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Spraying tomatoes with boron. Boric acid: application in gardening. Dosage for soil pre-treatment

Two chemical element– orthoboric acid and iodine, when used together, give good results when spraying tomato flower ovaries. In addition, when processing the vegetative mass of adult plants, tomato bushes They begin to actively grow foliage, and the fruits acquire a rich color and have a high sugar content. Experienced gardeners who have used the mixture on their plots note an increase in tomato yield by two to three times after spraying.


Being important minerals that ensure the active growth of tomatoes, boric acid and iodine, interacting in pairs, have the following advantages:

  • improvement of nitrogen metabolism in plant cells;
  • increase in the number of fruits;
  • active growth of vegetative mass;
  • improving the absorption of micro and macro elements;
  • increased sugar levels in fruits;
  • increasing the immunity of tomatoes;
  • increasing the resistance of tomatoes to pathogens and infections;
  • ripening of the crop ahead of schedule;
  • increasing endurance in adverse weather conditions.


There are practically no disadvantages when processing elements. The main thing is not to harm the tomatoes with excess fertilizing, which will cause deformation of the fruits in the plants. It should also be remembered that increased formation of ovaries will require additional application of fertilizers to the soil.

Indications for use

The combined product of two elements not only increases the number of ovaries on tomatoes. A solution of iodine and boron is also successfully used for:

  • stopping the growth of tomatoes due to sudden temperature changes;
  • rotting and death of fruits due to lack of boron in the soil;
  • characteristic symptoms of late blight;
  • the appearance of depressed dark spots of Alternaria macrospores on the fruits;
  • presence on foliage and fruits infectious disease anthracnose;
  • curling and drying of the lower leaves of tomatoes due to white spot damage;
  • damage to tomato foliage with chlorotic round spots due to attack by pathogenic bacteria cladosporiosis;
  • the presence of gray rot on the stems of tomatoes;
  • infection by the pathogenic fungus septoria;
  • infection of tomatoes with powdery mildew;
  • the appearance of mosaic virus stripes on tomato foliage;
  • the appearance of brown flat spots in the lower part of tomato fruits due to blossom end rot.


To get the maximum benefit from spraying tomatoes with a duo of two elements, treatments should be carried out three to four times during the entire growing season. The interval between spraying should be at least 12 days. If the tomatoes react poorly to fertilizing with elements, stop processing.

Working solutions with boric acid and iodine can be stored without losing their qualities for 25-30 days. Therefore, unused liquid can be successfully stored in a place away from sunlight.

Whey with iodine and boric acid

Combined environmentally safe remedy, which, when applied, will improve the quality of fruits, increase productivity, and plants will actively increase vegetative mass.


  • add water and 1 liter of whey to a 5 liter container;
  • Heat the mixture over a fire to a temperature of + 60 degrees;
  • cool the liquid, add 15 drops of iodine, 1 tablespoon of boric acid;
  • Spray the prepared solution into evening time Once every 12-15 days. Start processing at the moment of formation of the first flower brushes.

Wood ash with iodine and boric acid

A good addition to the two components is wood ash, which contains a large number of microelements and minerals. And, being a natural alkali, wood ash will contribute to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.


  • add water and 1 cup of wood ash to a 3-liter container;
  • leave the liquid for two days, strain;
  • Dilute 15 g of boric acid with 250 ml hot water, pour into the strained ash infusion, add 15 drops of iodine;
  • Carry out spraying from the beginning of the tomato growing season once every 15 days.

Potassium permanganate with iodine and boric acid

Potassium permanganate steamed with iodine neutralizes the effects of infectious microorganisms and is a natural repellent against many insect pests. It also contains magnesium and potassium. These elements are necessary for the normal development of tomatoes.


  • add hot water, 1 tablespoon of boric acid, 1 g of potassium manganese to a 10-liter container;
  • drop 20 drops of iodine into the cooled solution, add 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • carry out spraying before the formation of flower ovaries once every 12-15 days.

It should be noted that when spraying with the solution, it is necessary to carefully handle bottom part tomato leaves. After all, plants absorb nutrients through the stomata-holes on inside leaf.

Metronidazole with iodine and boric acid

By adding tablets to the two components, whose action is aimed at destroying pathogens, you can not only increase the number of tomato ovaries, but also protect the plants from being affected by many diseases.


  • Pour hot water into a 3-liter container, add 3 teaspoons of boric acid and 5 metronidazole tablets crushed into powder, cool;
  • add 1 glass of milk, 10 drops of iodine, 1 tablespoon of sugar to the cooled mixture;
  • carry out spraying from the very beginning of the tomato growing season once every two weeks.

Following the recommendations experienced gardeners who used spraying of tomato flower clusters with boric acid and iodine, it is possible not only to increase the amount of fruit formation. And also provide tomatoes reliable protection from unfavorable factors, double the yield.

  1. All spraying should be carried out strictly, adhering to the recommended dosages. Indeed, with an excess of iodine, increased growth of the vegetative mass will occur to the detriment of the fruits, which, due to oversaturation with the element, become deformed and become smaller.
  2. Do not treat tomatoes with cold working solution. The temperature of the liquid that will fall on the flower brushes and foliage of the tomatoes should be at least +24 degrees.
  3. When spraying tomatoes with boric acid and iodine, you should not forget that plants need basic fertilizing throughout the growing season. Three times a season you should fertilize with fertilizer consisting of urea, potassium and superphosphate.
  4. To avoid foliage burns, tomatoes should be sprayed only after sunset. Before processing tomatoes, the soil under the bushes should be well watered.

Proper application and exact dosage iodine and boric acid allows you to achieve greater yields when growing tomatoes. And, thanks to this method, you can do without wasting money on expensive fungicides and complex fertilizers.

What are the benefits and harms of boric acid? Its use in the garden and vegetable garden is very wide. Boric acid can be used as mineral fertilizer, stimulator for seed germination, for lush flowering ornamental plants and increasing the yield of strawberries, potatoes, beets and other vegetables. Boric acid can be used to protect plants from disease and scattered around the area as an ant repellent.

Boric acid - what is it?

Boron is one of the most important microelements in plant life. It normalizes the synthesis of nitrogenous substances, improves metabolic processes and increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves. Boric acid (H₃BO₃) is the simplest and most accessible boron compound. Boric acid is widely used in various complex fertilizers. It is colorless crystalline substance in the form of flakes, odorless, easily soluble in water, acidic properties are very weak. If the amount of available boron in the soil corresponds to the norm, productivity and shelf life of fruits increase, and the overall resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions increases.

Boric acid: beneficial features for plants

The use of boric acid helps to increase the number of ovaries on fruit and berry crops, stimulates the formation of new growth points of stems and roots, sugar content and taste qualities fruits

With a lack of boron, the roots are inhibited and sometimes rot, the plant’s conducting system develops poorly, the supply of nutrients is difficult, and the plant lags behind in development. Lack of boron stimulates the development of diseases - hollowness, bacteriosis. With boron deficiency, the growth point may die, and plant pollen is sometimes unable to germinate. The lack of boron is especially noticeable in dry years. And the amateur gardener, often complaining about the meager harvest, does not understand that the reason is a lack of boron. Apple trees especially require a lot of boron.

Boron in a plant is a “fixed” element - it does not pass from old, dying leaves to young ones and is required throughout the entire growing season of the plant. To use boric acid correctly, you need to consider the needs garden crops in the forest On this basis they are divided into 3 groups:

High: apple, pear, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, beets, rutabaga.

Medium: tomato, carrots, salads, stone fruits.

Small: herbs, beans, peas, potatoes and strawberries. Although potatoes and strawberries belong to the third group, the least dependent on the amount of boron, the lack of this element seriously affects these crops.

Boric acid: harmful properties in case of overdose

Boric acid belongs to the lowest, hazard class 4 harmful substances. It does not harm humans if it comes into contact with the skin, but can accumulate in the body since boron is slowly excreted by the kidneys.

Excess boron in the soil is dangerous: it provokes burning of the lower leaves, drying out of the leaf edges - the leaves turn yellow, die and fall off. Symptoms of excess boron: dome-shaped leaves, curling of their edges inward, general yellowing of the leaf. Old leaves are the first to suffer. High content boron in fodder plants leads to severe chronic diseases in animals.

Boric acid for ants and other insects

Boric acid as a garden insecticide is used more often as a contact preparation against cockroaches and ants, but also has an intestinal effect. Dry baits with boric acid act as contact-intestinal poisons, while wet baits act mainly as intestinal ones. The combined effect manifests itself gradually as it accumulates in the insect’s body. For example, when using boric acid, cockroaches die 8-12 days after the start of use.

Boric acid is effective against ants due to the fact that it affects their work nervous system. After eating, it causes serious disturbances, which after a few hours lead to paralysis and death of the insect. Even if the brothers eat the remains of an ant killed by boric acid, the same fate will await them: a very tiny amount of poison is enough for the death of one ant. The simplest application is to sprinkle boric acid powder in places where ants are most often found or at the entrances to an anthill.

The option of using soft and liquid baits gives better results. When using such means, the ants eat the bait themselves and take it to the anthill, then their relatives will feed on the poison. Alas, it is not possible to quickly remove ants with boric acid. Usually the process lasts at least 2-4 weeks. But this method is effective even when the anthill is located outside the site. Remember that the bait should be inaccessible to pets and beneficial insects.

Boric acid: ant bait recipes

*Pour 5 g of boric acid into half a glass of hot water (100 ml), dissolve, add 10 g of honey (teaspoon) or jam and 40 g (2 tbsp) sugar to the solution. Mix the mixture and pour into a flat container, which is best placed close to ant trails. Cover the top from the rain with a piece of plastic.

* Grind 2 egg yolks with ½ tsp. boric acid, make small balls (the size of a pea or smaller) from the resulting mass and place them in key places.

*1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of water with 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, add 1 tsp. honey, 1/3 tsp. boric acid and 1.5 tbsp. Sahara. Mix everything thoroughly and roll bait balls from the mixture. This recipe is good because the bait remains wet and soft for a long time.

*3 medium boiled potatoes in their jackets, 3 boiled yolks, 10 g boric acid, 1 tsp. Sahara. Grind the peeled tubers and yolks, add boric acid and sugar to the mixture. Mix thoroughly again and roll the resulting dough into balls.

It is important to remember that increasing the amount of boric acid in the bait does not increase the effectiveness of its use - the ants will die before reaching the anthill, and the colony will simply raise other worker ants to replace it.

Boric acid: ways to use it in the garden

Preparing the soil for sowing and planting. Boric acid solution: 0.2 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. Before sowing or planting seedlings, water the planting beds with a solution, consumption 10 liters per 10 m2, loosen and only then sow the seeds. This method is used as a preventive measure when a boron deficiency is suspected in soils.

Foliar feeding. Boric acid solution: 0.1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. The first spraying is carried out in the budding phase, the second - in the flowering phase, the third - during the fruiting period of the plants. When added together with other microelements, the concentration of boric acid is reduced to 0.05-0.06% (5-6 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Root feeding. Boric acid solution: 0.1-0.2 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. It is used only in cases of severe starvation or a clearly known lack of boron in the soil. Plants are pre-watered plain water to avoid chemical burns to the roots. Usually used on seedlings flower plants, growing on soddy-podzolic soils or in a mixture of peat and sand.

Boric acid dissolves easily only in hot water! Always first dilute the sample (bag) in 1 liter of hot water, then bring it to the required volume with water room temperature. Carry out foliar feeding (spraying) in cloudy weather, or better in the evening, to avoid sunburn. On hot, dry days, water the plants well beforehand.

Boric acid for strawberries

Signs of boron deficiency garden strawberries(strawberries): curvature of leaves and necrosis of edges. Fertilizing with boric acid significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of the berries. In early spring plantings are shed with a solution of boric acid with the addition of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate, 1 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water), consumption - approximately 10 liters per 30-40 bushes. It is useful to carry out foliar feeding with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 liters of water).

Before flowering, when the plants have put out their buds, apply foliar feeding with a solution (2 g of boric acid, 2 g of manganese, 1 cup of sifted ash per 10 liters of water). Make an extract from the ash in advance: pour a glass of ash with a liter of boiling water and leave, stirring occasionally, for a day, then filter through cheesecloth - and the infusion is ready.

Boric acid for apple and pear trees

Signs of boron deficiency in apple and pear trees: leaves thicken, warp, suberization and darkening of the veins occurs; during acute starvation, the leaves fall off. Rosette leaves are observed - small leaves at the ends of the shoots are collected in the form of a rosette. In advanced cases, the tree tops die off.

In pears, rosette leaves are characterized by quick drying flowers and deformation of fruits, on the surface of which pits and areas of damaged tissue appear.

For apple trees, boron deficiency results in a disease called internal apple suberization. Light spots about 1 cm in diameter appear in the pulp; later they turn brown and become like a cork or sponge. Dry spotting and crusty spots affect the surface of the fruit, which becomes swollen and deformed.

Foliar feeding (10-20 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water) sharply increases fruit formation. It is held in the evening, before sunset. Spray evenly the entire accessible crown. The first time is at the beginning of the buds, the second time is after 5-7 days. This treatment sharply reduces the number of fallen ovaries, which gives an increase in yield by 25-30%. The resistance of trees to unfavorable conditions and the shelf life of fruits increase.

Boric acid for grapes

Signs of boron deficiency in grapes: the appearance of chlorotic spots between the veins of the leaf blades, which gradually grow, the absence of normal ovaries on the grapes (peas). A new seedling dies within a year or 1-2 years after planting in a permanent place.

Even a single treatment during the budding period increases the yield by more than 20% due to the preservation of flowers and less shedding of ovaries. Many people wonder why grapes have small berries. This phenomenon is called peas. The appearance of high-quality, fertile flowers helps to avoid the problem of grape peas.

Taking into account the characteristics of the grapes, add zinc salts to boric acid (10 liters of water, 5 g of boric acid, 5 g of zinc sulfate).

Boric acid for tomatoes

Signs of boron deficiency in tomatoes: blackening and death of the growth point of the stem, rapid growth of new shoots from the root, while the petioles of young leaves become very brittle. Brown spots of dead tissue form on the fruits, usually in the tip area.

As a preventive measure, soaking seeds in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water) for a day, or in a solution of microfertilizers containing boron, helps well.

Before planting seedlings, add boric acid or boron-containing fertilizers to the soil (not necessary on cultivated soils). Do not forget about foliar feeding before flowering (10 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water).

You can use foliar feeding of the same concentration in the green fruit phase to accelerate the ripening and accumulation of sugars in the fruits.

Boric acid for beets

Signs of boron deficiency in beets: the heart of the root crop rots. This is caused by a fungal disease - phomosis. Concentric light brown spots with black dots in the center form on the leaves, then the disease spreads to the root crop and its core rots. Tissue on section initial stage They have a dark brown, almost black color; later they dry out, become withered and rotten.

Before planting, soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in a 0.1% solution of boric acid.

Apply boron to the soil to prevent fomoz. With properly prepared soil, to obtain healthy and tasty beet roots, it is enough to carry out one foliar feeding at the 4-5 leaf stage (5 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water).

Boric acid for ornamental plants

Boron helps speed up the absorption of calcium and abundant formation of buds.

For foliar feeding, use a 0.1% solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 l). When foliar feeding with boron together with other microfertilizers, the concentration of boric acid is reduced by 2 times (0.5 g per 1 l). The solution is sprayed on plants in the budding and flowering phase.

Roses. Spring spraying with a solution of boric acid in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters gives very good results. To prevent fungal diseases, rose cuttings are immersed for 2-3 minutes. into a solution of boric acid (20 g per 1 liter of water).

Gladioli. A solution of boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water) is used to feed gladioli in the phase of 3-4 leaves and during the flowering period to obtain larger corms.

Dahlias. Spraying with boric acid mixed with potassium permanganate (5 g + 2 g per 10 liters of water) has a beneficial effect on the development of flowering plants. Fertilizing is done 2-3 times before mass flowering in the evening with an interval of 15-20 days.

Howbuy boric acid: modern fertilizers with boron

Previously, boric acid could only be purchased in pharmacies. But now in garden centers convenient-to-use fertilizers containing boron and packaged boric acid have appeared.

For foliar feeding and when preparing the soil it is convenient to use the drug Bor-Mag . Packaging 15-20 g (about a box) goes for 10 liters of water (per 2-3 m2).

Boric acid (B-17.5%) with brand Green Belt in a convenient 10 g package from Technoexport, it is well known to many. The drug contains boron, which is necessary for plants throughout the growing season.

Water-soluble fertilizers Pokon with boron can be found everywhere. The green bottle with a yellow cap is a long-time partner of many plant lovers: ficus, cacti and succulents, orchids, roses, palm trees, citrus fruits, flowering and decorative foliage plants. They are quickly absorbed by plants through the leaves and root system and act immediately.

To get friendly shoots and healthy, strong seedlings, use complex fertilizer "Weaving for indoor flowers and seedlings" containing boron. It is enough to dissolve one small sachet in a two-liter bottle of water - and the resulting solution is ready for use.

For foliar feeding of apple trees, instead of boric acid, its sodium salt - borax - can be used in the same proportion. But for other crops, the sodium contained in borax is undesirable. Complex fertilizers with microelements, such as Fertika Lux . The fertilizer will be useful in February-April when feeding seedlings, in May-July for feeding plants in open and closed ground, in January-December for fertilizing flowering indoor and balcony plants.

To apply boric acid to the soil, it can be replaced with boron-phosphorus or complex fertilizer (application rate - according to the manufacturer’s recommendations). Pay attention to the wide range of fertilizers for root and foliar feeding "Intermag - Vegetable Garden" different cultures: cabbage, tuberous, bulbous, flower, for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and raspberries and even for orchid plants.

Find out more tips about growing plants . Please also pay attention to the information block to the left of the text. The links in it lead to articles on related topics.

Autumn and spring training soil management is carried out in order to provide plants with everything necessary for growth and development. If the procedures were carried out efficiently, then the soil is completely ready to give everything necessary substances landings However, they may lack some elements that can help control pests and diseases. Therefore, fertilizing tomatoes with boric acid is a popular procedure among gardeners. The recipe is not new, it is passed on from one gardener to another and does not become less popular with the advent of modern preparations.

Simple and inexpensive remedy

It is available in any pharmacy, as well as in specialized stores for gardeners. It is used for a variety of purposes, ranging from prevention to treatment. Feeding tomatoes with boric acid is a universal procedure that is practiced by almost every gardener. It is needed not so much in itself as for the effective absorption of various nutrients and soil. It turns out that the lack of just this element, with a full set of the rest, can lead to starvation of plants. Today we’ll talk about how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. This simple measure allows you to improve the quality of the harvest, the overall immunity of tomatoes, as well as the ability of the fruit to be preserved after harvest.

Characteristics of boric acid

The main thing I would like to note is the lack of toxicity, that is, treating tomatoes with acid does not affect human well-being. But this does not mean that you do not need to follow basic safety rules, since you can spray tomatoes with boric acid only during certain periods and in accordance with the recommendations. If all conditions are carefully followed, then there is nothing to worry about. Fresh and tasty tomatoes will also be environmentally friendly and free of harmful components.

Benefits of treatment

Acid crystals are tasteless and odorless and dissolve perfectly in water. Treatment primarily accelerates the growth of roots and improves the quality of their absorption of nutrients. The growth and development of the entire bush and the formation of the ovary directly depend on this. But that’s not all, which is why today we decided to talk about how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. This improves the taste characteristics of the fruit and increases sugar content. I would also like to add that it must be used extremely carefully. If you add too much of it, the element will act destructively. Moreover, this applies to both the plant itself and the person who uses it.

Signs of boron deficiency

Before we tell you how to spray tomatoes with boric acid, let's determine in which case this may be necessary. You need to start processing when its shortage is already obvious. Determining this fact is quite simple; the appearance of the plant will tell you about it. We have already determined above that boron helps absorb nutrients from the soil. Accordingly, if there is not enough of it, then growth is slowed down, flowers fall off, and fruits die on the bushes.

How the appearance of tomatoes changes

Boric acid for tomatoes is an excellent source of this important element. If there is a lack of it, the seedlings change before our eyes, they become dull and pale, the leaves curl into tubes. Top part The bush also curls downwards, and the growing point turns black and dies. Instead of thick, powerful shoots, thin branches begin to grow, which ultimately weaken the plant. If such symptoms are present, immediate action must be taken. The easiest way is to immediately make a solution and pour it over the entire bed. This will not take much time and will help avoid further deterioration in the health of the tomatoes.

Feeding and main difficulties

Boric acid is necessary for tomatoes, but its excess is just as destructive as its deficiency. It accumulates in tissues, and as a result reaches a critical amount. In this case, the bushes will not be able to develop normally and lose leaves.

Because of this, gardeners must pay close attention to the accuracy of proportions when preparing a solution for root feeding or spraying. It should be noted that the drug can be diluted or used in dry form. Moreover, in small quantities, granules do not cause burns to the root system, so they can be used without fear.

Soaking the seeds

To prevent boron deficiency, seeds must be placed in special solution. To do this, you need to add 0.2 g of crystals per liter of water. They dissolve instantly. After 24 hours, you can begin disembarking in the usual way. Usually this procedure is enough to avoid boron deficiency in the future. You can change the procedure a little. In this case, you need to mix the seeds with dry acid. This procedure It helps to protect seedlings from diseases at the same time, and is also simple.

Soil pre-treatment

This method works well if the soil is known to be low in boron. In this case, immediately before planting, you need to treat the seed rows. The solution is made in the same proportion as in the previous case. It is quite easy to calculate the dosage for your area. Approximately a bucket of solution is consumed per 10 m2 of area. Before sowing, the soil must be loosened.

Foliar feeding

It is also carried out throughout the summer season. In this case, the following solution is prepared for processing: 0.1 g of the drug is taken per liter of water. It is very important not to exceed the dosage, because repeating the procedure can lead to excessive accumulation of the substance in the plant.

  • If the application of the drug was not carried out in the spring, and signs of deficiency were noted somewhat later, then the first spraying can be performed during the formation of buds.
  • But this is not the end of the procedure. Tomatoes are treated with boric acid a second time during flowering. Don't forget to follow basic safety rules. This substance is not toxic, but if you work with it frequently, it gradually accumulates in the body, just as in the case of a plant. Therefore, be sure to wear a mask and gloves. In this case, the boric acid solution for tomatoes will be completely safe for the gardener.
  • The third procedure is carried out in the fruiting phase.

The concentration of the solutions is the same in all three cases. But you need to remember that if you spend additional processing complex means, then the concentration must be reduced by half.

Preventative treatment

This is why, first of all, gardeners keep a supply of boric acid at home. Spraying for tomatoes for the ovary can be done even when the plants are growing and developing well, and they do not have any health problems. In this case, we are talking not only about preventive treatment, but also about improving the taste of the fruit. The only condition- this is not to overdo it, because an excess of a substance affects the condition of the plants, just like a deficiency. Is boric acid dangerous for tomatoes during fruit formation? Spraying for the ovary will not harm the quality of future tomatoes. On the contrary, they will become more juicy and sugary.

Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid against late blight

This dangerous disease, which most often affects tomatoes. If you don't want to use chemicals fight against fungus, then take this simple and affordable recipe. How to dilute boric acid for tomatoes in this case? It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of boric acid onto a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Treatment is carried out only during non-sunny hours of the day in the absence of wind and rain. In this case, you should use a spray bottle with a fine spray. Since diluting boric acid for tomatoes is not difficult, and it is done very quickly, it is not recommended to store the prepared solution. It is much better to prepare fresh as needed.

Effective insecticide

With this cheap product you can protect garden crops from aphids, which can cause great harm both in greenhouses and open ground. Moreover, at the same time you need to fight not only with her, but also with the ants. Small garden ants often build underground anthills right in the beds. This place is watered with a special strong solution. 6 teaspoons of boric acid and 150 g of granulated sugar are diluted in a liter of water. Please note that the product is very concentrated, so it should not come into contact with plants.

Instead of a conclusion

A packet of acid in a pharmacy costs only 20 rubles. By mixing it with water, you can get a solution that is enough to completely treat several areas, not to mention a bed with tomatoes. Today we looked in detail at how to dilute boric acid for tomatoes. Now you can choose any of the recipes that are the most important for today. To get rid of insect pests, protect tomatoes from late blight, provide the gardener with tasty, high-quality fruits and improve productivity - simple and affordable boric acid helps in all this.

It is impossible to get a good tomato harvest if you limit yourself to planting only. Culture demands constant watering, pinching and pruning, protection from diseases and pests, timely fertilizing. With such care, tomatoes respond abundant flowering, a large number of ovaries, rich fruiting. Among the huge number of fertilizers recommended for crops, preparations containing boron occupy a special place.

Why do tomatoes need boron?

Bor is one of essential elements nutrition of tomatoes, it is necessary for normalizing nitrogen synthesis and metabolism. The trace element affects the formation of cells, helps them multiply quickly, so its presence is extremely important for active growth leaves, roots, development of ovaries of a tomato bush.

It is impossible to increase the yield of tomatoes without high-quality and timely fertilizing.

Boron does not occur in nature in a free state. Most often in the soil this element is presented in the form of soluble salts. When feeding plants with fertilizers that include boron, it is necessary to take into account that it is weakly fixed in the soil and can be washed away by precipitation. On soils where liming has recently been carried out, the availability of this element for plants is difficult.

Boron normalizes the synthesis of plant substances, stimulates metabolic processes and increases the chlorophyll coefficient

Many ready-made fertilizers contain boron, but most often boric acid is used as a supplier of the element. Treating tomatoes with a solution of this drug can significantly increase yield and improve the taste of the fruit. Boron actively influences the following parameters:

  • abundance of flowering;
  • formation of ovaries and prevention of their shedding;
  • preservation of fruits even with excessive humidity;
  • amount of sugar in fruits;
  • increasing the shelf life of tomatoes;
  • reducing the risk of late blight infection.

All these positive changes occur because boron helps plants take the micro- and macroelements they need from the soil, and participates in the regulation of pollination and fertilization, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

It is especially important to have a sufficient amount of boron when growing tomatoes at home, since in a space limited by the planting capacity, the bushes are highly sensitive and demanding of the quality of nutrition

Video: boron fertilizing - how to properly fertilize plants

Signs of boron starvation in tomatoes

The appearance of the bush will help determine the lack of boron when growing tomatoes. In plants experiencing boron starvation, following signs:

  • the apical shoots begin to die off;
  • curl from the top to the base, the upper leaves of the bushes are deformed;
  • old leaves turn pale and yellow;
  • the flowering of the bushes is weak, the ovaries do not form and fall off en masse;
  • the petioles of young leaves become brittle, bend, and change color;
  • the growth points on the stem darken and die while thin and fragile shoots begin to grow rapidly from the root;
  • Dry spots appear on the fruits.

Photo gallery: signs of boron starvation in tomatoes

During boron starvation, the apical part of the bush begins to curl towards the bottom
During boron starvation, tomato leaves curl into a tube
A definite sign of boron deficiency are brown spots on the tips of the sepals.
In case of boron deficiency, young apical leaves first lose their normal color, their petioles turn black
With boron starvation, areas of darkened or dried tissue may form on the fruits

Signs of excess boron

An excess of boron also has a negative effect on tomatoes. This problem will be indicated by the following signs, which appear first on old leaves and in the apical part of the bush:

  • the leaves on the bush become glossy, as if from excess nitrogen;
  • small brown spots appear on old leaves, which quickly increase and lead to the death of the leaf blade;
  • the middle of the leaf plates bends upward, looking like a dome.

When there is an excess of boron, depressed dry spots bordered by concentric circles develop on tomato leaves.

How to properly feed tomatoes with boric acid

Boric acid is the optimal and inexpensive means for fertilizing tomatoes with boron, especially since the application of this drug does not require special conditions and equipment. You just need to take into account that cold or even slightly warm water is not suitable for completely dissolving boric acid. For cooking boron solution required amount The drug is first dissolved in a small amount of fairly hot (about +50 degrees) water, and then the solution is brought to the required volume.

Boric acid is a fine, odorless crystalline powder; its aqueous solution has a slightly acidic reaction

An alcohol solution of boric acid is not used to prepare fertilizer, as it can cause burns to the leaves.

Table: scheme for using boric acid for processing tomatoes

PurposeDosageFeatures of application
Seed treatment before sowing0.1 g per 1 liter of waterThe seeds are kept in the prepared solution for 24 hours
Soil treatment before sowing2 g per 10 liters of waterWater the grooves prepared for sowing seeds
Foliar feeding of seedlings1 g per 10 liters of waterSeedlings are sprayed after picking in stage two -
three true leaves
Foliar feeding of bushes planted in the ground1 g per 10 liters of waterIt is recommended to carry out 3 sprayings:
  • at the budding stage;
  • in the flowering phase;
  • during the fruiting period.
Watering at the rootup to 2 g per 10 liters of waterCarry out only in case of obvious boron deficiency and after abundant soil moisture.

Foliar feeding is carried out using a spray bottle, the sprayer of which is set to fog mode, consuming no more than 100 ml of solution per 1 square meter. landing meter.

Optimal temperature environment when spraying – +18 degrees

Errors in using boron solution when feeding tomatoes

The most common mistakes when processing tomatoes with boric acid:

  • excess concentration of the drug;
  • excess fertilizer consumption;
  • uneven distribution of the solution over all parts of the plant. Since boron is characterized by low mobility, once it gets on the sheet, it is fixed and does not transfer to other parts;
  • inappropriate solution temperature. It should be the same as the air temperature. Otherwise, the solution will quickly evaporate and will not give the expected result;
  • adding boric acid to alkaline soil. Under such conditions, boron is not available to plants.

Video: how to properly use boron fertilizers

Boron fertilizing, carried out during certain periods of the tomato growing season in compliance with the specified dosages, has a beneficial effect on the development of the crop, helps to increase productivity and minimizes the cost of fertilizers.

A good harvest is the main task of a gardener, to achieve which it is necessary to carefully care for the plants. To get the best result, it is recommended to spray tomatoes with boric acid in a greenhouse or in open ground, regularly fertilize, loosen and weed the beds. One of the main and most accessible assistants to vegetable growers has become a solution of boric acid.

Members of the nightshade family prefer fertile, rich soil. With a lack of mineral elements, productivity is significantly reduced. A lack of boron in the soil is fraught with the death of fruits already at the first stages of flowering. The role of the substance in the process of growing tomatoes:

  • improves calcium access to the plant;
  • participates in the pollination process;
  • ensures the safety of flowers and their development;
  • accelerates cell growth;
  • necessary for education cell walls plants;
  • necessary for transporting sugar to developing berries;
  • takes part in photosynthesis.

Under conditions of boron deficiency, the development and growth of tomato is disrupted, and the possibility of the appearance of good harvest. Feeding tomatoes with boric acid is an essential key to success.

Application of boric acid

The product is one of the universal microfertilizers for tomatoes. How to use it and for what purpose, each summer resident decides at his own discretion. There are several options for use and purpose:

  • spraying tomatoes with boric acid for fruit set;
  • seed treatment to increase yield;
  • adding to the soil to increase the yield and quality of berries;
  • watering weak solution acids to increase soil fertility;
  • spraying tomatoes with boric acid during the flowering period to speed up the flowering process and increase the number of ovaries;
  • To increase resistance to late blight infection, it is recommended to treat the stems and leaves of the plant with the product.

Procedure time

Tomatoes are treated with boric acid several times during the summer season. To get a good harvest, tomatoes require four to six feedings:

  • during the sowing period of tomato seedlings;
  • before the beginning of the flowering period, during the period of active growth;
  • during the period of active flowering;
  • during the period of the beginning of fruiting.

It is not always possible to fit the procedure time into a specific schedule. At the first symptoms of a lack of microelements, it is necessary to treat the soil with boric acid. Obvious signs of boron deficiency in a plant include a change in appearance foliage, stem and fruit. The plant urgently needs help with:

  • growth arrest;
  • the color of the foliage and stem changes from green to yellow or black at the base;
  • the formation of light spots on the foliage;
  • leaf curling;
  • increased fragility;
  • a sharp decrease in the number and falling of flowers;
  • changes in the appearance of tomatoes, becoming wrinkled and darkening.

At the first symptoms, it is necessary to spray the tops and provide additional fertilizing of the soil.

Preparation and method of processing tomatoes and soil

Treating tomatoes with boric acid begins from the moment the seeds are prepared. How to dilute and use the product? The technology consists of several steps:

  1. Prepare the solution. Boric acid is diluted in a proportion of 200 grams per 1 liter.
  2. Pour in the seeds.
  3. Infusion occurs within 24 hours.

Important! The seeds must be completely immersed in the solution. It is recommended to put them in a gauze bag.

To obtain a better result, the solution is also added to the seedling hole. At least a day should pass between planting and tillage.

If you plan to plant tomatoes in poor soil, treat it in advance. For foliar feeding, it is necessary to prepare a solution in the proportion of 10 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water. When feeding bushes, water first with plain water and only then with fertilizer. This way you can avoid burning the plant.

One of the most common and effective methods- use a spray bottle, irrigate the tomato. How to spray tomatoes? The main task is to properly prepare the solution. For 1 gram of substance you will need 1 liter of hot water. When spraying, the temperature of the solution should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Boron is among mandatory elements for favorable growth and development of tomatoes. Experienced gardener recommend compliance following rules plant treatments:

  • use boric acid only in the morning or evening;
  • cultivate the soil and plants only in calm periods;
  • do not water or irrigate in rainy weather;
  • use warm or hot water to prepare the solution;

  • dilute the solution in the correct proportions;
  • Spraying with boric acid in a greenhouse follows the same rules as in open ground;
  • in case of planned feeding of plants, use the product at least once every 10 days;
  • do not use more than 15 ml of product per plant;
  • produce the first preventive treatment at the planting stage.

Gardeners' opinion

Good day to all vegetable growers! Last summer the tomato harvest was quite modest. I planted them in the garden after the beets - this was one of the main mistakes. There is not enough boron left in the soil. Neighbors have been using boric acid as a fertilizer for spraying tomatoes for several years now. Based on their recommendations, I tried the product this summer. They explained in what proportions to dilute the acid and when to water it. I treated the tomatoes three times - before planting, during growth and at the moment of fruit appearance. I ended up collecting 6 kilograms of berries from one bush. Now every year I will definitely spray and feed with boric acid. Great stuff!

Valeria Malysheva, 30 years old.

I would like to recommend to everyone an excellent and inexpensive product - boric acid for tomato growth. My wife and I treated all the bushes several times. We are pleased with the result. After using the solution, the berries bear fruit well, the bushes do not dry out, and the leaves do not turn yellow. For better results, watering was carried out in the evening, with a warm solution. The first time the treatment was carried out at the seed preparation stage. Soaked in a solution of 200 grams of acid per liter of plain water. The remains of the diluted acid were watered onto the soil for planting. I can only leave information about the remedy positive reviews. I recommend it to all gardeners when growing tomatoes.

Vasily Dmitrievich, 43 years old.

Boric acid is one of the the best means for feeding tomatoes. I have been using it for several years now and the results are always excellent. I start with seed treatment. I soak them in the solution for 24 hours and treat the kidney itself. The most important thing is not to overdo it and strictly observe the proportions of acid and water. I recommend that before you start watering tomatoes, first use plain water and only then feed. The product copes well with the problems of late blight. For gardeners in regions with less fertile soils, the product is simply irreplaceable. The advantage is also affordable price. To process all the beds throughout the summer period will cost no more than 100 rubles.

Valentin Markovich, 56 years old.