home · Other · Orthopedic bolster pillow how to sleep. Correct use of an orthopedic pillow. Test your pillow to make sure the firmness, height and shape are right for you

Orthopedic bolster pillow how to sleep. Correct use of an orthopedic pillow. Test your pillow to make sure the firmness, height and shape are right for you

Sedentary work and low level physical activity during the day is not uncommon these days. And if we add to this the fact that most of us spend most of the day, and quite often at night, in an uncomfortable position, then it is not surprising that back diseases are so common.

During the day, you can walk or do something to change your uncomfortable position to a more comfortable one, distract yourself, or do a few things. physical exercise. But at night, it all depends on what kind of bed and pillow you have. Today, orthopedic products are very popular. They can save you from many problems. We want to talk about choosing an orthopedic pillow in our article.

The functions of this product are already reflected in its name. After all, this household item has a very positive effect on the condition of our spine during night sleep. Anatomical pillow fixes the body in a certain position. Moreover, it is comfortable to sleep on it not only on your side, but also lying on your back. In addition, a comfortable position of the neck and head during the night allows a person to get good rest and recharge with vigor and positivity for the whole next day.

Some people think that sleeping without a pillow at all is beneficial, although uncomfortable. But that's not true. Such a dream can not only create discomfort, but also worsen blood supply to the brain due to compression of blood vessels and cause myofascial pain. Orthopedic pillow provided the right choice solves this problem once and for all.

With its help, you can reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of osteochondrosis, since it reduces the load on the spinal column and the intensity of pain if pathological changes already exist. In addition, lack of adequate sleep can lead to depression, decreased performance, drowsiness, irritability, headache due to overexertion and other disorders. When you rest on an anatomical pillow, individually selected, all these problems will not bother you.

Orthopedic pillows come in the most different forms and magnitude. Therefore, it is easy and convenient to choose, depending on your parameters, exactly the one that is ideal for you. It is very important not to rush and first measure the distance between your shoulders at home. The help of a good sales consultant will also be indispensable, so it is best to buy an orthopedic pillow in a specialized store.

Depending on the shape

If you have wide shoulders, then choose a product with a length of 70-75 cm, and if you have narrow shoulders, then a pillow less than 60 cm is suitable. If you decide to buy a pillow for a child, then a length of 20-30 cm is quite enough.

In addition to this parameter, it is important to choose a suitable height pillow, otherwise it will only harm you. Two parameters are of great importance here:

  • how you lie while sleeping;
  • what do you sleep on?

If your favorite sleeping position is on one side, then you can buy a pillow higher than 10 cm. A product with side bolsters that will fix your head and prevent your body from taking the wrong position is also good.

If you mostly sleep on your back or stomach, then you should not buy a high pillow. An orthopedic pillow from 6 cm in height is ideal. Please pay Special attention on a product with a small depression in the middle.

Another important parameter when choosing a pillow is its shape. Here we cannot give you recommendations on what to choose, since each person has his own own preferences. It is only worth noting that there are pillows not only for the head, but also for other parts of the body, for example, under the back, arm, shoulder. Except home use you can carry them with you or use them in your car.

Internal structure and material

The most important criterion for choosing an orthopedic pillow is, of course, its filler. It comes in several types:

  • latex or its variety called “viscolatex”;
  • cooling gel;
  • latex springs having a very short length;
  • foam made from special material biological origin.

There are also anatomical pillows with natural filling. This is, for example, buckwheat husk, which easily takes the shape of the human body and holds it, unloading the muscles and vertebrae of the cervical region and allowing you to have a good rest and sleep. Please remember that this product requires special care and storage conditions.

Other selection criteria

In addition to differences in shape and structure, orthopedic pillows differ in manufacturer and price. The production of these products is carried out by the most different countries, among which the most popular are pillows from Italy, Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc. Anatomical products from Russia are also increasingly in demand in the modern market.

For example, among manufacturers in Russia the leading companies are Trivers, Trelax, Askona, Ormatek and many others. They have long proven themselves in Russian market and are known abroad for their high quality material and filler, as well as ease of use.

Tempur from Denmark, Bedding Industries from Italy, and many others find their customers all over the world.

The choice of an orthopedic pillow should be approached responsibly. After all, the quality of your night's rest largely depends on it. Of course, reviews from familiar relatives and friends are very important. But you shouldn’t rely on them completely, because due to individual characteristics body structure, height, weight, shoulder width, what suits them perfectly cannot be used for you.

If you feel discomfort while resting on a pillow, this does not always mean that the product is not suitable for you. Usually, getting used to it, especially if you previously slept on a large down or synthetic padding pillow, occurs within a few days. If the inconvenience does not go away for a month or more, the product must be replaced, since you made the wrong choice.

If you most If you sleep on your back rather than on your right or left side, then buy a low pillow. If your favorite sleeping position is on your stomach, then choose a low and soft one. The mattress is also of great importance when choosing an orthopedic pillow. The softer it is, the higher it will be required. If you have wide shoulders, then choose a taller and larger model. If you constantly want to put your hand under your head, then you have chosen a pillow that is not high enough.

Remember that pain in the neck, body numbness, and discomfort are the main signs of an incorrectly selected product. Also, before going to the store for an anatomical pillow or purchasing on a website on the Internet, measure your shoulder length. The length of the pillow should be slightly larger than this.

Product care rules

In order for your pillow to remain usable for as long as possible, you need to follow a few simple rules. These include mandatory weekly ventilation outside and compliance with all recommendations prescribed in the instructions. Also remember: in order not to interfere with the ventilation of the pillow, do not cover it with a blanket and leave it in open form during the whole day. For the same purpose, do not use too dense or thick fabrics for pillowcases.

The humidity in the room should not be high. Its indicators above 65-70% harm the product. Careful handling is very important for durability. An orthopedic pillow requires constant turning and shaking; it should not be thrown, crushed, or stored in the wrong position for a long time.

Comparative characteristics of some types

Most often, a buyer who wants to purchase an orthopedic pillow for the first time is lost in the variety of shapes, sizes, sizes, fillers and manufacturers. In addition, there are companies that produce specialized products designed for childhood and people recovering from injuries and already having serious problems with the spine.

We would like to dwell in more detail on Italian and Russian manufacturers, whose products are most popular in our country. In Russia, as mentioned above, several companies are engaged in the production of orthopedic pillows. Among them are Trivers, Trelax, Askona and Ormatek. Well-known Italian manufacturers include companies such as Magniflex, MaterLux, Vefer and Sealy.

The price category for products from both Russian and Italian companies is approximately the same. average cost each product starts at 2000 rubles. Italian products are distinguished by their unique shape and used natural materials. Most often, the upper part of such orthopedic pillows is curved in the form of a wave and has different height levels, which allows a person to fit most comfortably while sleeping.

The Russian company Trelax produces orthopedic pillows of the very different types and designs suitable for the whole family: from the youngest to the oldest members. Distinctive feature This manufacturer has an assortment of unusual products, for example, designer pillows for babies, which perfectly cope with their main function of correct positioning of the body during sleep and unloading the cervical spine, and protect the child from injury.

The use of orthopedic pillows has its positive and negative sides. Below we will talk about the main ones.

Advantages of using anatomical pillows

  1. Absolutely environmentally friendly

Well-known and time-tested manufacturers use only high-quality materials in the production of such orthopedic pillows.

  1. Safety

It is worth remembering that an orthopedic pillow will become completely safe for human health only if correct selection. Otherwise, its use may result in back pain and other problems.

  1. Comfort and ease of use

Thanks to the high-quality materials used in the production of the orthopedic pillow, as well as its individually selected type, each of your sleep will be pleasant and complete, and in the morning after waking up you will feel completely rested.

  1. Hypoallergenic

Unlike a feather pillow, the composition of an orthopedic pillow is suitable for almost everyone - regardless of price or manufacturer.

  1. Easy to care for

Each manufacturer will tell you in detail about the features of caring for their product in the package insert or operating instructions.

  1. Correct body position while sleeping

Each orthopedic pillow gently fixes the neck and head in the correct position throughout the entire sleep period. This helps avoid leaking and other problems.

  1. Long operating time

An anatomical pillow will serve you for a very long time, without requiring special care, spending money on dry cleaning and time.

Disadvantages of using orthopedic pillows

  1. Price

Today, despite its popularity, an orthopedic pillow is not a cheap pleasure.

  1. Consequences of a wrong choice

A low-quality or incorrectly selected anatomical pillow will do more harm than good. Therefore, take her choice seriously, not relying only on the opinions of your friends and acquaintances, commercials or reviews on the Internet. Consider your individual parameters and body structure.

As you can see, there are many types anatomical pillows. They all differ from each other in shape, quality, structure, manufacturer, and price category. It is very important to choose just such a pillow, on which you will sleep comfortably and comfortably, and after waking up you will feel full of energy and rested. To do this, take into account all the features of each type of product, objectively evaluate your parameters and choose the one that’s right for you.

Continuous stress at work, staying in one position for long periods of time and lack of exercise take a toll on general condition body. Constant fatigue against the background of prolonged overexertion leads to nervousness and irritation. Feeling worse and appearance, and after them health. Even during sleep, the long-awaited relaxation and rest does not come. So, it's time to buy an orthopedic pillow.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping

Before you make a purchase that is so necessary for your comfortable sleep, you should answer the following questions: next questions which will help you determine the fillers and types of sleeping pillows that are suitable for you:

  1. What position do you prefer to sleep in?
  2. What is your shoulder length?
  3. Do you have any allergies or aversion to any odors?
  4. Do you suffer from neuralgia, osteochondrosis or muscle spasms in the neck?

For those who prefer to sleep on their back, choose a low pillow. The wide part placed under the neck should not exceed 6 cm so as not to compress the vertebral artery. The cushion under the cervical spine should be of medium hardness, and the surface for the head should be softer. Orthopedic pillows in the shape of a horseshoe or butterfly are best suited for babies.

Side sleepers should pay attention to a standard flat pillow with two humps.

Tourists and business travelers often have to sleep in soft chair bus. For traveling, a pillow or a pillow in the shape of a horseshoe will suit you. It is better to take a soft filler.

A new trend - star-shaped pillows - began to be positioned as orthopedic for those who like to sleep on their stomachs. You can just as well use small round ones. sofa cushions or butterflies.

Determining the height of the sleeping pillow

To measure the length of your shoulder, take a fabric “centimeter” and place one end of it at the beginning of your neck. Measure the distance from the beginning of the neck to the bone on the shoulder. At this time, your shoulders should be in a natural position and relaxed.

The height of your future sleeping accessory should correspond to the result obtained. To maintain the anatomical position of the spine throughout sleep, choose a hard or medium-hard filler.

If you have doubts about whether you have chosen the correct height of the pillow - listen to your feelings when waking up in the morning. If your neck is stiff, then the orthopedic device is too low for you. If painful sensations localized in the area of ​​the back of the head or temples, then you should take care of reducing the height of the pillow.

Correct use of an orthopedic pillow

How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly: your shoulders should be positioned outside the pillow. The main purpose of the product is to compensate for the difference between the shoulders and head of a person in a lying position.

Thus, the high part of the orthopedic pillow should be placed in the neck area. This provision must be observed in relation to any type of sleeping accessory and your preferred sleeping position.

To sleep on your back, use the lower part of the orthopedic pillow. The main rule is that the head and neck are in line with the body.

Selection of filler and accompanying care

Having heard a lot about the benefits of any filling for orthopedic bedding, people often go to the nearest store to purchase it. Later they will be disappointed, since the characteristics of the filler and individual tolerance were not taken into account. Let's list the pillow fillers available on the market and find out how to use an orthopedic pillow depending on its contents:

Eco-friendly fillers

These include buckwheat or rice husks, hop cones, wool, cotton, bamboo or other natural ingredients. They may provide additional light massage. They have a calming effect, often based on the use of aromatherapy. Orthopedic pillows with husks or hops are short-lived because, over time, such filler turns into dust. Natural fillers may cause allergies.

Synthetic fillers

Available in the form of monolithic forms (latex, biofoam, memory, etc.), fiber (silicone, holofiber) or small balls (comforel). Hypoallergenic and durable. Causes sweating of the head and requires frequent ventilation. It is not recommended to cover such pillows with a blanket or bedspread during the day. Monolithic pillows should not be washed or dried near heating devices. Dirt is removed from them with a damp sponge soaked in detergent.

Gel filler

Has a cooling effect and evenly distributes the load. Not recommended for people with inflammation of the trigeminal or occipital nerve.

When purchasing an orthopedic pillow, many people are unaware of exactly how to use it. Most people can make mistakes and use it incorrectly and for other purposes. In this article we will help you understand the question of how to use an orthopedic pillow in order to maintain your health and get enough sleep every night, having great mood and good health.

Detailed description of the correct use of a pillow during sleep

Each of us should know that an orthopedic pillow is much more useful than any other. Nowadays you can find a wide range of pillows on sale, including padding polyester, feather, silicone, and down. But you should give preference to orthopedic ones. However, for some reason many people hesitate to purchase this pillow. Others, having bought this “invention,” do not know how to use it correctly. As a result, they make mistakes, as a result of which their sleep turns into torment. Now you can learn in detail about how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly and get great pleasure from sleeping on it. By following the rules, you can easily maintain your health.

Everyone probably knows that an uncomfortable posture during prolonged sleep can lead to pain in the neck and back. As a result of a poor night's rest, your well-being and quality of life may deteriorate due to constant lack of sleep. An orthopedic pillow will help you learn how to sleep correctly and get maximum pleasure from your sleep. You can sleep well on it, and gray days will become joyful days for you, thanks to the correct use of this pillow.

First, you should understand the main points that relate to the correct use of an orthopedic pillow.

  1. First, you should understand that an orthopedic pillow is aimed at supporting the neck during sleep, and not the head. This rule is basic, so you should always remember it.
  2. Secondly, it is imperative to pay attention to the fact that the orthopedic pillow must have two sides, one of which is low and the other higher. To determine the correct position of the pillow, you must consider that it is designed for the correct anatomical position of the neck and spine. Subject to of this rule you can always get a great night's sleep.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account that the pillow consists of cushions different heights. The position of the pillow necessarily depends on the position in which the person sleeps. If he sleeps on his back, then the pillow should lie with a large cushion under the neck, and a small one under the head. If a person lies on his side, it is recommended to turn the pillow over so that the large cushion is under the head. In this position, the pillow will fill the space between the head and shoulder, while the neck will not sag, and the head will return to its usual position.

It is no secret that for many people cervical osteochondrosis is a real problem. Very often this disease appears as a result malfunction spine, sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity and, of course, incorrect position during sleep. Negative muscle changes especially occur with age and it is very difficult to combat these ailments. Modern medicine offers various methods treatment, but doctors will definitely advise you to purchase an orthopedic pillow.

Some experts may advise sleeping without a pillow at all in case of problems with the neck and spine, but it has already been proven that this serious mistake, since the neck in this position will strain even more. And an orthopedic pillow, when used correctly, helps the cervical vertebrae relax, thanks to its support with a large cushion.

When purchasing an orthopedic pillow, you should consider its shape and size. They must be selected exactly for the person who will sleep on it. An ordinary pillow is not suitable for the treatment of neck diseases, because during sleep the neck is located almost at the same level as the head, that is, the vertebrae will be somewhat displaced, as a result of which the cerebral blood supply will be disrupted. In case of such a disease, the pillow should only be rectangular.

While sleeping on an orthopedic pillow, the neck will be able to accept correct position, all muscles will relax, and blood vessels, going to the brain will not be compressed.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns

Many adults already use orthopedic pillows. It is worth noting that these also exist for children, only they differ slightly in shape, but they have similar characteristics and properties to pillows for adults.

Most diseases that can appear at an older age begin to develop in childhood. Therefore, to prevent them, the child’s body needs proper rest, and, accordingly, high-quality bedding.

The playpen, mattress, pillow, blanket must be made of quality materials, which will promote healthy sleep and child development.

Very often, newborns are put to sleep without a pillow at all - in this case, you need to raise the head of the head a little.

Pillows for newborns are designed according to all the rules: they allow the child to have quality rest. Taking into account all the anatomical features of the structure of a child’s body, the pillow allows the baby’s muscles and spine to completely relax during sleep, which allows the baby to feel comfortable. The ideal pillow helps your child avoid torticollis and headaches, and it also reduces muscle tone.

The orthopedic pillow that you plan to buy for your baby must meet the following requirements:

  • the pillow is made of quality materials;
  • the pillow is safe;
  • the filler must be made from hypoallergenic materials;
  • has thermal insulation properties.

If you have a pillow for feeding, then know that under no circumstances should it be used for sleeping, as this is completely different devices, which have completely different purposes.

The main feature of an orthopedic pillow for newborns is its configuration, which helps children develop correct form heads. The presence of a recess in the center of the pillow is its main feature.

Children's pillows are filled with synthetic fluff or latex. These materials are recognized as environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies in babies. By the way, latex has additional advantages: it, like plasticine, takes the shape of a child’s body and helps children enjoy long hours of undisturbed sleep.


Spine problems are common among modern people. Regular exercise and correct body position during sleep will help relieve back pain. So that the spine is fully rested, and the brain tissue is supplied the right amount oxygen, a special orthopedic pillow is required.

Types of orthopedic pillows

The main rule of sleep is that the neck and spine should be in a straight line, and the head should be slightly thrown back. To create such a situation it is necessary special product, which fills the cervical curve. There are several types of orthopedic pillows, but latex ones are more common. The basis is foamed rubber, which has high elasticity and softness. This type of product is distinguished by its durability (service life up to 10 years). They can be washed in an automatic machine or by hand, and cut with a knife to give the desired size.

Products made from viscoelastic foam change under weight. Pillows are made from environmentally friendly pure materials. Manufacturers of such products claim that when using them, a person’s blood supply, breathing, and ventilation of the lungs improve. The third type of orthopedic products is made of polyester. This is an ideal price/quality ratio. They are height adjustable and easy to wash. The pillows contain filler: sliding silicone balls, the high mobility of which ensures softness.

Anatomical sleeping pillows can be oval, rectangular, square or any other fancy shape. They are also divided by type:

  1. Under your feet. Used to support the knees, pelvis, and spine at the desired angle to relieve muscle tension.
  2. Lumbar. Maintains posture in a sitting position. Ideal for people who work at a computer for a long time or professional motorists.
  3. Wedge-shaped. Used by expectant mothers to support their back and abdomen during sleep.
  4. Cervical. It is shaped like a horseshoe and is used when traveling to support the neck muscles.
  5. Cervical. Used to relax the neck muscles to get rid of snoring or headaches.

The right orthopedic pillow

The classic type of these accessories attracts with its simplicity, ergonomics, and elegance. For those who sleep on their side, it is better to buy an orthopedic pillow that has a recess for the shoulder. Anatomical products of the “wave” type, consisting of two rollers, are suitable for everyone, as they are universal. This design allows you to choose any comfortable position. The first roller is needed for resting on your back, the second for lying on your side. You should be careful when buying sleep accessories with fixed shapes that have cartridges inserted inside them. They may not fit your neck length.

For the cervical spine

Why don't doctors recommend stacking one pillow on top of another or sleeping on high headrests? This position of the neck creates a spasm, which leads to headaches. An orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine will relieve the muscles during rest, gently fixing the vertebrae. A special cushion prevents the head from tilting to the sides, ensuring proper blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. In orthopedics, crescent-shaped products are used to support the cervical spine.

It is better to buy a pillow filled with gel balls, which do not cause allergies and are highly breathable. The cover of the product must be made of natural fabrics: cotton, silk or wool. Rating best pillows for the neck:

  • TRAVELING (Poland);
  • 1350 rubles;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • main advantages: cover made of natural cotton, comfortable to sit on an office chair;
  • cons: sleeping on such a product takes some getting used to.

Another popular model with a neck recess:

  • Magniflex Comfort Pillow 52*32;
  • 8800 rubles;
  • filler – latex foam with perforation;
  • pros: ideal after spinal injuries, good for watching television, universal (you can sleep on your side and back);
  • cons: high price, small size.

With memory effect

Such a device is designed not only to provide complete rest - it has a healing effect. A pillow with an orthopedic memory effect helps prevent osteochondrosis. Doctors actively recommend it to solve all problems with the spine to reduce pain and stress. The uniqueness of the product is that the memory pillow helps to relax the back muscles as much as possible, because the material retains the shape of the head for a long time. “Smart” orthopedic pillows are developed together with somnologists and neurologists, so they can easily adapt to the anatomical features of the owner.

The best products of this type:

  • 2090 rubles;
  • medical polyurethane, cover – polyester;
  • advantages: can take any body position;
  • cons: you need to get used to the “plasticine” effect.

More expensive and higher quality model Russian manufacturer:

  • OrMax Dream Contur 50*30;
  • 4520 rubles;
  • polyurethane with memory effect, pillowcase made of cotton (80%) and polyester (20%);
  • pros: relieves numbness in the hands, dizziness, headaches;
  • cons: high price, discomfort may be present in the first week of use, hand wash only.

For sleep

Orthopedic sleeping pillows with bamboo filling have recently appeared on the Russian market. They are not stuffed with plant pieces, but in their composition are more reminiscent of padding polyester. The filler of the products is bamboo fiber - an unusually elastic and soft raw material. Industrial processing of plants is relatively inexpensive, so products can also be purchased at an affordable price.

Another new product is an orthopedic accessory with a pillowcase made of camel hair. The unique properties of the cover ensure sound sleep and have a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body. Pillows made from buckwheat husks are highly valued, especially for babies over 2 months old. The product does not cause allergic reactions in the baby, and due to its structure it provides soft and springy support for the neck. High-quality orthopedic pillows that are easy to buy in the online store:

  • Hilbert Harmonie;
  • 3900 rubles;
  • viscoelastic foam;
  • pros: the recess in the middle keeps the head in the correct position;
  • Cons: Cannot be exposed to UV rays.

New generation of orthopedic sleep products:

  • Sissel Temp-control (Sweden);
  • 3900 rubles;
  • molded polyurethane foam, pillowcase – 100% cotton;
  • advantages: indispensable for osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other problems of the spinal column;
  • cons: only for adults, large for children.

Children's orthopedic pillows

It is a little more difficult to choose a product for a child to sleep on, because he must first be explained how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly and given time to get used to it. For newborn babies, such accessories are not needed, and by the age of one year, orthopedists insist on using a cushion under the head. Children's orthopedic pillows come in a variety of configurations: inclined (angle up to 30 degrees), anatomical with memory, side, for fixing the whole body, butterfly-shaped with petal rollers on the sides. The most popular products for children:

  • Trelax MIMI;
  • 1190 rubles;
  • polyurethane with silver ions, cotton;
  • advantages: prevents the risk of developing osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and poor posture;
  • cons: only for newborns (up to 18 months).

Another successful model from a Russian manufacturer for older children:

  • Trelax OPTIMA BABY:
  • 1530 rubles;
  • polyurethane foam, 100% cotton;
  • pros: correct sleeping position, nice design;
  • disadvantages: not all children get used to it, stains from the cover cannot be washed off, you can’t sleep on your stomach.

For legs

This product helps to correct the position of the body on the bed and any other surface. An orthopedic foot pillow is made in the form of a bolster, and is placed under the knees or between lower limbs. This perfect solution to relieve tension from the spine for those who like to rest on their side. When a person rests on his back, the pillow is placed under the knees. This sleep accessory is often purchased by pregnant women to prevent the development of varicose veins. Popular models:

  • 2020 rubles;
  • polyurethane, cotton;
  • pros: relieves leg fatigue, height can be adjusted;
  • Cons: The wedge shape is only comfortable for sleeping on your back.

Inflatable orthopedic accessory for legs, which is inflated with air:

  • 2320 rubles;
  • high quality PVC;
  • pros: promotes relaxation of the hip, knee and ankle joints;
  • Cons: needs to be inflated before use.

For traveling

Long trips should also be comfortable. This orthopedic travel pillow is designed in the shape of a bagel. In it, the neck and shoulder girdle are in the correct position, which helps to avoid stiffness and swelling during long air flights. The most popular among travelers are inflatable headrests. When folded, they take up little space and are much cheaper. Models worth paying attention to:

  • Trives, TOP-126;
  • 1210 rubles;
  • polyurethane foam, polyester 60%, cotton 40%;
  • pros: the height of the roller and the degree of rigidity are adjustable;
  • cons: large dimensions for travel.

Inflatable model:

  • 220 rubles;
  • PVC, velvet;
  • pros: low price, takes into account the anatomical features of the neck;
  • Cons: Needs to be inflated before use.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow

The selection of orthopedic products must be approached responsibly. Right choice depends on who will use the product. The best orthopedic pillow for an adult is in the shape of a classic rectangle. This is a universal model that provides complete rest and correct position of the spine. A child should choose pillows from children's models on the recommendation of an orthopedist.

Ordinary down and feather pillows are a thing of the distant past. Nowadays, modern bedroom accessories with artificial fillings are more popular.

For sleep to be beneficial, you must follow the rules for using this device:

  • You can't sleep on your stomach. With this position, the neck forms an unnatural bend, affecting the evenness of the spinal region. When positioning on your stomach, it is better to place a small blanket under your head.
  • The height of the pillows should correspond to the width of the shoulders. People with broad shoulders are better off using voluminous bedding, while people with a fragile build should use thinner ones.
  • Place only your head on the pillow. Sleeping accessories are suitable for this rectangular shape. They should be above the shoulders, they can be moved to the head of the head or folded in half.
  • Do not raise your head high while sleeping. There is no need to put bulky bedding under your back and head.

Let's look at how to sleep correctly on an orthopedic pillow to get a pleasant feeling and healthy sleep:

  • On the back. For this position, you need to choose low, medium-hard bedding measuring 40 by 60 cm. It will allow you to completely relax your shoulders, neck and head, and the spinal column will take its natural position.
  • On the stomach. Use a low, soft pad. But great importance You need to pay attention to the position of your hands in your sleep. When placing your hands under your head, it is better to use a product with a lower height.
  • On the side. In this position, choose tall and solid products to support the head, neck and shoulders and create a natural position for the spine.

Important! A crescent-shaped pillow should be used by those who rarely change position while sleeping.

Which pillow is best for a person to sleep on depends on his habits, capabilities and desires. But the main thing you need to take into account is that the high part of it should be placed in the cervical area and the shoulders should not be placed on it.

It is harmful to use a regular sleep product for cervical osteochondrosis. With such rest, the position of the neck is parallel to the head, which leads to displacement of the vertebrae and impaired cerebral circulation.

People suffering from this disease wake up after a night's sleep with neck and back pain. Better to use orthopedic product rectangular in shape with a dense cushion that is not located on the edge of the pillow.

The neck will take the correct position, the muscles will relax. And blood will flow freely to the brain.

Is sleeping without a pillow good or bad?

Is it healthy to sleep without a pillow? Its absence can disrupt proper sleep. During rest, a person should breathe properly and metabolism should not be disturbed. This may be accompanied good dream on the correct product.

What are the risks of sleeping without a pillow?

  1. Appearance deteriorates. Due to impaired blood flow to the head, swelling appears on the face.
  2. Snoring appears.
  3. Osteochondrosis develops.
  4. The flow of blood to the brain is disrupted.
  5. Chemical processes in the body slow down.
  6. The cervical artery is bent.
  7. An ischemic stroke may occur.

Sleeping without pillows is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful. The only category of people who do not require this device are newborn babies.

How to sleep when pregnant?

For pregnant women, a special sleeping pillow is created, which is a large device in the shape of a long banana that helps you sit comfortably and relax your muscles while sleeping. You need to rest on it correctly so as not to harm the baby.

To do this, you need to follow some tips:

  • You need to choose bedding so that its length is from the floor to the woman’s chest. Smaller sizes are not recommended.
  • In a position on your side, you need to place part of the product under your stomach, and press the outer part with your knees. This arrangement will support the stomach and a comfortable position of the legs. Upper part can be placed under the chest and cervical region and hug with your arms.
  • In a sitting or semi-sitting position, place the product under lumbar region back, thereby relieving the load from it. By wrapping the pillow around your waist, you can relax and fall asleep without fear of numbness in your upper limbs.
  • A regular folded blanket or blanket large sizes Can replace a pregnancy pillow. When using it, you must avoid turning over onto your back.
  • The filling of maternity bedding does not affect its benefits. The most important thing is proper use.

Important! A pregnant woman should not sleep on her back or stomach. This can harm the child's development. Therefore, it is better to choose a position on your side, changing it alternately during the entire duration of sleep.

The pregnancy pillow can also be used after the birth of the baby. All family members can continue to sleep on it, and it can also be conveniently used when feeding a child.

When can a child sleep on a pillow?

At what age do children sleep on a pillow? It is not recommended to use the pad until the child is one year old. To find out when a child can sleep on a pillow, you must first understand why this bedding cannot be used for infant sleep.

During sleep, the child is not able to control his movements and, when turning over, may bury his nose and mouth in the bedding and suffocate.

Using such bedding for up to a year can also cause curvature of the spine and cause an allergy to artificial fillers of the material.

Therefore, at what point can a child sleep on a pillow, each parent will decide independently, observing the behavior of their baby.

If the child prefers to sleep on his stomach, you need to slightly raise the mattress in the head area. If the baby often burps, you can use a pillow that fixes the lateral position.

In the case when parents cannot determine whether the child needs a pillow, it is necessary to monitor the baby during sleep and ask for advice on the right choice bedding at the pediatrician's office.

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