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Carob - its benefits and harms, interesting recipes. Carob syrup - beneficial properties, application

You will need

  • - ready-made carob syrup;
  • - teaspoon, tablespoon or dessert spoon;
  • - cup;
  • - hot water.


The syrup is produced mainly in Cyprus and exported to all countries of the world, although carob syrup is ubiquitous throughout the Mediterranean. The syrup contains tannins, a number of organic acids, pectin, mucus, protein, all B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sugar.

In countries where carob grows, it is used as a delicacy, in particular, it is poured over pancakes, pancakes, confectionery, and added to tea, coffee, and water. The syrup has no contraindications and can be used by everyone without restrictions.

To treat diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, to remove waste and toxins, take 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals, in case of diarrhea, instead of meals. Children from two to five years old – 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. From five to 12 years – 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. The syrup is not recommended for children under two years of age.

For the treatment of sore throats, colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, the above doses of syrup are diluted in a glass of hot water (60 degrees) and used 5-6 times a day.

For nervous disorders, sleep disorders, and neurological headaches, you should take 1 tablespoon of syrup 5-6 times a day for three months. Then you need to take a break for 14 days and continue taking the syrup.

In the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, gum is mainly used to stabilize drugs. In particular, carob gum is included in the composition of curds from almost all manufacturers, as well as anti-wrinkle creams, gels, and serums.

Video on the topic


  • carob syrup

Today it is impossible to imagine the food industry without additives. They help extend the shelf life of products, enhance their taste and smell, change consistency and much more. One popular additive is locust bean gum, a substance needed to thicken various types of liquid.

Where does locust bean gum come from?

This substance is obtained from the fruits of the Mediterranean acacia, which is also called carob. The plant has dense leaves, small flowers and a wide crown, and can reach a height of 10 meters. The fruits of the tree are brown beans, 20-25 cm long, containing not only seeds, but also juicy, slightly sweet pulp. The main component, gum, which is a high-molecular carbon, is extracted from the juice secreted by the beans.

Carob grows in Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries.

Chemical properties and application

Carob gum, called additive E410, is a polymer that consists of molecules presented in the form of residues of simple and complex monosaccharides. Externally, this is a yellowish-white powder. It is practically odorless and retains its properties perfectly when heated, as well as in salty and acidic environments. Carob gum has a high viscosity and dissolves exclusively in water at a temperature of 85°C.

The main property of the E410 additive is to turn various types of liquid into jelly. When it cools, the formation of ice crystals slows down and, thereby, a structured gel is created. That is why locust bean gum is often used in the production of processed cheeses, ice cream and other dairy products, which are not only more tasty, but also retain their shape well. In addition, this stabilizer is used for the production of baked goods, sauces and frozen desserts, and for canning mushrooms, vegetables and fish.

The advantage of the E410 food additive in food production is the ability of the compound to influence other chemicals.

The effect of locust bean gum on the body

Additive E410 refers to substances of natural origin. It is not broken down in the body and is excreted from it in an unprocessed form. It is considered to be completely safe for humans, so it is

The popular name for this tree is carob, and scientific – ceratonia capita. It is named carob because of these very pods: when ripe, they curl into long (from fifteen to thirty centimeters) curved stripes, reminiscent of the horns of a ram or goat.

Ceratonia is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, it reaches as much as twelve meters in height and, due to its lush foliage and spreading branches, provides abundant shade.

The ancient Greeks were the first to use the fruits of this tree. It was carob that gave the world the well-known measure of weight “carat”. Since all carob seeds weigh exactly the same, this makes them ideal “weights” for jewelers and apothecaries.

Carob in cooking

The ceratonia pod is widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of Mediterranean countries. Sugar makes up more than half of its pulp. The bag is cleared of seeds and dried: it can be eaten whole, cut into strips, crushed and used as a powder, or made into syrup.

The hard, sugary cone is especially popular among those who, for some reason, cannot have cocoa: this elongated brownish-red shell tastes very much like chocolate. Carob is caffeine-free, it does not raise blood pressure and does not cause headaches. The abundance of carbohydrates guarantees quick saturation. In Malta, Israel and North Africa, dishes made from pods have long secured their place of honor in the holiday menu.

Syrup and its beneficial properties

It is believed that Cyprus was the first to make syrup from ceratonia horns. It is prepared like this: the pods are placed in a huge bronze cauldron, where they are boiled for at least four hours. The liquid is passed through a fine sieve, which traps pieces of pulp. The finished product has a dark golden color that is pleasing to the eye. Due to its rich taste, it is often diluted with juices, such as orange.

The islanders call their product "Cypriot black gold" and export it widely. It is especially popular in Muslim countries, where it is drunk in large quantities during the month of Ramadan. Currently, Cypriots compete with regions such as Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Sicily, where carob syrup is also widely brewed. Its use, however, is not limited to the confectionery industry alone: ​​this drink is recognized to have beneficial effects on health.

We'll describe it in more detail. healing properties of ceratonia syrup:

  • It helps with sore throat and;
  • It contains truly gigantic amounts of calcium: three times more than milk;
  • The drink is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber;
  • It contains (albeit in not very significant amounts) vitamins B 2 and B 3;
  • Due to the presence of tanning substances (tannins), it also treats loose stools (this effect is most pronounced in young children);
  • It is free of gluten and casein, which extensive experience suggests may increase symptoms of childhood autism and hyperactivity, migraines and ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • The drink is rich in polyphenols - plant antioxidants that help the body cope with harmful free radicals.

Carob syrup is added to drinks or plain water. It is so sweet that four to five tablespoons a day is enough for an adult, but for children and teenagers it is better to limit themselves to three teaspoons.

Generally speaking, anyone can enjoy the taste of sweet syrup. There are, however, certain groups of people for whom it is especially indicated:

  • Smokers and those who quit smoking. Let us not once again describe the wide range of health hazards from this still popular bad habit. Let us only note that people who regularly inhale hot smoke saturated with tar constantly have their throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs themselves irritated. Carob syrup will help soothe inflammation and stimulate mucus flow, thereby helping the body rid itself of toxins. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of carob will only slightly mitigate the harm of smoking, but will not completely eliminate it. You can make it a rule: when your hands reach for a pack of poison, drink instead a small glass of water or tea with a sweet additive dissolved in them. Double benefit and no harm!
  • We can give a similar recommendation to those who have noticed excessive partiality to such everyday stimulants as coffee and chocolate. If you drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and cannot imagine a morning that would not begin with this invigorating drink, we must warn you: your health is at risk. High blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, heart problems are just the beginning of a long list of ailments that await you. Carob syrup is very similar to coffee in taste and color, but since it does not contain a single molecule of caffeine, it does not harm the nervous system or the entire body as a whole. Using this substitute drink will help you preserve your favorite tradition, while potential harm will turn into visible benefits.
  • You are being tormented gastrointestinal problems: poor digestion, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Although such conditions should be treated by a doctor and nothing can replace consultation with an experienced specialist, we note that carob decoction, used as an addition to the main treatment, will enhance the effect of the medications taken and will more likely bring the desired relief.

Who is the syrup contraindicated for?

  • Although ceratonia pods are extremely rare, when introducing a new dish into the diet, it always makes sense to exercise caution. At first, take small amounts of the supplement in food - a third of a teaspoon. If you do not notice any negative consequences (they manifest themselves primarily in the form of skin rashes), feel free to increase the dose.
  • If you have diabetes (especially type 1), your intake of easily digestible “fast” carbohydrates should be placed under maximum control. Unfortunately, it is these carbohydrates that make up the lion's share of the components of the carob drink. Carefully read the ingredients and calorie information on the product label and never exceed your doctor's recommended daily intake of carbohydrates.
  • If you are struggling with excess weight, you should not eat anything that can be easily converted by the body into excess fat tissue. In this case, your choice should not be a spoon with sweet contents, but jogging, exercise and a strict diet with a protein and vegetable bias.
  • Let's not ignore common myths. Since carob is something of a fashionable novelty, unscrupulous importers and distributors have rushed to declare carob products the latest panacea. You can often find claims that this remedy helps with anemia, impotence, improves kidney function and successfully fights viral infections. Unfortunately, for all of the above conditions, the help that the body will receive from ceratonia will consist only of the well-known placebo effect.

Beneficial properties of carob fruits (video)

So our story is over - your knowledge has been enriched with information about what carob syrup is. It would be useful to describe the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink to your friends - it’s so nice to share reliable news!

Carob syrup

In Western countries, carob products have long been widely used in cooking, for the manufacture of various medicines and as food additives. A special place is occupied by carob syrup, which has many beneficial properties. This product has gained particular popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts.


  • Vitamins and minerals


The syrup has found use in medicine and cooking, and vegetarians are happy to include it in their diet as a natural sweetener. Carob syrup (or carob) is included in the menu of people who want to maintain their health without giving up sweets. This product is used for the production of confectionery products.

This syrup can be used by people with heart and vascular diseases, it will not harm those who have frequent migraines, and is suitable for use with vegetative-vascular dystonia and urolithiasis.

Due to its low calorie content, this product is considered dietary and is suitable for use in cases of obesity and diseases of the nervous system. It is also a welcome addition to the menu of people who want to lose weight.

The rich chemical composition has made this syrup an important tool in the fight against diseases of teeth and gums.

Other beneficial properties of this syrup include:

  • antitumor effect;
  • acceleration of metabolism and loss of appetite;
  • prevention of overeating;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing problems with potency;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Due to the presence of tannins, pectin, vitamins, and organic acids in carob, this product is effective in the prevention of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. In folk medicine, carob syrup is used to treat nervous disorders.

The antioxidants found in carob syrup relieve frequent colds, reduce the risk of premature skin aging, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

It is especially important to use carob syrup for people with weakened bronchi and smokers. This product is also used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, and is included in cosmetics for the care of face and body skin. With its help you can prolong youth, get rid of fine wrinkles, and improve complexion.


Carob syrup is not an allergen, and therefore can be included in the diet of people with frequent skin rashes. This product does not contain toxic, harmful substances or carcinogens.

Losing weight with this syrup will be effective. But you should not replace a full meal with this sweet syrup. Otherwise, problems may arise in the body's metabolic processes, which will slow down metabolism and complicate the process of getting rid of inches of excess fat.

In Western countries, carob products have long been widely used in cooking, for the manufacture of various medicines and as food additives. A special place is occupied by carob syrup, which has many beneficial properties. This product has gained particular popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts.


The syrup has found use in medicine and cooking, and vegetarians are happy to include it in their diet as a natural sweetener. Carob syrup (or carob) is included in the menu of people who want to maintain their health without giving up sweets. This product is used for the production of confectionery products.

This syrup can be used by people with heart and vascular diseases, it will not harm those who have frequent migraines, and is suitable for use with vegetative-vascular dystonia and urolithiasis.

Due to its low calorie content, this product is considered dietary and is suitable for use in cases of obesity and diseases of the nervous system. It is also a welcome addition to the menu of people who want to lose weight.

The rich chemical composition has made this syrup an important tool in the fight against diseases of teeth and gums.

Other beneficial properties of this syrup include:

  • antitumor effect;
  • prevention of lung diseases;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism and loss of appetite;
  • prevention of overeating;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing problems with potency;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Due to the presence of tannins, pectin, vitamins, and organic acids in carob, this product is effective in the prevention of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. In folk medicine, carob syrup is used to treat nervous disorders.

The antioxidants found in carob syrup relieve frequent colds, reduce the risk of premature skin aging, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

It is especially important to use carob syrup for people with weakened bronchi and smokers. This product is also used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, and is included in cosmetics for the care of face and body skin. With its help you can prolong youth, get rid of fine wrinkles, and improve complexion.


Carob syrup is not an allergen, and therefore can be included in the diet of people with frequent skin rashes. This product does not contain toxic, harmful substances or carcinogens.

Losing weight with this syrup will be effective. But you should not replace a full meal with this sweet syrup. Otherwise, problems may arise in the body's metabolic processes, which will slow down metabolism and complicate the process of getting rid of inches of excess fat.

Carob syrup should not be consumed by people who are sensitive to high levels of fructose in their diet. Also, this product may be accompanied by side effects if it is consumed by people with individual intolerance to the components of carob syrup.

If you exceed the daily intake of carob syrup, an increase in blood sugar levels may occur. This syrup contains many simple carbohydrates, but almost no saturated fatty acids.

Calorie content

100 grams of carob syrup contains 320 kcal (16% of the daily value).

The nutritional value


The syrup has no contraindications, therefore it is used in baby food. This product is suitable for introduction into the diet of people with diabetes, but in small doses (up to 0.5 tsp per day). It is better not to mix syrup with drinking milk, otherwise unpleasant symptoms will appear in the form of diarrhea, flatulence, and increased gas production.

Carob syrup can be consumed by children, but it is better not to give this product to infants until the 10th month of life. If you are not sure about the advisability and necessity of using this syrup, you should consult your doctor.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin name Quantity (per 100 g) % Daily Value
Vitamin B4 (Choline) 5.9 mg 1,18
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.05 mg 3,33
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.4 mg 22,22
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 0.05 mg 1
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.03 mg 1,5
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 0.4 mg 2,67
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 0.2 mg 0,22
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 1.5 mg 7,5

Carob syrup contains many valuable minerals.

Name of mineral Quantity (per 100 g) % Daily Value
Calcium 100 mg 10
Magnesium 45 mg 11,25
Sodium 25 mg 1,92
Potassium 107 mg 4,28
Phosphorus 60 mg 7,5
Manganese 0.51 mg 14,72
Iron 12.61 mg 70,05
Copper 7.7 mcg 0,77
Zinc 0.8 mg 6,67

This syrup is an important component of a healthy diet. Moderate and reasonable consumption of carob syrup will saturate the body cells with energy and give the body health.

Let's play a guessing game? Sweet brown powder - but not cocoa. An aromatic, invigorating drink – but not coffee. An appetizing soft candy – but not a truffle. What is it? And this is a mysterious carob, the benefits and harms of which have been known since biblical times. Today, carob (as carob is officially called) is a fashionable low-calorie delicacy, but a few centuries ago it was used to save Mediterranean residents from hunger and vitamin deficiency, especially during drought. What else is carob so famous for and why is it an ideal place for it in your kitchen?

Black gold of Cyprus

This is what a carob tree looks like

Cooking with carob: secrets of Mediterranean cuisine

Carob gum, sometimes mistakenly called oil, is an important product in the food industry. Thanks to it, ice cream becomes viscous and soft, pudding acquires its ideal consistency, and icing hardens on cakes in the most bizarre form.

But if you decide to buy carob syrup for your home, the instructions for use will pleasantly surprise you. This “almost chocolate” sauce, like the powder, can be used in a variety of ways!

  1. Sprinkle or pour carob over fruit salad or homemade dessert with cottage cheese - instead of powdered sugar, and.
  2. We prepare an alternative to cocoa - just stir a spoonful of carob in a glass of hot water or milk. You can make coffee from carob in the same way: it is sold in stores as a regular instant drink (from regular coffee or).
  3. We use ground carob in baking. The Egyptian fig will give your desserts a rich chocolate color and an original nutty-caramel taste.
  4. Mix with butter and honey. Lovers of morning toast with butter and jam will definitely appreciate this creative approach to breakfast.
  5. We make homemade truffles, chocolate or Potato cake from carob.

Recipes with carob

Do you want to pamper your family with unusual pancakes or cocoa with an original taste? Stock up on Cypriot black gold urgently. Banana muffins, pumpkin pie, coconut truffles – you can find the most unexpected recipes on the Internet. And if you prefer dried carob, recipes for drinks made from it will also please gourmets.

Please note: carob itself is very sweet, so you need to add sugar to desserts in very small quantities - or not at all. The taste of Egyptian figs is also unpredictable: reviews seriously differ in their descriptions of carob cakes and drinks. To some, carob resembles dark chocolate, others talk about a delicate nutty hue, and many believe that the bright taste of carob is so unique that it simply defies description.

Date smoothie with carob

You will need: a glass of unsweetened yogurt, 5 seedless yogurt, 1 ripe banana, 2-3 large spoons of carob powder.

Finely chop the fruit, put it in a blender bowl, fill it with yogurt and add carob. Whisk. If the drink turns out too thick, you can add a little milk.

Carob chocolate

The recipe for this chocolate can be changed depending on your tastes - add nuts, dried fruits, spices, experiment with combinations.

You will need: 100 g of cocoa butter, 50-60 g of carob, 50 g of milk powder, additives to taste - nuts, coconut flakes, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

Sift the carob through a strainer and at the same time melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Add sweet powder (keep one large spoon in reserve). If the chocolate butter thickens, melt it again.

Then add dry milk, if necessary, the remaining carob. The dough should resemble the consistency of thick sour cream. Add nuts, dried fruits and other delicious ingredients.

The finished mixture can be placed in shaped ice molds (you will get interesting truffles with hearts or apples) or formed into a chocolate bar. Cool in the refrigerator for several hours and the homemade chocolate is ready.

Is it possible to grow carob at home?

The main requirements of carob are a temperature of 25 - 27 ° C and an air humidity of 85%. In winter, the tree needs rest and cooler temperatures, and it lives best on a southern windowsill.

Well, while you are waiting for your home harvest of Egyptian figs, feel free to look for carob in stores. Today you can buy carob and carob syrup in special online stores and spice departments. They cost almost the same - 300-350 rubles for 500 grams of powder and 250 ml of syrup, respectively.