home · electrical safety · I had bronchitis and developed severe shortness of breath, what should I do? Shortness of breath with bronchitis: treatment of asthma attacks with medications. When you need emergency help

I had bronchitis and developed severe shortness of breath, what should I do? Shortness of breath with bronchitis: treatment of asthma attacks with medications. When you need emergency help

Any inflammatory process of the respiratory organs inevitably causes breathing problems. Dyspnea during bronchitis occurs in any form of the disease: acute, obstructive or chronic. The body experiences a lack of oxygen, as a result of which its normal functioning is disrupted and hypoxia develops. Patients should remember the danger of shortness of breath turning into suffocation. The symptom is especially severe in children, due to the insufficient development of the lungs and bronchi. To make breathing easier, both medications and folk remedies are used in treatment.

Find out more about bronchitis

What you need to know about shortness of breath

Shortness of breath (or dyspnea) is an acute feeling of lack of air. Patients find it difficult to breathe, breathing becomes more frequent, the depth and frequency of inhalation and exhalation changes, and dry or moist wheezing appears. Shortness of breath develops after a narrowing of the airways, which is caused by muscle spasms or large amounts of mucus accumulated on the walls of the bronchi.

Is this condition dangerous for patients with shortness of breath due to bronchitis or bronchial asthma? Of course yes. Difficulty breathing can develop into a severe form - suffocation. This is especially dangerous when the symptom occurs in a child, as it quickly develops into suffocation.

When making a diagnosis and prescribing therapy, doctors also focus on the characteristics of shortness of breath. It can be of several types:

  • Expiratory: characterized by difficult and prolonged exhalation.
  • Inspiratory – difficulty breathing occurs when inhaling. Shortness of breath occurs after contraction of the lumens in the bronchi or due to insufficient stretching of the lung tissue. It is difficult for the patient to take a breath; not enough air passes into the lungs.
  • Mixed form: difficult to inhale and exhale. This type of dyspnea is particularly dangerous because it causes suffocation more often than other types.

Chest pain can also cause rapid difficulty breathing. The patient is intuitively afraid to take a deep breath and tries to take shallow breaths.

Shortness of breath as a sign of bronchitis

To understand whether it is possible to make a diagnosis based on the type of shortness of breath in various forms of bronchitis, it is worth considering the characteristics of each type of disease.

  • Acute bronchitis: mostly resolves without shortness of breath. It appears as a complication of the disease, when pneumonia, pleurisy, or others develop. But in children, shortness of breath develops especially quickly.
  • Chronic bronchitis: dyspnea occurs in most patients, and manifests itself differently in everyone. In some it is constantly present, accompanied by chest pain, in others it is episodic. The severity of shortness of breath depends on the frequency of relapses: after each exacerbation, it worsens, increasing the risk of suffocation.
  • Obstructive bronchitis: due to the increased production of secretions and their deposition on the walls of the bronchi, shortness of breath is characterized by a particularly severe form, often turning into suffocation. In addition to mucus, its occurrence is affected by severe swelling of the walls and muscle spasms. It is difficult for the patient to exhale - it becomes protracted and difficult, accompanied by whistling sounds. Shortness of breath is especially severe in the morning. It becomes easier to breathe only after coughing with sputum discharge. As the disease progresses and new organs are drawn into the pathological process, dyspnea becomes more severe. In young children, obstructive bronchitis is almost always accompanied by shortness of breath.
  • Allergic bronchitis: shortness of breath varies in severity, up to suffocation, depending on the body’s reaction to the allergen. When a child becomes ill, it is especially important to quickly identify the causative agent of the disease.
  • Bronchitis with an asthmatic component: dyspnea develops quite often and can progress to suffocation. The reason is bronchospasm, which occurs due to a narrowing of the lumen in the respiratory tract. For children, the disease is dangerous with a high risk of developing bronchial asthma.

How is dyspnea treated in obstructive bronchitis?

Is it possible to cure shortness of breath during bronchitis in an adult or child separately from the disease? No, it occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, and therefore the cause itself must be treated. To determine the type of disease, the patient takes tests and undergoes an examination. In severe cases and relapses - x-ray examination. And only after this, having reliable data on the patient’s condition, the doctor selects the optimal treatment option using medications and folk remedies.

To make breathing easier for an adult or child, various medications are used.

  • Bronchodilators are drugs that help dilate the bronchi and come in short-acting (Salbutamol, Fenoterol) and long-acting (Formoterol, Salmeterol). Medicines of the first group are used to quickly relieve suffocation; on average, the effect lasts about 4 hours. Long-acting drugs last longer (up to 12 hours) as active substances accumulate in the body. They are used mainly using a nebulizer, since this method is more effective than tablets.
  • Anticholinergic drugs that expand the lumens in the respiratory organs. There are also instant and long-acting ones. The medications are not addictive, which allows you not to exceed the recommended dose.
  • Methylxanthines - in addition to dilating the bronchi, normalize pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Theophylline and Euphylline are also recommended for use to eliminate shortness of breath after illness.
  • Combined drugs are used for treatment for various indications. For obstructive bronchitis in adults and children, the causes of breathing problems are quickly eliminated. The effect lasts up to 6 hours, depending on the type of medicine.
  • Mucolytics and drugs with an expectorant effect (Ambrobene, Lazolvan) for obstructive bronchitis contribute to better removal of mucus and clearing of the respiratory tract. They are used in a complex of therapeutic measures.
  • Corticosteroids in the form of inhalations are among the most fast-acting and effective drugs, often used for acute and obstructive bronchitis in children. They quickly relax the muscles of the child’s bronchi, reduce inflammation, and thin out mucus.

Folk remedies

They have proven themselves to be excellent over a long period of time. In the absence of allergies, they will be useful for both adults and children. Traditional medicine relieves cough and improves sputum production. But they can be used with the consent of a doctor, so that natural substances do not conflict with medications.

To prepare a medicinal drink, pour 1 tablespoon of plant material into a glass of hot water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, leave for 45-60 minutes, filter and bring to the original volume.

  • Mix 20 g of anise fruit, elecampane roots, coltsfoot leaves, violet herb and thyme. Drink 1/4-1/3 cup of the decoction 3 times a day before meals.
  • The following mixture will help with acute, chronic and tracheobronchitis: 20 g each of coltsfoot and violet, 30 g each of plantain leaves and licorice roots. Drink the decoction warm, 1/4-1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • For bronchitis, cranberries can be brewed or a fruit drink can be made from it. To do this, you need to crush the berries, squeeze out the juice, add water to the juice and bring to a boil. After this, squeeze them out, strain the broth and add sugar (or replace with honey), cool and pour in the juice. Mors is recommended for adults and children to drink throughout the day.

In addition to drug treatment and traditional medicine recipes, massage, chest warming, and inhalations are prescribed. Physiotherapy helps get rid of dyspnea after illness.

Shortness of breath in acute or obstructive bronchitis can be relieved with complex therapy. Addressing just one symptom alone will not produce lasting results. In case of chronic disease, exacerbation of the disease should not be allowed. In order for breathing to become easy again, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Shortness of breath during bronchitis refers to the symptoms of inflammatory processes that occur in the lungs and bronchi, as a result of which the patient lacks oxygen.

It can manifest itself at the slightest physical exertion, at times of exacerbation of the disease in chronic and obstructive bronchitis.

In the chronic form of the disease, shortness of breath is constantly present and tends to intensify and progress.

Treatment is focused on eliminating attacks of suffocation, facilitating breathing through the use of complex therapy - medications, inhalations with medicinal herbs.

Types of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath has its own characteristics - rapid breathing, inhalations and exhalations of air change their depth. In addition, the ratio of the duration of inhalations and exhalations is also subject to transformation.

In modern medicine, there are 3 main types of shortness of breath:

  • Expiratory - only inhalations are lengthened.
  • Inspiratory – only breathing in air is difficult.
  • Mixed - the patient has problems with inhaling and exhaling air, as a result of which his breathing becomes significantly more difficult.

With a disease such as bronchitis, shortness of breath appears because the breathing pathways are narrowed. In the chronic course of the disease, breathing becomes more difficult not only in moments of exacerbation of the disease, but also in moments of weakening.

In chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath is usually mixed. With the obstructive course of the disease, pain in the chest occurs when inhaling.

Shortness of breath in the most common cases is detected with a more severe course of the disease. In acute bronchitis it occurs quite rarely.

As a rule, its appearance indicates that complications are developing (pleurisy, pneumonia). In addition, the appearance of shortness of breath may indicate that a transition to a chronic form is occurring.

With the chronic course of the disease, shortness of breath appears in most patients. It can occur sporadically or be present constantly.

In some situations, patients experience moderate pain in the chest area (you can feel it with deep breaths of air).

The more often the disease exacerbates, the more often the patient experiences shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, attacks of suffocation may occur and proper breathing may be impaired.

When the lumen of the bronchi is blocked by a viscous secretion (sputum). The patient can identify symptoms of stenosis and damage to the bronchial tree. These are the symptoms that cause severe shortness of breath.

In addition, the breathing passages are narrowed, and swelling of the walls of the bronchi occurs. All this occurs under the influence of spasms of the muscle layer and the resulting inflammatory reaction.

Exhalations become longer and take on a whistling sound. The patient's wheezing can be heard even at a considerable distance.

As a rule, shortness of breath appears in the morning, and tends to decrease after bouts of coughing, which produce a certain amount of sputum.

The more the inflammatory process spreads throughout the patient’s body, the more the shortness of breath will progress.

Danger signs of shortness of breath

There are symptoms that characterize shortness of breath, for which emergency assistance is immediately necessary:

  1. A sudden onset of shortness of breath, rapidly increasing and progressing, the patient complains of sharp pain in the sternum.
  2. Attacks of suffocation are becoming more frequent and prolonged.

With such a sim dentistry, the patient only needs inpatient treatment. If the patient exhibits such signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the likelihood of avoiding harmful consequences.

Attacks of suffocation are dangerous because they result in a lack of air, so the patient immediately requires drug therapy.

First aid

What to do if the patient has persistent shortness of breath? It is necessary to act immediately to prevent asthma attacks. So, after severe shortness of breath is detected in a patient, you need to:

  • Call emergency medical assistance.
  • If the attacks are of an allergic nature, you need to exclude the allergen.
  • If the patient is lying down, sit him down and place a pillow under his back.
  • Then unbutton any clothing that is blocking the air flow.
  • Ventilate the room, the patient needs fresh air.
  • Pay attention to the frequency of inhalations and exhalations, as well as their duration.
  • If the patient uses an inhaler recommended by the doctor, it is necessary to use it.

After the doctor arrives, he needs to be told the probable causes of the attack, how long the shortness of breath lasts, and describe additional symptoms (skin color changes, chest pain, etc.). Voice the measures that were taken in relation to the patient, and then tell about the medicine taken by the patient.

If suffocation lasted until the ambulance arrived, then the potential actions of medical workers are as follows:

  1. Oxygen therapy. For this, doctors use an air mixture containing oxygen.
  2. If there are bronchial spasms, then immediate treatment consists of using Fenoterol inhalation, which helps relieve the attack. In some situations, doctors may use a medicated nebulizer.
  3. If the case is severe, and these measures do not bring relief to the patient, Prednisolone, about 100 mg, is administered intravenously.
  4. If suffocation occurs with pain in the sternum, further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting and the patient is hospitalized. To establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe subsequent treatment.


Treatment of the disease is carried out using complex methods and includes measures that are aimed at combating the causes of the disease and eliminating the symptoms that accompany the inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Treatment also includes quitting smoking and avoiding contact with known allergens.

If bronchitis is bacterial in nature, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. To improve the separation of bronchial secretions, medications are used:

  • Reflex action, like Mucaltin. They are aimed at stimulating the secretion of bronchial secretions, helping to thin sputum, increasing spasms of the bronchial muscles and increasing the activity of the epithelium in the respiratory tract.
  • Mucolytics affect the chemical characteristics of the secretion and make it more liquid. Treatment is prescribed with Ambroxol and Acetylcysteine.
  • Sputum rehydrators, which include mineral water. By their action, they increase the water content in the bronchial secretion, which helps it pass more easily.

If there is obstruction of the respiratory tract, bronchodilators help treat:

  1. β-adrenomimetics – Salamol, Arubendol, Partusisten.
  2. Methylxanthines – Durophilin, Teobiolong.
  3. M-anticholinergics – Arutropid, Ipravent.

Alternative medicine

With the help of traditional medicine, you can relieve attacks of suffocation and make them less pronounced. When using natural medicine recipes, the harmful effects on other internal organs are reduced to zero. So, traditional medicine recipes that help treat suffocation:

  • You will need 8 grams of hawthorn flowers, which must be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. Place everything in a water bath, hold for at least 20 minutes, then leave covered for an hour. The patient must be treated with this decoction for 10 days. Take 50 ml of infusion 3 times a day.
  • Take 20 grams of lemon balm and pour into 800 ml of hot water, then seal with a lid and let it brew for 3 hours. Before meals, drink 50 ml 5 times a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can add honey to the infusion.
  • Pour 150 grams of oatmeal with hot milk, then place in the oven for two hours. Eat 200 grams of porridge per day before bed.

It is worth remembering that shortness of breath is a serious symptom that can lead to respiratory failure. Only surgical treatment will help eliminate serious complications and increase the chances of successful treatment.

However, it is worth considering that shortness of breath occurs not only with bronchitis; lack of air can also signal other pathological conditions that only a doctor can understand. In the video in this article, Elena Malysheva will popularly explain what shortness of breath and cough mean.

Shortness of breath during bronchitis is a feeling of lack of oxygen, during which the breathing rate increases, the depth and duration of inhalation and exhalation change. The patient experiences tightness in the chest, tension in the diaphragm, intercostal muscles with each breath.

The inhalation/exhalation frequency for shortness of breath caused by bronchitis in adults exceeds 18, and in infants it can reach up to 50-70 inhalations/exhalations per minute. The degree of respiratory failure depends on the severity of the disease.

If the child suddenly turns pale, breathing becomes noisy, with a wheezing, whistling sound when exhaling, it can be assumed that he is developing shortness of breath. When you have bronchitis, it’s hard to breathe due to narrowing of the small bronchi caused by swelling and spasm. We suggest you learn more about what to do if you have shortness of breath.

If signs of respiratory failure appear, you must call a doctor; before he arrives, you must:

  • sit the child down and place a pillow under his back;
  • try to calm him down, divert his attention;
  • free the child from clothing that restricts breathing;
  • provide air access, but avoid hypothermia;
  • increase the air humidity in the apartment - turn on the humidifier, hang towels soaked in water, turn on the kettle;
  • inhale humidified oxygen, controlling the breathing rate.

The patient should not be frightened; one should try to fuss as little as possible. This is very important - stress makes the heart beat faster and leads to increased respiratory failure.

To cope with shortness of breath during pregnancy, and to prevent it from intensifying and turning into suffocation, they take medications in tablets, inhalation with aerosols, and solutions.

Used for inhalation: Salbutamol, Berotek, Berodual. Adrenergic agonists are used through a nebulizer until the attack stops.

Help with shortness of breath in adults

In adults, shortness of breath occurs in chronic cases due to bronchospasm.

Treatment for adults includes:

  • use to suppress infection activity;
  • stimulating the release of mucus from the respiratory tract (this can also help);
  • elimination of bronchospasm.

If signs of respiratory failure increase, the patient should take an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor, bronchospasmodics (Atrovent, Berotec).

Fast-acting drugs

For severe symptoms, short-acting inhalers should be used. This method of drug administration is used in the treatment of patients of any age; this article describes this method in more detail.

Quickly begins to act, restores bronchial patency dosed aerosol for inhalation Ventolin. The active substance of Ventolin, salbutamol, is a bronchodilator that helps with shortness of breath in obstructive bronchitis in both children and adults.

Ventolin inhalations relieve shortness of breath due to bronchitis in a child immediately after use.

In case of rapidly increasing respiratory failure, it is recommended to inhale through a nebulizer with Ventolin Nebula.


Aerosol Berotek restores breathing during bronchitis, bronchospasm, and improves mucus removal.

It begins to act 5 minutes after application, the duration of action is 6 hours.

Inhalations can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

Long-acting drugs

  • Pills Saltos, Volmax containing salbutamol;
  • Clenbuterol– tablets, syrup for children;
  • Salmeter– an aerosol that eliminates bronchospasm in children and adults, is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Folk remedies for shortness of breath

Treatment with traditional methods will not help to quickly relieve an attack, but it can prevent the symptoms from worsening. With systematic treatment, folk remedies will help cope with shortness of breath left after bronchitis.

Hot foot baths

When the first signs of difficulty breathing appear, distracting thermal procedures help well. Common folk remedies for treating shortness of breath at home include warming foot baths.

To carry out the procedure, you need to add mustard powder to the water, cover the basin with water so that the water cools slowly. The water should not be too hot to prevent scalding.

Dill infusion

An infusion of dill seeds and herbs helps with shortness of breath.

To prepare it:

  • Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dry dill (1 cup);
  • leave for an hour;
  • filter;
  • drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Lemon juice with honey and garlic

At home, you can prepare another wonderful folk remedy for treating shortness of breath due to bronchitis. You will need the juice of 10 lemons, 1 liter of honey, 10 peeled heads of garlic, twisted through a meat grinder.

All ingredients are transferred to a glass jar and left for 7 days. The course of treatment lasts 2 months, take 4 teaspoons before meals in the morning.

You can learn about other methods of treating bronchitis with folk remedies in the article.

All types of bronchitis are accompanied by a symptom such as shortness of breath. It can manifest itself both during active pastime and at rest. This condition undoubtedly causes serious discomfort and affects normal functioning. A child develops shortness of breath much more often than an adult, which is due to the structural features of the child’s body. What causes this condition and is it treatable?

What is shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath or dyspnea is one of the symptoms of various diseases, including bronchitis, manifested in the form of a feeling of acute lack of oxygen, which can lead to an attack of suffocation. There is rapid breathing, as well as changes in the depth of exhalation and inhalation, accompanied by whistling or other noises.

Shortness of breath occurs with bronchitis due to narrowing of the airways, which can be caused by both muscle spasms and a large amount of accumulated phlegm.

There are three basic types of dyspnea:

  • expiratory. It is characterized by difficult and long exhalation;
  • inspiratory, occurring during inhalation. It occurs when the patency of the bronchi is impaired, as well as when the lung tissue is poorly stretched. When inhaling, not all of the inhaled oxygen reaches the lungs, which causes shortness of breath;
  • mixed, in which there is difficulty in both inhalation and exhalation. Such shortness of breath is very dangerous, as it can cause attacks of suffocation.

A special symptom of bronchitis

Any type of bronchitis occurs with signs of shortness of breath, but each type of disease has its own features of dyspnea:

  • In acute bronchitis, shortness of breath is not necessary. Most often it manifests itself during its complicated course and does not cause severe discomfort;
  • dyspnea is almost always detected. At first, it can make itself felt only after physical exertion or vigorous activity, but after several exacerbations, shortness of breath becomes permanent and can even cause attacks of suffocation;
  • always accompanied by severe shortness of breath with whistling prolonged exhalation;

The appearance of shortness of breath is caused by blockage of the bronchi, so most often dyspnea with this form of bronchitis appears in the morning, and after the sputum is discharged, the number of attacks of suffocation is reduced.

  • in allergic bronchitis, dyspnea occurs only upon contact with an allergen. Depending on the sensitivity of the body, both sluggish shortness of breath and very disturbing shortness of breath are possible, causing you to experience an acute lack of oxygen;
  • the asthmatic type is always accompanied by severe expiratory shortness of breath. Dyspnea occurs due to severe narrowing of the bronchial lumen;

  • during viral or bacterial bronchitis, shortness of breath rarely appears, passes quickly and causes minimal discomfort;
  • purulent or occurs with severe attacks of suffocation, which occur due to blockage of the bronchi with purulent masses.

What if a child is sick?

As already mentioned, a child experiences shortness of breath during bronchitis much more often than an adult. This is due to the fact that the lumen of the bronchi in a child is much smaller, and a small accumulation of mucus is sufficient for its noticeable narrowing, making breathing difficult. Dyspnea in a child is observed in acute and chronic bronchitis, but the greatest discomfort is caused by. In case of incorrect or untimely treatment, attacks of suffocation may occur, leading to acute lack of air. This condition is especially dangerous for a child under 3 years of age.

To alleviate the child's condition with shortness of breath, pharmacological and folk remedies can be used.

The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • theophylline. It has a relaxing effect on the bronchi, which relieves inflammation. The drug actively saturates the body with oxygen. The recommended dose for a child is 20 mg per 1 kg of weight at a time;
  • ephedrine is recommended for children over one year of age. It has a bronchodilator effect and inhibits inflammatory processes. It should be given in the first half of the day, the dosage is prescribed individually;
  • solutan is a bronchodilator that can be used in inhalers. For a child 12-15 years old, it is possible to use it in the form of drops (10-15 from 3 times a day);

Among traditional medicines, the following recipes have proven themselves to be effective in relieving shortness of breath in children:

  • add 5 chopped lemons and 5 finely chopped heads of garlic to 0.5 liters of fresh honey. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for 12 hours. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 2-3 tablespoons at night until complete recovery;
  • add 0.5 kg of chopped onion, 250 ml of carrot juice, 125 ml of beet juice, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of sugar to 1 liter of water. After combining the components, mix thoroughly and put on low heat. Cook for about 3 hours. Dose for a child - 0.5 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals;
  • brewed cranberry leaves, which can be given to a child instead of tea.

What to do if shortness of breath remains after bronchitis?

In some cases, shortness of breath after bronchitis may persist. Dyspnea is often accompanied by pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest. These phenomena after bronchitis indicate a recovery process in the respiratory organs. If shortness of breath does not cause severe concern, then treatment with medications is not recommended. It is better to refrain from active physical activity, so as not to once again strain the regenerating bronchi.

If shortness of breath after suffering from bronchitis causes discomfort, then in order to make breathing easier, it is recommended to change, get rid of bad habits and attend physiotherapeutic procedures.

After bronchitis, the following has a positive effect:

  • massage. It should be carried out in a horizontal position in the direction from the stomach to the throat. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the pressure in the heart area is not strong;
  • exposure to pulsed currents, which have a relaxing effect on the muscular layer of the bronchi, increasing their lumen;
  • treatment with thermal procedures. It can be produced using mud, paraffin, sand, ozokerite and other substances. After bronchitis, exposure to heat helps to normalize blood circulation in the bronchi and improve sputum discharge;
  • inhalation of ionized air, which has a positive effect on the reactivity of the bronchi. After bronchitis, ionized air helps normalize pulmonary ventilation;
  • vibration massage, which promotes relaxation of muscle fibers and easy discharge of mucus;
  • vacuum massage. With its help, lung drainage is improved, inflammation is relieved, and blood flow is normalized.

You can relieve shortness of breath after bronchitis, even passively, by introducing more fresh vegetables, fruits, and freshly squeezed juices into your diet.

Treatment of shortness of breath

To treat shortness of breath, it is recommended to use traditional medicine methods. With their help, you can eliminate dyspnea or make it less pronounced. With this therapy, the negative impact on other organs is reduced to zero. The use of folk remedies should be carried out after the recommendations of a doctor and under his supervision.

You should not treat with herbs or other natural ingredients if you have a history of allergic reactions to them.

Effective recipes:

  • Pour 10 g of hawthorn flowers into 250 ml of boiling water and close tightly. The liquid must be kept for about 15 minutes in a water bath, and then infused for at least 45 minutes. Treatment consists of taking the infusion 3 times a day, 85 ml;
  • Pour 25 g of hawthorn fruit into 250 ml of boiling water and brew. Leave the resulting solution in a warm place for about 2 hours, and then strain. Dosage - 15-30 g of tincture 3 times a day;
  • Pour 100 g of oatmeal with 2 liters of homemade fresh milk and simmer in a warm oven for two hours. To treat shortness of breath, you should consume 200 g of porridge daily 1 hour before going to bed;
  • pour 25 g of lemon balm into a liter of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. Drink 40 g 3 to 5 times before eating. To make the treatment more effective, you can add linden honey.

Treatment of shortness of breath will give positive results only with an integrated approach. Eliminating it as a separate symptom is unproductive and will not bring long-term relief.