home · Lighting · Cheap but effective diet pills. Products for rapid weight loss from the pharmacy. The most effective and inexpensive drugs

Cheap but effective diet pills. Products for rapid weight loss from the pharmacy. The most effective and inexpensive drugs

Exhaustive diets and long waits for positive results in the fight against excess weight are not suitable for everyone. Today, an excellent alternative to food restrictions and regular visits to the gym are diet pills, which will help you return your body to its former self, even in the absence of free time for self-care.

As statistics show, a fifth of the world's population is familiar with losing weight with the help of pills, so the issue of choosing quality products is more than relevant. What kinds of diet pills are there without prescriptions? Let’s make a list of effective drugs.

The mechanism of action of drugs for weight loss

Today in pharmacies you can buy almost all medications for weight loss without a doctor’s prescription, but you need to keep in mind that they differ in the mechanism of action on the body.

Effective diet pills are:

  • hormonal;
  • psychotropic;
  • hypoglycemic;
  • central, affecting the brain;
  • peripheral, under the influence of which the lipase enzyme falls;
  • non-pharmacological;
  • diuretics;
  • laxatives.

Centrally acting drugs

The most effective pills for excess weight include those with a central effect, many of which are prohibited for sale due to numerous side effects and addiction. Their effect is to block the satiety center and reduce the feeling of hunger. Although these drugs can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription, their use should be accompanied by regular monitoring by doctors.


Peripheral drugs have a selective effect on the gastrointestinal tract, under the influence of which the number of new fat formations is reduced. As a result, a state of lack of energy is formed in the body, which leads to the active use of internal reserves.


Hormonal drugs, depending on their composition, can affect digestion and reduce appetite, adjust hormonal levels and affect the thyroid gland, dysfunction of which often causes sudden weight gain. Given the high risk of serious consequences for the body, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor and follow the prescription before using drugs.

Drugs with psychotropic effects

The category of fairly effective means for people losing weight also includes compounds with psychotropic effects, but they are also recommended to be taken only after consultation and approval from a specialist. The hypothalamus and saturation center come under the influence of glucose-lowering drugs.


Diuretics help remove excess fluid from the body, but have a short-lived and insignificant effect, because fat cells in this case remain in the same volumes. Drugs with the same dubious effect include laxative analogs, in which weight loss is associated solely with the excretion of feces and cleansing the body of toxins and other waste products.


As for non-pharmacological compositions, they are cellulosic, fat burning and parapharmaceuticals. The former interfere with the absorption of fats in the body, resulting in weight loss. The latter are aimed directly at burning fat, while parapharmaceuticals are aimed at providing functional nutrition.

List of weight loss drugs without a prescription

It is better to resort to medicinal methods of combating excess weight only in extreme cases, for example, in the absence of positive results after three months of grueling training and diets.

Positive results are considered to be weight loss of about 500 g per week. When choosing inexpensive pharmaceutical products, you should be guided not only by the recommendations of your attending physicians, but also by reviews of people who are losing weight, on the basis of which you can create the following list of diet pills without prescriptions:

  • Vita la Vita;
  • Slimming Elixir is HEALTHY.

In almost every pharmacy today you can buy fortified tablets, the composition of which includes fat burners and components that promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body. The advantages of the drug include:

  • normalization of hormone levels in the blood;
  • restoration of metabolism, which significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • normalization of metabolism, due to which there is a better absorption of nutrients by the body;
  • fat dissolution;
  • lowering cholesterol levels and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removing excess fluid from the body.

The instructions for using Eco Slim are quite simple. It is recommended to dissolve one tablet in a glass of warm water and drink after mixing thoroughly. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is better to take medicine after eating food or during the process. It is recommended to take no more than three tablets during the day.

Eco Slim - losing weight without harm to your health. This is a safe means for weight adjustment, which has been approved by many specialists. Due to the natural composition, the drug has practically no serious contraindications, among which only age under 18 years and individual intolerance to individual components can be distinguished. Official site

Chokolate Slim is a natural comprehensive weight loss product. The active components of the composition are used in such quantities that the best effectiveness from their interaction can be achieved. The drug consists of:

  • Goji berries, which help burn existing fat cells and prevent the deposition of new ones, are used to prepare potent decoctions and infusions for weight loss;
  • green coffee, which is an excellent tonic component that reduces appetite;
  • Chia seeds, thanks to which the body receives the missing energy;
  • Acai berries - a natural source of antioxidants, which blocks the development of fat cells;
  • natural cocoa, used to give the product a unique taste and aroma, as well as to reduce cravings for sweets;
  • Lingzhi mushroom extract, which helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and improve the functioning of all body systems.

The drug contains only natural ingredients, which means there are no serious contraindications. According to numerous reviews, already in the first 3-4 days from the start of taking the composition, you can feel all the positive aspects. We are talking about improving mood, general well-being and dulling cravings for sweets.

It is recommended to brew the product in a ratio of 2 teaspoons of the composition per 250 ml of boiling water. The drug should be taken in the first half of the day after eating. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, the optimal course of recovery and weight loss with Chokolate Slim should be no less than 2 and no more than 4 weeks.

Official site

Vita la Vita

Are you looking for inexpensive diet pills? Effective natural ingredients are also present in the composition of a drug such as Vita la Vita, which was invented in 2014 in an American laboratory at the Health Care Center. The main effect of the composition is aimed at irisin, the activation of the synthesis of which contributes to the rapid loss of excess weight.

The components of the unique natural composition of the drug are presented:

  • papaya, which supplies the body with fiber and antioxidants, promotes the active breakdown of fats and prevents the formation of cellulite;
  • Goji berries, which normalize the functioning of the digestive system, help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, improve metabolic processes and have an antioxidant effect;
  • wheat germ extract, which helps improve metabolic operations, improve digestive processes, get rid of toxins and waste, improve the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair;
  • oats, which have cleansing properties, which ensure cleansing of harmful substances, improvement of intestinal motility and stomach functioning, and elimination of excess fluid from the body;
  • Amaranth seeds, which have a corrective effect, restoring the elasticity of muscles and skin, preventing swelling and the appearance of “orange peel”.

The drug consists of drops and a fortified complex. Drops should be taken in the evening to speed up metabolic processes and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

As for the vitamin complex, manufacturers recommend taking it in the morning to increase energy potential, improve overall well-being, and normalize metabolism. The optimal treatment course is 30 days.

Official site

Mangosteen is another natural product that does not require a prescription from a doctor. The medicine consists of:

  • mangosteen - an exotic fruit filled with xanthones, calcium, potassium, catechins, iron and many vitamins;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, which help improve skin condition, stimulate metabolic processes and normalize the activity of the nervous system;
  • minerals.

It should be noted that the main positive properties are provided by mangosteen and they are presented:

  • loss of appetite and prevention of overeating;
  • establishing communication between the organs of the digestive system and the central brain, thereby creating a feeling of satiety;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • providing antioxidant effects, cleansing the body of waste and toxins, and rejuvenating it;
  • toning the body, making a person feel more energetic;
  • removing harmful substances from the body.

The drug is available in the form of syrup, which is recommended to be taken every day before meals, ½ teaspoon. If you drink syrup before bed, you will be able to avoid late-night snacking.

The optimal course of weight loss with Mangosteen should not exceed 30 days. Repeating fat burning therapy is allowed, but only after prior consultation with a nutritionist.

The natural supplement also has a number of contraindications, among which individual intolerance to the composition, which can cause allergic reactions, should be highlighted. The syrup is also not recommended for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, which is due to insufficient knowledge of the effects of xanthone on the body.

Official site

Slimming Elixir HEALTHY

You can also find cheap domestic tablets in pharmacies, which are almost as effective as foreign-made analogues. Such drugs include the Elixir of Slimness Zdorov, consisting exclusively of proven and safe components. This is about:

  • propolis, which provides the body with additional energy, essential vitamins, and helps accelerate the oxidation of subcutaneous fat;
  • calendula, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and prevents the development of stress, which is a common cause of overeating;
  • flaxseed oil, which has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system, helping to cure gastritis and normalize impaired acidity;
  • Chaga mushrooms, which help cleanse the body of harmful microorganisms, toxins and waste and increase the feeling of satiety;
  • St. John's wort, which has an antibacterial effect on the body, restoring and strengthening it.

The recommended therapeutic course is a week, but can be extended if the expected results are not achieved. As for the existing contraindications, they are represented by intolerance to bee products and pregnancy.

Official site


It is necessary to buy all the listed drugs in certified pharmacies or trusted online stores, this is the only way to avoid counterfeiting and get an excellent solution to weight loss issues.

It must be remembered that one should not get carried away with such therapy. To prevent possible risks and side effects, it is strongly recommended to take diet pills only after prior consultation with a specialist.

The Internet, magazines, and TV talk every day about what miraculous diet pills exist. This is not surprising, because such pills are becoming more and more popular every day due to growing problems with excess weight. You involuntarily begin to look at your body and notice that there really are extra pounds. Of course, the question immediately arises: which ones? Below are the 6 best drugs that help you lose weight.

  1. Reduxin from the Ozon ROS company is a leader among pharmaceutical drugs that fight excess weight. Doctors recommend drinking it only if you are obese. The main active component of the drug is sibutramine. Available in the form of capsules of 10 mg and 15 mg.

    Reduxin diet pills have a double effect on the body. Firstly, when completing the course, your appetite will noticeably decrease. This is explained by the fact that sibutramine affects the saturation center, which is located in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain. In addition, Reduxin accelerates the metabolism in the body, as a result of which the breakdown of adipose tissue is accelerated. This releases a lot of energy, which is very useful for sports.

    In addition to the fat-burning ability of the drug, Reduxin is able to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body that negatively affect the functioning of the body.

    Safety and side effects of Reduxin

    The active component sibutramine is a dangerous substance that has already been banned abroad. Undoubtedly, it is very effective in the fight against excess weight, but side effects after its use can greatly undermine your health. Most often, sibutramine causes nausea, headache, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and general malaise. There have been recorded cases where Reduxin diet pills caused harm to the cardiovascular system, joints, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.


    To avoid complications and changes in the functioning of the body, you must refrain from taking Reduxin if you have:

    Hypertonic disease; Diseases of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland; Brain stroke; Cardiac ischemia; Diseases of the central nervous system; Pregnancy and breastfeeding period; Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; Thyrotoxicosis; Pheochromocytoma; Problems with the kidneys or liver; Age up to 18 years and after 65 years; Angle-closure glaucoma; Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Addiction to drugs, alcohol or medications.

    In addition, it is not recommended to take Reduxin tablets for the treatment of obesity caused by a lack of thyroid hormones or for the treatment of psychogenic obesity. Do not take together with sleeping pills and antihypertensive medications, as well as with antipsychotics and tranquilizers.


    Take 1 capsule in the morning on an empty stomach or with breakfast. You need to start the course with 10 mg, but if you feel unwell, then 5 mg is better. If after a month the weight does not decrease, then it is recommended to increase the dosage to 15 mg per day. Take the tablets with plenty of water.

    If within 3 months the weight does not decrease or, on the contrary, increases, then it is recommended to stop taking Reduxin and consult a doctor. Do not take for more than 2 years in a row.

  2. Xenical

    Xenical from the company F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd . " - the best diet pills used in the treatment of obesity, which appeared in the second stage of diabetes mellitus. The main active ingredient is orlistat. Xenical is available in the form of turquoise capsules of 120 mg.

    Mechanism of action on the body

    Xenical is a powerful and reversible inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases, which blocks the absorption of fats by the body for a long time. Thanks to this, the weight loss effect is noticeable from the first days of taking the drug. Studies have shown that half of the patients who completed the Xenical course lost obesity and no longer gained weight, while the other half regained only 25% of the lost kilograms.

    In addition, this medicine reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 37%. Studies have also noted that Xenical is an excellent tool in the fight against obesity in adolescents.

    Safety and side effects of Xenical

    If you follow the dosage and diet prescribed by your doctor, Xenical is not dangerous to health and does not lead to irreversible changes in the body. Side effects often include stomach upset, frequent urge to defecate, abdominal pain, upper respiratory tract infections and allergic skin rashes. It is worth noting that during the course of Xenical, it is necessary to minimize the amount of fatty foods consumed. Otherwise, involuntary bowel movements are possible. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat more protein foods instead of fatty foods.


    To avoid complications and changes in the functioning of the body, you must refrain from taking Xenical if you have:

    Cholestasis; Chronic malabsorption syndrome; Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; Gallbladder diseases; Age up to 12 years; Pregnancy, lactation period.

    You should drink Xenical with caution and under the supervision of a doctor if you have anorexia, kidney stones or bulimia.


    It is necessary to take Xenical diet pills during or after lunch, but no later than an hour later. In the case of fasting days or the food does not contain fat at all, then taking the medicine can be skipped.

    You should not increase the dosage of Xenical. You will not be able to lose weight faster from this, and the risk of side effects will increase. The course should last no more than 12 months. After the first month, you need to drink fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E.

  3. Orsoten

    Orsoten from the company KRKA-RUS LLC - good capsules for weight loss, which are increasingly gaining popularity among those who want to lose weight. As in Xenical, the main active component of Orsoten is orlistat. Orsoten is available in the form of white capsules of 120 mg.

    Since the composition of Orsoten is identical to Xenical, the mechanism of action on the body, contraindications, side effects, dosage and safety of the drug are exactly the same as that of Xenical.


    It is necessary to take Orsoten diet pills during or after lunch, but no later than an hour later. In the case of fasting days or the food does not contain fat at all, then taking the drug can be skipped.

    You should not increase the dosage of Orsoten. You will not be able to lose weight faster from this, and the risk of side effects will increase. The course should last no more than 12 months. After the first month, you need to drink fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E.

  4. Goldline

    Goldline from the companies KorolevPharm ROS and Izvarino Pharma ROS are very effective tablets for combating excess fat. Prescribed by a doctor for alimentary obesity with a BMI of at least 30 kg/m2. The main active component of the drug is sibutramine. Available in the form of yellow gelatin capsules of 10 mg.

    Mechanism of action on the body


    Before buying a medicine for weight loss, we advise you to go to the clinic and take the necessary tests to find out what diseases you have. To avoid complications and changes in the functioning of the body, you must refrain from taking Clenbuterol if you have:
    Allergic reactions to the drug; Thyrotoxicosis (excessive production of thyroid hormones); Age up to 18 years; Tachyarrhythmia (increased heart rate and irregular heartbeat, intermittent); Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat and pulse - over 90 beats per minute); Stenosis (narrowing) of the aorta in the area of ​​its connection with the left ventricle; Myocardial infarction in the acute period (1-7 days after illness); Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.


    On the first day, drink 20 mcg of the drug twice. Increase the dosage by 20 mcg every day until the 5th day. From the 6th to the 12th day, drink 120 mcg of Clenbuterol. On the 13th day, take 80 mcg, and on the 14th – 40 mcg of Clenbuterol. Take the drug with plenty of water.

    The course should last two weeks, after which you need to take a break for two weeks. After this, if the effect you set is not achieved, you can repeat the course.

  5. Lida

    LiDa was created by Chinese specialists to combat excess weight. These are considered to be the best supplements based on natural products. The dietary supplement contains 13 ingredients, the dosage of which is carefully combined to achieve the best effect. LiDa is also used for metabolic disorders and hypothyroidism. The dietary supplement is sold in the form of green capsules of 350 mg.

    Mechanism of action on the body

    The main effect of the dietary supplement for weight loss LiDa is to suppress the feeling of hunger, after which you will not feel like eating for a long time. As a result, the number of calories consumed will decrease. In addition, this dietary supplement regulates blood glucose levels, cleanses the body of cholesterol and normalizes metabolism in general. The manufacturer promises that after completing the entire LiDa course, the lost weight will not return, and you will feel much better.

    One of the components of LiDa contains a certain amount of caffeine. That is why after taking the capsule you will feel a surge of energy and a desire to engage in physical activity.

    Safety and side effects of LiDa

    The safety of the weight loss drug is in doubt. The manufacturer himself assures that all natural ingredients are harmless and cannot undermine health. However, there are people who completed the LiDa course who complained of liver and heart problems. Some women's hair began to fall out and their nails began to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, it is better to take additional vitamins during the course of the medication. Pharmacies have special vitamin complexes intended for use along with harmful medications.

    Side effects often include: headache, nausea, loss of coordination, dry mouth, sudden increases in blood pressure and pain in the eyes. Another important point: beware of fakes that are dangerous to your health! LiDa dietary supplement is a leader among drugs that unscrupulous manufacturers like to counterfeit.


    Before purchasing medicine, we advise you to go to the clinic and take the necessary tests to find out what diseases you have. To avoid complications and undesirable consequences, you should refrain from taking Clenbuterol if you have:
    Age up to 16 years or after 65 years; Pregnancy and lactation; Hypertension; The period after a heart attack or stroke; Diseases of the cardiovascular system; Gastrointestinal diseases.


    Drink 1 capsule in the morning 20 minutes before meals. Drink with a large glass of water. It is important to know that during the course you need to drink as much water as possible.

Let's sum it up

The best diet pills today are Reduxin, Xenical, Orsoten, Goldline, Clenbuterol and LiDa. Of course, there are a lot of other dietary supplements and medications that help you lose weight no less effectively, but the popularity of the above remedies is much higher than others. It is important to know that before purchasing any weight loss products, you should consult your doctor. And remember: even if you purchase the most effective pills that help you lose weight quickly, their effectiveness will be minimal if you do not exercise and follow a diet.

It has been statistically proven that approximately every 5-6th person on the planet suffers from excess weight. This situation explains the high popularity of various means, devices and exercises to combat unnecessary pounds. Many people are looking for the most effective diet pills in order to achieve the desired figure as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

Since the 1980s, the market for such drugs has expanded significantly. Now it is important to be able to understand products and know which are useful and which are potentially harmful. To do this, you can make a conditional list of the TOP 5 most popular funds in the Russian Federation.


Today, this drug occupies a leading place in terms of sales. Many doctors use it in their daily practice, prescribing it to obese patients. Active ingredient: Sibutramine hydrochloride.

The mechanism of action of the medicine lies in its effect on the hunger center, which is located in the hypothalamus. It significantly lengthens the process of secretion of serotonin and norepinephrine by the nerve endings. This, in turn, contributes to a long-lasting feeling of fullness. As a result, less food enters the stomach and the body's own fat layer begins to be used as an energy source.

reviews about the use of Reduxin for weight loss are mostly positive

The main effects that Reduxin has are the following:

  1. Qualitative weight loss due to a central effect on the brain, which has been confirmed by more than one doctor;
  2. Acceleration of metabolism, activation of all metabolic processes. This effect contributes to a more active breakdown of fat deposits;
  3. Prevention of progression of atherosclerosis. It has been proven that the drug reduces the amount of low-density lipoproteins, which play a major role in the pathogenesis of this disease.

“Do not miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

When you ask doctors what the most effective and safest diet pills are, they will most likely answer - Reduxin.

However, we must not forget about the side effects of the drug.

These include:

  • Headache, dizziness, general weakness. All this is due to a central effect on the brain;
  • Dry mouth;
  • The effects of norepinephrine and serotonin cause tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • Loss of appetite, possible nausea and vomiting;
  • Cases of itching have been reported very rarely.

Contraindications include:

  • and lactation period;
  • Ischemic and hypertension;
  • Adrenal gland lesions;
  • history of stroke;
  • Reduxin should not be used for the treatment of psychogenic obesity (bulimia).


An excellent peripheral action drug. The active substance remains Orlistat. The medication works on the principle of blocking the lipase enzyme in the digestive juice of the pancreas and bile, which is synthesized in the liver. As a result, fat is not absorbed in the body and is excreted almost unchanged. Lipid deposits begin to be used by the body to make up for nutritional deficiencies. Weight loss is observed.

Many patients who are afraid to use centrally acting medications believe that Xenical is the most effective diet pill. In some ways they are absolutely right.

However, we must not forget about adverse reactions, which are caused mainly by disturbances in the process of fat absorption.

These include:

  1. Stool disorders. It becomes liquid and diarrhea develops;
  2. Feces lose density and become yellow in color due to the abundant amount of excreted lipids;
  3. Nausea, vomiting and cramping abdominal pain;
  4. Increased gas formation (flatulence).

Contraindications are organic diseases of the liver and bile ducts or malabsorption syndrome (pathology of nutrient absorption).


the main active ingredient of Orsoten is Orlistat

The active ingredient is the same as that of Xenical - Orlistat. According to the principle of action, it almost completely repeats the effect of the previous drug.

However, for a certain number of people, this remedy is more easily tolerated. Adverse reactions practically do not develop and people do not suffer from digestive disorders.

Undesirable consequences and contraindications are similar to Xenical. The main thing is to individually select a medicine for a particular person.


Belongs to the group of centrally acting drugs. Active substance – Sibutramine hydrochloride. Like Reduxen, it blocks in the hypothalamus due to the effects of norepinephrine and serotonin.

Adverse reactions and contraindications are similar to the first substance in the list.


Probably the most effective Chinese diet pills from the Dali company. They belong to the group of dietary supplements ().

Thanks to the presence of pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, hyarcinia and guarana extracts, they have the following effects:

  1. Tones the entire body;
  2. Eliminate unnecessary fat by activating metabolic processes;
  3. Improve microcirculation;
  4. Normalizes the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

In any case, you should treat this drug with some caution. The fact is that many consumers complain of severe adverse reactions.

These include:

  • Headache;
  • General weakness and fatigue;
  • Sudden mood swings, irritability;
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Tachycardia, surges in blood pressure.

Heart disease and mental disorders remain contraindications to the use of this medicine.

LiDa diet pills are produced by Dali

If you carefully read all the reviews about the most effective diet pills on real specialized forums, it will become clear that their use should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and in compliance with all instructions. Self-medication is not recommended. The main thing is human health.

According to statistics, every fifth or sixth person on the planet suffers from obesity or excess body weight. Many are trying with all their might to get rid of the hated kilograms: while exercising on exercise machines, using training pills that enhance the effect of physical activity, and all kinds of weight loss products. Moreover, most of them prefer the passive method of losing weight through special pills and dietary supplements.

All diet pills differ in their effect on the human body. But what are the best diet pills? Let's consider the main methods of action of such tablets.

The best diet pills: classification by principle of action

Depending on the composition and effect on the body, the following types of diet pills are distinguished:
1. Fat burning. Promotes the breakdown of fat cells. As a rule, these are good drugs for weight loss, reducing weight by reducing specifically adipose tissue, and not overall muscle mass.
2. Appetite suppressants. These drugs cause a lack of desire to consume food in large quantities. These extreme weight loss pills affect the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness.
3. Blocking fat cells. The best drugs for weight loss are fat-blocking pills. They are more popular because, together with a regular diet, they can significantly reduce weight.

And yet, what are the best diet pills? Even nutritionists cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question, because everything here depends on the characteristics of the body and the effect of the pills on it.

TOP 10 most popular diet pills

We have selected the 10 most popular weight loss pills:

1. Reduxin. This drug in capsules is considered the best medicine for weight loss, which is in great demand on the Russian market. They affect the brain and block the desire to eat food.
2. Xenical. The drug is in capsules, each of which blocks lipase (digestive enzyme), which causes the breakdown of dietary fats.
3. Orsoten. These capsules act similarly to the previous drug (xenical).
4. Goldline. Like reduxin, gelatin capsules have an effect on the brain.
5. Clenbuterol. Principle of action: enhances the breakdown of adipose tissue and metabolic processes in muscle tissue.
6. Lee Da. These Chinese diet pills are dietary supplements. According to the manufacturers, their natural composition (hyarcinia, guarana, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato and pumpkin powder) effectively removes fat ballast.
7. Turboslim. Another biological supplement is produced in different forms - capsules, tea, liquid concentrate. Weight correction is achieved by burning fats and removing them due to the diuretic and laxative effect.
8. MCC (microcrystalline cellulose). These diet pills are made from real cotton, which, when it enters the intestines, begins to swell, thereby causing a feeling of fullness.
9. Thai diet pills. The composition contains phentermine, which affects the brain and has a stimulating effect on the psyche.
10. Bomb No. 1. The creators claim that this drug is a super fat burner, which can also be doubted.

We have reflected the list of the best diet pills, keeping in mind the most popular ones today. Some of them, namely Chinese diet pills, contain the drug phentermine, which is officially banned in Russia. However, despite this, many people manage to take Thai pills.

In addition, all weight loss drugs have their own contraindications and side effects that must be kept in mind. And most importantly, remember that all diet pills should be sold in pharmacies. Pay attention to the pill boxes themselves and think, first of all, about your health!

Weight loss medications are so accessible today that patients often “prescribe them themselves” without consulting a specialist. Medical observer of the portal New Chronicles, Ph.D., endocrinologist Natalya Tanygina is sure that pharmacological drugs for weight loss should be treated very carefully and do not forget that they all have side effects.

Read on topic

According to the doctor, endocrinologists have 3 groups of drugs in their arsenal:

- fat burners
- anorexics(those that reduce appetite)
- calorie blockers

We will tell you the most controversial drugs from each group.

Fat burners

One of the strongest fat burners– triiodine thyronine, thyroid hormone. This drug is very aggressive. It speeds up metabolism, heart rate, and increases body temperature. It is used by bodybuilders to quickly lose weight before competitions. Together with diuretics, it provides them with excellent muscle definition and the absence of fat. But if you look at the same bodybuilder in the “off-season”, you can see how easily the lost weight comes back to him.

With each new course of the drug, the load on the heart increases, it begins to work in “overtime” mode. If you take the hormone constantly, this, of course, will reduce the fat layer, but also your life expectancy.

Decreased appetite - anorexics

Several drugs with this effect are known. First of all, this is fenfluramine or its trade name “Izolipan”. Immediately after their appearance, these pills sold out like hotcakes, but a few years later it turned out that taking them disrupts the structure of the heart valves and the drug was discontinued.

Currently, the drug Trimex has appeared on the market. It does not yet have widespread advertising, only a few scientific articles. It is allowed to be taken for no more than 3 months. Doctors use Trimex with caution, because... its mechanism of action is similar to heart medications.

The most common drug to reduce appetite is the trade name Meridia, Goldline, Reduxin. This appetite medicine has been used since 1995. The drug is effective and reduces weight. The main thing is that it is able to shape eating behavior. For example, he is able to stop eating at night. The stomach decreases while taking the drug, and saturation occurs earlier. After stopping the drug, the effect remains, you just need to take care of yourself (this is much easier than if you start limiting yourself in food without Meridia).

Meridia has many side effects: dry mouth, mood disturbances, heart pain, increased blood pressure. There are many cases of the development of psychosis, and sometimes schizophrenia, while taking the drug. Another “bonus”, not particularly dangerous, but unpleasant - a change in the smell of sweat, for the worse, of course, not everyone, by the way, goes away after stopping the drug. Dosages for Meridia vary. There are 10 mg, you still can’t hide the side effects, and the effectiveness is low. Moreover, many people, while taking this dose, develop a strong “glutton” - the brain is forbidden to eat, but the impulse is not strong enough. The next dose is 15 mg, it is less well tolerated, but there is practically no cravings. In African countries, the United States also tested a dose of 20 mg, the side effects increased, but the positive ones were almost non-existent. Now, however, in Russia there are fans of such self-experiments who, at risk to their health, take 2 capsules of 10 mg each.

Drugs that interfere with the absorption of food are calorie blockers.

There are 2 types of drugs officially used: fat blockers or carbohydrate blockers.

Drug, trade name Xenical, blocks fats. Its advertising is now distributed everywhere under the slogan “ Time to lose weight" The main advantage of Xenical is its lack of absorption. The tablet, or rather the blue capsule, works only in the intestines, does not affect the heart, brain or temperature, and is taken with meals. The mood, of course, worsens: although the stomach feels full, the brain receives fewer calories and feels that it is being “deceived.” Since the drug is safe, it is widely used.

According to the company that produces it, 28 million packages were sold by 2007. True, according to doctors, the effect of taking Xenicala not very strong. It does not change eating behavior, and gradually the stomach begins to enlarge to meet the needs of the brain, and nothing prevents the patient from increasing the diet if the brain signals a lack of food.

What’s even worse, after stopping Xenical, the amount of food eaten will remain the same, and calories will be absorbed by 30% more (it retains 30% of fats). Together with fats, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) are less absorbed, so vitamin preparations should be taken in parallel (in the USA, a special vitamin preparation has even been developed for such patients). Well, another fly in the ointment. Fats that are not digested in the intestines have to go somewhere. They flow from the rectum. Outwardly, it resembles sea buckthorn oil, only the smell is different.

In addition to simple leakage, there may be various options. The manufacturer has compiled a classification of ways to release undigested fats: bloating, gas, loose stools, oily stools, frequent stools, and, most unpleasantly, fecal incontinence.

People taking Xenical usually either experience the side effects and stop taking them, continue to take the drug without paying attention to them, or, when faced with side effects, begin to limit their consumption of foods that cause these effects. By limiting the consumption of fatty foods, they lose weight, and while taking Xenical, they still strengthen their dietary measures. One of the most beneficial effects of Xenical is the training of the person who takes it. If a person has eaten something fatty, Xenical will immediately “tell”. This is useful for those people who do not yet know the table of caloric content of foods by heart. Another piece of news: meeting the wishes of the first and second groups according to my classification, the company began producing Xenical in a lower dose, 60 mg instead of 120. According to research, it has fewer side effects, but is bashfully silent about its effectiveness.

A herbal drug that blocks the absorption of carbohydrates. It is a component of bean pods. In Russia it is produced under the name Calorie blocker phase 2, the American company Nature’s sunshine calls it “Fet Grabbers” (the difference is mainly in price), there is another option with a similar effect, but “synthetic” - acarbose (Glucobay), it is even used for mild diabetes. It retains 30% of consumed carbohydrates. It is also not absorbed in the intestines, and all side effects are caused by the release of undigested carbohydrates. This is mainly bloating and gas, and bowel movements may become more frequent. No one has yet compiled a classification on this issue, so the data is scattered. The drug is also taken with food. Its action is similar to that of Xenical - the drug works as long as it is taken. However, the metabolism of carbohydrates is different from the metabolism of fats, and if you consume less of them, there is a chance to improve your metabolism, which will allow you to regain the lost weight less quickly than with Xenical.

Here are the ratings that Natalya Tanygina gave to each of the listed drugs based on her own experience. The number is the number of patients out of 10 who showed the indicated effect.

Weight loss: 9-10
Well tolerated: 3-5
Weight retention: 5-7
Who it can help: those who are unable to limit themselves in food, those who feel the need to eat at night. Suitable for young people who do not suffer from sleep disorders.
Meridia It is better not to try for those who are characterized by excitability, short temper, who suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, heart pain, or duodenal ulcer.

Weight loss: 2-3
Good tolerability: 8-9, not counting the above-described effects associated with spontaneous passage of stool.
Weight retention: 1-2
Who can it help: patients who are able to limit themselves in food, follow a food intake schedule, and those who prefer meat products. Age and concomitant diseases practically do not matter.
Contraindications for those who should not try the drug: People with severe gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis. For those who do not have “free” access to the toilet (for example, drivers), it is better to start taking it on vacation or on weekends.

Glucobay, calorie blocker

Weight loss: 2-3
Good tolerance: 9-10, because nothing comes out of the rectum
Weight retention: 3-4. The effect is more pronounced than that of Xenical, because the drug affects the metabolic process.

Who it can help: Patients who limit themselves in food, follow a food intake schedule, prefer sweets, bread, cereals, pasta - i.e. carbohydrates. Age and concomitant diseases practically do not matter.
Contraindications for those who should not try the drug: people with severe gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis.

Science does not stand still, and now a new drug with the easy-to-pronounce name rimonabant (“Acomplia” or “Zymulti”, produced by the French company “sanofi-aventis”) has already gone on sale. The drug belongs to the easily pronounced group of selective endocannabinoid receptor antagonists (cannabis - hemp). Here it turns out, as can be seen from the name of the group, cannabis is the opposite - you don’t want to eat and you’re in no mood. And so much so that several suicides have been reported while taking the drug.

In the States, the drug was not approved for use, and immediately after the board of the American Drug and Food Association (FDA) recommended not to approve the drug for use, the market value of the manufacturing company decreased by 5.8 billion euros in one day.