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Find a poppy spell for protection. Poppy spell: effective rituals using this plant. What to do if you find a poppy at home

Poppy conspiracies allow you to solve family problems, improve your financial situation and personal life. Different parts of it can be used, but it is recommended to take grains. A love spell on poppy seeds is very effective. A plant grown independently and consecrated on the Makovei holiday has maximum power.

"Passionate" spell for poppy seeds

Using the presented spell will rekindle your feelings.
  1. You need to take a confectionery poppy and say the words 7 times: “ Magic herb, intoxicate (the lover’s name is said), make him attached to me (his name is pronounced) more tightly than to his mother. Let its root no longer fall on other women. Amen".
  2. After the poppy seed spell is cast, the grains are added to the baked goods. They should be offered to your loved one.

Fortune telling to find your loved one

Love spells on poppies allow you to find your chosen one. It is recommended for young girls to perform them.
  1. Early in the morning they will have to visit the grave of a person who had warm feelings for you - for example, a relative.
  2. Then the following words should be said over it: “ You can sleep peacefully, and I have to wait for my man. Make a straight path for the good fellow to my house. Let him come to me, don’t hesitate. A dead man lies, he keeps my word. Amen».
  3. When the poppy love spell is made, you should cross yourself three times.
  4. The grains of the plant are scattered directly onto the grave.

A simple love spell for the wind on a poppy

There is another love spell for poppy seeds.
  1. The grains scatter against the wind on even days.
  2. The following words are pronounced: “ I confuse the grooms' paths. Just as there are many poppies, let there be as many suitors in my house.».

Poppy to pacify the boss's temper

This ritual will help pacify the boss’s temper.
  1. It is necessary to read the plot before visiting his office. The words are pronounced as follows: “ The lamb trembles before the wolf, and the wolf avoids the lynx. And you (the boss’s name is called) are afraid of me».
  2. When the poppy spell is cast, you should open the door with your left hand.
If the boss is very angry, you can read other words.
  1. In this case, first the grains of the plant are placed in a black bag, and then they say: “ There is a throne on the mountain. There are several angry people sitting on it. Holy Mother, change their character. The fish is silent, so the boss will be like her. The poppy has lost its petals, as it flies around, so the bad deeds leave me».
  2. The enchanted poppy should be scattered near the boss’s office or on his desk.
Soon he will become much more flexible.

Rite of reconciliation

Poppy conspiracies can also be read to establish a good relationship with a person.
  1. If they deteriorate, it is worth saying the words: “ The earth yearns for the Sun, and the hungry dream of food, so I (the name of the person with whom you need to be reconciled) will always be pleasant».
  2. The spell using poppy is read nine times, in a whisper.
  3. Then the grains are poured into the chosen one’s pocket. It is important that he does not realize that this is an enchanted plant.
  4. You can tie a charmed poppy in a rag or piece of paper. Then they are sewn to the inside of the pocket. Then the love spell on the poppy will have an effect.

Poppy grains as protection against spoilage

Magical rituals that use flowers can be used to protect oneself from enemies.
  1. It is necessary to take the grains of the plant and consecrate them in the temple.
  2. The next morning the following words are read: “ I sow poppies, and whoever doesn’t like something, let him collect it. The one who collects it will take the damage from me. Amen».
  3. After the poppy spell is cast, the grains are placed in the cracks of the house.

It is necessary to read the words, moving from the front door of the house clockwise, walking around its entire perimeter. Take the seeds with three fingers of the right hand (for a left-handed person - the left).

Strong love spell on poppy

Poppy conspiracies are capable enhance feelings many times over.
  1. To do this, take a plant, whose seeds are poured into the shoes of a loved one.
  2. You should perform safe love spells on the waxing moon, on Wednesday or Friday.
  3. You need to say the following: “ All the birds like the gray poppy, and everyone likes me too. As if the birds ate nothing but poppy seeds, you would choose me alone. Hear me (the name of the chosen one is called), may I be desired».

Poppy spell to improve sales

A charmed poppy can help improve business.
  1. On Thursday, a handkerchief and plant grains are purchased.
  2. Grains are poured onto the scarf.
  3. The words are pronounced over him nine times: “ Whoever steps on a poppy, let him buy something from meT».
  4. You should sprinkle grains in front of your own store every day.
The conspiracy will last until the next growing month. Then you will need to repeat the ritual.

Poppy spell for trade

To be purchased:
  • Blessed candle;
  • 2 dozen eggs;
  • Packaging of poppy seeds.
There is no need to take change.
  1. On Thursday, scrambled eggs are prepared.
  2. It is sprinkled with grains, a candle is inserted into it.
  3. Then the following is said three times for the poppy love spell to work: “ Life is born in a chicken egg, so I will become rich. Just as there are a lot of grains in scrambled eggs, I will have a large amount of goods for sale».
  4. Exactly at midnight, the scrambled eggs are taken to the road, left there and said - “ Paid!»
  5. The candle is placed in the store and burned there.

Poppy to attract customers - an effective conspiracy

Let's consider another way to attract customers.

  1. You need to wait for the waxing moon, then take a handful of poppy seeds, and whisper the following words on them: “ Lord, I believe in your strength. Help your sinful slave in selling. Michael Archangel save me, with your prayers let me have a successful trade».
  2. The used components of the plant are spilled on three roads.
  3. They are also placed in the corners of the retail space.

Poppy ritual against betrayal

A poppy spell will allow you to ensure that your loved one does not look at other women.
  1. When he leaves the house, sprinkle the seeds at the doorstep.
  2. Then the following is said: “ Like a small poppy, let (the name of the beloved) fade and fade before meT».
All that remains is to wait for my husband. It is important that he crosses the poppy path first.

Love ritual on Makovei

Strong love spells can be performed on holidays.
  1. On Makovei (August 14) the dough is prepared.
  2. While it rises, you should imagine how the chosen one’s love for you grows. In this case, you need to talk about it out loud, saying the words that come to mind first.
  3. The next morning, pies are made from the dough. They will have to feed your loved one. After this, the poppy love spell on a man will work.

Cool on poppy seeds

Love spells on poppy seeds can remove longing for a person. In order to cool down your feelings and improve your own condition, you need to act on waning month.
  1. After sunset you should take the pan.
  2. The grains of the plant are placed in it.
  3. They are poured with boiling water and said: “ My desires are hot water. They'll soon cool down».

    The effect of the ritual will partly extend to the chosen one of the magician. Your desires will not go away immediately.

  4. When the water becomes warm, it will need to be poured under an old, old tree.
  5. The following words are read 5 times: “ My desires are burning, they give me no peace. Lord, deliver me from melancholy, split the poppy seeds, extinguish the fire of love with water. So that I can live without worrying».
  6. A love spell cast on a poppy will begin to work when a pot of grains is left near the tree.
  7. You should leave him without looking back, you should not communicate with anyone.
  8. To forget a loved one, you need to wash your hands at home.
  9. It is recommended to wash your face with water, preferably consecrated. In this case, it is better to dry yourself with a new towel. Then you need to go to bed.
To get rid of love, you should visit church the next day. You need to light a candle in it for the health of your chosen one. It is also advisable to wish him love with all your heart.

Ritual to attract money

You can also bewitch money with poppy seeds. The ritual is performed in the waxing moon phase.
  1. For this, green matter is taken.
  2. In its central part an oval is drawn with soap.
  3. Then the grains are poured into it.
  4. They draw a cross on them and say: “ There is land on the island. The Mother of God and the Lord are sitting there. I’ll go to them and say, give me as much financial resources as there are poppies in a scarf. I’ll buy bread with the money, I’ll take candles from the church».
  5. Some of the grains should be put in your wallet.
  6. And some are poured into the bathroom, arranging them in a cross.
  7. Then the magician sits in the bathroom and says the spell again.
Then finances will start coming to you quickly.

There are many poppy spells. That is why the flower has become one of the most popular. The poppy spell for love is recommended to be carried out in Makovey. At the same time, it is important to imagine that everything has already worked out and the goal has been achieved.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to use food for magical purposes. Firstly, you don’t need to worry about searching for attributes, and secondly, they can be found in every home. Quite often one of these products is poppy seed. If previously it was used only as an ingredient in baking, now it is one of the most basic magical components. For example, the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova uses this food product in almost most of her rituals.

At this point in time, the poppy spell is not presented in one version. With its help, it is easy to solve problems with your financial situation, love troubles, and even recover from diseases. No need to look for a special poppy. The magic uses the most common food poppy, which is sold publicly in grocery stores.

brief information

Rituals that contain poppy can be performed not only by professional magicians. This can be done by ordinary people at home and on their own. In order to perform the ritual correctly, you do not need to have extensive knowledge in the field of magic. You just need to find a suitable option and follow all the instructions. You also need to understand what is being said and bring faith into every word spoken. Magical help is based on faith. If you do not believe, then the result will not be achieved.

If you turn to magic just for the sake of an experiment or a joke, this can lead to unforeseen and negative consequences. Is it dangerous. As a result, you will end up with problems that will become much more difficult to solve. And then you will have to seek help from a specialist. It’s just not a fact that he will correct your mistakes. Therefore, before using magic, think about the possible negative consequences.

If you go to church on Makovei and consecrate the poppy, you can enhance its effect many times over.

Rules for the ceremony

In order to help yourself in solving any kind of problem, you must remember the most basic rules that magic puts forward.

  1. Do not violate the principle of the ritual. You must follow the instructions strictly. In such cases, you reduce the likelihood that the result will be of poor quality. You will also minimize the consequences that may arise in the future.
  2. Pay attention to which ritual is used. Since they are all different, the ingredients should be selected according to the chosen method.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the type of poppy used. Some methods specify the type of product. If you choose a method where there is no exact indication, then it is better to use a mixture.
  4. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the general appearance, but also the color of the poppy. You should not replace gray poppy with other colors, and vice versa.
  5. Perform rituals only on the days designated for their implementation.
  6. Eating a cursed poppy is prohibited.

Conspiracy for financial gain

If you need to attract money, then use the following ritual. Place the cloth on the table. It is desirable that it be green. Using soap, you need to outline a circular figure on the fabric, in the center of which the poppy should be located. Draw a cross on a pile of seeds with your hand, and then pronounce the curse.

“In the distant ocean you can see a large island. Our God and the Virgin Mary live on it. I'll go visit them. I will come to them with respect and faith. My bows will speak about this. I will ask the Mother of God for help, so that she can teach me how to make a profit. She once walked the earth and bought bread. Without money it is now impossible to buy bread, sew clothing or buy church candles. I ask you to help me receive the same amount of money as the number of poppy seeds I put on this cloth. Raising money is one of my problems. Amen".

Divide the charmed poppy into two piles. One part should be poured into your wallet. Pour another part into the bathroom at room temperature, where you immerse your feet. Now repeat the spell already spoken. Stay in the water for a few more minutes, while imagining that finances are coming to you from all sides.

Conspiracy to improve trade

During the waxing moon, be sure to buy a glass of poppy seeds and a small towel on Thursday. The towel should be laid out on the store counter. You need to pour the entire volume of poppy seeds onto it, and speak to it in the following words:

“Every time someone steps on a charmed poppy, that person will immediately start buying from me. Amen".

The hex is read at least nine or twelve times. It all depends on the desired result. Every day, before you start trading, sprinkle poppy seeds at the door of the store. The effect of the ritual will be achieved only for a month, before the next time the moon rises. After a month, the ritual must be repeated.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye

Bless the poppy in the temple. It is better to do this on Makovey. When the sun rises, you need to read the hex over it:

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“Birds really love poppy seeds. So may all single men love me, the servant of God (your name). Birds cannot live without poppy, let my betrothed only love me. So that there are no other women in his life. Only I should be in his heart and in his thoughts. Let the man who is dear to my heart look for me all over the world. My man must love me and cherish me. Let him not notice anyone but me. I am a beautiful girl, let every potential groom pay attention to me. There's no getting around this. I will choose it myself. Amen".

The spelled poppy for love must be added to the desired man's clothing. The result is achieved in a short time. In just a week, your personal life will be as you wished.

In simple village magic, the skills of which were possessed by almost all the inhabitants of the villages, the poppy occupied a special place. It was believed that with the help of this plant one could protect oneself from witchcraft sent by a powerful magician, as well as from restless spirits and the dead.

For pregnancy

In magic, poppy was considered a symbol of fertility and fertility. Those who wanted to get pregnant were advised to carry fresh poppy buds with them.

In fortune telling

With the help of this plant, the girls told fortunes about their betrothed - they poured a handful of seeds into their bosoms for Christmas and went to bed. It was believed that how many grains remained on the body by morning, the number of suitors who would woo the girl in the coming year.

Like an amulet

Poppy in witchcraft and magic was used to create a variety of talismans and amulets. So, those who wanted to get rich had to carry a dried poppy seed box with them. It was important to ensure that the seeds did not spill - this promised financial losses. Therefore, the box was often sewn into a linen bag or wrapped in a piece of red or yellow paper.

How to use poppy in magic

Simple but effective rituals in which this plant is used have survived to this day.

  • In order for the deceased to remain in the ground forever and not disturb the living, the fresh grave was sprinkled with poppy seeds, which were supposed to sprout and turn into a living shield from otherworldly forces.
  • Poppy was used in magic to protect the house. To prevent damage to the home, the floors were sprinkled with poppy seeds. Bunches of this plant were hung in the barn and barnyard for the same purpose. If damage or the evil eye had already been cast on the house, poppy seeds were scattered in the corners at sunset, and at dawn they were swept away with a broom and taken out of the outskirts. This cleansing ritual is recommended to be performed before each new moon.
  • A dream catcher was made from poppy seeds - empty seed pods were tied with ribbon and hung over the bed. This relieved nightmares and insomnia.
  • Poppy seeds can act as a talisman for loved ones. Place a small amount of them in your pockets to enlist the support of higher powers.

Magic for poppy from enemies at work

To protect yourself from hostile colleagues, a spell is cast on poppy seeds. The ritual must be performed in the dark, illuminating the space only with a lit church candle.

You can say the simplest words: ask the poppy to protect you from slander and slander from employees. Take the enchanted seeds with you to work and place one at a time in the workplaces of those colleagues whom you consider to be your ill-wishers. It is advisable to place the seeds so that they are not swept away during cleaning - in the lining of a chair, a table drawer, or a table vase. The conspiracy also works against the boss.

  • Important: you need to buy poppy seeds and a candle on the eve of the ritual, and pay for them an amount that does not require change.

Common names: field poppy, fiery flower.
Aura: cold
Planet: Moon
Element: water
Deities: Hypnos, Ceres, Morpheus, Demeter (Ceres), Persephone, Venus
Plant parts used: seeds, dry seed pods, above-ground part of the plant
Magic properties: fertility, wealth, prophetic dreams, protection from witchcraft and the dead
Magical uses: wild poppy seeds were used in village magic as a protective remedy against witches and the dead. It was believed that sprinkled poppy seeds in a house would protect it from witches, in a barn they would protect animals from the evil eye and damage, and graves sprinkled with poppy seeds would prevent the dead from rising. Young wives generously sprinkled the Easter cakes with poppy seeds, since eating it brought a healthy and easy pregnancy into the house.

Amulet for prophetic dreams: Remove the seeds from the dried poppy pod and place a yellow piece of paper with a question that concerns you. Leave the box at your head overnight. At night you will be visited by prophetic dreams.

Amulet for wealth: Carry a dried box of seeds with you, so that the seeds do not get lost, wrap the box in yellow paper.

Amulet for wealth in the house: place seeds from 7 boxes in a purple box (box, envelope) and place them at home in the southeast or in the far left corner from the entrance to the apartment.

Poppy is a symbol of fertility, fertility, oblivion, idleness. Blooming red poppy is a symbol of beauty and temporary happiness, death and sleep.

In China, the poppy represents retirement, relaxation, beauty and success. There is a second side to the poppy - the narcotic side, so the poppy is also a symbol of dreams, decay and evil.

Christianity also does not ignore the narcotic component of the poppy, so it symbolizes sleep, ignorance and indifference. The red poppy flower also represents suffering and death.

Poppy grows in all nine worlds (dimensions), this fully explains its properties. Poppy seeds can perfectly remember and transmit information of any kind, which is why they are used in both white and black magic. It is difficult to remove the counterfeit on the poppy, because... it is difficult to “unpack” a negative program - the poppy “remembers” it on the etheric plane. For understanding: holy water is the sphere of religion, poppy is the sphere of magic. They intersect on Makovey - the poppy, consecrated in the church on this holiday, is able to retain its protective properties for a whole year.

Magic Application

Poppy, like all wildflowers, is endowed with extraordinary abilities. After all, as you know, spirits live in wildflowers.
Flower perfumes are special entities. They can be kind, and not very kind. They can be naughty and misleading. Flower perfumes can help in many endeavors. Therefore, when you walk through a clearing where wildflowers grow, try not to forget about what is inaccessible to the ordinary eye.

You need to be very careful when using poppy in magic, as the results may not always be what you expect.

Poppy seeds are used in love magic.

Poppy seeds must be collected with your own hands in the evening, on the night of the waxing Moon. Poppy seeds should be collected in the palm of your right hand. For the ritual, you cannot collect poppy seeds in any container or bag. That same evening, bring the seeds home and divide them into three parts. Knead regular yeast dough. Make three poppy seed buns. Bake the buns and leave them until the morning. It is advisable that the poppy seed buns be close to the head of your bed. The next day, go to your chosen one with buns. Eat one bun yourself, your friend should eat the second. And divide the third bun and eat it in half. You must perform all actions with a good heart.

To attract love, carry a few poppy seeds in your pocket.

Poppy is a talisman against various evil spirits:

From the walking dead man: they put it in the coffin of a deceased person suspected of being a witch doctor, they poured it into the grave and around the grave of a suicide, a hanged man, a sorcerer, saying: “Then you will enter the house when you collect (count, eat) this poppy” (Ukraine, Poland) .
. The whole house was sprinkled with poppy seeds, lying on the table on Christmas Eve, walking on the sun to prevent visits from the vampire. During the funeral procession, they threw it after the coffin and scattered it along the road from the house to the cemetery.
. He also has the ability to counteract evil spirits: until the demon collects many scattered poppy seeds, he, according to legend, cannot move further and cause harm.
They showered it on the corner where a woman in labor lay with her newborn (Czechs, Slovaks).

In wedding ceremonies, they poured it into the bride’s stocking (Voronezh region), and gave the newlyweds a poppy head to protect them from sorcerers and the evil eye.

They sprinkled poppy seeds in the barn and around the barn with the sentence: “Whoever collects this witch (white poppy) will take away the spores from my cow”; after calving, they showered the cow and calf with the same words (Polesie, Transcarpathia, Slovakia, Croatia).

The calving cow's horn was drilled, blessed poppy was poured into it, and it was beaten with an aspen peg; A bundle of incense and poppy seeds was tied to the right horn of the cow. (Ukraine).
On Christmas Eve, the owners went around the yard with Christmas bread, honey and poppy seeds and sprinkled them thickly near the barn, “so that you, who chose them, could not proceed to the point of thinness.” (Ukraine)
According to legend, if you sprinkle a house with poppy seeds, all the witches' machinations will be ineffective. Only for this he must be consecrated to St. Macovia, that is, on the day of the Maccabee martyrs, August 1.

Poppy also protected people and livestock from snakes: on the eve of annual holidays, they sowed and fumigated the hut with poppy seeds, placing it on the window so that snakes would not crawl into the house; They sprinkled it on the cow to prevent it from being bitten by a snake. In the Czech Republic, it was used on Christmas Eve - they fed chickens to get from them as many eggs as poppy seeds the chicken would peck.

People also tried to look into the future with the help of the poppy, for example:

Take a dry seed pod, make a small hole and remove the seeds. Write the question on a small piece of yellow paper. Place the folded piece of paper in a box and place it near the bed. At dawn you will learn the answer to the question from the prophetic dream.
. If at midnight on Christmas Day you stand at the crossroads of two roads with a mortar, pour poppy seeds into it, and hit it three times with a pestle, then in the muffled sounds heard, you can learn about the events of the coming year (Germany).

A very strong amulet, which is read on your birthday: I am a baptized bone, my place is consecrated, the Cross is with me, the cross is in front of me, an Angel walks with me. The dawn feeds on the sun, the star meets the month. The dumb one gave birth to my enemies, the blind one gathered my enemies. She closed her eyes and forgot to open them. As God's river breaks up the sands, As it erodes the steep banks, So wash away, scatter the minds of my enemies. For now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! This is for the baptized, and for the unbaptized. Take in your hand as much maku as can fit in your palm. Pour the poppy seeds from one hand to the other and say this: How true that Christian people do not count the poppy seeds, They do not collect clear stars from the sky, So that my fate does not lose happiness And no black force steals my share. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen ***

To prevent someone else's magical influence from sticking

You can cast a spell on a black poppy with a burning candle, in front of a round mirror, so that the poppy is reflected in the mirror: “As a mirror reflects a poppy, reflects and does not accept, so the poppy will absorb its properties, and from now on reflects all misfortunes, passions, slander, sentences “Everything bad and foul, unclean and harmful, will be reflected and sent back, and what is not sent back will be absorbed and taken away, protected and protected.” After speaking, carry the poppy in a bag on your chest or in your pocket. Some time after wearing, burn this poppy, along with all the negativity that it has absorbed, and say something new. This method can be used to protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, magical effects, from envy and negativity from those who do something against you.

Amulet for trading.

Place small change, salt, poppy seeds on a black cloth in front of you. Read the plot 7 times. Before starting the conspiracy, make the sign of the cross and bow to the ground completely. “Just as at the Entry of the Virgin Mary entered the temple quickly and easily, even though the steps at the temple are high, so my business affairs go quickly and quickly, easily and high. Money after money is brought in, profit is added to the wallet, just as people go to God’s temple simple, merchant and princely, so people come to my trading house - simple, merchant and princely, people come with half a ruble, with a ruble, with a half, with a thousand, with an altyn. People come in a crowd, money flows like a river. As on the day of the Introduction, it is full people, the Temple of God, so my trade affairs are full. As the monastery wall stands strong, so my trade affairs stand so firmly, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Roll up the cloth with fines, salt and poppy seeds. Keep at your workplace.

Money conspiracy over the earth

Take a pinch of earth from your own footprint, mix it with salt and poppy seeds, cross yourself and read the spell over it all: The mountain stands strong, the mountain of the Lord stands. The old man walked through that mountain and placed the Cross on that mountain. And whoever bows to that Cross does not know the age of trouble. And I, the servant of God (name), go to the Cross, I carry all of myself, I ask from the Cross, I make amends with the Cross, I make amends with the Cross. Give me, Cross of the Lord, all good things, gold and silver. And just as people come to you, the Cross of the Lord, so money would come to me, continuously, endlessly, from the end of the earth, from the edge of God’s world. I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for good, for good people, for poor orphans. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so the demons would perish on behalf of those who love the Lord, and signify the Sign of the Cross, and worship the Honorable and Life-giving Cross, and say in joy: O Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help us with the holy Lady Virgin Mary and All Saints forever. Amen." Wrap this earth in a small bag and put it in your wallet. Between the world and the village, so is my born son
I would be honest and dignified between lords and priests,
Between the world and the village.
I’m riding on a reptile, he’s already driving, but he’s hefty.
The lords and judges have a yard full of pigs,
And I will eat those pigs.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
I sow poppy.
All the judges will disperse, and they will sit and eat me.
They won't eat me, I have a bear's mouth,
Wolf lips, pig teeth.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
Who will pick my poppy,
He will bring judgment against me.
I'll hide my poppy in an iron tub,
I'll throw the tub into the ocean-sea.
The ocean-sea does not dry up,
Nobody takes out my cadi,
And no one picks up my poppy seed.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts,
And I throw the keys into the ocean-sea,
In your iron tub.
When the sea dries up, when the poppies from the kadi are eaten,
Then I won't be there.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!

This flower captivates with its beauty. In many cultures around the world, the poppy is a symbol of a successful life, well-being and prosperity. But few people know that the bright and fragile flower is successfully used in both white and black magic. For example, damage to poppy seeds is one of the most common and effective ways to fight your enemies. The fact that poppy has been used in magic for a long time is a proven fact. Even the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians widely used it in various types of magical rituals. The use of poppy seeds is practiced by magicians for various purposes. As a rule, it is charmed to attract love and luck, improve financial situation, as protection against negativity, and also to cure various diseases.

The influence of poppy spoilage

In magic, the secrets of a successful poppy spell lie precisely in the negative impact on the victim. Before using such a conspiracy, keep in mind that damage has a destructive effect on a person’s energy field and his immune system. It leads to gradual degradation of personality.

Such an evil eye can greatly harm your family life, health, and destroy your career. Damage caused by poppy is a negative program, which in some cases even leads to the death of a person.

Poppy lining

No less popular in magic are the so-called poppy linings, when the seeds of a plant are sprinkled in a house or apartment, at work or in the yard in order to send various problems to one’s ill-wisher.

If you find such a lining at home, it means that you have really annoyed someone. Be careful! Such things are not something to joke about, as they can lead to serious consequences, such as serious illness, divorce and breakdown of family relationships, and business failures.

Finding poppy seed at home is a warning sign. What to do when you find this unpleasant “gift”? It is necessary to accurately reproduce simple actions.

  1. Immediately get rid of what was poured into you. Remember that it is prohibited to pick up poppy seeds with your hands. Use gloves, but be sure to throw them in the trash afterward.
  2. What is found must be burned or buried. At the same time, read a prayer and ask higher powers to protect you from damage.
  3. The house should be cleaned, paying special attention to corners and dark nooks and crannies. You can also sprinkle the room with holy water.
  4. Be sure to visit the temple and light candles, order magpie for health for yourself and your loved ones.

Poppy seed

This is the best way to fatally quarrel between friends, lovers, and spouses. After using such a ritual, people who love and respect each other become sworn enemies. It also helps very well to overcome the effects of a love spell.

What is the correct way to cast a spell on poppy seeds? Mix it with salt and say these words three times:

“Mak-makovey, you are my assistant! I add this mixture and separate friends (lovers, husband and wife) forever! Just as the poppy crumbles, so does a quarrel happen! My word is strong! Amen!".

After which the poppy should be sprinkled on the threshold of the house where the people you want to quarrel live with. If you want to separate your husband from his mistress and return him to the family, it is best to bake buns with a charmed mixture and feed them to your loved one. When baking, say:

“I’ll sprinkle some salt and crush it with poppy seeds!” I will get everything I want! My beloved hubby is returning to me, and our happiness begins anew with him!”

In just a few days he will leave the homewrecker and return home.

Poppy ritual at a wedding

Some offended women, in order to take revenge on their loved one who preferred another, use poppy seeds sprinkled during the wedding as spoilage. Having walked through the enchanted seeds, the newlyweds will no longer be able to build a happy family life. Their home is filled with quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings and disappointment. They will also begin to be haunted by material troubles, difficulties at work and health problems.

Before performing the ritual, keep in mind that it must be carried out on days when the Moon is just beginning to gain its strength. It is also necessary to make certain preparations.

  1. Buy a poppy at the market or supermarket (it’s better if it’s a poppy box), and wrap it in a bag specially made for this purpose.
  2. Take it with you when you go to church.
  3. Read the Lord's Prayer 7 times. When you get baptized, don’t forget to touch the bag of poppy seeds.
  4. Before you sprinkle poppy seeds on the road around the registry office or in the house where your loved one lives, concentrate and imagine in detail what you want to achieve. It is necessary for the poppy to become saturated with your negative energy. Then carry out your plans.

Ritual with salt

Why use this ritual? Firstly, in order to ruin your competitors. And secondly, to improve your affairs. To successfully perform such a ritual, you should take an equal amount of salt and poppy seeds and sprinkle and sow this mixture wherever your victim happens to be. This will lead to the fact that the person will not be able to concentrate on work, and he will feel sleepy all the time. He will gradually lose interest in everything and as a result the business will decline.

You can also sprinkle seeds in the corners of the house so that evil forces cannot enter it.

  • A very good way to protect your baby is to put some poppy seeds in his school bag, then he will always be protected.
  • If you are going to visit and you know that there will be people there who are not very pleasant for you, from whom you can expect any dirty tricks, sprinkle some poppy seeds under your right heel and then you are guaranteed protection from the evil eye.
  • Poppy can also help you look into the future. A very simple and effective ritual will help you with this. Take a piece of paper and write on it what is bothering you. Wrap a handful of seeds in it and place it under your pillow overnight. In the morning, the correct solution to the problem will come to you by itself. The main thing is to be positive!
  • And one more important tip. The poppy, which was consecrated on Macov's day, has the most powerful magical properties. If for some reason you did not make it to the service, you can bless the poppy with holy water at home.
  • When using this or that conspiracy, remember that much depends on your intentions. If you use magic to cause harm, be prepared for the evil to turn against you. Therefore, think seriously before resorting to this or that magical ritual.