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Tips for working in a team. Relations in the work team: three types of unpleasant colleagues. Using Conflicts to Strengthen Yourself

An important component of successful work activity is healthy relationships in the team. Conflicts or hidden hostility have a significant impact on the overall efficiency of workers. The team at work is not chosen, so you need to learn how to behave correctly.

If you present yourself correctly, there will be significantly fewer conflict situations

Teamwork gives good results if each person strives to contribute to the common cause. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance also play an important role.

Division into roles

In any team there is a division not only by position, but also by the role that a person performs when working together. In order to take your place on the team, you need to decide on this very role.

There are three levels.

  1. A “workhorse” is a person who has good knowledge in a certain topic and knows how to communicate with work colleagues. He can carry out tasks and instructions, and is also a consultant when it comes to the practical side of the issue.
  2. Innovator – has out-of-the-box thinking and a creative approach to completing tasks. Most of the ideas come from this category of employees.
  3. A leader knows how to gather a team into a single whole, as well as distribute responsibilities between people. Such a person inspires work and monitors the fulfillment of all requirements.

The most numerous category is “workhorses”. This does not mean that these people are stupider or worse, they just know how to carry out orders well, which is what they do. The main thing is to find your calling and occupy a niche that would suit your level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Good leaders are hard to find. Ideally, this is not the person who reaps the benefits of the work of the entire group, but directs and organizes the activities. For a true leader there is no concept of “I”, there is only “we”.

Behavior in a team

Every company has its own rules

For those who work in a team, it is important to follow the rules of behavior in a team. The main thing is to maintain neutrality. Sometimes it is quite difficult, because you have to communicate with different people. There is no need to divide workers into good and bad. And even more so to do it publicly or tell someone about your thoughts on this matter.

Gossip is the cause of many conflicts at work. There is no point in distributing them. If you are not sure of the information, then it is better not to react to it at all.

For beginners who have not yet delved into the specifics of the work, it is better to refrain from making evaluative statements at first. This is perceived negatively by the “old-timers”. It is recommended to listen more than talk, and to fix for yourself the basic rules that have been established in this team.

Modesty can be helpful when building harmonious relationships in a team, but there is no need to abuse it. It is necessary to learn to say “no” to requests from colleagues to perform work that is not part of their duties. Excessive kindness can be taken advantage of.

Also, do not interfere with other people's work. You can only give advice if the person himself has asked for it. Initiative is punishable, that is, it can be met with hostility.

The rules of behavior in a team may differ. In order to understand what unspoken rules apply, you just need to spend some time observing people’s behavior at work.

Problems in the team

Conflict situations reduce the efficiency of the work process

Conflicts may arise between employees in a team, which result in hidden or overt aggression. This greatly complicates the work and reduces productivity.

Quite often, there are one or more people in a team who are always dissatisfied with everything. They take out their negativity on others and sabotage the work of the entire team. Constant squabbles and scandals make the atmosphere very tense. This problem can be resolved by having a serious conversation or setting strict rules regarding behavior at work.

Another equally common problem is a hostile attitude towards new people. The entire team is up in arms against the newcomer. This behavior is difficult to eradicate, but proper prioritization can help. This should be done by a leader or a person in a leadership position.

Depending on the specifics of the work, the team may be divided by gender or age. This state of affairs also disrupts harmonious relationships in the team and harms the work process.


Team games promote team unity

There is one peculiarity in the psychology of relationships between colleagues: almost every team can be united. Many large companies have a psychologist on staff who deals with these issues. If the company does not have a specialist in this field on its balance sheet, then you can try to establish relationships yourself.

Exercises aimed at improving team relationships and bringing people together are called team building.

They have the following goals:

  • creating a sense of unity;
  • training in methods of effective interaction and correct prioritization of work;
  • psychologically relieve workers;
  • strengthen the authority of superiors.

Most often, team building events take place in an informal setting, where people can feel more relaxed and confident. The activity takes place in a game format. The most common example is various sports competitions. Active physical activity quickly develops team spirit.

In addition to sports team building, there is also:

  • psychological – testing and conversation with a psychologist;
  • creative - joint creation of decorative objects, cooking, drawing, etc.;
  • costumed - themed parties, one color day (everyone comes to work dressed in things of a certain color).

You need to choose a team building event based on the needs and characteristics of the contingent. A person inexperienced in these matters may not only not get a positive result, but also harm relationships in the team.

How to join a new team

The hardest thing is for new people in the team. At first they are always treated with caution, they are not trusted with important projects and generally question their professional suitability. Such a negative attitude is not at all the norm. With a favorable atmosphere in the team, a newcomer is helped to get comfortable in a new place and introduced to the company's affairs.

You shouldn’t expect a warm, welcoming welcome when it comes to your first day at a new job.

First impressions leave a lasting impression on people. Therefore, you need to properly prepare for this event.

Every team has an unspoken set of rules. But there are also universal ones.

  1. Nobody likes upstarts. You should not boast about your knowledge, financial situation, acquaintances and other similar things.
  2. It is necessary to start building relationships with colleagues from day one. It's better to be friendly and smile back at people. You should not create the image of a loner or an overly serious person.
  3. There is no need to complain or express your dissatisfaction with the company's work. This is unlikely to please the people who have been working here for years.

You can bring your colleagues a symbolic treat for tea. You should not organize a feast in honor of your employment, as this may be misinterpreted.


Working in a team is not an easy task. It is quite rare to find teams where all activities are as coordinated as possible. This can be achieved through many years of hard work to unite the team.

If the work environment is too aggressive, and no methods help to correct it, then it would be reasonable to think about looking for another job. There is no point in exposing yourself to additional stressors.


You've probably encountered a problem when someone you know is unable to get along in any group. He changes jobs, but conflict situations arise again, then he is fired, and everything starts all over again. What are the reasons?

But there is another situation - when a person joins a new team. It is important for him to understand how to fit in, how to behave correctly in order to get along with new colleagues.

Work always requires communication. The ability to get along in a team is truly vital.

The ability to communicate with a team is developed from an early age. We take some of our skills from our own family, because this is our first experience of communicating with people. The rest are formed later, at school, college, etc. If you have persistent communication problems, it is important to understand the reasons for this.

Unfriendliness in the team. Main reasons

Let's look at the key reasons for quarrelsomeness in teams. This is important for understanding the problem and finding solutions:

Contrasting one’s own “I” with the needs of the team

There are individuals who, psychologically, seem to merge with others and are clearly aware of their interests. And even if they don’t try to help others, they at least don’t interfere with them, don’t oppose themselves to the needs of others. But it happens the other way around. A person who has stable conflictual relationships with colleagues from the very beginning opposes his own “I” and other people. There is a persistent division between one’s own needs and the needs of others, one’s own benefit and the common one. If such a person depicted the team and himself on paper, then the person himself would be in one part of the sheet, and the rest in another. And there would be no connections between them.

Lack of ability to collaborate

Collaboration can often produce greater results than solo efforts. And almost every person can make an effort in a common cause, receiving their own benefit. For example, each employee contributes to the company, but in return receives a share of the overall profit or product that would not be available to him without the cooperation of others. In the opposite situation, a person is able to understand this in theory, but in life he does not know how to correlate his own interests with collective ones, and is not able to cooperate. This is where the main conflict arises. Such a person does his best to interfere with coordinated work, irritating others.

Using Conflicts to Strengthen Yourself

Often conflicting individuals use confrontation to assert their own importance and realize personal goals. This is a way of behavior that is used unconsciously. A person is not able to change it, even if he tries.

Uncooperative individuals are often unable to see their own shortcomings and problems, blaming others for conflicts.

Often, awareness of the reasons for incivility helps to understand conflict situations and change behavior.

How to get along in a new team

Now let’s look at a situation where a person finds his dream job: with a good salary, career growth, and similar interests. But this is only half the battle, because you still have to figure out how to get along in the new team and get along with your boss.

Your future coexistence depends a lot on how you behave from the first day of work in a new team. Some prepare for “war” ahead of time, while others don’t think about it at all, believing that a sparkle in their eyes and a beautiful suit are the key to success.

In any case, the first day of work with new people is stressful. You will have to get to know them, remember their faces, names, and delve into the intricacies of the labor process. Stay calm and remain confident in your abilities. Watch, trying to figure out who is who. Identify those who are considered by other colleagues and management. It is also important to notice those who like to “muddy the waters.” There is an opinion that women start gossip, but this is not true. Men are no less involved in this.

In the first days of work, no one expects high achievements from you, so you should not grab onto everything and try to complete the task faster and better than others. Take the time to become familiar with the work process and learn how the company is used to performing various tasks. This will show that you are an interested and serious person.

If at your previous place of work you were considered a professional and were taken into account, this does not mean that here too you should now give out advice left and right. Few people like “know-it-alls.”

If you notice that someone is called “Sanych”, and someone is even called by their nickname, this does not mean that you are allowed to do this. Familiarity does not lead to good things. Address new colleagues by their first and patronymic names or simply by their first names; only over time will you be able to move on to closer relationships.

Don’t be ashamed to ask old-timers for advice on something, to find out how best to complete a task. Don't be afraid to admit if something isn't working out. Everyone started and everyone has the right to make a mistake.

Keep your distance, remain yourself, then people will certainly appreciate it and accept you into their company.

Try to get closer to your colleagues, look for common interests. Non-work situations, including smoking breaks, also contribute to rapprochement. A great way to demonstrate what you have in common. If you don't smoke, then going to lunch with your colleagues is not the worst reason to get closer. Ask where there is a place nearby for a snack, where employees themselves are used to going for lunch, offer to go together. If a company holds corporate events, then it’s worth attending them, even if you don’t want to.

Don't let others get on your head. If from the first day you allow all the tedious and boring tasks to be pushed onto yourself, then this will soon become a habit, and you will often start staying late until everyone goes home. If someone asks for “help” with an urgent task because they are rushing to a date, respond politely but firmly that you also have plans for the evening.

You can’t please everyone right away; sometimes you will meet a colleague who dislikes you and turns others against you. There is no point in starting a “war”; you cannot win against everyone in any situation. It’s better to approach such a person and ask directly why you are not satisfied with him. Usually people don't expect such directness, it takes them by surprise. Of course, there is no guarantee that after this he will become your friend, but next time he will think first before starting a “war”.

Remain yourself for others. And in this case, the new place of work and the team will bring you joy.

Let's look at 5 more main tips on how to get along in a new team when moving to another place of work. By following simple rules, you will establish yourself in the best light:

Acquaintance. This is the first and most important stage: how will you appear to your colleagues? When meeting someone, it is important to first say hello and then introduce yourself. In a small group, get to know each person individually. In this case, it is important to say the name clearly and loudly, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. This is an indicator of honesty and openness. Be sure to ask the name of your new colleague, and if you didn’t hear correctly, be sure to ask again. If the team is large, then take the most prominent place and say hello to everyone from there.

Keep your distance. You should not share secrets with anyone from the first day of work. Try to pay more attention to the nuances of the work process. Moreover, while you do not understand what to expect from new people. But while maintaining distance, you should not avoid conversations, answer questions, and do not be afraid to ask them yourself.

Listen a lot. If you listen carefully, you will learn more about the colleagues with whom you will spend a lot of time. You shouldn't express your own opinion about someone. Even if someone complains to you about one of your colleagues, do not express an opinion about the situation.

Simple tips will help you properly organize your acquaintance with new colleagues and establish yourself.

Don't complain. Even at school they teach that it is not good to tell lies. If you immediately show yourself as someone who likes to have a heart-to-heart talk with your boss, then definitely no one from the team will respect you. And you are unlikely to get along there. They will begin to despise you, to consider you an outcast who should be avoided in everything.

Smile. A smile is rightfully considered a powerful weapon that helps to win sympathy. Try to smile more often when talking, when meeting the gaze of one of your colleagues. And then others will certainly be drawn to you, because a sincere smile never leaves anyone indifferent. Just don’t “sneer” on purpose, because there’s nothing worse than a fake smile. Better remember the funny moments, and then a sincere smile will not keep you waiting.

Now you know all the nuances about meeting a new team, ways to get along with colleagues. And if you follow these tips and rules, you will easily gain the trust of even conflicting “compositions”. In practice, after a properly structured acquaintance, it is enough to apply the last 2 tips: smile and don’t tell tales. Always and everywhere remember that people are different, each has their own character and characteristics.

20 January 2014, 14:18

Don't try to become a team leader. Remember that each person on your team has a specific role. The most important thing that is required of you is to understand your own role and understand the value of the roles of your colleagues in order to allow the integration of all roles to achieve a common goal. Here are some common roles:

  • A technician is someone who has in-depth knowledge of the task your team is facing and the processes involved in completing it, and is an excellent source of useful information and practical advice.
  • An innovator is the most creative person on the team, who is excellent at formulating new ideas and solving problems in innovative ways.
  • A motivator is a team member who inspires all team members to continue doing good work through a positive attitude and openness to all ways to achieve a goal.

Work one at a time. It is very important to give each team member a chance to stand out and express their opinion. To work successfully in a team, you must learn to respect all team members and their opinions equally. When someone is speaking, listen carefully to them and wait for your turn to speak, and vice versa: when you speak, pay attention to the signs from your colleagues that indicate whether they understand what you are saying or not.

Use the vocabulary "we". Developing teamwork skills includes adopting non-confrontational approaches to communication. You can do this by replacing the pronouns “you” and “I” with “we” in your sentences. For example, you can rephrase the confrontational sentence "You should have solved this problem" into a softer version: "We need to solve this problem."

Share positive ratings. Strengthening and maintaining a positive attitude in a team environment is the responsibility of each team member. Maintain this practice by frequently praising your colleagues for their accomplishments, taking a positive approach to all projects, and inspiring those around you with your spirit.

Take the time to get to know each member of your team. Remember that everyone is different and that all your colleagues have different strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. If you know what makes each of your colleagues tick, you can successfully develop strong and productive working relationships and determine how to complement each other when working together on different projects.

Act selflessly. Remember the equal importance of each team member before making any decision. For example, if you leave the very first in the evening and arrive the very last in the morning, it will simply be indecent. Moreover, from time to time you may need to compensate for the illness or personal crisis of one of your colleagues without thinking about how it will negatively affect you.

06/22/2016 at 17:52

In the article you will learn:

Psychology at work and team relationships

Greetings, my beloved readers! Today we will talk about such an insidious topic as psychology of relationships in a team at work. Why insidious? Everyone has at least once encountered pressure from colleagues, banal gossip behind our backs, even outright deceptions in front of our superiors, calling into question our professional qualities. Well, it happened, didn’t it? How to avoid these troubles, improve damaged relationships with your team, and even turn them to your advantage, I will now tell you in detail about this.

Childhood, childhood, where have you gone...

Do you remember yourself in kindergarten, at school, at college? Here in the work environment the same processes are observed, but more conscious and a little more complicated. It was not in vain that I turned to your experience. The concept of a collective is inseparable from the individual and social relations. Children's games, communication between boys and girls in the classroom and institute were the future model of your work. The human qualities and skills that you acquired as you grew up are not baggage, but equipment with which you arrange a place in a multidimensional social web of relationships. Unfortunately, in a team it is not always as easy as it seems. Now everything is more mature.

People come to work with different characters, temperaments, levels of self-esteem, motivation: grumblers, envious people, advisers, gossipers, teachers and others; a beginner needs to be able to blend into this bouquet.

If you have been working for your boss for several days now, and you want to urgently change something in your relationships with your colleagues, let’s figure out what role is assigned to you and your colleagues in this mess, choose a strategy of behavior, this is the only way you will move established relationships off the ground. But first things first!

First day: fatal success!

Before I get into the practical recommendations, imagine that a new employee comes into your office. What are your reactions? Certainly different. Interest, wariness, curiosity, distrust, indifference, but absolutely everyone will identify a newcomer as a “friend or foe”, this happens unconsciously and naturally, watch yourself. How to behave in order to pass this test? It is important to put yourself at ease on the very first day of work, and the motto of the week will be: “Accuracy in everything!” Starting from appearance, ending with statements, actions and expressed emotions.

We are so different and yet we are together

In fact, conflicts among staff are quite common, the roles are known, as they say, “everyone is the same in the arena.” Let's consider the causes of problems, based on possible types of relationships:

  1. "Evil" or "grumpy". There are such ladies in any organization, unfriendly, dissatisfied, easily irritated. Your reaction is a source of new irritation. Therefore, your main weapon is calm and methodical, stay neutral
  2. Envious Employees are more likely than others to start gossip, allow cheerfully cynical discussions behind your back of your next blouse or love stories, even to the point of devaluing your professional duties, emphasizing any oversight or mistake. The reasons are clear: a mixture of envy, boredom and even jealousy. Do not allow reasons for gossip, flaunt your achievements and successes less often, spare their feelings. And God forbid you flirt with a male colleague at work, especially if he is the only man in the team!
  3. Rigid employees are conservatives to the core. Unable to change work style or point of view. It is useless to argue or give reasons to them, don’t try, communicate with instructions, stick to the general rules.
  4. Advisors– this type of people really likes to teach, give recommendations on how and what you should do better. There is no harm from them, but importunity can cause at least a yawn, and at most a quarrel. In this case, take the initiative yourself, ask for help, you will emphasize the importance of this employee, support his self-esteem and thereby reduce the need to “be needed.”
  5. Yours pedantic Your colleagues can find fault on any occasion, looking for minor inaccuracies, but if the work process allows, you can divide responsibilities, giving them the most tedious and routine work that requires attention to detail.
  6. "Artists". Surely you have met people of the demonstrative type. Very energetic, emotional, they come to work for attention. Therefore, you may be drawn into a scandal just to be at the center of events. Give the artist attention and compliments, and in return you will receive a good ally.

These are not the only types, there are many of them. What if your colleagues seem to be good, but the relationship still doesn’t work out and irritations and clashes flare up from time to time? This is where you have to pay attention on your loved ones and think about whether we ourselves are the cause and source of our own problems? And in this case, changing the team will not help the matter; you will find yourself in the same situations over and over again. Let's talk straight.

What can provoke colleagues into conflicts?

  1. Unsociability, sullenness, reluctance to respond to requests. This does not mean that you should be allowed to sit on your neck. But be kind and help out your colleagues when they really need it.
  2. Complaints to superiors about colleagues. It is better to resolve controversial situations among yourself by finding compromises.
  3. If you're in a bad mood, your boss yelled at you, things weren't going well, don't take it out on your colleagues! There are many ways to deal with stress: hobbies, auto-training, meditative techniques, favorite music and much more.
  4. Don't assume that your opinion is the most important. Straightforwardness is often confused with banal bad manners. Hold back, speak only when it is really important.
  5. Friendship at work. You may not notice how this will interfere with your work process and your colleagues. Frequent smoking breaks, long lunches, and endless conversations will not please your boss either.
  6. Fear of overworking, if it’s a shared task, especially if it’s an emergency.
  7. Don't take something from your colleagues' desk without asking.
  8. Constant comparison with your former job, especially not in favor of your current one.
  9. Unsuccessful, inappropriate and unnecessary curious questions. For example, what salary is paid to whom, who is in what relationship, etc.
  10. Loud conversations on personal topics, loud phone music, strong smell of perfume, conversation with colleagues in a raised voice. Agree that these moments can infuriate both you and those around you.

One of my friends complained that she was forced to look for other vacancies. As it turned out, an entire department organized persecution against her. In relationship psychology this phenomenon is called mobbing when everything is for one. The reason for the mobbing was workaholism of my friend, which was perceived by the department as a desire to please the boss and stand out from the rest. We managed to solve the problem by identifying the main instigator of the bullying and discussing the situation with him directly. If, on the contrary, you are too lazy to do something, then read about how to deal with laziness.

Relationships in a men's team: let's set priorities

The rules of conduct in a men's team deserve special discussion. Men are also different and in such groups it’s not easy, most often it’s a struggle for survival!

So, whatever one may say, there is only one recipe: respect each other, adhere to standards of behavior, give a firm rebuff to aggressors and strive to improve relationships, because, by and large, we are all the same and we all want to come to the best job in the best team. If you are still looking for a better job, then pay attention to the course about 78 profitable internet professions . We all know that virtual work will soon take a huge place in people's lives. So you and the computer are on good terms and looking for a more interesting job, then the possibility work at home might be just the thing for you.