home · Installation · Small kitchens with a sofa. Cozy small sofas for the kitchen: compact solutions. Small sofa for a small kitchen

Small kitchens with a sofa. Cozy small sofas for the kitchen: compact solutions. Small sofa for a small kitchen

Three traditional way placement of the sofa - along the wall, in the corner or in the center of the room (“island”). You can use any of them in the living room, depending on what kind of sofa you need and what tasks you want to solve. But for the kitchen, compact sofas of a special design or small universal models are most often used, and the placement method here is only in the corner or along the wall. This is due to the fact that the space is usually limited or occupied by other objects, and the sofa - if there is one - should be as compact as possible.

So, how to place a sofa in the kitchen and how to choose it correctly?

“Yes” or “No” to upholstered furniture in the kitchen – is it worth putting a sofa in the kitchen?

First, decide whether you really need a sofa and whether the space allows you to put it here.

The main pro is that it is comfortable to sit on and allows you to sit comfortably for a hearty meal. If you often entertain guests or just like to dine in comfort, this is the solution for you.

The sofa also adds coziness to the interior. If the kitchen is made in Mediterranean style or in the spirit of Provence or country, upholstered furniture will definitely decorate it. Pillows and comfortable seats will create the very atmosphere of warmth that is the main feature of these styles.

IN one-room apartment small kitchen sofa-transformer will provide additional sleeping space for guests.

If all the arguments convince you, feel free to start reading the section “how to properly place a sofa in the kitchen.” But remember: this piece of furniture is space-hungry and will take up much more space than regular stools or kitchen chairs. Even if you choose compact model or a “soft corner” specially designed for kitchens.

Designers recommend placing a sofa in the kitchen only if the room has an area of ​​at least 12 m². And if space is limited, then it is advisable to combine a piece of upholstered furniture with a linear set (built-in along one wall) and compact table. Otherwise, it will not be possible to leave free passages: they must be at least 70 cm wide so that you can move freely. And in the kitchen this is especially important, because there is a working area for cooking.

If the area allows, then before buying a sofa, determine the place where it will be located. The main criterion here is functionality: it should stand compactly, without blocking passages or blocking access to kitchen furniture. Usually choose either corner placement(in the free corner opposite the headset, behind kitchen table) or parallel, along a window or a blank wall.

Placing a kitchen sofa in the corner

Corner sofas, or “soft corners” - special kitchen furniture on a rigid frame made of wood or chipboard. Under the seats there are usually drawers for dishes, food or other household items. There are also transformable options with a sleeping place.

Corners replace kitchen chairs and stools. They are placed behind the table. When choosing where to place the sofa in the kitchen, make sure that it is proportionate to the free space. There should be enough space from the wall to the sofa to make it comfortable to sit down, while leaving a fairly wide passage between the table and the set.

The ratio of the height of the table and the corner is also important: the optimal distance from the seat to the table top is 30-35 cm, otherwise the posture at the table will not be comfortable.

The advantages of this placement are the compactness of the “soft corner” due to the use corner space. The downside is that it is difficult to transform: if there is a sleeping place, you will have to move the table to unfold it.

Placing a sofa in the kitchen along the wall

In the kitchen you can put a standard soft sofa compact sizes. It could be stylish model, which will become the accent of the kitchen interior, or a discreet copy, the main objective which is convenience.

A rectangular sofa can be placed behind the table. In this case, like a soft corner, it will replace chairs and create a comfortable lunch place for those who have special requirements for comfort. If this is a transformer, then an additional sleeping place will appear in the kitchen. The main installation advice is the same: make sure that the passages in the room remain clear. This is especially true for the sides of the “work triangle” (movements between the refrigerator, stove and sink).

The advantage of this placement is rational use space. The downside is that it is difficult to unfold the transformer (you have to move the table).

The second option is to install the sofa along the wall, regardless of the table. If the kitchen is elongated, it will fit perfectly along a narrow wall, and all the furniture in the complex will create U-shaped layout. In a square room upholstered furniture can be installed opposite kitchen set. An “independent” sofa is a place for relaxing, reading and leisurely drinking a cup of your favorite drink.

The advantage here is the convenience of folding out the sofa. The downside is that this placement is only suitable for large kitchens.

If the room is small, it is important that the furniture not only does not clutter it, but also does not overload it visually. If you have already decided where to put the sofa in the kitchen, but you understand that all the items are practically back to back, the next step is to give up unnecessary details and decorative items. Give preference light wallpaper, light textiles and glossy surfaces, this will help visually expand the space.

But rectangular sofas are much more varied in style. For example, for a classic interior you can choose a noble “chesterfield” or an empire-style banquette. And for a bright youth kitchen, upholstered furniture with colored upholstery made of fabric or vinyl is suitable.

Small wicker sofas made of natural wicker, rattan or their imitation fit perfectly into kitchens decorated in ethnic style. Also in a country interior, a sofa with a floral print or striped upholstery, traditional in shape: with a rounded back and armrests, on legs, looks good.

Remember to be practical!

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, regardless of its placement, you need to remember the practical side. Make sure that your kitchen upholstered furniture is easy to care for, because here it is at risk of much more contamination than in the living room or bedroom.

The best upholstery option is leather, eco-leather or vinyl (they are easy to clean). In textiles, microfiber with anti-dirt impregnation has the same quality. And patterned fabrics are better at hiding stains than plain ones.

To easily clean the floor under and behind the sofa, choose upholstered furniture with legs. And if possible, choose wood as a frame: it is stronger than laminated chipboard and is not afraid of wet cleaning.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

A kitchen with a sofa is always more than just a kitchen, because it is a bit of a living room, a bedroom, and a dining room at the same time. Sometimes a sofa in the kitchen is a necessary measure so that, if necessary or every day, it turns into an additional sleeping place. In a combined kitchen or studio apartment, the sofa is placed in the living room area; often it is the sofa that divides the space into zones. And sometimes it is installed in order to rationally fill the space, to make the kitchen cozier, more convenient and comfortable.

One way or another, the interior of a kitchen with a sofa cannot be called standard. And choosing a sofa itself is more difficult than chairs, because you need to take into account such factors as: the ratio of its size to the kitchen area, capacity and dimensions when assembled/unfolded, ease of transformation, availability of storage space, reliability of the design, practicality of the upholstery and nice design.

What type of sofa is suitable for the kitchen?

As a sleeping place

If you need a sofa as a main or additional sleeping place, then you need to choose a transforming model. There are more than 10 types of mechanisms for transforming sofas with a berth, let's take a look at some of them.

  • "Dolphin" ("Kangaroo")- sofas with such a layout mechanism, perhaps, the best option for a kitchen with a sleeping area. It is “Dolphin” that is used in the designs of traditional kitchen corners. Their extra sleeping place can easily be pulled out from under the seat of the long part of the sofa. This best option for any kitchen, especially small ones. The photo on the right shows a corner sofa for the kitchen that converts into a single bed.

Advice: the design of a high-quality and reliable Dolphin should have closer springs.

  • Folding sofa book and its variations: “Eurobook”, “Click-clack” (“Relax”) and “Tick-tock”— if you need a sleeping place that will be unfolded every day, then opt for the “Eurobook” or “Click-Clack” - they are the most reliable and easy to unfold, and also have comfortable places for storing things. But standard “books” are suitable if the “bed” is exclusively for guests and will not be folded out every day.

Advice: a “Eurobook” that can be pulled out using profiles rather than rollers will last longer.

  • Model "Accordion"- a good option, since they unfold very easily and quickly, but require a lot of space in front of them.

  • "French folding bed" and "Sedaflex"- such sofas often have beautiful elegant backs, since during transformation they remain motionless, and the mattresses are laid out like a folding bed. They are suitable for because when assembled they take up very little space. Of these two types, Sedaflex is more suitable for regular use, but it is also more expensive. French folding beds are suitable for guest use only.

  • Perhaps the least suitable for kitchen conditions are roll-out sofas– in non-corner models you cannot store things, they are relatively difficult to unfold, and the mechanism is not the most reliable. In addition, when disassembled, they require a lot of space in front of them.

A kitchen with a sleeping place can be equipped not only with a sofa bed, but also with a single couch, sofa or ottoman, on which you can sleep, relax and sit at the table.

Sofa instead of or in addition to chairs

If a kitchen with a sleeping place is not relevant for you and you only need a sofa as an alternative or addition to chairs, then you can choose the following types furniture:

  • A bench, straight or corner sofa for the kitchen with storage drawers is the best option for small kitchens. A kitchen sofa can often be purchased complete with a table and a pair of stools. Read more about dining corners and see big photo You can find a separate article on this topic (the link will be below).

Advice: if you often plan to use large drawers under the seat, then give preference to furniture with lifting mechanism, located on the side - this way the dining table will not interfere with the opening.

  • If you rely not on functionality, but on Beautiful design, then the traditional corner sofa for the kitchen can be replaced by a bench, very similar to garden bench. It does not have a storage section, but it fits organically into the interiors of kitchens in a rustic style.

  • The bay window kitchen sofa is designed to be installed in a corresponding niche. As a rule, such furniture is made to order so that it exactly matches the dimensions and shape of the existing niche. The photo below shows the interior of a kitchen with a sofa in a 3 m long bay window. You can read more about the design of a kitchen with a bay window.

  • Banquettes and ottomans are the most beautiful and most often expensive type of sofa. The design of a kitchen with a sofa of this type will be stylish and not “overloaded”.

Materials and upholstery - what to look for in the store

The most practical and stylish material For the frame, natural wood remains, or more precisely, its denser and more durable varieties: beech and oak, as well as birch and pine as a budget alternative. The wood must be specially impregnated to protect it from moisture. The most budget option is laminated chipboard, but keep in mind that chipboard sofas have a service life of only 5 years.

As for upholstery, the most beautiful, practical, and therefore the most expensive solution It will be genuine leather. It is easier to care for than fabric that absorbs stains.

Faux leather is also practical and durable, as well as visually impressive - but only if you choose a truly high-quality material.

If the design of a kitchen with a sofa requires fabric upholstery, then you can pay attention to:

  • mixed fabric made of cotton and polyester is a common upholstery option for modern sofas;

  • durable, resistant to mechanical damage and moisture-resistant flock, with a texture reminiscent of suede. This type of material is also called “anti-claw”;

  • hypoallergenic (but not moisture resistant) chenille;

  • wear-resistant furniture jacquard.

  • When deciding to put a fabric sofa in the kitchen, take care efficient work hoods so that the upholstery does not become greasy and is less saturated with odors;
  • It’s better when the kitchen sofa comes with removable covers. This way you don’t have to worry about the safety of the upholstery, because the covers can be easily washed or replaced with new ones. In addition, the design of a kitchen with a sofa with removable covers can be easily changed according to your wishes.

It is also very important to choose the right filling, especially if you are installing a kitchen with a sleeping area. It should be practical and hypoallergenic. Therefore, for kitchen furniture fillers they use artificial materials- for example, holofiber or polyurethane foam that perfectly restores its shape. Foam rubber in modern models rarely used - this budget material, whose service life almost never exceeds 4 years.

Where is the best place to put a sofa?

You can choose next design kitchens with sofa:

  • The sofa dining area opposite the kitchen unit is a standard solution that is most appropriate in standard rectangular kitchens. The photo below shows an example of a kitchen design with a sofa with parallel circuit arrangement of furniture.

  • A corner sofa for a small kitchen or with a bay window is most often placed in the corner by the window.

A kitchen of 13 sq.m is quite a spacious room. It can freely accommodate a full-fledged dining area, necessary household appliances and furniture. Moreover, the dining area can simultaneously serve as a relaxation area, as you can see by looking at the photo of the design of a 13-meter kitchen with a sofa. In such a room you can receive guests and watch TV.

To make the kitchen fit everyone modern requirements, it is best to draw up a project that shows the location of equipment, life support systems and furniture.

Practicality, functionality and comfort are the main requirements for a kitchen

We determine the place where the oven, refrigerator, hood and hob, and select suitable option layouts.

Options for kitchen layout with an area of ​​13 square meters. m

From correct placement furniture depends on the beauty of the interior and the functionality of the room. In a room of 13 square meters you can use any of the following layout options:

  • one-sided (linear) layout
  • U-shaped
  • corner
  • in two rows

Features of linear layout

IN rectangular room It is convenient to place furniture along one wall with a turn to the door. The dining area is located against a free wall. A bar counter is suitable for a young family, big family– rectangular or oval table.

Successful layout rectangular room

If the space of the room allows, the kitchen can be decorated without upper cabinets- this option is in fashion today. The lower cabinets are enough to accommodate everything you need; the absence of modules at the top makes the room spacious. This layout is suitable for minimalism and hi-tech styles.

Corner kitchen with a comfortable work area

In room rectangular shape you can successfully arrange the furniture in an L shape, against one long and one short wall. Thus, the components working area will be located next to each other, and it will be convenient to move between the sink, refrigerator, stove and work table. The dining area will be located against a free wall.

Interesting option combining the island area with the dining area

U-shaped and island kitchen with sofa

Set in square room conveniently placed in the shape of the letter “P”, using three walls, and the dining area is located in the center. Island zone with additional module in the center can be used as a working and dining room, it all depends on its functionality and the shape of the table. A stove, a sink, a bar counter, a table with cabinets and work surface.

Options for placing a sofa in a U-shaped kitchen:

In this interior, the role of an island is played by the dining table:

Kitchen interior

The sofa can be effectively combined with kitchen island or peninsula:

In this interior, the island is given the main role– this is both a dining area and a work area

Arrangement of furniture and equipment in two rows

This option would be appropriate if the kitchen consists of two long and two short walls. The dining area can be arranged by the window. The presence of a bay window in a kitchen is rare, but if it does exist, the dining area can be moved there - the room will be functional, spacious and aesthetically pleasing.

Classic interior with dining area in bay window

Choosing the right color for interior decoration

In a 13 square meter kitchen, you can let your imagination run wild and use the colors you like. When choosing a color, you need to take into account its effect on the psyche, because it is the predominant color that will shape the mood.

  • Red is a dynamic color that stimulates appetite, but it is best to use it in doses.

  • Green promotes relaxation and calms.
  • Blue - cool color, it is associated with creativity and intelligence.
  • Pink kitchen is a positive option for romantic people.

The interior of a kitchen with an area of ​​13 square meters is often decorated in white. White is a symbol of harmony and purity; choosing this color as the dominant one is impossible to lose.

The predominant color in a spacious kitchen can be black - this is an option for practical owners, and the room will look elegant.

Black is successfully diluted with contrasting white, the tone is set by accent red

Advice. You shouldn’t get too carried away with the color black, otherwise you will need additional light sources and the room may look gloomy.

The interior turned out to be gloomy

Which sofa is appropriate in the kitchen interior

A sofa can become a more comfortable alternative to stools and chairs - it can accommodate more guests, and the interior of the room will become more comfortable.

The sofa can be either straight or corner. For a small room, a corner sofa is more comfortable and saves space, while a straight sofa is good because it can be installed anywhere, provided there is enough space for it.

A curved sofa looks chic, but it takes up more space than a straight or corner sofa, and therefore is rarely installed in the kitchen.

Interior in classic style, island with curved sofa and cutting table

Small straight sofa in classic cuisine area 13 sq. m

A stylish modern sofa is the main element of the interior in the kitchen-living room; it can be used as an additional sleeping place

A popular option today is a bench-sofa with a folding seat, under which you can store kitchen utensils. The sofa bench can also be straight or angular.

Comfortable corner sofa bench with removable decorative pillows

Stylish functional island area consisting of a bench-sofa and a cutting table with shelves

There are two main options for positioning the sofa: behind dining table and separately against the wall or at the window, taking into account that it is convenient for guests to communicate.

The compact banquette is extremely well placed by the window, between two columns with appliances

Classic version sofa placement

Kitchen-living room - two in one

In a kitchen with an area of ​​13 square meters, of course, you cannot receive a crowd of guests, but it is quite possible to sit comfortably in it with two or three friends.

First of all, you need to correctly divide the room into zones. Designers advise placing everything you need in the work area, and using the remaining space as a living room, because... You won’t receive guests every day, but you will be in the kitchen at least three times a day.

Two functional areas are clearly defined

13 sq.m - the area is not that large, so zoning in such a room should be visual. Partitions and other fixtures can clutter a room. To separate the living room area from the cooking area, you can raise the floor in one of the zones by a few centimeters. You can use different things to separate zones flooring: in the work area - tiles, in the recreation area - parquet or laminate.

To delimit zones, it is appropriate to use spot lighting. The lamps can be placed directly above the recreation area, the lighting can be made softer than in the work area.

A bar counter can also serve as a functional delimiter. It can be used as a table, with retractable cabinets placed underneath it, and it will also serve a decorative function.

Bar counter - great way zone the studio space

Colors for a combined room

In the design of a 13 sq.m kitchen-living room, two primary colors are often used, light and dark. Prevailing light color visually expands the space, color combination makes the interior expressive and bright. White goes well with any color; it enhances other colors and shades.

Green sofa unusual shape serves as a bright accent spot

The lilac sofa in this interior is definitely central element

Row bright chairs And pendant lamps serves as a delimiter of functional zones

Furniture for studio space

  1. Since a small room can accommodate two functional areas, furniture should be comfortable, roomy and at the same time beautiful.

The top row of white glossy cabinets is visually weightless and almost invisible

  1. The texture and color of all interior elements must be harmoniously combined with each other, since they are parts of a single composition.
  1. It is advisable to choose closed cabinets with blank facades, otherwise guests will have to admire their contents.

When creating a kitchen interior with a sofa, you need to take into account many important nuances. This includes the choice of layout, the choice of the type of sofa, as well as the selection the right color and upholstery material. We will look at all these points in more detail in today's article.

The presence of a sofa makes the kitchen interior more practical and functional

Suitable layout types - 3 options

Kitchen design with sofa or soft corner over the years does not lose its relevance. This is a very interesting approach to solving the problem dining area. But what if the kitchen has a relatively small area of ​​14 square meters? m or even less - 11 sq m? This is not to say that in the average kitchen in a high-rise building you can create whatever you want, but there are plenty of options for creating interesting and comfortable interiors.

The sofa can be correctly placed even in a small kitchen

First of all, with a small area of ​​​​the room, you should take into account all the features of the room:

  • Kitchen dimensions: width, length and height.
  • Availability of pipes and ventilation.
  • Location of windows and entrance door.
  • The presence of curved shapes and angles.

When choosing furniture, it is necessary to take into account the size of the kitchen, the location of windows and doors, as well as communications

There are several of the most beneficial layouts for small kitchens. If you can't imagine how to end result what your kitchen will look like, take a look ready-made options interior in the photo in our material.

When creating decor, you can rely on the proposed photos


This type of layout is considered classic and fits well into a room of any size. Its main advantage is that, thanks to its convenient location, you will have the opportunity to run along one wall. If there are no obstacles, then on the opposite side you can place small sofa or a kitchen seating area with a dining table.

At linear layout dining furniture located on the wall opposite the headset

This layout is relevant in cases where the kitchen has the shape of a rectangle rather than an equilateral square.

Linear layout is the best option for an elongated room

Double row

This design is suitable for a kitchen with a square or close to square shape. In this case furniture set installed along two walls opposite each other. An excellent option for kitchens combined with a loggia or balcony.

Two-row layout with sofa – perfect solution for a room with square shapes

Such a layout will look very impressive in a small kitchen, and if it is a kitchen design of 15 sq. m with a sofa or sitting area. A table with a compact sofa can be placed along the end wall, where the window is most often located. This placement will advantageously expand the space of the working area, and the dining area will not require additional lighting.

By placing the dining set by the window, you will provide it with good lighting


With this layout, the set is located along two adjacent walls, using the corner of the room. It is considered one of the most practical options that can be used in kitchens with any configuration and any size.

With a corner layout, the dining set is placed at the end of the room

In this case, it is best to give preference corner model sofa, and place it on the wall opposite the set. As a result, you will get a stylish and at the same time original decor.

For L-shaped layout It is best to choose a corner sofa

Choosing a sofa

We figured out the layout and place to install the sofa. It's time to talk about popular models that most often become an important part of kitchen design. In general, all designs can be divided into two groups:

  • sofa sleeper;
  • sofa.

Let's look at them in more detail.

The sofa can act both as a sleeping place and as a replacement for chairs

Sofas with sleeper

If you are looking for a sofa that can become an additional or main bed, then you need to pay attention to folding models. To make it easier for you to decide, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular ones.

There are at least 5 options for mechanisms that are used in the kitchen


Type of mechanism and features

Eurobook or Click-clack. Such mechanisms are The best decision, if you have to unfold and fold the sofa every day. They are as reliable as possible, and also have convenient niches for storing kitchen utensils or bed linen.

Dolphin. Another great option for creating a small or medium sized kitchen design. It is the “Dolphin” mechanism that is most often used when creating a traditional furniture set.

Accordion. This option unfolds quickly, but at the same time requires quite a lot in front of it. free space.

French folding bed A. One of the most decoratively attractive options, equipped with a beautiful backrest. The mechanism for extending the berth largely repeats the mechanism of a folding bed (hence the name).

Roll-out mechanism. This option is least suitable for furnishing a kitchen. It is quite difficult to unfold and takes up a lot of space.

Sofa as part of the set

If you do not intend to use the sofa as a sleeping place, and you only need it as a decorative part of the dining set, then we suggest considering the following models.

A sofa can easily serve as a comfortable replacement for chairs

  • Decorative bench. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to a garden bench, which can be supplemented soft pillows or a blanket. Counts ideal option if you need to create a kitchen design of 12 sq m with a sofa in a rustic or classic style.

The imitation bench will fit perfectly into a country or Provence style interior

  • Bay window sofa. This will come in handy if you are creating a kitchen interior with a bay window. Most often made to order according to the shape of the bay window. The price of such a model will be quite high, but it decorative qualities Easily decorate the interior.

A sofa that matches the shape of the bay window will fit perfectly into the interior

  • Banquette or ottoman. Perhaps this is the most expensive and most beautiful view sofa for the kitchen. It allows you to create a stylish and at the same time light interior.

Banquettes and ottomans have a laconic but stylish look

Color solutions

When creating a design for a 9 sq. m kitchen with a sofa or thinking through the interior of a room with a different area, you need to pay attention not only to the shape, but also the color of the sofa. We should dwell on this point in more detail, since it directly affects the visual perception of the decor as a whole.

The color of the furniture must be chosen based on the room and the overall interior

  • For a small kitchen. If your kitchen area is less than 13-14 square meters. m, then you should give preference to a sofa with a neutral color scheme. Models with gray, brown, beige, milk or coffee shades are ideal.

In small kitchens it is better to use furniture with neutral colors

  • For a spacious room. Happy owners spacious kitchen can safely experiment with the color of furniture upholstery. Bright red, yellow, green models will fit perfectly into the interior. Just make sure that the color of the upholstery matches other kitchen accessories.

Bright details will add energy to the decor

Selection of frame and upholstery

In order for a sofa to serve you for many years, you need to carefully select materials for its frame and upholstery.

Particular attention should be paid to the material of the frame and upholstery

The instructions for selecting a frame are quite simple: give preference to models based on natural wood. The most durable types of wood are considered to be beech and oak, while the most budget-friendly are pine and birch.

The most durable frames are made from solid wood, the most budget ones are based on chipboard

When it comes to upholstery, there are many more options. We offer the most popular materials:

  • Genuine leather or leatherette. Wear-resistant and practical option, caring for which will not be a problem. Externally it looks very impressive and fits perfectly into a classic interior.

Natural or eco-leather is characterized by increased strength and long service life

  • Mixed material. Made from cotton and polyester. Cleaning it with your own hands is quite simple - the material is easy to care for.
  • Flock. Durable fabric, which is also resistant to minor mechanical damage.

Blended materials or flock is another practical solution for kitchen

  • Chenille. The main advantage of the material is its hypoallergenicity. The main disadvantage is instability to high humidity.
  • Jacquard. Wear-resistant material, which has excellent decorative qualities.

Jacquard and chenille are not the most practical fabrics for the kitchen


Today you learned not only about kitchen layout options with a sofa, but also about the most popular types of kitchen furniture. Thanks to our selection tips folding mechanism, colors and upholstery material, you can choose the most suitable model for you. Finally, we invite you to watch a video where you can get acquainted with various options designs of small kitchens using upholstered furniture.


A medium-sized kitchen is more difficult to arrange than a small one. This is due to the fact that at first glance, an empty room has enough space for equipment, furniture, arranging areas for relaxation and cooking. But in the process of designing there is practically no free space for movement and no feeling of clutter.

In order for the design of a kitchen with a 10 sq. m sofa to be harmonious, it is necessary to clearly indicate the design style and the possibility of its use in a medium-sized room. You also need to define:

  • will the kitchen be divided into zones;
  • is it possible to combine with other rooms without redevelopment;
  • Is there access to a loggia or balcony?

In the future, the selection of furniture, appliances and accessories for the kitchen space will depend on such simple criteria.

Basic principles of kitchen design 10 sq m

Styles may be different, but the principles of designing medium-sized rooms remain the same. The following rules should be adhered to:

  • no clutter, otherwise a medium-sized kitchen will seem extremely cramped;
  • zoning is the best solution for a kitchen of 10 square meters;
  • modularity is the main criterion when choosing equipment and furniture for such spaces;
  • Do not use dark colors when decorating a room.

Bright colors for a medium-sized kitchen are acceptable. But in order for the design to be harmonious, it is necessary to correctly arrange equipment and furniture in the space. The following schemes can be used internal layout:

  • L-shaped;
  • linear;
  • corner;
  • with an island.

A layout with the letter “G” can be used if there is no desire to fantasize about arranging the room. Unlike a small kitchen, in a medium-sized space there is no need to place everything linearly (in one or two rows). Ideal for the design of a medium-sized kitchen, corner placement of furniture and appliances or an “island” type is suitable.

The corner layout is legitimately considered universal. It leaves a lot of free space, furniture and appliances are arranged compactly, so that everything you need will always be at hand. With this layout, zones are clearly marked. As for a kitchen with an island, the center of the room will be the table.

It is a multifunctional island that can be folded up at any time or used as a storage space. The island is equipped with shelves and drawers and does not have permanent place. This is its main charm.

Sofa in the kitchen 10 sq m

The choice of an interior element such as a sofa for the kitchen depends on the following factors:

  • room decoration style;
  • dimensions and layout;
  • general color scheme.

Regardless of the interior layout, a sofa for a medium-sized space should be as modular as possible. It should not stand out in size. This interior element should fit perfectly into the space allocated for it. This can be achieved by choosing the right form and color scheme sofa

The sofa is the main one furniture element recreation areas. It is ideal for a room with a corner layout. With this arrangement, there will still be a lot of free space. There are sofas different forms and for a medium-sized kitchen you can choose almost any one.

The main thing is not to make a mistake with the sizes. In kitchens with a corner layout, sofa corners are widely used. They are practical and to a certain extent modular. This sofa will perfectly highlight its corner position. But with a rectilinear and island layout of furniture and appliances, it is not advisable to use a sofa.

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, you should pay attention to the quality of its upholstery and functional purpose models. Agree, in a medium-sized space a sofa with cut-off legs in the Baroque style will look ridiculous. Better to give preference natural fabrics, skin. It is advisable to avoid drawings, unless this furniture model is developed specifically for your kitchen by a designer.

Kitchen design with sofa photo