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Lumber from oak, beech, ash, alder and other valuable wood species. Appearance of wood

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    Medium-sized furniture: 1000 rub.
    Large furniture: 1200 rub.
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Chest of drawers K-1 (np) Domino COLOR beech, alder, walnut, walnut body + beech front with walnut strip
KD-2 Bed without table (without mattress) Olympus COLOR beech, alder
Table for KD-2 Olimp COLOR beech, alder
KD-3 Bed (without mattress) Olymp-2 COLOR beech, alder, Devon oak
2-tier bed (without mattresses) Fortuna COLOR beech, alder
Children's bed KD-4 (without mattresses) Junior COLOR beech, alder
Coffee table (MDF, glass) 1000x550 COLOR MDF, walnut, alder
Coffee table (MDF, glass) 600x600 COLOR MDF, walnut, alder
Computer table Parus (SK-4/2) COLOR beech, alder
Computer table Favorite (SKM) COLOR beech, alder
Computer table Breeze (SKS) COLOR beech, alder
Computer table Avangard (SK-6) COLOR beech, alder, walnut
Computer desk Frigate (SK-7) COLOR beech, alder, walnut
Computer table Pegasus (SK-8) laminated chipboard COLOR beech body, green, yellow fronts
Computer table Samurai (SK-9) COLOR wenge-oak Devon
TV stand COLOR beech, alder, walnut
Shelf COLOR beech, alder, walnut
Ottoman COLOR in assortment

Hallway furniture

Hallway Quartet (P-1) COLOR beech, alder, beech framed walnut
Hallway Alliance (P-2) COLOR alder, beech
Hallway Trio (P-4) COLOR beech, alder, beech framed walnut

Youth furniture
Furniture set Molodezhny-M3 (MDF) COLOR plank beech in walnut frame
Furniture set Rainbow M-4 laminated chipboard COLOR laminated chipboard body (beech), laminated chipboard facade green, yellow chipboard

Furniture sets
Europe COLOR wenge
Furniture set Flamingo-2 COLOR alder, walnut
Wall Solo COLOR Devon oak, glass inserts (bardo)

Bedroom sets
Bedroom set Victoria (SP-1) COLOR beech, alder, walnut, white ash
Bedroom set Angelica (SP-2) COLOR beech, alder, walnut, MDF facades
Bedroom set Julia (SP-3) COLOR MDF, COLOR walnut
Bedroom set Julia-2 (SP-3/3) COLOR MDF, COLOR walnut
Bedroom set Erica-2 (SP-6/2) COLOR walnut-vanilla
Bedroom set Butterfly (SP-7) COLOR wenge-beige
Bedroom set Elena (SP-9) COLOR white stroks
Bedroom set Alexandra SP-10 COLOR bleached oak
Bedroom set Selena SP-11 COLOR maple
Bedroom set Katyusha SP-12 COLOR walnut
Bedroom set Fiona SP-14 COLOR oak devon, glass inserts (bardo)

The most popular material for wall bars is wood. It is not difficult for a simple consumer to understand the differences between wooden bars and metal ones. But the difference between the types of wooden raw materials is no longer so clear. And often the buyer faces difficulties when choosing a model, not knowing what to choose: oak, beech, pine, birch or other material.

It should be noted that if a wood species is not suitable for making wall bars, then it is not used for this. That is, any model that is already on the market has the right to exist. Another thing is that every buyer must clearly understand what requirements for this simulator are the most significant for him.

When buying a wooden wall bars, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Appearance of wood

Oak is the most noble. Beech products are also considered prestigious.

Pine wood is yellow, pale to reddish, and has a distinctly striped texture. The disadvantage of pine is the abundance of knots, most of them dead. Lamellar pine is virtually devoid of such a drawback.

The material from Karelian birch has a beautiful texture; in contrast to the slightly yellowish wood of the warty birch, it has an interesting speckled surface formed by a combination of heart-shaped rays, dormant buds in the form of darkened stripes and wavy growth rings.

After being felled, alder acquires a reddish-brown color upon contact with air.

Physical and mechanical characteristics

Wood density is an indicator that characterizes such qualities as resistance to force, wear resistance and strength.

Oak is strong, hard and resilient. Beech is practically not inferior to it in these parameters, but is prone to rotting. However, when used indoors, beech treated in accordance with all the rules cannot rot. When drying, beech wood can warp, that is, bend. This problem is solved by using lamellas instead of solids.

Pine and alder are softer and easily scratched and damaged. Pine is resistant to rotting due to high content resin and practically does not warp during drying, but is knotty, which makes it vulnerable to cracking, and therefore is also used in lamella form.

Alder is not particularly strong and, when dry, can warp, and therefore is used mainly in lamella products. It is not suitable for wall bars, but it is successfully used for crossbars or choreographic poles. Light, soft, easy to cut, polish and glue, does not absorb foreign odors, and is also resistant to rot, alder is very interesting as a starting material.


As a rule, than more expensive material, those best characteristics inherent in him. The distribution of the breed in the country is also important. The price increases from birch to pine and alder, followed by beech and the more expensive oak. When it comes to Swedish walls, this sequence has a golden mean - the optimal combination of cost and qualities that meet the requirements put forward for this sports attribute. This is beech, namely, solid beech, used for the manufacture of walls in the series marked “PREMIUM”.

There is a traditional gradation, according to which elite wood species include:

  • ash, alder, walnut;
  • oak, beech, birch;
  • fir, Siberian cedar;
  • chestnut, maple, linden, Angara larch;
  • cherry, pear and some other species.

All types of wood, which are traditionally considered the most expensive, can be divided into two large subgroups: mahogany and ebony. Both varieties are used with great success in furniture production, in factories finishing materials and in design. Elite types of wood have gained great popularity among creators of works of art: the resulting products truly fill the premises with novelty, amazing energy, bestow comfort and bring absolute peace.

Unique characteristics of materials laid down by nature itself

Of course, elite lumber differs markedly from scaffolding. If we put aside aesthetic parameters and take the discussion into the mainstream of practicality, distinctive properties materials will be arranged in the following order:

  • super strength;
  • long service life;
  • large color palette;
  • increased density of layers, which, by the way, is the reason for the equally excellent texture when cutting the trunk radially or tangentially;
  • a unique design that has no analogues.

Features of use, or what helps a craftsman work with elite wood species

All types of lumber from valuable wood varieties are recognizable and allow you to make an unmistakable choice thanks to their unique color. Naturally, this benefits both furniture makers and designers, because they can draw up an absolutely accurate preliminary sketch of their product.
However, along with the recognizable color palette, each type has many of its own exclusive “highlights”. Thus, oak is used to give products maximum respectability, beech is used to create classic wooden interiors, walnut - for sophistication, etc. There really is a lot to choose from: Mother Nature generously shares her unique creation with us.

Pay attention!

Heat-treated boards deserve special mention, as they become an alternative for those who do not have sufficient funds to use elite wood. Thus, those treated under the influence of extreme high temperatures, many types of wood in their characteristics approach those of valuable species.