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Arranging furniture in a room with a newborn. Interior of a children's room for a newborn. The main nuances of designing a crib

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The interior of a newborn’s room should not be expensive and have a complex design like from a magazine picture. The main thing is that everything in it is comfortable and safe for the baby. And yet... after all, this is the child’s first room, moreover, for some time it is both a room for the mother and a place for memorable photographs. We decided to compile not only a step-by-step guide to preparing a children's bedroom, but also a selection of photo ideas for your design inspiration.

Step 1. Choose a room and plan renovations

If you have the opportunity to choose a room, then preference should be given to the one that is located closer to the parents’ bedroom, well ventilated and lit.

All repairs and Finishing work you need to finish it long before the baby arrives, so that you have time for possible modifications and alterations.

As for the choice finishing materials, then, of course, it is desirable that they be predominantly natural. Here are some tips that can help you with this:

  • The best floor coverings: , flooring or parquet board varnished. Less suitable: (since it is cold, slippery and collects dust), PVC linoleum (although its harm has not been proven) and carpet (collects dust. But it greatly depends on the type of carpet, read about it).
  • For wall decoration, paints based on water based marked “for children's rooms” or “Kid”, as well as . The worst choice would be vinyl wallpaper.
  • It is better to simply whitewash the ceiling and additionally treat it with an antiseptic primer. From tension and plasterboard structures It's better to refuse.

Wallpaper in a newborn's room should have neutral tones and an unobtrusive pattern.

Step 2. Developing an interior color scheme

In the interior of a children's room for a newborn, the use of pastel shades for walls, curtains and furniture is encouraged. This is necessary so that the child can easily fall asleep without being distracted by anything. Bright colors in a child's bedroom are also necessary, but they should be present only in spots, for example, in the form of rattles.

  • By the way, the first colors your baby will be introduced to will be red and yellow. And until 1.5-2 months he will see the world... in black and white.

What pastel shades can choose?

  • If you don’t yet know the gender of the child or want to decorate the room in a gender-neutral way, then the following tones are suitable: white, cream, pale yellow, beige, .
  • The interior of a newborn girl’s room (except for those listed above) can be decorated with cream or coral shades. The interior of the boy's room is light gray, light green.

In addition to personal preferences, be sure to take into account the orientation of the room to the cardinal points:

  • For dark “northern” children's rooms, it is better to choose warm shades.
  • For a room facing south, you can choose any colors, but cool shades will be especially successful.

We present examples of the design of a newborn’s nursery in the following selection of photos.

Step 3. Decide on the interior style

Think about which design direction is closer to you? It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the chosen style, but still this decision will make it easier for you to choose furniture, bedding and other attributes of the nursery.

  • All styles can be divided into two groups: classical (empire, etc.) and modern (minimalism,).
  • There is also a third way - you can decorate the interior thematically. For example, decorate a girl’s room in the theme of a princess, ballerina, butterflies, etc., and a boy’s room in a circus style, in the theme of cars and airplanes, etc.

Do not forget that style solutions should not contradict the most important thing - the comfort and safety of the child. Examples of design of children's rooms decorated in different styles and topics, see below.

Step 4. Select and arrange furniture

  • Crib;
  • Changing table (or an ordinary chest of drawers with a changing mat);
  • A chair or rocking chair for feeding the baby;
  • A chest of drawers or a cabinet (if the changing table does not have storage drawers).

Additionally you can buy:

  • Ottoman for mom's feet;
  • A shelf that can be hung above the changing table for convenience;
  • A couch to lull, rest and sleep next to your baby if necessary;
  • A nightstand that can be placed near a high chair or couch;
  • Small closet for storing things.

So, of all the above, the most important pieces of furniture are the crib and changing table. It is on them that we will dwell in more detail. Let's start with the crib. It is clear that it must be safe, environmentally friendly and convenient. How to find one?

  • It must be made of wood;
  • Recommended size - 120x60 cm;
  • The frame must stand firmly. It would be good if the sides and bottom of the bed were adjustable;
  • A removable or folding side wall will allow you to swaddle your baby right in the crib;
  • The legs may have wheels with stoppers;
  • If you want to buy a rocking bed, then choose a model that can be fixed in a stationary state;
  • There should be a distance of no more than 6 cm between the side slats;
  • Often there is a storage drawer built under the bottom of the bed. If in the room, then an under-bed drawer is a great addition.
  • The crib mattress should be hard and have a hypoallergenic filler. Coconut flakes, felt, seaweed or buckwheat husks are best suited for this.

A changing table is not an essential item, but it is advisable to have one.

  • Its height should be such that you do not bend over while caring for your child.
  • Place the first aid kit, pacifier, powder, cotton buds, oil and other necessities in the top drawer of the chest of drawers or on the shelf above it.
  • Instead of a changing table, you can buy a changing bed board.
  • You can swaddle your baby on the bed, on the sofa, and on the table covered with a blanket.

We present examples of the arrangement and decor of a changing table in the following photo slider.

Where to put the crib and changing table? By the way, the layout of the room needs to be thought through, starting with the placement of these strategically important items.

  • The bed should be in a bright part of the room, but not opposite a window, not next to a radiator, and not too far from the entrance.
  • The changing table should be located near the crib.

Step 5. Buy everything else

Let's continue the shopping list of what you need to decorate your nursery:

  1. Curtains are made of thick natural or mixed fabric, which not only decorates the interior, but is also easy to wash, remove and hang.
  2. Lamps – except ceiling chandelier, you need to place a floor lamp or one with soft, dim light, for example, near a changing table and/or chair.
  3. Pillow – the need for one for infants under 5 months is highly questionable and controversial. Pediatricians recommend using flat pillows or pillowcases folded in four.
  4. Blanket – there should be two of them (not counting the walking blanket). One light one, for example, fleece - for the summer, the second wool, padding polyester or flannelette - for the winter.
  5. Bed sheets– cotton or knitted. You will need to prepare 2-3 sets.
  6. Mobile – there is an opinion that children do not need mobile phones, we recommend that you read this issue separately.
  7. Video and baby monitor- if desired.
  8. Garbage bin for diapers, used wipes, etc.

Finishing touches

  1. In a newborn’s bedroom there should be as few “dust collectors” as possible - unnecessary things, accessories, books, toys (especially soft ones) and carpets. Before a new tenant moves in, the room needs to be thoroughly cleaned.
  2. You will also need to hang a thermometer to control the temperature - it should be 20-22 degrees.
  3. It is better to close electrical outlets with special plugs.

Will you soon become the mother of a wonderful little boy? Is your room ready for your newborn boy? Or have you not yet come to a common opinion with your spouse?

children's room furniture

How many families, so many individual solutions on arranging a room for a newborn. Common to all: in the room where the child will always be, it should be light, moderately warm (no higher than 18 degrees) and comfortable. An openable window is essential to ensure the room is ventilated frequently.

you have to do redecorating before your long-awaited child arrives there. It is not necessary to decorate with expensive wallpaper. The main thing here is freshness and cleanliness.

Interior for a newborn boy's room

There are many views on what the interior of a room should be, sometimes opposing:

  • Let's start with the floors. They should always be clean and easy to clean. They can be painted with environmentally friendly paint. Why won't it work? linoleum? It's slippery. But in a children's room this is dangerous, because mother and baby or the child himself may fall.

Parquet will not last long, because your growing child will throw toys, move various objects across the floor (which in your opinion don’t bother at all!), spill juices, water, and the contents of the pot.

Do you need a carpet on the floor? There is no clear answer. If your floors are cold, and the child does not have allergies, then why not put a rug, carpet, or rug? Warm, cozy, feet don't slip. The color should not be easily soiled, otherwise the first spill will turn cherry or carrot juice will ruin the whole look.

  • Walls. Don't put up expensive wallpaper! Let them be ordinary paper ones that you won’t mind. After all, not even a year will pass before your little one will walk on his own feet and begin to explore the world. It’s interesting to spread the porridge or fruit puree along the wall!

Wallpaper should be light and warm. Let boats, cars, bears be drawn. Your son will enjoy looking at them.

No aggression should even be present in the space for your boy. He will have time to play enough war games when he grows up.

Let the walls of the room be decorated with photographs of your parents or beautiful scenery, suitable in spirit for the future man. Remove electrical sockets out of the access zone!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Consider window curtains. Will they even be in your baby's room? If yes, then their length should not be below the window sill. Long floor-length curtains can be torn off, stained or cut by a child when he begins to explore the world. Inexpensive fabric with patterns of various animals or fairy-tale characters.

  • Ceiling need a light one. An expensive chandelier and a boy’s nursery are incompatible things. As your son grows up, his games will not always be quiet and safe. Think about this in advance.

An ordinary, inexpensive, easy-to-care chandelier on which you can hang a homemade car or an interesting turntable.

Children's room design

The entire space surrounding your baby should be simple, clear and safe. Calm tones of those objects that will be constantly present. Toys, of course, come in different bright colors.

The design of the room can be in the style of minimalism or maximalism.

Give free rein to your creative nature and figure out how to decorate the room in an original way. It is possible that it will be a marine theme, or a space theme, or a fairy tale theme. Play yourself and create, not forgetting the important points:

  1. Purity;
  2. Safety;
  3. Practicality.

Furniture for a newborn boy's room

  1. Regardless of the gender of the baby, there must be a crib in the room. Which one will you choose? A regular crib on wheels, wooden, not very expensive, or a cradle bed, or a bed with a cradle? Now there are many options for all kinds of customer tastes. The main thing for a children's bed is environmental friendliness and safety (). And choose soft mattress for a baby. The more comfortable he sleeps, the calmer your life will be ().
  2. You will need a changing table. You don't have to buy it. You can adapt a regular one for this desk, which will be useful to your son later. Or a very wide and low chest of drawers, which you can’t do without. Your baby's belongings should be kept separate from adult belongings.
  3. A child in the first months of life should not be left alone at night. Newborns often spit up and may choke. Or the baby may bury its nose in something and suffocate. Therefore, in the baby’s room there should be your bed or ottoman, which you will remove later.
  4. There must be a high chair in the room. Perfect option– a rocking chair with comfortable armrests and a small footstool. During feeding, both mother and baby should be comfortable and safe.
  5. Place for toys. At first you will just need to put the rattles somewhere. But the number of toys the child has will increase. Think in advance where the vehicle park will be, where you can put railway, put or hang a swing.
  6. You can't do without a TV. But this, of course, will be much later. However, plan a place for it.
  7. What kind of man is without sports? You will need sports section: wall bars and a horizontal bar. No, you can’t hang it all up at once. Too dangerous. But you need to plan a place for it.
  8. Various rocking horses and large cars that you can ride on when your baby starts sitting up. They also take up a fair amount of space.
  9. Wall shelves for toys, books, baby care products. Shelves for indoor flowers.

You can put any furniture in the baby’s room, as long as it is environmentally friendly and safe.

This is the case when parents consider their children to be fools who do not understand anything. You, “protecting the child’s psyche,” forced the older child to suffer, to look for his beloved cat, knowing that she had died. Most likely, he was not so stupid, he understood that “she felt better, but she ran away from the clinic,” most likely means that the mother was simply lying, but logic came into conflict with the still existing trust in the mother when you think that if mom says anything, then she’s right - and he understood what happened, but still continued to wait and hope: “What if she’s really alive, because mom can’t lie to me?” And then, when even the youngest told you that he still understood everything (and they probably discussed the case with each other, and increasingly came to disappointing conclusions that mom was lying), you also convinced him that he supposedly " not guilty." In my opinion, this is a direct way to raise children who are unable to take responsibility for their actions. I think it would be much more useful to say that yes, Kusya died because you pushed her, but nothing can be done, and now you know that your self-indulgence and experiments can lead to dire consequences, and, of course, you do so you will never do it again. The child would cry and forever remember what he did. And a person’s personality is made up of memories. And please don't promote Mosquito nets as protection against cats falling out. They are designed to protect your home from insects, and nothing more. At most, they can protect your parrot from flying out of the window. It was recently in the news that one year old child fell out with such a net from the 10th floor... died, of course. These nets will not protect either a cat or a child. They are made of plastic and are glued double-sided tape, or are pinned with buttons. The slightest load and the mesh flies out. A cat can jump onto the net after a bird or a butterfly and fly down. Or he might just start tearing at it, sharpening his claws, and tear it apart. If you get a cat, then buy and install an anti-cat net, this metal grill, which is firmly attached to the frame with screws or bolts, and can even support an adult.

The birth of a child - happy event for the whole family. But, along with positive emotions, the problem arises of how to decorate a room for a newborn. Decor options may vary depending on the gender of the child, taste preferences parents and their financial capabilities.

Planning a room decor for a newborn

To pick up best option To decorate a room for a newly born baby, it is worth exploring a significant number of ideas. It should be borne in mind that in most cases such decor is not intended for long-term use, so after some time you will have to get rid of some of its elements. For this reason, you should opt for those decorations that will later be quite easy to remove in order to minimize the risk of damage to the wall coverings.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting: it should not be too bright, it is better to give preference to the natural option.

It is best that the room for the newborn is located next to the room for the parents. Another option is to arrange a corner for the baby right in parents' bedroom. The fact is that at first the child very often wakes up to eat or, by crying, notify others about health problems. And it will be much more convenient for mom (and, importantly, calmer) if the little one is as close as possible and she can approach him at any time.

Psychologists believe that in the first months of a child’s life, he feels most comfortable in his parents’ bedroom.

But, if you are planning a separate room for the newborn, the first thing that is necessary for the peace of mind of the whole family is small sofa or folding bed, where the mother can sit or lie down to feed the baby. Such a piece of furniture will not take up much space and will save parents from the need to constantly move the newborn to their room and back. It can be placed next to the crib or changing table.

How can decor influence a baby?

Parents should know that the design of a newborn’s room should not include too large and bright elements that negatively affect the child’s psyche. That is why, from the moment of his birth, the baby should be surrounded by objects made in calm, neutral colors. Such an environment will not overload your attention, cause overexcitation and anxiety. But bright colors will definitely have a negative impact on general condition child and will interfere with normal healthy sleep.

However, designers argue that children's rooms for newborns should include small amounts of bright spots on which the baby can focus his attention during waking moments. Too much a large number of toys will not be needed, since at this age the child will not be able to use them. Besides, Stuffed Toys accumulate significant amounts of dust, which can cause allergies in the baby. For this reason, when decorating a room for a newborn, you should give preference decorative elements, which are easy to clean and safe for health.

What should you pay attention to when decorating a room for a newborn?

When arranging a living space for your baby after he is discharged from the hospital, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Safety of the materials used - everything used to decorate the room must be made from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials. Therefore, when purchasing, you do not need to be shy, but ask the seller for an appropriate certificate, which confirms that the item is made from safe raw materials.
  2. Gender of the child - a room for a newborn baby will be significantly different from a room intended for a newly born boy. Therefore, before decorating a newborn’s room, you must first decide on color scheme.
  3. General design - if the housing is made in one style, then the decor of the children's room for a newborn should fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

An important point is that all decorative elements can be divided into permanent and temporary. The first ones are those that will remain in the baby’s use after a happy family will mark discharge from the maternity hospital.
The second ones are those that will help make the room festive, but will be superfluous the very next day after the special event.

Parents need to remember that the nursery for a newborn should be perfectly clean.

For this reason, it is better to avoid jewelry that will collect dust. All decorative elements must be made from environmentally friendly materials. And before leaving the maternity hospital, it is necessary to do a general cleaning.

How to decorate a room for a newborn son or daughter?

When wondering how to decorate a room for a newborn girl, you first need to decide on the color scheme. The decor of the first living space for a baby traditionally uses:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • peach;
  • light beige shades.

It is better to avoid indoor flowers and an abundance of toys: both of them can provoke the development of allergic reactions. But all kinds of bows, ruffles and frills will be an excellent option for decorating the room of a little princess.

And if parents and other relatives are faced with the problem of how to decorate a room for a newborn boy, then here you can opt for a more restrained design. In this case, a “boyish” theme is more appropriate: these can be cars, boats, balls and other elements.

Concerning color palette, then to decorate a room for a newly born boy use:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • light green.

In this case, you should also opt for soft, calm tones. White and beige are considered universal, so they can be used to decorate living spaces for both boys and girls.

If parents don’t know how to decorate their child’s room and want to do it in an original way, then they can use a specific theme.

For example, if relatives want to see the baby as a sailor, then an anchor, blue and white stripes, boats and other elements will be suitable as decoration. For a little princess, pink weightless frills, bows of various sizes, and balloon flowers would be appropriate. You can use an idea from a fairy tale or cartoon.

Those who are thinking about how to decorate a newborn’s room with their own hands before leaving the maternity hospital should stock up on decorative elements:

  • balloons - they allow you to create a festive atmosphere and can be used in various combinations (different sizes, types, colors);
  • vinyl stickers - they look great in any interior, they are quite easy to wash and clean from dust;
  • special stencils - with their help you can make various drawings on the walls;
  • posters, drawings - you can make them yourself

You can take everything that is usually used to decorate a living space for any special event. The main thing is to dream a little and use your imagination.

The main nuances of designing a crib

Since the baby will spend a significant part of his time (in the first months of life) in the crib, this piece of furniture should be given Special attention. It is absolutely not necessary to resort to the services of professional designers; in this case, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

So, if we decorate a crib for a newborn with our own hands, then, first of all, we should get a mobile phone. You can purchase it at a children's goods store or make it yourself. Such a toy is attached to the top of the crib, thanks to which the newborn toddler can watch the elements moving to a certain melody. The mobile develops the baby's attention and musical abilities. Instead of this device, you can use hanging toys by fixing them on the side of the bed.

An important role in this matter, the design of cribs, is played by the canopy, which not only acts as an exquisite decorative element, but also performs protective function, preventing dust from getting on your baby's skin and preventing insect bites. You should opt for translucent, almost weightless fabrics; the color should not be too bright.

Additionally, the crib can be decorated with stickers, appliqués, and homemade bumpers (the latter will also protect the baby from drafts and dust particles). You can draw funny pictures on this piece of furniture, but for this purpose you should use water-based paints that are odorless.

In addition to the crib, the design of a room for a newborn, photos of which can be found on various websites, should include a changing table and a bedside table (chest of drawers) for children's things. These two pieces of furniture can be combined by replacing them with a chest of drawers with a changing board, which can be purchased separately. The chest of drawers is successfully used for children's things and cosmetics for baby care, and the board is located on top. This is excellent option for small living spaces.

The board (or table) for changing should also be made of natural material. Although the baby's skin will not come into direct contact with it, it is still better to play it safe in order to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

How to design a corner for a newborn in the parents' room?

If the size of the home does not allow you to allocate a separate room for the baby, or if it is more convenient for parents when the child is next to them, then you should think about designing a separate corner for him. Often children's Corner for a newborn includes a crib, changing table, bedside table or shelves for accessories intended for caring for the baby. The number of pieces of furniture directly depends on how much space parents can allocate for the baby. It is important that the room is spacious and light.

Sometimes, to make room for a newborn's corner, you have to make a serious rearrangement. It is desirable that the interior of the room for the newborn and parents be as functional as possible. If the living space big size, this will be quite easy to do, but if the area is not enough, you will have to try. However, it is quite possible in small bedroom allocate enough space for the baby

In the first months of life, the child will need a bed and a changing table, which will not require too much space. But after six months, when the baby starts crawling, he will need more space.

If you want to create a newborn corner in the parents' room, the interior design in this case should be close to neutral. Often the crib is located in close proximity to the parent's bed. This is convenient for both the child and the parents.

In this area you can place several decorative elements, but they should not be too catchy, but fit as harmoniously as possible into the overall design premises. As a rule, most often preference is given to vinyl stickers in the form of cartoon characters or funny animals. Over time, they can be easily replaced with others that will be suitable for the child’s age.

If there is room to use additional decorations in the form of balloons, posters, toys, then you should not miss this opportunity. These decorative elements can be removed a few days after the mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital.

Arrangement of a nursery for a newborn - video