home · Measurements · Women and growth hormone. against excess weight and cellulite. Contraindications and side effects of growth hormone (with reviews and photos) Why is growth hormone taken?

Women and growth hormone. against excess weight and cellulite. Contraindications and side effects of growth hormone (with reviews and photos) Why is growth hormone taken?

A small embryo born in the mother's womb grows very quickly. This is the work of a hormone whose purpose is the growth of the body. The hormone reaches its highest level in the fetus by 5-6 months of pregnancy. Incredibly, its concentration at this time is almost a hundred times greater than that of an adult. It is called somatotropin and is produced by a small gland - the pituitary gland (in the brain). There is a statement that a person grows mainly at night. Is it so?

Hormone secretion is a periodic phenomenon, with several peaks per day. The biggest surge in hormone production is observed at night, a couple of hours after falling asleep. That’s why there is an opinion that we grow at night. With its help, tubular bones begin to grow in length and protein production accelerates. The hormone is involved in metabolic processes and regulates the ratio of body weight to fat, promotes normal functioning of the brain and heart, causes an increase in the amount of glucose, being an insulin antagonist. It strengthens the bone structure and helps strengthen the muscle corset.

How the artificial compound became popular

With age, the amount of the hormone decreases, so a person becomes decrepit and ages: muscle mass is lost, bones become fragile, memory, sleep, speech, perception are impaired, endurance decreases, and fat accumulates. That’s why many people want to be in good physical shape in old age. The effect of an artificial anabolic drug on the human body has been studied and research was carried out back in the nineties of the last century. Renowned endocrinologist Daniel Rudman received positive results, albeit short-term.

But some people do not pay too much attention to the fact that growth hormone has quite serious side effects. Others simply ignore them, enjoying the positive effects of the administration of somatotropin and its analogues. Many prove that these drugs do not have a negative effect , if you don’t get carried away with them, but know when to stop.

The great desire to look great, have pumped up muscles like in celebrity photos, or lose weight has led to people not taking into account the side effects and believing that this cannot happen to them. Athletes, bodybuilders, movie stars and fashion models are ready to believe in any fairy tale for the sake of their beautiful image. They are told that synthetic growth hormones will improve the quality of life, they are promised that they will grow up, and a lot of magical properties are attributed to the injections:

  • Increased strength and muscle tone.
  • Reducing fat in problem areas.
  • Restoring hair color, thickness and healthy appearance.
  • Reducing the number of wrinkles, tightening the oval of the face.
  • Improved vision.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Increased intimate powers.
  • Clarification of consciousness, improvement of mental abilities, absence of depression.

Artificial growth hormone has many dangerous side effects and contraindications

Who will remain indifferent to such assurances? Being young and beautiful for a long time is very tempting. And they pay a lot of money for it, without even remembering that growth hormone has side effects and contraindications that are not at all safe.

Why is the drug dangerous?

A person who thinks about his image, which he has dreamed about so much, simply forgets that he needs to carefully adhere to the recommendations for use and not independently increase the duration of taking the medicine. For such brave souls, the results immediately make themselves known - side effects may appear:

  • Swelling of the limbs, carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness occurs due to enlarged muscles compressing the peripheral nerves).
  • Muscles ache and symptoms of arthritis appear.
  • Gigantism, increase in the volume of internal organs.
  • Diabetes, a one-time increase in blood sugar levels - hyperglycemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Hardening of the arteries.
  • Headache.

Given these consequences, injections of the medication should be done by an experienced practitioner and very carefully. Endocrinologists around the world do not recommend using growth hormone for weight loss or rejuvenation.

Dr. Radman warned in his report that the effect of the drug is unknown in the distant future and the treatment is quite expensive, and similar results can be achieved through exercise. You just need to follow a certain course in accordance with your age.

The famous gerontologist Robert Neil Butler said about the introduction of somatotropin injections that there is a risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and behavioral changes. However, we must admit that for some categories of people such treatment is simply necessary. These are children and adults whose natural growth hormone is particularly deficient. It is prescribed for spina bifida, genetic, chromosomal diseases, when patients are debilitated by serious illnesses.

A person may experience headaches when using the hormone.

A clear sign of an overdose is the appearance of pain. To prevent disproportionate growth of internal organs and bones, somatotropin should be taken strictly according to the instructions, increasing the dosage according to the scheme. Please note that the skeleton grows until the age of 28, so young men can only take growth hormones as a medicine on the recommendation of a doctor. Taking the hormone by young people in gyms to pump up muscles is unjustified; it is better to use stimulants for the reproduction of their own growth hormone. Do not forget that side effects, although infrequent, do occur.

Natural Methods to Increase Secretion

Anyone who truly cares about their health will not resort to injections. A person who understands that at his age growth hormone has begun to be produced less will try to change his lifestyle. You can achieve good results to increase hormone levels by following these methods:

  1. Proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced, which will help to form a beautiful body. Natural stimulators of growth hormone are amino acids, which are rich in pine nuts, eggs, pumpkin seeds and soybeans, cottage cheese and hard cheeses. Before going to bed, it is better to consume easily digestible proteins in the form of low-fat cottage cheese and chicken eggs.
  2. Healthy sleep. Remember that growth hormone is produced most during sleep? Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. Daytime sleep, albeit short, is also useful. It will make you cheerful and energetic and increase the growth hormone.
  3. Physical exercise. Strength training every day for an hour will make your body unrecognizably beautiful and sculpted. This is the most effective method.
  4. Run. Run short distances and your muscles will quickly return to normal.
  5. Discharge. Do not accumulate fatigue and disappointment, stress and emotional distress. They need to be given a way out. A bath and a contrast shower, fasting days and communication with real friends help to come to your senses.

To stimulate the production of growth hormone, you need to eat right

HGH is used by many athletes around the world. It is considered one of the most popular peptide supplements used in bodybuilding. Its great popularity is due not only to the fact that it allows you to gain high-quality muscle mass, but also to many other functions. For example, it is famous among strength athletes for preventing various injuries associated with working with heavy weights; among bodybuilders it is popular due to its fat-burning effect and improving the quality of muscle mass. But its most important advantage is that it is a universal supplement. Today, growth hormone for women in sports is as popular as for men! Why and what it is we will understand in this article.

What is growth hormone?

Growth hormone, or somatotropin, is one of the most important anabolic hormones in the human body. Its main function, as the name implies, “forces” the body to grow. Moreover, it affects not only the muscles, but also the skeletal frame of the body and the organs of the body. But there is one caveat here - growth hormone does not directly affect the growth of the body, it is only a stimulator of this process. Due to its action, an increased amount of insulin-like growth factors is released into the blood, which produce the main effect.

In the human body, a rather small amount of this hormone is released at a time. The highest concentrations of this hormone in the body appear in childhood. Production peaks during sleep, as well as the first hour after waking up. Sleep is a signal for the body to start producing this hormone, which means that lack of sleep can cause a lack of growth hormone. This is why the recommendation to sleep at least 8 hours a day is so often found in various articles on sports.

This hormone has quite a few functions:

  • Forces the body to use fats as energy, leaving glycogen and proteins for anabolic growth of the body;
  • Increases the body's daily production of insulin, which stimulates protein biosynthesis;
  • Reduces the amount of fatty acids and also accelerates lipolysis processes in the body;
  • Directly accelerates the growth and recovery of joints, cartilage and bone apparatus;
  • It is an effective assistant in cases of osteoporosis and negative changes in the body caused by age. With the help of this hormone, the synthesis of collagen and chondroitin sulfate are enhanced in the body. These substances can cure and also prevent injuries to joints and bones.
  • Forms collagen, due to which pronounced muscle hypertrophy is achieved;
  • Has a cardiotonic effect;
  • And as mentioned earlier, it increases somatic growth in children.

Why does a woman need growth hormone?

Growth hormone can be no less beneficial for women in sports than for men. Firstly, I would like to immediately dismiss statements that say that this hormone is capable of disfiguring the female body. It is initially present in the body, and if the correct dosages are observed, it will not only not have a negative effect, but, on the contrary, will improve health. Growth hormone should not be confused with testosterone - they have many differences.

The use of growth hormone for weight loss has been around for a long time. It allows you to use fats for energy while preserving precious glycogen in the body. In addition, it also mobilizes fat depots and greatly increases the fat burning process. This alone is enough to start actively using it. It not only makes muscles more expressive by eliminating fat, but also eliminates the sagging that occurs due to age-related changes. But do not forget that it also has many other beneficial properties.

With the help of this hormone, you can slow down the aging process and tone the body, muscles, organs and even skin. Initially, this hormone is a kind of “mixture” of 191 amino acids. This set allows you to improve your body's health in all areas. With its help, sleep is normalized, and the body requires less time to get enough sleep. And don’t forget about the other functions that were described earlier.

Now let’s summarize so that you can see the full picture of the positive effects for yourself:

  • Growth hormone for cutting girls accelerates fat burning without losing muscle mass;
  • Rejuvenation of the body, improvement of appearance and well-being;
  • Accelerated wound healing and recovery from injuries;
  • Increased muscle and general tone, more strength;
  • Better muscle mass gain, sexy, feminine shapes.

Growth hormone course for women

HGH dosages differ between men and women. Men have a denser physique and muscle mass, and accordingly, they need a little more dosage.

The course lasts at least four months. Only in this case will there be pronounced results. The optimal dosage of growth hormone for women is 4-5 units/day (2-3 units in the morning and 2-3 units in the evening), which should not be exceeded unless there are very ambitious goals! You can start the course with a dosage of 2 units/day, in two doses (1 unit in the morning and 1 unit in the evening). If you take less than 2 units/day, it will not have much effect. Dosages of more than 5 units/day are usually used only for competitive purposes. Nevertheless, everything must be approached individually, since for some, minimal dosages are enough for results, while others will have to increase them significantly.

After completing a three-month course, you must take at least the same break. Otherwise, you risk not only “getting used” to this hormone, but also can harm your body. If the hormone enters the body from the outside for a long time, then over time the body will stop producing it on its own. And then you will have to artificially “introduce” this hormone into your body throughout your life to normalize internal processes.

Growth hormone for women in sports: before and after

Now let's see what reviews there are about growth hormone for girls:

« Hello girls everyone! I often surf the Internet looking for ways to improve the quality of my form. I’ve been using SportsPit for a very long time, I even thought about courses of prohormones, but I found a less traumatic way for myself. So, on one forum I found information about growth hormone, which is used by professional bodybuilders. They wrote that they use it for muscle growth and drying, but they told me that it can also help girls. I was told that it can rejuvenate the body and make muscles tougher - so I didn’t decide to try it!

“I tried this hormone a long time ago. Since a new topic has started, why not leave your review in case I help someone? So, what I can say is that there really is an effect, you can’t help but notice it. But you need to make a reservation - the effect will not be immediate, you will need to wait a couple of months. But this is not so much when it comes to rejuvenating the body?

For the first couple of months, all that was visible was that the muscles were becoming more “defined,” and only then fat burning began. And that is what pleased me most. I don’t know how, but during the last course I was able to lose about 7 kg, taking into account diet and training. Moreover, this was done without any regret, both on the part of the body and on my part. Personally, I really liked the effect - it also does not disappear after the course, and there is no need to do therapy at the end"

“I read reviews about growth hormone for women, and for some reason I thought that mostly only professionals and men take GH. Well, that is, girls don’t need to mind their own business. But a trainer I know said that it works well for girls too - so I decided to try it on myself) They promised that it wouldn’t hurt - and they weren’t lying! I didn’t feel anything special during the course, but the numbers on the scales indicated that it was working, and quite well at that. And after the end of the course, they began to tell me suspiciously often that I began to look better. At first I didn’t understand what was going on, and then I remembered that I was on the course))) I was told that it rejuvenates both the skin and the entire body, but for me personally there were no changes. But those around me probably know better) So perhaps I’ll believe them, and you believe me - if you want to look better, try it, don’t hesitate! Just do better as I did, and ask some kind of trainer or doctor to help, so that he can tell you what’s going on)).

You've probably noticed that many women in Hollywood look fresh and young for their age. The fact is that anti-aging therapy has become absolutely commonplace for stars. Not every woman admits to using HGH, but very often details of this practice end up in the media. Today, only one star has openly stated that she uses growth hormone - Alana Stewart. It is worth noting that this blond beauty is over 70 years old!

“When I first noticed that my hair was starting to turn gray, I decided to start a course of Growth Hormone. I began to feel much more energetic and confident, and the doctors noted that my organs began to work much better, which my tests also show.”

Madonna, Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston and other women who remain forever young also use Somatropin. The only difference is that overseas such therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a personal physician.

Which Growth Hormone is worthy of stars?

If you decide to refresh your appearance, improve your well-being and tone your body, then you probably want to buy the best Growth Hormone. Today there are a huge number of Somatropin preparations, but some of the newest, purest, most effective and safest are the following.

What are its advantages?

  • It is maximally purified from impurities and has 100% bioavailability;
  • Can be stored at room temperature for up to 4 weeks without losing its quality;
  • Does not cause side effects and gives 100 results!

This drug is used and actively recommended by dozens of domestic athletes who are in excellent physical shape and health!

Do you want to buy Somatropin from Genopharm at a profit?
Genopharm HGH Somatropin (5 packs of 100 units) 6,000 rubles per pack.

Another of the newest HGH drugs is Nordex Somatropin. It is also as purified and safe as possible, but has a LIQUID FORM, which means it has the following advantages:

  1. The drug is already ready for use;
  2. There is no need to calculate the dosage;
  3. You only need one syringe to administer the finished solution;
  4. 1 bottle of liquid GH is equal to 10 bottles of standard!

Do you want to buy Somatropin from Nordex at a profit?
As we said above, for a high-quality result it is necessary to carry out the course for at least 4 months. One package of growth hormone will cost you 7,000 rubles at retail, and for a full course you will need 5 packages. The full course, therefore, costs you 35,000 rubles, but you can save by buying Growth Hormone in bulk - Nordex Somatropin (5 bottles of 100 units each) 6,000 rubles per 100 units! Thus, you save 5,000 rubles and purchase full course for 4 months for 30,000 rubles.

And finally, a short summary. Growth hormone for girls in sports, or somatotropin, is an effective remedy that will really help achieve some goals. It helps very well during the period of fat burning, and at the same time, as it were, “heals” you, giving the body a second wind. It has a positive effect on all internal organs and health in general. But it is worth remembering that you should not exceed the permissible dosage and exceed the duration of the course. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your progress with unnecessary side effects.

Discussion: 24 comments

    There were two courses of growth hormone for 3 months. I really liked the result, the skin glows from the inside, a feeling of lightness and constant tone! but I agree with those who write that it is not convenient. I was simply afraid that I would make a mistake in the dosage when mixing or that I would draw air into the syringe during all these manipulations. two months ago I was lucky enough to buy somatropin from Nordex and somehow I even forgot about my fears and inconveniences. I can’t say that it is worse or better in effect than Genopharm, the effects are the same. But for convenience +, and fat! By the way, I went on vacation and took a bottle with me for two days, naturally storing it out of the refrigerator. It hasn’t deteriorated and hasn’t lost its functions)

    Thank you for your reviews about growth hormone for women with before and after photos. It was always interesting to visually see the result. I'm impressed.

    But aren’t growth hormones harmful for girls? I thought only men use...

    Growth hormones do not cause any harm to women! They are even injected into children for therapy and to improve growth, as well as for patients with long-healing wounds. They are now very actively used to maintain youth. They even call it “the beauty hormone” or “the hormone of youth.”

    I had a course of growth hormone for 6 months. I read that you can get used to it after such a long time, but I didn’t notice anything like that. I took it from Genopharm on the advice of my trainer, she took it herself. If you think that you will look like a man, you are very mistaken, this is more a matter of testosterone. But muscle tone really improved after taking growth hormone.

    I bought Growth Hormone from Genopharm. Expensive? Yes, but in terms of quality this is the best you can find! Previously, I took another Growth Hormone and after a month antibodies to it appeared, there was no effect, I wasted my money. Genopharm did not disappoint. I did the course for 4 months with the goal of improving muscle gain and appearance. This is what I received. As a bonus, I began to feel better and more energetic.

    need to try it

    When cutting, growth hormone is the best fat burner! I tried drying for 2 months without fatty acid, but with hormones. So I didn’t lose any muscle at all, but I brought the fat percentage down to a minimum very quickly and easily. I know that it is harmful to maintain such a percentage of fat, but I like it!

    My brother uses it, I didn’t think girls could...

    Thanks for the article, I’m just thinking about using GR)

    Nordex certainly came out with a cool GR. It feels no different from the classic powder, but in terms of convenience it’s just awesome! And yes, this is much more sterile than using two syringes from one bottle to another. Here I just took a portion and administered it. It's 2 minutes. By the way, I usually had slight irritation and redness at the injection site from Jintropin, not significant, but also unpleasant. There is nothing from Nordex. I've been using it for a month, so far only positive impressions.

    Tell me, should I be examined before taking growth hormone? They say that growth hormone leads to cancer.

    And what is the most convenient growth hormone to use, so as not to dilute it, so that it is ready in the bottle?

    While living in Russia, I took two courses with growth hormone, the result was, of course, amazing!!! So this is without a special diet, but with constant exercise in the gym. In Russia you can buy G/R without any problems, but in Israel I can’t find how to buy it. I would be grateful if anyone can tell me anything on this issue

    Please tell me! Hi all! Does it affect critical days? Am I starting to have problems, or is it a coincidence!?

Around the end of the 80s, the world of professional iron sports, i.e. everyone's favorite bodybuilding, a new drug has arrived - growth hormone. Since then, there have been significant changes in the dimensions of competing athletes. It's no secret that in modern high-level competitive bodybuilding one cannot do without drugs of steroid origin. But the story is slightly different with growth hormone. Not everyone can afford it, because... it's quite expensive. If there were enough funds, or if it cost a little less, then I think the majority would give preference only to GR, taking into account the fact that it is legal.

Although the International Olympic Committee banned the use of this drug by athletes, its demand has not diminished. Initially, like most drugs, somatotropin was used exclusively for medical purposes, but rather quickly growth hormone began to be used in sports, and not only in bodybuilding.

So, what is this growth hormone? This is a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used by athletes to increase muscle mass and give the body relief.

Despite the fact that growth hormone was banned by the Olympic Committee back in 1989, today it is used very often. Somatotropin is mainly used in bodybuilding along with other anabolic drugs to build muscle mass and reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. Growth hormone is also used to reduce the incidence of injury, as it has the ability to strengthen bone and connective tissue. In other sports, growth hormone is almost not used, since its use is not advisable. Despite the fact that somatotropin increases muscle volume, this is not reflected in strength indicators, that is, they do not increase, which means there is no need to use growth hormone in strength sports. Studies have also found that taking growth hormone does not lead to an increase in other sports indicators - endurance or performance, so it makes sense to take somatotropin only in bodybuilding.

Growth hormone is taken in bodybuilding to increase definition. Somatotropin has obvious advantages - high efficiency, low chance of side effects, no effect on sexual function, and does not require post-course therapy. After four weeks of taking growth hormone, the athlete’s total weight increases slightly (2-4 kg), and in some cases may even decrease due to large losses of fat mass.

The main disadvantage of somatotropin is the very high cost of the drug and the high risk of buying a counterfeit.

Why is growth hormone so expensive?

Everything is very simple. High demand for this drug. It is used almost everywhere. They are injected into show business stars to make them look younger and more beautiful, and they are injected into old people for rejuvenation, because... With age, the secretion of this hormone decreases; it is used by athletes, especially often in bodybuilding. In general, the product is in great demand. But there is another reason - the process of its production is very complicated.

“If growth hormone is so expensive, why don’t I buy a regular course of steroids?” - you ask. And I will answer you. If GR did not do its “job” the way it can, namely fantastically, then it would not have been bought or used in such large quantities.

  1. GH increases the number of muscle cells. Thanks to this, the effect of a course of GH does not “go away” after its completion, unlike a course of steroids.
  2. What is practically impossible with natural training is possible with growth hormone, namely a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat and an increase in muscle mass. It should be noted that somatotropin is not recommended for athletes who need the following qualities to be maximally developed: endurance and performance, because Studies have proven that it reduces the threshold of fatigue.
  3. Growth hormone in bodybuilding does not cause such side effects as from a course of steroids. Also, a course of GH does not require PCT (post-cycle therapy). Moreover, GH can help you get rid of “sores” caused by certain injuries, because it is capable of restoring bone and connective tissue.

As we have already said, the secretion of growth hormone in the human body decreases with age. The production of GH is minimal in older people, the maximum standard level is in childhood. During the day, the release of growth hormone occurs periodically, with several peaks in GH levels every 3-5 hours. Typically, the greatest secretion of somatotropin occurs at night when we sleep, about an hour after falling asleep.

Is it possible to increase the secretion of growth hormone? Yes, you can. Here are a few ways, both pharmacological and natural.

Side effects

When taking growth hormone, side effects are quite rare, but if you exceed the recommended dosage and take too long a course, you may encounter the following problems:

Guys, hello! Now we will deal with synthetic human growth hormone and its side effects, otherwise I get a lot of questions about this from you.

Many websites, anti-aging clinics, nutritional supplement companies and celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone claim that HGH injections are safe and that there can be no side effects from using synthetic human growth hormone. They paint compelling pictures of how these injections can improve your quality of life. For example.

  • Muscle tone and strength will increase, while the amount of fat in the body will decrease.
  • Energy and stamina levels will increase.
  • Hair color will be restored. Hair will become thick and healthy.
  • Your mood will improve and depression will go away.
  • There will be fewer wrinkles on the face and the skin will tighten.
  • Blood pressure, cholesterol levels and vision will improve.
  • Improved memory and increased mental clarity
  • There will be more sexual powers.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Be forever young, bright and sporty! How much are you willing to pay to get this result? Would you spend a couple hundred dollars, a thousand or more? Well, that's exactly what a lot of people do.

They dismiss the real and present dangers of artificial growth hormone injections for these promises. Knowing the desire of many people on this site to try growth hormone injections to increase height, I hope this article will help you separate facts from rumors. It will help you understand that there are natural ways to allow your body to maximize its ability to produce and regulate this important hormone without dangerous side effects of synthetic growth hormone. Let's start by answering a few basic questions.

What is somatotropin or human growth hormone?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a hormone of the hypothalamus that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is also called somatotropin. It plays an important role in metabolism, gaining weight, reducing body fat, and much more.

Human growth hormone stimulates liver cells to release polypeptide molecules known as somatomedins. The most studied is insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). HGH, together with IGF-1, affects all body systems. Some of their functions are given below.

  • Promotes muscle development.
  • They connect tissues, increase linear growth and restore the body.
  • Makes the skeletal structure stronger.
  • Regulate various functions related to metabolism.
  • Contributes to normal brain function.
  • Promotes heart health.

Human growth hormone production decreases with age. It has been established that after 18–25 years, the level of hGH production by the pituitary gland decreases by 50% every 7 years. Along with it, the level of IGF-1 decreases. This leads to a number of unwanted symptoms, which are usually associated with the aging process.

  • Fat accumulates.
  • Muscle mass is lost.
  • Cognitive functions (memory, speech, perception) are impaired.
  • Strength and endurance decrease.
  • Bone fragility increases.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

How did growth hormone become the elixir for a vibrant life?

Before we talk about the main effects of HGH injected into the body, we need to understand how it became so popular. To do this, we must go back to 1990, when the reputable medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine published a study by endocrinologist Daniel Radman and his colleagues - “Effects of the use of growth hormone in men over 60 years of age.”

The study involved 21 people aged from 61 to 81 years. Generally healthy, but they had low levels of IGF-1. Twelve men were given injections of a growth hormone drug three times a week for six months. The other nine men did not receive injections. People who received somatotropin injections experienced a decrease in fat tissue, an increase in muscle mass, and an improvement in mobility in the lumbar spine.

The media picked up on these findings, but ignored Dr. D. Radman's warnings that were part of the study. In particular, these warnings addressed the side effects that some participants received growth hormone and that the long-term effects of the drug were unknown. Dr. Radman also wrote in his report about the high cost of such treatment and that age-appropriate exercise programs can achieve similar results without injections. Journalists did not take this into account.

As with any medical advertising, people are sold the idea that pills and injections can cure their problems. From this a multi-billion dollar industry was born. All sorts of “anti-aging specialists” with new tests to determine biological age have appeared everywhere. For some, they recommend expensive hormone injections in combination with proprietary nutritional supplements to reverse the aging process; for others, they suggest increasing height and weight. What most of these "specialists" actually do is reverse their clients' bank account and increase their medical expenses.

Years later, due to continued misuse of Rudman's 1990 paper, The New England Journal of Medicine took the unprecedented step of adding a clarification on its website.

If people buy synthetic growth hormone based on a study published in a journal, they will be deceived. Please be advised that Dr. D. Radman's comments explaining the details of his research are published on the article page.

Side effects of growth hormone.

To be completely honest, it must be said that there is a need for growth hormone injections for some groups of the population. Thus, HGH can be used to treat children and adults who have significant growth hormone deficiency. However, endocrinologists from around the world strongly recommend not to use injections unless absolutely necessary, as a means of losing weight, increasing height, or for rejuvenation.

The famous gerontologist Robert Neil Butler said about this:

“Although trials using artificial growth hormone have shown positive results (at least in the short term), it is clear that negative side effects can also occur in the form of an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and changes in behavior.”

One of the main dangers of human growth hormone injections is uncontrolled influence on the concentration of IGF-1 in the blood. This can lead to serious health problems.

  1. Swelling in the arms and legs.
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis symptoms.
  3. Headaches and general muscle pain.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Abnormal growth of bones and internal organs.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Bloating.
  8. Hardening of the arteries.

For these reasons, human growth hormone injections should always be done carefully and with the help of a qualified practitioner who has clinical experience in managing your type of hormone deficiency.

Natural Strategies to Optimize HGH.

The side effects of HGH injections are real and significant. Most of the dangers are that the body is no longer able to control the effects of HGH injections through its hormonal filters and restore balance if necessary. Luckily, natural strategies can safely improve your body's ability to produce HGH without side effects.

1. Get enough sleep. The highest concentration of growth hormone occurs during deep sleep. Numerous studies make it clear that insufficient sleep or disruption of sleep patterns can significantly reduce the secretion of human growth hormone. According to endocrinology professor Richard Auchus:

“Peak growth hormone production occurs during sleep. You can easily get people with low growth hormone levels by waking them up several times during the night. I always tell people that if they want to normalize their hormone levels, they need to get a good night's sleep."

2. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index. Insulin slows down the production of HGH. High glycemic index foods can wreak havoc on your blood insulin levels, causing them to spike or rise above normal, healthy levels. Not only will this increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but it can also have a significant effect on growth hormone secretion, reducing it.

3. Reduce abdominal fat. If you have excess fat around your belly, you are reducing your body's ability to produce growth hormone. Typically, a person with excess abdominal fat also suffers from insulin and leptin resistance. By restoring leptin sensitivity, you gain 3 health benefits: reduced fat, improved blood sugar control, and increased growth hormone and IGF-1 production.

4. Intense physical exercise. The type, duration, and intensity level of your training programs will have varying effects on growth hormone secretion. There are a number of studies that show that short, intense training, during which the lactate (anaerobic) threshold is raised, stimulates the production of growth hormone for at least 24 hours.

5. Eliminate late dinner. Your last meal before bed may have an effect on your body fat rather than on your growth hormone production. A carbohydrate meal eaten before bed will feed fat cells and suppress growth hormone production. However, a high protein, low carbohydrate meal eaten a few hours before bed will serve two purposes. Firstly, it will not greatly increase the level of insulin in the blood, and secondly, it will contain building material in the form of amino acids and proteins to produce growth hormone.

Just expect to eat on dinner no more than 200 calories and have dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

6. L-arginine. This important amino acid, when properly delivered to the body, can lead to increased production of growth hormone. Combining L-arginine intake with exercise, especially strength training or interval training, can lead to an even greater increase in growth hormone production.

7. L-glutamine– the most common free amino acid in the human body. Research shows that taking even small amounts of L-glutamine (2000 mg) can increase growth hormone secretion.

8. Glycine. This amino acid can also have a positive effect on growth hormone. Research shows that glycine plays an important role in normalization of sleep structure.


Adequate levels of growth hormone are important for growth, good health and wellness. The question is what you choose: increase the level of this hormone naturally or use synthetic drugs.

The dangers of HGH injections are real. These dangers become even more real when you use the services of unqualified individuals. To protect you from the side effects of injections, I have given 8 safe and natural methods to help your body optimize its ability to produce its own growth hormone.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

That's all for today. All the best.

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

In the sports field, when talking about anabolic steroids, you can often hear the name “growth hormone”. What is this notorious drug and what is it combined with? Growth hormone or somatotropin is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which is part of the human brain. The drug causes a strong anabolic effect on the growth of muscle tissue and a catabolic reaction, which promotes increased fat burning.

Growth hormone contains 191 amino acids. It received its name for the expressive effect, which is characterized by the growth of tubular bones in length in young people.

Somatotropin was first obtained in the seventies of the last century. It was extracted using a special extract from the pituitary gland of corpses, which was a very expensive undertaking.

From 1981 to the present day, the drug has been synthesized artificially. In 1989, the Olympic Committee banned the use of growth hormone. However, it has found wide application in bodybuilding. In sports, growth hormone is used to increase strength and increase lean muscle mass. Today it can be purchased in many online stores. In recent years, its sales have increased several times.

In medicine, growth hormone is used to treat dwarfism in children, as well as to prevent age-related disorders.

Due to its unique pharmacological properties, growth hormone is of key importance in bodybuilding. It has the following effects on the human body:

  • stimulates the growth of muscle tissue;
  • reduces body fat;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on human skin and organs;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and recovery from injuries;
  • accelerates bone growth in young people under the age of twenty-five;
  • helps strengthen ligaments, bones and cartilage;
  • increases strength indicators;
  • reduces the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • increases blood glucose levels;
  • has a regenerating effect on internal organs.

It should be noted that somatotropin in combination with other steroid drugs is responsible for the main effect that promotes rapid muscle growth in a bodybuilder.

As practice shows, if before using growth hormone a bodybuilder had good proportions and good muscle mass, then after using it the quality of the athlete’s muscles improves several times. These include: increased venousness and dryness of the body, bulge and a clearly defined muscle contour.

HGH Dosages

A safe dosage of somatotropin is within 30 IU (international units indicating the degree of activity of a substance).

Depending on the effectiveness of the drug, daily dosages may vary within the following limits:

  • from 2 to 4 IU for speedy rehabilitation from injuries;
  • from 4 to 10 IU to enhance the fight against adipose tissue in the body;
  • from 8 to 30 IU to increase muscle mass and increase strength.

When injecting throughout the day, it is necessary to imitate the natural production of the hormone. To do this, you will need to administer about five equal-volume portions of somatotropin every four hours.

The use of combined hormone courses

Using somatotropin in combination with other hormones, you can significantly increase the volume and definition of muscles. The course is usually based on a base drug (growth hormone) in combination with testosterone or sustanon.

How is growth hormone taken? Today, many athletes are puzzled by this question. Using only one growth hormone, it is impossible to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass. This drug exhibits its anabolic effect only in combination with androgenic hormones and steroids. Its properties are most pronounced in the presence of insulin. When gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to use up to 10 IU of this drug. But it is necessary to take into account that at the stage of fat burning it will be necessary to exclude the use of insulin, since it significantly inhibits the process of lipolysis (the breakdown of fats).

Growth hormone for women is used in cases where figure correction and elimination of excess weight are required. For girls who want to look athletic and attractive, it is additionally recommended to start eating right and sign up for classes at the gym.

At the stage of using the combined course, it is necessary to inject drugs that would stimulate the production of your own growth hormone. For these purposes, the following pharmacological agents can be used:

  • GHRP-2, GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide). This drug is the most powerful and safe booster (stimulator) of somatotropin secretion of all those existing today. When used, the production of growth hormone can increase tenfold or more.
  • CJC-1295 DAC (Drug Affinity Complex). This is a peptide hormone that consists of 30 amino acids and has a long half-life - about two weeks. Combines well with GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.
  • Ipamorelin. It is a peptide hormone that helps maintain the natural production of growth hormone at certain hours. Included in the latest generation of growth hormone boosters (GHRP). A synergistic effect occurs when used together with CJC-129.
  • Sermorelin. The drug consists of forty-four amino acids. The half-life is thirty minutes. It is an analogue of testosterone propionate, popular among bodybuilders. To achieve a synergistic effect, it must be used together with GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 peptides.
  • Mod GRF 1-29. This peptide has a longer half-life (several times) than sermorelin. It is recommended for use by people aged forty years and above to prevent changes associated with age.

It is necessary to take into account that when using growth hormone with supplements containing arginine and glutamine, the effect of the drug increases three times. To avoid serious disorders in the body, the combined course is not recommended for more than seven weeks.

Nutrition for bodybuilders

In order to build a significant amount of muscle mass, strength training and taking anabolic steroids alone are not enough. An integrated approach combined with proper nutrition will help you achieve good shape, and sculpted muscles will not take long to appear.

From the very beginning of the training process, you must avoid the following products:

  • smoked meats;
  • foods containing high levels of salt;
  • confectionery products;
  • fatty foods;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • heat-treated juices;
  • semi-finished products.

An athlete's daily diet should consist of 50% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fats. The basis of a bodybuilder’s diet is natural protein products. These include:

  • chicken's meat;
  • veal;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • chicken eggs.

The following are used as carbohydrates:

  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • apples;
  • bran.

Vegetable oils should be used as fats: olive, flaxseed and sunflower.

Foods containing simple carbohydrates should be avoided, as they are quickly processed by the body and converted into fat. It is also necessary to exclude salty foods from the diet, as they retain water in the body.

Burning fat during the drying period

At the stage of drying the body, it is necessary to carefully approach not only the diet, but also you need to start using growth hormone for weight loss. To eliminate excess fat deposits, thyroid hormones and somatotropin are used.

Thyroid hormones are represented by the following types:

  • thyroxine (T4);
  • triiodothyronine (T3);

These hormones help increase metabolism in body tissues from 60 to 100%. The use of thyroid hormones is quite dangerous. The consequences of uncontrolled use can be irreversible and lead to serious metabolic disorders.

Using growth hormone to burn fat is a fairly safe procedure. But during the course, it is necessary to set the dose within 4-10 IU per day. Only in this case the effect will be most pronounced.

It is worth noting that to increase the fat burning effect, it is necessary to use the following drugs in combination with growth hormone:

  • adrenalin;
  • testosterone;
  • adaptogens;
  • glucagon;
  • endorphin;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins.

During the period of extreme drying of the body, water is removed, and along with it calcium and other valuable elements are washed out. This process has very negative consequences for ligaments and joints. Thus, at the stage of enhanced fat burning, during training, the athlete may damage his knee or foot, since these joints are subject to the greatest impact. It should be borne in mind that in everything you need to observe moderation.

When using growth hormone, sports nutrition is also necessary. Today, all of these products can be found in numerous sports stores.

The use of melatonin in bodybuilding

One of the important elements when doing bodybuilding is taking a drug called melatonin. It is a hormone produced by the human pineal gland and is intended to provide good sleep to the athlete. But the beneficial effects are not limited to healthy sleep. Melatonin also affects other body functions. These include:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • reducing the risk of developing stress;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • reduction in obesity levels.

Today, analogues of the human hormone are sold on the domestic market. Types of medications containing melatonin:

  • "Melaxen";
  • "Melaxen balance";
  • "Circadin";
  • "Epithalamine."

The mechanism of action of drugs containing melatonin is quite simple - after administration, the substance penetrates the blood and then into the neurons of the brain. Melatonin does not accumulate in the body. It can be used for a long time - a month or more.

Side effects from using hormones

Despite the large number of positive properties, somatotropin also has side effects. These include:

  • Increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). If you abuse somatotropin, hormonal imbalance may occur. Sugar levels are lowered by using insulin or insulin substitutes. If there is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas, diabetes can occur.
  • Increased blood pressure. During the course, you will need to reduce your drug intake or use antihypertensive medications.
  • Numbness of the limbs. Eliminated by reducing the dose of the drug.
  • Swelling of the body. This effect can be prevented by avoiding salty foods and alcohol.
  • The risk of hypertrophy of the heart and other vital organs. To eliminate side effects, you should not abuse the drug and you must adhere to the prescribed course.

Nanodrop – a device for determining the amount of protein

The device was developed for the study of nucleic acids and proteins. It is necessary in cases where the dose of the substance for analysis is very limited.

Area of ​​application of the device:

  • establishing the concentration of nucleic acids;
  • determination of protein amount;
  • cell research;
  • determination of structural characteristics and quantity of nanoparticles;
  • measuring the amount of labeled proteins;
  • carrying out general diagnostic measures.

The NanoDrop spectrophotometer is developed using a special technology that does not require cuvettes or capillaries. The sample under study is pipetted onto the surface of the measuring device, and the automated system determines the optical distance from 0.05 mm to 1 mm, which will be optimal for the sample under study.

Rating of drugs for the production of growth hormone

A rating was compiled based on reviews of growth hormone. It looks like this:

  1. Ansomon.
  2. Neotropin.
  3. Getropin.
  4. Kigtropin.
  5. Hypetropin.
  6. Dynatrope.
  7. Genotropin.
  8. Saizen.
  9. Humatrope.

In order to avoid purchasing counterfeits, muscle growth hormone must be purchased from reputable and trusted online portals.


  1. Govyrin V.A., Zhorov B.S. Ligand-receptor interactions in molecular physiology.
  2. Marinchenko G.B. Radioiodination of peptide hormones // Methodological recommendations.
  3. Vorobyova O.A. Growth factors are new regulators of reproduction

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, and his clients include many famous athletes. The novel is with the author of the book “Sport and Nothing But..