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Hedge - creating a green fence at the dacha. Hedge - what is the best way to make a hedge in the garden with your own hands

How to make a fast-growing hedge in your country house?

A hedge looks especially beautiful on summer days. It will not only protect the site from outsiders, but will also help to form certain zones for various purposes on it.

For a green fence, you can use various growing materials: shrubs, climbing plants and trees. Properly selected plants will delight you with greenery and flowering for many years without losing their decorative qualities with regular care.

Approximate timing of hedge formation

A hedge of plants that grow quickly can be arranged from several types of plantings. Such a fence requires constant care both during the growth of just planted shoots and during the already formed fence. Plants for a hedge are selected so that the hedge is of the same height and density. After all, different types of greenery grow unevenly - some specimens stretch upward, others manage to grow in width during this time.

A full two-meter hedge can be formed from fast-growing perennial plants in about 2 years.

Plants are selected so that they fence off the area, but do not penetrate into the neighboring area. Both perennials and annuals are used for hedges. Annual plants must be replanted annually, which is not always acceptable. Annuals are also not suitable for fencing the outside of the site.

Fast growing shrubs

Fast-growing bushes are the optimal solution for forming a dense hedge in a short time. Suitable for fencing an area from the outside specimens with spines. The result will be an impenetrable fence that will qualitatively protect the territory from uninvited guests and animals. Can be selected not only ornamental shrubs, but also fruit-bearing ones. You will receive both a luxurious fence and preparations for the winter.

Shrubs are selected taking into account the characteristics of the site, soil composition and climate. Different types of bushes can be arranged together.

The specimens are selected so that the resulting fence is approximately the same size. Some shrubs have a negative attitude towards removing the tops. Next, we will consider the most suitable types for a fast-growing hedge.


Shade-tolerant and unpretentious shrub. It is ideal for external hedges. It has beautiful leaves and decorative fruits that are edible. Due to their nutritional properties, the berries are used in folk medicine. The height of the bush is 2-5 m. It blooms from March to April for about two weeks, then the leaves bloom. It bears fruit abundantly in open areas and neutral soil, but grows well under any other conditions.

It is planted in spring or early summer. You can lay out a dogwood hedge in the fall, but no later than 3 weeks before frost. When planting in autumn, leaves are removed from the seedlings. Specimens under two years of age are suitable for planting a hedge. Autumn planting can be covered with foliage for the winter.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

An unpretentious shrub with excellent decorative qualities. The plant has a lush rounded crown. It can grow in the shade, but the leaves lose their rich color. The bush is perfect for urban hedges located along highways.

Container specimens are suitable for laying hedges. They can be planted throughout the warm period. Frost-resistant, does not require shelter. Only in very severe frosts can the tips of the shoots freeze.


A thorny shrub that can grow in any soil and is drought-resistant. Has a bad attitude towards stagnant water in the area. Thanks to the thorns, an impenetrable fence is formed.

Both low-growing and tall varieties are used for hedges. The plant is decorative, especially during the flowering period and when the fruits ripen. For the fence you will need a large amount of material. The fruits are suitable for home preparation.


Unpretentious and undemanding in care. The bushes are compact, up to 3 m high, and do not require careful pruning. The fence turns out to be thick and impenetrable. The fruits are edible after frost and have medicinal properties. The hedge is especially beautiful in the spring during the flowering period, when the leaves have not yet blossomed on it. It attracts with its almond aroma.

When laying a hedge, each bush is trimmed, leaving a height of up to 15 cm. This measure allows you to accelerate the growth of the bush. To obtain an impenetrable fence, pruning can be repeated next year. Next, maintain the desired height.

climbing plants

For a fast-growing hedge, you can take annuals, provided that they are placed on a support as a decorative element. They are sown quite densely. Such plants will not protect the territory from animals and strangers, but will carefully hide it from unwanted eyes. The plants are renewed every year.

Suitable for one-year fence kobeya, sweet peas, morning glory (twisted panych), decorative beans, nasturtium and others. They are intertwined with each other, resulting in a solid green flowering panel up to 5 m high, depending on the type of annuals.

The following types of perennial plants are also popular.

Climbing (climbing) roses

Very decorative during the flowering period. The fence made from them is impenetrable due to the thorns and interweaving of the vines. It is recommended to separate the bush a little from other flowers. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water. It should not be planted in places where groundwater is located closer than 2 m.

The laying of the fence is carried out in the fall until mid-October. The appearance of the hedge is formed from the second year after planting the bushes. Plants are tied up. A horizontal garter gives only height growth, a vertical garter gives a large number of shoots. This must be taken into account when forming the density of the fence.


Decorative throughout the warm period. To lay the fence, use bushes no older than two years old; they are planted in the fall. Plants grow optimally in open areas. Clematis does not tolerate acidic soils, overwatering and constant dampness, or fertilization with peat and manure. In hot weather, the soil must be protected from overheating by mulching with humus.

In order for clematis to bloom profusely, they must be pruned. For the winter, the bushes are covered, since the root collar of the bush is susceptible to freezing, especially those parts that have not yet risen to the surface.


Decorative bush up to 6 m high. Attracts landscapers with its high decorative qualities throughout the warm season. The hedge can be formed from various varieties of honeysuckle. The result will be a flowering fence in various shades: yellow, carmine red, rose red and orange-yellow. Pairs beautifully with climbing roses.

The fruits are edible; in some varieties they fall off on their own. For the first 5-7 years, only sanitary pruning is needed; the crown of the hedge is formed at a later age.


It is decorative due to its foliage, which develops in large quantities. Hedges can be composed of different plant varieties. The bush tolerates shade well, but in too shaded places it loses its foliage. Does not tolerate scorching sun rays. Ivy is not picky about soil, pruning and care, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out.

Trees for fast-growing fencing


Among the trees, the fastest growing is eucalyptus. For landscaping, the varieties Gunny, few-flowered and lemon are used. They are undemanding to soil and drought-resistant. The height of the hedge is adjusted by pruning. It is recommended to cover it for the winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out.


Suitable as a fast-growing hedge, unpretentious to soil quality. Some varieties can be shaped into a bush by cutting the trunk. There are low-growing and dwarf trees, for example, purple willow, goat willow; they are very decorative as a green fence, but love moisture. It is recommended to spray the hedge in hot weather.


It is unpretentious and grows in any soil. The hedge is formed from young shoots no older than a year. The branches are intertwined with each other, creating an impenetrable fence. The tree does not require maintenance. The height of the hedge is controlled by pruning; in this case, a lot of growth appears. Over time, aspen boletuses appear under such a fence.

Field maple

Suitable for hedges 2-4 m high. Does not tolerate acidic soil. It grows equally in the sun and in the shade, and easily tolerates drought and heat. Reacts well to haircuts. It is pruned twice a year, removing thick woody branches. The entire warm period is very decorative, especially in autumn.

You can learn about other types of fast-growing trees from the following video:

Undesirable plants for hedges

It is not recommended to use plants for hedges that grow strongly in different directions, digging into the soil. Such instances include raspberries and blackberries, serviceberry, fieldfare and the like. Such plants should not be planted on the border with another site. They are very difficult to control by pruning.

It is not recommended to plant bushes as a hedge that are susceptible to attack by pests and diseases, for example, viburnum. It is difficult to treat a dense fence with chemicals during an “epidemic”; moreover, such treatment is harmful to health. Such a fence quickly loses its beautiful appearance due to pests; it is extremely difficult to completely protect it from diseases.

Not recommended for fast-growing hedges non-winter-hardy perennials. Frozen specimens will need to be systematically replaced; in severe frosts, the hedge may completely die. You should not plant plants that you need replant periodically. Such a hedge gradually degenerates, losing its original appearance.

Planting and care

Initially, the territory is marked out. Material for a fast-growing hedge can be planted in two ways: dig a trench at least 40 cm deep and 60-100 cm wide, depending on the number of rows, or dig holes for each specimen separately. The planting step is chosen depending on the type of plants.

The minimum distance between specimens for single-row planting is 25 cm for climbing varieties, for shrubs 0.5-1.5 m, for trees - from 1.5 m. For double-row planting, the planting step is from 0.5 m.

It is recommended to replace the soil in the hole with a nutrient composition. The mixture is prepared according to the needs of the plant species. The crown of the hedge is formed during the first 4 years. Not all types of plants need pruning after planting. Typically, in the first 2 years, pruning is not used for climbing varieties and some shrubs. Some plant species, such as conifers, require pyramidal pruning to prevent lower branches from falling off. All types of plants require systematic watering and fertilizing during the period of rooting and growth.

A living fence made of trees and shrubs is ideal for a country house or summer cottage. Often such fences not only limit or separate territories, but also act as elements of landscape design. Hedge fences are easy to decorate. For example, you can build a huge labyrinth garden or make an interesting composition. It all depends on your imagination and the size of the plot.

Beauty and environmental friendliness are the main advantages of green spaces. Even installed turnkey corrugated fence will gain attractiveness if you add trees or shrubs to it.

In addition, living fences perform a number of important functions.

  1. Security. Densely planted plants will protect the area from prying eyes and prevent intruders from entering your territory.
  2. Zoning. Green fences and hedges are ideal for dividing the territory and designing paths in the country.
  3. Improving climatic conditions. Dense tall plantings create an obstacle to strong winds. In winter, precipitation will be distributed evenly. The snow will take longer to melt - the ground will absorb more water.

In addition, birds will settle on the planted trees. They will protect your area from pests.

Choosing a plant for a living fence

The choice of plant for a living fence depends on what kind of fence you want to create: high (from 2 m), medium (0.5–2 m) or low (up to 0.5 m). If you want to build a hedge that will change throughout the year, give preference to deciduous trees and shrubs; otherwise, purchase seedlings of evergreen species.

Let's look at the most popular plants that are used to build living fences at dachas in our country.

Trees are the best choice for large areas.

Linden, maple, elm and other species are also used to build living fences. Preference is given to species whose height does not exceed 4 m. Large trees look sloppy. In addition, they are more difficult to care for.

Living bush fence

In most cases, a living fence made from bushes is medium height or short. It is easier to maintain than a tall living structure. The construction of such a fence is much faster than planting trees.

In our country, 4 types of shrubs are most often planted to create hedges.

How to make a living fence

Many owners of country houses and summer cottages ask how to make a living fence. There is no definite answer, because each plant requires an individual approach. It all depends on your desires, possibilities and how exactly you imagine a practical and beautiful fence built with your own hands.

For example, you can place perennial climbing plants under an existing chain-link fence - you will get a hedge that will delight you throughout the summer.

Photo No. 9: living fence on a chain-link mesh

Planting trees along the outside or inside of the fence will also add curb appeal to the area.

Photo No. 10: planting trees along the fence

Regardless of what kind of living green fence you are going to build, pay attention to the following points.

  • Before you start, plan everything carefully and study the features of growing the selected breeds.
  • In the first year of life, a hedge requires special attention, regular watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers.
  • Choose seedlings of the same size and age. The fence will gradually increase in size.
  • Familiarize yourself with the laws governing the construction of fences and planting.

Standards for planting trees near a fence

The norms for planting trees near the fence are prescribed in SNiP. Familiarize yourself with the rules for plant placement quickly and clearly.

Image No. 1: SNiP requirements for the placement of green spaces

Compliance with the required SNiP distances from the fence to trees and shrubs will avoid problems. If your neighbors make any complaints, you will be able to respond adequately.

Living fence made of trees or shrubs

A living fence made of trees or shrubs - it's up to you. Almost any type of green fencing can be made attractive and functional. Come up with an interesting composition or plant a tall and thorny bush behind a standard fence. The choice is up to you.

Remember that living fences made from plants that are demanding of environmental conditions require constant care. They need to be watered, trimmed and fertilized. The appearance of the site will depend only on you.

Owners of small cottages will not have any particular problems caring for their plants, but owners of large areas who want to build a fence or an evergreen garden should think about hiring a professional worker.

Any garden area requires a lot of effort and time to maintain. The most important task facing the owner of his plot is to make it competent and beautiful. A perennial, fast-growing hedge will help you in this matter. Evergreen vegetation is a great way to decorate an area and define its boundaries.

Such a design, of course, will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. You can create a similar decor from trees, climbing crops and shrubs. If you don’t yet know what plants you want to plant, then our review will help you make the right decision.

There are many benefits to a perennial, fast-growing hedge. Evergreen crops will help create a magnificent garden in your garden. After all, luxurious greenery is not only a wonderful decoration, but also excellent protection from dust, weather conditions and prying eyes. In addition, beautiful shrubs also mean clean air in the area.

Deciduous varieties are also often used for living fences. These include shrubs such as sea buckthorn, barberry or hawthorn, as well as trees: birch, rowan or beech. During the winter they lose their leaves and may appear sparse.

Perennials include both trees and shrubs. The fence of them has been created and formed for more than one year. For annuals, special supports are required. They are good for decorating all kinds of artificial ones. In winter, such crops die. Similar plants include sweet peas, climbing varieties of beans and kobeya.

So, what other advantages does a hedge have:

  • fences made of plants are high density and well cover the area from view;
  • vegetation attracts beneficial insects during pollination periods;
  • you won’t have to wait too long for the plants to grow;
  • thorny bushes will become a natural barrier from strangers;
  • a large selection of beautifully flowering plants that will become a wonderful decor for the entire site.

When choosing such an unusual hedge, it is important to consider that the plants require special care. They will need a haircut and a variety of feedings.

The group of evergreen plants includes junipers, conifers, cypress trees, and deciduous trees such as boxwood or holly. The advantage of such crops is their ability to remain decorative all year round.

Such fences can have different heights. Low ones grow no more than a meter. Medium hedges grow up to one and a half meters, and high ones up to two.

Hedges may differ in the way they are formed. For example, free-growing crops do not require complex care. If you choose the right combination of plants, you will get a completely natural hedge that does not require regular pruning. But such plantings also have disadvantages. They need to be chosen especially carefully and also require a lot of space as they can spread a lot.

Shaped ornamental plants look elegant. Using the shaping procedure, you can give them any shape. In this case, it is important to select crops that are able to maintain the created form for a long time and are also easily tolerated.

For your information! Fast-growing fences can be fully formed in a couple of years. But since such crops grow very quickly, they require frequent pruning to create the desired shape.

Do-it-yourself hedge at the dacha: which plants are best to use

To create a perennial, fast-growing hedge, a variety of evergreens are suitable. Trees of small height are also used. When choosing plants, decide in advance what kind of result you want. You can make a garden fence from one specific type of shrub. Hawthorn, cotoneaster or barberry are suitable for this.

Mixed fences also look good. In this case, different types of shrubs and trees are used.

Evergreen shrubs retain their decorative appearance throughout the year. For example, conifers will look bright even in winter in the middle of snow. What is important is that such crops are unpretentious in care. Just keep in mind that some types of conifers grow better in the shade, while there are species that are better adapted to sunlight. Remember that such crops should not be grown on clay soils or where groundwater flows close to them.

When choosing crops, consider the intensity of their growth. Slow-growing crops do not require constant pruning. An important point is the height of the plants. A low fence will be made from boxwood, Japanese spirea or gooseberry. If you need a fence up to three meters high, then you can consider options such as juniper, lilac or thuja.

Deciduous plants are able to reach the required size in the first year. In this case, remember these points:

  • vegetation can grow in different ways, so it needs to be specially shaped;
  • If the crops are climbing, then it is important to ensure that they do not grow too far. After all, they can become a threat to yours;
  • a practical option is to plant fruit-bearing varieties;
  • plants with thorns can provide additional protection.

When choosing the right crops, take into account the type of relief, soil and climatic features. Also, find out how the plants will get along with each other.

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For your information! Before you begin forming your fast-growing fence, sketch out a plan for planting your crops. When using a mixed hedge, it is necessary to properly distribute different varieties of trees and bushes.

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Hedge crops: photos and names of fast-growing plants

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting seedlings that are recommended as fencing. Our review presents a variety of photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for the garden, from which you can select the best options.

Barberry: planting and caring for the plant

Growing a barberry fence requires special care. With proper restrictions, this plant will actively grow in a suitable direction, and with its thorns it will protect the territory from strangers. To achieve a dense planting, place the bushes at a distance of 20 cm. You can also try landing in a staggered arrangement.

Such a crop will acquire a luxurious appearance with proper care. Here are the features of care and pruning:

  • In the first year, shoots are pruned from the sides. In this case, 2-3 central branches should be left;
  • in the second season, you need to prune by a third before the buds open;
  • During growth it is necessary to mulch. The height of adult crops is about one and a half meters;
  • formation is carried out by pruning branches.

The advantage of the culture is its flowering. The flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell nice. The decorative effect remains in the autumn, and in winter the leaves fall off.

For your information! It is better to plant barberry in the spring, but if there is no other way, then it can be planted in the fall. It has a negative attitude towards increased soil acidity. During hot periods, the plant should be watered once a week, but without splashing the foliage.

The herbaceous crop is periwinkle, which has a different number of colors. Flowering occurs in spring and is most often blue, pinkish or purple.

It is important to know the features of planting and caring for periwinkle in open ground. You can plant a seedling at any time of the year. This could be late autumn, spring time or summer time in cloudy weather. The culture takes root well both in illuminated areas and in the shade. This plant does not need constant watering, only in severe drought. Periwinkle can develop independently. It does not become overgrown with weeds.

Important! To create a beautiful shape, trim after the flowering period.

Euonymus: planting and caring for plantings

Euonymus is not only a shrub, but also a tree. But for a living fence it is better to choose bushes. This crop is valued for the beautiful colors of its leaves, which can contain orange, red, yellow and purple shades.

The plant bears fruit, but its fruits should not be eaten as they are poisonous. But they are great as decoration. Maintenance is not that difficult. Euonymus requires pruning and timely removal of damaged and dried branches. This plant is suitable for forming fences. This allows you to create a variety of interesting configurations.

Important! The plant does not need to be watered, but young shoots are extremely unstable to cold weather. Therefore, when it freezes, they should be covered.

Privet: hedge for the garden

Privet comes in different types. There are evergreen and deciduous varieties. The planting may bloom, but only at the beginning of summer and for only a month. This option is more recommended for southern regions, as it is not highly frost-resistant. During frosts, the branches freeze heavily.

Mature bushes do not grow more than two meters in height. There are varieties up to a meter, suitable for forming borders. The plant is unpretentious in care and drought-resistant. In addition, it takes root in the shade.

Important! When the bush takes root, you need to cut off the top a little. This will protect the bush from growing upward and make it denser.

Hawthorn hedge: growing secrets

Hawthorn is a wonderful plant that has useful fruits. But the plant will begin to bear fruit only 6-7 years after planting. Many varieties of this crop are suitable for growing in difficult climatic conditions. The advantages of the culture include the presence of thorns, which allow you to protect the territory from uninvited guests. The branches of the plant are covered with thorns, and large leaves can grow up to 12 cm. During flowering, white flowers appear, which turn into pear-shaped fruits.

This plant does not require complex care. Here are the main care nuances you need to know about:

  • watering should be done once a month if the summer is normal and 3-4 times if it is dry;
  • trim the bush to make the necessary shape;
  • Suitable height of plantings is about 4-5 meters.

Hawthorn is best planted in areas well lit by sunlight. The right time for planting is spring. The shrub can be formed and trimmed in the fourth year of growth.

Hawthorn ripens throughout the autumn period and before the onset of cold weather. In gardening, double varieties are often used, the buds of which are somewhat similar to roses. There are also tall varieties. These include the Siberian hawthorn, reaching a height of six meters.

For your information! When creating a living fence, choose 3-5 year old bushes that have good survival rate. To destroy harmful microorganisms, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the well.

Features of a spruce hedge

Spruce crops are in particular demand due to their ability to remain green throughout the year. Spruce has the following advantages:

  • closes the territory from strangers throughout the year;
  • purifies the air and helps eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • protects the territory from dust and snow drifts;
  • is resistant to various diseases;
  • Shaping a tree should be rare.

When forming a hedge in 1 row, plant the plant at intervals of 1 meter. If a multi-row scheme is used, then you can plant the trees in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of a meter. Or linearly. In this case, the plants are planted opposite each other.

Important! Spruce trees do not do well in dry soils and prefer humid climatic conditions.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: photo of a hedge, planting and caring for the plant

For honeysuckle plantings, you can use different types of plants that have different flowering times. Shoots can grow up to two meters in height. Honeysuckle does not require special watering and very fertile soils, but partial shade is important for it. Bright sunlight is harmful to her. The advantages of the culture include resistance to frost. In the first year, a wall with gaps may grow, which will bloom over time. They grow well on lattice fences. It is better to plant such varieties at intervals of one meter. And the distance between bushes should be at least 60 cm.

The honeysuckle variety looks like a vine. It can grow up to 6 meters. This crop blooms in spring and early summer. To create a high-quality fence for a plant, you will need special supports. Dry and clay soils are not suitable for cultivation. Care must include weeding, watering and pruning to form bushes.

Helpful information! You can also plant edible varieties of honeysuckle. Its berries are not only very tasty, but also healthy. But the fruits of the honeysuckle variety are poisonous and should not be eaten.

Willow: creating a hedge

The simplest option is to create a willow fence. This tree has excellent survival rate. It can even take root from twigs. You can plant a twig in moist soil, and it will take root and take root. The tree does not require serious care, but it is important to ensure timely pruning and also stop its growth.

This crop is known for its significant growth rate, which requires some control. To ensure the strength of the fence, you can use wire to secure the tree to the supports.

Campsis grandiflora: planting and caring for the plant

Campsis is a perennial vine. This is an unpretentious crop that even a novice gardener can cope with. Two types of plants can be used:

  • rooting campsis is able to braid a larger surface area, and is also more resistant to cold weather;
  • The large-flowered species is known for its striking flowers and its size. It is necessary to install special supports for it. It is more suitable for warm regions.

If you do not control the growth of the plant, it can stretch up to 15 m. That is why it is so important to form a fence. Bushes should be planted at a distance of a meter and it is better if they are in sunny areas. Proper care involves adequate watering. It is not necessary to use fertilizers, but it is advisable. From July to September the crop blooms with red, yellow and orange flowers.

For your information! In the first year, only beautiful carved leaves will appear, and flowering should only be expected in the next season.

Brilliant cotoneaster: photo of a hedge

Cotoneaster makes an excellent fence. It is evergreen and deciduous. The culture is famous for its shiny leaves. To grow a good fence, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for planting and caring for brilliant cotoneaster. This crop can grow well in both shade and sunny areas. In addition, cotoneaster is frost-resistant. It is capable of reaching a height of up to two meters. It grows remarkably in three years.

Seedlings must be placed at a distance of half a meter. Cotoneaster is a drought-resistant crop. Even in summer, it is enough to water it no more than once a month.

By the way, this variety of cotoneaster does not have edible fruits.

For your information! Cotoneaster will acquire a beautiful appearance only if it is trimmed correctly. It should be done in the spring, before the buds open.

Lawson cypress columnaris: growing secrets

The cypress tree is the most beautiful coniferous plant. When planting it, it is important to choose the right place. It is best if it is an area with a water source close to it. This crop prefers humid conditions. Also, the landing site must be protected from gusts of wind.

In summer, the tree needs to be watered with 8-10 liters of water. It is also necessary to spray the foliage. Seedlings require feeding at least once a month. In this case, organic and mineral are used.

For your information! To create the required shape, you need to perform formative pruning. At the same time, you need to remove dry branches.

Leyland's cupressioparis: interesting uses of trees

This evergreen crop can grow up to 20 m. The crown of the trees has a symmetrical appearance and is dense. Leyland's cupressociparis is a fast-growing plant; it grows up to one and a half meters in a year. It can also be grown in shady areas. It grows well in moderate humidity and fertile soil. The acidity level for this tree is minimal. In dry weather, young seedlings require watering, and at any other time, natural precipitation is sufficient.

Planting in open ground is carried out only after the seedlings have acquired a sufficiently powerful root system.

Lavrovishnya: photo and description of the hedge

The fast-growing cherry laurel hedge is popular. Plant height varies from 2 to 6 meters. With proper care, a rapid increase in green mass is observed.

Seedlings are planted in mid-autumn, when the soil is well moistened. Cherry laurel is in great demand among gardeners. This plant has very beautiful flowers. The inflorescence can be up to 12 cm long and consists of many small flowers, which allows you to give the fence a luxurious look.

Cherry laurel is a fairly hardy plant. It can survive severe frosts. In addition, this crop is shade-tolerant, but it requires moisture regularly. If the soil is dry for a long time, the plant will stop flowering and fruiting.

Hedges require pruning a couple of times a year. After planting the seedlings, the first pruning is done the following summer.

Holly: photo of culture and planting rules

Holly is a shrub with dark green foliage. Moreover, the leaves are quite prickly, which allows you to create a fence with good protection. This culture is unpretentious to care. It can grow well in both sunny and shaded conditions.

If well-formed seedlings are planted in the ground, then in 4-5 years the bushes will turn into a wonderful hedge. When planting, it is important to maintain a gap of at least 60 cm.

For your information! Planting can be done twice a year. Suitable times are spring in April and autumn from October to November. And pruning is done in mid-summer.

Balsam fir: description and care details

The balsamic variety is distinguished by its fragrant and soft needles. The tree has a cone-shaped configuration. In this case, the branches below grow in a perpendicular direction from the ground, and the upper ones are slightly raised. The tree can grow up to 20-25 meters. This crop is demanding on soil structure and moisture.

The plant feels comfortable in shaded areas. It will develop intensively if there is a body of water nearby. Soil rich in microelements is especially suitable. Water stagnation should not be allowed for this crop. When planting, you can use seedlings that are at least four years old. The best day for planting is a cloudy day in April. Moreover, holes for plantings are made in two weeks.

Fir has a certain resistance to frost. But with sudden temperature changes, young trees require additional protection. You can cover them with spruce branches.

This tree does not require decorative pruning. It independently forms a magnificent crown.

For your information! For planting, it is better to choose areas protected from strong winds, since the fir root system is located close to the surface of the earth.

Garden ivy: photo of a hedge

One of the most unpretentious plants is garden ivy. It grows into a beautiful hedge, whether in the shade or in a sunny place. But it is worth considering that such a plant does not tolerate severe frosts and high levels of humidity. Therefore, it is covered for the winter.

When choosing a suitable place for planting, an important factor is the absence of drafts, winds, and it is also desirable that it be elevated. It is better to plant in early spring so that the plant gains strength during the warm season. After rains, the soil should be loosened.

Ivy does not require frequent watering. You can water lightly during dry periods.

For your information! If you later want to get rid of the ivy, it will be very difficult to do. Therefore, before planting it, think about whether it might be better to choose some other plant.

Boxwood: planting, care and propagation

With the help of evergreen boxwood, you can create luxurious hedges on your site. But it is important to follow the rules for planting and caring for it. Loamy, sandy loam soil with sufficient moisture is suitable for this plant. The bush will not grow on soils with high acidity. It is also bad if they pass close to the surface of the earth. Darkened areas are more suitable for planting boxwood. In this case, it is better to plant in the spring.

For your information! Before planting the seedlings, you need to dig holes, the depth of which will be twice as deep as the roots. At the same time, pay attention to the condition of the root system and the crowns of the plant.

This plant is evergreen. It is often called the tree of life. Thuja Brabant is distinguished by its endurance and resistance to disease. Planting and care does not require much effort. The photo shows what a fence made from this plant looks like. Almost any type of soil is suitable for it. With the help of a haircut, you can create any beautiful shapes from thuja. In this case, the height of the tree can reach 10 m, and the width of the crown up to 3 m.

The advantages of the culture include ease of care, rapid growth and excellent decorativeness. To plant a plant, you will need not only seedlings, but also fertilizers, peat, sand and turf soil. You can plant the plant from April to November. Planting should be done at intervals of 0.6-0.7 meters. If planting is done in one row, then the distance between the holes can reach up to a meter. When creating a two-row fence, seedlings are placed at intervals of up to two meters and preferably in a checkerboard pattern. Some large varieties of thuja are planted at intervals of up to five meters.

To get a beautiful Thuja Brabant hedge, it needs to be watered every week after planting. And during the dry season, watering is done a couple of times a week. In this case, at least 15 liters of water should be poured under each tree.

In addition to seedlings, this type of thuja can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. But experienced gardeners recommend growing the plant only from seedlings.

For your information! If you trim frequently, the plant becomes fuller and denser. The best time for pruning is in the spring or at the end of summer.

Thuja smaragd: planting and caring for culture

When choosing thuja for a hedge, it is worth considering the decorative variety Smaragd. This tree, unlike the previous variety, has a pyramid shape. But it needs to be constantly supported. Such a plant can grow up to 5 meters, and has a crown of up to two meters. It is important to take these parameters into account when planting and leave the necessary gap between seedlings.

This crop grows slowly. Every year it adds no more than 10 cm in height and about 5 cm in width. Thuja can grow for 150 years. This is an unpretentious plant that grows both in shaded areas and in sunnier ones.

Here are the main points when caring for thuja:

  • Watering is carried out depending on the condition of the soil and the passage of groundwater. Most often, this procedure is performed once a week. At the same time, one seedling consumes a bucket of water. If there is severe drought, then the quantity increases to two buckets;
  • after each watering it is necessary to do;
  • a month after planting, it is important to mulch the soil using wood chips or peat;
  • Every spring, compost is used and mineral fertilizing is carried out;
  • young trees need to be protected from sunlight until they gain strength;
  • haircuts are done in autumn and spring. In this case, you need to remove old branches, which will allow you to form a beautiful crown.

What is the best way to make a hedge: useful tips

When choosing fast-growing plants for hedges, preference should be given to unpretentious crops. Most often, for such plantings it is important to simply choose the right planting site, and further care involves only regular pruning to maintain a beautiful shape.

The following criteria will help you purchase the right option:

  • conditions for normal growth and development, including climatic conditions, degree of illumination on the site, type of soil and approximate amount of precipitation;
  • features of care for living fencing. If you don’t have time to do constant pruning, then it’s better to consider simpler options;
  • attractive appearance is the most important factor.

Landing Features

Particular attention should be paid to planting plants. In this case, the procedure includes such stages as marking the territory, preparing the soil and planting seedlings.

To mark, it is important to decide what the height of the fence will be. On the ground, lines are marked using rope and pegs.

It is important to properly prepare the soil before planting. It is necessary to properly fertilize the soil. And for some varieties of trees and shrubs you need to think about drainage. Expanded clay, river pebbles and even broken brick are used.

If the soil is clayey, it can be diluted with sand. If there is a need to reduce acidity, lime is used, and to reduce alkalinity, peat is used.

After this, a trench or the required number of holes is made along the marking. If you plan to have a fence in one row, then the width should be about 50 cm. If placed in two rows, it should be up to 90. The depth should be about 60 cm.

In this case, the interval between seedlings and the depth of the hole depend on the plant variety and their purpose.

Planting is most often done in autumn or spring. First you need to prepare the soil. For example, add fertilizing.

Subtleties of care

Important steps in caring for any living fence crop include watering and pruning. However, pruning is not recommended in the first year. Then, for the next two years, this procedure must be performed frequently to form the desired configuration.

After pruning, the base of the plant should be wider than the top. This will ensure that all parts of the seedlings receive even sunlight. Over time, the procedure can be performed less frequently. For example, first in early spring and a second time in mid-summer.

Be sure to cut off dead branches. To rejuvenate the plant, pruning is carried out up to two-thirds of the branches. It is worth considering that different cultures tolerate this procedure differently. Coniferous varieties do not tolerate pruning well, so it is done less frequently. But for willow, which has active growth, the procedure should be carried out as often as possible.

Watering is best done in the morning and evening hours. This will allow moisture to remain in the soil longer. The regularity of watering also depends on the structure of the soil. If the soil is clayey, then frequent irrigation can lead to rotting of the root system. If there is not enough water, the roots will dry out. If the soils are often waterlogged and liquid stagnation occurs, then it is worth considering.

With the right choice of plants and subject to all important care conditions, you can create a luxurious and practical green fence on your site. When choosing a suitable variety, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of its growth and the stages of planting and care.


Looking at ordinary fences, no matter how beautiful they are, is a dubious pleasure. To make them look more attractive, they are decorated in all possible ways. One of the most effective is a hedge. With its help, you can not only close yourself off from prying eyes, but also reduce the amount of dust in the area, as well as reduce the noise level. But this is possible if the green fence is high enough and dense.

Types of hedges and plants for them

The height of a hedge can be low - up to 50 cm, medium - from 60 cm to 150 cm, and high - above 160 cm. According to the composition of plants - coniferous, deciduous, flowering, according to the type of arrangement - single-row or double-row. All of them can be sheared, or they can be free-growing. Just the list of species indicates great diversity, and a living fence can also be made up of different plants. The type of hedge is selected depending on its purpose.


A low hedge is also called a border. It can reach a height of half a meter. Most often it is used as a living green frame for a flower garden or flower bed, to designate zones on a site, simply for decorative purposes. In this case, choose from shrubs, some herbaceous or flowering plants. For trimmed hedges of small height, the following are suitable:

If the border (low hedge) is planned to grow freely, you can plant:

These are just some of the possible options, but the plants mentioned form a dense wall of leaves and flowers, are relatively easy to care for, and can grow in central Russia. Just before making your final choice, be sure to clarify the zoning of the selected plant, as well as the conditions and characteristics of its cultivation. Choose based on soil type and acidity, as well as difficulty of care and susceptibility to disease.

If the hedge grows near your permanent home, it can be looked after with more care and attention. Therefore, you can choose from slightly more capricious varieties. For the dacha, it is definitely necessary to choose unpretentious plants. This principle remains the same when choosing plants for medium and tall green fences.

Medium height

If a fence of plants up to 1.5 meters high is required, they talk about a hedge. You can use both flowering and fruiting shrubs and some types of trees. If such a fence performs a protective function, you can use thorny bushes in it - barberry, rose hips, tall roses, dogwood. In addition to the plants already mentioned without pruning, you can also plant:

  • fruit-bearing ones - serviceberry, dogwood, hazel, honeysuckle (common, blue, Tatarian), golden currant, bright red pyracantha;
  • blooming - lilac, forsythia, mock orange, hydrangea, hawthorn, dogwood, yellow acacia
  • with dense foliage - privet, euonymus, cotoneaster, evergreen boxwood, spirea Vangutta;
  • conifers - western thuja, Canadian spruce, green, blue, Siberian fir, yew, juniper;

A green hedge is often used only to camouflage the main fence or complement it. In such cases, the surface of the fence can be used as a support for plants - this is if it needs to be completely masked.

One thing: if you are going to cover it with plants, you will have to try very hard: it gets very hot in the sun, which is why all the plants at a decent distance simply burn out. If you do plan to plant a hedge, you will have to somehow protect the plants from the heat. At least knock down the wooden shields that will temporarily stand along the landing line, reflecting the heat.

Tall - living walls

For tall hedges (more than 1.5 meters), plants are more often used, although some tall shrubs can easily grow up to 2 meters or higher:

  • evergreen and conifers - spruce, fir, thuja, yew, juniper (columnar, medium, Chinese), high varieties of evergreen boxwood, pea cypress;
  • fruit trees and berry bushes - apple tree, cherry plum, serviceberry (Tatarian, spikelet), buckthorn, viburnum;
  • deciduous - small-leaved linden, pedunculate oak, maple;
  • blooming - lilac (tall varieties), honeysuckle, mock orange;

Fast growing hedge plants

Fences made from plants are very beautiful, but it takes years to form a full-fledged fence. Conifers grow especially long and slowly. For example, thuja will grow to a height of 1.5 m for about 5 years, and yew will take 8 years, but they are pleasing to the eye all year round. Some shrubs gain more growth per year than others - from 50 cm to 1 meter, and they can be used for planting and quickly forming a living fence.

  • Siberian hawthorn Crataegus sanguineawith yellow flowers - up to 1 meter per year;
  • bush willows;
  • blackberries, rose hips, climbing roses (support required);
  • spreading hazel - up to a meter or more per year;
  • vesicular carp viburnum - under favorable conditions, shoots grow up to 1 m;
  • derain

Hedge planting and care

Creating a green fence begins with choosing plants. Please note that they must all be the same age. This is the only way to form an even line. If these are deciduous plants, the age of the seedlings is 2-3 years, if coniferous - 3-6 years. If planting is planned in a shaded area, the age of plants for planting in a hedge is longer - 7-8 years. In such conditions they grow very slowly, and more or less mature plants will immediately give some appearance.

Fence typeDistance between plants in a rowRow spacing
Tall trimmed hedge (2-6 m)0.8 - 1.2 m1m
Medium clipped hedge (from 0.6 to 1.5 m)0.4 - 0.6 m0.8 - 1 m
Free-growing high hedge (from 2 to 6 m)1 - 2 m2 - 3 m
Free growing medium (0.6 - 1.5 m)0.8 - 1 m1 - 1.5 m

Planting distances in hedges

In the middle zone and closer to the north, planting begins in the spring, in the southern zones it can be planted before winter - in the fall. It all starts with the formation of landing trenches.

  • According to the applied markings, trenches are dug 50-60 cm deep.
  • Pour a layer of fertile soil of suitable composition.
  • At the required distance (see table above), seedlings with wrapped root systems are laid out. Unroll it immediately before landing.
  • In order for the plants to take root well, the existing clod of earth does not need to be broken. Soil is poured and compacted around the root system. How exactly to plant: deepen or, conversely, plant on a hill - depends on the type of plant. Check before work.
  • Immediately after planting, the plants are watered and the soil is sprinkled with mulch - peat, humus, crushed bark. This will retain moisture.

Then the first year of care consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds, and periodic fertilization. All activities are prescribed in the recommendations for caring for a specific type of plant. These are the ones that must be followed.

Pruning may be necessary in the fall. Even if the hedge grows freely, it does not mean that it does not need to be formed. It does not need to be given the correct geometric shape, and pruning is as necessary for it as for a cropped one.

Rules for pruning unshaped hedges

As already mentioned, even a free-growing green hedge requires pruning. The first one is carried out immediately after landing. At the same time, powerful side shoots are formed, and by the end of summer the bushes become more branched. The second pruning takes place in the fall and then, over the course of 3-4 years, the bushes are pruned quite short until the required density of shoots is achieved.

One of the effective ways is pruning using the coppice method. It uses the ability of all deciduous shrubs to activate dormant basal buds. The pruning stages of the first year are shown in the photo below.

When planting, weak, thin shoots are cut off almost completely, and strong shoots are shortened to the first strong bud. By autumn, new shoots will appear from the root, and those left in the spring will give rise to new ones.

When the sap flow stops, all shoots are cut low, leaving short stumps. The cutting shape is as in the photo - in an arc. During the second season, the bush will become much denser, several new shoots will appear from the root, and two or three powerful branches will leave the “old” ones.

In the third year and then for another 2-3 years, pruning is done according to the same principle as in the second year, only the branches are pruned 3-4 cm higher than in the previous year. Further pruning is also strong, but approximately 3/4 of the length is cut off. This technique is good for those shrubs that form flower buds at the ends of young shoots.

Using this principle, you can very quickly form a dense hedge from border - low-growing plants, as well as from some medium-sized ones:

  • Potentilla cinquefoil;
  • rose wrinkled;
  • Hydrangea paniculata;
  • mountain ash;
  • white derain (ornamental varieties);
  • Spiraea Vagnata, Japanese;

The disadvantage of this method is that it greatly activates the formation of root shoots. Very aggressive varieties can produce abundant growth at a distance of several meters from the bush. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the root zone even during planting by digging in a sheet of asbestos, plastic, or metal.

Hedge trimming

Many novice gardeners believe that before starting to form a hedge, it must be allowed to grow. You can only wait a year or two with conifers; deciduous trees must be pruned immediately after planting, and then in the fall, otherwise after 2-3 years of free chaotic growth, doing anything with the plant will be either very difficult or even impossible.

Before you start molding, you need to choose a shape. Please note that hedges with a straight top must be trimmed frequently, otherwise they lose their decorative effect. And since growth is most active in the upper zone, it is here that the ideality of the lines is disrupted in the first place, while on the side surfaces they are still normal. If it is not possible or desirable to have a regular haircut, choose a shape with a round or triangular top. Even if the haircut date was missed, they look normal.

How to trim a hedge to form a “skeleton” - the first two stages

In the first year, all shoots are shortened by a significant portion of their height. If these are plants that are sold bare-rooted in bunches, they can be cut to half the length; if container plants were planted, cut to 1/3 of the height, or not cut at all. In autumn, the bush looks like in the photo, the picture is at the top right. With strong pruning, the formation of new shoots is stimulated, so by the end of summer the bushes become much denser. This completes the first stage.

The second stage is the formation of the skeleton. If you look inside an already formed hedge, you will see a powerful frame of bare shoots, from which young shoots emerge in large numbers, with abundant foliage. It is this frame that needs to be formed. At the same time, it should be thick enough so that the surface is dense and opaque. The process begins already in the second year after planting, and continues for 2-3 years. During this period, the frequency of pruning can be up to 4-5 times per season.

The task is to achieve the required thickness of the “skeleton”. Trimming is done according to the chosen shape. The photo shows an example of the formation of a frame. This trimming must be followed for any final shape, only raising or lowering the top of the triangle - depending on how long and narrow the fence is planned. If it is wider, the top is lowered a little; if a narrow and high one is needed, it is raised, and the base is made narrower. Year after year, pruning is done a little higher, literally by 3-4 cm. As a result, new shoots actively sprout, and those that were forming new forks, skeletal branches become more and more branched.

After the required density of shoots is achieved, forcing to height begins. This is the third stage. On it, the cutting height is raised more actively - by 5-10 cm at a time. Actively growing upward shoots are pruned until the required density of side shoots is obtained. Filling with foliage should be dense. Provided that pruning is carried out several times a season, growth is quite active. At the same time, new shoots are formed, but there are not as many of them as before.

The third stage of hedge formation is forcing to height

The frequency of pruning depends on the type of plant:

  • plums and hawthorns are cut three or four times from May to October;
  • thuja, juniper, cotoneaster, snowberry, barberry - once in summer (July-August), once in October.

Carry out pruning in such a way that, along with the upward extension, a side filling is formed. To avoid gaps, it is better to “raise” the bush more slowly. Then it will be more difficult to fix.

The final stage of formation is giving the required shape

The last stage is giving the desired shape. Next comes regular haircuts to maintain shape.

For this type of hedges, the following are very good in our conditions:

  • teren;
  • Ottawa barberry;
  • blood red hawthorn;
  • brilliant cotoneaster;
  • white snowberry.

Willow hedge

You can grow a very special green hedge from willow. It can be woven from freshly cut willow branches, which are simply buried in the ground. Such a landing is accepted with a very high probability. Branches can even be inserted at both ends, forming an arc. The willow will take root from both ends at once. To speed up the process, cut off the top of the shoot and cut the bark lengthwise in two places by a couple of centimeters. The prepared shoot is stuck into the ground in this way.

Using this feature, you can weave a hedge that will turn green in a few weeks. The prepared shoots are buried 15 cm, the soil around is pressed tightly, and the planting is watered. To make everything look more attractive - the dried ends of the branches do not stick out - bend the rods. At intersections they can be intertwined or tied together. If the branches are too thin, you can use two twigs at a time, and also periodically place supports that will hold them in place.

The disadvantage of such a hedge is that it only has a decorative appearance for a few years. Afterwards the shoots become woody and the greenery practically disappears. But this does not make the fence any less reliable. On the contrary, it is difficult to break through such a wall - the branches are tightly woven.

Green fence in a couple of weeks

If you wait a long time for shrubs or trees to grow, then herbaceous plants produce abundant greenery in just a couple of weeks. This can be used if you need to decorate an unsightly wall or part of the fence that is in plain sight.

Make a wooden lattice into which square containers with planted plants are inserted sideways. To prevent soil from falling out of them, the containers are covered with black agrofibre. There is a very small hole made in it, into which the plant peeks out.

On well-lit surfaces with sufficient watering, very soon the wall or fence will become shaggy green. If you wish, you can lay out living pictures in this way - using plants with foliage of different colors.

Photos of hedges made from different plants

Often, even from a general photograph of a plant, it is difficult to imagine how it looks in a hedge. We tried to find the most popular and ornamental plants. Moreover, this is a photo of hedges, and not just plants.

Hawthorn hedge - free-growing and trimmed

Different types of cotoneaster. One is good for a trimmed living fence, the other is good for a free-growing fence

Now some examples of how you can use container plantings to decorate a wall or fence.

Another option is beautiful and easy to implement - sewn bags made of agrofibre that hang on the fence

Special “frames” and appropriate lighting, and even at night the wall will look magical

The fence is necessary to hide our little country world from prying eyes. However, today gardeners want not just to get a fence, but to surround their charming garden with an equally beautiful hedge. Or maybe someone just wants to design the paths or. And in this case, a hedge will come to the rescue. What is the best material to make it from so that maintenance is minimal and efficiency is highest?

Hedge - what is best to make it from?

A hedge is a kind of “flower bed”, a planting of plants that serves to designate a specific area or to protect it. Often it also performs an aesthetic function. A hedge is traditionally created from shrubs or trees, but you can find natural barriers made of grasses and even vines, but these usually still serve to complement and decorate more durable options for a plant “fence”.

The history of hedges dates back centuries, so it is not surprising that they come in a large number of varieties of shapes and sizes. First of all, they are classified by height.

Table. Classification of barriers depending on height.

Type nameHeight, mDescription
Border Up to 1This is the lowest version of a living barrier, a kind of discount. Typically used to frame garden beds, paths, paths. Crops used for cultivation include heather, Japanese quince, alpine currant, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. The most important thing is that the plants are slow-growing, small and have small leaves.
Average height 1-3 To create such hedges, shrubs and - sometimes - low trees are used. For example, mock orange, barberry, western thuja, acacia, euonymus, juniper, lilac and others are excellent. Typically, such hedges advantageously divide the garden into sections - this is exactly what they are used for.
Living wall More than 3Such living “fences” are real defenders of the garden plot from wind, noise, dust and exhaust gases from highways. Willow, spruce, thuja, hornbeam, and apple trees are used to grow such walls. The main thing is that the trees are of a species that can easily tolerate pruning. Such hedges are planted along the perimeter of the site.

Note! Almost each of these options will combine quite harmoniously with stone and iron. That is why often living fences are not continuous - some of their sections are an ordinary, not natural fence.

Another “size” option for classifying hedges is their row or width.

  1. Single row– in this case, all the plants forming the hedge are planted in one row and at an equal distance.
  2. Double row- accordingly, they have two rows of plants planted in several lines, most often in tiers.
  3. Multi-row– three or more rows of plants. Usually in this case, crops are planted in a checkerboard pattern, taking into account the distance from the trunks and crowns in the future. Multi-tiered hedges are often made cascading.

Other types of hedges

According to the technique of care, there are two types of hedges - free-growing and trimmed (or formed). The former usually form their crowns without human help, growing as they see fit. The latter, on the contrary, can take on the appearance of various figures at the request of the gardener. Requires regular pruning of shoots. And the plants that make up such hedges should calmly tolerate the cutting process and have a thick, dense crown.

Note! Most often, hedges are cut in the shape of a triangle (the slope of the sides is 70-80 degrees) or a trapezoid (the bevel is more than 10 degrees). You can often see rounded hedges - this is the most difficult cutting option.

Depending on the type of crop, the following types of fences are also distinguished:

  • blooming;
  • curly;
  • evergreen;
  • deciduous.

There is another classification of hedges:

  • single-species - formed from trees of the same species;
  • combined – include different types and varieties of plants;
  • trellis - formed from plants whose branches are intertwined.

Give the wall a wave-like shape - this will make the hedge look more dynamic

Advantages and disadvantages

Any hedge, whether multi-row or planted in one line, single-species or combined, has advantages and disadvantages. You need to know both of them in order to understand whether such a fence is needed on your summer cottage.

Advantages of hedges made of plants:

  • natural aesthetics;
  • protection of plantings and soil on the site from erosion and exposure to strong winds;
  • better moisture retention in the soil;
  • shelter from the heat in summer.

Disadvantages of hedges:

  • complex care - cutting, fertilizing, watering and much more;
  • covering large areas of land;
  • It takes a long time to implement the idea of ​​having a hedge.

Plants for hedges

There are many plants from which you can form a hedge. However, there are several principles that are important to follow when choosing them: for example, you should choose those crops that are suitable for growing in specific climatic conditions. It is also better to use plants that are not afraid of cold weather, tolerate cutting well and do not get sick after it. The foliage should be dense and the shoots should be rapidly forming. Let's look at the main crops that are used to grow hedges.

A hedge of popular tall plants: 1) Siberian hawthorn, 2) small-leaved elm, 3) common hornbeam, 4) Tatarian maple, 5) golden honeysuckle, 6) small-leaved linden (lower tier - cotoneaster), 7) Berlin poplar


This charming shrub is familiar to everyone thanks to its fragrant lilac flowers. Lilac feels great in a temperate climate zone, is frost-resistant, light-loving, loves fertile soil, copes well with drought, and is long-lived. The plant has a lot of varieties and species, and therefore among this variety it is easy to choose the one that suits your liking (Amur lilac, Hungarian lilac and others).

Active flowering is observed in summer and lasts about 2 weeks. During this period, lilacs are especially beautiful. Overall, this is a fairly large and lush plant.

Prices for lilac seedlings

lilac seedlings

This maple has been used in gardening for about two centuries. It is a small tree with a dense crown, which is excellent for growing as a hedge element. It is especially beautiful in autumn, when the leaves turn bright crimson. At the same time, the tree is easy to trim and grows quite quickly.

The downside of the Ginnala maple, and indeed any maple, is its tendency to create abundant root shoots, and in the shade the leaves of the plant lose their bright color.

Rock juniper

Juniper belongs to the Cypress family. A beautiful plant with a narrow pyramidal crown. Used as a cultural plant since the last century. Juniper loves a lot of light; in shaded areas it loses its charm and beauty. The main disadvantage is that it does not like cold weather and does not resist frost well. It also needs regular watering in the summer, and in the winter the crown should be tied with a rope so that the branches do not break due to heaps of snow settling on them.

Prices for juniper seedlings

juniper seedlings


This shrub is not only beautiful and neat, it is also useful - the berries growing on the branches of serviceberry are very tasty and suitable for making jams and preserves. The lifespan of the plant is high - up to 70 years on average, while an adult crop can quite resemble a tree in appearance. In general, this plant is unpretentious, calmly tolerates some shade and gas pollution of the city, as well as drought and wind. The winter hardiness of serviceberry is very high.

On a note! Serviceberry berries secrete juice, which can stain everything around and is difficult to wash off. That is why shadberry is not used as a hedge near parking lots.

Western thuja

This evergreen coniferous plant is also called the tree of life. Widely distributed in North America. Thuja is winter-hardy, tolerates city conditions well, is unpretentious, and therefore is now widely used in gardening. This is a tree that grows very slowly and has a pyramidal or ovoid crown.

Brilliant cotoneaster

This shrub is used to form low hedges, since it itself is quite low (maximum 3 m). If it likes the growing conditions, then the cotoneaster grows very quickly. The plant has small leaves that cover the branches with a continuous green carpet. Cotoneaster is not afraid of shade, is not capricious in relation to the soil, and is not afraid of frost, but needs timely and regular pruning.

Table. Hedge crops that are grown in the middle zone.

Prices for cotoneaster seedlings

cotoneaster seedlings

Growing a hedge

The methods of creating a hedge on your site depend directly on the type of fence and the crops used to create it. But there are also general instructions that apply to all options.

Step 1. We choose a place where the hedge will be located. Usually this is the perimeter of the site or a place along the garden path or flower bed. The place should be well lit.

Step 2. Taking into account all the rules, we select the plants from which we will form a hedge. We buy seedlings.

Step 3. In the area where the hedge will be planted, we remove all weeds and dig up the soil.

Step 4. Be sure to fertilize the area by adding a little fertilizer to the soil.

Step 5. We plant plants taking into account their requirements for replanting and soil.

Attention! When planting, do not forget to maintain a certain distance between crops. The planting spacing for shrub plants is at least 50 cm, for trees – 75-100 cm.

Step 6. Sprinkle some mulch along the line and water the plantings.

Step 7 Plants that form a hedge require careful care - watering, fertilizing, etc.

Step 8 About once a year we prune the plants with special pruning shears.

It is worth remembering that a hedge will not appear overnight. The approximate period of its development and formation is 3-5 years.

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Flowers are grown, as a rule, not chaotically, but in flower beds, in beautifully decorated flower beds. At the same time, they are selected according to color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer.

Planting a hedge depending on the type of plant

The technology for planting hedges to some extent depends on what plants will be planted. For example, a deciduous hedge is often formed from purchased seedlings of trees and shrubs. Their root system is usually bare, and therefore before planting it is important to inspect it thoroughly and, if necessary, remove rotten or diseased roots. The hole is made in such a size that the plant can comfortably fit into it. In this case, the soil from the pit is mixed with compost and then returned to the hole.

On a note! If very tall plants are planted, then a wooden stake is driven into the bottom of the hole to support and secure them.

Planting conifers is a little easier. Having dug a hole with a diameter twice as large as the roots, the plant is lowered into it and buried with compost.

A trellis fence is one of the most difficult to form. In this case, all plants are planted close to each other. After a couple of years, not hygienic, but total pruning of the trees is carried out, after which the strongest shoots remain - they begin to intertwine with each other at an angle of 45 degrees. In those places where the bark touches, it is cut off with a knife. The result is a diamond-shaped pattern, which, if necessary, can be tied according to a knocked together template.

Haircut rules

And finally, a few rules for pruning shrubs. Deciduous crops are pruned immediately at the beginning of the procedure. In this case, about 15 cm of the plant remains above the soil surface. And after a year, the plantings should be trimmed approximately 3-4 times during the season.

But juniper, cypress, conifers and others are not completely cut off - usually individual branches are removed so that the crown is triangular.

Makita UH6570 – brush cutter

Video - Creating a hedge

This is how you can get a hedge on your property. You should be prepared for the fact that it will require a lot of effort and time. It doesn’t hurt to master the cutting technique so that you can perform this procedure yourself later.

A good hedge is beautiful!