home · Appliances · Without a chandelier: choosing alternative lighting for the bedroom. Features of lighting in the bedroom Ceiling lighting options in the bedroom

Without a chandelier: choosing alternative lighting for the bedroom. Features of lighting in the bedroom Ceiling lighting options in the bedroom

When developing any design project, you need to think about techniques that can advantageously highlight the advantages of the room and hide the shortcomings. And one of these effects is light. Thanks to properly selected lighting, you can create a certain atmosphere in every corner of the apartment.

In addition, it has long been known that light affects a person’s emotional state and vision, so you need to try to ensure that the lighting design of the room and the entire home as a whole is not only original, but also complies with all the rules, because health depends on it.

Another reason why you should first think about how the room will be lit is the wiring. After all, it needs to be done even before the walls and ceiling are finished. Once the renovation is complete, it will be virtually impossible to redo anything without breaking something.

Features of residential lighting

In his home, every person performs certain repetitive actions every day, and this is what makes it easy to develop an apartment lighting design.

Moreover, most often, people are at home in the morning, evening and night, when the minimum amount of air flow into the apartment natural light, therefore, artificial light must be positioned in such a way that all corners of the home are illuminated.

But there are subtleties here, because somewhere you need more light, somewhere less, and in some rooms it is necessary that in one part there be bright lighting, and in the other - twilight remained. To achieve proper lighting, you need to understand its types.

Types of lighting and their functions

There are several types of lighting and a huge number of light sources. But each person can easily determine what kind of light he needs in this or that part of the apartment.

You need to know the types of lighting mainly to explain to electrical salespeople or workers who will do the repairs what should happen in the end.

So, in every living space there is general lighting, accent, working and combined. Some of these species have several subtypes.

Features of general lighting

The name of this type of lighting speaks for itself. Its function is to illuminate the room as a whole. Every apartment has such light, regardless of interior design. An example of such a source general light- a chandelier that hangs on the ceiling. It illuminates the entire room evenly at once.

There are several types of general lighting:

  • Most often seen directional general lighting. In this case, the light “flows out” from the lamp in one spot. To achieve this effect, you need to purchase chandeliers with open shades; their shape resembles a ball cut off on both sides. But sometimes there are other models: cone-shaped, rectangular, and sometimes even trapezoidal.

The lighting in the room for sleeping and rest can be very different. Lighting in the bedroom includes both a chic chandelier and spotlights.

Let's look in detail at such an issue as “lighting in the bedroom” in order to understand what’s what and what is best to choose.

Lighting methods

Lighting design can be very different, and an important role is played by both the area of ​​the room and the presence of windows and their number.

As an example, the lighting of a bedroom in which a suspended ceiling is used is somewhat different, because the fastening system is not standard, and therefore the choice of lamps is different.

In this case, you cannot use the standard design.

Basic lighting

Ceiling lighting in the bedroom interior is carried out using a chandelier. The main aspect is not the shape of the chandelier, but the lampshade, or rather its color, because with its help the desired atmosphere is recreated in the room.

Psychologists advise using green and yellow tones, because in this case very comfortable lighting is achieved.

When choosing the color red, you should expect a special surge of emotions, as a result of which sleep is disturbed, especially if you have an eccentric character.

In addition, it is important to remember that everything in the bedroom should be compatible, and therefore the color of the lampshade should match the rest of the colors in the room as closely as possible.

When choosing lamps, it is better to give preference to a hemisphere. These chandeliers provide diffused light throughout the room. See what this kind of lighting looks like in the bedroom in the photos below.

If the bedroom has a suspended ceiling, then the lamps located around the perimeter of the room are spotlights. The light is uniform and comfortable. When using brackets, you can adjust the direction of the light.

Local light

There is probably no bedroom where there is no lamp by the bed. Local light has the same important, like the main light.

A sconce or table lamp acts as a local light, and certain factors should be taken into account.

The light only illuminates the edge sleeping place, otherwise, he will interfere with his partner.
The lamp should match the style and color of the bedroom interior. Night lights are suitable for those who do not like to sleep in the dark.

Work lighting

Each bedroom has a place where the girl cleans herself up every morning. It becomes such a place dressing table.

The main attribute of the bedroom is a closet for things, and a separate light is equipped for this area. There should be stylish sconces on the sides near the table, or a lamp should be installed above the mirror.

All options

The basic rule for bedroom lighting is soft light. This lighting is achieved by using frosted glass shades.

You can add coziness to the room using fabric lampshades. This bedroom ceiling lighting is an excellent option that fits into any interior. Different types Lampshades are not at all difficult to make, resulting in very original lamps.

To make the lighting pleasant and cozy, you need to place light sources behind the eaves.

The most correct lighting bedrooms, the most pleasing thing for the eye is what is hidden from view! Such lamps seem to throw a stream of light towards the ceiling, which is reflected from it and then scattered by the room.

The main light source is a ceiling lamp, the luminous flux is directed towards the ceiling or wall. With this lighting of the ceiling in the bedroom, it is possible to place the lamp anywhere in the room.

If you position all the lighting fixtures correctly, you can create a so-called orientation light. Using this option, you need to exclude light sources that blind your eyes.

The lighting problem can also be solved by using furniture with built-in light.

Lamps perform the main role of lighting, but often act as room decoration, complementing the design.

The night light performs two functions at once - low lighting and decoration.

To create so-called local lighting, you need to use different types lamps that are located at the head of the bed.

Most of the lighting in a small bedroom comes from the window, and therefore it is important to arrange the sleeping area wisely. The main thing is that a lot can be done with your own hands, the only important thing is that you feel comfortable and very comfortable.

Are you still wondering how to choose bedroom lighting? As can be seen from our material, there is nothing complicated in this matter, the main thing is to understand what is generally needed, and then create comfort and the necessary light from all possible options.

Photo of lighting in the bedroom

The decision about what lighting to choose for the bedroom is determined by the specifics of this room. The bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, where one not only sleeps, but also reads, watches TV, puts on makeup, gets dressed, etc. How can you create lighting in one room that would both create a calm, intimate environment and allow you to perform activities that require bright light?

Lighting in the bedroom can be either general - a chandelier on the ceiling, or spotlights - lamps above the bed.

In the bedroom you need to have several light sources that differ in their functions.

It is advisable to use three types:

  • general, in which lighting fixtures are placed in the upper part of the room;
  • local, aimed at individual zones;
  • decorative

General and local lighting in the bedroom

Bedroom plan with lighting.

Local and general lighting perform the functional load in the room. It’s good if the general lighting is soft and diffused; ceiling chandeliers or lamps with matte shades. Lamps can be installed not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls, especially in the bedroom with high ceilings. It is desirable that the light flux is directed upward. The number of lampshades, their style and shape are limited only overall design rooms and the taste of the residents.

Lampshades can be not only white, but also colored, which will create a special atmosphere. If available in the bedroom suspended ceiling can be used Spotlights, which allow you to create uniform lighting and thanks to movable fittings, they make it possible to direct light to a specific area of ​​the room. Gained great popularity in Lately LED strips. Their advantage is ease of installation, cost-effectiveness, and soft glow. With the help of such tapes you can visually expand the space of a small room.

Local lighting must be located where a person will be engaged in activities that require visual strain. For those who like to read before bed great solution will become wall sconces or table lamps that can be placed on bedside tables.

Floor lamps on the sides of the bed would also be a good lighting option. They will become not only a source of light, but also a wonderful addition to the interior design. When installing lighting fixtures near the bed, you should place the switch in such a way that it is easy to use without getting out of bed. Those who do not like to sleep in complete darkness should take care of a night light.

If the room has a dressing table, it definitely needs additional lighting. In this case, a lamp on hinges, mounted near the mirror, is suitable. It should not be directed at the mirror, but at the face of the person sitting in front of it. Thanks to the mobility of the structure, it can be rotated in different directions. You will need lighting in the bedroom and near the closet to easily find the thing you need. Currently, many manufacturers of sliding wardrobes initially produce models with built-in lighting.

Decorative lighting

Types of spotlights.

If general and local lighting plays practical role, then decorative is designed to create a mood and give a feeling of comfort. The role of decorative lighting cannot be underestimated; its existing options can completely transform a bedroom. Their main purpose is to highlight certain elements of the interior.

If the wall of your bedroom is decorated with paintings or panels, there are cute figurines on the shelves, then it will be wonderful to emphasize them with the help of lighting, which is done using halogen, fluorescent lamps or LED elements. Small spotlights are placed on the walls in the bedroom, on the ceiling, or can be mounted on special slats. The angle of illumination and desired brightness depend on the size of the object, distance and room design.

One more interesting solution The interior design is a stained glass window behind which the lighting is hidden. Stained glass can become a truly bright and unique accent of the room, which will bring bright colors to even the most restrained environment. In decorative lighting, it is appropriate to play with color, for which special lamps with light filters, colored lampshades, and gels are used. In the room where light walls, color palette can be changed depending on the mood and situation.

Additional Tricks

Carrying out work on installing lighting in the bedroom, Special attention attention should be paid to switches. Unlike other rooms, it will be very convenient to install one switch at the entrance so that you can use it when entering the room, and a second, duplicate one, near the bed, so that you don’t have to get out of bed if you need to turn on or off the light. Remote controlled lights can also be used.

A light intensity regulator (dimmer) will also be very useful. It will help with a slight movement of the hand to dim the light if there is a desire to change the atmosphere to a more intimate one.

Light plays an important role in bedroom design from a psychological and biological point of view. Thanks to modern technologies and a wide range lighting fixtures experiments with lighting in the bedroom are limited only by the desires and taste of the residents.

Designer Ekaterina Malaya helped The Village figure out why lighting design is needed, what tiers and lighting scenarios are, and why, already at the electrical planning stage, you need to know exactly where your favorite figurine will stand.

Ekaterina Malaya


Even if you found “that” shade for the walls, spent money on wooden floors, brought back a Moroccan carpet from a trip and ordered furniture from the latest collection of a successful brand in Milan, the result may be disappointing. All your six-month efforts can be crossed out by one single mistake - illiterate lighting. This happens when electrical wiring is installed at random at the planning stage. And not from a lack of diligence, but simply because they haven’t yet decided where the sofa will be, how long the dining table will be, and haven’t thought about accessories at all.

Rule one

Start electrical planning when a detailed furniture arrangement plan is ready

At least this is how you will do yours new house convenient for life. Switches are usually located at a distance of 15 centimeters from the edge doorway, on the side where the door handle is: you must be sure of the door opening pattern. For overhead lights in the bedroom, I always recommend a pass-through switch to my customers so that they can turn the same overhead light on or off both at the door and at the bed. This is also convenient for a long corridor leading from the hallway to the bedrooms. But try to avoid too many switches. If on the way from front door to get to the kitchen you will have to turn on the light more than twice, then the circuit is bad: you simply will not use it to its full potential.

Rule two

The light should be different

The space we live in is three-dimensional, and building lighting in tiers will help emphasize depth and volume, which is impossible to do with a single light source. Designers distinguish four tiers of lighting: upper ( ceiling lamps, chandeliers, built-in spotlights), the first middle (wall lamps, sconces, floor lamps), the second middle (bedside lamps, lamps on low window sills and coffee tables) and lower (lights built into the plinth and floor, floor light sculptures).

The lower the light source, the more intimate the atmosphere it creates, and vice versa. With the overhead light on (even if it is a stunningly romantic chandelier with candles and crystal pendants), achieve the effect cozy room it is forbidden. The two lower levels of lighting are best suited for this purpose - candles in decorative fireplace or a real fire in the hearth also includes them.

Rule three

Don't insist on sconces

Wall lamps (first middle tier) are not currently used independently. 150 years ago these were candles on the wall that were easy to reach, while chandeliers were lit only on special occasions. In modern classic interiors The sconces remained by inertia, as an accessory. They turn on rarely, and always together with the chandelier. Many of my customers ask me to plan a sconce above the bed. But it's not functional. Ideal for the sleeping area is a combination of a lamp with soft diffused light on the bedside table and a small lamp with a flexible leg for reading, which can be mounted on the wall or at the head. This way you will be able to see the text clearly without tiring your eyes. The sconce only illuminates the wall or the top of your head.

Rule four

Think about unusual lamps in advance

Another view wall lamps: located at the same height as classic sconces (140-170 centimeters from the floor), they look more like a sculpture or installation and can become central element in the interior. It is better not to put off the appearance of such objects in the apartment until the last minute. This is the very stove from which you should dance, thinking over the covering of the walls, the configuration of the furniture and even the proportions of the room. If you simply put a free cable on the wall in order to then pick up something here to illuminate a dark corner, you will be disappointed: such lamps do not produce much more light than a night light, and most likely they will look out of place.

Rule five

Avoid mistakes when planning spot lighting

Built-in, or spotlights, came to us along with the European-quality renovation. Multi-level ceiling with halogen lamps was intended to replace the bourgeois chandelier. 20 years have passed, but many of us still have no idea that we can use this tool in any other way. It is useful to know that each spotlight has a specific beam width. If we place a series of narrow beam spotlights very close to the wall, we will create a rhythmic light pattern on the surface of the wall, built-in wardrobe or upholstered high headboard. In addition, this is the most effective way to emphasize an unusual texture - fake diamond, brickwork, relief tiles.

Built-in lamps can be fixed or rotating. The latter are especially useful for accent lighting of art objects or accessories. If you are going to put it on the console or mantelpiece grandfather's collectible sailboat, take care of a pair of spotlights built into the ceiling, the rays of which can be directed crosswise at the object, like spotlights on a stage. Beam width for accent lighting also plays a big role. 40–50 degrees is optimal for illuminating large paintings. Small sculptures in such a stream of light will get lost and merge with the wall; they require a narrow beam 10 degrees wide.

A common mistake is using flat surfaces for spot illumination. LED lamps. The light source must be located in the recess, otherwise it will draw attention not to the object, but to itself, and, even worse, simply blind the eyes. The same rule applies to backlighting. work surface in the kitchen, especially if the kitchen is combined with the dining room. The eyes of a person sitting at the table are below the level of the lighting mounted under the hanging kitchen cabinets. And if the lamps are not recessed into the bottom of the cabinets, the bright light hits the eyes and causes discomfort. Therefore, high-quality modern kitchens have a thickened bottom with built-in lighting. If your budget does not allow you to spend money on such a model, at the kitchen planning stage do not forget to add a special baseboard for upper cabinets and install the lighting strictly behind it.

Rule six


If the capabilities of built-in lamps are constantly used in interiors on the ceiling tier, then the lower tier is completely undeservedly ignored, while integrating a spotlight into the floor is no more difficult. Such lamps are often waterproof and equipped with diffusers. Taking into account the fact that rare repairs are done without leveling the floor, the required centimeters for the lamp from the ceiling to the surface flooring there will always be, and as a result you get additional volume and depth of the room. If you are the lucky owner of deep window sills, build a couple of miniature spotlights into each of them near the slopes. So, firstly, you will emphasize the beauty architectural feature your apartment, and secondly, get another soft light source on the middle tier.

Rule seven

Be careful when choosing light for your bathroom

Light in the bathroom is often undeservedly left unattended. But he is capable of changing a room beyond recognition. Apply tiered lighting, build in LED strip into the recess in the bath screen (you will get the effect of a “floating bath”) and under the sink, frame the ledge with the lamps built into the floor wall hung toilet And doorway. Use moisture-proof bidirectional lamps in a wet area: the sheaves of light will make your mosaic on the wall sparkle.

The mirror area deserves special attention. Remember that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and use this rule to get the most out of your face. A common mistake is to place a wall lamp on a leg above the mirror, the bright light of which is directed downwards. Your reflection in such lighting will appear 15 years older, your complexion will look lifeless, deep folds will appear on it, and bags will appear under your eyes. The same thing will happen to the face as to textured wall, which was emphasized with built-in lamps: its relief will be greatly enhanced due to hard shadows. Choose a rotating lamp and direct the beam or use diffused circular lighting of the mirror. A good alternative would be two wall lamps on either side of the mirror: their cross light will remove unnecessary shadows.

Rule eight

Don't overdo it with light in the kitchen

It is commonly believed that there is no such thing as too much light in the kitchen. As a rule, apologists of this principle place a large number of light bulbs on the ceiling, creating a grid of spotlights. Nothing but harsh shadows, unnatural faces and an operating room atmosphere can be achieved this way. Meanwhile, the main thing in the kitchen is lighting working area and proper lighting dining table, which determines the atmosphere and duration of family dinners.

The lamp above the table must have a long suspension. If it is located above 150 centimeters from the floor, then, again, it casts shadows on faces and does not illuminate the table enough. Choose a lamp with a wide lampshade made of dense material: perfect shape for a round and square table - a large inverted bowl. The dimensions of the table must be known in advance, otherwise you will not be able to avoid moving the lamp. And the suspended ceiling in the dining area gives no room for error at all.

You can complement the lighting scheme in the kitchen with built-in lighting on the lower tier: for example, install an LED strip in the bottom of the lower cabinets or spotlights in the kitchen plinth.

Rule nine

The most important thing is lighting scenarios

Evening with family, children's birthday, home party, work from home, romantic dinner - it is obvious that in different situations you will need different light. For large apartments and complex circuits perfect solution- installation of the system smart House", which will control not only lighting, but also sound system, electric curtains and warm floors. The lighting scenario in this case is programmable and can be changed according to your wishes.

If you need to once and for all think through the groups for switching on lighting fixtures and assign them to switches, be guided by imaginary situations. If you go to the toilet at night, you don't need bright light at all. This means that one key should turn on all the soft lighting - the lower tier, the illumination of niches, and the second key, on which the flood light is turned on, you will use while cleaning or in the morning to wake up.

The middle tier in the living room is conveniently connected to one switch. Have you ever noticed how American movie characters come home and turn on all the table lamps and floor lamps with one click? This is the so-called evening lighting scenario, ideal in a situation where you have returned after a long day of work and dream of one thing - throwing yourself on the sofa. But you should not group lamps solely according to the principle of tiers. Don’t be afraid to show your imagination: for example, a soft evening scenario for a corridor may include lower lighting and an illuminated wall niche at a dead end. All this is your script and your dramaturgy.

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Choosing the right lighting for the bedroom is not an easy task, even despite the fact that now there is a lot of this stuff in every hardware store.

It is important here to take into account all the little things and understand that the bedroom is primarily a place to relax, so there is a place for dim light, but the room should not be dark.

To create a softly falling and comfortable light in the bedroom, you can completely abandon the chandelier.

For most, this interior option will seem strange, but if everything is calculated correctly, this will be a fundamentally new solution, especially true in small bedrooms.

In addition to the chandelier, there are many more lighting options:

  • table and wall lamps;
  • sconces and floor lamps;
  • spot light on the ceiling;
  • hidden lighting and other solutions.

An interesting direction is arranging light in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. Many articles have been written on this topic.

You can also shine a spotlight on the mirror, or arrange another light source next to the mirror, the same floor lamp or table llama. This will give even more light to the room.

It is also important to consider how your favorite bed, wardrobe or other furniture stands; every little detail is important in spot lighting.

Selecting lighting for a comfortable stay

If you still decide to live without a chandelier, then it is important to choose the so-called target zones - where you spend a lot of time.

This question does not require haste, and much will depend on how conveniently the furniture is located in your room.

Only when you have completely outlined for yourself the places where you will relax, only then should you start installing the lighting in the bedroom.

For example, if there is a dressing table in the bedroom, then it is better to arrange a small lamp near it or place a table lamp.

If you want to spend time in a chair in front of the TV or read there, then it is better to take a floor lamp. When you spend all your time in bed reading and relaxing and watching TV, then it is better to think about several lamps at the head of the bed.

Choosing ceiling lighting

If you still want to give up the chandelier, then you shouldn’t give up ceiling lighting altogether.

Even spot and diffuse light in the bedroom on the ceiling will give the room coziness and give a feeling of comfort. For example, ceiling pendant along the perimeter of the ceiling or just some kind of pattern of small ice bulbs.

Also for these purposes, you can mount a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. In this case, the lamps can be installed in a built-in or overhead type.

What lighting to choose for suspended ceilings?

For many, stretch ceilings have become a solution to many interior problems, but the most difficult thing turned out to be choosing the light. Although such a ceiling can be equipped with any lamps: LED cords, ordinary spots and even overhead lamps.

Experts who install such ceilings always have a couple of photos of lighting in the bedroom in stock.

Although it is forbidden to install incandescent lamps on such a ceiling, as they will simply melt the film. LEDs would be appropriate for such a room. They are mounted on special fasteners, which even an untrained person can handle.

When the lighting system is installed, it is hidden under the film or fabric of the stretch ceiling.

An interesting option for lighting in the bedroom with stretch ceilings modern will be when the light comes out, as if from within, and falls on multi-colored glass, this will create a fabulous atmosphere and has a good effect on the eyes.

Lighting options above the bed

Naturally, in the bedroom the main attention turns to the bed, and when there is no chandelier in the bedroom, then additional lighting is indispensable.

The simplest and most uncomplicated lighting option in a small bedroom would be to place lamps above the bed or to the side (then the light will fall in the form of a kind of halo above the bed).

You can also choose a lamp unusual shape, if the interior allows it.

You can install a small niche above the bed and put an LED strip there. This will not only decorate the room, but also give it more functionality.

You can also simply not bother and put a lamp on the cabinet or dressing table. This will add to the work environment and is perfect for those who like to read.

Basically, when thinking about lighting, problems arise with the compatibility of lamps with the interior.

When you have already decided to make spotlights in the bedroom without a chandelier, then there are many options for this, from wall lamps to ordinary table lamps. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in such lighting.

Photo of lighting in the bedroom