home · networks · Fitosporin gel instructions for use. Fitosporin, instructions for the use of fungicide. Phytosporin for indoor plants: how to breed, and how effective the drug is

Fitosporin gel instructions for use. Fitosporin, instructions for the use of fungicide. Phytosporin for indoor plants: how to breed, and how effective the drug is

Perhaps most often gardeners use phytosporin in paste.

A bag of pasta, or part of it, if necessary, diluted in a volume of water twice greater than the amount of paste. (100 g paste - 200 ml water)

In the future, this solution is stored in a dark, cool place and diluted for use:

If we soak the seeds - 2-4 drops per 200 ml;
- spray the plants on the leaf - 10 ml per 10 liters of water per 100 sq.m.
- for spilling the earth during digging - 10 ml per 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m.

detailed instructions on the dosage for specific plants is on the back of the package, but here are a few useful tips read in our article (see below).

IMPORTANT: Fitosporin is a living culture. Treat her with respect and love!

- Chlorinated water can kill most beneficial bacteria. Therefore, we do not use it for diluting the drug.

- Wait 1-2 hours after diluting the drug with water to a working consistency. The bacteria must come out of hibernation and start working.

- Add liquid soap when spraying. This is necessary for better adhesion. Add soap at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters of water.

- What is the easiest way to dilute the paste? It dissolves in water for a long time. Just do it ahead of time. In two or three days, it will dissolve remarkably.

Although there are norms for the use of the drug, but this is for economy. What is called minimal but enough.

Don't be afraid to overdose. The drug is practically harmless.


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Means "Fitosporin-M" is a new generation microbiological preparation. Shows high efficiency in the prevention and control of fungal and bacterial diseases on any plants, including indoor flowers.

The active ingredient in the modern microbiological preparation is Bacillus subtilis 26D, 100 million cells/g. The tool is produced by BashIncom and belongs to the chemical class of bacterial fungicides and biological pesticides at the rate of exposure to the pathogen directly from the treatment.

The systemic agent spreads within the vascular system of plants, as a result of which the ability of the main pathogens to multiply is suppressed, and the number of pathogens of fungal and bacterial origin is also reduced.

Fitosporin-M is a new generation microbiological preparation

Very high efficiency means is observed during the destruction of pathogenic flora, represented by:

  • phytocpore;
  • alternariosis;
  • American powdery mildew;
  • bacteriosis;
  • bacterial blotch or black rot;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • white spotting or septoria;
  • brown rust;
  • root rots;
  • monolial burn
  • mealy powder
  • scab;
  • peronosporosis or downy mildew;
  • penile rot;
  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • snow mold;
  • dry and wet rot tubers;
  • tracheomycosis or tracheomycosis wilt;
  • late blight;
  • phomosis;
  • fusarium rot;
  • cercosporosis.

How Fitosporin-M works (video)

The drug is perfect for processing crops for a long time. winter storage. Average success rates may vary depending on the degree and type of pathogenic lesion, but most often reach 65-95%, which is a very good result. The low level of toxicity allows the use of the drug for protection indoor flowers in the conditions of home floriculture.

Instructions for use Fitosporin-M

The microbiological type preparation is available in several forms, presented:

  • powder packaged in bags of 10 g and 30 g;
  • pasta packaged in a bag weighing 200 g;
  • aqueous suspension.

Depending on the form of release, the preparation and use of the drug may vary, but should always be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Powdered Fitosporin-M is best diluted in boiled water

How to dilute and use Fitosporin-M powder

Powdered product is best diluted in boiled water. Four tablespoons of the drug are diluted in one liter of such water, after which potato tubers or other planting material can be dipped in the resulting solution in order to prevent damage by pathogenic microflora.

To disinfect the seed material, the biofungicide powder is diluted at the rate of 1.5 g per liter of water, followed by drying the seeds to a free-flowing state.

Also in powder based solution can be processed root system planted plants. To obtain a working solution of a biofungicide, it is enough to dilute 2-3 g of the powder in a liter pure water, and immerse the root system of seedlings there about a couple of hours before planting in a permanent place.

A very good result is obtained by powder treatment of the soil in the area allocated for planting. For this purpose, one tablespoon of the powdered preparation is diluted in a bucket of clean water. After dissolution, the resulting solution is used to process one square meter of ridges or flower beds.

In a solution based on Fitosporin-M powder, it is possible to treat the root system of planted plants

Treatment of plants with liquid Phytosporin

In the course of direct medical or preventive treatment garden and garden, as well as flowering or ornamental plants, It is mandatory to follow some simple rules:

  • spray above-ground part plants with a solution based on a liquid biofungicidal preparation is needed only in dry and low-wind weather;
  • if, after the treatment of the plants, it rained heavily, the spraying procedure must be repeated after a couple of weeks;
  • for soil treatment or therapeutic and preventive spraying of plants, a solution should be used based on one tablespoon of liquid "Fitosporin-M" diluted in a bucket of water at room temperature. The resulting solution is enough to process three or four square meters soil, as well as spraying plants on an area of ​​100 m2. Such processing is carried out at the stage of active vegetation a couple of times a month.

For the purpose of highly effective processing of the compost mass, the solution must be diluted in the proportion of a tablespoon per one bucket of water. It is possible to introduce such a biofungicidal agent into the compost not only in early spring, but also in autumn, at the rate of one liter of working solution for every 50 kg of maturing compost mass.

How to prepare Fitosporin-M concentrate (video)

Paste Fitosporin-M

Many gardeners and gardeners, as well as lovers ornamental perennials, prefer the use of biofungicidal paste. The popularity of this form is due to the ability to prepare a working solution once, which can later be used as an additive to water for irrigation and spraying.

In order to properly prepare the solution yourself, you need the paste-like contents of the package in the amount of 200 g. dilute in a couple of glasses of water at room temperature, then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The dosage of such a concentrated agent is extremely small, therefore, in most cases, about 25 g dissolves in 50 ml of water. pasty substance.

Many gardeners and gardeners, as well as lovers of decorative perennials, prefer the use of biofungicidal paste

Features of processing indoor plants with Fitosporin-M

Very convenient to prepare and use, from the point of view of most amateur flower growers, is a concentrated biofungicide. Such a tool is perfect for the prevention and treatment of any flowering or decorative leafy plants grown in home floriculture.

For preparation, it is necessary to add the agent to the water intended for irrigation measures and spraying the aerial part. For this purpose, approximately one and a half teaspoons of the concentrate should be diluted in five liters of water at room temperature. This product is also great for soaking. planting material and root system when planting, breeding and transplanting indoor plants. The finished concentrate retains all of its beneficial features throughout the season.

Concentrated biofungicide Fitosporin-M is suitable for the prevention and treatment of any flowering or decorative leafy plants

In order to protect indoor plants, vegetables, berries and fruits, many various means. They help fight complex bacterial and fungal diseases. Phytosporin is one of the modern environmentally friendly preparations. It helps to cope with diseases of any plant crops.

How is the product used correctly, what are the reviews about it after use, recommendations from flower growers and gardeners?

The drug Fitosporin and its purpose

It has become difficult for modern gardeners to grow most crops on their plots. They face each year various diseases and pests that attack vegetable crops, fruit trees, berry bushes and even flowers. To fight for the harvest most people don't want to use chemicals, trying to grow crops that are environmentally friendly and safe.

A new microbiological preparation has been developed to protect many types of vegetation. It is environmentally friendly, since it is based on a natural bacterial culture of natural origin. Based on living spores and cells Bacillus subtilis 26 D. The drug belongs to the group of fungicides, due to which it can long time keep your properties.

Biofungicide Fitosporin M effectively helps with various fungal, bacterial diseases vegetation and for other problems:

The tool is used to treat seeds in the initial stage and other planting material. It is recommended to use it for spraying plants during the vegetative period. and flowering time, The drug begins to act from the moment of processing. Fitosporin is produced in three forms:

  • paste;
  • powder;
  • liquid.

Fitosporin instructions for use

This drug is used for various purposes, and the treatment of plants can be performed in any weather. After the rain protective film partially washed off, so to improve the effect of the product, it is better to apply it again. Average treatment frequency 1 time 7-14 days, in the rainy season should be sprayed 2-3 hours before the start of rain or after rain after 3 hours.

Fitosporin M is often used for irrigation. It should be used 1 time in 30 days for vegetables, for shrubs and trees (fruit and berry) 2 times a month. For indoor plants, apply once every 30 days.

Fiosporin in the form of a powder must be used 1-2 hours before the start of plant treatment:

  • tubers and bulbs (soaking) - 10 g of the product and 0.5 l of water;
  • seed treatment - 0.5 g of the product and 100 ml of water;
  • seedlings, the problem of the root system - 10 g of funds per 5 liters of water.

For the prevention and treatment of vegetable crops, it is necessary to spray the deciduous mass:

  • potatoes - 10 g per 5 liters of water with an interval of 10–14 days;
  • cabbage - 6 grams per bucket of water after 2-3 weeks;
  • eggplant, tomatoes, peppers - 5 grams per bucket of water after 10-14 days;
  • cucumbers - 10 g per half a bucket of water, repeat the treatment after 10-14 days;
  • indoor and garden flowers for prevention - 1.5 g per 2 liters of water, for the purpose of treatment - 1.5 grams per 1 liter of water;
  • in order to prepare the soil for planting plants in the greenhouse and in open ground- 5 grams of powder per bucket of water.

Fitosporin in the form of a paste is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, you need to take 100 g of paste and 1 glass of water. As a result produces a solution of high concentration ready for storage, but must be diluted with water before use. The proportion will depend on the type of plant.

Phytosporin, which is sold in liquid form, is ready for use. It is sold in different options for processing different crops. They are identical in the number of beneficial bacteria, so a remedy is used at the rate of 10 drops of Fitosporin per 1 glass of water.

» Preparations

The drug Fitosporin M is needed not only by summer residents, it is also necessary for flower growers and gardeners. Fungal and bacterial diseases affect not only vegetables, suffer from them garden and indoor ornamental plants, berry bushes and fruit trees.

On sale are various forms drug. These are substances of different structure:

  1. Paste.
  2. Suspension water.
  3. Powder.

Efficiency does not depend on the form. The form affects only the duration of the cooking process. For example, powder takes longer to dissolve in water than paste, so it will take longer to prepare the working mixture.

The powder can be gray (white) in color, stored without losing properties for a long time. The suspension should be stored at room temperature, exclude freezing. The suspension is intended for flower growers involved in indoor or greenhouse ornamental crops.

According to the principle of action, Fitosporin M belongs to the group of systemic fungicides. Purpose - to stop the active reproduction of fungi and bacteria. Diseases with which he fights, or serves as their prevention:

  1. Rhizoctonia.
  2. Rust.
  3. Tuber rot (wet, dry).
  4. Phytophthora.

The list is not complete, it can be continued, there are many diseases, it makes no sense to list everything, the most common ones are given.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action

The active ingredient of the fungicide is a bacterial culture, its Latin name is Bacillus subtilis. The totality of bacteria is obtained artificially. The mechanism of action of Phytosporin is absolutely harmless to animals, humans, and plants. It depressingly acts only on harmful microorganisms and fungal spores. The vascular system of plants is the pathway through which beneficial bacteria spread.

If necessary, treat flowering and fruiting plants with fungicide M. Eating berries and fruits after such treatment is not dangerous.

Beneficial bacteria, getting into the soil or on the leaves, stems of plants, when sprayed, begin to multiply. The products of their vital activity inhibit the reproduction of the fungus, kill it. The plant, having received the support of beneficial bacteria, restores its immunity and begins to actively fight the infection itself. The result is a plant with stronger immunity.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other means

Lack of toxicity is an important advantage of Fitosporin over insecticides and chemicals. Real Benefits:

  • without fear of intoxication calmly spray flowers in the apartment;
  • eat fruits (vegetables) almost immediately after spraying bushes (trees).

Instructions for use

You can apply the fungicide in any weather. The limitation for outdoor cultivation is rain. It is recommended to carry out the processing of any crops after the end of the rain. Must be at least 3 hours.

Dosage for strawberries, potatoes, cucumbers and other crops

Powder rates for different crops are shown in Table No. 1.

The dosage of the aqueous concentrated paste mixture is given in table No. 2.

Preparation of working solution

The form of the acquired biological product will depend on the way in which the aqueous mixture is prepared. From the powder it is prepared immediately before the work. Powder consumption is shown in Table 1 above.

Paste is recommended to be used for water mixtures, observing the proportion of 1: 2. For example, 1 tbsp. l pasta for 2 tbsp. l of water, 100 g of a pack of pasta will require 200 g of water. It should be understood that the resulting solution is very concentrated.

Its consumption rates for different types plants are given in the corresponding table No. 2. The concentrated solution can be stored for a long time. The suspension is liquid, concentrated, it is dropped into water to obtain the desired concentration of the solution, per 1 tbsp. water requires 10 drops.

Terms and methods of processing plants

To prevent diseases, vegetable crops should be sprayed during the entire growing season. Prepare an aqueous mixture of the desired concentration, use a garden sprayer to spray. The intervals between treatments are given in the first table, a mixture of water with a volume of 10 liters will be used to process 100 m² of ridge.

In the spring, using a solution of Fitosporin, planting material (tubers, seeds) is processed. For 1 bucket of seed potatoes, a solution of about 1 liter will go. Potatoes need to be soaked in it. During the flowering period, potato bushes can be sprayed with a solution to prevent diseases.

Dip seedlings of cabbage (roots) before transplanting. For 100 roots, you will need at least a liter of an aqueous solution (1 tsp powder / 1 liter). Days will pass 10-12 and cabbage leaves you need to spray the first time, then repeat the treatment every 10-12 days.

Tomatoes are processed at the seed stage(according to Table No. 1), when transplanting seedlings into the ground (soaking the roots Table No. 1), watering under the root 12 days after transplanting. Cucumbers need to be processed at the pre-sowing stage, soaking the seeds. During the summer, spray the stems and leaves 3 times, observing the interval indicated in the table.

Spraying plants with phytosporin will help eliminate dangerous microflora and increase plant immunity.

Any flowers(garden, indoor) spray for prevention at a given interval, diseased flowers need to be watered (1.5 g of dry powder / 1 l). The processing of greenhouse structures and soil is carried out 7-10 days before planting, the concentration of the solution is 15g / 10 l.

Safety measures when working with the tool

When preparing the solution and its use, be careful: put on work clothes, gloves, gauze bandage or respirator. Rinse mucous membranes (eyes, mouth) immediately if liquid comes into contact with them.

Compatibility with other drugs

From pests of plants and for the treatment of their diseases, summer residents use various chemicals, modern insecticides, stimulants, fungicides. Fungicide Fitosporin m is compatible with almost everyone, with some exceptions.

Compatibility can be checked experimentally. It is necessary to prepare a small volume of a solution of 2 or more products, the appearance of a precipitate indicates incompatibility, the absence - 100% compatibility, the possibility of using for plant treatment. Do not add a fungicide to an alkaline solution, in this case a precipitate is guaranteed.


These combinations can be used without fear.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store Fitosporin packages in the utility room, excluding animals and children from access to it. The purchased drug can be stored for a year. Permitted storage temperature from 2 to 30°C.

Hello, my name is Konstantin and I am a summer resident with experience. In all my life in contact with the earth, I have often encountered troubles such as plant diseases, but I have never lost a crop. One of the best means from many garden diseases and horticultural crops I consider Fitosporin-M. About what it is good for and how to use it, I want to tell you in more detail.

Phytosporin M is a natural biofungicide that fights many fungal and bacterial diseases of horticultural, horticultural and domestic plants. The active substance is spore cultures. The products of their vital activity do not allow bacteria and fungi to multiply and dissolve them cell walls. The tool effectively fights the following plant diseases:

  • American powdery mildew;
  • Alternariosis;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • White spotting;
  • Root rot;
  • Powdery mildew;
  • Bacteriosis;
  • Rot black and root;
  • Monolithic burn;
  • brown rust;
  • Powdery mildew downy (downy mildew);
  • scab;
  • rust;
  • Rhizoctinosis;
  • Phomosis;
  • snow mold;
  • Penile rot;
  • Tuber rot wet and dry;
  • Withering tracheomycotic;
  • Late blight;
  • Cercosporosis;
  • Fusarium.

It also protects against rot during storage of vegetables: white, fusarium, gray, black and fruit. The tool can process cuttings and seeds of plants, as well as prepare the soil for planting.

The product is available in three forms: as a liquid, as a paste and as a powder. Fitosporin M is safe for humans and animals and belongs to hazard class 4, that is, it can cause slight irritation of the mucous membranes. For bees it belongs to the third class of danger, for other insects it is safe.

Properties active substance saved when high temperatures. The product can be sprayed on plants even when the plants are bearing fruit.

The product is combined with insecticides and fungicides, antibiotics, growth stimulants and fertilizers. Not compatible with products with alkaline reaction. Fitosporin paste contains humic acids, so it is better not to combine it with growth stimulants. Combination with mineral fertilizers is also not recommended.

Application rules

Fitosporin M is easy to use. Methods of application are different for paste, liquid and powder. You can use it in any weather, but if it rained immediately after spraying, the procedure must be repeated.

Security measures

The tool is not toxic, however, it is best to use it with gloves. Do not eat, drink or smoke while working with the drug, if it enters the stomach, be sure to drink more water and eat a few tablets of activated charcoal.

Consumption rates

If the disease has just begun to develop, 20 parts of water are needed per part of phytosporin. Spray thoroughly, repeat the procedure in 10 days.

If the disease is advanced and develops actively, the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:2. One liter of concentrate is needed per 10 square meters of land.

Rules for the use of liquid

The finished solution is used for spraying plants during the growing season, as well as for processing vegetables (and not only) before storage. Can be used for indoor plants. In the tool, you can soak the seeds or root cuttings. For a glass of water you need 10 drops of the product.

Powder usage rules

The powder is diluted an hour or two before processing. The proportions and rules of application are as follows:

  • Bulbs and tubers are soaked in a solution of 0.5 liters of water and powder in an amount of 10 g. This amount is enough for 20 kg of material;
  • Seeds are soaked a couple of hours before planting. For 100 ml of water we take half a teaspoon of phytosporin;
  • You can also soak the roots of seedlings (to prevent rot) an hour or two before planting. For 5 liters of water you need 10 g of powder. After you have planted the plants, you can pour the same solution on the ground where the plants are planted;
  • For the treatment of mycoses and bacterial diseases (as well as as a preventive measure), plants are sprayed on the leaf:
  1. For potatoes, 10 g of phytosporin is taken for 5 liters of water. We repeat the procedure in a couple of weeks;
  2. For cabbage, the same amount of water needs 6 g. Repeated spraying - after 14-20 days;
  3. For peppers, eggplants and tomatoes, we take 5 g per 10 liters of water. We spray again after two weeks;
  4. For cucumbers, the same proportions are used as for potatoes. We spray three times every 10 days;
  • Room and garden plants spray with a solution of 2 liters of water and half a teaspoon of the product for prevention purposes. During treatment, the same amount of powder is dissolved in a liter of water;
  • To prepare the soil and greenhouses, 5 g of phytosporin are taken per 10 liters of water. 7 days before planting vegetables, flowers or berries, we water the soil and process all surfaces of the greenhouse.

Paste Fitosporin

You don't need to add anything to the tool. To prepare the concentrate, take 100 g of paste per glass of water. Before use, dissolve in the following proportions:

  • Before rooting the cuttings, 200 ml of water needs 4 drops of the product;
  • Before planting or storing bulbs and roots, they are sprayed with a solution of 200 ml of water and 3 tbsp. l. concentrate paste;
  • Seeds are soaked 2 hours before planting in a solution of half a glass of water and 2 drops of concentrate;
  • For spraying on 10 liters of water, we take three teaspoons of the concentrate.