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Regulations on anti-terrorism activities in educational institutions. Regulatory and legal documents on anti-terrorism security

A few decades ago, the word “terrorism” seemed distant and had nothing to do with ordinary people, especially children. Today this word has firmly entered the lexicon, and the terrorist threat has become an everyday reality. The state is faced with an urgent task - to ensure the protection of the younger generation from this terrible danger.

School security

Activities of the commission

The Anti-Terrorism Commission draws up a plan of work and joint activities with law enforcement agencies. A complete inventory is carried out to examine the existing entrances and exits and ensure their protection and control of all persons entering the territory of the educational institution. During the inventory, the commission determines the minimum number of entrances that must be left open; the rest are closed and sealed.

The commission is also developing instructions on anti-terrorism security at school, which detail the actions of staff and children in the event of a threat to the safety of people present on school grounds. The set of preventive measures includes:

  • daily inspection of the territory, inspection of all places where an explosive device can be planted;
  • regular inspection of warehouse premises, especially after the receipt of any materials;
  • careful control over the selection of personnel;
  • systematic inspection of premises leased;
  • Security guards walk around the school building in the evenings to check the integrity of windows, bars, and doors;
  • instruction on anti-terrorism security at school together with law enforcement officials.

Actions to take if a terrorist attack is suspected

If there are suspicions that a terrorist attack may be organized, you should increase your vigilance and immediately report the following suspicious signs to the director:

  • an attempt by strangers to enter the school;
  • the desire of strangers to come into contact with security or children;
  • monitoring the school territory - visually or using technical means;
  • studying utility rooms strangers;
  • the arrival of unordered cargo at the school or the appearance of unfamiliar objects on the territory;
  • failure of the alarm system, telephone communications or electricity.

Actions when foreign objects appear

Instructions for anti-terrorism security at school suggest the following actions that members of the commission should take when unfamiliar objects appear:

  • record the time of detection and notify the school principal;
  • evacuate all people currently on the school grounds;
  • urgently notify all services and law enforcement agencies and ensure control over their unhindered access to the location of the item;
  • All persons arriving at the scene of the incident should be allowed through after a thorough check and with the permission of the director.

Working with students

Regular instruction on anti-terrorism security at school must be carried out with schoolchildren. They need to be explained the dangers and inadmissibility of the following actions:

  • touch or use packages or objects found on the street;
  • take any things or toys from strangers;
  • Do not touch a wire or cord stretched in some place.

Ensuring anti-terrorist security at school also determines the procedure for dealing with threats received by telephone:

  • try to remember the entire conversation and immediately write it down on paper;
  • if possible, write down the caller's number;
  • during a conversation, try to determine the gender or age of the caller, some features of speech;
  • remember the features of the background sound during a call - train noise, people's voices, etc.;
  • record the call time;
  • immediately after the call, report it only to the school principal or his deputy;
  • no need to hang up the phone after finishing the call.

Organization of safety on holidays

For threats, two weeks before the holidays, the director issues an order to strengthen anti-terrorism security at the school, which regulates additional measures taken to ensure the safe conduct of holiday events. These actions include:

  • conducting unscheduled briefings for teachers, other staff, and school students;
  • strengthening security and tightening the access system;
  • duty of teachers, students on the floors, stairs, and in the dining room;
  • daily inspection of all premises, entrances and exits;
  • control for ;
  • timely removal of waste, ensuring proper sanitary condition of the territory.

Control over the execution of the order lies with the school director. For each case of violation of an order, an official investigation must be carried out and those responsible must be brought to justice.

Forms of working with children

To provide effective protection In order to protect schools from the terrorist threat, working with children - primary school students - is of great importance. Of course, it is difficult to explain to a child the need to follow safety rules without scaring him. You need to try to do this in a soft form or through game situations. The child must learn to behave correctly in unusual situations. Unfortunately, terrorism is a reality, and a child must be prepared for it in order to save his life. Anti-terrorism security in a school may also include additional measures depending on the specific conditions in which it operates.

Terrorism is a dangerous phenomenon in modern life that affects all layers of society. Knowing the rules of behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack will allow you to protect yourself and others from its consequences.

Modern Humanitarian Academy


Textbook for basic students

educational institutions




Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M.V. Goncharov

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N.P. Grishchenko

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor I.N. Noss

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Psychology,

Professor V.V. Sysoev

Doctor of Psychology, Professor V.L. Tsvetkov

Davydov D.G. Terrorism is evil: textbook for students at the basic level of general education institutions / Ed. A.G. Karayani. - M.: OPSS, 2008.


The manual was developed in the logic of the textbooks “Terrorism is Evil”, prepared for general education institutions and revealing the essence and causes of terrorism, its misanthropic nature. This manual, in a form accessible to teenagers, reveals the harm and heinousness of terrorism, sets out its causes and encourages them to fight it. The study guide offers answers to basic questions that a teenager may have about terrorism. Particular attention is paid to preventing teenagers from being drawn into terrorist activities.

The materials of the manual can be used in classes on “Fundamentals of Life Safety” and “Social Studies”, during extracurricular educational work. All sections of the textbook are equipped with test questions, tasks for reflection and discussion with friends and parents.

ISBN  D.G. Davydov

Design SSU Publishing House, 2008


§1. Why is everyone talking about terrorism?

§2. Where does terrorism come from?

§3. How terrorists think

§4. Totalitarian sects are accomplices of terrorism

§5.The path of the terrorist

§6. Adolescence in the plans of terrorists

§7. How to avoid becoming a victim of terrorists

§8. Telephone terrorism

§9. I want to fight terrorism



Terrorism is a word that can be heard often today. It is discussed among relatives, teachers and just passers-by. They talk about him on the television news. Terrorists are shown in films and written about in books. Adults are very concerned about this topic. And, for sure, they have already told you that terrorism is a great evil. But it’s not easy to explain why this evil cannot be taken and destroyed. Scientists and politicians know how complex this phenomenon is and how difficult it is to eradicate it. In the first book for primary school, you learned what terrorism is, what terrorists do and why, and how the state fights them. Now that you know more about the world around us and have a better understanding of human behavior, we return to the conversation about terrorism. After all, in order for this terrible word to leave our lives, we need to do a lot, know a lot and have insight - be able to see the hidden reasons for the behavior of others.

Terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center skyscrapers in New York on September 11, 2001.

Picture 1.

Terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center skyscrapers in New York on September 11, 2001

Let us first remember that terrorism is not a natural disaster; there are very specific people behind it. They seek to quarrel among our peoples, divide Russia into separate weak states, and seize power in them. They cannot do this politically or militarily. And then they resort to a disgusting means - terrorism. Terrorism This type of criminal activity is considered when bandits blow up, kill, take hostages or intimidate civilians, brutally abuse hostages in order to achieve criminal goals and harm society and the state. Terrorist acts are committed only to intimidate the remaining survivors as much as possible. The main task of terrorists is to make people afraid, to doubt their country, their leadership, and to agree to fulfill all the demands of the criminals.

Russia's opponents spend huge amounts of money to find such criminals, arm them and organize terrorist attacks. It is thanks to their evil will that explosions sound, planes crash, and people die. To strike terror into the hearts of people, terrorists have come up with various methods of terrorist acts:

Results of a terrorist attack on the railway.

Rice. 1.1. Results of a terrorist attack on the railway.

) explosions in residential buildings, airplanes, trains, passages and trains in the subway, buses;

2) taking people hostage;

3) murder of political figures and famous people;

4) hijacking planes to fly them into cities and use them as huge bombs;

5) arson of forests, residential buildings, vehicles;

6) explosions of dangerous objects (for example, nuclear power plants, dams on reservoirs, chemical plants) that can lead to mass illness and death;

7) destruction of vital facilities (power lines, water supply, communications), especially valuable cultural monuments (temples, mosques, museums).

In recent years, due to the development of the Internet, a new type of terrorism has emerged - cyber terrorism. Its essence lies in the threat and real actions of Internet fraudsters (hackers) causing harm to government and public organizations during the transfer and storage of computer data. As a result, the activities of state and public institutions may be temporarily blocked, and the management of state bodies, enterprises, and even transport is disrupted. All this, according to cyberterrorists, should lead to panic, economic and political instability in the country.

Terrorists often use guns and explosives, but this is not war. During even the most brutal wars, soldiers are careful not to damage schools, hospitals, religious buildings and homes. Since there are strict rules of warfare in this regard. If a soldier shoots at civilians, then such a soldier is subject to strict justice and severe punishment. The situation is different for terrorists. When committing crimes, terrorists choose safe places such as hospitals, schools, theaters, concert venues, and markets. The more children and women there are among the people subjected to a terrorist attack, the more this plays into the hands of terrorists.

Those who organize terrorist attacks most often pursue the goal of gaining access to power and wealth. But to organize murders and explosions, by hook or by crook, they attract other people. Perpetrators of terrorist attacks can be:

    people who dream of fame, wealth and power, but are unable to achieve this in normal ways;

    people who have a distorted understanding of religious commandments;

    people experiencing grief and loss loved one and wishing to avenge his death;

    mentally ill and drug addicts.

Severe penalties are provided for participation in terrorist activities in all countries. All terrorists are criminals, and after they fall into the hands of law enforcement, they are tried and imprisoned.

Children's drawing of a terrorist attack.

Terrorism has brought pain and grief to many Russian families. Innocent people of different nationalities, religions, professions, and ages died in terrorist attacks. That is why millions of people hate terrorists and curse them.

Terrorism can and must be defeated. For this purpose, interaction between all states of the world has been organized. Most countries agreed not to follow the lead of bandits, to prohibit the propaganda of terrorism, to jointly catch terrorists, not to allow terrorists to hide on their territory, and not to supply them with weapons and money.

Fighting terrorism is a noble and honorable activity. Our state does a lot to protect its citizens from terrorists. But the state alone cannot defeat terrorism. This requires the efforts of all Russian citizens. Regardless of age, everyone can contribute to the fight against the evil of terrorism.

Test your previous knowledge:

    What is terrorism called?

    Why is terrorism called evil?

    How would you answer the question “What nationality are terrorists”?

    How is a terrorist attack different from an ordinary murder?


Almost every day on TV and radio you can hear the words “terrorism”, “terrorist attack”, “fight against terrorism”. Why do adults talk about terrorism so often? It would seem a strange question - after all, terrorism is bad, people die at the hands of terrorists. But it's not that simple. Terrorist attacks, fortunately, are quite rare. There are several dozen of them every year in the world. Compare this with the fact that there are many times more fires that kill people in the world every year. In Russia, thanks to the active actions of the state, the number of terrorist attacks is decreasing. The army and police of all states effectively fight terrorists. And, in general, there are not so many terrorists themselves. Among the causes of death, terrorism is far from the first place. Much more people dies from alcohol poisoning, in car accidents, during domestic fights and from electric shock. Why is the topic of terrorism so important to people?

Monument to children who died during the terrorist attack in Beslan.

The fact is that the victims of terrorists are not only those who directly suffered from them. Terrorists destroy public peace. They undermine important principles that underlie our understanding of the world. In the human world, it is considered wrong and unacceptable when a strong person kills a defenseless person, when an innocent person suffers. Of course this happens. But such cases are always the result of an error, bad luck, or accident. With these thoughts a person lives more calmly - people expect others to strive for justice, for conformity: evil can be done for evil, good for good. The threat of terrorists “breaks” this image of the world - they declare that an innocent, defenseless person will die.

When people's lives are taken away by illness, this is the fate or will of the Almighty. When a person dies in a car accident, the cause is failure to follow traffic rules. But in the case of a terrorist attack, the cause is the will of other people.

In the modern world, unfortunately, there is a lot of suffering - illness, crime, economic crises and wars. When a sick person dies, relatives and friends mourn him; when a soldier with a weapon dies, his homeland mourns for him. But such a possibility was assumed, because we cannot treat all diseases, and soldiers, firemen, and police officers are dangerous professions. It's sad, but it fits the way people perceive the world. But when, at night, by someone’s evil will, a residential building explodes and the people sleeping in it die, the justice of the world collapses.

A plane blown up by terrorists.

Please pay attention - the terrorists promise that these innocent people will not die by accident, but according to their will! Bandits have long noticed that terrorist attacks are most effective in everyday situations and places that people cannot help but visit (school, store, transport). Terrorists always promise to continue - i.e. this is always a “beginning”, a “series”, a “warning”, therefore we should expect new victims. Every person understands that he and those close to him can become a victim. This means that the threat concerns everyone! Every person feels that no matter how good or weak a person he is, no matter how hard he tries to ward off trouble, the world has become much more dangerous.

It is important for a person to feel that he is in control of his life. A person whose money is taken by a robber at knifepoint can choose to resist or give up his wallet. A driver on a sharp turn decides whether to reduce speed or not. Terrorism makes millions of people feel helpless - they can neither predict nor correct the situation.

We have known examples of terrorism since ancient times, but today terrorism has acquired a huge opportunity to influence society. The reason for this is the special role of mass media, which fills the lives of modern people.

When they say that we live in an information society, they mean the prevalence, accessibility of the media and their influence on people’s feelings and behavior. Mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Recently, the Internet has been added to them, which has also become the most important means of disseminating information and influencing people. From the media, people learn about the world, the opinions, feelings and behavior of other people. The media is thus capable of setting the mood and determining the behavior of huge groups of people. People have a need to understand the world around them, and this important need is satisfied by the media.

The American television channel CNN shows a speech by international terrorist Bin Laden.

Despite all the usefulness of the media, they have a number of features that terrorists take advantage of. Newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasts and television programs depend on the audience, trying to attract it and interest it. Who will buy a newspaper that is not interesting? So journalists, presenters and editors are trying to find such interesting information so that they can present it catchily. That’s why they are attracted to everything unusual and out of the ordinary. Of course, such exciting information includes reports of explosions and deaths. Such incidents are covered in detail and constantly in the media, sometimes even in live. The media, thus, unwittingly plays into the hands of the bandits. After all, the task of terrorists is to influence public opinion, to intimidate as many people as possible. A terrorist attack that no one knows about is considered not to have achieved its goal and the perpetrators will not be paid.


The main task of terrorists is not the death of individual people, but fear and psychological subjugation of the entire population of a republic or country

Television has a special influence. In real time showing " living picture” of an ongoing terrorist attack or its consequences, television reports create tension, anxiety and fear among a multimillion-dollar audience.

It was found that every third adult who did not witness the tragedy, but closely followed the events on television, radio and newspapers, developed persistent negative states: disturbances in sleep, memory, attention, the appearance of attacks of fear, melancholy, and aggression. This is how terrorists can influence the health of tens of thousands of people through the media. Such information poses a particular danger to children and adolescents.

Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren You can’t watch news broadcasts or reports about the terrorist attacks at all. Teenagers aged 11-15 are also not recommended to get carried away with looking at scenes of destruction or monitoring the progress of special operations against terrorists. If you are interested in something, it is better to ask an adult or read it in a book. Terrorists not only know about these features of the media, but also purposefully use them. They often warn the editors of newspapers and magazines in advance about the locations of terrorist attacks so that journalists can arrive there in advance and make what is happening widely known. Many terrorists often and happily communicate with the press and give interviews. When taking hostages, the terrorists first of all allow access to them not by doctors, not by water and food, but by journalists. It is not uncommon for terrorists to threaten to shoot hostages if their actions are not covered on television. There have been cases when journalists, having learned secret details of the actions of the anti-terror forces, immediately reported it live and thereby provided assistance to the terrorists. Now you will understand why Russian laws limit the activities of the media during counter-terrorism operations. Without the involuntary help of the press and television, terrorism becomes an ineffective way of fighting and loses all meaning.

All this confirms once again: terrorism is the cynical murder of defenseless people, aimed at intimidating the entire society. The main goal of terrorists is to paralyze the will of the people and government, to force them, in the wake of fear and uncertainty, to comply with the demands of the bandits.

    A group of terrorists kidnapped bus passengers. During the negotiations, the terrorists, threatening to blow up a bus with hostages, demanded a lot of money, put forward political demands and wanted to ensure that their leader would appear on central television.

    Why did the terrorists want to appear on television?


1.List the famous films in which terrorists were shown. What were their demands? Whether their activities were covered by the media.

2. Think about what would happen to terrorism if the authorities did not try to save the lives of citizens?


1. If you hear reports of terrorist attacks anywhere in the world, try to determine what the terrorists are trying to achieve. What do terrorists expect from the authorities, from the police, from the population. How do the media cover their actions?

2. Tell adults the difference between a terrorist and a soldier in a warring army. Listen to their opinion. Think about how your opinions differ?

3. Solve the problem:

You and your younger brother (sister) are watching TV. The news began, detailing the incident - an explosion carried out by terrorists. What will you do:

a) I will continue to silently watch the report on the terrorist attack;

b) I will watch a report about the terrorist attack, explaining younger brother(to his sister) things incomprehensible to him;

c) I’ll switch the TV to another program where there is no news.


Any decent person has repeatedly asked himself the question where terrorism came from and why it continues to exist. It is impossible to reduce everything to the fact that the cause of terrorism is mentally ill or very bad people. Ingoda has heard the opinion that in order to put an end to terrorism, it is necessary to catch or destroy all terrorists. It is not right. New ones will take the place of the destroyed and arrested bandits. In order to eradicate terrorism, one must understand the various causes of this phenomenon.

The first reason, let's call it objective, is that there are prosperous and disadvantaged countries and regions in the world. Some countries have developed industry, transport, and many material and spiritual benefits. In others, poverty, hunger, and disease are rampant. It is in such regions that desperate people are ready for any, even ill-considered, actions. The leaders of the terrorists suggest that “the culprits are those who live well” and supply the recruited “fighters” with weapons and explosives. Most of the world's famous terrorists come from such poor countries and regions. In a prosperous country, only isolated acts of mentally unstable people are possible, but terrorism as a phenomenon is weakly expressed.


Poverty is one of the causes of terrorism.

Therefore, terrorism maintains poverty.

The more terrorists there are, the worse life is for people

A school destroyed in a terrorist attack.

Unity, disadvantage, lack of education are the main causes of terrorism. That is why the Russian government allocates huge funds to help individual regions and republics, trying to prevent economic, educational, and cultural inequality. This is why terrorists try to destroy schools, hospitals, bridges and railways, killing businessmen and teachers. They strive to prevent the growth of people's well-being in order to maintain a social base for replenishing their ranks.

Another reason can be called social instability. The emergence of a large number of unsettled, aggressive people is facilitated by major changes in society, strong shocks (wars, revolutions), which create the basis for extremism. Extremism is a commitment to extreme views and actions, an attempt to change the world through violence. People who do not know what awaits them tomorrow exhibit unstable, often extremist behavior. Over the past two decades, our country has experienced many changes: political, economic, ideological. This has led to the emergence of socially unsettled people, especially among young people. Some cannot find a job, some feel the loss of their homeland with the collapse of the USSR, some, on the contrary, are carried away by the ideas of independence of their small homeland (district, republic), thinking that it will be easier to live this way. The greater the social instability, the greater the likelihood of the emergence and development of terrorism. That’s why the terrorist leaders don’t like the stabilization that’s happening in our country.

The manifestations of terrorism are also influenced by the value of human life accepted in society. Let us remember the essence of terrorism - by threatening and destroying defenseless people, terrorists demand that society and the government implement their demands. The terrorists’ calculation is simple - since the life of any person is of the main value to society, then let society and the state, in order to preserve the lives of individual members, sacrifice other values ​​- pay a lot of money, release murderers and swindlers from prison, renounce the territorial integrity of the country. The objects and targets of terrorism are, to a greater extent, citizens of those countries whose leadership recognizes the need and shows responsibility for the safety of the lives of their citizens.

Terrorism is impossible in totalitarian and authoritarian societies, where the leadership is indifferent to the fate of individual people. In Russia, where the value of human life is great, terrorists are trying to cause public dissatisfaction with the policies pursued by the deaths of civilians and influence the decision-making of the authorities.


1. Which countries have the most terrorists? Why?

2. Think about what the word well-being means?

Terrorism is possible only if at least part of society sympathizes with the cause of terrorists. The loss of such support leads to the extinction of terrorist activity. Therefore, terrorists find all sorts of “noble” ideas and theories to justify themselves. They often use ideas from extremist religious movements. Nationalism, the idea of ​​the superiority of one people over another, is also a breeding ground for terrorism. These ideas look simple, visually beautiful, seductive, and promise an easy solution to complex problems.

Young or poorly educated people easily fall prey to preachers of such extremely one-sided teachings. Terrorists pay special attention to adolescence - after all, it is during this period that a person’s worldview is formed.

Terrorist activities require huge amounts of money. They are spent on bribing and training people ready to commit crimes. Without money it is impossible to obtain weapons and explosives. The organizers of terrorist actions themselves also count on large monetary rewards. Money is given to terrorists by those who are hampered by a strong state and a stable society. The intelligence services of some countries transfer money to terrorists so that they weaken our country and turn people against an independent (and therefore inconvenient for them) government.

Some businessmen are ready to give money to terrorists in order to eliminate competition from individual countries and regions. For example, a terrorist attack in a resort area can lead to people going on vacation not there, but to another country, which will receive additional profit. Or builders will refuse to build a gas pipeline due to the threat of terrorist attacks in one country and will lay it in a neighboring region.

Weapons seized from bandits.

Drug and arms dealers also give terrorists a lot of money. They expect that people who are fearful of terrorist attacks will be more likely to buy illegal weapons for self-defense and drugs to relieve stress.

In addition, terrorist attacks distract the police and authorities. While the special services are busy searching for terrorists, dealers in deadly goods are actively trading.

When terrorists are detained, they are often found with counterfeit money. Counterfeiters supply the owners of terrorist groups with their products, and they, in turn, pay the terrorist perpetrators with them. Sometimes terrorists are given the task of distributing counterfeit money among the population. Thus, the enemies of our country are trying to weaken our economy and cause distrust among the population in Russian rubles.

Distribution of counterfeit money, illegal distribution of drugs and weapons are very dangerous crimes. Persons found guilty of these acts receive severe punishment. Therefore, they are ready to help terrorists, in the hope that the police will direct all their strength and attention to the fight against terrorism. Thus, money is given to terrorists by other criminals.


    Why do the authorities never immediately fulfill the demands of terrorists, even if in principle they can fulfill them (give money, transport, make policy changes). Will people's lives become safer if the authorities do not fight terrorists, but fulfill their demands?

    To carry out terrorist attacks you need a lot of money: to buy cars, weapons, explosives. Who gives money to terrorists and why?

    Terrorists want to achieve political decisions, ransoms, and the release of bandits from prison. Why do they attack ordinary citizens who cannot do what the terrorists ask?


Photos of children and adults whom terrorists took hostage at a school in Beslan and then killed.

Terrorists are not special people. They also have feelings, they love their loved ones, many of them have their own ideals and dream of a bright future. Why are people just like everyone else capable of committing terrible atrocities?

First of all, people with a “narrowed” consciousness come to terrorism. They clearly, clearly perceive, represent one thought, idea. This could be a religious idea or an idea of ​​revenge. Everything else in the world around them becomes secondary for them. Acting in a fog, these people do not notice anything that does not relate to their main idea. Any objection, any obstacle in their way causes an immediate aggressive reaction.

The quality necessary for a normal healthy person is the ability to empathize, the ability to “take another’s place,” to feel the way another feels. When a friend falls and breaks his knee, we don’t just see blood on his leg. We imagine ourselves in his place, and seem to feel the pain with him.


The terrorist does not consider his victims to be human

Religious fanatics, rapists, bandits and terrorists lack this important quality. For them, other people are not human and do not deserve compassion. This is the main feature of the terrorist’s consciousness. Therefore, people taken hostage should not try to “find mutual language"with terrorists, to awaken their sympathy.

Modern fascist organizations call for extremism.

Various extremist theories and ideas are used to educate terrorists. They are very different. But all of them are distinguished by intolerance towards other views and a different way of life. These extremist theories claim that there is only one truth, and anyone who thinks otherwise is terribly mistaken and this mistake is unforgivable. Extremists are trying any ways to make people think and do as they see fit. Without recognizing the right of every person to have their own opinion, such theories convince that anyone who thinks differently is a bad person and deserves to be punished for it.

It must be said that for most perpetrators of terrorist attacks, their own lives are also not of particular significance. The terrorist views himself as a weapon of “righteous struggle.” Often he is ready to die for an idea. Potential victims of terrorist attacks - civilians - are perceived as stupid servants of the authorities. The killing of such insignificant creatures is justified by the “greater” goal that the terrorist strives for.


1. The leader of the terrorists who took hostages and threatened to blow them up, in an interview with a foreign TV channel, reproaches the authorities for being callous towards the hostages and not rushing to fulfill the demands of the terrorists. How can one explain such a terrorist’s “concern” for his victims? Is it true that he worries about their lives and health? What are terrorists really counting on? Discuss these issues with your peers and adults.

2. The terrorists who took hostages in the theater released almost all the children and foreign citizens. Does this indicate that terrorists feel sorry for children? What impression do terrorists want to create about themselves?

3. Some people believe that terrorists can be fought by berating and intimidating them, such as threatening them with the death penalty. Do you agree with this? Why?



Choose from the list provided which are the most important norms and commandments that terrorists violate. Check them off. Show your answers to adults - do they agree with you?

1. Disturb public peace and order

2. They kill and maim defenseless people

3. They deceive people

4. They deprive people of happiness and peace of mind

5. They want to build their happiness on the misfortune of others.

6. They fulfill their religious commandments and rituals.

7. They don’t want to change their beliefs.

8. Interfering with the work of the police


In addition to terrorists, there are organizations in the world that are externally different from them, but in essence also strive for power through deception and violence. They disguise themselves as various religious movements and try to completely subjugate the people who believe in them. Therefore, such organizations are called totalitarian sects (totalitarian means general, completely subduing).

Leaders of totalitarian sects strive for complete power over their followers and for their exploitation. However, they hide their intentions under religious, political, health, educational, scientific, educational and other masks.

Totalitarian sects resort to deception and intrusive propaganda to attract new members. To establish control over a person, they use psychological pressure and intimidation. Thus, totalitarian sects violate human rights to a free, meaningful choice of worldview and lifestyle. Many sects require their members to give all their property to the sect. People are being forced to quit their jobs and families.

Some totalitarian sects do even worse. They force people to steal, beg and engage in prostitution. Examples are not uncommon when members of sects commit violence against children, deprive them of medical care, and prohibit them from attending school. The whole world has heard the terrible story of the American sect “Heaven’s Gate,” whose members simultaneously committed suicide. Unfortunately, this is not the only story.

But cult leaders can engage in more than just coercion of suicide. Murder is a fairly common crime in sects. This could be a ritual murder - a sacrifice or the killing of people who broke away from the sect. Sometimes sectarians bring themselves to death by refusing food for many days.

All sects claim that their members are chosen - they are better than other people. Everyone who is not part of the sect is declared unworthy and has no right to exist. Therefore, some sects preach the need to destroy all other people. Sectarian terrorists blew up a skyscraper in Oklahoma City, one of the US cities. Those who committed this insane and bloody act wanted to destroy most countries to recreate a new America according to their own ideals.

One of the most famous terrorist sects is Aum Shinrikyo. This murderous sect seeks to destroy the entire world and leave only members of its sect alive as some kind of superior race. On March 20, 1995, the Aum Senrikyo sect staged a gas attack on the Tokyo subway. Members of the sect sprayed the nerve gas sarin. As a result of the poisoning, 12 people died, about 5 thousand fell ill and became disabled. The perpetrators of this crime were captured and convicted, and the sect was banned. But today this sect has changed its name and has come back to life. Now it is called “Aleph” and has its branches in Russia.


Terrorists and totalitarian sects may have common goals

In recent years, attention has been drawn to the activities of the leaders of totalitarian sects in Russia to increase their political and economic influence. They are trying to infiltrate and influence state bodies and local authorities. International sectarian organizations finance the activities of sectarians on the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to their own external signs There are very different sects: some hide behind Christianity, there are “Buddhist” and “Muslim” sects. Some are difficult to attribute to any direction - their teaching is a mixture of pagan beliefs and fantasy books. But all sects have common features:

    a way to attract and recruit new members;

    organization of life within the sect;

    the consequences of being there for a person.

A feature of a totalitarian sect is presence of deception during recruitment. Strangers may approach you on the street, invite you over, ask you to donate money, or offer to buy something from them. Most often, they will not immediately say what kind of organization it is and what its goals are.

Sometimes recruiters attract inquisitive teenagers. For example, they hand out leaflets to passers-by: “Do you want to get to know yourself? Do you want to get to know yourself? You can visit us for free psychological test" This test usually has nothing to do with psychology. After answering his questions, you provide a whole range of information about own life and to your family. The result of this test will, as a rule, be as follows: the person will be told that he has serious problems in the area of ​​​​communication - this is another trick: Everyone has communication problems. “But, they will tell you, everything can be fixed. To do this, you need to enroll in a short course based on the internationally recognized scientific method.” So, for example, people end up in the Scientology sect.

The principle of a totalitarian sect is to drag a person into its network before he knows anything about it. When recruiters drag a person into a sect, their task is exactly the opposite - to “slam the door behind him” while he still knows nothing about their organization. Because if you tell a person filling out the “test” that in fact he will end up in a sect for many years, will spend his days and nights in this sect, that he can be forced to commit crimes and will almost certainly be forced to break with all his family and friends, there is very little who will agree to join this sect.

Newcomers are greeted with a smile. Photo from the website of one of the religious sects “Scientology”.

Many techniques have been developed to keep people in the sect. One of them is called “love bombing.” Its essence lies in the intensive creation of an atmosphere of joy and goodwill around the newcomer. The faces of the sectarians glow with smiles, they are friendly. The newcomer may be fed, complimented, and admired. In such an environment it is difficult not to succumb to the general mood. As a result, the newcomer experiences an effect similar to the effect of drugs - he wants to experience this joyful state more often. By the way, it should be noted that some sects actually use narcotic or psychotropic (mood-altering) substances.

New members are not left alone for a minute, nor are they allowed to communicate with fellow newcomers or with strangers. And all the time, special treatment continues - a person is taught to perceive the world differently, as is necessary for the leaders of the sect.

Kept within the sect through the use of special psychological techniques to control a person’s consciousness, victims of totalitarian sects actually lose the ability to live in society, they develop mental disorders.

If you have doubts about meeting new people, or if unusually friendly strangers suddenly offer their help, use the following signs of a totalitarian sect.

Assess whether you are familiar with the following situations and statements:

    In this group you will find exactly what you have been looking for in vain until now. This group knows absolutely exactly what you are missing.

    The very first meeting opens up a completely new way of looking at things for you.

    The group's worldview is stunningly simple and explains every problem.

    It is difficult to formulate an accurate description of the group. You don't have to think or check. Your new friends say: “This cannot be explained, you must survive it - come with us to our Center now.”

    The group has a teacher, medium, leader or guru. Only he knows the whole truth.

    The group's teaching is considered the only real, eternally true knowledge. Traditional science, rational thinking, reason are rejected because they are negative, satanic, unenlightened.

    Criticism from those outside the group is considered proof that the group is right.

    The world is heading towards disaster, and only the group knows how to save it.

    Your group is the elite. The rest of humanity is gravely ill and deeply lost: it does not cooperate with the group or allow it to save itself.

    You must immediately become a member of the group.

    The group delimits itself from the rest of the world, for example, by clothing, food, a special language, and clear regulation of interpersonal relationships.

    The group wants you to break off your “old” relationships because they are hindering your development.

    The group fills all your time with tasks: selling books or newspapers, recruiting new members, attending courses, meditation.

    It is very difficult to be alone, someone from the group is always with you.

    If you begin to doubt, if the promised success does not come, then you will always be to blame, because you allegedly do not work hard enough on yourself or believe too little.

    The group demands absolute and unquestioning adherence to its rules and discipline, since this is the only way to salvation.



1. What do terrorists and totalitarian sects have in common?

2. What do the parents of young people who left home and began to live in a sect experience? Why can't their parents influence them and force them to return?

3. How does religion (Islam and Christianity) relate to such sects?

4. Why do cult leaders force cult members to look for and bring new people with them?



1. What sects operate in your district, region, or city? Make a list of such sects.

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen freedom of religion, that is, the opportunity to choose any faith or not to choose any. Believers are guaranteed freedom of assembly, participation in religious activities and performance of religious rituals. Why are some sects and religious movements banned in Russia and other countries?


The terrorists themselves call their path noble and heroic. They talk about the benefits, material and spiritual, that those who take this path will receive. Let's see what roads are prepared for the terrorist. But first, let’s make a reservation: we are talking about a terrorist – a perpetrator. The organizers of terrorist attacks never take risks themselves. These are rich people, often in another country, and sometimes they even publicly scold terrorists. And secretly they give orders and transfer money “for work.” Since they act through dummies, it is difficult to detect them, and once found, it is difficult to prove their guilt.

There are also masterminds of terrorism. More often these are scientists, religious figures, writers or poets. They praise the “courage of fighters” and hint in their books and public addresses to the need for a brutal (terrorist) struggle for ideals. But they themselves do not want to sacrifice themselves, but invite others to do it. If they try to bring such figures to justice, they can quickly retract their words and claim that they were misunderstood. Or they declare freedom of speech, that they themselves did not kill anyone, but only expressed their point of view.

Both the organizers and instigators of terrorism will receive what they deserve; today there are methods of searching for such people and proving their guilt. We will consider whether the path of a terrorist perpetrator is noble. After all, it is precisely these people that terrorist organizations need. Why do they constantly need new members? Why do such organizations actively search for and recruit terrorist perpetrators? Because the path of a terrorist is shameful and short-lived.

Firstly, members of such organizations are “consumables” and are used as suicide bombers. Sometimes members of such gangs go to their death “voluntarily” - treated with the help of special substances and psychological techniques. With a clouded consciousness, they penetrate various objects, public places and undermine themselves and those around them. However, there are also cases where terrorists blew up their unsuspecting accomplices. Having received the task of planting a bomb or handing it over to someone, the naive “fighter” carried the explosives into Right place. At this moment, the “brothers” blew it up using remote control. Cases of death and injury often occur during the manufacture and careless handling of explosives by terrorists.

Detention of a terrorist.

o secondly, terrorists are caught or destroyed by special units. In the event of a terrorist attack, they raise the alarm and surround the terrorists. Knowing this, terrorists either disappear in advance or take hostages from among civilians and, using them as a shield, try to escape. Previously, the governments of many countries, fearing for the lives of the hostages, met the bandits halfway, fulfilled their demands and gave them the opportunity to leave. This allowed terrorists to feel impunity and encouraged them to carry out new terrorist attacks. Modern intelligence services have the ability to prevent terrorists from escaping, while at the same time ensuring the maximum possible safety for hostages. Most of the hostage-taking terrorist attacks in recent years have ended in the killing or arrest of the terrorists.

Members of the anti-terrorism group conduct training exercises to search for and apprehend terrorists.

The police and intelligence services of many countries are busy searching for and detaining terrorists. Special units are busy collecting information. They intercept terrorist communications, use satellite tracking systems for suspicious objects, and even use molecular analysis methods. Sometimes, to identify the perpetrator and accomplices of a terrorist attack, it is enough to analyze just a few microscopic particles found at the site of a terrorist attack or in a hiding place. Sooner or later, all terrorists become known to special authorities. The leading countries of the world agreed on cooperation and information exchange. Therefore, they are looking for terrorists all over the world, no matter what nationality they are and no matter where they commit their crimes. They will search until they are found. Terrorists cannot feel calm anywhere: they hide in forests and mountains, change their appearance, change their documents, and constantly move from place to place. However, no tricks can save them - the noose tightens around them tighter and tighter. A terrorist can be detected and detained in any city, at train stations and airports, in shops, etc.

And here the police will protect him from angry people who are ready to tear the criminal apart with their hands. Relatives turn away from him, his parents leave their home and go to a foreign land, because out of shame they cannot look their neighbors in the eye. Children change their last and middle names because they are ashamed. Thus, the son of terrorist Bin Laden wanders around the world from country to country, since he does not receive the right to citizenship anywhere.

Since terrorism is one of the most terrible crimes, the court prescribes many years of strict imprisonment as punishment for it. Many terrorists spend the rest of their lives in prison for their crimes. Even other prisoners treat them with contempt.

Many years of prison and shame await the terrorist. Knowing this, many terrorists resist to the last, fearing to fall into the hands of justice. If the detected terrorists do not surrender, they are destroyed by all available means. Thus, during a special operation to free hostages in the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow (captured while watching the play “Nord-Ost”), all the terrorists were destroyed. Often, terrorist bases are destroyed by artillery fire, aircraft and missiles.

Third, many members of terrorist groups manage to figure out what is really hidden behind the beautiful words about “the fight for faith or freedom.” Such people surrender to the authorities, and if they have not had time to stain themselves with serious crimes (murders, kidnappings), they can be released from punishment or receive a more lenient punishment.


All terrorists have only three possible paths:

1. Die at your own hands or at the hands of your comrades.

2. To be destroyed by special anti-terrorism units.

3. Spend many years in prison.

It was once believed that terrorism was a way to become famous. The media has made some of the leaders of terrorist organizations world famous. Although some of them were killed during arrest, others are in prison or have died, their names are still remembered for the edification of other people. But people who kill civilians are not worthy of their names being remembered by their descendants. Today, journalists from Russia and other countries have agreed that the names of people involved in terrorism will not be named. Too much honor for the country to know about them. Terrorism is the path to disgrace.


    Why is calling for terrorism also a crime, because people who do this have not killed anyone and have the right to their point of view on freedom of speech?

    Why are terrorist accomplices constantly looking for new members for their gangs, since it doesn’t take many terrorists to carry out terrorist attacks?

    Why do terrorists immediately want to involve their new members in committing crimes: for example, they give them the task of killing a prisoner and filming it on a video camera?

    Why should terrorists who committed a terrorist attack and fled to another country still be punished?



As we saw in the previous section, the life of a terrorist is short. Therefore, terrorist organizations are very interested in constantly replenishing their ranks. To attract new members to their gangs, terrorists use special recruitment techniques and rely on a number of psychological characteristics of people. Adolescence and young adulthood are of great interest to terrorists. It is more difficult to attract older people to participate in terrorist activities: they are more difficult to deceive, they tend to think through their actions carefully, and they have developed a sense of responsibility for their loved ones and their people.

Young people are another matter. Bandits know that in order to make a person a terrorist, it is necessary to “process” him from adolescence. It is then that it will be possible to develop in a person the qualities that are important to terrorists. Let's look at how terrorists are recruited into the ranks, what character traits of a teenager the terrorists rely on, and what qualities they want to develop in young people. Terrorists have come up with many ways to attract young people into their ranks. Often, not one method is used, but several at once.

First way- This is a promise of money, a luxurious life, and material well-being for the family. Let us remember that terrorism flourishes where people live poorly, where there is no work, low wages, and poor medical care. This is what the leaders are counting on when recruiting “cannon fodder” for their actions. They take a close look at young people from poor families, have special conversations with them, and even provide a little help.

As a rule, all this is combined with the second way recruiting into terrorists - through ideological indoctrination. Here terrorists appeal to patriotic or religious feelings. They can say that “our republic (people, nationality, religion) is humiliated and persecuted,” that “the enemies of the people want to destroy it,” “that only brave fighters can protect the people” and “glorify their name for centuries.” Often a specific enemy is identified - a person or group of people - and it is argued that their destruction is for the good of the people. Terrorists treat people who are sincere believers in the same way: they say that the unbelievers have seized power and want to eradicate the true faith, they remind them that their ancestors died for their faith and this is the most honorable path in the life of a true believer. At the same time, they cunningly use sacred texts, selecting the necessary quotes from them, supposedly confirming the justice of the destruction of people of other faiths.

It is very important to note here: terrorist recruiters have a keen sense of an important characteristic of teenagers and young men - the craving for heroism, for adventure, for overcoming various obstacles. Let's remember how much we like films about intelligence officers who bravely fight surrounded by enemies. How we admire the courage of Robin Hood, musketeers, and special forces soldiers! Which boy doesn’t dream of accomplishing a feat, saving his friends, his people! And children repeatedly, in difficult times for the country, performed feats. Among teenagers aged 12-14 years, there are those awarded orders and medals.

It is this noble desire that terrorists use, presenting their criminal activities as a heroic struggle. Moreover, terrorists do not usually call themselves that. More often they use beautiful words “freedom fighters”, “resistance fighters”, “warriors of Allah”, “people's avengers”.

Training in international terrorist camps.

Errorists know about the craving of young people for weapons. Weapons occupy an important place in our culture. Peace was hard for our people - for a long time we had to defend freedom and the right to life of peoples with arms in hand. Today, the country's security is protected by powerful missiles, planes and tanks, but the value of personal weapons in people's lives remains. This is reflected in the national costumes of a number of Russian peoples, where edged weapons are a mandatory element. This is also evident in boys’ games with toy sabers, machine guns and pistols. This is evident from the popularity of computer war games - the so-called “shooters”.

Given the very natural interest of young people in weapons, terrorist organizations often post photographs of armed militants on their websites and in special books. Sometimes they invite journalists to their secret camps to show them what an interesting life they have and how many weapons they have. Often newspapers and magazines show photographs of Arab teenagers with a machine gun - they say, they are already men! Some young people, not thinking that terrorism is evil, may be interested in the opportunity to own and freely handle modern military weapons. Terrorists are counting on this too.

Terrorists hide weapons in secret places. If you find a weapon, don’t joke: don’t keep it, tell your elders, a police officer. If you know that one of your friends has found a weapon, persuade him to do the same. Remember that a real man is not defined by carrying a weapon, much less by his readiness to use it against people. A real man- this is the one who knows how to see what is useful for his people and what is harmful. A real man will not raise a weapon against a defenseless, sleeping person. Only a scoundrel terrorist can do this.

NOTE: the state does not prohibit citizens from using or possessing weapons. In many localities there are shooting sections where teenagers are accepted. And when you turn 18, according to Russian law, you will be able to purchase weapons - for sports, hunting, for self-defense, or simply - to keep at home, for collection. Such weapons must be registered with the authorities, and for their proper storage and use is the responsibility of the owner. But keep in mind that in order to obtain such a permit, you must not use drugs, not abuse alcohol, and not have problems with the police. Finally, if you are sure that everyday use of weapons should become your profession and you are ready to spend a lot of effort on mastering combat skills, you are welcome in the army, in the police, in special forces units.

Many well-known terrorists began to engage in terrorism, trying to assert themselves and become influential. Every person wants to assert himself in life, to be respected and significant to other people. Most people achieve this through hard work: getting an education, mastering a profession, building a house, raising children and grandchildren. Surely in your city, village, on your street there are such respected people. They are recognized on the street, they are greeted respectfully, their opinions are sought, their advice is asked, and they are invited to holidays. Of course, any young man would like to become famous and respected, so that the whole family, city, and republic would be proud of him.

A little girl wounded by terrorists in Beslan.

Some people don't want to spend a lot of time and effort on becoming famous and respected. After all, there is a simple way for this - to pick up a weapon and point it towards peaceful people. Then defenseless children, women and even unarmed men will carry out their orders and beg for mercy. Those who resist can be killed, and then others will be even more submissive. Thus, using violence, you can gain power, attract attention, and become important to other people. Only such power is accompanied not by respect, but by hatred of people, and is accompanied not by pride, but by contempt and shame on the part of fellow countrymen.

The feeling of complete power over people is intoxicating. No matter how beautiful ideals terrorists hide behind, the motive of power over others is important for most of them. When taking hostages, even the most “righteous” and religious militants used the power of their weapons to simply mock the victims. This bullying was not necessary.

As the released hostages recall, the bandits starved and thirsted them, although there was plenty of water, humiliated them in every possible way, and forced them to carry out ridiculous orders for their own entertainment. When, during one of the hostage-takings, the young terrorists, who believed in the “noble” goal of the terrorist attack, saw all the abomination and sinfulness of the actions of the other bandits and began to object, the leader simply shot them. Self-affirmation through violence, through sinful, inhuman means - this is what terrorism offers. Instead of glory, terrorists receive hatred from people and eternal damnation in all religions.

Another way to attract people to terrorism is blackmail. Blackmail is a threat to tell about any wrongdoing. young man and a demand for silence of any favor. Often teenagers and young men, due to inexperience, commit some kind of misdemeanor, a minor crime. It could be a small theft, a fight, etc. Of course, there is a punishment for this. So the terrorists offer the guilty party a favor: hand over a strange package to someone, hide special literature at home, inform them about the actions of the police, find out how the neighboring military unit is guarded. In return, they promise not to talk about the offense. Thus, the young man, trying to conceal a minor offense, participates in the commission of a terrible crime. With his help, a terrorist attack will be carried out. Now he is completely dependent on terrorists - and, fearing exposure, he continues to cooperate with them further. Bandits always try to draw newcomers in deeper - they instruct them to commit crimes after which there is no turning back. For example, terrorists in their training camps forced newcomers to kill captured military personnel and police officers and filmed it on video. In criminal jargon, this is called “smearing with blood.”

One of the most common means of attracting terrorist perpetrators is the motive of revenge. In turbulent times, where they walked fighting or a special operation, terrorists always manage to find people offended by the actions of the authorities. Someone's house was destroyed, their car burned down. Someone has terrible grief - the loss of close relatives. Terrorist recruiters are especially careful in looking for relatives of those people who died in confrontation with the authorities, from terrorists or robbers. It happens that already at the cemetery they approach the widows and children of the dead and offer revenge. At the same time, terrorists explain that people of a different nationality or faith are to blame for the death of a relative. This means that in order to take revenge, you need to kill as many of these people as possible.

A person in grief is unable to reason sensibly and listens to recruiters. He cannot imagine his life without a loved one and often does not want to live. In difficult moments of experiencing loss, bandits, instead of helping a person overcome grief, convince him that now he will have no life. They suggest that it is easiest for him to die. But to die, having fulfilled a “just cause” - avenging death. After intensive psychological treatment, such a person is put on a “suicide belt,” brought to a busy place and directed into a crowd of people, a subway or a bus. There an explosion occurs, ending the lives of the suicide bomber and many innocent people. This is how more grief and suffering are added to the world. How can it become better for people in one republic because schoolchildren, doctors or teachers died in a neighboring republic? Only the terrorist leaders benefit from the consequences of the terrorist attack. They like it when people begin to mistrust each other, when they begin to take revenge for revenge. They really hope to start a conflict between nations.

The vast majority of people reject the path of terrorism and fight it in every possible way. But let's think about why those who choose this vile path remain on our land. There are several qualities that push you towards this path:

    Undeveloped empathy, inability to rejoice in the joys of other people and grieve at their grief. This quality should be developed from early childhood. A real person would regret just destroying a tree, hurting an animal, and would not pass by a person asking for help.

    Narrow outlook, ignorance of the culture of other peoples. The feeling of superiority of one's people over others is a dangerous and false delusion. There are several thousand different peoples and nationalities in the world. Each has its own history, its own language, culture, traditions. All of them are interesting and valuable. Let us recall the unique culture of the North American Indians, English, German or Japanese culture. It is important to understand that there is no most correct culture, just as there is no more important people. Other cultures and peoples are not worse, they are simply DIFFERENT. Variety is good. Try to travel more and learn about the culture of other peoples.

    Inflexibility of thinking, inability to see this or that phenomenon from different sides. In life, everything is not so simple. The coin has two sides. And any event in life can have several sides. For example, you got a bad grade and were left at home, not allowed to walk on the street. Of course this is bad. But this can also be viewed this way: there is time to deeply understand the topic for which an unsatisfactory assessment was received and such assessments will not be repeated in the future. Or your friend didn’t say hello to you. Don't rush to blame him for treating you badly. Perhaps he is upset about something, feels bad, or simply did not notice you. Or maybe he was offended that you didn’t notice him yesterday.

Terrorists' plans pay great attention to adolescence. Although, terrorists often need adults and strong men and women, terrorists will be able to get them into their ranks if they form people’s commitment to their theories and ideas. Adolescence is the perfect age for these purposes. It is at the age of 10-15 that a person’s worldview begins to take shape, an understanding of oneself, others, and society is formed.

Ask adults and many will say that adolescence is a turning point, transitional, critical age. It is considered a period of turbulent inner experiences and emotional difficulties. According to a survey conducted among teenagers, half of 14-year-olds feel so unhappy at times that they cry and want to leave everyone and everything. A quarter reported that they sometimes feel like people are looking at them, talking about them, or laughing at them. Characteristic features of this age are sensitivity, frequent sudden changes in mood, fear of ridicule, and decreased self-esteem.

During this period, a “sense of adulthood” appears - the teenager’s attitude towards himself as an adult. This is expressed in the desire for everyone - both adults and peers - to treat you not as a child, but as an adult. The desire for equality in relations with elders often leads to conflicts. The feeling of adulthood is also manifested in the desire for independence, the desire to protect some aspects of one’s life from parental interference.

Romanticism and the desire for the ideal make teenagers especially responsive to any undertakings that require effort, feat, and heroism. In addition to the already noted desire to show courage and heroism, at your age such a trait begins to appear as maximalism. Maximalism is expressed as a desire for sharp, extreme judgments, unambiguous conclusions, and rejection of halftones. Everything is perceived as either good or bad. And I want to end the bad with quick and drastic measures. You can often hear guys discussing some invented or real story: “ah, blow them all up...”, “... they all drowned - that’s what they need.”

Such a craving for extremes is quite a common phenomenon inherent in a teenager. This tendency in itself is not dangerous and usually goes away by adulthood. But cunning preachers of terrorist ideas can use this feature of teenage consciousness - “slipping” an extreme choice.

The idealization characteristic of this age, the desire to change the world, faith in one’s strengths and a better future, leads to inflated estimates and claims, prevents one from correctly assessing reality, giving rise to pessimism and apathy. The social activity of a teenager often takes the form of abstract social criticism; he fixes his attention on what does not satisfy him, what does not correspond to his ideal. An example is the harshness and peremptory nature of critical judgments about the situation in the country, in the republic, in a city or town, in a school. Various political and religious movements try to use this state, trying to convince the teenager that all the shortcomings he sees can be eliminated through radical actions.

Group teenage skinheads use the Nazi salute.

The feeling that some teenagers have of being on the “sidelines” of society and losing their life prospects is combined with a strong need to join a group. This desire for community, to become “one of us” in any group is quite natural. The fact is that starting from the age of 12, relationships with peers are more significant than with relatives. Collectivity and camaraderie often appear in the eyes of a teenager as a kind of end in itself. Being popular among peers and earning their approval is one of the most important motives for teenage behavior. The need to belong to a group, to be recognized by this group, is also used to lure a teenager into illegal communities. In them he feels like “he belongs”, among the elite, one of the “cool people”. Under the influence of the norms of such a group and the orders of the leader, a teenager is capable of taking the wrong step.

One of the most dangerous youth groups are skinheads. Skinheads (from the English skin - skin, skin, peel, shell and head - head) are skinheads, cultivate open racism. Racism means hatred of certain nations, confidence in one’s superiority (mental, physical) over other peoples. Russian skinheads imitate Western skinheads in their clothing and behavior. Skinheads repeatedly attacked representatives of various national groups and beat them. Several skinheads in different cities were convicted of murder. Some of the most aggressive representatives of skinheads expressed ideas about the need to carry out terrorist attacks.


There are people who want you to become a terrorist - kill innocent people and die yourself, carrying out their plans. They will not be able to deceive you if you learn to see the truth behind the beautiful words. Grow smart, make your own choices


    How does the heroic act of a saboteur behind enemy lines differ from participation in a terrorist attack?

    Name examples of children performing heroic deeds during the war.

    Why is any, even the most harmless, assistance to terrorists a crime and can lead to bad consequences for the one who provides it?

    Can a suicide bomber be called brave? Why? Discuss with your teacher and classmates.


Methodology for determining social identity

Below are statements by various people on issues of national relations and national culture. Think about how your own opinion matches the opinions of these people. Determine your agreement or disagreement with these statements. To do this, check the appropriate box.

I'm the kind of person who


I rather agree

Some things I agree with, some things I don’t agree with.

Rather disagree

I don't agree

1) ...prefers the way of life of his people, but is very interested in other peoples

2) ... believes that interethnic marriages destroy the people

3) ... often feels superior to people of another nationality

4) ... believes that the rights of the nation are always higher than human rights

5) ... believes that nationality does not matter in everyday communication

6) ...prefers the lifestyle of only his people

7) ...usually does not hide his nationality

8) ... believes that real friendship can only happen between people of the same nationality

9) ... often feels ashamed for people of his own nationality

10) ... believes that any means are good to protect the interests of his people

11) ...does not give preference to any national culture, including his own

12) ... often feels the superiority of his people over others

13) ... loves his people, but respects the language and culture of other peoples

14) ... considers it strictly necessary to preserve the purity of the nation

15) ... finds it difficult to get along with people of his own nationality

16) ... believes that interaction with people of other nationalities is often a source of trouble

17) ...is indifferent to his nationality

18) ... experiences tension when he hears someone else’s speech around him

19) ... ready to deal with a representative of any nation, despite national differences

20) ... believes that his people have the right to solve their problems at the expense of other peoples

21) ... often feels inferior because of his nationality

22) ... considers his people more gifted and developed compared to other peoples

23) ...believes that people of other nationalities should be limited in the right to reside on its national territory

24) ...gets irritated when in close contact with people of other nationalities

25) ...always finds an opportunity to reach a peaceful agreement in an interethnic dispute

26) ... considers it necessary to cleanse the culture of his people from other cultures

27) ...does not respect his people

28) ...believes that on his land all rights to use natural and social resources should belong only to his people

29) ...never took interethnic problems seriously

30) ... believes that his people are no better and no worse than other peoples.

Processing the results.

Calculate your points. For each question, the answer “agree” is scored at 5 points, “rather agree” - at 4 points, “agree in some ways, disagree at some points” - at 3, “rather disagree” - at 4, and “not I agree” - 1 point. Add up your scores for the groups of questions listed in the table below. You should get five numbers. Each of these numbers (sum of points) corresponds to the severity of a certain type of ethnic identity. Ethnic identity is how a person feels about his own nationality and other nationalities.

Types of ethnic identity

Question numbers

I. Rejection of one’s nationality

3, 9, 15, 21, 27

II. Indifference to one's own nationality and the nationality of other people

5, 11, 17, 29, 30

III. Positive national identity

1, 7, 13, 19, 25

IV. Perception of other nationalities as unworthy and undeveloped

6, 12, 16, 18, 24

V. The desire to avoid interaction with people of other nationalities

2, 8, 14, 22, 26

VI. National fanaticism

4, 10, 20, 23, 28

The maximum number of points indicates your type of ethnic identity.

I. Rejection of one’s nationality

This type rarely appears. You don't like your nationality, you are ashamed of it. First of all, you must understand that there are no bad nationalities. And, secondly, remember - every nation has good and bad representatives. If a person is good, then it doesn’t matter what nationality he is. And if he’s bad, his nationality doesn’t matter either. Just try to become a good person.

II. Indifference to one's own nationality and the nationality of other people

It’s a shame, but you don’t care about your own nationality or the nationality of other people. The language in which you speak and think has formed your people. People taught you to be yourself. Many people are proud of their nationality and you will offend them if you do not take into account a person's nationality in your communication. Try to learn more about the history, culture, traditions of your people and the peoples who live nearby.

III. Positive national identity

This is the best, correct type of ethnic identity.

IV. Perception of other nationalities as unworthy and undeveloped

An alarming indicator. Although, your position is clear: everyone praises what they have. You are unreasonably exalting your nationality. At the same time, you humiliate and offend people of other nationalities. Maybe you don't know the culture of other peoples too well. Your position can lead to tense relations between different nations.

V. The desire to avoid interaction with people of other nationalities

This is called the desire for isolation and is supported by a sense of personal superiority. There are many examples in history when people “closed themselves off” from communicating with other peoples. Such isolated peoples either died out or opened up to the whole world. If you want your people to prosper, prepare for intense friendly relations with other nations.

VI. National fanaticism

This is the most unpleasant guy. It is this position that, as a rule, leads to wars and ethnic strife. This is exactly how many terrorists perceive the world. You have to think: there are no bad and good peoples. Try to be more objective in your assessments of people of other nationalities, be able to see their positive sides. Remember, extremes and violence have never brought good...


At all times, children and teenagers have been curious. Indeed, it is difficult to find a child who would not like to visit “scary places” (basements, attics) together with other children in search of thrills. Surely you are also attracted by various finds: abandoned things, boxes, boxes. All the boys are looking for or making hiding places. And if the opportunity arises, you definitely want to see what’s happening in the gathered crowd, where the cars with flashing lights are rushing, what the “bang” is, what these soldiers are doing with weapons in their hands... All these are the normal desires of a young man. One can even say that the absence of such incentives is bad, it is an indicator of the child’s unhealthy development.


Be responsible for your life and the lives of those around you.

In extreme situations, curiosity is inappropriate

oh, now you are almost adults, and, unlike first-graders, you are able to understand that there are situations when such curious behavior threatens danger. An interesting box could turn out to be a bomb; where people with weapons ran, a shootout could start. Unfortunately, the terrorist threat requires us to follow certain rules. Knowing and following them will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences for you and the people around you.

It should be remembered that in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack, the government, police, and security services take special precautions. For example, security at airports and places of public events is being strengthened, documents and luggage of airplane passengers are carefully checked, etc. Specially trained dogs check buildings and vehicles. Specialists are armed with modern technical means that ensure safety. In the event of a terrorist attack, special services are on constant alert, capable of destroying terrorists and helping victims. However, any person can and should take measures to ensure their safety, preserve life and health. You already know how we can improve our safety and the safety of our loved ones.

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance. It is impossible to remember recommendations for all occasions. It's important to understand general principles ensuring the safety of your life. Let's remember them:

    one should always be observant and vigilant;

    do not communicate with strangers unless they need immediate help;

    learn to notice signs of preparation for a terrorist attack;

    learn phone numbers by heart emergency assistance, have them in your mobile phone;

    Immediately inform teachers, your parents, and the police about dangerous situations.

A police officer wearing special protective equipment examines the discovered object.

There are several practical tips that you should remember and try to follow. First of all, this concerns the detection of suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices. Similar objects are found in transport, on staircases, near apartment doors, in institutions and in public places. A teenager, due to observation, the large amount of time he spends on the street, due to natural curiosity and craving for unusual places, can discover strange objects. How to behave when they are discovered? What actions should I take?

If you find a strange object, or an object that, in your opinion, should not be in this place, tell your parents, teacher, or any adult you know.

Remember! The appearance of an item may hide its real purpose. The most common devices are used to camouflage explosive devices. household items: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc. Don’t pick up ownerless items, no matter how attractive they look. There have been cases when a mobile phone found on the street exploded in one's hands. You cannot touch the object or move it! You should not try to poke the object with a stick or throw a stone at it - this is still dangerous.


Discuss with your classmates the procedure for possible actions if you discover suspicious objects on the street or meet suspicious people.

Public transport has recently become a frequent target for terrorist attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects. In this case, inform the driver, station attendants or police officers about their detection. Never accept packages or bags from strangers, or leave your belongings unattended.

When you play in the yard or walk down the street, when you travel in public transport, there are many people around you. Some may seem strange and suspicious to you. Draw the attention of parents, other adult acquaintances, and police officers to such persons. Take a close look at people who:

    dressed out of season, for example, in the summer - in a raincoat or thick jacket (terrorists hide bombs under such clothes).

    are with large bags, trunks and suitcases in an unusual place (for example, in a cinema or at a party).

    with an unusual facial expression, extremely tense, with tightly compressed or slowly moving lips.

The likelihood of being a victim of a terrorist attack is extremely low. But still, try to remember a few simple rules.

    If suddenly the sound of sirens is heard, armed policemen and soldiers appear, do not show curiosity, go in the other direction, but do not run, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.

    Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch the events taking place.

    If there is an explosion or shooting starts, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a sales tent, a car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.


    Why are crowds and panic dangerous?

    How should you behave in a crowd if there is panic?

    E if you are taken hostage and you have gas canister, should it be used against terrorists?

    What dangerous situations can happen in urban environments, in transport, in your home?

    Name the city and district services that you need to contact in a dangerous situation.

    How to properly communicate the help you need over the phone?

    How to behave if you find yourself hostage to terrorists?

    How to take a safe position during an emergency landing of an airplane?



1. With adults, make a map of dangerous places in the area where you live, marking on it large enterprises, your home and school, power lines, utilities, etc. Indicate on this map the route of your movement from home to school and back, buildings where friends live.

2. Compile a telephone directory with telephone numbers of emergency services of the city, region and others necessary information.

3. Discuss with your parents the question: “Who can be considered acquaintances and who is not?”


First, let's talk about one story. The police in one of the cities of Russia received a telephone call. The caller reported that the city school was mined and an explosion was being prepared there. Following the alarm, the police on duty were immediately raised, police patrols, ambulances, and fire brigades were sent to the school. The signal about a bomb planted at the school was received by the duty services at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal service security, city administration. All students, teachers and even cooks from the canteen were immediately evacuated from the school. Despite the rain, students and passers-by huddled around the school, watching as cars with flashing lights and sirens approached the school one after another. The sappers and dog handlers arrived with dogs trained to search for explosives. They inspected all the premises, from the basement to the attic they checked the entire school. There was no bomb at the school. We examined the area adjacent to the school, but did not find any suspicious objects. The students returned to school, but classes that day were disrupted. Several first-graders, who hurriedly ran out into the street poorly dressed, fell ill the next day.

« Great, just like in the movies! Let's look at this..."- another schoolboy will say. Let's not rush, let's read the story to the end.

Any signal about the threat of a terrorist attack is taken seriously.

The same day, the police opened a criminal case for deliberately false reporting of a terrorist attack. Investigators took up the case. Assistance in the investigation was provided by employees of the FSB, the prosecutor's office and the city telephone exchange. Using special equipment, it was established that the call was made from a pay phone near one of the houses. Based on the voice recording, it was determined that the caller was a boy of approximately 12-14 years old. Investigators interviewed all surrounding residents who may have been near the telephone booth at the time the false call was made. A portrait of the criminal was drawn up, and it was soon established who he was and where he lived. The next morning he was detained.

The police came for him straight to school. The caller turned out to be one of the students of this school, who was skipping classes that day. Experts confirmed that the voice of the fake terrorist recorded on tape at the time of the call belongs to him. During interrogation, he admitted that the message about a bomb in the school, which was received by the police control panel, was his doing. He wanted to disrupt classes at his educational institution, where his friends studied. “I thought that the police wouldn’t catch me,” admitted the young attacker.


Making a false call about a terrorist attack is a serious crime

The teenager fully admitted his guilt and advised his peers not to joke with the police anymore. However, the hooligan's repentance did not spare him from trial. Since he was not yet 14 years old, the court did not hold the teenager accountable, but punished the parents with a large fine. In addition, the parents compensated the state for the damage caused by their son’s act - the costs of attracting special services: police squads, fire trucks and ambulances.

The incident described actually happened. Unfortunately, such “jokes” are not so rare. Over the course of a year, more than a thousand criminal cases are initiated in Russia on the basis of false reports of terrorist attacks. Most “telephone terrorists” are teenagers, boys and girls aged 11-17 years.

Let's get a look, why did they do this .

Most often, caught “telephone terrorists” during interrogations reported their desire not to go to school and to skip lessons. Some were afraid of the test and thought, in this way, to avoid an unsatisfactory grade. There have been cases when they tried to take revenge on the school or teachers in this way.

Sometimes teenagers report mines at train stations, under bridges, in residential buildings out of interest, to see the amount of special equipment and uniforms of special police forces who arrived at the scene they designated.

Some of the teenagers detained by the police for making a false threat of a terrorist attack admitted that they wanted to “prove that they are tough,” demonstrate their courage, and gain respect from their friends.

There are also those who wanted to “just have fun” and experience the thrill. It happens that teenagers, having nothing better to do, play around with the phone, dial numbers of different institutions, and say all sorts of nonsense. Someone, dialing the next number, says “You have a bomb!” and hangs up. Funny?

It's not funny at all, considering that:

So, a call with a message about a bomb is not a joke at all, not a childish prank, not hooliganism. A simple reprimand will not get you off here. The Criminal Code provides for much more severe punishment for this action. Both telephone hooligans and real terrorists do one thing - they scare people, keep them in fear, and interfere with normal life in the country, in cities and villages. And if someone decides to “make a joke,” he must remember what he is committing criminal offense. Tell your friends that there is no point in checking the combat readiness of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations once again. Encourage them to think before speaking into the phone

Art. 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Knowingly false report of a terrorist attack

“Knowingly false information about an impending explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, causing significant property damage or other socially dangerous consequences is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen.” months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.”

Rubku: "You have a bomb planted!.."


    Why do false calls about terrorist attacks help terrorists?

    Which harmful effects can bring a false message about a bomb planted in a school (residential building, hospital, train station)?

    What would you tell your classmates who are going to call and scare different people over the phone with a bomb threat?

    For those planning to call and report a bomb threat, it seems that no one will know who did it. Why isn't this true?


Make up a story about a teenager who decided to make a joke by reporting a bomb threat, and then suffered the consequences of his joke.


The state is taking all possible measures in the fight against terrorism. To protect Russian citizens, special laws have been adopted and interaction with many countries has been organized. In order to unite the efforts of all ministries and departments in Russia, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee was created. In every republic, in every region, special anti-terror units have been created.


Every resident of our country can and must contribute to the fight against terrorism

However, without the help of all Russian citizens, terrorism will not be overcome. Every citizen, every son and every daughter of his people is obliged to take part in the fight against the heinous phenomenon of terrorism. What can each of us do against a lurking, cunning and armed enemy? This is not necessarily the path of force. Everyone knows that if you pluck the stem of a weed, after a while the weed will grow back. Like a weed, terrorism has roots that must be pulled out. It's not easy, but if you help adults, together we will defeat evil.

Everyone should look around themselves. Together we can choose our path in this just struggle. Everyone can say “I will fight terrorism”:


1. How can a teenager fight terrorism? Can a disabled person fight terrorism?

2. Is it possible to get rid of terrorism only by force, for example, by destroying all terrorists?

3. What causes of terrorism do you know? Think with your classmates what can be done in our country so that there are no more terrorists.

4. What feats of policemen and special forces soldiers do you know in the fight against terrorists?

5. What qualities do you need to have to fight terrorism?


You already know a lot about terrorism and understand that terrorism is a terrible evil. No matter how beautiful and seemingly noble ideas terrorists hide behind, their goal is to force them to fulfill their desires, and the main means is to instill fear in the entire people. Terrorists have a short life. All terrorists end their lives in disgrace.

Teenagers are no longer as easy to fool as younger children school age. They are no longer so gullible, they have life experience and their own opinions. Therefore, a middle school student can resist terrorist ideas, and sometimes even commit an important act by discovering the threat of a terrorist attack and reporting his observations to adults.

At the same time, adolescence has a number of characteristics that terrorists use to attract young citizens of our country to their side. Various terrorist tricks are aimed at these characteristics of teenagers. Presenting themselves as heroes, as fighters for the people and for the faith, terrorists expect that their ideas will be supported by young people. Knowledge of recruitment techniques, psychological influence on the individual, which are used by terrorists and totalitarian sects, will allow every citizen to resist terrorist ideas.

Every citizen of our country is obliged to take care of their safety. Everyone can and should contribute to the fight against terrorism. Only by destroying terrorism and eliminating extremist and nationalist influences will it be possible to achieve peace and prosperity in our country.



attracting supporters, recruiting for service. Recruitment often involves the use of blackmail, threats, bribery or deception.


a person captured and held by terrorists who put forward demands to change existing orders, rules, norms


the use of computer programs to damage control systems, data networks, data storage databases, disrupt the work of government and public organizations and individuals


loyalty and devotion to one's nation, the desire to defend its independence and work for the benefit of one's own people. Extreme expressions of nationalism are manifested in intolerance of people of other nationalities


fear that has taken hold of many people at the same time and causes an uncontrollable desire to avoid a dangerous situation


hatred of certain races, belief in the superiority (mental, physical) of one’s race over other races


the desire for separation, isolation, the movement for the separation of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity

Media (mass media)

means using technical capabilities to convey a message simultaneously to many (mass) people. Mass media include radio, newspapers, magazines, television, Internet


such actions when bandits blow up, kill, take hostages or intimidate civilians in order to achieve criminal goals and harm society and the state

Terrorist act

committing an explosion, arson or other actions that frighten the population and create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or other grave consequences, in order to influence decision-making by authorities or international organizations, as well as the threat of committing these actions for the same purposes

Totalitarian sect


blind and ardent adherence to beliefs, an extreme degree of commitment to any ideas, beliefs or views. Usually combined with intolerance towards other people's views and aspirations


commitment to extreme views and actions, an attempt to change the world through violence, disregard for laws and legitimate authority

Ethnic identity

perception of oneself as a member of a certain people, a person’s attitude towards his nationality and other nationalities.

Davydov Denis Gennadievich

Terrorism is evil

Technical editor – Volobueva Yu.M.

Cover, layout – Novikov S.A.

Documents on anti-terrorism, but on the basis of which the protection of educational organizations is organized!

"Journal of anti-terrorism security training"


name of company


registration of training on anti-terrorism security and civil defense

Started “______”______20_____ Finished “_____”____________________20____

M.P. ____________________________________

Responsible for maintaining:



Full name of the person being instructed

Trainee's profession

Instruction number and brief content of the instruction

Type of briefing (initial, repeated, unscheduled)

Date of training

Signature of the person being instructed

Full name of the person instructing

Signature of the person conducting the instruction

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“Is it legal to not let parents into school and kindergarten?”

Revision dated March 1, 2018

Is it legal to keep parents away from school and kindergarten?

A.Yu. Lebedev

It is legal if the prohibition does not contradict current legislation and is established in local acts of the educational organization.

For example, a ban can be established in the charter, internal regulations or in documents that establish the operating mode of the organization, including access. Parents are required to comply with these requirements. This rule is established by paragraph 2 of part 4 of Article 44 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 and is confirmed by judicial practice (appeal ruling of the Astrakhan Regional Court dated August 12, 2015 in case No. 33-2400/2015).

An example of the wording of the conditions for parents to attend school in the school access regulations

" Passage of parents (legal representatives) to resolve personal issues is carried out on Mondays from 14:00 to 17:00. Parents' access to the school administration is possible by prior agreement with the administration itself, of which security staff must be informed in advance. Unscheduled passage is permitted only with the permission of the person responsible for access control or the school principal and is carried out after classes, and in emergency cases - before classes and during breaks. When holding mass events, parent meetings, seminars and other events, parents (legal representatives) are allowed into the school building upon presentation of an identification document, according to the list of visitors, certified by the seal and signature of the school director.”

Copy date: 03/26/2018

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“Instructions (regulations) for intra-facility and access control”

State budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 404 Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg



E.G. Ovodova

Order No. 10 of 01/25/2016


on organizing access and inside object modes

GBOU school No. 404 of St. Petersburg

    General provisions

      This Instruction developed in accordance with the requirements for ensuring comprehensive security of educational institutions, and determines the organization and procedure for implementing access and intra-facility regimes at GBOU school No. 404 of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the school) in order to ensure public safety, prevent possible terrorist, extremist actions and other illegal actions manifestations against students (pupils), teaching staff and technical staff of an educational institution.

      The access regime establishes the procedure for the passage (exit) of students, teachers, staff, visitors into the school building, the entry (exit) of vehicles into the territory of the educational institution, the entry (removal) of material assets to prevent unauthorized entry of citizens, vehicles and foreign objects to the territory and building of an educational institution.

      The intra-facility regime is established in order to ensure measures and rules carried out by persons located on the territory and in the school building, in accordance with the requirements of internal regulations, anti-terrorism, fire and electrical safety.

      The access and intra-facility regime is approved by the school director. The organization and control of compliance with the access control regime is entrusted to the deputy director for administrative management, and its direct implementation is the responsibility of the administrator on duty and security officers - the security guard and the watchman.

      Security officers carry out access control based on lists of students, teachers and employees approved by the school director or on the basis of passes of the established form.

      The requirements of these instructions apply in full to all school employees, students, parents (legal representatives) and persons accompanying students as they relate to them.

This instruction is communicated to all teachers and employees of the educational institution, as well as security workers against signature.

Entrance doors and emergency exits are equipped with durable locks and locks that can be easily opened from the inside. The keys to emergency exits are kept at the security post and the deputy director of the school for administrative management (second set).

      The main checkpoints are equipped with places of security service, equipped with a set of documents on the organization of physical security of the institution, incl. on the organization of access control, samples of passes, as well as an alarm button.

      All repairs or reconstruction of premises in an educational institution must be coordinated with the school director.

    Admission procedures for students, teachers, staff and visitors

      To ensure access control, the passage of students, teachers, staff and visitors, as well as the bringing in (taking out) of materials is carried out through the central entrance, and in special cases through emergency exits.

      Emergency exits (gates) are opened only with the permission of the director (deputy director for administrative affairs), and in their absence - with the permission of the duty administrator.

During the period of opening of the emergency exit (gate), control over it is exercised by the person opening it.

      Students entering the school building for classes, classes extracurricular activities, classes of clubs and sections of the school's ODOD are carried out independently (parents without presenting documents or making an entry in the visitor registration register are allowed only onto the school premises) from 07:50. until 19:00

      Mass release of students from the school building during breaks is carried out only in agreement with the school principal or administrator on duty.

During classes, students are allowed into and out of school only with the permission of the school director (deputy director for educational resources) or the administrator on duty.

      School employees enter the school building using passes.

      After the end of the time allotted for students to enter or leave classes, the security officer is required to conduct a tour of the school territory, and the administrator on duty is required to inspect the interior of the school to identify foreign, explosive and suspicious objects.

      Parents (legal representatives) may be admitted to an educational institution upon presentation of an identification document outside of school hours or at a time indicated by school employees, with mandatory registration of the document data in the visitor register (passport details, time of arrival, time of departure, to whom he arrived, purpose of visiting school). The employee who invited the parents to the school goes down to the first floor and meets the invitees there.

When holding parent meetings, parent days, and holiday events, class teachers provide the security worker with lists of visitors certified by their signature. Visitors' access to these events is carried out by presenting an identity document to the security officer without registering data in the visitor register, but with a mark in the list (the visitor's signature).

      The presence of students in the school building after the end of classes is carried out with the consent of the parents and under the control of the GPA teachers, teacher additional education or the class teacher.

      Visitors to the school building during classes are allowed only with the permission of the school principal.

      Passage of parents accompanying children to classes and picking them up from classes is carried out without recording in the visitor register and presenting an identity document only to the school premises.

      Members of clubs, sections or other groups of students for extra-curricular and extracurricular activities are admitted to the educational institution according to lists certified by the deputy director for education, internal affairs or the head of the educational institution.

      Persons not associated with the educational process who attend school for official reasons are admitted upon presentation of an identification document and in agreement with the school director, and in his absence, the administrator on duty with an entry in the visitor register.

      When carrying out construction and repair work in an educational institution, workers are admitted according to the list of the contractor agreed with the school director and, if necessary, with mandatory notification to the territorial department of the Internal Affairs Directorate. The work is carried out under the control of the school’s deputy director for administrative and administrative work.

      The movement of visitors in the building of an educational institution is accompanied by a school employee or an administrator on duty.

      Workers (cleaners of production and office premises) are allowed to stay in the school building on weekdays until 19.00.

During non-working hours, holidays and weekends, only school leaders are freely allowed into the school.

      The presence of participants in the educational process on school grounds after the end of the school shift and working day without the appropriate permission of the school director is prohibited.

    Inspection of visitors' belongings

      Large items, boxes, boxes are brought into the school building after they have been inspected, excluding the bringing of prohibited items into the building of an educational institution (explosives, bladed weapons and firearms, drugs, etc.).

      Material assets are removed from the school building on the basis of a memo signed by the deputy director of the school for administrative and administrative affairs.

      If visitors have hand luggage, the school security guard (watchman) offers to voluntarily present the contents of their hand luggage.

In case of refusal, the school administrator on duty is called and the visitor is asked to wait at the entrance. If the visitor refuses to present the contents of his hand luggage to the administrator on duty, he will not be allowed into the school.

      If a visitor who does not present hand luggage for inspection and refuses to leave the educational institution, the security guard (watchman) or the administrator on duty, having assessed the situation, informs the school director and acts on his instructions, if necessary, calls the police, and uses an alarm system.

      Data about visitors is recorded in the visitor registration log.

    The procedure for admitting vehicles, emergency crews, and ambulances to the territory

      Entry into the school grounds and parking on the school grounds for private cars is prohibited (except for the cars of school employees).

      Tolerance vehicles entry into the school territory is carried out only with the permission of the director or his deputy for administrative affairs, on the basis of a waybill and a driver’s license for the right to drive a car.

      Inspection of vehicles entering the territory of the educational institution and cargo is carried out in front of the gate.

      The list of vehicles allowed to enter the school territory is determined by order of the school director.

Entry of vehicles not included in the list is permitted only with the written permission of the director (and in his absence, the deputy director for administrative and administrative affairs).

      Vehicle movement through the territory is permitted at a speed of no more than 5 km/h.

Parking of vehicles that delivered material assets and products is carried out at the emergency exit in compliance with all safety measures and traffic rules under the control of the school caretaker (or a designated employee).

      Fire trucks, vehicles of emergency crews, and ambulances are allowed into the territory without hindrance.

      Motor vehicles arriving for the removal of bulk materials, waste paper, scrap metal, household waste, etc. are allowed onto the school premises upon the application of the deputy director for the school's internal affairs and with the permission of the school director or duty administrator.

      When allowing vehicles into the school territory, the person allowing vehicles into the school territory is obliged to warn the driver and passengers about strict adherence to safety measures when driving through the territory, compliance with the speed limit and traffic rules on the school territory.

      On weekends, holidays and at night, the admission of vehicles to the school territory is carried out with the written permission of the school director or his deputy, with the obligatory indication of the names of those responsible, the time the vehicle was on the territory of the institution, and the purpose of its stay.

      About all cases of prolonged presence of unidentified vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the school, vehicles that cause suspicion, the person responsible for access control informs the school director (his deputy) and, if necessary, in agreement with the school director (his deputy) informs the territorial authority internal affairs.

      If there is a passenger in the car with the driver, he is required to allow unauthorized persons into the institution.

      The actions of the person responsible for the passage of vehicles in the event of an emergency are similar to the actions of the person responsible for access to the school building.

    Procedure and rules for compliance with intra-facility regime

      The time of arrival and departure of employees to the school building is recorded using an electronic access system located at the security post.

      Leaving Staff only, school staff must close windows and vents, turn off water and lights, and turn off power to all electrical appliances and technical equipment.

      At the end of the school, after all employees have left, at 22.00 security officers conduct an internal tour of the school (special attention is paid to the windows, the canteen and the medical center, the absence of water leaks in the toilets, the absence of electrical appliances and lights).

      During non-working hours, rounds are carried out every 2 times a day.

      In order to organize and monitor compliance with the educational process, as well as compliance with the internal regime in the institution, an administrator on duty for the educational institution and floor attendants are appointed from among the deputy directors of the educational institution and teachers in accordance with the approved schedule.

      In order to ensure fire safety Students, staff, and visitors are required to strictly comply with the requirements of the Instructions on fire safety in the building and on school grounds.

      In the building and on the territory of the educational school it is prohibited:

    violate safety regulations;

    use any objects and substances that can lead to an explosion and (or) fire;

    bring for any purpose and use in any way weapons, explosives, fire hazardous substances, alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, tobacco products, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons;

    Responsibilities of an employee performing security functions

      The employee must know:

    job description;

    features of the protected facility and the surrounding area, location and operation of security, fire and alarm systems, communications, fire extinguishing equipment, rules for their use and maintenance;

    general conditions and measures to ensure the safety of the facility, its vulnerabilities;

    the procedure for interaction with law enforcement agencies, the conditions and rules for the use of weapons and special equipment, the internal regulations of the educational institution, the rules for inspecting hand luggage and vehicles.

      The security post must have:

    alarm device;

    instructions on the rules for using the alarm system;

    telephone numbers of duty services of law enforcement agencies, civil defense and emergency situations, emergency services, administration of educational institutions.

      The security officer is obliged to:

    before entering the post, walk around the territory of the facility, check the presence and serviceability of equipment (according to the inventory) and the absence of damage to the external fence, windows, doors;

    check the proper operation of technical means of monitoring the situation, communications, the availability of fire extinguishing equipment, and post documentation;

    report the shift performed and any deficiencies identified to the administrator on duty;

    carry out access control to the school building in accordance with these Instructions;

    ensure control over the developing situation on the school grounds and surrounding areas;

    identify persons attempting to enter the territory of an educational institution in violation of established rules, commit illegal actions against students, teaching and technical staff, property and equipment of the school, and suppress their actions within their competence. If necessary, use alarm systems to signal law enforcement agencies, call a private security detention group, etc.;

    walk around the territory of the educational institution at least 2 times a day: before the start of the educational process and after the end of classes, if necessary, carry out additional inspection of the territory and premises;

    if suspicious persons, explosive or suspicious objects and other possible preconditions for emergency situations are detected, call the police and act in accordance with official instructions;

    in case of arrival of persons to check the performance of duty, the employee, making sure that they have the right to do so, allows them into the school territory and answers the questions posed.

      The employee has the right:

    require students, school staff, and visitors to comply with these Instructions and Internal Regulations;

    demand immediate elimination of identified deficiencies, suppress attempts to violate the daily routine and access control;

    to perform their official duties, use communication means and other equipment belonging to the school;

      The employee is prohibited from:

    allow unauthorized persons into the school premises in violation of the established rules;

    disclose information about the school and the procedure for organizing its security to third parties;

    at the workplace, consume alcoholic beverages, low-alcohol cocktails, beer, narcotic substances, psychotropic and toxic substances.

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“How to ensure anti-terrorist security of an educational organization”

Revision dated March 2, 2018

How to ensure anti-terrorist security of an educational organization

A.Yu. Lebedev

You can ensure anti-terrorist protection of a school and kindergarten using a complex of organizational, administrative and preventive measures. In the recommendation you will learn how to implement measures in 14 steps.

Step 1. Appoint someone responsible for anti-terrorism security

The head of an educational organization is obliged to appoint a person responsible for carrying out anti-terrorism security measures (subparagraph “b” of paragraph 22 of the requirements, approved by Government Resolution No. 1235 of October 7, 2017). Assign responsibility to an employee who has the skills to ensure safety in emergency situations, as well as experience working or interacting with territorial security authorities. For example, this could be the deputy head of safety, the head of the economic department, a life safety teacher .

Obtain the employee's consent to perform additional work, and then issue an order for his appointment. In it, indicate the name and position of the employee. Set out the responsibilities of the person in charge in the job description or in the order of appointment, and if necessary, enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract. Introduce the order to the employee against his signature.

To perform duties, instruct the responsible employee to study the legal requirements on ensuring anti-terrorism security, as well as the provisions of local acts and the specifics of protecting an educational organization.

Step 2. Make a list of measures to ensure anti-terrorism security

Entrust the person responsible for anti-terrorism security to compile a list of activities. Every educational organization must have this document (clause 15 of the requirements, approved by Government Decree No. 1235).

Remind the employee that when compiling the list, he must take into account information from the inspection and categorization report of the object, the degree of potential danger and threat of terrorist acts, as well as the projected amount of expenses and sources of funding for the implementation of relevant activities. Please draw the employee's attention to the fact that the period for implementing activities should not exceed 12 months from the date of signing the inspection report and categorization of the object.

Attention: restrict access to the list of measures to ensure anti-terrorism security.

This is due to the fact that the information contained in the list is information of limited distribution and is subject to protection (clause 16 of the requirements, approved by Government Decree No. 1235 of October 7, 2017).

Step 3. Develop an evacuation plan in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist attack

Requirements for anti-terrorism protection oblige schools and kindergartens to have evacuation plans in the event of a terrorist attack (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 22 of the requirements, approved by Government Resolution No. 1235). To develop evacuation plans, enter into an agreement with an organization that has a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for this type activities (clause 4.5.1 GOST 12.2.143-2009). Conclude contracts according to procurement rules in accordance with the legislation on the contract system. Accept the result if the plan is made in accordance with GOST 12.2.143-2009 and contains all the necessary elements. After this, approve the plan and post it in visible places.

Advice: the standard contains uniform requirements for fire evacuation plans and terrorist evacuation plans, so combine the order and develop a common plan.

What should it contain?

The plan must consist of graphic and text parts (clause 6.2.3 GOST 12.2.143-2009). The font height of the inscriptions on the plan must be at least 3 mm, and the height of safety signs and symbols must be within 8–15 mm. On one evacuation plan, safety signs and symbols are carried out on the same scale (GOST R 12.2.143-2009).

IN graphic parts display the floor or sectional layout of the object. At the same time, they must indicate where the evacuation routes and exits are located, emergency exits, external open staircases, the location of the evacuation plan itself, as well as the location of life-saving equipment and protective equipment identified by safety signs and IMO symbols.

Text Part of the evacuation plans should contain instructions on actions in an emergency situation, supplemented for clarity with safety signs and symbols. In addition, the text part indicates methods of notification of a terrorist attack, rules of behavior for people, evacuation procedures, as well as the responsibilities of people, including the procedure for calling emergency rescue units and emergency medical care.

Where to place

Place evacuation plans on each floor, and if there are complex escape routes, up-and-down doors and turnstiles, separate emergency exits - in each section of the floor. The plan must be available for public viewing, so hang it in prominent places - walls of rooms and corridors, on columns in strict accordance with the location indicated on the plan itself (clauses 4.5.1 and 6.2.10 GOST 12.2.143-2009) .

Step 4. Organize access and intra-facility modes

Introduce access control in an educational organization in accordance with the action plan to ensure security and anti-terrorism protection. The plan includes measures for arranging checkpoints, introducing a permit system, and developing service documentation. Agree on the plan with the responsible security chief and the governing board of the educational organization.

The procedure for the passage of persons, vehicles and material assets is set out in a local act, for example, in the regulation on access control. The start of the access control regime and the employees responsible for its operation should be indicated in the order. Then notify all interested parties about the beginning and procedure for the access control. If necessary, strengthen the access control.

Step 5. Train children and workers in anti-terrorism security measures

To provide employees and children with information about how to protect themselves and what to do in the event of a threat or terrorist attack, organize training for them. For comprehensive training, set up a stand and regularly conduct drills and drills to prepare for actions in the event of a terrorist attack.

How to train employees

Organize training on anti-terrorism security for employees. To do this, create a training program, assign an instructor, provide him with training tools, and then monitor how the instructor reflects the results of the training.

How to teach children

To teach children how to protect themselves and how to act in the face of a threat or when a terrorist attack is committed, instruct educators and teachers to conduct activities that develop an anti-terrorist worldview among students and allow them to learn skills to behave in critical situations. For example, schoolchildren can be taught in life safety lessons and during extracurricular activities, and preschoolers can be taught as part of an educational program, games, and walks.

Step 6. Equip the building and territory with protective equipment and security systems

Equip the territory and building of the educational organization with the protective equipment listed in Table 1 to SP 132.13330.2011. At the same time, take into account the class of the educational organization in terms of the significance of the threat of committing a terrorist act, the number of people in one room and the requirements project documentation building.

List of engineering and technical means and protection systems

Number of people in one room

object by


(+ SOO)

From 50 to 500 people

More than 500 people

Carry out work on equipping an educational organization with security systems in stages.

At the first stage, organize a survey of the territory and building of the educational organization, analyze possible threats, and determine the layout of technical protective equipment. Instruct the accountant to develop a feasibility study, and the contract service to technical task.

At the second stage, in accordance with the legislation on the contract system, enter into two contracts. The first is for the development of design and estimate documentation, the second is for the implementation of construction, installation and commissioning works. Conclude contracts with organizations that have a certificate of admission to such types of work issued by a self-regulatory organization (Part 4 of Article 48 of the Civil Code).

At the third stage, monitor the progress of construction work. After putting the systems into operation, hold meetings at which you familiarize responsible employees with the rules for using the protection systems. To keep systems in good working order, enter into maintenance contracts.

Advice: To implement equipment measures gradually, draw up a long-term plan.

In it, indicate the volumes and sources of financing, as well as the employees responsible for execution. Determine the deadline for implementing the plan yourself, but it is better to make it for a short-term period. This is due to the fact that the period for implementing measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection should not exceed 12 months from the date of approval of the inspection and categorization report of the object (clause 15 of the requirements, approved by Government Resolution No. 1235).

Step 7. Ensure periodic walk-through and inspection of the building and area

To organize inspections of the territory and building, draw up a duty schedule. In it, indicate the frequency of inspections, the names and positions of responsible employees, and their areas of responsibility. Also develop several route schemes, bring them to the attention of those responsible and transfer them for storage to the security post.

What to check in the building

Instruct a security officer to check basements, attics, utility rooms and storage areas daily. Also, his responsibilities include checking the condition of bars on windows and monitoring the closure and sealing of premises.

What to check on site

Instruct a security officer to walk around the area during the daytime, and a watchman in the evening. During the walk-through, instruct workers to inspect the perimeter of the fence, the serviceability of locks and latches on the entrance and emergency gates, the condition of emergency exits and possible escape routes. In addition, ensure that workers inspect underground utility systems and parking lots. The results of the rounds must be recorded in a journal.

Step 8. Conduct drills and training

All educational organizations are required to conduct exercises and training (subparagraph “g”, paragraph 22 of the requirements, approved by Government Decree No. 1235 of October 7, 2017). The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish requirements for the procedure for conducting training in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist act, so plan the procedure yourself, and use the algorithm for conducting fire evacuation training as an example.

How to plan

Create a yearly drill and training schedule. In it, indicate the composition and categories of participants, dates and topics of training. Topics can be different, for example: “Evacuation when strangers and suspicious objects are detected,” “Evacuation when there is a threat of a terrorist attack,” “Actions when taking hostages in the building and on the territory of an educational organization.” Include joint training with territorial security agencies in your schedule, in agreement with the heads of these organizations.

How to conduct

Conduct exercises in three stages: preparation, conduct and summing up. Shortly before the exercise, conduct a briefing with employees and children to make the training more successful.

At the first stage, create a training headquarters, determine the initial data, develop and approve basic documents. Provide the chief of staff with material and technical means and instruct him to prepare the locations for the exercises. Start preparing for the practical lesson at least 1–3 months before it starts.

In the second stage, implement your tactical plan. Instruct the chief of staff to notify the workers and children about the concept of the exercise and monitor the progress of the practical lesson.

In the third stage, conduct a debriefing. During the debriefing, analyze the results and determine to what extent the educational goals have been achieved, then prepare an act and issue an order. Use the resulting documents to adjust educational plans for children and employees.

Step 9. Eliminate uncontrolled presence of unauthorized persons and vehicles at the site

To prevent access by unauthorized persons and vehicles, organize access control and appoint responsible employees.

How to prevent cars from passing through

Entrust the responsible employee to prevent uncontrolled passage of vehicles into the territory of the educational organization. For example, it could be a security guard or a person responsible for access control. If there is no person in charge at the school or kindergarten, then issue an order appointing one. In the order, indicate the name, position and area of ​​responsibility of the employee.

Once appointed, provide the employee with a list of vehicles eligible for entry. Instruct the vehicle and cargo to be inspected before entering the territory of the educational organization, and data about the vehicle to be recorded in the vehicle registration log.

How to prevent visitors from passing through

Entrust the security guard or controller of the educational organization to exclude unauthorized persons from entering. To do this, oblige him to admit persons at a certain time after checking their identity documents and examining visitors for the presence of prohibited items. Ask to record the results of the inspection and document data in the visitor log.

Step 10. Organize interaction with territorial security authorities

Instruct the person responsible for anti-terrorism security to establish personal contact with representatives of the territorial bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Remind the responsible employee annually to coordinate a schedule for joint training and meetings with security officials. Also instruct the employee to clarify the contacts of services, the minimum and maximum terms of their arrival at the educational organization.

If the educational organization has been assigned the second category of danger, then additionally oblige the employee to draw up and coordinate with the services a plan of interaction on issues of countering extremism and terrorism (subclause “c” of paragraph 23 of the requirements, approved by Government Resolution No. 1235).

Step 11. Protect proprietary information

Criminals who prepare terrorist attacks usually find out the same information about the target. They are interested in where checkpoints and security posts are located, how often security guards walk around the building and territory, what kind of video surveillance system and alarm system the organization uses. Terrorists also seek to obtain technical floor plans of the building, communication diagrams, a safety data sheet, an inspection and categorization certificate for the facility, and plans for marking critical elements of the territory of an educational organization.

To protect information about anti-terrorist measures taken, restrict access to it. Keep paper documents in a safe or room where only certain employees can enter. Information that is stored electronically should not be posted on the Internet or publicly available on a corporate computer network.

By order, appoint a person responsible for storing documents and determine the list of persons allowed to access restricted information. Instruct the person in charge to issue documents to employees only on a business need. To control access to information, hand the responsible employee a journal and oblige him to note who took the papers, when and why.

Step 12. Protect information resources

Entrust the protection of information resources to responsible employees. They must have access to resources and know the legal requirements for the level of protection and delimitation of rights to use resources.

To protect information on a wired network, instruct the information security officer to protect computers from unauthorized entry and access to information. To prevent unauthorized destruction, distortion, copying, or blocking of information, oblige the employee to develop a system of protective measures in local networks.

To limit children's access to prohibited information, instruct the library manager to conduct an inventory of the library collection and check whether all products manufactured since September 1, 2012 have an age restriction sign. In addition, together with the head of the library and the person responsible for information security, carry out administrative and organizational measures, as well as organize content filtering of Internet resources.

Step 13. Place visual aids in the field of anti-terrorism security

To post anti-terrorism protection manuals, instruct the person in charge to set up an information stand. The legislation does not contain requirements for the design of stands, but when creating stands we recommend general design principles.

At the stand, place manuals containing information on the procedure to follow when suspicious persons or objects are detected, as well as when information is received about the threat or commission of terrorist acts. In addition, place on the stand an evacuation diagram in case of emergencies, telephone numbers of emergency services, territorial security agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard (subparagraph “m” of paragraph 22 of the requirements, approved by Government Decree No. 1235).

Step 14. Develop documents on anti-terrorism security

Develop documents on anti-terrorism security together with the responsible employee. Federal legislation does not define a specific list of documents that must be in an educational organization, therefore the list necessary documents determine it yourself. In doing so, take into account the requirements and recommendations of regional and municipal authorities.

In order to organize anti-terrorism security, the recommended list of documents was approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea in Resolution No. 466 dated November 25, 2014. The Council included in this list:

    plan to ensure anti-terrorist security;

    order on the organization of anti-terrorist and anti-extremist activities;

    order on the organization of access and intra-facility regimes;

    act of the state commission on acceptance of the facility for operation;

    safety data sheet and site security plan;

    fire regulations;

    plans for evacuation of people in case of emergencies;

    audit log of security and fire alarm systems, warning systems;

    security equipment maintenance log;

    regulations on access and intra-facility regimes;

    reminders to employees on actions in the event of the occurrence and localization of emergency situations, terrorist attacks and establishing levels of terrorist danger;

    job descriptions of employees on actions in the event of and localization of emergency situations, terrorist acts and establishing levels of terrorist danger;

    schemes for organizing the movement of transport and visitors through the territory of the facility;

    rules of conduct for visitors at the site;

    texts for the facility's information service in case of emergencies, terrorist attacks and establishing terrorist threat levels;

    functional responsibilities of the employee responsible for implementing anti-terrorist protection measures;

    documentation defining the forces and means involved in security;

    list of engineering and technical means used in security;

    description of valid passes, seals, sample signatures of employees who have the right to sign passes;

    communication and notification scheme when performing everyday tasks, when the situation becomes complicated and when critical situations arise;

    long-term plan for equipping the facility with engineering and technical means and security systems.

© Material from the Education Reference System
Copy date: 03/26/2018

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“Model-action-plan (example)”

actions to prevent and respond to natural emergencies

and man-made in State educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education

Moscow - 2014


Brief geographical and socio-economic history

characteristics _____________________________________________

and assessment of the possible situation on its territory

1. Relief, climate, vegetation, hydrography, general conclusions.

State educational organization, subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Organization)_______________________________________________________

(full name of organization)

located in the ________ part of the _____________ _____________ administrative district (AO) of Moscow at the address:

1. Building No. 1 ___________________;

2. Building No. 2 ___________________.

By the nature of the surface the territory

The organization is located on a plain.

The soils are predominantly soddy-podzolic, the soils are mostly loamy.

Winter (mid-November - end of March) is moderately cold, with predominantly cloudy weather. Characterized by persistent frosts; the air temperature varies from –5 0 to –12 0 C, in January and February it drops in certain periods to –30 0 C. Short-term thaws occur 3 to 6 times every month. Precipitation falls in the form of snow with snowfall ranging from 14 days to 20 days each month. A stable snow cover is formed at the end of November, its thickness reaches 0.3-0.6 m by March. Snowstorms occur on average 4 to 7 times a month, days with fogs 2-6 per month. By the end of winter, the soil freezes to a depth of 0.6-1.0 m. The average duration of snow cover is 150 days.

The ice thickness on the rivers is 0.5-0.7 m, on the reservoir – up to 1.5 m.

Spring (end of March - end of May) is cool, with unstable weather. Returns of cold weather are common, during which the air temperature even in May drops below 0 0 C at night. Precipitation is mainly in the form of rain, but snowfall is possible until the end of April. The snow cover disappears by mid-April. Rivers and reservoirs break up from ice in the first half of April; ice drift lasts 3-10 days. The greatest rise in water level is observed in mid-April, the duration is 8-20 days.

Summer (end of May - end of August) is moderately warm. The prevailing air temperature during the day is 16 0 -20 0 C (in July up to 28 0 -30 0 C), at night 10 0 -15 0 C. Each month, as a rule, has 12-15 days with rain: short-term showers are typical, sometimes with thunderstorms, but there are also prolonged drizzles. Low water on rivers (lowest water level) lasts from July to September with short-term rises in water levels caused by rains.

Autumn (end of August - mid-November) in September is relatively warm, with partly cloudy weather. In November there is a sharp cooling. Precipitation falls in the form of rain until mid-October; later rain alternates with snowfall. Freeze-up occurs at the end of November, beginning of December.

Every month there are 4-5 days with fog.

Winds throughout the year are predominantly southwestern, western and southern; the prevailing speed is 2-5 m/s, in some years up to 25 m/s.

General conclusions:

Based on a brief geographical description, in some winters with severe frosts One should expect disruptions in the operation of utility networks and the formation of ice on wires and trees, which can lead to broken wires and falling branches and trees.

2. Administrative and economic characteristics of the Organization:

The territory of the Organization is:

2.1. Building No. 1 _______ (address) (structural unit)

2.1.2. The number of employees of the structural unit of the Organization is _____ people, of which: ____ people. administrative apparatus, ____ people teachers (educators).

2.1.3. The number of students (pupils) of the structural unit of the Organization is _____, the staffing level of the structural unit of the Organization is ___%.

2.1.4. The building of the Organization's structural unit is a 2-story brick building with a technical basement.

2.1.5. The area of ​​the yard area is _____ m2, of which ___% is paved with asphalt. The construction area of ​​the territory of the Organization's structural unit is _____ m2,

2.1.6. The total area of ​​the premises of the structural unit of the Organization is ______ m2, of which the 1st floor is ______ m2, the 2nd floor is ______ m2, the basement is ______ m2.

2.2. Building No. 2 _______ (address) (structural unit)

2.2.2. The number of employees of the structural unit of the Organization is _____ people, of which: ____ people. administrative apparatus, ____ people teachers (educators).

2.2.3. The number of students (pupils) of the structural unit of the Organization is _____, the staffing level of the structural unit of the Organization is ___%.

2.2.4. The building of the Organization's structural unit is a 2-story brick building with a technical basement.

2.2.5. The area of ​​the yard area is _____ m2, of which ___% is paved with asphalt. The construction area of ​​the territory of the Organization’s structural unit is _____ m2,

2.2.6. The total area of ​​the premises of the structural unit of the Organization is ______ m2, of which the 1st floor is ______ m2, the 2nd floor is ______ m2, the basement is ______ m2.

2.3. Energy supply. The organization is powered by the unified power supply system of Moscow and is part of JSC MOEK (t.__________), the region serves the ___ region of the cable network of JSC MOESK (t._________). Electrical network voltage - ____V. Loopback and the presence of a second input.

2.4. Water supply carried out from the system of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" (t._________). Heat supply is provided by the _____ region of the heating networks of JSC MOEK (t._______).

2.5.Connection is being built on the basis of _______________ telephone center of OJSC MGTS (t._________), providing telephone and fax communications. To notify the Organization's employees and students (pupils) about emergencies and the procedure for action, the Organization has a warning system, a city telephone network, and mobile phones of the Organization's employees.

2.6.There are no radiation or chemically hazardous objects on the territory of the _____________ region (there are). Outside the territory of the district there are facilities where, in the event of accidents, contamination of the territory of the Organization with hazardous chemical substances (hereinafter referred to as hazardous substances) is possible.

№№ p.p.



Address, distance to the facility, telephone numbers of dispatcher services on duty

Name of hazardous substances

Quantity (t)

Facilities located in the district

Explosion and fire hazardous objects

№№ p.p.

Object name

Location of the object,

direction and distance


Number of EPOV (t)

3. Construction of the object link of the Organization of the Moscow city territorial subsystem for the prevention and response to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature

In the Organization, by order of the head of ___________, 2014 No. _____, an object link of the Organization of the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem for the Prevention and Elimination of Natural and Man-Made Emergencies was created (the object link of MGSES).

The object link of the MGSES is an integral part of the territorial subsystem of the MGSES; it unites the management bodies, forces and means of the Organization in the interests of preventing emergency situations of a man-made, environmental and natural nature, protecting the population and territories in the event of their occurrence.

In order to coordinate measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations, by order of the head of the Organization dated ___.___.2014 No. ____, the Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the CoES) was established.

The day-to-day management body of the MGSES facility level is an employee of the Organization authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense.

The Organization has created a voluntary fire brigade consisting of _____ people (order of the head of the Organization dated ___.___.2014 No. ____) .

4. Brief assessment of the possible situation on the territory of the Organization in the event of major industrial accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and terrorist attacks

4.1. In case of accidents at economic facilities containing hazardous chemical substances


4.2. In case of contamination with radioactive substances (RS)


4.3. If a major fire occurs in the residential sector or in the Organization


4.4. In case of natural or seismological disasters


The area is defined as a zone resistant to natural disasters. Predicted earthquakes (one earthquake in 100-150 years with a magnitude of up to 3 points) can cause minor destruction of utility and energy networks in kindergartens.

In the event of hurricanes and tornadoes, damage may occur air lines power lines due to fallen trees.

As a result of a significant drop in air temperature in winter, heating and water supply systems may be damaged, which can lead to hypothermia.

4.5. In case of accidents on utility and energy networks

There may be cases of breakdown of cable lines due to dilapidation. Cable networks have quadruple redundancy; it takes from _______ to _______ to restore power supply.

As a result of accidents on the district heating networks in winter, the temperature in the Organization's building may significantly drop, especially during severe frosts, as well as damage to the water supply systems. Restoring heating networks will require from _______ to ______.

4.6. During terrorist attacks

There remains a possibility of terrorist attacks in the _________ region. The greatest danger is posed by:

Exploding a container with hazardous chemicals at city enterprises or during its transportation by rail;

Use of biological (bacteriological) agents and toxins;

Use of explosive devices;

Hostage taking.

5. Upcoming activities of the facility level of the Moscow State Emergency Service and their approximate volume to prevent or reduce the consequences of major industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, to protect the population, material assets and other features of the territory affecting the implementation of these activities

5.1. When receiving an emergency signal:

    within H+__________________________________________;

    during H+ __________________________________________;

5.2. General requirement in special and sanitary treatment can be ____ people. To provide employees and students (pupils) of the Organization, reserves of funds have been created personal protection in the amount of _____ gas masks, _______ simple personal protective equipment.

5.3. According to the “Regulations on carrying out evacuation measures in natural and man-made emergencies,” the evacuation of employees and students (pupils) of the Organization is carried out according to the evacuation plan of the district government _________________.

5.4. Staff gathering place ___________.

5.5. Evacuation is carried out in stage 1 from emergency zones to a temporary accommodation point (TAP) ___________________.

Evacuation is carried out on foot.

5.6. In peacetime conditions, the need to carry out evacuation measures (resettlement) may arise during an emergency at chemically hazardous facilities.

General conclusions:

1. Increased wear and tear on fixed production assets high level industrialization in Moscow with big amount hazardous production facilities leads to an increase in the likelihood of major industrial accidents and disasters, which can lead to the formation of pollution zones in the area.

2. Increased wear and tear of equipment in utility power networks can lead to disruption of living conditions, especially in cold winters.

3. Terrorist attacks are possible.

Section 2

Measures in case of threat and occurrence of major

industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters

1. If there is a threat of major industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters (high alert mode )

1.1. The procedure for notifying the management bodies of the facility level of the Moscow State Emergency Service about the threat of an emergency, informing workers and students (pupils) about the occurrence of an emergency

When receiving information about an emergency, the head of the Organization is obliged to:

Within H+ _____ inform: the person on duty at the district government __________ (t._________), EDDS JSC (t. (495) ___________) about the emergency, ___________ district education department (t. (499) ___________) about the emergency, EDDS GKU Directorate of DogM (t. (495) ) ___________) about emergency situations.

Within _____, clarify the forecast and assess the situation;

Within _____, notify the Organization’s employees and the Emergency Situations Commission in accordance with the notification scheme;

During _____, collect and process information about the emergency;

Within _____, bring information about the emergency to the duty services of the region _________ and the Prefecture of the joint-stock company.

Notification is organized via city telephone lines and using mobile communications.

1.2. Volume, timing, forces and means involved, procedure for implementing measures to prevent or reduce the impact of emergencies:

within _____, prepare the forces and means of the MGSES facility unit, check the sealing of the premises, organize shelter for people in them;

within _____, organize preparation for issuance, production of simple PPE and issuance of PPE to employees and students (pupils) of the Organization;

carry out preventive fire prevention measures within _____.

2. In the event of an emergency (emergency mode )

    1. The procedure for notifying the management bodies of the facility level of the Moscow State Emergency Service, employees and students (pupils) of the Organization about the occurrence of an emergency

In the event of a large-scale emergency:

with Ch+_____ CoES clarifies the situation and organizes priority measures to minimize the consequences of the emergency;

during _____ provide information (in the event of an emergency on the territory of the Organization) about the emergency (form 2-ES) to the district administration __________, subsequently in accordance with the table of urgent reports;

within _____, assess the situation according to the data of an employee of the Organization authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, make a decision and set a task to eliminate the consequences of an emergency;

within _____, organize informing employees about the emergency;

within _____, organize medical assistance for the victims.

      Bringing into readiness and deployment of forces and means of the MGSES facility unit involved in emergency rescue and other urgent work (hereinafter referred to as ASDNR), their composition, readiness dates and purpose. Organization of work

Within _____ before the entry of rescue teams into the emergency zone, organize and conduct comprehensive reconnaissance;

Within _____, put the volunteer fire brigade on alert;

During _____, organize work to search and rescue people, provide first aid and evacuate from the danger zone.

Information on the progress of work on the territory of the Organization is submitted to the district administration _______ and the Office of the JSC Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow according to the timesheet of urgent reports.

2.3. Protection of the population (volumes, timing, order of implementation of measures and the forces and means involved in their implementation):

It is organized when there is a threat of a natural or man-made emergency and is the primary and most important task of the CoES of the region;

within _____, notify employees and students (pupils) of the Organization about the emergency and the procedure for action;

within _____, put the volunteer fire brigade on alert;

within _____, organize interaction with medical institutions on the issue of deploying a medical station to provide medical care and receive victims;

within ____ organize the evacuation of employees and students (pupils) of the Organization to a safe place.

The right to make a decision to conduct an evacuation belongs to the head of the Organization - the head of the Civil Defense.

2.4. Implementation of measures to protect the population affected by emergencies, carrying out humanitarian actions:

during _____ take measures to provide the victims with basic necessities;

within _____, carry out life support measures for the victims and evacuees (heat, water, food, medicines and others, as well as organizing cultural and leisure activities).

3. Carrying out ASDNR to eliminate the immediate danger to people’s life and health, restoring the educational process. Forces and means involved for this:

ASDNR is carried out by the Organization’s employees before professional emergency rescue teams from the region, administrative district and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations arrive at the work site.

Before arrival, the leadership of the ASDNR is carried out by the chairman of the CoES and Fire Safety Organization; subsequently, the management of the work is entrusted to the head of the professional emergency rescue unit.

within _____, by the efforts of the Organization’s employees, ensure the disconnection of electricity, water supply and heat supply from citywide networks;

within _____, ensure the evacuation of material assets from the Organization’s building and organize their security with the help of private security company employees;

within _____, organize work to search and rescue people, provide medical assistance, and evacuate them from the danger zone;

within _____, organize material support and evacuation of victims from the danger zone.


1. Scheme of a possible situation in the event of an emergency on the territory of the Organization.

2. Calendar plan for the main activities of the facility level of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Organization in the event of the threat of industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

3. The decision of the chairman of the Organization’s Emergency Situations Commission to eliminate the emergency.

4. Calculation of the forces and means of the facility level of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Organization, involved in carrying out measures in the event of the threat and occurrence of industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

5. Organization of management, warning and communication in the event of the threat of industrial accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.


Corrected as of ___.___.2016.

Corrected as of ___.___.2017.

An employee of the Organization authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense

____________ ______________________

Updated as of ___.___.2018.

An employee of the Organization authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense

____________ ______________________

Updated as of ___.___.2019

An employee of the Organization authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense

____________ ______________________

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Always control the situation around you, especially when you are in crowded places.

If you accidentally learn about an impending terrorist attack, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies.

If security forces and law enforcement suddenly become more active, do not show curiosity, walk in the other direction, but do not run, so as not to be mistaken for the enemy.

If there is an explosion or shooting starts, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (a curb, a sales tent, a car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.

If panic occurs when you are in a crowd:

if you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it;

take a deep breath and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not compressed;

try to stay on your feet by any means;

do not keep your hands in your pockets;

when moving, raise your legs as high as possible, place your foot on the full foot, do not mince, do not rise on tiptoes;

if the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, free yourself from any burden, especially from your shoulder bag and scarf;

If you drop something, do not bend down to pick it up;

if you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or toes for at least a moment. Having found support, “surface”, sharply pushing off the ground with your feet;

if you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms;

Once in a room crowded with people, determine in advance which places are the most dangerous in the event of an extreme situation (glass doors and partitions, etc.), pay attention to emergency and emergency exits, mentally make your way to them;

It is easiest to hide from the crowd in the corners of the hall or near the walls, but it is more difficult to get from there to the exit.

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After the explosion, you must follow important rules:

make sure that you are not seriously injured;

calm down and look around carefully before taking any action; try, if possible, to provide first aid to other victims; remember about the possibility of new explosions, collapses, destruction and, if possible, calmly leave the dangerous place;

if you are injured or trapped under a rubble, do not try to get out on your own;

try to strengthen the “ceiling” with nearby fragments of furniture from the publication;

move sharp objects away from you;

if you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at 112;

cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing, if possible damp;

It is better to knock on pipes in order to attract the attention of rescuers, using for this purpose periods of stopping the operation of rescue equipment (“minutes of silence”);

Do not light a fire under any circumstances;

if a heavy object crushes your leg or arm, try to massage it to maintain blood circulation;

In case of fire you must:

bend down as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible;

wrap your face with damp rags or clothes to breathe through them;

if there is a fire in the building and the door in front of you is closed, first touch the handle back side palms - if it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through; if the door handle or the door itself is hot, do not open it;

if you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal the rescuers, shouting only in as a last resort, since you may suffocate from smoke; It is best to wave some object or clothing out of the window.

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“Register of visits to an educational institution”

Minimum required composition of the visitor registration log

Last name First name Patronymic (in full) of the visitor

Purpose of visit, identification document or authority to visit (including document details)

Date and time of arrival, hh:mm:yy, time

Departure date and time, hh:mm:yy, time

Signature of the visiting public organization (upon departure)

Any person, by coincidence of circumstances, can become a hostage to criminals. At the same time, criminals can achieve political goals, obtain ransom, etc. In all cases, your life becomes a bargaining chip for terrorists. Seizure can occur in transport, in an institution, on the street, in an apartment.

In the event of an attack on the building or premises in which you are located:

use any available cover;

fall even into the mud, don’t run;

cover your head and turn away from the side of the attack.

In a situation where signs of a hostage-taking threat have appeared, try to avoid becoming one of them. Leave the danger area immediately or hide. After hiding, wait for the terrorists to leave and, as soon as possible, leave the shelter and leave. The exception is situations when you find yourself in the field of view of terrorists or there is a high probability of meeting them. If you notice an armed or suspicious group of people heading towards you, run immediately.

Do not assist security forces unless you are fully confident in the effectiveness of such actions. If you find yourself hostage, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules of conduct:

unexpected movement or noise can lead to violent reprisal from terrorists. Do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use weapons and lead to casualties;

be prepared for terrorists to use blindfolds, gags, handcuffs or ropes

endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look criminals in the eyes (for nervous man this is a signal for aggression), do not behave defiantly;

do not try to resist, do not show unnecessary heroism, trying to disarm the bandit or break through to the exit or window;

if you are forced to leave the premises, saying that you are being taken hostage, do not resist;

if there are children with you, find a safe place for them, try to protect them from random bullets, if possible, stay close to them;

if necessary, fulfill the demands of criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try to avoid hysteria and panic;

in case it is necessary health care, speak calmly and briefly, without irritating the bandits, do nothing until you receive permission.

During the operation carried out by the special services to free you, strictly comply with the following requirements:

lie face down on the floor, cover your head with your hands and do not move;

Do not under any circumstances run towards or away from security officers, as they may mistake you for a criminal;

Documents on a anti-terrorism security, developed in educational institutions located in the Kemerovo region, for the convenience of working with them and ensuring a uniform storage procedure are compiled into folders:
Folder No. 1 - Legislative and regulatory acts on
anti-terrorism protection;
Folder No. 2 - Regulatory documents on the organization of anti-terrorist work in an educational institution.



Legislative and regulatory acts on anti-terrorism security

The folder should contain: Federal laws, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and other documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Laws, resolutions of the Kemerovo region, orders, instructions letters issued by the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region regarding anti-terrorist protection, municipal resolutions, orders, instructions letters,
. Law of the Russian Federation of March 5, 1992 No. 2446-I "About security" (as amended December 25, 1992, July 25, 2002).
This Law establishes the legal basis for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state, defines the security system and its functions, establishes the procedure for organizing and financing security agencies, as well as control and supervision of the legality of their activities.
2. Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ "On countering terrorism."

This Federal Law establishes the basic principles of countering terrorism, the legal and organizational basis for preventing and combating terrorism, minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of manifestations of terrorism, as well as the legal and organizational basis for the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism.
3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 No. 537 “On the national security strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.”

4. Presidential Decree of February 15, 2006 No. 116 “On measures to counter terrorism.”

5. Federal Law of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 22, 2008).

6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On conducting classes on countering chemical and biological terrorism” dated October 15, 2001 No. 42-15/42-11.

7. Standard instructions for organizing security and ensuring the safety of educational institutions in the Kemerovo region.

Regulatory documents on the organization of anti-terrorist work in an educational institution

1. Order of the director of an educational institution on the creation of an anti-terrorist group, approval of a system of work to counter terrorism and extremism, approval of the Regulations on the anti-terrorist group ( application no. 1).
2. Order on the organization of security, access and internal operating modes in buildings and on the territory ( application no. 2).
3. Instructions to the head of an educational institution on ensuring the safety and anti-terrorism protection of employees and students in the conditions of daily activities ( application No. 3).
4. Plan of preventive work to prevent terrorist acts ( application No. 4).
5. Instructions for personnel on what to do if an object similar to an explosive device is detected ( application No. 5).
6. Recommended evacuation and cordon zones when an explosive device or a suspicious object that may be an explosive device is detected ( Appendix No. 6).
7. Instructions for personnel on what to do if they receive a threat of a terrorist attack by telephone ( Appendix No. 7).
8. Instructions to the manager on actions upon receiving a threat of a terrorist act in writing ( Appendix No. 8).
9. Instructions for personnel on actions when terrorists take hostages ( Appendix No. 9).
10. Instructions for the actions of permanent staff and students in conditions of possible biological contamination ( application no. 10).
11. Recommendations for ensuring the security of an educational institution ( Appendix No. 11):
- types, system, order and tasks of protection of objects;
- general provisions;
- organization of office work;
- measures of engineering and technical strength of an educational institution;
- equipping the educational institution with technical means;
- creation of a warning system;
- organizing interaction between the administration of an educational institution;
- categorization of objects of possible terrorist attacks;
- recommendations for developing a security plan for an educational institution in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist act;
- assessment of the effectiveness of anti-terrorist protection systems and development of a long-term plan for equipping an educational institution with engineering and technical means of protection and security;
- recommendations for training employees of educational institutions to act in the event of terrorist threats and other criminal attacks.
12. Report of a commission inspection of the anti-terrorism security of an educational institution ( Appendix No. 12).
13. Recommendations for concluding contracts for the protection of educational institutions ( application No. 13):
- samples of documents located at the security post;
- instructions for protecting the facility;
- notification of the internal affairs department about the taking of the object under protection;
- license to carry out private security activities;
- certificate of the Kemerovo Regional Registration Chamber on state registration of private security companies;
- instructions to the security officer on fire safety;
- instructions to a security officer in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack and the discovery of ownerless items;
- actions of security personnel in emergencies;
- evacuation zones and assessment of probable explosion sites;
- security officer's memo;
- security guard’s personal card;
- certificate of a private security guard;
- visitor log;
- a log of reception, delivery of duty and control over the performance of duty;
- a log of issuing keys and receiving premises under security;
- schedule for security guards;
- a list of cars that have the right to enter the territory of the OS;
- security guard workbook;
- personnel notification scheme;
- schedule of lessons and work of clubs and sections.
14. MSDS (Appendix No. 14):
- regulations on the safety data sheet;
- annotation;
- possible situations at the site;
- information about the facility personnel;
- forces and means of protecting the facility;
- security plan;
- application documentation;
- annex to the items of the safety data sheet ( application No. 1-8).
15. Memo to the duty administrator of an educational institution about priority actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack ( Appendix No. 15).
16. Memo to the head of an educational institution on priority actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack ( Appendix No. 16).
17. Functional responsibilities of the responsible person of the educational institution for the implementation of anti-terrorism security measures (Appendix No. 17).
18. Approximate regulations on the organization of access control in an educational institution ( Appendix No. 18).
19. Recommendations to the head of an educational institution on countering terrorism ( Appendix No. 19).
20. Recommendations to the head of an educational institution on the prevention of terrorist acts ( application No. 20).
21. Recommendations to an official upon receiving a bomb threat ( Appendix No. 21).
22. Recommendations to an official upon detection of an item that appears to be explosive ( application No. 22).
23. Instructions for use telephone conversation in case of explosion threat ( Appendix No. 23).
24. Observation checklist for telephone threats ( Appendix No. 24).
25. Conventions used ( application No. 25).

Greetings, dear friends! Due to the increased risk of terrorist attacks, ensuring anti-terrorist security in organizations is a pressing issue. Don't worry, Engineer's Blog and Co. are here to help you!

Anti-terrorist security - important aspect vital activity

I suggest you download it absolutely free ready set documents on anti-terrorism security using the example of an educational institution.

The set of documents on anti-terrorism security contains two folders:

Folder No. 1 - Legislative and regulatory acts on anti-terrorism security.
Folder No. 2 - Regulatory documents on the organization of anti-terrorism work in an educational institution.

Legislative and regulatory acts on anti-terrorism security

In folder must contains: Federal laws, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and other documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Crimea, orders, instructions letters issued by the Department of Education and Science of the Republic of Crimea concerning anti-terrorism security, municipal resolutions, orders , instructions letters.

1. Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ “On Security” (as amended and supplemented).

This Law establishes the legal basis for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state, defines the security system and its functions, establishes the procedure for organizing and financing security agencies, as well as control and supervision of the legality of their activities.

2. Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Countering Terrorism” (as amended and supplemented).

This Federal Law establishes the basic principles of countering terrorism, the legal and organizational basis for preventing and combating terrorism, minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of manifestations of terrorism, as well as the legal and organizational basis for the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism.

3. Presidential Decree of May 12, 2009 No. 537 “On strategy national security Russian Federation until 2020."
4. Presidential Decree of February 15, 2006 No. 116 “On measures to counter terrorism.”
5. Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented).
6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On conducting training sessions on countering chemical and biological terrorism” dated October 15, 2001 No. 42-15/42-11.
7. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea dated November 25, 2014 No. 466 “On measures and requirements to ensure anti-terrorist protection of facilities with large numbers of people located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.”
8. Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea dated April 15, 2014 No. 2 “On the creation of an anti-terrorist commission in the Republic of Crimea.”
9. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2008 No. 03-1423 “On methodological recommendations.”
10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 No. 1244 “On anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories).”
11. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2011 No. 988 “On the Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Extremism in the Russian Federation.”

Note on folder #1 The contents of all the above legislative and regulatory acts are not given in the folder, but this is not a problem; K+, Garant, etc. can help you. Among other things, when searching, you will need to take into account the laws and regulations of your region. This folder contains, among other things, legislative and regulatory acts in force in the territory of Crimea


on organizing anti-terrorism work in an educational institution

1. Order of the head of a structural unit, a branch of KFU on the creation of an anti-terrorist group, approval of a system of work to counter terrorism and extremism, approval of the Regulations on the anti-terrorist group (Appendix No. 1).
2. Order on the organization of security, access and internal operating modes in buildings and on the territory (Appendix No. 2).
3. Instructions to the head of an educational institution on ensuring the safety and anti-terrorism protection of employees and students in the context of daily activities (Appendix No. 3).
4. Plan of preventive work to prevent terrorist acts (Appendix No. 4).
5. Instructions for personnel on what to do if an object similar to an explosive device is detected (Appendix No. 5).
6. Recommended evacuation and cordon zones when an explosive device or a suspicious object that may turn out to be an explosive device is detected (Appendix No. 6).
7. Instructions for personnel on actions to take when receiving a threat of a terrorist attack by telephone (Appendix No. 7).
8. Instructions to the manager on actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack in writing (Appendix No. 8).
9. Instructions for personnel on actions when terrorists take hostages (Appendix No. 9).
10. Instructions for the actions of permanent staff and students in conditions of possible biological contamination (Appendix No. 10).
11. Recommendations for ensuring the security of an educational institution (Appendix No. 11):
— types, system, order and tasks of protection of objects;
— general provisions;
— organization of office work;
— measures of engineering and technical strength of an educational institution;
— equipping the educational institution with technical means;
— creation of a warning system;
— organizing interaction between the administration of an educational institution;
— categorization of objects of possible terrorist attacks;
— recommendations for developing a security plan for an educational institution in the event of a threat or commission of a terrorist act;
— assessment of the effectiveness of anti-terrorist protection systems and development of a long-term plan for equipping an educational institution with engineering and technical means of protection and security;
— recommendations for training employees of educational institutions to act in the event of terrorist threats and other criminal attacks.
12. Report of a commission inspection of the anti-terrorism security of an educational institution (Appendix No. 12).
13. Recommendations for concluding contracts for the security of educational institutions (Appendix No. 13), samples of documents located at the security post:
— instructions for protecting the facility;
— notification of the internal affairs department about the taking of the object under protection;
— license to carry out private security activities;
— certificate of the Republic of Crimea on state registration of private security company;
— instructions to the security officer on fire safety;
— instructions to a security officer in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack and the discovery of ownerless items;
— actions of security personnel in emergencies;
— evacuation zones and assessment of probable explosion sites;
— security officer’s memo;
— security guard’s personal card;
- private security guard ID;
— visitor log;
— a log of reception, duty assignments and control over the performance of duty;
— a log of issuing keys and receiving premises under security;
— schedule of service by security guards;
— a list of cars that have the right to enter the territory of the OS;
- security guard workbook;
— personnel notification scheme;
— schedule of classes, work of circles, sections.
14. Anti-terrorism security passport (Appendix No. 14):
— regulations on the anti-terrorist security passport;
- annotation;
— possible situations at the site;
— information about the facility’s personnel;
— forces and means of protecting the facility;
— security plan;
— documentation application;
— an appendix to the items of the anti-terrorism security passport (Appendix No. 1-8).
15. Memo to the duty administrator of an educational institution on priority actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack (Appendix No. 15).
16. Memo to the head of an educational institution on priority actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack (Appendix No. 16).
17. Functional responsibilities of the responsible person of the educational institution for the implementation of anti-terrorism security measures (Appendix No. 17).
18. Approximate regulations on the organization of access control in an educational institution (Appendix No. 18).
19. Recommendations to the head of an educational institution on countering terrorism (Appendix No. 19).
20. Recommendations to the head of an educational institution on the prevention of terrorist acts (Appendix No. 20).
21. Recommendations to an official upon receiving an explosion threat (Appendix No. 21).
22. Recommendations to an official upon detection of an item that appears to be explosive (Appendix No. 22).
23. Instructions for conducting a telephone conversation in the event of an explosion threat (Appendix No. 23).
24. Observation checklist for telephone threats (Appendix No. 24).
25. Applicable symbols(Appendix No. 25).

To ensure anti-terrorism security you will need