home · Measurements · About signs, rituals and rules when moving to a new apartment. Signs and superstitions about moving to a new house Moving to a new house for a new month

About signs, rituals and rules when moving to a new apartment. Signs and superstitions about moving to a new house Moving to a new house for a new month

Many people notice that when they move to a new place of residence, things do not always go as smoothly and well as in the old place.

Of course, the stress of moving, the unusual surroundings, and new walls that you still need to get used to take their toll.

But in some cases, new residents begin to miss their old cramped apartment and the new spacious house becomes no joy.

It seems that the spirit of the old house was not transferred to the new housing and everything begins to go awry.

Sometimes, out of the blue, quarrels break out between spouses, illnesses strike, and it often happens that small house people were much happier than in luxury apartments.

What's the matter?

No one will deny that houses, like people, have their own biography, destiny, and aura.

Among all peoples of the world, a house is considered a sacred place, and both its construction and settlement were accompanied by certain rites and rituals.

For example, they plan to build a new house, either in Europe or in America, exclusively for the new month. That is, on the growing moon.

Moving is exactly the same, only before the full moon; on the waning moon people try not to move.

During the construction of a house, according to an ancient custom, a silver coin was placed under the corners of the base of the house. And under the threshold, according to Russian custom, they buried iron, usually a scythe, well, the one with which they cut the grass.

A very important sign during the construction of a house was the rule: PAY FAIRLY WITH THE WORKERS WHO BUILT THE HOUSE AND NEVER DECEIVE THEM IN ANY CASE, otherwise they thought that they would bewitch the house.

In general, whether you are building a house or buying an apartment, or maybe just changing it, always try to avoid deception, even if you really want to profit, the money received in this way will not be used for future use.

One of the most common superstitions associated with a new home states that new house will always take its victim.

Either the first person to cross the threshold of the house will die, or the oldest of the residents, or the youngest. That’s why the cat is always allowed into a new house first, and the rooster into the yard so that death can take them.

It is not recommended for old people to move to a newly built house, and they themselves do not like to change housing.

Thus the rooster and cat replace the human sacrifice.

It is best to enter a new home for the first time during the full moon and always at night or in the evening, that is, not in daylight.

Since both in the old days and now in Russia it is known that every house has its own brownie, you need to appease him and establish good relations with him.

To do this, before moving, buy a bottle of good red wine, prepare a white bun (it doesn’t matter, you can bake it, or you can buy it) and a silver coin.

As soon as they entered the house and sat down for the first time at the table, it is possible at an improvised one, they pour wine according to the number of residents, if there are guests, they pour it for the guests and separately in a glass for the brownie, and equally distribute bread to everyone, breaking a bun and one piece for him, the owner, everyone drinks, and His glass, covered with bread, is placed somewhere on a windowsill or on a table in the kitchen, a silver coin is stuck into the bread and left for seven days.

They make sure that the glass is always full, adding wine every day.

After seven days, wine is poured on the wall of the house or on the ground where people do not walk, bread is crumbled for the birds, and a coin is left in the wallet so that money can be found.

Another important sign: if you are moving out of an old house, sweep up the garbage behind you, collect it and scatter it in the new house, so that your old brownie moves with you, invite him with you, no matter what words you say, but address Him politely, for example So:

Our brownie father, come with us to a new house in a new place! You will be better there and we will be calmer...

Or something like that...

There is also a custom of giving treats to the brownie at ordinary times.

Another custom is to sprinkle oat grains in the yard and wheat in the house.

There is a custom of entering a new house with an icon and bread and salt, saying that you are pleasing the brownie by leaving him a piece of bread with salt and a glass of vodka in a secluded place.

It is interesting that the English have exactly the same custom of providing bread, salt and wine to the brownie.

Here are a few interesting stories about houses.

The greedy owners did not pay the stove makers in good conscience, but they took it and stuck two empty bottles up to the very necks.

After this, the owners could no longer live in the new house, when the wind rose, there was a terrible howl in the house... They invited other stove makers, and they saw the bottles and said they could fix it, but it was expensive, but the owners were happy to pay any price as long as there was peace, so the greedy ones were punished...

Another time, some new residents regretted giving the carpenters money according to the law, they found fault with little things, they didn’t say a word, they left offended. But they installed a box with dry birch bark on the roof, and in windy weather there is howling, groaning and crying throughout the house...

And carpenters can also plant a kikimora in the house, which generally makes people survive in the house...

If you don’t believe these old wives’ tales, you’re doing the right thing, but you still need to follow the customs.

Believe it or not, I had such a case in my life.

Even when my husband and I were getting married, we somehow stopped by their house, we were adults, I had my own apartment, but for some reason we went to their place, our parents weren’t at home, they were at the dacha, we wandered around the bazaar and We were too lazy to go to our apartment, we stayed there overnight.

And in next door at that time there was a dead man, a classmate of my husband, he worked as a rescuer in the mountains and crashed.

That night I woke up, firstly, it was someone else’s apartment, and secondly, for some reason I felt so scared, I was lying there and afraid, and I wanted to go to the toilet, but I couldn’t get up.

Then I overcame my fear, quickly ran to the bathroom and returned to the bedroom across the hall and felt as if there was someone in the apartment. But everything went fine.

From then on, whenever they came to their house, someone always died. I already felt uneasy, as if on purpose.

Although I understood that the house was large, with 70 apartments, but not to the same extent?

When my father-in-law died, I didn’t even think that he would die, we spent the night right there, sat in the evening, discussed the upcoming operation tomorrow and, as always, went to bed, our daughter went to bed with her grandmother in her bedroom, and my husband and I went to his ex-bedroom. room.

We lay down, as if we were sleeping, and suddenly I saw someone coming from the door, I thought that I had dozed off and it was my husband who got up to go to the toilet and returned, I clearly see his outline, he comes up to me and how he will attack me! I'll scream like crazy!

My husband jumped off, turned on the light and we both saw something as if a cloud had disappeared! I cried a little, calmed down and fell asleep. I still didn’t understand what it was.

In the morning, my husband and mother-in-law went to the hospital, and I was getting my daughter ready for kindergarten, and it was time for me to go to work.

Suddenly I hear the door open, my mother-in-law comes in, I ask how the operation is, and she replies that there will be no operation and that he is dying. And at lunchtime my father died...

After that, that apartment was sold and I returned to this incident many times, then they explained to me what it was, and I myself understood, and as much as we talked about it, everyone admitted that this house was somehow unlucky, maybe it was his They built it in a bad place, there were some misfortunes.

Even in peaceful Soviet times, they hanged themselves and killed there, and so the people died like flies...

Still, it’s very important how we will live in the new house, so we didn’t establish these customs, we’ll just carry them out, who knows what this really is.

Have you ever had similar cases? If yes, then write...

The move will be more successful if it is done on favorable days. lunar calendar.

A modern person must take into account absolutely every little detail, especially if there is an important task to be done. Many people determine good days for transporting things to a new place of residence according to the lunar calendar.

  • Humanity has been following the advice of scientific minds who have been studying the Moon for several centuries now.
  • Of course, you can’t do it without the help of professionals in the field of moving and transporting things. But you also need to listen to the advice of astrologers
  • The lunar calendar will help you move to high level. The Moon constantly accompanies the Earth and therefore everything that happens on our planet depends on it

Lunar calendar for moving to a new apartment, house in 2019 - favorable days

Listen to specialist astrologers and hope for the support of the Earth's satellite. This will help you move to new apartment or a house without problems.

  • Favorable days are considered to be the days when the Moon arrives and is in the constellations Aquarius and Taurus, and during moon growth.
  • There are many bad days for moving this year. There are many more of them than favorable ones. You should not plan to transport things and furniture when the Moon is in the constellations Pisces, Leo, Scorpio and Cancer, on the date it arrives New Moon, Full Moon And solar and lunar eclipses.

Advice: Follow the advice of astrologers to create a solid foundation for success in your new place of residence.

Lunar calendar for moving to a new apartment, house in 2019 - favorable days:

Months of 2019 Best days to move Unfavorable time for transporting things and furniture Only temporary relocation recommended Very bad days for moving (new moon, full moon, solar and lunar eclipses)
January 7, 8, 9, 15, 16 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 22, 17, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 6 21 - full moon and lunar eclipse
February 11, 12, 13 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 5 - new moon, 19 - full moon
March 10, 11, 12 5, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 6 - new moon, 21 - full moon
April 7, 8 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 29, 30 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 5 - new moon, 19 - full moon
May 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 5 - new moon, 19 - full moon
June 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 3 - new moon, 17 - full moon
July 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 2 - new moon and solar eclipse, 17 - full moon and lunar eclipse, July 16 the beginning of a lunar eclipse
August 14 2, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 1 - new moon, 15 - full moon, 30 — new moon
September 10, 11, 12 3, 4, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30 14 - full moon, 28 — new moon
October 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 14 -full moon,
28 — new moon
November 4, 5, 11 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 12 -full moon,
26 — new moon
December 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29, 30 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 31 6, 7, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27 12 -full moon,
26 — new moon and solar eclipse

Now it’s worth considering favorable and bad days for moving for each month separately.

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in January 2019

Astrologers say that moving things and furniture on the right date will ensure success and joy in the new apartment.

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in February 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in March 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in April 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in May 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in June 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in July 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in August 2019

Best days to move according to the lunar calendar in September 2019

So that when moving to a new apartment or house nothing gets spoiled, broken or lost, it is necessary to carry out this process on good days according to lunar table. Follow the rules for transporting things and furniture and adhere to the advice of astrologers, and good luck in your new place of residence is guaranteed.

Best day to move according to the lunar calendar in October 2019

When moving, you need to take a lot into account: hire movers, pack your things and organize everything yourself. But you can only choose a suitable day according to the lunar calendar and contact a company that helps people move to new places. Thanks to this, everything will be successful, quickly and organized.

The best day to move according to the lunar calendar in November 2019

Moving to a new apartment is great way get rid of unnecessary trash. Throw away everything unnecessary and pack the necessary things in carton boxes and bags. Choose the best day and invite movers to load furniture and belongings.

Best day to move according to the lunar calendar in December 2019

Before the New Year, many people plan to complete old tasks. Therefore, if you have to move in the near future, then choose a good day according to the Moon and move confidently. This can be done even on the last day of the old year - December 31st.

Any move is always headache and troubles. But, if it is carried out according to the lunar calendar, then the process will take place without any force majeure circumstances.

Video: Signs bring happiness to a new home

Signs and superstitions have deep roots, so it is almost impossible to trace the beginning of their appearance. Some signs have reached us unchanged, while others have been transformed taking into account modern realities.

It’s up to you to believe in them or not, we have just collected the most common customs and signs associated with moving that may be useful to you.

When moving to a new apartment, you need to take into account everything down to the signs and rituals.

When is the best time to move?

There is hardly any need to prove or explain that there are favorable and unfavorable days. Everyone in life has been faced with the fact that on some days everything goes just fine, while on others, for no apparent reason, everything goes wrong. Since no exact explanation has been found for this, it is generally accepted that big influence The phases of the moon affect people.

We move according to the lunar calendar

Each phase of the moon affects not only a person’s well-being, but also the nature of the development of various life situations. To minimize negative impacts phases of the moon for your planned move, check the lunar calendar and choose successful days for moving.

The phases of the moon can affect your move in different ways.

The best days to move according to the lunar calendar in 2017

2017 Favorable days for moving Unfavorable days for moving
1, 2, 7, 8, 29 3, 4, 11-14, 20-22, 30, 31
February 3, 4 7-11, 16-18, 26, 27
March 2-4, 30, 31 7-10, 16, 17, 26, 27
April 27 3-6, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
May - 1-4, 9-11, 19-21, 28-31
June - 6, 7, 16, 17, 24-27
July - 3, 4, 13, 14, 21-25, 30, 31
August - 1, 9, 10, 18-21, 26-28
September 3, 4, 30 5-7, 14-17, 23, 24
October 1, 2, 28, 29 3, 4, 11-15, 20-22, 30, 31
November 24, 25 8-11, 16-18, 26-28
December 1, 2, 21-23, 28, 29 5-8, 14, 15, 24, 25

If the successful days given in the table do not coincide with your plans, then simply choose the optimal day of the week for a housewarming party. And remember that any recommendations from astrologers without your personal data are only general in nature. If you really give great importance astrological forecasts and numerology, then for accurate calculation auspicious days To move, please seek advice from appropriate specialists.

Choosing a favorable day of the week to move

  • Monday is patronized by the Moon. It heightens all the senses, so Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to controlling emotions.
  • Tuesday corresponds to the planet Mars, which helps you achieve your goals.
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Any of your endeavors on this day will be accompanied by good luck.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. All the important decisions that you have been putting off are better implemented on this day.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus. Dedicate this day to your family and friends.
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn. A good day to implement your plans.
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun. A favorable day to start new things.

Choose the best day of the week to move so that it will bring good luck in your new place.

Day of the week The influence of the chosen moving day on your future life in a new place
Moving on this day will have a beneficial effect on your health.
Tuesday Moving will contribute to the growth of your intellectual potential.
Wednesday Moving on this day of the week will add more passion to your life.
Thursday It is believed that moving on this day promotes prosperity.
Friday Moving on the last working day of the week will ensure you success not only in business, but also in love.
Saturday It is considered favorable for relocation, as it promises success in the business field in the future.
Sunday A good day for moving also promises success in business.

If it snows on the moving day, the new settlers will have a lot of money in the new place. And if it rains during the move, the move will be accompanied by strong emotions.

How to transport a brownie?

If you believe in the existence of a brownie, but don’t know how to properly move it to a new apartment, then the advice of our ancestors will help you. They believed that there was a brownie in every house and fed it so that it would reliably protect the home. Treats were obligatory on January 28 and February 10, since these days were considered important for the brownie. He is a vegetarian and has a big sweet tooth, loves milk and cereal.

The brownie and the cat are inseparable friends.

In the old days they believed that a brownie moved to a new house on an old broom or on a cat. There were also often pieces of advice that suggested transporting the brownie in a basket with soft things. The main thing was not to forget to invite him with you to a new place of residence, and he himself decided how to move.

The cat was allowed into the new house first. Following him, a man or the eldest woman in the family had to enter on the right foot. In the place where the cat sat, they placed a saucer with milk, cookies, sweets - a treat for the brownie.

The new residents are the first to let the cat into the house.

Rituals for moving

Additional help in such a difficult matter as moving is never superfluous. If the following rituals have survived to this day, then perhaps they really made life easier for those who used them:

  1. For the welfare of the family, upon entering a new apartment, the floor was sprinkled with silver coins.
  2. At the new place it was necessary to carry out general cleaning. To clean the room from negative energy salt was added to the water.
  3. The housewarming party was celebrated twice. On the day of check-in in close family circle and the second time after they settled down in a large company with friends and relatives.
  4. When leaving the old place, they removed all the garbage after themselves and left a few coins so that the new settlers would live in prosperity. The boomerang principle worked: whatever you want, you will get.

In any business, in addition to signs and rituals, a positive attitude and a responsible performer who you can rely on are important. If we paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say this: “rely on signs, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” Be responsible when choosing the company that will transport you.

Apartment moving with the employees of the ProfPerevozka company.

The ProfPerevozka company respects the wishes of clients related to the observance of rituals and customs during the move. We are convinced that whatever you sincerely believe in works. And for our part, we will do everything possible to make the move as comfortable as possible for you. We guarantee that with us your life in a new place will begin with pleasant and joyful moments.

Signs when moving to a new apartment need to be taken into account during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not take much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. Your life will be more comfortable and calmer. We will remind you of these simple steps.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he has lived within its walls and give him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put it in order. Clean floors, windows and everything possible. You need to draw crosses on boxes and other packaging for things. This will serve as protection against loss when moving.
  • You don’t need to take things with you that you think will be superfluous in your new apartment. You need to get rid of them in advance. By doing this, you will ensure that you start a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden to you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to prepare a pie and eat it all with your household in the old apartment. You cannot take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the pie salty. In a good life, it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you the brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to perform an action with a broom from old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and its protector will also move to a new home. If in household there was no broom, do it in the following way. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can fill it with scraps of fabric. Lay her down for a while front door and the brownie “will settle in it. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • When moving, when entering a new apartment, the cat must be let in first. The place he chooses to stay is the most suitable place for the bed. It is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk sign. He should be a cat, not a cat. But the fact is that not everyone has cats. In this case, using a dog instead of a cat is not recommended. She serves to protect the home and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should be the last one to enter the new apartment. There is no need for anyone to pass in front of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter. All the other new residents follow him.
  • After this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container with milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After this you can start wet cleaning and sorting things out.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it is perfectly clean. This saves the home from bad energy. She could get ready in it before you move.
  • When entering a new home, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Purchase a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Place the broom in the corner by the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. This kit will help protect your apartment from evil spirits and ill-wishers.
  • It’s good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, and amulets.
  • Once you've sorted out the boxes and tidied up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends and neighbors to celebrate a housewarming party.
  • Place banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At your new place of residence, you will experience family happiness, all life’s difficulties will pass you by.

  1. If you did not take the brownie with you from your old home. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to call him loudly through the slightly open window: “Brownie, brownie, come home quickly. You will live with us, and we will love you.”
  2. Perform a consecration ceremony in the new apartment. To do this, light a church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the “Our Father” prayer.
  3. Incense is good at ridding an apartment of negative energy. You can light incense sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. It’s a great sign if the move takes place when it’s snowing or raining. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in your new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For a new home, you must definitely make brand new purchases. This could be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.

  1. By folk signs better days for this Saturday and Tuesday. They portend a successful and calm move.
  2. Thursday is a neutral day, also good for this.
  3. Sunday is considered God's day. It is used for relaxation.
  4. The remaining days will be unfavorable for moving.

The waning moon can take away life's failures and illnesses, giving positive changes in return. To do this, you need to know what needs to be done on the waning moon.

Many legends and traditions are associated with the waning moon. For example, shamans call the Moon the mother of the World and base the rules of a happy life on observing her precepts. The energy of the waning Moon helps those who are on the same wavelength with it, but if you don’t know what can and cannot be done during a decline in lunar activity, then you can attract minor and major troubles into your life.

What not to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a time of decline, the fading of all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start any important things, plan events and make drastic changes in your life aimed at acquisition and growth. For example, leaving a job on a waning Moon will go well, but it is recommended to get a new job on a waxing Moon.

It is necessary to understand that the Moon influences differently different Signs Zodiac: calm Capricorns, dreamy Pisces and unpredictable Libra perceive her influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of the waning moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one principle common to all: you should not start something new and implement ideas by investing time, effort and money in them. Most likely it will not bear fruit, or you will not like the result.

What to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is a good time to get rid of negative influence, illnesses, quarrels and problems. So that the new lunar cycle changes your life in better side and brought harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. Carry out general cleaning. You need to start cleansing your life of everything unnecessary and outdated from your living space, because home is the place where we spend greatest number time. In order for “even the walls to help in the house,” get rid of junk and unnecessary things. Without regret, throw away things that you have no use for during the year. It will be useful to wash the windows and curtains.

2. Sort out old letters and photographs. Photographs contain energetic imprints of the aura of the person, animal or place depicted. If you keep your photos in disarray or keep a lot of images of people who have died or have already disappeared from your life, then it will be very difficult to attract happiness to yourself.

3. Change your diet. On the waning moon you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of better ways- go on a diet, temporarily giving up fatty, salty, smoked, fried and sweet foods. Healthy eating on the waning Moon can get rid of a lot of problems.

4. Break unnecessary connections. This point is suitable for you if you have been thinking about your surroundings for a long time or someone you know makes you feel like you are being deceived. In this case, the waning Moon - best time in order to stop communicating with people who cause you unpleasant emotions.

5. Repay debts. The energy of money is very closely related to lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the waxing Moon, it is necessary not to take on old financial debts in the new lunar cycle.

6. Tidy up indoor flowers. Flowers in our home play a very important role: at the energetic level, they filter negativity of any kind, passing it through themselves and transforming the energy into positive. Repay the flowers with love and care: fertilize them, trim diseased branches, replant plants that have become cramped in their old home into large pots.

7. Trim bad memories. If a bad event happened in your life, the memories of which still torment you, then the energy of the waning moon will help you get rid of them. To do this, you just need to get a haircut, while thinking about a negative event. The more your past torments you, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

For people who are interested in esotericism, the period of the waning moon will have good help in rituals and conspiracies that relieve melancholy and pain. Lunar energy will accelerate the action of any magical influences aimed at deliverance and cleansing.

The waning Moon will take away everything unnecessary, disturbing and outdated, so that the energy of happiness, prosperity and harmony will flow into the vacated space. We wish you peace and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2016 01:07

There are a huge number of superstitions about the Moon. In the distant past, the Moon was both a deity and a participant...