home · Lighting · Low-current network training manual. Installation and design of low-current systems training. Objectives of the module “Low-current networks”

Low-current network training manual. Installation and design of low-current systems training. Objectives of the module “Low-current networks”

I read it and was moved by how beautiful and wonderful everything was. Serious guys in brand new overalls, hung with a bunch of instruments, run around the clean technical floor. Idyll! It reminded me of propaganda posters at the military registration and enlistment office, where there are a bunch of pumped up guys, either on a tank, or on a boat, or in a rocking chair, and everything is great and they are all having so much fun. But in fact, no one needs to explain how. Therefore, this post caught my attention, and not only me, and I decided to write about how my everyday life as an installer went from 2007 to 2009.
I then worked at the now deceased Coorbina Telecom, which had just begun to develop St. Petersburg. The selection conditions were the same as for the army: healthy, have arms/legs, know how to read and write, know how to do simple mathematical calculations in your head - you are accepted!
I was sent to a new, undeveloped area. Besides me, there were only two installers (one team), to whom I was assigned. Probation- 2 weeks. Upon completion, we were given equipment for work: a crimper, a headlamp, a fiberglass conductor. This approval is given for a year, after which it is changed to a new one. God forbid you lose a crimper or a lantern, they will rip it off in triple size, it’s easier to buy the same one yourself. The conductor generally lasted for 3 months, with careful use. Competitors generally issued it for life, if it’s broken, look for it wherever you want. I often saw guys cutting out a conductor from an optic, but it was disgusting and left splinters.
Two people are supposed to work for reasons of safety and convenience. It's just not profitable. The application cost 600 rubles, which is still a very good price tag. You can’t make more than 6 applications together, the money will be split in half. Alone, you can easily do from 4 to 6. Having figured out what was coming your way, everyone began to work one at a time.
The working day began at 9 am with a meeting at the office. Just arriving at 8, you could already find 30 people eager for work. The office usually consisted of a rickety one-room apartment, a basement, a garage, a corner of a warehouse, in general 4 walls and for cheap. We had a one-room apartment in which two, sometimes 3 districts were crowded. The company did not like to pay for the premises and every morning began with the arrival of the owner, who was owed for six months and the cops. Ultimately, she was abandoned without paying.
Applications were issued by the site manager, usually a former installer who had received a promotion (extremely rarely), or through an acquaintance. Our first boss was a responsible, good, sympathetic guy who did everything and even more. For this, other bosses disliked him, they actively neglected him for work and stole what was in bad shape and quickly lost it by setting up a setup with the theft of 60 boxes of vitukha. All subsequent bosses began their acquaintance with the phrase: “Do you want to work normally and have a lot of good applications? Pay me.” I sent through the forest, so there was enough work, but good house didn't mean it yet easy connection, and I didn’t want to be a rat.
The installers were 70% students, 25% slackers who were happy with the free schedule and the opportunity to get drunk and not go out, 5% were grown men for whom it was a part-time job or a way to catch up. I've never seen girls.
At 9 a.m., applications were handed out and supplies were given out. Usually everyone knew where each house was, what it was like and how much of what was needed. But they took everything in reserve; if you don’t take it today, it won’t be there tomorrow. I still don’t run out of zip ties and electrical tape at home, and it’s been 6 years =).
Having received applications, they began calling subscribers and long negotiations for their money. Operators assigned several applications at one time, preferably in the evening. But it happened that you had 4 requests at 11.00 and do what you want. Subscribers don’t care, everyone expects that they will be the first, and as a result, complaints, swearing, insults, angry posts on the Internet.
After calling everyone and figuring out the route, I went to the bus; I had a single pass. Few people had cars, and you would go broke on minibuses.
Having arrived at the application, communication with the resident began and an examination of the scale of the tragedy began. The houses in our area are mostly panel ships. But I had to work in different areas and in different houses. Our boxes were stubbornly placed in the attic, if there was any semblance of one, or at least in the basement. Arriving at top floor you found a tightly boarded door or a welded grille with a bunch of locks. Very often, in houses with a walk-through attic, all the doors except one were boarded up, which was protected like a fortress. The installers broke them and opened them, but the mechanics didn’t sleep either. In general, if you couldn’t climb on your own, but climbed in any way, sometimes hanging on the fittings above a hole of 9 floors, a trip to the housing office or homeowners association began. In the housing office it was still possible to get the key for a chocolate bar, but the HOA is tough. Even if you had an agreement with them, they pressed you for free Internet for all workers and their families. I spent 40 minutes explaining that I was an installer and not a director and had no right to do so. Then they winked at me and offered to give them 5,000-10,000 rubles, like the bosses give you for such cases. He also sent the message through the forest, explained to the residents and left.
Here is the key to the attic, but it either doesn’t fit or only fits one lock, and there could be 3 or 4 of them. The residents hung them up themselves and kept the keys with them. Fort Boyard began. Try to catch someone at home at 11 am on a weekday. And if you do, you will learn a lot about yourself.
And here we are in the attic. Usually it's passable. about 1.7 meters high, sometimes covered with crushed stone or expanded clay, in principle you can run half bent over. If expanded clay is poured, all the residents on the 9th floor will want to kill you, the sound of your walking is simply hellish. We often came across attics about 1.2 meters high, where we were on all fours, covered in dust from rubble and piles of pigeon shit. The most terrible attic, which I still remember with a shudder, was 50 centimeters, no more. try to crawl along this 3 entrances and then crawl out back, you are guaranteed to feel claustrophobic.
There were also nasty attics in the 5-story panel buildings. The entrance to them was a hatch in the ceiling, to which a ladder led, often supported by snot. On one of these, a competitor’s installer flew 5 floors and ended up tied to a wire, housing office workers said. Having reached the hatch, we got tons of pigeon shit on our heads, especially if the door opened downwards, and then we had to clean it up.
There are plenty of animals in the attics. Mostly pigeons, everything about them is crap. They nest right in the middle of the shit on the corpses of their relatives. There were drug addicts, drunks, homeless people, gopotas, migrant workers. One day I found full apartment homeless people, with a bathroom, TV, beds, wardrobes and more.
Basements are also a separate issue. It’s easier to get there, but there’s no lighting there, it’s often flooded and the living creatures there are worse, the same homeless people, gopniks, dogs with rabies, mosquitoes, fleas, lice. But the worst thing is the rats! We had one house in which only one person from the entire area could work, he threw them, kicked them, and ran from them. There were thousands of rats in this basement! Even the plumbers didn’t go there in groups of less than three. One day I went there with this guy, it’s brutal! Everything is swarming and squealing from all sides and overhead! There is a gray mass all around. They can fall on your head, by your collar, or get into your shoe, the main thing is to run and not look around.
Once in the basement or attic, the next quest began, find the box and open it. He could have ended up anywhere, but there were only one key to it and not everyone returned them. One day we lost a box from the entire area. It was then that I learned how to saw through a lock in 10 minutes with a tiny Chinese hacksaw; something else prevented the anti-vandal collar on the box from doing this.
It’s good if the subscriber had a cable and was not averse to simply transferring it. If not, a long descent/ascent to the apartment began. which, according to the law of meanness, was from the box at the other end of the house on the most remote floor.
They are waiting for you here and homemade doors in the common corridor, locks on the panels, wild residents who are sure that everything in the house belongs to them, and you came to ruin everything, grannies screaming that because of you their TV burned out and demanding that it be repaired in a hurry, although it may have already been broken for several months . All sorts of drunks, inadequate people who are irradiated by your cable and box, mothers with small children whose sleep you disturb. In general, don’t expect friendly faces, you are not welcome here.
There are also plenty of goodies in the shields, syringes, cigarette butts, condoms, glass, garbage, beer cans, dead rats and a lot more! Thanks to this work, you can safely go to gynecologists; in six months you will masterfully walk as a conductor through several floors through any cracks using only sensations.
When you reach the apartment, there is a new problem- entering the apartment. It’s good if there is a cable channel, but often it is clogged or sealed. The graters with the subscriber begin. You are required to install beautifully, right in the wall, one thing with the power of thought, make repairs, hang wallpaper, lay a cable channel, screw new baseboard. Remember, all this is done for a fee and only with the consent of the installer himself! It’s just hard to explain this to people. Many people at home feel much more confident and behave more boldly. There were scandals, fights, and failed applications. I remember how one guy demanded that he run a cable into the apartment without drilling the wall. There wasn’t a single free hole in the apartment, he didn’t allow me to cut existing cables, and I didn’t agree to WI-FI in a box under lock and key. When I explained that I was not Copperfield and that I didn’t walk through walls, he reassured me, saying that I was already the sixth such person. And he worked as a technical director in a construction company.
When installation work completed, dancing with a tambourine at the computer begins. Here you have dead Windows, and all sorts of viruses, including pussies in full screen, and broken network connectors, and literate people running their own Linux and refusing to help in order to feel their superiority over you. A separate category of people who do not have a computer at all. He looks at you, blinks his eyes: “I just wanted to run the wire now, then do the repairs, and in a year I’ll buy a computer.” Didn’t you think that without your activation I won’t get paid? True, you can make money on this, although everyone has a computer now, but computer literacy is still just as bad.
Further more. The operator gives subscribers a login and password, but only 1 in 10 writes it down. Next is drawing up the contract; many people also have problems with their passports.
And now everything works and a farewell kick in the ass follows. Usually they don’t give you a tip, because you a priori ruined everything and are to blame for everything. But there are also exceptions. Money is rare, but material gratitude is always welcome. They offer everything, from banal tea to used furniture, kittens, drugs of varying degrees, booze and sex. Some of our comrades took several days to apply. I myself married a girl whom I connected to the Internet! But that is another story.
In general, I was surprised how many decent, beautiful, but lonely girls we have in our city. First, for them you are a devil in dirty camouflage, then you gave them the Internet, helped them fix something around the house, talked for a while and now you are no longer a ragamuffin, but a promising, handy man =) They often asked for a phone number, as if something was suddenly broken, and then they called offering to meet. Some even tried to persuade me to spend the night, as if it was already late, but I refused, I am a faithful family man =).
Also, another story - New Year! Everyone is drinking and having fun and only you are running around like crazy. There are a lot of applications these days, but don’t rush to rejoice. Usually, in order to fulfill the plan, operators begin to enter completely wrong addresses into applications, just to receive a bonus. Out of 8 applications, only 2 will turn out to be real. True, they will feed you, drink you and entertain you everywhere =)
Let me summarize. The work is hard, dirty, disgusting, not for the squeamish. You will have to show miracles of resourcefulness just to fulfill the request. You will see enough different people in an informal setting. Believe me, you will be very surprised and discover the world from the other side. A bank employee who smiles sweetly at clients, sitting in a suit, in the evening, in a drunken stupor, can rush at you with a bat. I remember one aunt who, for the entire 40 minutes we were with her, screamed in a hysterical voice at her sons, absolutely unable to choose expression. After about 15 minutes, both of us were starting to get headaches from it. In the end, my partner could not stand it and asked: “And who do you work with, with your character?” To which she, proudly raising her head, replied: “A child psychologist!”
And there was also a guy, a leading surgeon private clinic. All so intelligent, covered in diplomas, he told me how he loves to save people. We spent about 3 hours fiddling around with him, there was a problem with the equipment. As a result, by midnight they told him that it was too late today, we should go home and be ready to finish it tomorrow morning. The smile was blown from his face like the wind. He began to throw up his hands, yelling that we were shit and that there was no one in this world at all and that we were screwed if we didn’t finish it. My partner also lost his temper and started telling him to go to hell. This lover of saving lives grabbed a knife and promised to competently solve both of us that his colleagues would not collect. The spruce trees carried away their legs.
But you will make a lot of acquaintances, both necessary and not, look at how people live. This is worse than any house 2, believe me! Look at directors, junkies, criminals, Jehovah's Witnesses, psychos, perverts, and just a lot of nice, kind people of all nationalities and their relationships with each other.
Even though I haven’t worked in this field for almost 6 years, but sometimes I think I might take it and get a job for the weekend, just for a change in life. I can say one thing, despite all the shortcomings, it was my most fun job! Good luck to all!

A low-current system is all means of communication (Internet, telephony, television and radio broadcasting), which are connected into one stream using a system of wires and cables. The current voltage in the system does not exceed 25 V. To maintain this system, a staff or one specialist is hired who is responsible for the stages of design, installation, maintenance and repair of the network. If the company is large, several employees are allocated, each of whom is responsible for their own area of ​​work.

Types of low-current systems

Such systems are divided into several types, each of which combines its component parts according to certain characteristics:

  • telephone systems;
  • structured cabling systems and cable structures;
  • clock systems;
  • television systems;
  • public address systems;
  • radio systems;
  • sound systems and music broadcasting;
  • perimeter protection systems;
  • anti-theft systems;
  • security and;
  • CCTV.

Responsible for the system

Responsible for the entire system built in the company, engineer low current systems. The scope of his duties, as well as responsibilities, rights and tasks are clearly outlined in the job description.

The employee carries out an inspection of buildings under his supervision and carries out all the required calculations. If necessary, he carries out the drawings that are required to start a new project.

Knowledge and skills

The engineer must know the rules by which drawings are made, as well as regulations required for work: GOST, SNiP ( building codes and rules), RD ( guidance documents, which contain instructions for the operation and design of buildings).

Currently, knowledge of office programs is taken for granted, but many employers separately require the ability to work with drawing and design programs - nanoCad, AutoCad, MS Project, MagiCAD, MS Visio.

Knowledge of languages ​​is a required skill. Often the engineer has to read instructions written on English language. In order to correctly understand the annotations, knowledge of the language must be at a high level. Fluent reading skills are usually sufficient technical documentation In the original language. But often companies require understanding colloquial speech, since equipment purchased from official dealers often provides the possibility of warranty service in the language of the manufacturer.

Job description

To ensure that the range of responsibilities, requirements and powers does not raise questions for the employee, the enterprise must have a competently drawn up job description. The engineer of low-current systems also needs it. The job description for this specialist is approved and agreed upon with the management of the enterprise, and if changes are made, it is provided to the employee for review.

General provisions

A low-current systems engineer is classified as a specialist. A person with higher education There are no work experience requirements. Appointment to a position, as well as removal from a position, is carried out by order of the General Director.

Required knowledge

To perform his duties efficiently, a low-current systems engineer must know:

  • methodological and regulatory materials, distribution and policy documents related to the work performed;
  • development prospects, as well as features of the enterprise;
  • technical features, design features, operating principles of materials and means being developed and used, as well as their properties;
  • means of communication and communications;
  • basic requirements for documentation, products, materials;
  • rules, as well as conditions for performing work.

Special knowledge

A low-current systems engineer is responsible for the performance of the entire network in the company. Among his knowledge there should be not only widespread data, but also narrow knowledge of different areas. The more information a specialist processes and studies, the more successfully he will perform his duties.

Special knowledge includes:

  • standards that apply in this moment time;
  • technical conditions, instructions and regulations implemented in the company;
  • methods by which technical calculations, and is also determined economic efficiency research and development;
  • achievements in the field of science and development applied in the industry;
  • fundamentals of labor organization, management, economics, labor legislation;
  • internal regulations, health and safety standards, fire protection and industrial sanitation.

Types of positions

Low-current systems engineer is a generalized name for a position that can be divided into several components. For example, in a large company, one person cannot design, install and monitor the performance of the network. In order to cover the entire scope of work, different employees are assigned to positions that overlap and belong to the same segment.

A low current system design engineer designs the entire system for a company. He calculates the required volumes of work, carries out measurements of networks, prepares drawings based on which installation work will be carried out in the future. If necessary, he communicates with colleagues from the Security Service and the labor protection department.

The installation engineer receives all the calculations and lays the networks based on them. It is his responsibility to ensure proper installation. utility networks. In case of errors, the network will not work, and finding the cause will be very difficult.

Job responsibilities

In general, the job responsibilities are the same for these positions. Apart from fundamentally different issues, both specialists should:

  • ensure the functioning of the complex in all existing operating modes;
  • analyze and eliminate emergency situations at work;
  • provide network management;
  • request and receive information on the performance of the entire network;
  • ensure the reception and transmission of information over the network;
  • fulfill the requirements for;
  • plan the acquisition of spare and reserve parts for the network;
  • accept for storage components, network software, consumables;
  • prepare projects for concluding agreements on complex maintenance issues;
  • organize scheduled checks quality of communication channels that are included in the network.

A low-current systems engineer must perform his duties correctly and accurately. In case of failure to fulfill or dishonest performance of his tasks, he bears responsibility established by the job description, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


The low-current systems engineer is responsible for the items listed above. The instructions, however, also contain a list of rights that the employee has. To ensure that the employee does not have questions about this, all rights must be correctly and accurately formulated in the job description.

The employee has the right:

  • check how system elements are stored and operated;
  • control that the elements are used for their intended purpose;
  • demand from management to ensure proper conditions for the performance of their duties;
  • require information necessary to perform his functional duties;
  • make decisions independently on issues that fall within his competence;
  • and discussions concerning his responsibilities;
  • accept and certify documents related to the acceptance and acquisition of new equipment.


An engineer position is required in 80% of companies with more than 150 employees or a branch network. The duties performed by the specialist ensure constant communication between departments and also guarantee moments of safety.

The work of a low-current systems engineer is most often required in major cities and regional centers. Since 01/01/2017, the increase for this position was almost 15%. This suggests that the work an employee does is increasingly valued.


In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms and rules established in the company, the employee is responsible for:

  • improper performance or failure to perform job responsibilities which are provided for in the job description and determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • offenses that were committed in the process of performing their work within the framework established by current legislation, administrative and criminal, as well as civil codes;
  • causing material damage to the company within the framework determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Where to get an education

A low-current systems engineer can undergo training in the areas of electrical engineering and engineering. Many universities teach these specialties, including MSTU. Bauman, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

There are also various trainings, advanced training courses, correspondence and full-time educational centers. Having received the required knowledge, the employee can apply for the position of engineer.

TC "New Academy" covers different types activities of specialists involved in design, maintenance, configuration technical means, operating under low voltage.

The target audience

The engineering corps and installers of any city, including Moscow, must be able to select equipment for monitoring and fire safety in accordance with the specifics of the customer’s organization, timing of commissioning, requirements for repair or maintenance. Network design should be carried out after a thorough study of the building plan and surrounding area.

The main category of students for alarm system designers are people planning to acquire a new profession, electrical engineering personnel of the company, employees of technical services related to security, communications equipment.

Purpose of training

A course on installation of low-current systems in Moscow will help you learn:

  • install low voltage networks
  • select equipment according to the conditions of the installation site
  • methods of installation work
  • preparation of acceptance documentation.

The training period for a specialist is 16 hours; after passing the tests, a Certificate is issued. The cost of training one person in low-current systems is 3.5 thousand rubles.


Low-current system design courses include information material related to the following topics:

  1. Video surveillance, types of security equipment, selection of equipment, requirements for installation of devices
  2. ACS, types of devices, choice of equipment, requirements for installation and maintenance of networks
  3. Fire alarm, selection of equipment, installation conditions, maintenance regulations, documentation
  4. SCS, telephone installation, equipment selection
  5. instrumentation and automation
  6. NTD, installation services
  7. Safety of specialists, conditions for acceptance/transfer of a low voltage system into operation, choice technical devices and instruments.

Courses on designing fire extinguishing lines and calculating fire risks allow you to develop skills in using installations of water, powder, gas, aerosol, foam fire extinguishing. After advanced training or retraining, students can apply for jobs when a vacancy becomes available. A competent specialist will ensure protection of any object in Moscow or another city from negative factors.

Our training center is pleased to offer you a training course for installers of low-current systems in the specialization of video surveillance systems.

It’s hard to imagine human life and activity without modern systems video surveillance. Video cameras assembled in the necessary system help keep track technological process, perform a security function, allow you to control the situation and perform many other useful tasks in our lives.

Objective of this course:

  • To develop in students special knowledge in the field of the transmission and distribution process TV signal, as well as construction and installation various systems video surveillance.

The course includes studying:

  • formation of a television signal and methods of its transmission;
  • structural elements of CCTV systems;
  • devices of the main components of video surveillance systems: video cameras, lenses, monitors, video camera housings, thermal housings, control and protection devices for video cameras, etc.;
  • methods of installing equipment, setting up, synchronizing and connecting to head units: video recorders, video capture card, video server, putting the equipment into operation.

Course specifics:

  • The training is carried out according to the methodology developed by specialists from the repair school “101 Course” and includes both a theoretical part of 52 hours and practical part 12 hours. On practical exercises Students will practice their acquired theoretical knowledge in the process of connecting and setting up equipment. The purpose of this technique is to obtain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in installing video surveillance systems.
  • This course assumes basic knowledge of electrical engineering. Training program is designed for additional specialization of electrical technical personnel, training of enterprise specialists in the field of technical security equipment and security personnel in order to study the possibilities and methods of ensuring security.

Security profession

Today there is a rare space, be it the office of a commercial company, a large shopping mall, educational institution, bank, state enterprise or a hospital does without video surveillance systems, which serves as the basis of our security and guarantee good service. An equally popular area is training to become a video surveillance system installer, since only qualified specialists in the field of video surveillance can produce high-quality installation and maintenance of video surveillance systems. A profession in this specialty is in great demand, is well paid and is a guarantee of employment.

How to choose CCTV installation courses

When choosing educational institution there is no need to rush, since installing video surveillance and training in this area requires, firstly, qualified practical teachers with extensive experience in installing and maintaining video surveillance, and secondly, a certain training and production base is needed, on the basis of which you can efficiently and effectively conduct both theoretical classes and practical training, and thirdly, the training program must be described and explained in detail, on the basis of which the full range of knowledge and skills that the student should receive can be understood.

Features of the profession and training in video surveillance

Video surveillance installation courses require students to have basic or basic knowledge in electrical engineering, and this issue is most often resolved due to the fact that every man, one way or another, encounters electrical equipment quite often, and all the other subtleties and wisdom of the profession are achieved in courses, during training. In addition, this profession is very interesting in its essence and content, as it involves the study of television and radio broadcasting systems, which does not leave any lover of these technologies indifferent.

Upon completion of this training course, video surveillance systems installer, students will receive:

  • certificate of the established form.


Training program Installer of low-current systems. CCTV.

Lesson No. 1 The television signal is its transmission.

  • 1) Methods and means of transmitting a television signal, types of cable.
  • 2) Television signal parameters. Frame format, number of lines, frame rate.
  • 3) Formation of a television signal. Color signal systems.
  • 4) Analog and digital television signal.

Lesson No. 2 Purpose and capabilities of CCTV

  • 1) CCTV systems.
  • 2) Tasks of closed circuit television.
  • 3) Composition, structure and main components of CCTV.

Lesson No. 3 Television cameras.

  • 1) The device of a television camera.
  • 2) Receiving a television signal.
  • 3) CCD charge-coupled device (matrix). Image sensor.
  • 4) Main types of cameras and their characteristics.

Lesson No. 4 Television camera lenses.

  • 1) Types of lenses.
  • 2) Optical and photometric parameters of lenses.
  • 3) Image quality, lens resolution.

Lesson No. 5 Video-to-image conversion devices (monitor)

  • 1) Cathode ray tube monitors, plasma and liquid crystal monitors.
  • 2) Monitor quality parameters.
  • 3) Use of monitors.

Lesson No. 6 and Lesson No. 7 Switching, control and protection devices for video cameras.

  • 1) Device for rotating and tilting the video camera.
  • 2) Housings and camera bodies. Thermal housings.
  • 3) Screen divider. Multiplexer.
  • 4) Video switcher.
  • 5) Video recording device
  • 6) Control panels and infrared illuminators.
  • 7) Video capture cards.
  • 8) Software video signal registration.
  • 9) Video motion detector.
  • 10) Video amplifier distributor.
  • 11) Video generator (overlay device additional information to the image).
  • 12) Video corrector (a device that corrects unequal frequency losses.
  • range and/or phase errors during video signal transmission.
  • 13) Synchronization tools (linking equipment to one power source).

Lesson No. 8 Installation of video cameras.

  • 1) Mounting the video camera on the bracket.
  • 2) Hidden video cameras, video peephole.
  • 3) Installation of a street camera.
  • 4) Installation of an outdoor color camera in a sealed housing.
  • 5) Installation of a wireless camera.

Lesson No. 9 Installation and configuration of the DVR.

  • 1) Installation of an analog recorder, switching on and setting up.
  • 2) Setting up a digital video recorder.
  • 3) Use personal computer as a video recorder.

Lesson No. 10 Installation of a wired video surveillance network.

  • 1) Gasket cable lines in a tray, in a plastic box, in an open way.
  • 2) Installation of additional power supplies.
  • 3) Installation additional elements video surveillance networks.

Lesson No. 11 Design of a CCTV system.

  • 1) Viewing area and basic requirements for its selection.
  • 2) Assessment of the required image detail.
  • 3) Calculation of the lens for a given viewing angle.
  • 4) Selection of equipment for a CCTV system.

Lesson No. 12 Installation of CCTV system.

  • 1) Installation of a wired CCTV system.
  • 2) Installation wireless system CCTV.
  • 3) Setting up the server station and putting it into operation.

Lesson No. 13 Examples of CCTV systems.

  • 1) Analog CCTV systems.
  • 2) Digital closed circuit television systems.
  • 3) Manufacturers of equipment for video surveillance systems.

Lesson No. 14 Learning to work with a CCTV camera (practical part)

Lesson No. 15 Studying the construction of an analogue video surveillance system (practical part)

Lesson No. 16 Studying the construction of a wireless video surveillance system. Software(practical part).

IN modern world Every day we use the results of the work of designers of low-current systems, often without even knowing it

The scope of activity of low-current system design engineers is associated with various communication networks, video surveillance systems, control systems, as well as television, radio, telephone lines, intercoms, various access and security devices, communications and cable systems, both in civil and industrial buildings.

It is obvious that any building is not just a complex building elements, but many interconnected engineering systems. Low-current systems, which are an integral part of any modern building, are cable systems that carry information rather than power currents. Cable systems These are systems that include cables and other associated components. In particular, the following components can be used: telecommunication sockets directly at workplaces, cross-connect and patch panels in specialized telecommunications rooms, as well as splices and couplings. All this equipment efficient use and operation is under the responsibility of a design specialist. His area of ​​competence includes not only the design of the system itself, but also its installation and subsequent maintenance, and, if necessary, repairs.

Certain types of low-current systems have become firmly established in the life of people living today, which is why the work of a specialist designer of low-current systems is so important. He must know how low-current systems are designed, how they are installed and function. The specified knowledge and skills become the basis successful work a specialist in ensuring the viability of the engineering systems of a building.

Such a wide scope of responsibility certainly suggests that a competent design specialist is in demand everywhere and always. However, learning to design on your own is almost impossible. In order to become a true professional in your field and master the required design course, it is recommended to take courses for designers of low-current systems.

The main requirements for design engineers of low-current systems are correct and competent preliminary design and calculations. To do this, engineers are required to know all the regulatory documents in their specialty, GOSTs, SNiPs and other governing documents. Special courses for designers of low-current systems help to better and more deeply understand the specifics of this work.
Thanks to specialized training, the future designer receives:

  • Knowledge of the formation of television, video, radio signals and methods of transmitting them over different distances;
  • Knowledge design features security systems video surveillance and methods of their installation;
  • Knowledge of the design of the main components;
  • Knowledge of competent design of various systems in civil and industrial buildings;
  • Knowledge of installation methods, installation, configuration, synchronization and commissioning of low-current systems.

All these skills become the basis for the future successful work of a specialist. The importance and responsibility that falls on the designer of low-current systems is difficult to overestimate. How comfortable and safe the lives of the people around him will depend on his work. That is why design can only be entrusted to an employee who has completed courses for designers of low-current systems and confirmed his qualifications.

Low-current system designers are trained using a specially developed methodology, which includes both theoretical classes and practical training to consolidate the material. This is very important, because after the courses for designers of low-current systems are completed, the specialist will begin independent work. In order for it to take place fully, the future design specialist must be able to:

— draw up and draw up equipment specifications;
- select, install and configure the required equipment (one should take into account the fact that installation can be carried out not only indoors, but also outdoors - the designer of low-current systems must be prepared for this);
— be able to lay cables, observing all the necessary requirements and rules;
— read projects and make necessary adjustments to them;
— configure low-current systems (we are talking about both wired and wireless systems).

The main goals pursued by courses for designers of low-current systems can be identified as follows: the formation of professional skills in the design engineer of low-current systems and the acquisition of knowledge in the field of distribution and transmission of television, video, radio signals, as well as the ability to competently construct a project and carry out installation of systems various types of video surveillance.

Before enrolling in low-current system design courses, future specialists often ask the question: who is the curriculum intended for and who needs this training? The curriculum, which was developed by specialists of the NSK training center, is designed for the following applicants:

  • Employees undergoing retraining in the field of designing low-current systems;
  • Employees of the company's electrical technical staff who want to gain an additional specialty;
  • Security workers;
  • Any other applicants who want to gain knowledge and skills in the field of design and installation of low-current systems.

Upon completion of training for designers of low-current systems, specialists are issued a document of the established form and are assigned the appropriate qualifications. This document serves as confirmation high level theoretical knowledge and practical skills possessed by a specialist.
A designer of low-current systems is an extremely sought-after profession in the modern world. Competent specialists who could set up the most important systems of buildings and structures are highly valued and will always be valued. The work of such specialists is well paid, therefore, after completing the courses for designers of low-current systems, the course participant can count on quick employment and decent payment for their work.

The National Quality Systems company is ready to promote active professional and career growth anyone who wants it. Our specialists have developed not only courses for designers of low-current systems, but also many other special offers for personnel training and advanced training. The training center is ready to provide all its teaching and scientific resources to provide competent and complete training for specialists in any industry. LLC "NSK" offers a large number of courses in various specialties, starting with design training fire alarm and ending with the training of specialists in surveying.