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Travel wishes: what words to choose for a person setting off on a long journey? Best wishes for the journey

Since time immemorial, there has been a custom to say parting words to a person getting ready to travel. They served as a talisman for the traveler, which warded off misfortunes and bad people. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people quite often disappeared without a trace. After all, robbers could attack them, wild animals. However, in our civilized age, this custom has not lost its relevance. Let's talk about what they usually say on the road.

Wishes for a person on his way

As a rule, there are no clear instructions on what you can wish for a person on the road. The main thing is that the words are sincere and come from the heart. In this case, they will really protect the person and nothing bad will happen to him. The phrase “Have a nice journey!” is considered a universal wish, so you can safely use it no matter how far away the person is going.

What to say if a person goes looking for work?

As in the old days, a person quite often goes looking for a job, most often this is an interview with a future employer. In this case, the person should say the following words:

  • "Let everything work out"
  • "May your dreams come true and you will easily get a job"
  • "Let luck guide you"

Words for those leaving on a long journey

If a person had a long journey ahead of him, then they wished him not only a happy journey. In the old days, they said goodbye to the phrase “Good riddance.” This expression meant that the path would be easy and the person would quickly reach his destination. However, these days this phrase is considered ironic and is rarely used for fear of being misunderstood. Instead, you can use more modern expressions, for example, “Happy (successful) arrival.”

There is also a custom to sit down on the road. It was believed that then the journey would be easy and without unpleasant adventures. Modern psychologists explain this ritual by saying that a person is given time to think about his trip and decide whether it is worth going on it. Also in these seconds, the brain determines the main goals of the trip and looks for ways to bring them to life, since it is in a kind of stressful situation, so all processes go faster.

Travel wishes to motorists and travelers

It is very important for motorists that the road is good. In this case, you can tell them the following phrases:

  • "Green Road"
  • "Green light"
  • "So that the spare tire is not useful"
  • "Neither nail nor rod"

If a person is going on vacation or on a business trip by train, then you can wish him " Beautiful scenery outside the window." If the transport will be a steamship, yacht or boat, then in this case it would be appropriate to say: “So as not to get seasick,” “Tailwind.” As a universal phrase, we can recommend “Happy arrival.”

For those who set out on a journey air transport, you can say “Take care of yourself” or “God bless!”. Before a person leaves, you shouldn’t think about bad things, because thoughts are material and in this way you can invite trouble. The best thing to do in your imagination is to draw joyful pictures of meeting a person from a trip. In this case, everything will go well. You can also read a funny poem to the person leaving:

  • I wish you before the long road
  • Wake up at the dawn of all your strength.
  • So that the trip seems like raspberries,
  • To make the whole world seem nice.

These words will cheer you up, and the traveler will set off on the road with a light heart. You can compose your own poems, the person will be pleased, and he will not forget such a farewell. Now you know what they want on the road, and you can put your knowledge into practice.

[in prose]

Congratulations on Motorist Day in your own words

Congratulations on Motorist Day! You are an avid car enthusiast, one might say, a professional! I want to wish you that there are no dangerous emergency situations on the roads, that you race at your best. high speed to your happiness, so that luck and success will never turn away, and life will delight you endlessly!

On Motorist Day, I wish you a smooth road that will lead you to your dream! May the wheels never fail, and may only green light always burn in your life! I wish you simple victories in life and that unforeseen health problems never happen in your life! May adversity remain forever on the way to you, so that you always smile and never lose heart! Happy holiday to you!

To you, the romance of long roads, a man with a capital M, on Motorist Day, I want to wish that you are stopped by traffic cops less often, and that your car is always in perfect order. I wish that you always feel comfortable and safe on your journey, and that at home you are always expected and greeted joyfully! And may your angel protect you on your travels - not a rod, not a nail!

Without a car, life is not life, but simply existence. All motorists know this for sure. May this holiday bring you a fair wind, a smooth road and green light! Wish good mood, successful trips, fewer breakdowns and more delight from a reliable iron “horse”. Be confident on the road, hold on tightly to the steering wheel and slow down the gas on turns! Happy Motorist Day!

Dear motorist! On this holiday, my wishes will be simple and clear: I wish you smooth roads and low prices for fuel, normal rules and adequate traffic cops, good routes and cheerful fellow travelers, always reach your destination and never use insurance. Happy holiday, happy motorist day!

Professional drivers and car enthusiasts, today is your holiday - Motorist Day! Congratulations to everyone involved in the creation and driving of cars, and we wish you new inventions, good roads and have a great mood! May your work bring you satisfaction, and may there always be a holiday in your personal life! And bumps, traffic jams and other road troubles do not meet on your way.

Dear owners, enthusiasts, auto mechanics, drivers and everyone related to road transport! On this day, I sincerely greet you on Motorist Day - the main holiday of wheeled vehicle users. Vehicle. On this day, you are all equal to each other, and, congratulating you, I congratulate the whole country: there is not a single corner in it where there is no car. Therefore, I wish the whole country two things that cannot exist separately - correct movement and mutual respect! Happy holiday to you, friends, colleagues, like-minded people!

Happy holiday, motorist! I wish you to always be attentive and collected on the road, follow traffic rules and undergo technical inspection on time! And also - avoid traffic cops a mile away, avoid getting stuck in traffic jams, and even more so in an accident! And since today is your holiday, allow yourself to have a good rest and relaxation! Just don’t get behind the wheel after “checking in”, so as not to turn from a motorist into a pedestrian!

[in prose]

And again you are standing on the threshold,

Part of your life is the road,
So let work be a joy,
No sharp, sharp turns.
The day of the motorist has come,
May your path always be clear,
Always leads only to happiness
And your beloved is waiting at home.

Happy Motorist Day! Let the roads
Your name is. When you're driving
Let doubts and worries go away,
Let the wind outside your window sing to you!

And there are unprecedented distances ahead
And bright impressions are calling,
There is no place for sadness and sadness on the way,
Forward! Where they love and where they wait!

Motorists, Vivat for you,
All words today are in your honor.
Let there be no obstacles on the way,
Makes the engine happy with your favorite song!

Let the traffic light burn green
And all roads will be open.
Let the directions be successful,
Sorrows and worries will go away!

Let the car always be reliable
And if there is a fellow traveler, then he will be cheerful.
And returns will be welcome
To the place where they meet you at home!

I hasten to congratulate you quickly
Happy Iron Horse Tamer Day!
And I would like to wish you
Never get into an accident.
Let the car know no breakdowns,
Day after day he travels kilometers,
I wish gasoline became cheaper
I didn’t eat the entire salary in my wallet,
I wish you a huge amount of savings,
To change into an E-class car!

Who's behind the steering wheel?
Who pressed the pedal in the morning,
Day and evening in the car,
Happy automobile holiday!

So that the green one only burns,
So that you have time on the road,
Without traffic police and traffic police,
So that there are no excesses.

No accidents or traffic jams,
To make the path convenient,
Both on the road and in life,
Only pleasant surprises!

You and the car are inseparable, united,
You are ready to surround him with care!
You don't understand how you can live without a car
Is it possible to live in this world now?!

I wish you successful trips without pits,
A rod and a nail will never meet,
Move towards goals, desires, dreams
And achieving them is easy, without difficulty!

Happy Car Lovers Day!
May luck smile
There will be a flow of joy
And the sun doesn't shine in my eyes.

Let him not meet on the way
Too sharp turns
Let your dreams come true
From sunrise to sunrise!

Friends, I wish you clear roads,
To rush like the wind forward and forward,
So that the engine starts with half a turn,
And your iron horse did not disappoint along the way.
I wish to fly towards good luck,
And everything I wanted to do quickly.

If you drive a car,
In summer in shorts
And in winter in a coat,
Know that your holiday has come,
Let everythnig will be alright!

On the road - peace and quiet,
You can't even see any traffic jams
Be happy, car enthusiast,
And be careful, driver!

Let the car purr cheerfully,
He's in no hurry to go to the auto repair shop.
DPS for inspection,
Never slows down.

And blinking in secret,
The strip reports
Meeting you with high beams,
That they are standing in the bushes.

So that it burns only green,
A traffic light for you on the road.
You were an angel, you were protected,
Loved, happy, not alone.

On roads good and not so good
Our cars are driving around the country.
Winter or autumn is not a hindrance to them,
They carry the cargo that everyone needs.
We wish those who care about them
Direct relationship -
May they never get sick
And they work with inspiration.

Let the traffic jams clear in front of you,
May your traffic lights always turn on green,
Let everyone new life and the road turns,
It brings you joy, inspiration, and positivity.
Let the traffic cops always let you pass with a smile,
May luck reliably help you in all matters,
Today I congratulate you sincerely and purely,
Happy Holidays, Happy Motorist Day!


Speed ​​is very dear to you, beloved,
But don't ever forget that there are horns,
If you don't come home on time again,
Then you will certainly get the most branchy ones.
And if your car is much more important to you,
Then you and her will live in the garage in love and affection,
This is the last time I warn you, dear,
I forgot something! A! Happy holiday, congratulations!


I wish that the car engine never stalls,
Today, Happy Motorist Day to you, driver,
May your favorite car never know
What is a service station and bald tires,
Let him be grateful for quality gasoline,
And without shaking he takes his children to the garden and his wife to the store.
In general, friend, happy holiday, so be it:
I suggest we roll a little in honor of him!


Today is Driver or Motorist Day,
A fearless, risk-seeking man
A man who knows no fear at speed,
For whom there is nothing worse than crawling like a turtle.
You fly, dear, to your cherished dream,
May your home always be open to kindness,
You will certainly find your victory too,
And he won’t be at all like everyone else!


Congratulations on Motorist Day,
May your path and thoughts always be pure,
Let your wife always let you go to friends,
And he never reproaches people with delays from work.
May the road always be smooth and smooth,
And with the money in your wallet, so that everything is in order,
Let the traffic policemen not see you point-blank,
May fate never hurt you on the road!


Your car is so beautiful, so beautiful,
And you’re a great driver – no matter what!
I'm not afraid to travel with you and it's safe,
After all, you like a normal, quiet ride.
And today is your holiday, my love,
I wish you to change many more cool cars,
So that there would be some kind of unimaginable Mercedes and Lexus,
So long as it doesn't have a Lad-Kalin in the garage.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Leave your worries behind
WITH with a pure heart and soul,
Hit the road,
Know what is in your thoughts:

And good luck and luck,
Intelligence, agility and success,
Let the road, without a doubt,
It will be easy, without interference!

I wish you patience
Go, don't be sad
And soon return,
Bon Voyage!

A short

I wish you a happy journey,
May the angel protect your route,
And wherever else you have to go -
Let him protect himself from adversity with his wings!

I wish you an easy journey! Let it pass quickly and unnoticed, and you will meet kind and sympathetic people. May your guardian angel always be there and help you in any situation. Bon Voyage!

Let the road be easy
You won't get tired on the way,
Will bring a lot of luck,
Lots of new perspectives.

It will be smooth and safe
And without counting the minutes,
You are calm and wonderful
You'll get to the right place!

Have a safe journey, get there without worries.
May everything go well along the way.
Let this path bring with it:
Good meetings, unusual moments.

Going to long journey,
Don't forget about the signs
Sit for two minutes
With a clear thought in my head.
Hold onto the edge of the table
With the house so that there is a connection.
The floor is not mine, don't sweep it
Don't sew anything up.
Having met a friend on the way,
Don't shout about leaving.
Get ready for the journey with God,
Don't say goodbye to your home.
And please accept my wishes:
"Have a nice trip to you!"

I wish you a happy journey -
Spaces will open up ahead,
The road will be easy and straight,
And soon return home.

Let your plans come true,
Good luck will rush to you on its wings.
In short, let the trip be a joy
And like a hand it will take away all the fatigue.

A short

I wish you a safe journey,
When you get there, be sure to call
And let the road, running into the sky,
Brings you to luck and love!

Are you going on the road?
Heaven will help you,
Let the angel fly with you
And keeps you from troubles!

Let the path be yours
No bumps and straight!
Go with a light heart
Have a nice trip!

Let the guiding star
It shines brighter for you
Let your friend always be there,
The wind is blowing fair,
Let the road be easy
And soon - return.
Time to say good-bye. Good luck!
Good luck and good luck!

I'll say goodbye to you, have a good trip,
May good luck await you ahead.
Let the parting be short-lived,
And let the angel help you along the way.