home · Lighting · Prince's bush. Knyazhenika - a description of the benefits and harms, as well as the medicinal properties of this berry. Knyazhenika in combination with other garden crops

Prince's bush. Knyazhenika - a description of the benefits and harms, as well as the medicinal properties of this berry. Knyazhenika in combination with other garden crops

The beautiful berry of the northern regions, cloudberry, is familiar to everyone. But not many have heard of the prince. Knyazhenika is a very tasty and aromatic berry of the north, a wonderful and healing plant.

This perennial is low, has a long root, and branched stems. Its foliage is similar to that of a strawberry, and the fruit looks like a raspberry. The berry has a pleasant aroma and a pineapple flavor.

Unique plant

Knyazhenika is also called raspberry, as it grows in wet clearings and meadows. This plant also has several other names: arctic raspberry, mamura, Khokhlyanka, etc. In Ancient Rus', this berry was quite famous, it was added to food and used as a medicine. In Karelia Polenika for the prince specially grown. Where the plant did not require specific care, it was very easy to grow it.

Knyazhenika belongs to the rose family. At first glance, the berries look like raspberries or cloudberries. They are a collection of drupes of scarlet, cherry, purple or red and white. The color of the fruit depends on the variety and amount of light. There is a bluish coating on the top of the berries. Taste and smell nectar raspberry reminiscent of strawberry and pineapple.

The plant grows in the Arctic and northern regions. You can find the berry on peat bogs and in damp forests.

Varieties of princelings

In nature, there are approximately forty species of this plant. The rarity of the berry, along with its taste and medicinal properties, forced breeders to work on breeding Princess garden.

The first varieties were bred by Finnish scientists. In the early 70s of the last century, the varieties “Mesma”, “Mesli”, “Pima” were officially registered.

Selection work continued and the result of crossing the resulting plants with the Alaskan species was the new variety “Yalamachin”. It has a high yield and excellent taste.

In the late 70s and early 80s of the last century, two more beautiful ortas of the princess “Heya” and “Heisa” were obtained. They are distinguished by high yield, large berries, as well as resistance to cold and mild taste.

Benefits of berries

The composition of the plant is very rich and varied. Ripe berries contain the most useful substances: trace elements, vitamins, acids, fructose, glucose, tannins.

Princess leaves are also beneficial. They prepare decoctions that are drunk to reduce fever and relieve inflammation. The decoction is used to gargle the larynx in case of illness.

Tinctures of leaves and dried fruits are used to treat the digestive system, in particular, to heal the intestines; the infusion also has a healing effect on the liver.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, all parts of the princess help maintain excellent health of the organs and systems of the body. It strengthens the immune system, increasing the protective properties of the entire body.

Tinctures and infusions from this plant can also be used externally. For example, they make lotions for rheumatism and treat skin diseases. Compresses for children with diathesis or allergies have a positive effect.

Planting and care

The root system of the princess is creeping. The yield can be increased due to the effects of mycorrhiza. This is a compound that occurs between the rhizomes of winter plants and the mycelium of mushrooms. When the weather is good, mycorrhiza develops and the yield increases.

Growing princely berries start by adding mycorrhizal fungi to the soil. The shrub is not afraid of frost, however, its above-ground part dies off every winter. Planting and care of princesses It's not difficult for her. It is much more difficult to get a good harvest.

Young shoots sprout with the onset of spring, and, growing, cover the entire area with a dense green carpet. The harvest can be obtained already in the second year after planting the bush.

Propagation of berries by seeds is allowed. To do this, you need to make a furrow in the ground, the depth of which should be no more than half a centimeter.

If you take good care of the berry, the bush will grow well, and the berry will be large and juicy.

Knyazhenika is grown not only to produce a tasty berry, but also as a decorative element for the garden. It will decorate any flower bed, path, border. The bush looks very beautiful. The berry is good both in its natural form and in jam. Drinks and fruit drinks are made from it. Tea made from nectar raspberry leaves is very useful.

Because of its medicinal qualities, as well as its unpretentiousness, the plant is very popular among gardeners.


Berries perfectly quench thirst and tone the human body. They are most often eaten in their natural form, however, you can prepare jam, infusions, juices and jelly.

A decoction of the leaves is a good gargle for an inflamed larynx. Certain preparations that were made on the basis of princess will help restore the body's water and salt metabolism in cases of gout and kidney stones.

A paste can be prepared from the leaves of the plant, which is then used as a lotion to eliminate an allergic reaction on the skin.

There are several recipes for alternative medicine using knyazhenka:

  1. Tincture. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a cup of boiling water over a spoonful of dried leaves. Close the container and wait a quarter of an hour. You need to drink two cups of tincture per day.
  2. Explosion. Pour a spoonful of dried berries into a glass of hot water, place on the stove and cook for five minutes. After this, wrap the container well and wait until the broth cools down. You need to consume ½ cup three times a day.
  3. Juice. You need to thoroughly sort out the berries and wash them using a sieve. Then the berries are doused with hot water and waited until it drains. Then the berries are placed in a container and crushed with a wooden spoon. The resulting mass is spread on a piece of gauze, carefully twisting the gauze, and squeezing the juice.

Main contraindications

Although princely herb has many healing properties, if you do not follow the dosage of consumption, negative consequences may occur. There is a possibility that your health will seriously deteriorate. Consequences of exceeding the dosage when consumed:

  • Allergy. Itching, redness and rash occur on the skin. Anaphylactic shock, migraine, nausea, loss of consciousness, and fever may occur.
  • Decreased blood pressure. Elements contained in fruits can negatively affect the condition of blood vessels and impair blood circulation.
  • Intestinal and stomach disorders. Diarrhea, gas formation occurs, gastritis, pancreatic adenoma worsen, and intestinal function worsens.
  • Increased bladder tone. Knyazhenika accelerates metabolic processes. Calcium is washed out of bones.

Raspberry is not recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Before eating this berry, you need to consult with a specialist and determine how it will affect the condition of the mucous membrane. It is strictly forbidden to consume the fruits of the prince:

The prince should not eat before surgery, as blood clotting worsens and there is a possibility of deterioration in health and internal hemorrhage.

The princess can rarely be found in the garden plot. However, this shrub deserves special attention. If such an opportunity exists, then you can plant several bushes of this very valuable, medicinal, tasty berry in the garden.

Prince or common princess or arctic raspberry (Rubus arcticus) - a plant of the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family.

Many Russian folk names for the plant are known, including raspberry, glade, mamura, drupe, khokhlushka, midday.

Perennial herbaceous shrub 10 - 15 cm in height with complex trifoliate, green leaves on long pubescent petioles.

The stems are branched and does not form a princely mustache. The rhizome is long, thin, creeping, woody, which stretches to a depth of 10 - 25 cm. The flowers are dark pink, solitary, apical, bisexual, with five petals, red or pink. Occasionally, unisexual flowers are found, i.e. dioecy is observed. They open from the end of May. The flowering of princesses lasts for 25-35 days: in July you can find both fruiting and flowering plants. The fruit is a juicy multi-drupe, sweet in taste when ripe, similar in size and shape to an ordinary raspberry, but its color is more complex. The aroma of ripe berries is reminiscent of pineapple and peach.

Chemical composition of princes. IN berries princes contains glucose, fructose, citric and malic acids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, anthocyanins, organic dyes, vitamin C (up to 200 - 300 mg% and in leaves - almost 400 mg%) and aromatic substances. Due to the high content of vitamin C in princely fruit, this berry is a means of preventing and treating vitamin deficiencies and scurvy.

The plant is distributed in the cold and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, found in the Far East, Kamchatka, Siberia and the northern regions of the European part of Russia. Inhabits the tundra zone with forest-tundra, forest zone and mountain forest zone of the temperate part of the northern hemisphere, with the exception of Western Europe. It grows in forests, in mixed-grass meadows, along the banks of streams and rivers, in thickets of bushes. It is found mainly in forest areas, along river valleys, the edges of swamps, on damp rocky slopes, up to 1200 m above sea level. At the same time, despite its wide habitat, it is now relatively rare in the wild; today in many regions it is not easy to collect even a glass of its berries in the forest. Blooms in June - July, bears fruit in August. The plant has not yet been fully studied and has not been introduced into cultivation, however, it is of great interest, primarily for its frost resistance - it can grow even within the Arctic Circle - as well as the high bioactive properties of its sweet, aromatic fruits.

In ancient Rus' this plant was well known; it was added to food and used as medicine. In Karelia, the princess was specially grown. She did not require any care and took root easily. The average berry weighs 1-2 grams. The harvest is harvested 2-3 times (July-August). From 1 sq. m usually collect 100-200 g of princes. In the northern regions, the yield of knyazhenka is greater than in the south. Unfortunately, knyazhenika is not commercially available, it is rarely found in abundance, it is not easy to collect, it is a very delicate berry.

Application of princesses. Princess fruits They are eaten fresh, they are very tasty and aromatic, they make marmalade, fruit drinks, wine, liqueur, tinctures, liqueur, they make jam and compotes, they make raw jam (mashed with sugar berries) preserving the maximum amount of nutrients, squeeze out the juice. Princeberry jam with pineapple and peach flavors, very tasty and fragrant. Knyazhenika can be consumed with milk and cream in the form of desserts. A children's favorite treat is knyazhenika with cream or ice cream. The princely fruits are also dried or soaked. Young leaves princes dried in the sun and brewed tea with them; dried berries can also be used for tea. The original tea is made from the leaves of the princess and fireweed or black currant. In some countries, the fruits of princelings are used in the food industry. For example, in Finland, knyazhenika is used to make a type of expensive liqueur.

This berry is decorative, so it is used for decorative purposes, planted on borders, flower beds and paths.

Useful properties of princesses.Juice princesHelps reduce temperature, quenches thirst, and gives vigor. Recommended as a tonic and strengthening agent.

In folk medicine, princely berries are used to treat rheumatism, liver diseases, and colds. A decoction of dried and raw berries is used for rinsing for bronchial asthma, cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. An infusion of princely fruits is a good antipyretic and thirst quencher.

Preparations princely effective for kidney stones, gout and other ailments associated with impaired water-salt metabolism in the body.

Princess leaves are used in the form of compresses as a healing agent, an infusion of them is recommended for patients with anemia, as a fixative. A paste of fresh leaves of Knyazhenika relieves urticaria in allergic reactions and diathesis in children.

About the fact that a very special berry grows in the northern forests - prince, I learned from my grandmother. It was she, who grew up in the village, who told me about how tasty this forest treat can be. I, being a completely city child, only dreamed of trying at least one such berry. But in the metropolis it was easier to buy exotic bananas than this original Russian delicacy. The childhood dream came true only many years later.

Only when I became a grandmother myself, got my own dacha and began to explore the forest, was I able to meet the princess who had once excited my imagination so much. And she didn't disappoint me.

This berry looks restrained and noble. It grows on low bushes with triple rich green leaves. Already at the end of May, pink flowers appear on them, which somehow reminded me of cosmos.

The first berries ripen in July. Outwardly they look like raspberries. You can also confuse them with cloudberries, but the princess always has a complex red color. Serious people call such berries polydrupes.

I remember the first time I tried knyazhenika and was amazed by its taste. It is very sweet, sometimes with a slight sourness. Somewhat reminiscent of a fruit salad of pineapple and raspberries, seasoned with a drop of lemon juice. In general, it’s still a delicacy!

However, not everyone can still afford to feast on the forest princess. Even now, when store shelves look more like an exhibition of exotic fruits, it is not so easy to find small bone berries among this variety.

The fact is that in nature, princeling grows exclusively in the northern regions. She liked most of all in Komi and Karelia, where she chooses marshy areas inaccessible to winds and a lot of sunlight.

In reference books you can find information that this berry also grows in the Arkhangelsk, Tver and Yaroslavl regions. But, as far as I know, in the last two they have already been listed in the local Red Books as an endangered species. And forest lovers from Arkhangelsk, with whom I communicate on thematic forums, admitted that they had never been able to find a place where this plant grew.

The princess is loved not only in Russia. This berry is the emblem of Norrbotten, one of the northern provinces of Sweden.

Why doesn’t the princess take root in the garden?

Princess flowers

I love picking wild berries. But I wouldn’t be me if I hadn’t decided to raise a princess on my property. Moreover, our climate here is such that there is no special choice of crops.

I studied all the literature available at that time, read what people wrote on forums, and began to act. The fact that most admitted that they were unable to find a common language with the forest guest did not stop me. I was going to do everything “wisely” and create conditions for the berries worthy of the title of this aristocrat.

I began preparing to receive the princess in the fall. She chose a place that she would definitely like: shaded and protected from the winds. Here I built a bed using loose soil. I also prepared a treat for “her ladyship” - fertilizer. I used one bucket per square meter. But, as far as I managed to find out, there are other options. For example, . It is poured into holes prepared for plants, 20 g in each hole. You can take it, but it will require much more - 80 g in each well. Wood ash is also added - half a liter for every square meter.

In mid-May, I went into the forest to look for princess bushes. The clearing had been in my sights for a long time, and I had even chosen in advance several plants that were strong and bountifully fruitful.

Having carefully dug up the bushes, I immediately planted them in the prepared bed, having previously separated some into several. Then I watered it generously and left it to get used to the new conditions.

I’ll say right away that I cared for the plants as if they were my own. Every day I checked whether the sun's rays were falling on them, whether they were too dark, cold, hot, dry, wet... there were enough reasons for concern. And, as it seemed to me at first, the princess answered me with gratitude. First, the sadly fallen leaves began to rise. And at the beginning of June, the first flowers appeared among them.

The bright pink flowers of the princesses are so beautiful that the plant is often bred precisely for them. They look amazing in compositions and go well with irises and hostas, as well as other plants with similar needs.

We were able to try our own berries in mid-August. They tasted no different from those that grew in the forest. Except that they were a little smaller in size and not so many of them appeared on the bushes. In general, it was not possible to make aristocratic jams and compotes from our own harvest. So we had to go into the forest.

Are you already growing princesses in your garden?


At that moment I was not upset, anticipating that next year I would definitely be picking berries in buckets. With this thought in mind, in the fall I again applied manure as fertilizer and prepared to wait.

Much to my disappointment, in June my princess flower was not blooming as profusely as before. And the berry harvest was halved. There were no apparent reasons for this: I cared for my pet diligently, watering the beds daily, and on the hottest and sunny days I even shaded it so that the tender leaves would not burn. But the fact remains that there were a lot of berries in the forest that year, but only a few in my beds. Alas, next year their number decreased even more. So I joined the army of those gardeners who were never able to achieve a good, stable harvest on their plot.

Types and varieties of “domestic” princesses

I couldn’t end my experiments on a sad note. And so I took up growing the capricious berry again. True, that time I took a closer look at the varieties bred by breeders. Some of them can grow not only in the north, but also adapt to the climate of Central and perhaps even southern Russia. I will list them briefly.

Linda, Anna, Beata, Sofia.

The Swedes gave such beautiful names to the princely berries. They differ slightly from each other, have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, rich aroma and can grow even in central Russia.

Susanna, Elpee, Astra, Pima.

These varieties were bred in Sweden. “Linda” is suitable for those who do not like to wait long: it is an early variety. “Beata” will appeal to lovers of the “wild” taste of princesses; these berries are closest to it. “Elpee” is one of the newest; those who have already tried to grow it note that it is highly productive and especially resistant to pyrenosporosis. Well, “Pima” has already become a classic, tested by many. These are berries with great taste.

Knyazhenika can be grown on your site, the main thing is to choose the right variety

Nectar princess.

Seeds or rhizomes of plants with this name can be seen in various retail outlets. This is a hybrid of our princess with different varieties. There are quite a lot of them now. They inherited the pineapple flavor and amazing aroma from the “wild” northern ancestor. From “home” - productivity and unpretentiousness. For growing in the southern regions and in the middle zone, this is the easiest option.

Growing princesses from seeds

Now I have several varieties of princesses growing in my dacha, and half of them are definitely obtained from seeds. I ordered some of them directly from Finland. I'll tell you how I managed to grow them.

Princely berries are sown “in winter.” In our latitudes you can start in early autumn. To do this, I prepare a box of soil, half sand and half peat. I plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm and place it in the garden. In early spring, shoots appear from the seeds. They “live” in their nursery box until August, and only when they gain strength do I plant them in the garden beds.

Care, feeding, problems

These medications will help you care for your princess

The varietal princess is quite unpretentious. She, like her wild relative, needs good soil, a shaded place, sheltered from the winds and very little attention from the gardener.

Perhaps the most labor-intensive activity in the process of growing princesses will be weeding. Like a true aristocrat, she does not tolerate proximity to those who are lower in rank. Therefore, you need to ensure that the beds intended for her ladyship are not overgrown with weeds.

Watering is needed abundantly and frequently. However, it should be understood that stagnation of water can negatively affect plants.

Circumcision is done only when necessary. Dried leaves and broken twigs are removed. Usually this procedure is carried out once a year, in the spring.

The main problem in the cultivation of princelings are pests. They also fell in love with the sweet northern berry, and do not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying it. Karbofos helps me cope with them. I spray the bushes with them in early spring, before the first buds appear. You can replace this drug with Actellik.

So that the princess does not get sick, I give her spraying. I apply it not to the plant itself, but under the bush.

I feed adult bushes twice a season. To do this, I take regular wood ash. When watering, I simply add one tablespoon under each plant.

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Finally, I would like to reveal a few of my own “secrets” that will help you grow a good harvest of berries.

  1. Plant several varieties of princelings at the same time. She needs cross-pollination, which the bees will happily undertake.
  2. Cover the soil in the garden bed with moss. It will protect the soil from drying out, overheating and will prevent a large number of weeds from germinating.
  3. Princeberry berries make wonderful jam. Leaves can also be harvested. I dry them and add them to tea. The aroma of the drink is incredible!

Due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and its northern distribution area, the princely raspberry is sometimes called the Arctic raspberry. In addition to this name, you can find such local names for this berry as:

    • raspberry;
    • Khokhlushka;
    • clearing;
    • mamura;
    • drupe;
    • and others.

The fruit of the plant, a drupe berry, is very similar in shape to blackberries and ordinary raspberries. It is not for nothing that the words prince and arctic raspberry are often used as synonyms.

And in fact, the appearance of the bushes of this berry is somewhat reminiscent of dwarf raspberry shoots.

Biological characteristics

The common princess belongs to the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family. Its close relatives are such well-known berry crops as:

  • blackberry;
  • bramble;
  • cloudberry;
  • raspberries;
  • stone berry;
  • and others.

The princely berry differs from its relatives in the characteristic smell and taste of pineapple. Based on this feature, it is easily identified if found in nature.

Our help! In Latin, the prince's name is "Rubus arcticus", which literally means "Arctic blackberry".


Knyazhenika is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of about thirty centimeters. It is distinguished by a creeping rhizome, located at an average depth of about twenty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are trifoliate, reminiscent of strawberry leaves, and the berries are clustered drupes, like all Rubuses.


Like many other berries of our North, knyazhenika is rich in vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C. Thanks to this property, knyazhenika was used by northern peoples as an antiscorbutic remedy.

Currently, princely berries are used very widely in cooking. They are used to prepare such desserts and drinks as:

  • jam;
  • jams and marmalades;
  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • juices;
  • liqueurs;
  • tinctures.

As is known, all Rosaceae also use other parts of the plant. So, princess leaves are suitable for making surrogate tea with a special, unique pineapple aroma.

Distribution area

Knyazhenika sadovaya comes from the northern territories of our country. Most often it can be found in regions located above central Russia or in Siberia. The royal berry is also widespread on the Alaska Peninsula, in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Finland.

As for where the princess grows, in this regard the berry is very unpretentious. It can also be found in the undergrowth of mixed forests, in meadows, along the banks of swamps or rivers.

Attention! Knyazhenika is a moisture-loving berry, so you need to look for it in damp places.


The timing of flowering and the beginning of ripening of princely berries is very extended in time. For example, flowering begins in mid-May and continues until mid-July.

At the same time, the first berry picking begins in July, which can continue in waves until the end of August.

Interesting! Knyazhenika harvests decrease towards the southern border of its distribution area.

Growing on site

It is quite natural that recently our tireless summer residents and gardeners have begun to cultivate the prince more and more on their plots. In the conditions of the middle zone and the north of the country, the princess takes root quite well.

Those few secrets and subtleties that the princely plant requires when planting and caring for it will be discussed further in our article.


The princely plant is propagated by seeds or root suckers. Seed propagation is associated with difficulties of stratification, but with some skill it is quite successful.

You can do it in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds in the snow in seedlings with further weekly alternation of location: heat-fridge. This process should be carried out over about a month.
  2. Sowing seeds in containers dug in the garden under the trees. There is no need to bury the grains in the soil; just cover them with leaf litter. Such seeds will undergo natural stratification, and in the spring you will be able to get vigorous shoots, the main thing is to prevent the soil and seeds from drying out.

When propagating by offspring, it is enough to dig out a new rosette from the mother bush and bury it in a new place.

Site selection and soil preparation

This stage is one of the most important in growing princelings. On the one hand, we must choose the most illuminated place, on the other hand, it must be quite damp, because Arctic raspberries cannot tolerate dryness.

This issue can be solved by arranging the bed in a sunny place, deepening it a little. So, the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We take out the soil of the future bed using two shovels.
  2. We make drainage from sand and crushed stone, because there is no need for excess dampness either.
  3. Fill the bayonet with soil mixture.
  4. We water the soil well.
  5. We plant the plant.
  6. Mulch the soil with leaf litter. This technique will preserve lag in the soil, which is very much to the princess’s taste.

Thus, our plantings will be located at a slight depression relative to the rest of the site, which will create some dampness.

The composition of the soil mixture should be loose in mechanical composition and rich in nutrition. Therefore, garden soil is mixed with sand, peat and compost. Be sure to add wood ash to the soil mixture to enrich it with potassium, which is so necessary for all berry crops. Application rate: half a liter per square meter of bed.

Attention! Compost for growing princelings is best prepared using hay from meadow grasses or leaf litter.

Planting scheme and timing

New plants are planted according to a pattern of 30 by 15 centimeters. Narrow 45-centimeter beds are ideal for this, in which the plants are arranged in two lines in a checkerboard pattern.

Princes can be planted both in spring and autumn a month and a half before persistent frosts, so that the rosettes have time to take root.

Attention! Knyazhenika is characterized by weak self-fertility, so it is better to plant several varieties for cross-pollination.


Caring for the princess is not great; it is enough to maintain the optimal humidity regime. This is achieved by timely watering in dry weather and monitoring the condition of the mulch.


The berries are collected in several stages as they ripen. They do this starting at the end of July and throughout August. It is better to pick berries in the afternoon in dry weather.

A video about growing princesses will help you consolidate what you have read.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Princeberry is a northern berry with a unique bright aroma and sweet taste. In nature, it grows in mossy swamps and forests, but it can also be grown in the countryside - you just need to know the secrets of proper planting and caring for the princess. The berry is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Description of princely berries

Knyazhenika, or, as it is also called, arctic raspberry, is a low herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family.

Source: Depositphotos

Knyazhenika - a northern berry with a bright aroma and rich, sweet taste

    • The stem of the drupe is triangular, pubescent, the leaves are trifoliate, located on long petioles.
    • The flowers are small and sparse, five-petaled, white, pink or red.
    • The fruit of the princess is a small multi-drupe, shaped like a raspberry. The color of ripe fruits can be white-pink, bright red, purple or cherry. Drupe berries are juicy and sweet, they have a pronounced aroma with notes of pineapple.

Princeberry berries contain large quantities of vitamin C and fruit acids, so they are used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine as a tonic and anti-cold remedy.

Planting and care

If you decide to plant a berry on your site, you will have to try to bring its habitat conditions closer to natural ones. One of the main conditions for harvest when growing princeberry is the presence of at least two varieties of berries on the plot, since without cross-pollination the plant will not bear fruit.

The area for planting bone marrow should be chosen in the shade, protected from the sun's rays. Northern berry prefers well-drained, loose soil, sandy loam or loamy soil.

Drupes are propagated by cuttings.

    • You can plant it in open ground in early spring or autumn so that the plant has time to take root before frost.
    • One cutting is planted per square meter; it must be buried down to the established bud.
    • After planting, the soil is moistened abundantly and mulched with crushed pine bark or sawdust.

Over the next 2-3 years, the prince will grow and fill the entire area of ​​the garden bed. During this period, plantings should be freed from weeds and fertilizers should be added to the soil once or twice a season. You cannot loosen the soil: the root system of Arctic raspberries lies close to the surface and is easily damaged.