home · Tool · Fertilizers for raspberries during flowering. How to feed raspberries after fruiting and pruning in spring, summer and autumn. What nutrients do raspberries need in the fall?

Fertilizers for raspberries during flowering. How to feed raspberries after fruiting and pruning in spring, summer and autumn. What nutrients do raspberries need in the fall?

Unfortunately, owners are not always able to enjoy the abundance of large, juicy berries. There are several reasons for this. First of all these:

  1. Lack of moisture. Timely watering can increase productivity several times.
    Few sunlight. Raspberries develop well in sunny areas.
  2. Proper feeding. The plant itself will tell you what time and what fertilizers are needed.
  3. Most often, organic manure and chicken manure are used, and inorganic ones, nitrogen-containing preparations and complexes.

Manure rotted during the year - the best remedy, which at correct application into the soil can provide the plant with everything it needs and replace mineral fertilizers.

When should raspberries be fed?

It is not necessary to fertilize the shrub in the first year of life. The plant must get used to the soil and water. And the fertilizers that were applied during planting are sufficient. Their excess can lead to disease and even death of the bush.

Next, you need to focus on the composition and condition of the soil, the appearance of the raspberry tree.
The plant grows in the same place for many years, gradually depleting and impoverishing the soil. Having carefully examined the raspberry tree, you can determine by the appearance of the stems and leaves whether feeding is needed. The gardener should be alerted and forced to take urgent measures following signs:

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


  • stems and young shoots have become thin and weak, developing poorly;
    small leaves;
  • the appearance of veins and spots on the leaves, premature yellowing;
  • small berries that fall off before ripening.

The appearance of these symptoms requires additional fertilization and abundant watering.

Raspberries growing in fertile soil should be fed with manure twice a year ( in early spring and autumn). If the raspberry tree grows on sandstone, then there should be at least 5 feedings: twice in the spring, once in the summer with abundant watering, twice in the fall. Clay soil requires three fertilizations: spring, summer and autumn.

Basic rules for feeding raspberries with manure

To obtain an annual abundant harvest, experienced gardeners feed raspberries with manure three times a year. In spring, this procedure is performed before the plant begins to flower. In summer - after harvest. And in the fall - when preparing the bush for wintering.

Rules for applying manure to the soil:

  1. When planting, you should dig a hole up to 0.5 m deep for each plant. Pour 1 - 1.5 kg of rotted manure into the bottom and cover with a layer of soil. The roots of the bush should be generously filled with water at about 15 - 〖18〗^0 C, and covered with loose soil on top.
  2. In the first year after planting, there is no need to fertilize raspberries. It receives sufficient nutrition from manure added when planting seedlings in the ground.
  3. Starting from the second year, in early spring after the first loosening of the soil, fertilizing with rotted manure is carried out. In the row spacing, grooves should be made 30 cm deep and the same width, fill them with this organic fertilizer mixed with straw. An average of up to 6 kg of manure is consumed per 3 linear meters. Next, you need to water the plantation abundantly for two weeks so that nutrients went into the ground.
  4. In the summer after harvesting, the soil is loosened again. Fertilizing can be done by watering the raspberries with a low concentration of water infusion of chicken manure. For 10 liters of water you need no more than 200 - 300 g of fresh chicken manure. This mixture is infused for at least a week. Second option: stir 3 kg of manure, 50 g of potassium salt and superphosphate in 10 liters of water.
  5. In autumn, it is introduced into the aisles fresh manure. During the winter cold, it will overheat, warming the roots and protecting them from freezing.

Rotted manure contains about a third Periodic table. Microelements introduced into the soil in this way are easily absorbed and contribute to the proper development of the plant and abundant fruiting during the berry season.

Do not forget that an overabundance of fertilizers and their application at the wrong time often leads to a decrease in the yield of shrubs.

How to feed raspberry bushes

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

" Raspberries

Every gardener knows that raspberry bushes grow well and produce a rich harvest for the rich chemicals soils. For creating favorable conditions It is important for this plant to choose the right fertilizers.

Fertilizing raspberries in the fall helps increase the yield. Organic and mineral substances added according to established rules are used as fertilizing.

Not only the raspberry fertilization calendar will help determine when fertilizing is required. The plant itself will tell you what exactly it lacks and which fertilizers are already superfluous. And it doesn't have to be experienced gardener to be able to identify the problem.

You need to carefully examine the bush, paying attention to changes in the color of the leaves., the thickness of the stems. Having discovered the problem in time, the owner will have time to solve it so that the lack/excess of fertilizers does not affect the yield. So, how does a bush signal a problem:

  • if the plant has weak and thin shoots, the foliage is small, this indicates phosphorus deficiency;
  • appearance yellow leaves with green streaks indicates iron deficiency;
  • leaves grow poorly, turn yellow starting from the middle - add magnesium to the soil;
  • the bush looks burnt, has a brownish tint - low potassium. In this case, the plant may not survive the winter;
  • small, yellowing leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. In this case, the plants do not grow or do so too slowly and look drooping;
  • The leaf color is very dark, the shoots grow quickly - too much nitrogen. This leads to early shedding of berries and a decrease in yield.

Fertilizers for raspberries are needed annually, every season (except winter) - only under such conditions can you get a rich harvest of large berries. If the soil in the raspberry patch is clayey, one and a half times more fertilizer must be applied. If the soil is saturated with sand, fertilizing is required more often.

How to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?

Before spring fertilizing, it is important to prepare the bushes. First of all, trim the lower shoots. Pull out the weeds by hand and carefully loosen the top 10 cm layer of soil. This must be done so as not to injure the roots.

To have reason to expect a rich harvest, the application of mineral fertilizers in the spring is required. What fertilizers to apply in the fall for raspberries:

  • superphosphate– this fertilizer contains a huge amount of substances that are beneficial for plants: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and others. This fertilizer leads to increased raspberry yields, accelerated development, and increased resistance to various diseases;
  • potassium salt- nutritional substance. An excellent replacement for this fertilizer would be conventional ash, which, in addition to other benefits, does not contain chlorine, which has a negative effect on raspberries. It is recommended to apply dry or diluted;
  • nitrogen fertilizers. Urea and ammonium nitrate.

Fertilize raspberries minerals better comprehensive. The best effect is obtained by using a mixture of 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonia sulfur and 40 g of wood ash. Mix all this in a bucket of water. Apply to the soil in two steps, with the second fertilizing done in the first month of summer.

It is worth keeping in mind that not every soil will benefit from any fertilizer. Therefore, it is better to analyze the agrochemical composition of the soil before applying it. And only based on its results can we draw conclusions about introducing specific types fertilizers

How to feed remontant raspberries in August?

How to feed raspberries in August, especially after fruiting? IN summer time A minimum of one-time application of fertilizer is required during the ripening period of the berries. Many gardeners recommend doing one more additional fertilization of the bushes - in June.

The plant should be saturated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. In addition, an aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate and boric acid spray the bushes. This cannot be done in sunny weather, but there is no point in spraying before it rains.

If desired, you can replace them with infused wood ash. For this purpose for 10 liters hot water pour 500 ml of ash. You should not fertilize with nitrogen during this period - this will reduce the frost resistance of the shrub.

Fertilizer for raspberries in September

What to feed remontant raspberries in the fall after pruning? It is very important to fully feed the plant in the fall, since during the period of growth and fruiting it has consumed a considerable amount of nutrients. The lack of these elements leads to inhibition of development and reduced yield next year. Before application, carefully weed and loosen.

In the fall, organic matter should be added - it contains the necessary microelements. The bush easily assimilates such fertilizers, so it will meet spring healthy and full. The following fertilizers are most often used in the fall:

  • rotted manure. Gives strength to the bush during rapid growth in spring. In cold weather it will help to warm and keep the roots intact. Use 6 kg of manure per square of land;
  • rotted compost. It is in no way inferior in effectiveness to manure. In addition to saturation with valuable substances, it disinfects the soil. A good solution is the use of foliage, leaves, and vegetable waste;
  • peat. It slightly saturates the soil, but its value lies elsewhere - it improves the structure of the soil;
  • bird (chicken) droppings. Use an aqueous solution, evenly watering the area of ​​the raspberry tree.

It is very important to start processing raspberries in September and correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer. The dose depends on appearance plants and harvest quality. If the shoots are thick, the height of the shoots is up to two meters, and at least 1.5 kg was collected from the bush, it should be fed in the prescribed manner. If the shoots are thin, they grow poorly and the harvest is not enough - It is recommended to increase the amount of fertilizer applied.

Giving raspberries required quantity nutrients in autumn and spring, you can both improve the quality of the bushes and improve the yield. It is important to follow the deadlines and feed strictly according to schedule.

Is nitrogen necessary in the fall?

Nitrogen stimulates plant growth in the long term, which interferes with the ripening of shoots and greatly reduces the frost resistance of the shrub. Therefore, it is believed that even at the end of summer it is not worth fertilizing raspberries with nitrogen. That's a moot point.

Secondary root growth begins in August. Nitrogen in this process main component. Therefore, nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. At the end of summer - perhaps, but more often the plant only needs the small amount of fertilizer that was applied in the spring at the beginning of June.

Most plants are able to use nitrogen previously deposited in the foliage for root growth.

Preparing for winter

You should start preparing bushes for winter before the onset of winter. negative temperature. Raspberries overwinter pressed to the ground. However, before bending the bush, it is necessary to prepare the shoots.

Pruning raspberries includes removing old dried out and thin young branches. As a result, only new thick stems remain, which are pruned at the top by 15-20 cm. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. If shoots have sprouted between them, remove them.

Leaves are removed from the shoots carefully so as not to damage the buds. If the leaves are left, they will become damp, rot and can burn the buds. After cleaning, the bushes are bent down, secured with wire staples. The bushes are placed as close to the ground as possible so that in winter the raspberry bush is completely covered with snow.

After the snow has settled, you cannot forget about the bushes - if there is not enough snow, you need to add more to the bushes. The resulting crust is knocked down so that the raspberries can breathe.

Residents of northern regions should additionally cover their bushes with straw in the fall.

If everything is done correctly in the fall, in the spring the raspberries will rise in all their glory. If some shoots have died, they must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.

Fertilizers are pests

You should fertilize raspberries with caution, since fertilizing can both speed up the flowering of the plant and ruin the raspberry tree.

Thus, nitrogen cannot be used in large quantities, since the raspberries will grow constantly and not “sleep” during the winter.

Potassium fertilizers that contain chlorine are harmful. In autumn, shrubs to which such fertilizers have been applied develop chlorosis.

So, before you start applying fertilizers, it is important to find out which ones will have a positive effect on the plants. At the same time, no matter what the soil turns out to be, you cannot leave raspberries without feeding. In order for the plant to develop properly and produce a rich harvest, you will have to find a “golden mean”.

Not every site has the opportunity to allocate a large area for raspberry growing. As a rule, this crop is planted along the fence and cared for as necessary. The result is not long in coming: if the year is “successful,” at best, about 2 kg of juicy sweet berries are harvested per square meter. But from the same area you can get five times more! How? Firstly, highly productive varieties will have to be planted. And secondly, fertilize (feed) them correctly. This is worth talking about in more detail.

Autumn feeding of raspberries is one of key points. After fruiting ends, the bushes need to quickly regain strength in order to prepare for the next season. In the middle lane regular varieties pruned in August, and remontant ones, which are capable of bearing fruit until frost, are pruned towards the end of September. At this time, all old and fruit-bearing shoots are removed, as well as underdeveloped and thickening ones. After pruning, each bush should have 3 to 6 strong young branches left.

A bucket of raspberries - for a bucket of manure

Under natural conditions, raspberry trees, as a rule, grow where the soil is rich in humus. This means that garden raspberries, finding themselves in such conditions, will thank you a hundredfold. That is why peasants used to dump straw manure from the barn onto the plantings. This technique made it possible to maintain soil fertility with minimal effort. And at the same time sharply reduce the number dangerous pest- raspberry beetle. By the way, it is much easier to deal with it in the fall.

In modern conditions, you have to either buy and then compost manure, or make humus from weeds pulled out from the garden, grass clippings, household kitchen waste, leaves and peat. A very good addition to compost is bird droppings.

How much organic matter do you need? For each square meter It is advisable to add 3-5 buckets of fertilizer to the raspberry plant at least once every 2-3 years. The result will be noticeable to the naked eye already next year. It would be a good idea to throw in two or three more handfuls of ash and embed it all into the soil.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


By the way, when digging up the ground under raspberry plantations, they die. most of raspberry beetle populations. After all, the larvae pupate not far from their “dining room”. By turning over a layer of earth, you literally throw pests out into the cold. And thus, by feeding your plantings, you simultaneously get rid of the annoying “worms” in the berries.

Nitrogen - only in spring!

What to do if there is no manure and compost for raspberries? Is it possible to replace organic fertilizers with mineral ones? Unfortunately no. Any organic matter, rotting, improves the structure of the soil and provides food for soil inhabitants. And they, in turn, enrich it with nutrients and loosen it, preventing the soil from turning into a stone impenetrable by a hoe. Therefore, “mineral water” can be used, but only as a supplement.

At autumn feeding Raspberries, however, like other perennial crops, are strictly prohibited from adding nitrogen (N). The fact is that this element provokes active growth shoots. That is why it is used in the spring - for a quick start and good development. In the fall, it leads to the fact that the branches and shoots do not have time to prepare for winter. And in the end they freeze out.

Potassium (K) is a completely different matter. This element is extremely necessary for plants before wintering. It increases the frost resistance of shoots and the number of flower buds that form. As for phosphorus (P), it is used only in the fall, when digging the soil. In this case, by spring it will turn into a digestible form. Only fertilizers containing chlorine, for example, potassium chloride or potassium salt, cannot be applied to raspberries. All berry crops are intolerant of chlorine.

However, unlike porridge, which cannot be spoiled with oil, poison the soil with mineral supplements not difficult. How to avoid this?

Dosage - as in a pharmacy

We can say that all fertilizers applied in the fall practically do not migrate into the deeper layers of the soil. Consequently, they must be buried to the depth where the bulk of the feeding roots are located. For this purpose, grooves with a depth of about 20 cm are dug around the bushes at a distance of 30-35 cm. It is there that the nutrient mixtures are poured and then buried. Which? Let's look at a few examples.

Growing and feeding plants

For deep autumn digging, you can annually use a mixture of granulated superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 40 and 20 g/m2, respectively. But powdered superphosphate is not suitable for such a purpose. This is due to the fact that when high acidity soil solution (pH≤ 5.5), it quickly becomes inaccessible to the roots. If you use double superphosphate, its amount is halved.

Young bushes also require a different amount of nutrients. So, if the plot was well-dressed before planting, nothing additional will need to be added over the next two years. Only when preliminary preparation there was none, in the fall 20 g of granulated superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are scattered under young plantings.

Another good option for areas with increased acidity— fertilizer “Autumn”. In addition to phosphorus and potassium, it contains calcium, magnesium and boron. It is added at the rate of 30-40 g/m².

Phosphorite flour is also an excellent source of phosphorus. It is especially effective on acidic soils- podzolic, gray forest and northern degraded chernozems. It is applied in large doses - about 100 g/m², but only once every 3 years. This is a long-acting fertilizer that should never be combined with lime or ash.

Roots under a fur coat

After adding all the nutrients, the ground must be covered. Bare and cleared of weeds, it will dry out quickly. And in raspberries, the bulk of the roots are located very shallow.

And the moisture deficit will immediately affect the number of flower buds being formed and the winter hardiness of the bush.

Any organic materials are suitable for mulching. Which? Seed husks and grass chaff left over from the lawnmower, hay or straw and leaves collected in the nearest forest. Just don’t cover your plantings with fallen leaves from your garden or tops from vegetable beds: pathogens of dangerous diseases can survive on it. The mulch layer does not have to be very thick - 10-15 cm will be quite enough. As it rots, it will also turn into fertilizer.

And lastly: due to moisture deficiency recent years Plants definitely need moisture-recharging watering in the fall. This is due to the fact that active growth of the root system begins only after shoot growth stops. In dry soil, the roots complete development ahead of time, and the bush overwinters in a weakened state. As a result, even after a not very frosty winter, the plantings will look very sad.

The best time for such watering is the second half of September. Only after long droughts (such as in 2010) should the watering schedule be moved to the end of the month so as not to cause secondary growth of the above-ground part.

But what is moisture-recharging irrigation? It's not just two buckets per bush. It is important to saturate the entire root volume with moisture, and for raspberries this is 30-35 cm. This means that you will have to pour about 50 liters of water onto each plant.

Organic feeding: autumn planting plants

Autumn care and fertilization of raspberries is very important stage. It does not require any special skills and does not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener. And it’s worth spending a few hours on your raspberry garden to next year enjoy plenty of juicy, sweet, fragrant berry and prepare it for the winter.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

Raspberries bear fruit well with minimal care. But if you treat it like a weed that grows on its own, then you shouldn’t count on a rich harvest. It can give you large berries in the first years after planting, and then crushes it. Farmers who are seriously involved in this crop must fertilize even while the berries are growing. If you also need large raspberries, then follow their example. Don't want to spray with chemicals? There is an alternative - organic and folk remedies.

How to feed raspberries during flowering and fruiting

The period of flowering and berry filling is the most important and difficult period for raspberries. To increase the yield, you need a lot of nutrition, which should consist of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements: boron, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to weakening of the bushes, diseases, and reduced yields. Our task is to make the raspberry diet balanced. And you need to start by choosing the right fertilizers.

Video: productive raspberries, caring for them

Mineral fertilizers

The simplest fertilizer for this phase of raspberry development is nitroammofoska. In it in equal proportions contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Consumption rate - 30 g per 1 linear meter of row. Sprinkle evenly and pour over. You can dilute this amount in a bucket of water and pour it over the same area. Fertilize at the beginning of flowering and twice more with an interval of 10 days. But this fertilizer does not contain the necessary microelements, so the raspberries must be additionally sprayed with one of the following preparations:

In total, you will get three root (nitroammophos) and 2-3 foliar feedings. If you don’t have time to go to the raspberry plant so often, then choose a simpler option - use complex mineral fertilizers that contain both macro- and microelements. An example is the granular water-soluble mixture BioMaster for fruit and berry crops: 25 g per 10 l. The solution can be applied both at the root and over the leaves at intervals of 10–14 days.

Water-soluble BioMaster granules contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a complex of trace elements

Natural fertilizers for raspberries

This category includes organic matter and wood ash. It is advisable not to use mullein and bird droppings; they contain too much nitrogen and few other nutrients. The infusion of weeds or just nettle is much richer in composition, and this fertilizer acts more mildly; it is impossible to burn the roots with it. Cover the grass, preferably with roots and remaining soil on them, with water and leave for 5–7 days. Dilute the resulting liquid with water: 1 liter per 10-liter watering can. Add a glass of ash there, shake and pour. It can be applied from the budding phase until the berries begin to ripen every 10–14 days.

Video: instructions on how to prepare an herbal infusion

It is useful to water “green fertilizer” not only at the roots, but also over the leaves. The foul odor of the infusion will repel pests, and alkaline environment will destroy pathogenic fungi. Ash can also be added separately: scatter 1 cup per linear meter and loosen it or shake this amount in a bucket of water and pour it under the bushes.

Wood ash can be used as an independent fertilizer; it contains all the elements necessary for plants, except nitrogen

Organomineral supplements

For those who cannot decide which is better: organic or chemical, they produce ready-made organomineral mixtures. They contain humus and mineral supplements to make the raspberry nutrition complete and balanced. Fertilizers in this category are produced under the following brands: Fertika, Agricola, BioMaster, BioHumus, Bionics, etc. You can apply every 10–14 days, alternating watering at the roots with spraying on the leaves.

Organomineral fertilizer for all types of plants

Folk remedies

In addition to the already mentioned " green fertilizer"from weeds and ash, there are other recipes that are passed on from gardener to gardener:

  • Yeast wort - dissolve 10 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of water, add 5 tbsp. l. sugar and leave to ferment for 2 hours. Dilute the wort 1:5 with water. This feeding can be given 1-2 times during the period from budding to the beginning of ripening of the berries. Pour at the root: 10 liters per 1 linear meter. In this case, the air and soil temperature should be above +20 °C.
  • Ammonia - 40 ml per 10 liters of water. The drug not only repels pests, but also supplies nitrogen to raspberries. However, it will not replace a full-fledged complex fertilizer. You can water the entire bushes during the budding phase or when the first flowers bloom.
  • Boric acid powder - 2 g per 10 l. Spray directly onto the flowers. Boron increases fruit set, yield will be higher.
  • Potassium permanganate: add it to the recipe above so that the solution becomes Pink colour, and you will receive an almost complex fertilizer of microelements. Manganese promotes the accumulation of sugar in fruits and helps plants fight various diseases.

Video: feeding raspberries with yeast

Raspberries need fertilizing not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer, when they bloom and fill with berries. Moreover, during this period a balanced diet containing all macro- and microelements is necessary. Alternate root dressings with non-root ones. Gardeners have come up with and tried a lot interesting recipes, but if you don’t have time to create different infusions, then buy ready-made complex mixtures. The main thing is not to leave raspberries without support, and in gratitude they will definitely give you large and tasty berries.

Most likely, you cannot find a garden without a corner reserved for raspberries. The fruits are tasty and healthy, and the culture is unpretentious in terms of care. Many people believe that there is no need to feed raspberries; they grow well on their own. However, when applying fertilizers, you will be surprised how much more fruits there are, how they have increased in size, and the ripening process is also accelerating.

Spring feeding of raspberries is fundamental for fruiting in the season; you can also feed them in summer and autumn. Let's take a closer look at how to feed raspberries in the spring and in subsequent periods.

How to feed raspberries during transplantation

Most often, raspberries are planted in the spring (especially in the northern regions, this is also true for middle zone Russia).

It is not necessary to apply fertilizer if the soil is fertile and is being dug for the first time. Otherwise, fill the trenches or holes with organic and mineral fertilizers, which will feed them for several years. The seedlings will take root and develop successfully without additional feeding for 2-3 years, gradually using up the supply of nutrients.

Fertilizer consumption when planting in autumn per 1 m² of plot is approximately:

  • 6 kg of humus;
  • about 10 kg of compost or compost-peat mixture;
  • half a liter jar of dry wood ash;
  • 80 g superphosphate;
  • 25 g of potassium salt.

Starting in the fall, dig up the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm, add fertilizer, and remove roots, stones, and debris from the area. If the soil is acidic, liming will be required, which is achieved by adding 1 cup of slaked lime or dolomite flour per 1 sq. m.

Dig up the area in the spring. Apply fertilizer when planting in spring into each planting hole, combining organic matter and mineral fertilizers:

  • You will need 1-2 shovels of compost or humus,
  • 2 tablespoons each of superphosphate and potassium salt (or wood ash).

Mix all components well in the well. With such a good filling, fertilizers will not be needed for 2-3 seasons.

How to feed raspberries after transplanting

If the raspberries were planted without putting fertilizers in the ground, feed them after planting with the same fertilizers as listed above: sprinkle mineral fertilizers and mulch them with organic matter on top.

When and how to feed raspberries

In the future, it is advisable to feed raspberry plantings several times per season:

  • Early spring for a successful start to the growing season;
  • In summer, during the period of flowering and filling (ripening) of berries;
  • In autumn (at this time the laying of fruit buds for the next year occurs).

Fertilizers must be applied correctly:

  • The soil must be pre-moistened. This way, fertilizing will work better and there is no risk of harming the root system.
  • Be sure to follow the dosage.
  • If the concentrated solution gets on the leaves, wash it off clean water(meaning without fertilizers).
  • When incorporating dry fertilizers into the soil, loosen the soil shallowly, carefully so as not to greatly destroy the root layer and damage the roots.
  • It is better to feed in the morning or evening, a cloudy day will do. Then the sun is least active, and exposure to its rays in combination with fertilizers can cause a reaction that will cause burns to the plant.

Do you need to feed raspberries: how to understand?

It is easy to determine what nutrients a plant needs by its appearance:

  • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves grow small and overall growth rates slow down.
  • With a lack of potassium, the edges of the leaves dry out, the leaf blades may curl completely or have a brownish tint.
  • Thin and weak shoots - raspberries lack phosphorus.
  • Due to magnesium deficiency, the central part of the leaf turns yellow, and the growth of the bush is slow.
  • We noticed that the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green - this is how the lack of iron manifests itself.

How to feed raspberries in spring for a good harvest

Application time in spring depends on climatic conditions your region. The soil should thaw and warm up well (in the conditions of central Russia this happens in late April-early May).

Inspect the berry garden, cut off dry and damaged branches, remove fallen leaves from the area and water away weeds.

Spring should contain a large proportion of nitrogen in order to enhance shoot growth; you will also need potassium and phosphorus.

Superphosphate is a source of water-soluble magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizer has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, the growth of stems and shoots, increases productivity, improves taste qualities berries Phosphorus increases resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

  • In spring it is better to apply fertilizers in dry form.
  • Gently loosen the soil, apply 10 g of urea or 12 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 m² of area.

Fertilizing raspberries during flowering

It is useful to feed raspberries during flowering with liquid fertilizer:

  • Dissolve 1 cup of wood ash and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate in 10 liters of water,
  • add 1 tbsp urea,
  • water at a rate of 10 liters per 1 m² of plantings.

Potassium salt helps strengthen plant tissues, stimulates fruiting, increases immunity and resistance to cold. It is enough to add 40 g of potassium salt per 1 m² of land once per season. Potassium chloride should absolutely not be used as a fertilizer for raspberries.

An alternative to potassium salt is wood ash. It contains many useful elements that improve the growth and fruiting of raspberries. It can be added in dry form (1 glass per 1 m²) or use ash infusion (dissolve a couple of glasses of wood ash in 10 liters of water, leave for two days, then strain and add 1 liter to each plant).

It is convenient to feed with complex mineral fertilizer, since it contains all the necessary elements and there is no need to bother with weighing the ingredients:

Azofoska, Kemira will do. When preparing the solution, rely on the instructions (for example, Kemira will need 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water, mix well and add 1 liter of solution under each plant).

It is advisable to feed old bushes with a mixture of mineral fertilizers:

  • For 1 m² of land you will need 60 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium salt, 15-20 g of urea.
  • We incorporate mineral fertilizers into the soil and water them.

Instead of this fertilizing, you can add organic matter by simply mulching the plantings with humus.

How to feed fruit-bearing raspberries: folk remedies

What do you use to make raspberries during the fruiting period so that they are sweet and have a lot of fruit? Raspberries are also very responsive to the addition of organic matter. It will be an excellent replacement for mineral fertilizers, especially if you do not welcome the saturation of the soil with “chemicals”.

How to feed raspberries with cow manure

You can feed raspberry plantings with slurry. Dilute 1 liter of mullein in 10 liters of water and leave in a warm place to ferment for 7 days. Then pour 1 liter of mixture under each plant.

How to feed raspberries with chicken droppings

A potent organic fertilizer is an infusion of chicken manure:

  • Dilute fresh chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1 to 20 and let it ferment for 5-10 days. Apply carefully at the root, avoiding contact with the leaves; each plant will also require 1 liter of this fertilizer.
  • You can let the concentrate ferment: fill the litter to the top with water, ferment it for a week and dilute 0.5 liters of concentrate per 10 liters of water. Water 1 liter of working solution under each bush.

Feeding with fermented grass

The herbal infusion is also rich in nitrogen. Use any greens: nettles, dandelions, weeds from the site (only to start insemination).

  • Finely chop the herb, soak it in water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and let it ferment for a week.
  • Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour over the raspberries.

How to feed raspberries if there is no manure: feeding with food waste

May become ordinary food waste: vegetable peelings, banana peels, eggshells, onion peels, but without chlorine and other impurities of household chemicals.

Potato peels and banana peels are rich in potassium, which is beneficial for raspberries. Pour boiling water over them, cool and pour the resulting infusion over the bushes. Potato peelings you can simply mulch the soil surface.

Infusion onion peel- Not only good feeding, but also protection from pests. To prepare it, pour 50 g of raw material with boiling water (10 liters) and leave for a week, then pour over. An infusion of eggshells. It will be an excellent calcium supplement.

How to feed raspberries with yeast

Yeast fertilizing acts as a growth stimulator; it promotes faster decomposition of organic matter in the soil. It is advisable to apply this fertilizing at the end of spring, when the soil has warmed up well.

  • For 10 liters of water, take 1 kg of fresh yeast, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, stir well and let it ferment for several hours (leave overnight). Preparation of the working solution: 10 liters of water will require 0.5 liters of infusion; water the bushes as usual.
  • An infusion of dry yeast is prepared faster: dilute 10 grams of yeast and 5 teaspoons of sugar in 10 liters of water, leave for 2 hours. To use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

How to feed raspberries in August and September after pruning

IN natural environment Raspberry bushes grow near trees; the roots of the bush are covered with a layer of tree leaves and bark. According to many gardeners, when growing culturally, raspberries should also be kept under mulch, which will protect the root system from the cold, and beneficial nutrients will be gradually released during the process of rotting.

How to feed raspberry bushes in the fall

The end of August or the beginning of September is the time of the last feeding of the season, which helps strengthen the flower buds. How to properly feed raspberries in the fall?

It is best to use mineral fertilizers: superphosphate and potassium salt, they are mixed in 60 and 40 grams, respectively, and incorporated into the soil in dry form per 1 square meter.

Carefully loosen the soil, trying not to damage the roots, distribute fertilizer granules and sprinkle thin layer soil. Then mulch the area with organic matter - use rotted manure, compost or peat, which are also suitable as mulch sawdust and straw.

Manure humus is an excellent mulching material with a rich composition of elements necessary for raspberries, but take it only in a well-rotted state.

Mulching with organic matter is also a way of feeding

What are raspberries for the winter if you don’t want to use mineral fertilizers? Leaf humus or compost is a convenient and effective mulching material that will become an excellent organic fertilizer.

Peat itself is loose, which helps improve the soil structure. It can acidify the soil, so add dry wood ash or garden lime.

Straw and hay are also often used as mulch. They rot quickly, so they will need to be added periodically throughout the growing season.

Wood debris suitable for mulching: bark coniferous trees, sawdust, twigs, rotten boards. Grind all this thoroughly and sprinkle the area; in the future, make sure that such mulch does not cake, turn it periodically.

The mulch layer is renewed in the spring; its thickness should be about 10 cm. What are the functions of mulch in the spring? It will attract earthworms to the site, which will loosen the soil, improving air permeability; will help support optimal level humidity, protecting against overheating and, of course, will serve as a top dressing.

How to feed raspberries in the fall after trimming the video: