home · Lighting · What to do with tomatoes in August. Caring for tomatoes in August. Choosing the right variety

What to do with tomatoes in August. Caring for tomatoes in August. Choosing the right variety

August is the most awaited month for gardeners. By this time, the bulk of the work in the garden has been completed, the harvest is ripening, and you can rest a little and evaluate the results of your labors. By August, tomatoes, as a rule, have already bloomed and bear fruit, giving summer residents juicy, beautiful tomatoes.

There are several tricks that will help plants retain fruit until late autumn.

Firstly, tomatoes in a greenhouse should be watered just as regularly, but less abundantly, than in spring and summer. This is due to the fact that the heat subsides and moisture from the soil does not evaporate so quickly.

Since tomato bushes grow quite strongly by August, watering them becomes problematic. Therefore, in order not to wade through thickets of bushes with a watering can, it is better to equip a greenhouse in advance, take care of the presence of trenches and tied branches through which water will flow to the plant.

Secondly, it is worth switching to liquid fertilizers, which should be poured into pre-made furrows, watering all the plants first.

Thirdly, you can try to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse. To do this with tomato bush remove everything unnecessary, that is:

Lower dried or damaged leaves;

All flower buds, appearing in August or later. You shouldn’t feel sorry for them, it takes about 40-45 days for a tomato to ripen, that is, the fruit that will form from this flower will not have time to ripen, and will drain the plant’s strength;

All the tomatoes are brown, red and starting to turn white. If the tomato begins to change color, it means that it has gained its maximum mass and no longer needs food from the bush. Such fruits ripen well in a box and do not lose their taste and vitamin properties.

Tomatoes need to be pinched and pinched. The top is pinched 2-3 leaves above the last ovary, all the stepsons are removed. In addition, to obtain larger fruits experienced gardeners reduce the number of flowers in one inflorescence to two or three.

To prevent the appearance of late blight, you can prepare a garlic mixture: 1 cup of fresh grated or finely chopped garlic is poured into 1 liter of water and infused for 24 hours. Then the tincture is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and sprayed on the tomatoes from top to bottom. The smell in the greenhouse will be specific, but garlic contains natural antifungal and antibacterial components that perfectly protect against diseases, so it’s worth being patient.

Alternative to garlic - weak solution potassium permanganate, which is also sprayed on plants in the greenhouse.

An even more unpleasant disease of tomatoes is streak. This is a mosaic virus that penetrates deep into the cell and destroys it from the inside. Its presence can be determined by brown streaks on the skin and leaves of tomatoes. Garlic has no effect on it, but potassium permanganate does, and besides, the virus does not like salt, and spraying with salt water will also help prevent the disease.

In August, tomatoes in the greenhouse are often affected by blossom end rot. Often the cause is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and until the balance of substances in the soil is corrected, you can only fight the external manifestations of the disease.

For the treatment of almost all diseases, there is only one recipe - remove and burn the diseased plant, treat the soil and tomatoes in the greenhouse with tincture of garlic and potassium permanganate and try to save the rest of the crop. But if the disease spreads and cannot be cured, then it is better to destroy the entire tomato bed and not eat tomatoes. Yes, it’s a pity to destroy the fruits of your labors, but health is more important - contaminated vegetables may well cause poisoning.

Caring for tomatoes in August is not difficult. If you pick the fruits from the bush in time, properly water and feed the plants, and treat the greenhouse from fungi and bacteria, then the harvest will be even larger and better than expected.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse in August is to protect against diseases and accelerate the ripening process. Tomatoes require correct application fertilizing and the use of agrotechnical methods that accelerate the appearance of fruits.

It is easier to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse. In August, there is no longer a need to feed tomatoes, although foliar feeding can be done to speed up the ripening of fruits. A solution is prepared from superphosphate (2 tbsp) and water (2 l), left for 24 hours, then water (9 l) is added. The plant itself and the fruits should be sprayed with the resulting solution.

Some problems when growing tomatoes arise from a lack of balanced nutrition. In August, the need for potassium in tomatoes grown in greenhouses doubles, therefore it is recommended to add potassium sulfate or wood ash.

Phosphorus deficiency accompanied by the acquisition of a purple hue and a decrease in leaf size. This can be replenished by adding chicken manure. If there is a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become lighter; it is necessary to feed the plants with urea.

Mistakes when growing tomatoes (video)

Watering and forming a bush

In August, watering is limited: it is required only if the soil is dry. By this time, the tomatoes are well rooted, the roots grow deep into the soil and take moisture from there.

In August, it is necessary to continue removing additional shoots that appear in the axils of the leaves and interfere with the formation of fruits. They are removed without waiting until the length becomes more than 5 cm.

Those inflorescences that bloom in August most often do not have time to produce a harvest good quality. For this purpose, they are removed (tomatoes need 45 days to ripen).

After pinching the tops of tall bushes, small and late-set fruits will ripen faster.

You can find advice to speed up the ripening of tomatoes: cut the stem at a distance of 10 cm from the ground, insert a small piece of wooden stick into the resulting cut.

After food is supplied to the bush in limited quantities, the fruits will begin to ripen faster.

Such manipulation can be carried out only after all the fruits have formed.

Starting from the 20th of August, it is recommended to stop watering: in the second half of the month, late blight begins to appear on the bushes; care consists of preventing its spread. All diseased leaves are cut off: the fruits will be able to ripen without them.

At the end of August, when the outside temperature is below +10 °C, you can remove fruits that have already gained sufficient weight, but have not yet turned red. This will prevent late blight.

Treating the bushes with an infusion made from nettle and celandine will help to cope with the problem (taking 4.5 kg of each herb, pouring 40 liters of water over it and infusing it for 24 hours). The resulting solution is diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:5) and used for treatment at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 bush.

When stripes and streaks appear on the stem of tomatoes and dark spots form on the leaves, there is a high probability that tomatoes are stricken. This is a virus, the affected bushes must be removed, the remaining ones must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, followed by foliar feeding microelements.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

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The main task at the end of summer is to accelerate their maturation and protect against various diseases. What can you do to make your vegetables feel good? A number of rules must be followed.

Features of care

In August, like in any other month, to get good harvest, you'll have to try. To begin with, it is worth noting that tomatoes are middle lane In Russia it is recommended to grow in a greenhouse. Of course, there are a number of areas in which you can get delicious vegetables in open ground, - Tambov, Rostov, Voronezh; however, it is better not to take risks. If you live in the Leningrad or Pskov regions, there is only one option - growing in a greenhouse. But this is not enough! In order for tomatoes to ripen, you should properly apply fertilizers and use various agrotechnical methods to accelerate the appearance of fruits.


A number of problems with tomatoes grown in a greenhouse are due to the fact that the plants lack balanced nutrition. Most gardeners act like this: they simply scatter fertilizers over the soil and rake them. But you shouldn't do that - nutrients will not be absorbed by vegetables. It is better to fertilize with liquid products in pre-made furrows, and before applying fertilizers, you must not forget to water.

In a greenhouse at the end of summer, tomatoes have an increased need for potassium. In view of this, it is necessary to fertilize the bushes wood ash or potassium.

If you see that the leaves of the plants have turned lighter, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. Irrigation with a urea solution will help correct the situation. Phosphorus deficiency manifests itself as leaves becoming shredded and turning purple. In this case, adding bird droppings will help correct the situation.

Watering rules

Care also includes providing proper watering- it should be carried out only at the root. Moisture can be added using the standard or drip method. Sprinkling should not be used - it has Negative influence for flowering and fruit set. Among other things, air humidity becomes higher, which leads to the spread of fungal infections.

Bush formation

Tomatoes require bush formation. If you do not carry out this procedure, high yield will not be. How to properly carry out stepsoning? Remove any additional shoots that appear in the axils of each leaf. If you do not remove them, a huge mass of leaves and stems will form on the plant, which means that more shoots will appear, and so on ad infinitum. As a result, overgrown vegetables in the greenhouse acquire many flowers and ovaries, but fruits do not form from them. They may be formed, but they will not ripen, which is also bad.

  • After the tomatoes have formed 5 clusters, it is necessary to pinch the tops and limit the growth of the crop in height. Eventually nutritional elements will go towards the formation of fruits. The pinching procedure is quite simple.
  • The apical buds should be pinched so that 2 leaves remain above each of the brushes.
  • The leaves are not removed; you only need to get rid of the lower yellowed leaves, which make hilling difficult.

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Disease Prevention

In August, tomatoes suffer from various diseases. To prevent their occurrence, some measures should be taken.

Caring for tomatoes in August (video)

Prevention of late blight

Caring for tomatoes involves treating the fruit with Acrobat, Oksikhom and Azofos. However, you should not wait until the fruits ripen. As soon as the vegetables begin to turn brown, it is better to switch to Bordeaux mixture. The last treatment is carried out 20 days before the start of harvest. During the process, they are sprayed with a solution of boric acid.

To protect plants from late blight, you should follow 2 simple rules:

  • When the fruits have gained the required weight, but have not yet turned red, remove them if the outside temperature drops below +10 degrees. This is necessary in order to avoid the occurrence of the disease.
  • Do not plant the crop next to potatoes. The disease quickly spreads from one plant to another.

Prevention of fusarium

It is necessary to protect tomatoes from fusarium blight. Helps detect infection next sign- the plant begins to lag significantly in growth.

You can defeat fusarium in a greenhouse in the following way - treat the crop with infusion of celandine and stinging nettle. It is prepared like this:

  • take a 50-liter container;
  • put 4.5 kilograms of herbs in it;
  • fill with 4 buckets of water;
  • wait a day.

The infusion is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and each plant is treated once a week. There should be a liter of solution per tomato.

General rules of prevention

Care involves following simple preventive rules:

  • Maintain the required humidity and temperature regime, ventilate the greenhouse.
  • In the fall, be sure to destroy all plant debris and dig up the soil.
  • Select varieties specifically for your climate zone.
  • Choose the right predecessor plant and follow crop rotation.
  • Fertilize, loosen the soil and fight weeds regularly.

About the benefits of kombucha

Tomatoes, like people, benefit from kombucha. It should be used like this:

  • take a 10-liter saucepan;
  • fill it with water;
  • add 50 grams of green and black tea, half a glass of sugar;
  • boil the solution for 13 minutes;
  • Cool to +30 degrees, put the mushroom in the pan and cover with gauze.

That's all! Now wait 20 days and you can spray the plants. This will provide them with protection from late blight.

Fighting the streak

If you see that the crop has become stricken - streaks and stripes have appeared on the stems, and dark spots have formed on the leaves - eliminate the infected bushes. How to do it? Plants must be burned, otherwise the infection will spread to other vegetables. The remaining crops will have to be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then the bushes will be fed with microelements along the leaves.

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Do you think that simply pouring 5 or 7 liters of water on a tomato bush is enough for their normal growth and development? Systematicity, knowledge of the intricacies of gardening and watering rules are important here if you plan to eventually get a high-quality harvest of tomatoes. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of questions that often arise when caring for tomatoes, for example, whether you need to water tomatoes in August. After all, the answers on this matter are very ambiguous.

Subtleties of watering tomatoes

Water is so important to the crop because of its homeland, the South, where tomatoes originate. Plants are thermophilic and susceptible to solar influence, the need for moisture. Therefore, it is rarely possible to obtain a high-quality tomato harvest without systematic, proper watering. The matter requires maximum attention, since tomatoes do not tolerate drought, and since August is a hot month, the answer to the question of whether tomatoes need to be watered in August is brewing itself.

Features of watering tomatoes in beds

This method is popular among gardeners because it is simple and effective.

In a garden bed with tomato bushes planted in 2 rows, 3 ditches are made (along and between the rows). Place the irrigation hose in the groove, turn on the water and wait until the entire bed is completely filled with water. The framed area turns into a small lake at the end of watering. This technique allows the soil to be well saturated with moisture and provide the plant with comfortable growing conditions.

If you are wondering whether you need to water tomatoes in August, then low-growing varieties They are irrigated less from the moment the fruits ripen, and closer to the middle of the month, watering stops altogether. This approach to irrigation makes it possible to achieve uniform ripening of tomatoes, prevent cracking of fruits, and damage to the crop by late blight and rampant spotting.

How to water tomatoes correctly

The correct watering system is determined by a number of simple but effective rules for growing tomatoes:

  1. When irrigating, a stream of water is directed under the root so that the water does not erode the soil.
  2. When watering, it is advisable to avoid getting moisture on the leaves and formed fruits of the plants. The dew drops that form in active sunlight turn into lenses where they focus sunlight. As a result, tomatoes get burned and become less resistant to late blight.
  3. Tap water for watering the garden is not very good (too hard). It is either settled by adding a complex of fertilizers, or water is taken from a well.
  4. Watering is organized in the morning when high temperature water room temperature, at low - slightly warmed with warm liquid. IN evening time Irrigation is carried out several hours before sunset, when the heat subsides. At night, water is well absorbed and nourishes the roots.

Now you understand whether you need to water tomatoes in August and how to do it correctly. If you follow the above recommendations, tomatoes will grow quickly and actively.

When and how to water tomatoes

Drying of the soil around the stem of the bush is the first sign of the need for watering. Providing plants with water is a delicate matter. In the case of tomatoes, it is important to wait time between waterings and allow the soil to dry completely. In the roast summer time Tomatoes are watered abundantly, but rarely - 1-2 times every 7 days, provided that there is no precipitation. No less than 5 liters of water are poured under one bush.

A fertile harvest is ensured if the irrigation system is organized correctly, and the bush receives a sufficient amount of water resources during the period from the formation of the ovaries until the end of filling.

How to organize the water balance for tomatoes

Tips for watering tomatoes in August:

  1. In hot weather, plants will be more susceptible to drip or underground irrigation.
  2. The crusty soil around the bush stem is immediately loosened after rain or watering to ensure air access.
  3. The frequency of watering should be regulated.
  4. Plants in open ground are watered rarely, but abundantly.

Important! Pay special attention to this rule after planting seedlings in the garden and during the formation of fruit ovaries. Remember that frequent irrigation in small volumes has a negative effect on the development and growth of plants.

For watering tomatoes in an open area, you can use natural resource. Rainwater- a great alternative.

How to understand that a plant is getting enough nutrition

Having figured out how to water tomatoes in August, you will probably want to understand whether the volume of water allocated to one bush is enough for the tomato. pay attention to appearance plants. Well-groomed tomatoes look healthy, but those that are damaged in some way begin to fade.

For plants with already formed fruits and those that are already ripe, there is a separate watering scheme. In this case, irrigation is not stopped, but is organized once every four days with a daily volume of water of up to 10 liters per bush. This optimal rate to obtain a large harvest.

Thus, we figured out whether to water the tomatoes in August. Now you know how to provide garden plants comfortable conditions for growth and why watering is so important not only in August, but also at other times.

When growing tomatoes, consider the above recommendations and take them into account when deciding how to properly organize the care of tomatoes in the open ground.

Accelerating the ripening of tomatoes
Every gardener who grows tomatoes in a greenhouse wants to protect them from insidious greenhouse diseases for as long as possible. For this you have to use different techniques, incl. and accelerating fruit ripening.
We have already looked at some of them before. First of all, this is the cultivation of super-early ripening varieties and hybrids, thickened plantings of these plants with their formation into only one stem, normalization of the number of brushes on the plant, pinching the tops of plants, limited use nitrogen fertilizers, preventative treatment plants.
And from the end of July, the size of the harvest is favorably affected by the regular removal of the lower aging and especially yellowed or disease-affected leaves. It is better to do this on a sunny morning so that the wound on the stem dries faster. By the time the fruit begins to ripen, all leaves up to the first cluster should be completely removed.
From the first days of August, the timely removal of all emerging stepsons and limiting plant growth, especially in tall varieties, are no less important. To do this, 4–5 weeks before the end of the growing season, i.e. in early August, the growing points of the plants are pinched, leaving 2–3 leaves above the last inflorescence with already set fruits.
Usually, all flower buds remaining at this point are also removed, because they will not have time to bear full fruit. Under our conditions, in a “typical” amateur unheated greenhouse, you can get up to 6–8 bunches of fruit from a plant, depending on the early maturity of the variety and the timing of planting.
Simultaneously with pinching, it is also necessary to remove all inflorescences in the budding phase or immediately after flowering, since you will no longer get fruit from them, especially when early autumn. We should not forget that after pinching the tops of plants and stepsons quickly begin to grow again.
When growing giant tomatoes, it is not enough to just form these plants; they require strictly rationing the number of ovaries in each cluster if you want to get large fruits.
Usually, giants have 3 ovaries on the lower and middle hands, two ovaries above the middle ones, and one on the upper ones. With this adjustment of the number of fruits, the total mass of the crop increases, and the fruits become larger. You can, of course, not do this. In this case, you will get large fruits, but not giants.
The ripening of a mature crop is significantly accelerated if the clusters with fruits are turned toward the sun. This “folk” technique is especially effective for super-early ripening varieties. In this case, there should not be a single sheet under the first brush, and under the brushes large-fruited varieties you need to prop them up or hang them in a “hammock”.

Preventive actions
Every gardener knows what diseases cause great harm the tomato harvest, especially in the greenhouse. Therefore, to avoid tomato diseases, regular preventive treatment of plants is necessary.
It is advisable to carry out at least two preventative sprayings for super-early and early-ripening varieties and at least three for tall varieties and giants. But, starting from the beginning of August, such spraying should be done only with garlic infusion. Remember well the good old rule - after spraying with poisons, fruits should not be eaten for 3 weeks.
To prepare garlic infusion, garlic heads, leaves, arrows, and roots are passed through a meat grinder. One faceted glass of this crushed mass is poured into 1 liter raw water and insist for a day. Then the solution is filtered, water is added to 10 liters and the plants are sprayed.
Garlic phytoncides destroy pathogens of fungal diseases. For better adhesion of the liquid to the plant, you can add 1 tbsp per 10 liters of solution. spoon washing powder or soap.
It is also advisable, starting from the end of July, to spray the plants twice with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Spraying is especially effective in the evening after a hot day. And if the plants do get sick, then we must not forget about the abundance of the most modern means to fight diseases.
Do not forget Golden Rule growing tomatoes in a greenhouse - until the last fruits are removed from the bush, it is necessary to spray the plants with biological fungicides (Alirin, Gamair, Fitosporin), which are equivalent in effect to garlic.
And when night cold snaps and the first signs of late blight appear, the entire crop must be harvested immediately.

Do I need to tear up the roots at the end of summer?
To speed up the ripening of fruits, some gardeners also use partial tearing of the roots, especially in tall varieties. For this purpose the plant bottom part The stem is carefully pulled up. The roots are slightly torn, the plant’s nutrition is somewhat limited, and this speeds up the ripening of the fruit. But such a procedure must be carried out no earlier than the end of the first ten days of August, otherwise there will be many small fruits that will not have time to grow.
This technique, of course, is not scientific, but barbaric, although in this case the fruits actually ripen faster, but their total mass, after you have torn the roots a little, practically does not increase. Therefore, using this technique when there are a lot of small, not yet formed fruits on the plant, you will significantly lose in the harvest.
But most effective way Accelerating the filling and ripening of fruits, of course, is still the timely collection of formed fruits, brown and green, and their placement for ripening (ripening).

You cannot be late in harvesting tomatoes. Sometimes the beginning of autumn can be so warm and sunny that you simply can’t believe that autumn has already arrived. But it is precisely at this time that you need to be especially attentive to weather forecasts and monitor the approach of cold weather. After all, autumn nights are getting colder, and there is often cold dew.
That is why it is very important to remove tomatoes from the bushes before the air temperature drops below +8°C at night. Some authors in their articles sometimes indicate more low temperature(up to +4°C), but this is doubtful, and you should not risk your tomato harvest.
Fruits should be harvested in warm weather, when there are no drops of moisture on them. It is best to do this in the morning, when the tomatoes are at their most resilient and of the highest quality.
There are three degrees of ripeness of fruits - green ripe (whitened), blanched and ripe. Green-ripe fruits have already reached normal size and shape, their seeds are already fully formed. When ripened, such fruits acquire the taste and color characteristic of the variety.
Do not confuse green-ripe (whitened) fruits, which have green color, but fully formed, and green tomatoes that are in the growing stage. These teenage fruits, after being picked from the bush, also gradually ripen, but they have a completely different taste. Green ripe fruits are good for long-term storage and long distance transportation.
In blanzhe fruits, a pink coloring, the pulp, when cut, is already pink or yellowish-golden in color. To taste they are already suitable for consumption. Blazing tomatoes also withstand transportation well.
Ripe fruits have a taste and color characteristic of this variety. Ripe tomatoes of most varieties, as a rule, are not suitable for transportation over long distances.
Many years of experience of gardeners confirms that fruits, especially at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, should be picked from the bushes only when they are ripe or green. This will allow the remaining fruits to be well-ripened by the time they are harvested, which will entirely depend on the weather. If there are a lot of ripe fruits hanging on a plant, then their overall yield is significantly reduced. In addition, harvesting green-ripe fruits from the plant almost completely eliminates late blight, which is especially dangerous in the second half of summer.
When harvesting tomatoes, you must carefully protect them from mechanical damage, you cannot throw them or crush them, as damaged tomatoes quickly deteriorate.