home · Other · Kitchen interior design 10 sq. Kitchen design with a sofa (10 sq.m.). Kitchen design with green chameleon furniture facades

Kitchen interior design 10 sq. Kitchen design with a sofa (10 sq.m.). Kitchen design with green chameleon furniture facades


Kitchen- a symbol of family warmth and comfort, it has long been given a special place in the house. This is where the culinary masterpieces of caring housewives are born. This is where the family greets the day, starting with breakfast, and seeing it off, ending with dinner. The kitchen most often becomes the place where guests are received. To make family and friendly gatherings more comfortable, and the housewives’ work easier and more enjoyable, it is necessary to think through every detail of the room in detail. Let's consider how to arrange a space in a room of 10 square meters. meters, subject to access to the balcony.


Ten square meters- This is the average size for the room. At correct layout it will meet all the requirements that are presented during the arrangement, and one of them is functionality. To ensure it fully, you need to create two main kitchen areas:

  • working;
  • .

They must be clearly demarcated, but within the framework single space look harmonious. Experts recommend using several different methods.

  1. Visualization – separation of zones using visual differences. To do this, different tones or even materials are used to cover the walls, floors and other surfaces. The emphasis is on the difference between interior items and decorative elements.
  2. Physical separation – For this purpose, physical objects are used to separate one zone from another. For this purpose it is used functional element interior such as . This will allow you to use the territory rationally, but if you want, you can even divide the room with a decorative item, for example, a curtain.
  3. Light differentiation provides for the allocation of zones using

It just so happens in our lives that we spend a lot of time in the kitchen - not because we love to cook or eat endlessly, but because it’s more convenient and cozy there. Our kitchens began to perform the combined function of kitchen + dining room, kitchen + bar, kitchen + living room.

This is why the design of the kitchen area is so important to us. Having achieved multifunctionality, we rejoice like children.

Kitchen 10 square perfect option to place almost everything you need on its area. If its design is developed “anyhow”, then a good percentage usable area will be lost, you will have to forget about comfort and functionality.

Corner kitchen layout with an area of ​​10 square meters. m

Perhaps the most common layout, which allows you to intelligently arrange furniture and appliances with convenient access to each piece of furniture. The corner location will save on an already impressive space due to the concentration of kitchen elements inside the corner and along adjacent walls.

Furniture. A triangle with an area of ​​10 square meters. m assumes side lengths of 4 and 5 m (if the internal connection is 90 degrees), and therefore asks for here island layout with appliances and work surfaces along the walls and a dining table placed in the center.

Place a round sink in the corner, just let the cabinet have a front door and converging at right angles back walls. The banal approach to washing from a corner is extremely inconvenient, as you will very soon see.

Do not place directly end to end hob– the proximity of water and open gas (electricity) causes inconvenience and irritation. But the dishwasher belongs here.

More big photo corner layout kitchens can be viewed in ours.

Square 10-meter kitchen

A 10-meter square allows for more imagination than a triangle. Although the length of the walls used is shorter, it is easier to create harmony in a square of the same area.

An additional style bonus of the square is several corners, each of which can be played in its own way without violating the general key.

Furniture. Follow the same rule when placing the sink: an angular position with the front panel of the cabinet will smooth out the corners and add softness to the environment.

If you decide to use a rectangular joint, then move the bowl itself a little to the right or to the left: the angular approach to the sink will soon get boring and begin to irritate, which is due to psychology.

In the very corner you can place a very cute little hanging drying rack, which is quite enough if you use a dishwasher.

After all, the dryer is not intended for storing dishes, but only for drying. The shelf above the drying rack should follow the contours of the lower part: if there is a front panel, then both there and there.

One of the corners (closer to the window) can be occupied by an elegant dinner table without sharp corners. The position of the table by the window is more harmonious and does not require additional lighting during the daytime.

Placing the sink near the window will not decorate the room, but will rather give the kitchen a provincial look. The island position of the table on a square 10-meter area is very controversial.

Mathematics will help us: such a square has approximately 3-meter sides, so that almost the entire internal space occupied by the table creates very dubious convenience.

It is better to place the refrigerator closer to the door. This way you will outline the boundaries of the square and not “eat up” a single centimeter of productive area.

Do not push the stove into a corner. The most the best place for her - one section from the sink or one section from the window (window on the left).

Lighting. In a square, illumination of working corners and median lighting are important. Lighting for work surfaces, stoves and sinks can be provided with lamps under shelves or along the walls.

Kitchen-living room 10 sq. m

Furniture. By limiting the kitchen area, you will create a conditional square or rectangle with two “imaginary-symbolic” walls.

Functionally, only two real joining walls will be used, and therefore recommendations for corner placement furniture would be very appropriate here.

For such a “catering unit” with an area of ​​10 meters, multi-level shelves that will create the effect of air movement would be a very correct design solution.

Don't get carried away with open shelves. They will become universal dust and kitchen grease collectors. It is better to use partially glazed shelving - slightly different lighting for such a kitchen will cause the glass to glare, which will make it possible to visually outline the boundaries of the kitchen area.

The role of the dining table is assigned to the bar counter. Seating people on both sides of the bar while eating encourages intimate communication.

Lighting. Taking into account the specifics of the kitchen-living room, the average ceiling lighting it is not required for it. It is enough to fix long lamps under the shelves and beautifully decorate the lighting on top panel By center line bar counter.

Lighting is provided in the exhaust unit above the stove. You can illuminate the space for washing dishes with a decorative lamp attached to the top shelf.

Kitchen design 10 sq. m with balcony

Layout of a similar kitchen area usually has rectangular shape with a balcony at the end.

Small distance between the side walls and balcony door at the end it is not possible to place a dining table in the middle, so it is moved to the wall closer to the balcony, or even placed on the balcony area, if the area allows and high-quality glazing and insulation are provided.

Furniture. In an elongated kitchen with a balcony, furniture is distributed along the side walls in two lines. With such a layout, built-in equipment is very appropriate, in some cases located in several tiers, which does not give the impression of clustering and looks very organic: for example, Dishwasher+ modern grill + microwave.

In a kitchen with a balcony, open shelves and shelving are appropriate, but there should not be too many of them, because the place where food is prepared is still highly polluted.

Closed or glass shelves and the level of their placement on the walls will correspond to the chosen style. In an elongated room with a balcony, the location of the sink and stove is usually in the middle part.

Their production looks original different walls against each other. In the corner at the entrance to the kitchen is the best place for refrigeration and freezers, which thereby “set the tone” for the stylistic embodiment of the idea.

Lighting. In a room like this Special attention should be given ceiling lamps. If the room is very elongated, then there may be two of them.

Additional wall lighting around the dining table and on the balcony is very important. By the way, if the balcony is not used as a dining area, then a sofa with multiple Asian pillows is appropriate, which will create excellent conditions for rest and relaxation.

In a kitchen with an area of ​​ten square meters it is quite possible to create a cozy room. Such a space will perfectly accommodate all the furniture necessary for cooking and relaxation and there will be enough space left. free space for moving. In order for the kitchen to be as comfortable and attractive as possible, it must be properly decorated.


Kitchen design with an area of ​​about 10 sq.m. with the presence of a sofa it may be different. The main requirement for the layout of such a room is that it should be as comfortable as possible and ideal for gathering with the whole family.

Start creating interesting interior costs with cosmetic repairs and surface finishing. The floor and walls must be decorated quality materials, withstanding temperature changes and other features of working in the kitchen. Most often used for floor finishing ceramic tiles or laminate. The walls are decorated with wallpaper or decorative plastic panels.

To make the room seem more spacious, use bright hues. However, this is not necessary. You can try a combination of different shades, for example, darker ones with lighter ones. This way, you can correct the shortcomings in the layout of your room. So, if your room is too narrow and elongated, then decorating the walls with inserts dark colors, you can visually expand it. You can also decorate the room with bright color accents to make the room look stylish and modern.

How to zone a room

Upon registration kitchen space, as a rule, they prefer to divide it into zones. In this case, one part of the kitchen is allocated for cooking, and the other for dining.

The work area is usually located near a wall with a window. It is also necessary that you have constant access to technology and all necessary communications. Another area is reserved for lunch. This is where the sofa and table are located.

There are several ways to divide a room into several zones. The first is to use different lighting. In this case, in addition to the main overhead light, you will have to install several additional lamps.

Another fairly simple way is to use different zones dissimilar colors and textures. This applies to both surface finishing and the specifics of choosing furniture. So, for example, in a common light kitchen, the seating area can be made darker by installing wooden table and the sofa matches it

Select dining area You can also create a low podium. It will contain a sofa, chairs and a table. You can also try to divide the space using low partitions. In addition to classic partitions, you can use the back of a sofa or a bar counter.

If you are sure that you have good taste, you can try combining several styles in one room. But they must certainly be combined with each other. So, for example, the Art Nouveau style will not get along well with vintage or Provence style.

Selecting a headset

When the walls and floor are already decorated, it’s time to move on to the selection kitchen set. In a kitchen measuring 10 square meters it can be placed in several ways. The most obvious of them is to place cabinets and other details of the set along two walls. In this case, on one side there will be work zone, and on the other - lunch. This option is optimal for rectangular or square kitchens.

Another interesting option design - corner kitchen. This is a very practical and compact location option. In this case, the corner is occupied by a comfortable sofa, and opposite there is an area for preparing food.

There are several options for a corner set. Choose one that will not take up too much space.

A good island set will fit in a room measuring ten square meters. Such furniture options are very popular today. It consists of furniture that is placed in the center of the room. Thus, you can divide the kitchen into two zones: in the center you can install a place for lunch, and under the wall near the window you can place a stove, refrigerator and everything you need for cooking.

A good island set can immediately replace your dining table, a place for cooking or storing things, and a bar counter.

Which sofa to choose

For a kitchen of this size it is worth choosing a good and comfortable sofa, where you can not only dine, but also relax between the cooking process. The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing such furniture is its parameters. It should fit organically into the free space. The standard option for such a kitchen is a sofa measuring 110 cm. A narrow sofa located against the wall or a corner will help save a little space.

Transformable sofas, which are popular today, will also allow you to save space in the kitchen. Such models are complemented by folding seats or drawers in which you can store things that you do not use in everyday life. Most convenient option- it's soft corner sofa, complemented by drawers and shelves.

Design solutions

In a kitchen of ten square meters you can realize many of your creative ideas.

  • Kitchen-living room. The most common project is a kitchen combined with a living room. A studio is best suited to implement this idea. In such a room kitchen area you can arrange everything you need for cooking, and design part of the room with a sofa as a place for family dinners and relaxation.
  • With a balcony. Additional features The presence of a loggia or balcony next to the kitchen also opens up the possibility. They can be an excellent extension of your interior. A minimalist seating area with a low table and a three-seater sofa will look good on a glazed balcony.

A soft corner can be placed on one side of the balcony, and shelves with flowers or functional cabinets for storing cutlery can be placed opposite.

You can also place various cabinets and shelves on the balcony. There's no central heating, so even on a well-insulated loggia it will still be cooler than in the main room. This means that the food stored there will not spoil as quickly as in the kitchen itself.

If there is no door between the room and the balcony, then you can easily separate them with a long curtain.

Try to avoid old-fashioned granny curtains and opt for something more modern and interesting.

  • IN classic style . Despite the fact that minimalism is trending now, classic is something that never goes out of style. This applies not only to clothing, but also to the interior. A kitchen in a classic style looks good in country house, and in the apartment. On an area of ​​ten square meters you can place a good kitchen set and a comfortable leather sofa. Interesting decorative details – paintings, books and other things – will also come in handy.

  • Country. Country style can also be compared with classics. Here they are mainly used dark colors and rich, so this design is only good in fairly large rooms. If you choose this particular style, pay attention to massive sofas with simple forms. Simple sofas and corners can be made in this style.

A kitchen measuring 10 square meters at first glance may seem neither too big nor too small. But even from such a room you can create a truly beautiful and functional room. How to do it? Today we will try to figure it out!

Kitchen set for a kitchen 10 square meters

The shape of the kitchen set depends on the layout of the kitchen. Conventionally, all models can be divided into two types.

Corner kitchen set

A corner type set is placed along the walls. In this case, the parts of the headset are located perpendicular to each other. The corner option is considered the most the best option from a practical point of view.

Many will agree that such a kitchen is effective in saving space. Convenient accommodation all elements, space saving and pleasant appearance- these are the factors that positively influenced the growth of popularity corner options kitchens.

Today, several forms of such kitchens are known:

L-shaped. In this case, all elements are located perpendicular to each other. This form is in great demand due to its versatility and small size.

U-shaped. Such sets are placed along three walls of the kitchen. Name " U-shaped kitchen"comes from the shape of the arrangement of all elements. Many agree that this form corner kitchen It takes up quite a lot of space, but is still functional and practical.

Linear kitchen set

The linear kitchen layout is the most primitive option for arranging a kitchen set without additional furniture in the form of corners and islands.

Elements can be arranged in one or two lines, it all depends on the shape of your kitchen. So, we conclude that linear kitchen can be of two types: single-row and double-row.

Suitable styles for a kitchen of 10 square meters

Classic cuisine

The classic style will especially appeal to connoisseurs of luxury and sophisticated chic. If you have a desire for an elegant, crisp and sophisticated kitchen, the classic is what you need!

A kitchen measuring 10 square meters is perfect for decorating a room in this style, especially if the room has high ceiling. A classic interior is considered one of the most luxurious kitchen design options.

To create a true classic, it is necessary to select only natural materials, as well as elegant furniture and innovative equipment.

If you do not have the financial ability to buy natural furniture, then you just need to select high-quality copies natural materials.

Country style kitchen

The key feature of a country style kitchen is its light, casual and simple design. In this case, the design is created as if the designer did not put in much effort and the “village” environment turned out to be on its own.

When decorating a kitchen in country style, it is necessary to avoid low-quality elements and fakes. Eg, brick wall no need to draw, it should be real wall made of brick.

The finishing of the floor must be given due attention: it can be a natural stone, wooden boards or ceramic tiles.

It is worth noting that the first two materials are not available to everyone, but solid wood flooring can be perfectly replaced with parquet boards. Cheap replacements for natural wood are laminate and linoleum with the appropriate texture.

The ceiling, in turn, can be finished with whitewash, wood, stretch film and a combination of these materials.

High tech

High-tech interior is very popular for its functionality and simplicity. This style is available for any budget, which is especially useful for those who are decorating a kitchen measuring 10 square meters.

A distinctive feature of arranging such a room is considered to be special care, because in this process it is important not to overdo it with one material or another.

Otherwise, you can assume that the kitchen is similar to office space. As a rule, this style has neutral colors. The main colors are: dark, Blue colour, sometimes purple and yellow


The laconic design of a kitchen in the minimalist style will appeal to many, which is why this trend in kitchen design quickly gained popularity.

Minimalism, in essence, is a combination of strict finishing and functionality. The practicality of all interior elements in this style has a positive effect on convenience, which makes working in this room more comfortable.

Most of the materials presented on modern market, good for creating rigor. Gypsum panels, plaster, regular wallpaper– all this is minimalism.

When creating this style, you should stick to monotony and discreet elements. Choosing furniture for the minimalist style will not be difficult, because many furniture companies quite often introduce rigor and clarity into their products. An important aspect When selecting furniture, clarity and equal proportions are important.

What color should I use for a 10 square meter kitchen?

Beige kitchen color

Shades of beige can serve as a starting point in creating general interior kitchens. A beige room and appliances in the same color are appreciated by many designers, since it is a very practical shade that has the ability to calm people down.

The beige color will bring coziness to the atmosphere and fits perfectly with all other elements. In a 10 square meter kitchen you can also create a cozy atmosphere using warm shades this color because they actively fill the room and add a sense of harmony.

White color

Many people associate White color with special ease and purity. Kitchens in this color pleasantly surprise with their spaciousness, and at times you get the feeling that even the air in them is cleaner.

Of course, the main advantage of this color is visual increase free space. It's no secret that light shades capable of creating the effect of a large room.

Thanks to the white color, narrow space it will seem much wider, and the floor and ceiling in this color will make the room taller.

The design of a white kitchen can be monochrome when most of interior elements are based on one shade, in our case white.

This design option requires high-quality finishing and the use of exclusively natural materials. The interior of such a room can be contrasting when white is complemented by dark elements: black, dark gray, etc.

Purple kitchen

Purple is considered enough complex color spectrum, since it is obtained by combining two opposite colors - blue and red.

If you decorate your kitchen correctly in this color, you can get an elegant room. Many designers know that in a simple way to make the kitchen more stylish is to use purple in furniture upholstery and curtains. Corduroy and velvet will look especially unusual.

Red in kitchen design 10 square meters

Shades of red have a fairly active effect on the people’s psyche, so you should not overuse this color. Red should be used in moderation, in the right shades and carefully designed combinations.

When decorating a kitchen in this style, it is worth taking into account the optical properties of red. When developing a kitchen design, it is better to use red shades only as an emphasis on some element, so as not to overload the space.

Brown color

Brown color has always been distinguished by its practicality, versatility and positive influence on a person’s mood. On the other hand, shades of brown seem too dull at times, making the space appear smaller.

This color is very popular in floor finishing, and it is not always expressed only in wood or parquet board. Ceramic tiles or even natural stone may also be brown.

One way or another, you should not choose a material that is too dark, as it will hide the color and make the room appear smaller.


All shades of green are the colors of nature. They bloom and enliven the room. Green color Great for the kitchen, because being in such a room, a person relaxes and feels as comfortable as possible.

Kitchens decorated in this color can be very different: modern and traditional styles, bright and pastel shades. If you are designing a kitchen of 10 square meters, then it is better to choose light, bright shades green: mint, salad, etc.

The furniture can also be green, in which case the walls should be decorated in neutral colors: white, beige, etc.

Pink kitchen

Many people know that the color pink has the ability to calm and improve people's mood. That is why quite often this color is used when decorating not only kitchens, but even children's bedrooms.

The positive properties of this shade will not be superfluous in any room. When creating an interior in pink flowers, you need to take into account the temperature of the shade.

If you have a dimly lit room, then shades such as peach, powder and tea rose will make it more cozy.

Curtains for the kitchen 10 square meters

Kitchen curtains must match the style of the room and not hide the free space. Today, the most popular types of curtains are: Roman, roller and classic.

Roman curtains are a fabric that rises and falls freely, thus changing the lighting in the room. Some people attach such models of curtains to window sashes, others cover the entire opening with them. This factor depends only on your requirements and wishes.

Roller blinds- This is ordinary fabric that is wound onto a shaft. This option kitchen curtains looks modern and stylish. You can roll them up completely, open them halfway, or open them all the way. Like the Roman type, such curtains are attached to the window sash or to the entire window opening.

Classic version of curtains- These are curtains made of cotton, tulle or lace. Often these are short products that are decorated with tiebacks and other elements.

Such country and Provence style curtains are perfect for the kitchen. The special advantage of these models is that they add coziness, and they are also cheap and easy to clean. Some even sew them themselves.

Wallpaper for the kitchen

To decide on the choice of wallpaper, you need to consider factors such as: the interior style of the room, your personal preferences and budget. In the kitchen, wall decoration should be non-marking, moisture-resistant and, of course, pleasant to look at.

Today, the following types of wallpaper are available to you: paper, non-woven and vinyl. Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages, so everyone selects wallpaper based on their capabilities and requirements.

Table and bar counter

The kitchen table is integral element this part of the house. If you want to create a truly stylish and unusual room, you must abandon the standard table options.

Today, several table shapes are available to you: rectangular, square, round, semicircular and corner. All options have certain advantages, and each of you should choose a table based on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Bar counters are also very popular, and there is a reason for this logical explanation. This part of the kitchen may not be easy beautiful element interior, but a real assistant, while saving a large number of places.

Thanks to bar counters, you can significantly increase the functionality of the kitchen. This element will be useful in any type of kitchen.

Chairs and kitchen corner

Kitchen chairs are required attribute, the quality of which determines the convenience and comfort of people in the kitchen.

Comparing chairs with stools, we can conclude that the former are more comfortable and beautiful, therefore, in addition to their main purpose, they are also used as decorative elements. Models from natural wood, plastic, metal, etc.

Kitchen corners are also very popular. It's affordable and practical furniture, which can make the kitchen more comfortable and cozy.

Choice kitchen corner- This is a rather complicated procedure. Having picked up correct model With this furniture, you can significantly improve the functionality of your kitchen.

Ceiling and floor finishing

When choosing the color of the ceiling in the kitchen, you must take into account the height of the room. If you make the ceiling white, it will appear significantly higher, and the reflective coating will add additional “height”.

When choosing finishing material for flooring, it is important to take into account a number of mandatory parameters. First of all, this material should not be afraid of fat and moisture.

Also, the kitchen floor should be easy to clean and not retain stains. On construction market There is a sufficient number of materials that meet these requirements.

Kitchen lighting

Without general lighting the kitchen is indispensable. When choosing lighting for the kitchen, you should understand that it should be uniform and neutral. Designers advise choosing lighting in the form of lamps that provide neutral white or warm light.