needs to be watered every 7 days. The water should be cool, about 15 degrees above zero. Water consumption is approximately 13 liters per 1 square meter. After green onions appear, watering should be reduced to once every 2 weeks.

After irrigating the beds, the soil around the bulbs needs to be loosened to ensure proper access of water and oxygen to the root system. The appearance of post-irrigation crust has a bad effect on the quality of the crop.

2 weeks after planting, you need to apply the first fertilizing. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are perfect for this. 14 days after this, the turn of the second feeding begins. Phosphorus and potassium substances are the priority here.

3 weeks before the intended digging, watering of the onions should be stopped.

What kind of soil should there be for growing onions?

As we already know, the optimal place for sowing seedlings is a bright, preferably sunny area, without bushes or trees nearby. The soil should be non-acidic and not prone to large weed growth.

It’s great if, before sowing the onions, zucchini, cabbage, legumes, potatoes or pumpkins grew in this soil. As a rule, these vegetables require organic fertilizers, which gives these predecessors an advantage.

Onions are happy to be next to cabbage, carrots and beets. Unless, of course, they grow very close, covering them with tops sunlight. The distance between the beds should be at least 50 centimeters.

Onions prefer loamy and sandy soil. Too heavy soil will not provide a good harvest.

Now you know how to properly grow onions so that your neighbors look at your harvest with envy. But perhaps the most important rule for growing any type of vegetables is good mood. After all, fruits and vegetables grown with love taste better than anything else in the world. So stock up on the right attitude aimed at getting a rich harvest!

There are numerous debates surrounding the issue of when a child can be imprisoned. Previously, this process was equated with natural development and was based on the physical capabilities of the child. Today, experienced pediatricians offer parents clear recommendations that must be followed. It is necessary to seat a child depending on the level of development of the skeletal and muscular systems. These systems must be prepared for the possibility of sitting. Some babies tend to sit up by the age of five months if placed under the backrest. soft pillow. Of course, it is unlikely that you can learn to sit independently on a hard surface without support. The vast majority of babies can sit independently by six months. It is not recommended to try to seat the child on your own ahead of time, since the skeletal and muscular system is not strong.

How to prepare a child to sit up independently?
In order for the planting process to be safe, the baby must be carefully prepared for it. Gymnastics plays a big role in the development of crawling and sitting. If you do gymnastics regularly, the muscular system will begin to strengthen. From time to time, you can conduct a training session in which the child tries to reach his parents’ palms with his hands, gradually pulling himself up. The angle of inclination should gradually increase in this exercise. It is also effective to carry out a variety of exercises to develop the baby’s muscles: bending, turning. It is useful to give your baby a regular light massage. Properly organized preparatory work for the baby to sit leads to the fact that the question of when the baby will sit down disappears, since the child, by virtue of his physical development, begins to sit independently.

Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend placing a child prematurely, as this can lead to negative consequences. The process of sitting a baby without preparatory work can lead to the child’s spine not being able to cope with the load. As a result of such overload, the connections between the vertebrae are disrupted. Such an injury is fraught with many diseases in the future, including such a common problem as scoliosis. Experts especially do not advise placing girls early, as this can cause curvature of the pelvic bones, which will subsequently negatively affect reproductive function. Also, according to doctors, early birth of girls leads to curvature of the uterus and more serious pathologies, including infertility. You should not take risks and follow the American system, the essence of which is to imprison children from birth.

What time should boys be seated?
You can start placing boys gradually from 4-5 months with preparatory exercises. At this time, it is very possible to help the baby by holding his spine to avoid excessive pressure on the spine. Until four months of age, children have underdeveloped abdominal muscles, which negatively affects the spine when sitting. Typically, boys can sit up independently by six months. If the baby tries to start sitting on his own earlier, then you should not resist him in this, you can only help. This suggests that his muscles are mature.

When is the right time to imprison girls?
The placement of girls is a difficult issue. Planting ahead of time is fraught with complications. Doctors and pediatricians do not recommend boarding girls. Girls can be placed no earlier than seven months of age. But this fact is not medically proven, however, it is still not advisable to risk your health. Thus, boys can be imprisoned at any time, taking into account the level of his preparation, but it is recommended not to rush with imprisonment of girls. More detailed information It is recommended to study when you can sit your child using a video:

The role of additional devices in teaching a child to sit.
In the modern age, many devices have appeared in the children's industry to help parents - walkers, jumpers, deck chairs. Some suggest that such products are fraught with danger, since they do not contribute to the natural development of the baby and it is not worth putting the baby in them. However most of believes that such inventions belong to modern technologies, thanks to which the child develops. The design of the walker is a frame in the form of shorts, which is equipped with springs. This product is fixed in door design. In it, the child gets the opportunity to jump, developing the leg muscles. Walkers are equipped with special wheels so that the child can move around. You can put your child in jumpers, lounge chairs, walkers and other additional devices only when he has learned to hold his back independently. The child begins to hold his back without support by six or seven months, when his spine reaches a certain stage of formation, so at the same time he can be taught to sit. Sometimes manufacturers, misinforming customers, indicate the wrong start time for the product. Therefore, when purchasing them, you can consult a specialist.

Before placing your child in a walker or jumper, it is important to pay attention to the position of the foot. If the baby's movements are accompanied by an unnatural position, this may negatively affect learning to walk in the future. Children should always be seated in bouncers, bouncers and walkers under the supervision of an adult.

Thus, the question of when the baby can be planted is quite important, since its skeletal and muscular system is not fully strengthened until a certain time. Each child develops individually, so you need to listen to yourself and the guidance of pediatricians in this matter.

During a moonless period, which for some reason continues to be passed off as a new moon, try not to plant anything. This is a barren period. And seeds, the shoots of which appear after more than three weeks (nigella, carrots, parsley, eggplants, peppers), once again in the new moon phase, can easily die. In other phases there is no hassle. There is nothing to remember here: plant everything bearing fruit above the surface of the arable layer during the Moon in the first quarter phase (1/4), all root crops and onions - in the third quarter (3/4). Not everything, but some things can be planted during the full moon, but more on that in another article.
And on a new moon - no, no, it’s better not to take risks at a time when neither direct nor reflected cosmic rays reach our earth.

On what days can you neither sow nor plant:
  • February, 15 - Candlemas
  • April 7— Annunciation
  • May, 23rd - Earth birthday girl
  • August 19 - Transfiguration
  • August 28 - Dormition
  • September 21 - Nativity of the Virgin Mary
  • September 27 - Exaltation

The August and September bans are given in case these months are the right time for new sowings of leaf and root parsley, perennial green crops, one-toothed and bulbuls winter garlic(but not cloves, they can sprout during a long and warm damp autumn).

But most spring ones are big religious holidays, in which the peasant did not even think about any work in the field or garden, are associated with Easter and were calculated from it. Non-believers (and especially those who do not believe in anything) may not recognize any lunar phases, no signs of the Zodiac, much less any religious holidays or Easter, that’s their problem, but even the “Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary", whose editorial board consisted entirely of academicians and most likely communists, and even then he was forced to admit that the Twelfth holidays (and, of course, Easter too) are "ancient ones adapted to Christianity folk customs and rituals associated with the change of seasons and the calendar of agricultural work.”
And there, in the “Dictionary...”: “Easter is a Jewish and Christian spring holiday... Celebrated by believers on the first Sunday after the (first) spring full moon (falls from March 22 to April 25, old style)” According to the new style - from April 4 to May 8.

That's right, it was Easter that forced us to take into account the phases of the moon and recognize them. Reading V.I. Dahl, who preserved for us, who do not believe in anything, these centuries-old peasant commandments:
“Do not plow manure during the new moon, but only during the third quarter.”
Don’t carry manure across the fields during the full moon—it will choke the weeds.
Sowing on the new moon (first quarter) - for the harvest.
Sowing on a new moon is food for worms.
In the first days of the new moon, these peas.”

When is it better to sow: earlier or later?

No, our ancestors knew very well when to work and when to go out.

What and at what time of day to plant and sow

Centuries of experience have established that at noon only one piece of wheat can be sown, the rest is lost. There is also little use from sowing and planting before sunrise and after sunset. Noon refers to the time from 12 to 14 o'clock.
And now about the restrictions in more detail.
In March and September, do not plant or sow anything before 8-00 and after 18-00.
All seedlings should be planted in the ground after 16-00. And preferably on cloudy days.

Before noon:
beans, peas, beans, soybeans, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, physalis, parsley, dill, salads, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, sunflower.

watermelon, melon, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, potatoes, corn, onions, leeks, nigella, garlic, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, beets.
And only carrots and celery - for sunset.

Seedlings are young plants specially grown in greenhouse conditions and then planted in open ground. It is often used in vegetable growing, ornamental gardening and growing various plants. Thanks to the seedlings, it is possible to obtain high yield ahead of schedule up to one and a half months. This is how popular vegetables are grown: cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many others.

As soon as the snow falls and spring comes, summer residents are already preoccupied with starting to plant seedlings for a rich harvest in the future.

When to plant seedlings

This is done weeks or months in advance before planting in the ground. summer cottage. Planting time depends on the plant crop. Common in last years became moon calendar for seedlings, according to which seedlings are grown. Some summer residents are confident in the effectiveness of the method. Others are skeptical about him.

Seedlings are received different ways. Pots, egg trays or cups made of paper or plastic are used. The time for seed growth depends on the plant crop and its variety. Therefore, before you start growing, you need to know exactly when to plant seedlings correctly and how to do it so that everything works out in the required time.

Usually it begins to be grown from April to May. At the same time, in May you can move to dacha soil by building a film shelter there. This is acceptable, of course, if the year is not cold. A month before starting to transplant plants from insulated areas, the seedlings are gradually hardened. It is taken out into open areas, prolonging the duration on the street.

Let's consider right time seedlings individual species vegetables

Planting pepper

This warm-loving culture is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for human body. It contains a large number of vitamin C and no less - vitamin A. Pepper is added to a variety of summer salads or separately for meat dishes. That's why summer residents love it so much and often grow it in their garden beds.

Unlike other crops that may be suitable alternative method, pepper will not work without seedlings, it needs for a long time before fruit ripening: approximately one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty days. To understand when to plant pepper seedlings, you need to take into account that they are planted in the third month, when the period is already from sixty to eighty days. During this period, the bush begins to bloom.

The first shoots will appear well when the daytime temperature is from twelve to fifteen degrees, and the night temperature is from six to ten. It is planted in the ground approximately at the very beginning of summer. At this time frosts are unlikely to occur. When ripening in greenhouses, seedlings periodically need to be hardened with the sun. Otherwise, after landing, it runs the risk of immediately burning.

Tomato time

A favorite tomato, this round, orange or red vegetable is easy to grow. However, it absolutely needs to maintain a certain temperature.

Shoots can appear within three days after planting. The maximum waiting period is only seven days to a week. For development to proceed normally, the temperature must be constantly maintained from twenty to twenty-five degrees. With more high temperature, growth slows down, and then the plants completely stop developing.

Seedlings are organized approximately two or a little over a month before planting. Late varieties have a shorter period: from forty-five to fifty days. Thus, the seeds are sown between the tenth of March and the first of April. Replanting begins after the last frost.

In the northern regions this is the period of the second ten days of June, and in the central regions - the first half of May. After hardening the seedlings, which occurs within two to three weeks, they are moved to open ground.

Time for cucumbers

The cucumber, beloved by many, is considered the most capricious vegetable to transplant. The seeds must germinate before planting. From late March - early April, seedlings are prepared.

Before planting the seeds, they are soaked in a potassium permanganate solution (two grams per glass of water). Then place it on a damp cloth. In this case, the temperature should be between twenty and twenty-five degrees. After the seedlings develop, they are planted in pots with a width of six to ten centimeters.

The transplant should take place when the plant is no more than twenty-five to thirty days old. The plant should arrive in the greenhouse in mid-May, and on the site in a month.

Time for zucchini and eggplant

These cultures are as capricious as the previous ones. Normal growth and development occurs at twenty-five to thirty degrees, and they sprout at the age of ten to fifteen days.

If the temperature is too low, the seedlings will emerge much later. Zucchini is received only three months after transplantation. Therefore, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance.

Sprouts are planted in the ground two months after planting the seeds for seedlings. It cannot withstand frosts, so eggplants are transplanted from the end of May, and seedlings are planted in the middle of the first spring month.

Time for cabbage

For cabbage, planting and replanting can vary greatly depending on different varieties. But usually cabbage seedlings need to be planted two months before the planned transplant. Early varieties begin to grow in mid-March, and late varieties - a month later.

The first cabbage harvest is harvested after three to four months, the middle ones after four to five months, and for the late ones, the first fruits should be expected only five to six months after transplanting into the ground.

The plant loves light and tolerates cold, but has rather high soil requirements. Seedlings are able to grow and develop well already at temperatures from six to ten degrees, but over time the temperature must be increased to fourteen to eighteen degrees.

All dates must be carefully studied before starting seedlings. Then the harvest will be really good.

Planting seedlings for the greenhouse in February

Most crops begin to be planted in February. But early varieties at the end of winter they are just preparing for planting. Before sowing, all seeds must be sorted and left warm for some time. There is no point in sowing damaged grains. They are usually thrown away.

At the end of winter, root celery is usually planted and early cabbage. You can also plant eggplant because the seeds will take longer to germinate than other common crops. It will take longer for them to force seedlings. Therefore, in order to get fruits before August, all eggplant seeds must be planted in the first half of February.

It is not easy to get black onions either. The seedlings will take a long time to germinate, which is why early harvest there is no need to talk. The seeds have a shell, due to which pecking occurs slowly. To speed up the process, they are dipped in water with potassium permanganate and left for about twenty minutes, after which they are washed with cold water.

Then the treated seeds are covered with a light cloth, such as gauze, and left in a warm place, and after the seedlings appear, they are planted. To strengthen them, a solution for microfertilizers is sometimes used.

At the same time, seedlings for pepper are prepared. As already mentioned, once in the ground, the seeds simply will not have a chance to germinate.

At this time, basil and lettuce, as well as parsley and dill, are grown from greens. Even if you change your mind about planting it, you can always use ready-made plants in cooking, simply by trimming them again and again.

Any seedlings should be kept in a lighted place where there are no drafts. For February seeds, it is better to use, in addition to natural, solar, artificial lighting from one or more lamps.

The process starts from the moment the seeds are purchased. The bag should be taken seriously and carefully examined, examining the expiration date, manufacturer, and more. This directly determines whether the harvest will be successful or whether the seeds will remain lying in the soil or other seedlings.

To grow seedlings you will need:

  • Decide where the container will be located, preference should be given to the light area;
  • flat sticks for notes;
  • transparencies;
  • fertilizer soluble in water;
  • small containers.

Experts advise not to grow seedlings in a single container; you may not notice the seedlings. Seedlings produced separately will save time if everything needs to be repeated. At home, it is better to use a container with forty cells, the length and width of which are five centimeters each, and the depth is seven. It is convenient to place it on the windowsill, and the plants will receive the necessary area.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings include:

  1. Filling the container with wet soil.
  2. Leveling the soil using a ruler or similar device until a smooth, horizontal surface is obtained.
  3. Carefully sowing seeds - if cells are provided, then put two seeds in each (the weak ones can then be removed).
  4. Using dry cardboard, press the seeds into the soil until they make full contact, then germination will be better.
  5. Sprinkle soil on top - it should be four times the diameter of the seed, this is the main rule when planting.
  6. Putting the date and variety on the prepared stick, this is especially necessary if different varieties are grown in the same container.
  7. Capacity coating plastic film, not watered until germination.
  8. When placing the container in a dark, warm place without drafts, there should be no light because an excessive amount of moisture will be released under the film, which will cause the seeds to rot.
  9. Removing the film after germination.
  10. Seedlings begin to appear after about two or even three weeks, but if the container is stored in right place, then they usually appear on the tenth to fourteenth day.
  11. After germination, they are placed in the sun (but not in direct rays); If the room is cold, you will have to add a heater and make sure that the temperature is maintained constant.

Plants are watered when moisture is no longer felt on the soil. It is more convenient to do this with a spray bottle.

Fertilizer is used once or twice.

Seedlings are kept indoors for six to eight weeks. Within another two weeks it is prepared for transplantation, periodically transferring it to open air and increasing the time each time.

When planting seedlings in the ground, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to plant plants at sunset, then they will not dry out;
  • you need to check that both the plants and the soil are well watered;
  • you need to try not to spoil the root ball;
  • after planting, water the hole;
  • you can add snail bait;
  • the soil must remain moist at all times.

Landless growing of seedlings: sawdust

Most often, the technology is used to grow flowers. For example, growing petunia in this way is very simple and effective. However, it also applies to vegetables. This method will require less time and resources, and it is easy to grow even in a small apartment.

The technique is often used to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, and fruits of the pumpkin family. Ripening here occurs faster. To achieve a similar result on earth, the use of chemistry will be required. The root in the sawdust is stimulated well, and there is no point in interfering with the process.

Sawdust for seedlings must be treated with an antiseptic. Seeds are most vulnerable to various infections, which can reduce the chances of seedling germination to zero. The sawdust is first doused with boiling water, and only then processed. Usually, water with potassium permanganate acts as an antiseptic, where sawdust is placed for a quarter of an hour or a little more. They are then dried in an open room. If moisture remains, it can provoke the appearance of mold, and the latter will cause the emergence of harmful microorganisms.

The container for seedlings must be sufficient for the root to develop freely. It is recommended to choose ordinary wooden boxes with high sides. One is enough for a whole bed of tomatoes or cucumbers, and the greater depth will allow you to pour a lot of sawdust, which is what the technology requires. When growing, the layer height should be between eight and ten centimeters.

The bottom must be covered with cellophane. Then the first layer of sawdust is poured, followed by the second, up to one and a half centimeters thick. It must be moistened, as it plays the role of the main soil. Next, the seeds are planted, making a small depression in the sawdust. The box is covered with the same film as on the bottom and put away in a dark, dry and warm place.

After germination, the film is removed and the box is transferred to a bright room. The seedlings are sprayed every day. A week later, the first feeding is done. In total - no more than three, since procedures are carried out twice a month. Used for them weak solution mullein, introduced by spraying.

Growing seedlings: toilet paper

The method is often used when there is little free space for containers. Here you will need plastic bottles, cellophane film and toilet paper. Oddly enough, the method proved to be effective. However, in this case, the seedlings must be fed with a liquid product.

So, plastic bottles are cut in half and the hole is screwed in. The film is cut into long strips of ten to fifteen centimeters. Toilet paper is also cut, placed on top of the film and moisturized well.

The seeds are poured onto paper and carefully spread out evenly. Then cover with the same moistened paper tape. All this is wrapped in a roll and loosely tied to fix it in this position.

All rolls are placed in bottle halves, filled with water to four to five centimeters. They need light right away. Therefore, the bottles are placed on the windowsill. Every other day the water should be changed, and after five days a root stimulator should be added.

Sprouts will appear in about two to two and a half weeks. It is impossible not to notice, the roll will turn green. Then the plants are transplanted either into separate containers or into open ground. From toilet paper There is no need to get rid of it; it will decompose safely in the ground.

As you can see, growing seedlings is easy. Material resources practically not required. All you have to do is arm yourself simple rules, and then use everything at hand. Hurry, 2016 seating starts soon!

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Fruits and berries

When to plant


For seedlings with an open root system, the period from mid-April to the end of the first week of May (in the European part of the country) is well suited. The basic rule is to properly dig in the planted trees before the growing season begins.


In the temperate continental climate zone, these berries are planted from April 15 to May 5. Next - from July 25 to September 5. In the southern regions, sowing can begin as early as early March.


It is best to plant raspberry suckers when the weather is consistently warm or even hot and dry. Usually in late May - early June.

How to plant


Pits for seedlings fruit trees It is advisable to dig a few weeks before planting. Under an apple or pear tree, dig a hole 80 cm deep and 60-80 cm in diameter. For cherries and plums - 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. The hole is fertilized and left until planting. When it comes, a 1.5 m long peg is installed at the bottom, to which the seedling is tied. The roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with fertile soil.


To plant strawberries, the soil must be dug up and humus added. The soil should be moist, but not wet. It should be planted so that the roots of the seedlings are in the ground and the root collar is at ground level. The distance between rows is 50-60 cm.


For this berry, they dig a trench with a depth of AO-50 cm and a width of up to half a meter. Fertilizers and humus are poured into the bottom of the trench. Raspberry bushes are cut to a height of 35 cm. Then the roots are dipped in a mixture of mullein and clay. Next, they are planted in the ground. The optimal distance between bushes is 50 cm.

Spring planting of vegetables

When to plant?


These crops germinate at soil temperatures of +1...+2, so you can start planting them as soon as the snow melts. IN middle lane- from mid-April.


These plants are more... thermophilic. They should be planted after the soil has warmed to +2...+3°C. In regions that are not southern, this time comes at the end of April - beginning of May. In the south - a month earlier.


In the central European part of the country, carrots should be planted first - in the second half of April. Early carrots - from the end of March. Celery and beans - late May - early June.


Experienced gardeners plant potatoes when birch and bird cherry trees begin to bloom. Most often - at the end of April. In this case, the air should warm up to +15°C. It is necessary to wait until the frosts end, since at -3°C the potatoes die. You can safely start sowing cucumbers at the end of May.


Melons are planted when the air temperature rises to +13°C. Usually - after May 10 (Moscow region, Ufa, Chelyabinsk). In latitudes located to the north and in the Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg) - after May 15. In the south (Rostov, Krasnodar) - after March 10.

How to plant


Sorrel seeds are planted in rows to a depth of 2 cm. The space between the rows should be 25 cm wide. Before sowing, it is recommended to wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and leave for 2-3 days. Radishes are planted in the same way: in rows and at the same depth. Between rows - 8-10 cm.


First, cabbage is planted in closed ground to obtain seedlings. After 2 months, the sprouts are transferred to open ground. Lettuce is also grown as seedlings, which are planted at intervals of 20 cm when the first true leaves appear.


Carrot seeds are placed in water for 2 days. After this, they are kept in a damp cloth for a week. When sprouts appear, carrots are transplanted into the ground. Bean seeds are also soaked, but only overnight. Planted in rows to a depth of 2-5 cm. Celery is planted as seedlings with a distance between rows of 60 cm.


Potatoes are planted with sprouted tubers. Depth—10-12 cm. Cucumber seeds are soaked for 12 hours. Next, plant in rows to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.


Zucchini seeds are soaked for 3 days, after which they are planted in pots with peat and humus. In a month the seedlings will be ready. The depth of planting in the ground is 3-6 cm. Pumpkins are planted in the same way.

Spring planting flowers

When to plant


In order to admire blooming petunia at the beginning of summer, it must be planted on the 20th of March. This should be done on nutritious and loose soil that retains moisture well.


Seedlings or seeds are planted after the last spring frosts- late May or early June. Seedlings are planted in a trench, and seeds are planted in holes. It is recommended to cover sowing seeds with garden film.


Slightly grown dahlias are planted June 1-10. Tubers can be planted earlier - May 15-20 (for temperate latitudes). When there is a threat of frost, plants must be covered.

How to plant


To obtain seedlings, seeds are placed in soaked peat tablet. After germination, the plant is transplanted into pots, and after 2 months, when the seedlings have become stronger, into open ground. Another way is to plant seeds rather than seedlings. In this case, the seeds are scattered on the ground without covering them with soil.


Cuttings of this flower are planted in previously loosened soil. If the soil is clay, you need to add compost. Planting depth is 20-25 cm. It is recommended to water chrysanthemums only in the morning. Due to evening or night watering, the plant may get sick. The best place for planting - the one that receives the best light during the day.


The depth of the holes for dahlias is 30 cm. When planting, the sprouted flowers are tied to a wooden peg, then watered abundantly. The distance between planted plants should be at least 50 cm. Manure is a good fertilizer.


Tomatoes will be stronger if the seeds for seedlings are wrapped in damp gauze, placed in a saucer and poured special solution: 2 drops of “Gumi” per 10 drops of “Fitosporin”. The first drug will increase immunity and accelerate growth, and the second will protect plants

To fertilize the garden, it is very useful to use the water with which you washed food - meat, cereals, beans. It also makes sense to water the area with water left over from washing dishes. It contains fat that is so necessary for plant nutrition. As nitrogen fertilizer You can use a decoction of beets or potatoes.

Fruit tree seedlings will take root faster if: - they are local and not imported varieties;

  • seedling age - no more than 2 years;
  • the root system has 4-5 branches about 25 cm long;
  • there are no signs of disease or mechanical damage on the seedlings;
  • The roots of the tree are flexible, but not brittle or shriveled.