home · Appliances · Black and white kitchen with black apron. A white apron in a white kitchen is a classic combination. White kitchen and black appliances

Black and white kitchen with black apron. A white apron in a white kitchen is a classic combination. White kitchen and black appliances

Choosing an apron for a black and white kitchen can be very difficult.

On the one hand, I want the apron to perform its main function as efficiently as possible, to protect the wall above the stove and sink. On the other hand, there is its aesthetic side. The apron needs to be a natural addition to the kitchen, a bright accent or an original decor idea.

Modern materials allow you to choose a kitchen apron to suit every taste and budget. These include MDF wall panels, tiles, mosaics, as well as glass and glass with photo printing.

The main issue that needs to be resolved if the kitchen interior design is made in black and white is the choice suitable color apron, curtains, wallpaper. Material, from which the apron will be made, is selected according to other criteria.

So, what color will we make an apron for a black and white kitchen?

Option 1. Black or white.

Black and white are always a mystery, elegance, intrigue. Black is a very energetic color.

A black apron is only possible if white plays the “leading role” in the kitchen interior. And take care of additional lighting in the work area!

Option 2. Colorful, pure rich color.

An apron of pure and bright color will help to revive the interior of a black and white kitchen. A rich red would be very good. They look decent: orange, turquoise, green, yellow. This apron will become the main color accent. You can add accessories of the same color (chairs, dishes, vases, etc.).

Option 3. Glass with photo printing.

There is another solution - a glass apron with photo printing.

Here you need to be very careful so as not to ruin everything. If the picture on your apron is, say, scarlet flowers on a white background, then it will become an excellent interior detail and will not disturb the harmony. But a landscape with a perspective can significantly reduce the comfort of the kitchen.

For example, a photo of a city at night, with all its color diversity. It seems to have a life of its own, and it extends beyond the kitchen.

A serious disadvantage of detailed landscapes is that they blend in with the accessories that are present in abundance in the kitchen.

Option 4. Stainless steel.

Often black and white kitchens are made in high-tech style. In such a kitchen there is always metal (rails, chrome handles, stainless steel household appliances). Stainless Steel Wall Panel It will look just great in a black and white kitchen. This is an excellent material: very hygienic, easy to clean, which is important for the kitchen. The only negative is the very high cost.

Option 5. Mosaic.

We have separated it into a separate section, because... Based on the color scheme, it can be difficult to attribute a mosaic to any specific option. Mosaic implies a certain variegation of color, the use of several colors or shades at the same time.

Mosaic tiles for a black-and-white kitchen can be monochrome (black-gray-white), single-color (black or white) and color.

If you like colored mosaics, we recommend using the services of a designer, who in many salons that sell mosaics select the design for free (if, of course, the product is purchased from them). The risk of making a mistake with the choice of color, or going too far, will be minimal in this case.

So, the abundance of materials for the apron of a black and white kitchen allows you to use very different design solutions. You can simplify your task and choose just white or one color. You can experiment and choose photo printing. Suitable tiles will also look beautiful and impressive.

Choose the right apron for your black and white kitchen, taking into account your daily habits and preferences. And we hope that our advice has made it easier for you to solve this problem. Look at a photo selection of various options for solving this problem - choosing an apron for a black and white kitchen.

Of all the richness of the color palette of light kitchens, white remains the most popular color. This is a universal solution that always evokes associations with purity and nobility. White is aristocratic and versatile, so it can be used in any style. An apron for a white kitchen will help to emphasize the grace and beauty of such a set.

But in addition to design, it is necessary to remember that such an interior detail must be functional and practical, because this surface is subject to constant temperature changes and is often washed using special products. There are many finishing options, as well as design ideas.

Color solutions for finishing the kitchen working wall

Considering the absolute compatibility of white with all possible shades, the palette of the apron can be anything:

  • black, gray, dark brown will look original, but will attract all the attention, so you should choose beautiful materials: mosaic, glass with an image, stone and its imitation, mosaic of ceramic or glass tiles;
  • bright and rich tones of green, blue, pink, orange and other colors are appropriate here as nowhere else, but the choice is determined by the style of the entire interior and the prevailing shades in it;
  • A white apron in a white kitchen is also acceptable, although shades of milk, cream, and butter can be used to highlight the purity and natural shine of white.

White apron in a snow-white kitchen

A rather monotonous solution, which many may not like, when made from different types of materials it looks completely different, so it may not be worth abandoning it.

  • A practical solution would be ceramic tiles. It is easy to wash, it is heat resistant and is not affected by water or time. Tile manufacturers offer a lot of design options: pure white tiles can be decorated with an ornamental stripe, edging along the contour of the apron, its surface can imitate plaster or the texture of stone.
  • Mosaic aprons for white kitchens look original. They play with color, as the seams between small pieces of mosaic make the surface voluminous and textured, which ultimately dilutes the rather monotonous interior.
  • Decorating a glass wall opens up new possibilities in kitchen interior design. This material allows you to make even functional lighting the most decorative and unique solution. Of course, glass in pure white will be quite boring, but if you dilute it with a pearlescent tint or add a pattern that will not stand out from the monochrome palette, such an apron will be the most unexpected accent in the kitchen.
  • Less practical, but no less attractive, is an apron made of wood. Even when painted white, this material is distinguished by its natural beauty, which adds its own notes to the character of the interior. Thanks to the texture of the wood surface, the shade of white does not look too monotonous.
  • A kitchen apron in a white kitchen can also imitate brickwork, which can also be painted white. Such relief solutions add dynamism to any interior.

Colorful ideas and materials for their implementation

Modern finishing materials and their processing technologies make it possible to make wall decoration as bright and varied as your imagination allows. Any contrasting and rich color in absolutely any material will look bright and attractive against the background of a white set.

You can make a colored apron from the following materials:

  • tile;
  • glass;
  • mirror;
  • wood and MDF;
  • metal.

Classic ceramic tiles can be of any color and contain a variety of patterns that fit into the style of the interior. Most often, this option is chosen for a classic kitchen look.

A more interesting solution is to decorate the working wall with wood, while preserving its natural pattern. This design fits perfectly into country, Provence, and eco-style. But a wooden apron for a bright kitchen, no matter how beautiful it is, remains the most impractical, as it absorbs moisture and odors, and at the same time suffers from excessive heat from the stove.

Glass provides enormous opportunities. You can transfer any image you like onto it using photo printing or paint it in any color. On such material, each shade becomes deeper and more voluminous. Thanks to well-organized lighting, the glass apron acquires special grace and volume.

Monochromatic solutions look bright, which against a white background makes such a wall an accent wall in the room. Photo printing, in turn, can significantly change the finished interior. For example, antique-style panoramas of the city add charm and aristocratic sophistication to the white kitchen.

Photos of the night metropolis will emphasize the modernity and dynamism of the environment. Such an apron would be luxurious for a black and white kitchen, when the lower cabinets are in black and the upper ones in white. Then a photo of the city will highlight the composition and make the combination of shades even more intriguing. But they will also become less contrasting, since the apron will play the role of a transition from dark to white.

The mirror mosaic looks original against the background of white kitchen furniture. The shine of this material dilutes the monotony of the interior, adding more sophistication and mystery. However, ceramic mosaic also looks rich and varied even in a monochromatic solution, although it would be more interesting to lay it out from black and white tiles or interspersed with colored ones.

Another non-standard solution would be to use metal to create an apron. Of course, a wall covered with a metal sheet looks quite strange, although designers also use this option. A metal working wall can imitate brickwork, be corrugated or aged copper ─ depending on the style of the interior and general imagination.

Ideas for dark aprons for a white kitchen

An apron for a white kitchen is often made in a dark shade. This solution is acceptable only in a light interior without other dark surfaces. In addition, the lighting of such a wall should be organized several times better than in the case of using light colors.

You can create a dark apron using a variety of materials: from traditional ceramic tiles to painted glass or natural wood. The choice depends on the style of the interior, aesthetic preferences and, of course, operating conditions, since the wall is not always located close enough to the source of high temperature and washing. Then you can use any material you like ─ even inexpensive plastic.

The color scheme of dark solutions is as diverse as in bright versions. There may be photographic images or just a solid dark wall. A glass splashback with a macro shot of coffee beans, for example, will also be quite dark, but the depth of the brown will look completely different than if the same glass were painted brown.

Dark shades of burgundy look beautiful against the background of a white kitchen. This noble solution will highlight the interior in a classic style. Such an apron is also suitable for a black and white kitchen, but then the interior should also contain other details in the same color.

A dark wood pattern on the entire working wall looks elegant. It can be imitated using photo printing on the selected material. This is a harmonious option for eco-style, Japanese minimalism and other interiors that use exclusively natural materials.


The versatility of white lies in absolute harmony with all other colors, which makes the possibilities for arranging such an interior varied and interesting for a rich imagination. In such a kitchen, the decision about choosing an apron should be made based on the characteristics of the style in which the interior is designed. It is also important to decide whether the work wall will be an accent wall, because if it is white against the background of white furniture, completely different details will attract attention.

The choice of material plays an equally important role. Glass aprons have become a recent trend, but metal solutions are also gaining popularity. But you shouldn’t chase fashion and not always appropriate extraordinariness, the main thing is to choose a harmonious option specifically for your white kitchen.

The kitchen apron is considered one of the most important and noticeable interior details of this room. The finishing features and color scheme of the part of the wall between the countertop and wall cabinets often become almost key in the overall design solution of the kitchen. Experts advise approaching the issue of choosing a color for a kitchen apron no less carefully than choosing the material for its design.

Whatever shade is chosen for the apron, it should fit harmoniously into the overall color scheme of the room, organically complementing it and focusing attention on individual details.

  • Neutral apron– this is a strict and reliable option. The combination of the closest colors, or even a complete match of shades in the color of the apron and the headset, makes it invisible. For better perception, designers recommend making even neutral backsplashes several tones lighter or darker than the main color of the kitchen in order to at least slightly emphasize the special function of this surface.
  • Contrasting apron color– an ideal solution for monochromatic interiors. Most often, with the help of a contrasting color, the designer seeks to emphasize the severity and harmony of the kitchen, its laconicism and restraint. Black on white or white on black are the most striking contrasts that make even a modest and typical kitchen original.

ADVICE! To prevent such an apron from turning the room into an overly academic and serious interior, designers advise diluting it with bright details: for example, red cups or yellow kitchen appliances.

  • Luscious apron in the kitchen– the solution is original, but requires support. The brighter the color of the apron, the more it needs additional elements of the same color in the kitchen interior: these could be door handles, towels or a tea set. A colorful backsplash makes the room more cheerful and optimistic, but requires perfect order and attention to detail.

An apron as a decor is most often used in a company with the most neutral walls and an equally laconic set. A calm background allows you to use complex designs, ornaments, patterns and even full-fledged paintings to decorate the apron: these can be mosaic panels or photo printing on glass.

ADVICE! Mosaic paintings are a great way to create an individualized interior that will become the calling card of this particular room and the pride of its owners.

The general trend can be formulated this way: we enliven a monotonous kitchen with the help of a bright apron, and make it more neutral with the help of calm tones in the decoration of this part of the wall. Such classic, but always spectacular and effective solutions are suitable for kitchens of any style, direction and size.

Selecting a shade to match the color of the kitchen set

When the decision on the general color option has been made, you should start from specific conditions and select exactly the shade of the apron that will be optimal for a particular set. Most designers consider the color of the furniture, and not the walls, to be fundamental when choosing an apron.

  • White kitchen- the simplest and at the same time complex option. On the one hand, there are no restrictions on color, because any shade goes well with white: both green and red aprons will decorate and make it stylish and bright. But too many complementary colors or undertone variations can overshadow the white and make the room look overly colorful. A bright or neutral version of the apron for a white kitchen will radically change the mood of the room. An apron is selected similarly for a dark kitchen: black or. Neutral, calm, light shades are in favor, balancing the gloom of the set and making the kitchen more harmonious.

ADVICE! The neutral basic tone of the kitchen makes it possible to pay more attention to details: for example, the color and pattern of the kitchen apron. Against the backdrop of a calm and somewhat boring set, a bright section of the wall does not look alien; it becomes a way to dilute the familiar picture with new colors and bold solutions.

  • Blue or light blue kitchen set designers recommend diluting it with light shades on the apron: white, beige and all shades of gray. For both rich blue and sky blue sets, a dark apron can be an extremely unfortunate option, too darkening the main color of the kitchen.

  • Red set more varied in terms of the choice of color for the apron: all options are allowed - from classic white or black to original blue or orange. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners and the result expected as a result of finishing. Calm, cold shades will make the richness more restrained and rich, while bright and colorful shades will add liveliness to such an interior.
  • And They are not found so often in kitchen furniture because they are too bright colors and overshadow the design delights and original layout solutions. But if one of these sunny shades is chosen for the set, then calm tones should be selected for the frame: soft white, warm beige, laconic gray.

Photo: Yellow kitchen with photo printing on the apron on the theme “fruit”

  • Green shades in kitchen furniture They are quite picky in choosing companions: either calm versions of neutral colors (beige, gray) or flashy ones (black, yellow) are allowed. Designers consider adding wooden textures to the interior as one of the worthy options: an apron made of panels in wenge or noble oak color will make the kitchen more aristocratic and stylish.

Options for combining apron colors

A plain apron is not always a rational and suitable solution. The calmer the kitchen interior and the more restrained the furniture, the more experiments the designer can afford with a kitchen apron. Color combinations and surprising combinations are what can make an ordinary domestic high-rise building more individual and special.

ADVICE! A creative and harmonious apron in the kitchen can outshine boring interior designs and distract from the modest size of the room.

Originality and combination of different shades in the decoration of a kitchen apron is not only a choice of multi-color printing on glass and panels. A more traditional, but no less creative solution would be to use multi-colored and different-sized tiles or mosaics. At the same time, you can select colors and shapes either independently or by choosing solutions prepared in advance by manufacturers.

Multi-colored rhombuses, triangles, rectangles and even circles on the kitchen apron become an organic part of the interior. In a classic style, this option will look playful and frivolous, but for modernism and minimalism it will be an excellent salvation from excessive thoughtfulness and rigor of style. Combining several color options within the backsplash itself: for example, creating an entire abstract picture from blue, red and yellow tiles - will not only be a way to enliven the kitchen interior, but also one of the methods of self-expression and demonstration of your design skills.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

The combination of white and black for the kitchen is suitable for lovers of a laconic and versatile interior. In addition, this design looks stylish and modern, thanks to the play of contrasts that highlight each other favorably.

In order to competently organize such a seemingly simple design and avoid mistakes, you need to know some of the subtleties and secrets of selecting finishes and furniture, which you can read about later in our article.

Style solution for the interior of a black and white kitchen

This color combination will fit perfectly into both classic and modern trends, allowing you to implement rather unexpected, bold ideas for organizing space. Let's consider what features are inherent in various designs in more detail in order to choose the appropriate kitchen option for yourself.


A classic in a black and white kitchen involves the use of natural materials in decoration and furniture, for example, a carved white wood facade or a granite countertop in black shades, as well as wooden flooring.

The room should be graceful and elegant, and the composition should be made of strict geometric shapes, without excessive pretentiousness. Furniture in a classic style is chosen to be comfortable and practical, with smooth, ornate outlines.

High tech

The high-tech style for this color combination necessarily includes ergonomic, simple shapes. The appropriate materials include steel, plastic, glass inserts, complemented by metal corners, chrome handles, and aluminum chandeliers.

A black table with metal legs and a black, tinted glass top will look beautiful. You can dilute the interior with bright monochromatic details and accessories. Kitchen facades are most often made glossy, shiny, and a suspended ceiling is best suited.


Minimalism in planning should be clearly zoned using color and rational. The eye should not be drawn to any small details or small decor. Both natural and artificial materials are used in finishing, but always with a smooth surface that reflects light.

It can be steel, wood, glass, nickel, chrome, durable plastic, etc. There is no place for ornamentation and bright accents in minimalism. As an option, the bottom row of cabinets of the facade stands out in contrast, or the legs and table top are made opposite.


A black and white loft-style kitchen will suit lovers of urban style. It can be implemented in a studio apartment or in a kitchen combined with a living room, where you can interestingly play up the zoning of the room using a black glossy bar counter.

Materials such as chrome, steel, and glass surfaces are appropriate for decoration. The decoration of one of the kitchen walls with brick, painted white, will look interesting. Dark facades can be complemented by the soft light of built-in lamps.

White glossy tiles are combined with glass or with black stripes along the facade, visually lengthening the space.

Each of the styles described above is unique in its own way, and the choice of solution depends on the personal preferences of the home owner, as well as on the design of the remaining rooms. Next, let's look at the various combinations of two colors that exist and how best to use them.

Black + white: possible color combinations

White top and black bottom

A kitchen with a white top and black bottom is a popular creative idea. A clear demarcation of space makes the upper part more airy, and lower objects ground, so the walls of the rooms visually move apart. The solution is appropriate for large rooms, but can also be used advantageously in a small kitchen.

This design is indispensable for a straight facade, so that the kitchen does not look boring and original. Perfectly hides large household appliances in black. Colorful accents will act as focal points and add to the mood of the room.

White bottom and black top

A white bottom and black top kitchen is an excellent choice for kitchens with an asymmetrical shape. This combination looks extraordinary and is closest to a minimalist design solution. Bright colors for countertops, aprons or textiles will help avoid monotony.

White kitchen and black countertop

A white kitchen with a black countertop is suitable for small kitchens, allowing the room to look more spacious. A black tabletop made of marble, glass or durable plastic will attract attention and become the center of the entire composition. It is advisable to choose a glossy finish for this part.

Using a not too deep black color will help smooth out too obvious contrast. You can choose a natural stone or its imitation, which will play in the sun with different tints of shades, thereby smoothing out color differences.

White kitchen and black appliances

A white kitchen + black appliances looks extraordinary and elegant, and black appliances are quite popular. Such combinations are typical for styles with notes of contrast and roughness, such as Scandinavian, loft or art deco. In this case, you can also make the tabletop dark to balance the overall composition.

Black and white floor

Black and white flooring in the kitchen can be made of tiles, stone or laminate. This can be a checkerboard arrangement, suitable for strict and minimalist designs. The diagonal arrangement is perfect for a small room, visually giving it volume.

It will also expand the floor area in a staggered or herringbone pattern, thereby correcting shortcomings in the layout. For this design, tiles in the shape of a square or rectangle are used.

Black and white apron

The black and white apron is made from small mosaics, tempered glass with photo printing of interesting images, as well as ceramic tiles with an original pattern or plain.

The choice of images is quite wide - it can be a photo of a metropolis, or flowers, vegetables or fruits, abstract compositions, as well as a checkerboard arrangement. Patterns can overlap with patterns on wallpaper, curtains or textiles.

What companion color can you add to a black and white kitchen?

If someone finds a double combination of shades too boring, you can dilute it with an accompanying additional color, but you should not use more than three colors in the interior. The companion color should either balance the composition or serve as a revitalizing element.

A popular color trio can be achieved by using red shades in a black and white kitchen. It will add freshness and brightness. You can use it in accessories, for example, buy red dishes, arrange red decorative elements, put red covers on chairs.

Notes of green will add richness to a simple interior. You can make an apron using a print of green shades and add green to the design of the tabletop and chairs.

The yellow color will fit perfectly and harmoniously into this design, smoothing out the too sharp contrasts of monochrome color. Yellow stripes or geometric patterns are appropriate on curtains, kitchen facades or aprons. You can also dilute the severity with a yellow vase on a black tabletop.

Gray color is close to this color scheme, but it needs to be balanced correctly, not allowing too much dominance. The gray color used is muted, not too saturated. Basically, it is appropriate for textiles, wall decoration and lighting elements. A gray aluminum chandelier will look beautiful.

Purple shades are considered fashionable and can balance strict shapes. A white apron with a purple image, or glass inserts on the kitchen façade with a purple print, look unusual. The walls can be decorated with white tiles with small purple details.

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen in black and white

You should choose wallpaper that is dense, with small patterns, or apply images using a stencil, showing creativity and individual taste. Plain coatings with a voluminous texture or a beautiful print will look good.

Advice! Be careful when choosing the size of the pattern, as elements that are too large can oversaturate the interior. They can be used in one part of the room, for example, highlighting the dining area of ​​the kitchen.

A popular idea is to use photo wallpaper in the kitchen interior. You can highlight the dining area with an image in the form of a city landscape or fruit. At the same time, it is not necessary to glue exactly black and white wallpaper. You can also use bright elements on a white background, for example, juicy fruits with drops of water or large flowers. Black should then dominate the tabletop and chairs.

Choosing curtains for a black and white kitchen

The choice of curtains for the kitchen deserves special attention. They will need to protect from the sun and be a harmonious decorative element. The color can be not only black or white, but also the correct shade of gray. It should be moderately rich and not separate from the overall composition.

The length of the curtains depends on the height of the ceiling; the higher the walls, the shorter the curtains can be. To correct the room, you can hang long curtains along the entire length, starting from the ceiling, visually increasing the height of the kitchen.

Flowers and delicate tones are not appropriate in a strict design, so it is best to choose an option with small geometric shapes or horizontal stripes of different thicknesses.

How to distribute color proportions correctly

At the initial design stage, you should highlight the dominant color - black or white, since the wrong ratio can create a too tense, overloaded composition.

In a small kitchen, you should choose white as the main shade to visually correct the small size. For a large room, the flight of imagination is not limited; do not be afraid to use a large percentage of black.

Creating a modern design from your favorite combination of black and white is not at all difficult; the main thing is to listen to the advice of experts, take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the choice and do not forget to be creative in realizing the interior of your dream kitchen.

Black and white kitchen photo

The black and white combination takes you back to the era of the emergence of cinema and the absence of color photographs, when monochrome images left room for imagination. In this contrasting combination, both opposite poles - the maximum light and the maximum dark - converge on a common border, forming harmony in struggle and unity. Read about styles and successful options for two-tone kitchens further in the article.

White for ladies, black for gentlemen. This design is chosen by those who prefer clean lines and elegance. Owners of such kitchens are no strangers to the rules of modern etiquette: they love order and high style. The combination of absolutely opposite achromatic shades is at the same time festive, solemn and strict.

To simplify the perception of this complex combination, you can use the technique of interpenetration of colors: at the border of large monochromatic details, an area is formed with small spots or ornaments on the opposite contrasting background.

This principle allows you to reduce the high tension of the interior.

The advantages of monochrome design include the following:

  1. The lack of a wide range of color options reduces the risk of color errors when choosing combinations.
  2. The abundance of white surfaces creates a certain play of light, resulting in a feeling of lightness and spaciousness.
  3. The limited number of colors opens up endless possibilities for choosing different shapes, textures and points of light.

Cons of black and white interior:

  1. An abundance of dark areas is not recommended for small kitchens, as this color has the ability to hide volume.
  2. The need for regular cleaning: stains and dust become noticeable on a black surface, stains, splashes and soot on a white surface.
  3. Too much black color can cause a depressed state if you spend a long time in such a room.

Style solution for the interior of a black and white kitchen


Family, cozy and noble classics will not lose their correct, expensive and thoughtful style in black and white. Traditional kitchens look more appropriate in spacious rooms with high ceilings. However, in a monochrome version, skillful distribution of white color will visually enlarge the space, and a massive set will be able to fit harmoniously into a small area.

An absolutely white ceiling with a classical theme is often decorated with stucco. In tribute to the pretentious style, you should not lay expensive and impractical parquet over the entire kitchen floor. Wooden flooring is perfect only for the dining area. To decorate the food preparation area, you can use beautiful wood-colored linoleum or tiles. Characteristic details of a classic interior in monochrome will be a black ceramic hob and a white sink made of artificial stone.

High tech

Modern style involves choosing practical and comfortable furniture with a minimum of unnecessary details and decorations. Moreover, each part of the interior has its own specific location, where it is most comfortable to use. High-tech style features:

  1. The design is dominated by simple shapes with many straight lines.
  2. Smooth surfaces are characterized by a large area.
  3. Free space allows you to move freely around the work area.
  4. When choosing finishing materials, preference is given to high-quality plastic, metal parts and translucent glass.
  5. The countertop and sink can be made of durable artificial stone.
  6. High functionality of the kitchen is ensured by built-in modern appliances and smart fittings.

High-tech style is characterized by contrasting color combinations. The black and white version of the headset will emphasize the rigor and simplicity of the forms of high-tech design.


The main features of the interior are correct geometry and the complete absence of unnecessary details. The surfaces are smooth and even, the location of each item is thought out as much as possible, all the dishes are hidden behind the doors in comfortable and spacious cabinets. A monochrome combination will be a suitable color solution for a laconic design that does not include bright inserts. It will emphasize the uniformity of textures, highlight straight lines and add neatness to the environment.


The style is characterized by the presence of a large number of light interior details, and therefore a more suitable option would be white surfaces of kitchen facades and walls with black inserts and trim around the perimeter. A light ceramic tile apron will be decorated with small floral patterns in a contrasting color. A dark ceramic hob will look stylish on a white countertop. To decorate wall shelves and flower stands, you can use forged metal products made in a dark shade.


The combination of glossy black or white surfaces made of high-quality material with a rough background of an unplastered brick wall or untreated wood looks very harmonious. Black unmasked pipes and open furniture frames, industrial lamps and a concrete ceiling will add brutality to the interior.

Color combination options

White top and black bottom

This design is one of the quite popular methods of distributing dark and white spots in a headset. At the same time, the upper zone adds volume, light and air to the room. Lower cabinets look more down to earth and stable. They perfectly camouflage large household appliances. A clear delineation of space visually stretches the kitchen, which will allow you to visually raise the ceiling. This option will be advantageous with a straight facade: it will make the appearance of a linear monochrome set interesting and not boring.

White bottom and black top

This design surprises with its originality and looks good in a minimalist kitchen style with flat and smooth surfaces. The monochromatic demarcation of the headset fits well into asymmetrical rooms. It is not advisable to design the floor color in a white shade, since the lower cabinets will merge with it, creating a monotonous spot. The undoubted advantages of a light bottom include the invisibility of water stains and fingerprints on furniture. To prevent a monotonous look from becoming boring, you can include bright accents in the design of the work surface. Colorful textiles will also successfully dilute the monochrome.

If you make a dark countertop from materials such as marble, special glass or high-quality plastic, it will not only look expensive, but will also become the center of a monochrome composition. This fact is relevant, first of all, for the glossy coating of an object. To visually reduce the contrast of two opposing colors, you can use shallow black shades and matte finishes. An alternative option would be a countertop made of natural stone or its high-quality imitation. The advantage of this material is its ability to shimmer in the light. The multitude of resulting shades will smooth out contrasting color transitions.

A dark apron can decorate a room decorated in a light shade. This detail looks especially stylish, made in a glossy version with a contrasting print. Since black color tends to absorb light, it is necessary to provide additional lighting for comfortable use of the work area.

The darkest possible color for household appliances is quite practical and popular. Placing such details in the set increases the contrast of the interior. This design solution is typical for such rough styles as loft, Scandinavian minimalism, and art deco. To give the design completeness and balance, you can add a dark tabletop to the set.

A floor covering of this shade gives the entire composition stability, a sense of grounding and reliability, making being in such a kitchen comfortable. The noble deep shade of the floor acts as the main accent of the interior, regardless of the color of the set.

The dining table cover, made in a dark shade, will become the central bright spot in a light interior. Such an item remains the only black element, or you can add several contrasting spots to it on the kitchen facade. A glossy or matte tabletop will provide a rich background for decorative compositions.

Black and white apron

The item will become the main detail that attracts attention if it is executed in one of the following options:

  • small mosaic with a unique pattern;
  • photo printing of monochrome images on the surface of durable tempered glass;
  • ceramic tiles with a single-color pattern.

The prints and compositions chosen for the apron can echo the patterns on the walls, window curtains and kitchen textiles.

Black and white floor

When it comes to formal styles or minimalist designs, a popular option is a checkerboard pattern of contrasting ceramic tiles covering the entire kitchen floor. If you expand the squares and arrange them in the form of diamonds, then these elements will visually increase the space. An original solution would be to lay the floor with rectangular tiles with a herringbone pattern.

Which accents to choose

To create a unique and non-standard interior, you can use additional colors that can smooth out the high contrast of the headset and add an exotic and bright touch to the monochrome combination.


Refers to popular companion shades for black and white kitchens. Scarlet color attracts attention, refreshes the interior and creates intrigue. Variants of red can be included in the composition on the apron. Colored dishes and vases, scarlet covers on the backs of chairs will harmoniously fit into the interior. When choosing such a shade as an addition, moderation must be observed, as it can distract from the overall atmosphere.


It is an intermediate link in the original color scheme. Well complements and smoothes out contrasting combinations of shades when using muted tones. It is used to decorate kitchen walls, aprons, and is also suitable for textiles and lighting fixtures. A multi-color mosaic made of black and white tiles, as well as many shades of gray, looks very stylish.


The shade of nature and forest is suitable for diluting the severity of monochrome and creating an optimistic spring mood. To place juicy accents, you can insert small light green or yellow-green spots in the form of kitchen accessories or a bright composition on the apron containing broccoli or spicy herbs. More delicate and muted tones are well suited for decorating one or more kitchen walls.


This appetizing and positive color has many shades suitable for combination with a black and white interior. A bright lemon will add a cheerful note to the design, and deep yellow will create a sunny mood. To decorate relatively large surfaces with a third color, such as a wall or roller blinds on a wide window, pastel is suitable.

For small rooms, a more suitable option for a monochrome interior would be a design with a predominance of white. It can visually expand the space and add freshness. If the kitchen is large, then black surfaces may dominate. In this case, care should be taken to ensure sufficient lighting, especially in the food preparation area.


For rooms with low ceilings, the longest curtains are more suitable, visually adding height and masking the heater. The color of the fabric depends on the overall style of the kitchen. To dilute the monochrome, you can decorate the window in a bright shade. If the room has high ceilings, then short curtains made of various fabrics and blinds made of metal or plastic look harmonious.


Strict design is characterized by dense, monotonous wallpaper, often white. The volumetric texture will look good on them. For smooth surfaces, it is possible to apply an individual design with paint using stencils. Large ornaments and images would be appropriate in a less contrasting and saturated area of ​​the kitchen, for example, next to the dining table, made in soothing gray tones. Photo wallpapers with large multi-colored fruits and vegetables next to black dining furniture look very harmonious.

Ceiling and walls

For small, low rooms, the most suitable ceiling color and the predominant background of the upper facades will be airy white. In this case, the lower part of the set and the floor are decorated in a stable black shade. Thanks to this technique, the kitchen area visually stretches upward and seems more spacious. For a strict monochrome interior, only a perfectly smooth, predominantly white ceiling is suitable. Horizontal elements on the walls will help visually expand the narrow spaces of the room. Vertical contrasting stripes visually make the room taller.


The style of the dining set most often duplicates the main design of the set, forming a harmonious composition. With a limited number of colors, you can create combinations from various materials, textures and patterns.

Kitchen appliances

A simple and at the same time stylish solution for decorating a two-tone interior is black built-in household appliances against the background of a white kitchen ensemble.


A large number of dark details and surfaces make the room dull, so it is important to consider diverse lighting for all areas of the kitchen. Small spotlights or strip lights are mounted above the tabletop, each of which has a separate switch. In addition to the ceiling fixtures, stylish sconces are hung above the dining area.

Photos of black and white kitchens in the interior


A black and white kitchen interior is a difficult stylistic task for a designer. Proper distribution of color spots will not only create a unique and bold image, but also correct the shortcomings of the room. Strict minimalism without unnecessary details is suitable for practical and business people. Notes of romance and grace can be found in monochrome Provence and classics. A high-tech kitchen looks especially attractive in black and white with the addition of a third bright companion color.