home · Installation · Heating production facilities is a necessary condition for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment. Calculation of heating of the production building Average calculation and exact

Heating production facilities is a necessary condition for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment. Calculation of heating of the production building Average calculation and exact

Many people think that heating industrial premises is no different from heating residential buildings. In fact, many aspects must be taken care of here, for example, compliance with the appropriate temperature regime, the level of dust content in the air, as well as its humidity.

In addition, consideration should be given to technological process production, the height and size of the room, as well as the location of the equipment in it. Proceed to the selection, design and installation of the production heat supply system should be after the calculation of the required capacity.

Heating calculation

To carry out a thermal calculation, before planning any industrial heating, you need to use the standard method.

Qt (kW/h) =V*∆T *K/860

  • V - the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in need of heating (W * D * H);
  • ∆ T is the value of the difference between the outside and the desired inside temperature;
  • K is the coefficient of heat loss;
  • 860 - recalculation per kWh.
  • The heat loss coefficient, which is included in the calculation of the heating system for industrial premises, varies depending on the type of building and the level of its thermal insulation. The lower the thermal insulation, the higher the value of the coefficient.

    air heating

    Most enterprises at the time of existence Soviet Union used a convection heating system for industrial buildings. The difficulty of using this method lies in the fact that, according to the laws of physics, warm air rises, while the part of the room located near the floor remains less heated.

    Today, more rational heating is provided by an air heating system for industrial premises.

    Operating principle

    Hot air, which is preheated in the heat generator through air ducts, is transferred to the heated part of the building. Distribution heads are used to distribute thermal energy throughout the space. In some cases, fans are installed, which can be replaced by portable equipment, including a heat gun.


    It should be noted that such heating can be combined with various supply systems ventilation and air conditioning. This is what makes it possible to heat huge complexes, which could not be achieved before.

    This method is widely used in the heating of warehouse complexes, as well as indoor sports facilities. In addition, this method in most cases is the only possible one, since it has the highest level of fire safety.


    Naturally, there were some negative properties. For example, the installation of air heating will cost a pretty penny to the owners of the enterprise.

    Not only do the fans necessary for normal operation cost a lot, but they also consume huge amounts of electricity, since their performance reaches several thousand cubic meters at one o'clock.

    infrared heating

    Not every company is ready to spend a lot of money on an air heating system, so many prefer to use a different method. Infrared industrial heating is becoming more and more popular every day.

    Principle of operation

    The infrared burner operates on the principle of flameless combustion of air located on the porous part of the ceramic surface. ceramic surface differs in that it is capable of emitting a whole spectrum of waves that are concentrated in the area infrared radiation.

    A feature of these waves is their high degree of permeability, that is, they can freely pass through air currents in order to transfer their energy to a certain place. The flow of infrared radiation is directed to a predetermined area through various reflectors.

    Therefore, the heating of industrial premises using similar burner allows for maximum comfort. In addition, this method of heating makes it possible to heat both individual work areas and entire buildings.

    Main advantages

    On this moment It is the use of infrared heaters that is considered the most modern and progressive method of heating industrial buildings thanks to the following positive features:

    • rapid heating of the room;
    • low power consumption;
    • high efficiency;
    • compact equipment and easy installation.

    By making the right calculation, you can install a powerful, economical and independent heating system of the enterprise that does not need constant maintenance.

    Scope of application

    It should be noted that such equipment is used, among other things, for heating poultry houses, greenhouses, cafe terraces, auditoriums, shopping and sports halls, as well as various bituminous coatings for technological purposes.

    The whole effect of the operation of an infrared burner can be felt in those rooms that are distinguished by large volumes of cold air. The compactness and mobility of such equipment makes it possible to maintain the temperature at a certain level, depending on the technological need and the time of day.


    Many are concerned about the issue of safety, since they associate the word "radiation" with radiation and harmful effects on human health. In fact, the operation of infrared heaters is completely safe for both humans and equipment located in the room.

    Whether it is an industrial building or a residential building, you need to make competent calculations and draw up a diagram of the heating system circuit. At this stage, experts recommend paying special attention to the calculation of the possible heat load on the heating circuit, as well as the amount of fuel consumed and heat generated.

    Thermal load: what is it?

    This term refers to the amount of heat given off. The preliminary calculation of the heat load made it possible to avoid unnecessary costs for the purchase of components of the heating system and for their installation. Also, this calculation will help to correctly distribute the amount of heat generated economically and evenly throughout the building.

    There are many nuances in these calculations. For example, the material from which the building is built, thermal insulation, region, etc. Experts try to take into account as many factors and characteristics as possible to obtain a more accurate result.

    The calculation of the heat load with errors and inaccuracies leads to inefficient operation of the heating system. It even happens that you have to redo sections of an already working structure, which inevitably leads to unplanned expenses. Yes, and housing and communal organizations calculate the cost of services based on data on heat load.

    Main Factors

    An ideally calculated and designed heating system must maintain the set temperature in the room and compensate for the resulting heat losses. When calculating the indicator of the heat load on the heating system in the building, you need to take into account:

    Purpose of the building: residential or industrial.

    Characteristics of the structural elements of the structure. These are windows, walls, doors, roof and ventilation system.

    Housing dimensions. The larger it is, the more powerful the heating system should be. Be sure to take into account the area of ​​window openings, doors, exterior walls and the volume of each interior space.

    The presence of rooms for special purposes (bath, sauna, etc.).

    Degree of equipment with technical devices. That is, the presence of hot water supply, ventilation systems, air conditioning and the type of heating system.

    For a single room. For example, in rooms intended for storage, it is not necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature for a person.

    Number of points with feed hot water. The more of them, the more the system is loaded.

    Area of ​​glazed surfaces. Rooms with French windows lose a significant amount of heat.

    Additional terms. In residential buildings, this can be the number of rooms, balconies and loggias and bathrooms. In industrial - the number of working days in a calendar year, shifts, technological chain production process etc.

    Climatic conditions of the region. When calculating heat losses, street temperatures are taken into account. If the differences are insignificant, then a small amount of energy will be spent on compensation. While at -40 ° C outside the window it will require significant expenses.

    Features of existing methods

    The parameters included in the calculation of the heat load are in SNiPs and GOSTs. They also have special heat transfer coefficients. From the passports of the equipment included in the heating system, digital characteristics are taken regarding a specific heating radiator, boiler, etc. And also traditionally:

    The heat consumption, taken to the maximum for one hour of operation of the heating system,

    The maximum heat flow from one radiator,

    Total heat costs in a certain period (most often - a season); if you need an hourly calculation of the load on heating network, then the calculation must be carried out taking into account the temperature difference during the day.

    The calculations made are compared with the heat transfer area of ​​the entire system. The index is quite accurate. Some deviations happen. For example, for industrial buildings, it will be necessary to take into account the reduction in heat energy consumption on weekends and holidays, and in residential buildings - at night.

    Methods for calculating heating systems have several degrees of accuracy. To reduce the error to a minimum, it is necessary to use rather complex calculations. Less accurate schemes are used if the goal is not to optimize the costs of the heating system.

    Basic calculation methods

    To date, the calculation of the heat load on the heating of a building can be carried out in one of the following ways.

    Three main

    1. Aggregated indicators are taken for calculation.
    2. The indicators of the structural elements of the building are taken as the base. Here, the calculation of the internal volume of air going to warm up will also be important.
    3. All objects included in the heating system are calculated and summarized.

    One exemplary

    There is also a fourth option. It has a fairly large error, because the indicators are taken very average, or they are not enough. Here is the formula - Q from \u003d q 0 * a * V H * (t EH - t NPO), where:

    • q 0 - specific thermal characteristic of the building (most often determined by the coldest period),
    • a - correction factor (depends on the region and is taken from ready-made tables),
    • V H is the volume calculated from the outer planes.

    Example of a simple calculation

    For a building with standard parameters (ceiling heights, room sizes and good thermal insulation characteristics) you can apply a simple ratio of parameters, corrected by a factor depending on the region.

    Suppose that a residential building is located in the Arkhangelsk region, and its area is 170 square meters. m. The heat load will be equal to 17 * 1.6 = 27.2 kW / h.

    Such a definition of thermal loads does not take into account many important factors. For example, design features buildings, temperatures, the number of walls, the ratio of the areas of walls and window openings, etc. Therefore, such calculations are not suitable for serious heating system projects.

    It depends on the material from which they are made. Most often today, bimetallic, aluminum, steel are used, much less often cast-iron radiators. Each of them has its own heat transfer index (thermal power). Bimetal radiators with a distance between the axes of 500 mm, on average they have 180 - 190 watts. Aluminum radiators have almost the same performance.

    The heat transfer of the described radiators is calculated for one section. Steel plate radiators are non-separable. Therefore, their heat transfer is determined based on the size of the entire device. For example, the thermal power of a two-row radiator 1100 mm wide and 200 mm high will be 1010 W, and a steel panel radiator 500 mm wide and 220 mm high will be 1644 W.

    The calculation of the heating radiator by area includes the following basic parameters:

    Ceiling height (standard - 2.7 m),

    Thermal power (per sq. m - 100 W),

    One outer wall.

    These calculations show that for every 10 sq. m requires 1,000 W of thermal power. This result is divided by the heat output of one section. The answer is the required number of radiator sections.

    For the southern regions of our country, as well as for the northern ones, decreasing and increasing coefficients have been developed.

    Average calculation and exact

    Given the factors described, the average calculation is carried out according to the following scheme. If for 1 sq. m requires 100 W of heat flow, then a room of 20 square meters. m should receive 2,000 watts. The radiator (popular bimetallic or aluminum) of eight sections allocates about Divide 2,000 by 150, we get 13 sections. But this is a rather enlarged calculation of the thermal load.

    The exact one looks a little intimidating. Actually, nothing complicated. Here is the formula:

    Q t \u003d 100 W / m 2 × S (rooms) m 2 × q 1 × q 2 × q 3 × q 4 × q 5 × q 6 × q 7, Where:

    • q 1 - type of glazing (ordinary = 1.27, double = 1.0, triple = 0.85);
    • q 2 - wall insulation (weak or absent = 1.27, 2-brick wall = 1.0, modern, high = 0.85);
    • q 3 - the ratio of the total area of ​​window openings to the floor area (40% = 1.2, 30% = 1.1, 20% - 0.9, 10% = 0.8);
    • q 4 - outdoor temperature (the minimum value is taken: -35 o C = 1.5, -25 o C = 1.3, -20 o C = 1.1, -15 o C = 0.9, -10 o C = 0.7);
    • q 5 - the number of external walls in the room (all four = 1.4, three = 1.3, corner room= 1.2, one = 1.2);
    • q 6 - type of calculation room above the calculation room (cold attic = 1.0, warm attic = 0.9, residential heated room = 0.8);
    • q 7 - ceiling height (4.5 m = 1.2, 4.0 m = 1.15, 3.5 m = 1.1, 3.0 m = 1.05, 2.5 m = 1.3).

    Using any of the methods described, it is possible to calculate the heat load of an apartment building.

    Approximate calculation

    These are the conditions. Minimum temperature in the cold season - -20 o C. Room 25 sq. m with triple glazing, double-leaf windows, ceiling height of 3.0 m, two-brick walls and an unheated attic. The calculation will be as follows:

    Q \u003d 100 W / m 2 × 25 m 2 × 0.85 × 1 × 0.8 (12%) × 1.1 × 1.2 × 1 × 1.05.

    The result, 2 356.20, is divided by 150. As a result, it turns out that 16 sections need to be installed in a room with the specified parameters.

    If calculation is required in gigacalories

    In the absence of a heat energy meter on an open heating circuit, the calculation of the heat load for heating the building is calculated by the formula Q \u003d V * (T 1 - T 2) / 1000, where:

    • V - the amount of water consumed by the heating system, calculated in tons or m 3,
    • T 1 - a number showing the temperature of hot water, measured in o C, and for calculations, the temperature corresponding to a certain pressure in the system is taken. This indicator has its own name - enthalpy. If it is not possible to remove temperature indicators in a practical way, they resort to an average indicator. It is in the range of 60-65 o C.
    • T 2 - temperature of cold water. It is quite difficult to measure it in the system, so constant indicators have been developed that depend on the temperature regime on the street. For example, in one of the regions, in the cold season, this indicator is taken equal to 5, in summer - 15.
    • 1,000 is the coefficient for obtaining the result immediately in gigacalories.

    In the case of a closed circuit thermal load(gcal/hour) is calculated differently:

    Q from \u003d α * q o * V * (t in - t n.r.) * (1 + K n.r.) * 0.000001, Where

    The calculation of the heat load turns out to be somewhat enlarged, but it is this formula that is given in the technical literature.

    Increasingly, in order to increase the efficiency of the heating system, they resort to buildings.

    These works are carried out at night. For a more accurate result, you must observe the temperature difference between the room and the street: it must be at least 15 o. Lamps daylight and the incandescent lamps are switched off. It is advisable to remove carpets and furniture to the maximum, they knock down the device, giving some error.

    The survey is carried out slowly, the data are recorded carefully. The scheme is simple.

    The first stage of work takes place indoors. The device is moved gradually from doors to windows, giving Special attention corners and other joints.

    The second stage is the examination of the external walls of the building with a thermal imager. The joints are still carefully examined, especially the connection with the roof.

    The third stage is data processing. First, the device does this, then the readings are transferred to a computer, where the corresponding programs complete the processing and give the result.

    If the survey was conducted by a licensed organization, then it will issue a report with mandatory recommendations based on the results of the work. If the work was carried out personally, then you need to rely on your knowledge and, possibly, the help of the Internet.


    In a rather unfavorable climate, any building needs good heating. And if heating a private house or apartment is not difficult, then a lot of effort will have to be made to heat industrial premises.

    Heating industrial premises and enterprises is a rather laborious process, which is facilitated by a number of reasons. First, when creating heating scheme it is imperative to comply with the criteria of cost, reliability and functionality. Secondly, industrial buildings usually have rather large dimensions and are designed for certain work, for which special equipment is installed in buildings. These reasons significantly complicate the laying of the heating system and increase the cost of work. Despite all the difficulties, industrial buildings still require heating, and in such cases it performs several functions:

    • security comfortable conditions work, which directly affects the performance of staff;
    • protection of equipment from temperature extremes to prevent their hypothermia and subsequent breakdown;
    • creation of a suitable microclimate in warehouse areas so that manufactured products do not lose their properties due to improper storage conditions.
    What is the result? Heating industrial workshops will save on various types of expenses, for example, for repairs or sick leave. In addition, if the heating system is chosen correctly, then its maintenance and repair will be much cheaper, and a minimum number of interventions will be required for its operation. It is only important to know that the specific heating characteristic of industrial buildings can be different, and it must be calculated initially.

    Choosing a system for heating industrial premises

    Heating of industrial premises is carried out using different types of systems, each of which requires detailed consideration. The most popular are centralized liquid or air systems, but local heaters can often be found.

    The following parameters influence the choice of the type of heating system:

    • dimensions of the heated room;
    • the amount of thermal energy required to comply with the temperature regime;
    • ease of maintenance and availability of repair.
    Each system has its pros and cons, and the choice will primarily depend on the compliance of the functionality of the selected system with the requirements that apply to it. When choosing the type of system, it is necessary to calculate the heating system of an industrial building in order to have a clear understanding of how much heat the building needs.

    Central water heating

    In the case of a central heating system, heat generation will be provided by a local boiler house or unified system to be installed in the building. The design of this system includes a boiler, heating appliances and pipelines.

    The principle of operation of such a system is as follows: the liquid is heated in the boiler, after which it is distributed through pipes to all heating devices. Liquid heating can be single-pipe and two-pipe. In the first case, temperature control is not carried out, and in the case of two-pipe heating, the temperature regime can be adjusted using thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

    The boiler is the central element of the water heating system. It can run on gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electricity, or a combination of these types of energy resources. When choosing a boiler, it is necessary first of all to take into account the presence of one or another type of fuel.

    For example, the possibility of using main gas allows you to immediately connect to this system. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the energy resource: gas reserves are not unlimited, so its price will grow every year. In addition, gas pipelines are very prone to accidents that will adversely affect the production process.

    The use of a liquid fuel boiler also has its "pitfalls": to store liquid fuel, you must have a separate tank and constantly replenish stocks in it - and this is an additional cost of time, effort and finances. Solid fuel boilers generally not recommended for heating industrial buildings, except in cases where the building area is small.

    True, there are automated versions of boilers that are capable of taking fuel on their own, and in this case the temperature is adjusted automatically, but the maintenance of such systems cannot be called simple. For different models of solid fuel boilers, different types of raw materials are used: pellets, sawdust or firewood. The positive quality of such structures is low cost installation and resources.

    Electric heating systems are also poorly suited for heating industrial buildings: despite the high efficiency, these systems use too much energy, which will greatly affect the economic side of the issue. Of course, for heating buildings up to 70 sq.m. electrical systems quite suitable, but you need to understand that electricity also tends to disappear regularly.

    But what you can really pay attention to is combined heating systems. Such structures may be good performance and high reliability. A significant advantage over other types of heating in this case is the possibility of uninterrupted heating of an industrial building. Of course, the cost of such devices is usually high, but in return you can get reliable system, which will provide the building with heat in any situation.

    In combined heating systems, several types of burners are usually built in, which allow the use of various types of raw materials.

    It is by the type and purpose of the burners that the following designs are classified:

    • gas-fired boilers: equipped with two burners, they allow you not to be afraid of a rise in fuel prices and malfunctions in the gas supply line;
    • gas-diesel boilers: demonstrate high efficiency and work very well with large areas;
    • gas-diesel-wood boilers: extremely reliable and allow you to use them in any situation, but the power and efficiency leave much to be desired;
    • gas-diesel-electricity: a very reliable option with good power;
    • gas-diesel-wood-electricity: combines all types of energy resources, allows you to control fuel consumption in the system, has a wide range of settings and adjustments, suitable in any situation, requires a large area.
    The boiler, although it is the main element of the heating system, cannot independently provide heating for the building. Can a water heating system provide the required heating of a building? The heat capacity of water is much higher compared to the heat capacity of air.
    This suggests that the piping can be much smaller than with air heating, which means better economy.

    In addition, the water system makes it possible to control the temperature in the system: for example, by setting the heating at night at 10 degrees Celsius, you can significantly save resources. More accurate figures can be obtained by calculating the heating of industrial premises.

    air heating

    Despite the good characteristics of the liquid heating system, air heating is also in good demand in the market. Why is this happening?

    This type of heating system has positive qualities, which allow you to evaluate such heating systems of industrial premises at their true worth:

    • lack of pipeline and radiators, instead of which air ducts are installed, which reduces the cost of installation;
    • increased efficiency due to a more competent and uniform distribution of air throughout the room;
    • an air heating system can be connected to a ventilation and air conditioning system, which makes it possible to ensure constant air movement. As a result, the exhaust air will be removed from the system, and clean and fresh air will be heated and enter the heating of the production workshop, which will have a very good effect on the working conditions of the working personnel.
    Such a system can be additionally equipped with another plus: for this, it is necessary to install a combined air heating, which combines natural and mechanical air induction.

    What is behind these concepts? The natural impulse is to take warm air directly from the street (this possibility exists even when the temperature is below freezing). Mechanical impulse takes away cold air, heats it up to the required temperature and sends it to the building in this form.

    Air heating is excellent for heating buildings with large footage, and heating industrial premises based on air system turns out to be very efficient.

    In addition, some types of production, such as chemical production, simply do not make it possible to use any other type of heating system.

    infrared heating

    If it is not possible to install liquid or air heating, or if these types of systems do not suit the owners of industrial buildings, infrared heaters come to the rescue. The principle of operation is described quite simply: an IR emitter generates thermal energy directed to a certain area, as a result of which this energy is transferred to objects located in this area.

    In general, such installations allow you to create a mini-sun in working area. Infrared heaters they are good because they heat only the area to which they are directed, and do not allow heat to dissipate throughout the entire volume of the room.

    When classifying IR heaters, the method of their installation is primarily considered:

    • ceiling;
    • floor;
    • wall;
    • portable.

    Infrared heaters also differ in the type of emitted waves:
    • shortwave;
    • medium wave;
    • light (such models have a high operating temperature, so they glow during operation;
    • longwave;
    • dark.
    You can also divide IR heaters into types according to the energy resources used:
    • electrical;
    • gas;
    • diesel.
    IR systems running on gas or diesel have much greater efficiency which makes them much cheaper. But such devices negatively affect the humidity in the room and burn out oxygen.

    There is a classification by type of work item:

    • halogen: heating is carried out by a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to disable;
    • carbon: heating element is a carbon fiber hidden in a glass tube, which is also not very durable. Carbon heaters consume about 2-3 times less energy;
    • Shadow;
    • ceramic: heating is carried out by ceramic tiles that are combined into one system.
    Infrared heaters are well suited for use in all types of buildings, from private homes to bulky industrial buildings. The convenience of using such heating lies in the fact that these structures are able to heat individual zones or areas, which makes them incredibly convenient.

    IR heaters affect any objects, but do not affect the air and do not affect the movement of air masses, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and other negative factors that can affect the health of personnel.

    In terms of the heating rate, infrared emitters can be called leaders: they must be launched while at the workplace, and there is almost no need to wait for heat.

    Such devices are very economical and have a very high efficiency, which allows them to be used as the main heating of production workshops. IR heaters are reliable, able to work for a long period of time, practically do not take usable space, are light in weight and require no effort during installation. In the photo you can see different types infrared emitters.


    In this article, the main types of heating for industrial buildings were considered. Before installing any selected system, it is necessary to calculate the heating of industrial premises. The implementation of the choice always falls on the owner of the building, and knowledge of the tips and recommendations on the subject will allow you to really choose suitable option heating system.

    According to the totality of criteria for convenience and efficiency, probably no other system can be compared with that running on natural gas. This determines the widest popularity of such a scheme - at any opportunity, the owners of country houses choose it. And in Lately and owners of city apartments are increasingly striving to achieve complete autonomy in this matter, setting gas boilers. Yes, there will be substantial initial costs and organizational efforts, but in return, homeowners get the opportunity to create the required level of comfort in their possessions, moreover, with minimal operating costs.

    However, a zealous owner is not enough verbal assurances of the efficiency of gas heating equipment- I want to know, nevertheless, what energy consumption should be prepared for, in order to express the costs in monetary terms, focusing on local tariffs. This is the subject of this publication, which was originally planned to be called "gas consumption for heating a house - formulas and examples of calculations for a room of 100 m²." But still the author considered this not entirely fair. First, why only exactly 100 square meters. And secondly, the expense will depend not only on the area, and we can even say that not so much on it, but on a number of factors predetermined by the specifics of each particular house.

    Therefore, we will rather talk about the calculation method, which should be suitable for any residential building or apartment. The calculations look rather cumbersome, but don't worry - we've done our best to make them easy for any homeowner, even if they've never done it before.

    General principles for calculating heating power and energy consumption

    And why are such calculations carried out at all?

    The use of gas as an energy carrier for the functioning of the heating system is advantageous from all sides. First of all, they are attracted by quite affordable tariffs for "blue fuel" - they cannot be compared with the seemingly more convenient and safe electric one. Only available types can compete at cost solid fuel, for example, if there are no special problems with the harvesting or purchase of firewood. But in terms of operating costs - the need for regular delivery, organization proper storage and constant control over the loading of the boiler, solid fuel heating equipment completely loses to gas connected to the mains supply.

    In a word, if it is possible to choose this particular method of heating a home, then there is hardly any doubt about the expediency of the installation.

    It is clear that when choosing a boiler, one of the key criteria is always its thermal power, that is, the ability to generate a certain amount of thermal energy. To put it simply, the purchased equipment, according to its inherent technical parameters, should ensure the maintenance of comfortable living conditions in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. This indicator is most often indicated in kilowatts, and, of course, is reflected in the cost of the boiler, its dimensions, and gas consumption. This means that the task when choosing is to purchase a model that fully meets the needs, but, at the same time, does not have unreasonably high characteristics - this is both unprofitable for the owners and not very useful for the equipment itself.

    It is important to understand one more thing correctly. This is that the indicated nameplate power of a gas boiler always shows its maximum energy potential. With the right approach, it should, of course, somewhat exceed the calculated data on the required heat input for a particular house. Thus, the very operational reserve is laid down, which, perhaps, will someday be needed under the most unfavorable conditions, for example, during extreme cold, unusual for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence. For example, if calculations show that for country house the need for thermal energy is, say, 9.2 kW, then it would be wiser to opt for a model with a thermal power of 11.6 kW.

    Will this capacity be fully demanded? – it is quite possible that it is not. But its stock does not look excessive.

    Why is this explained in such detail? But just so that the reader has clarity with one important point. It would be completely wrong to calculate the gas consumption of a particular heating system, based solely on the passport characteristics of the equipment. Yes, usually in technical documentation accompanying the heating unit, the energy consumption per unit of time (m³ / h) is indicated, but this is again a largely theoretical value. And if you try to get the desired consumption forecast by simply multiplying this passport parameter by the number of hours (and then days, weeks, months) of operation, then you can come to such indicators that it will become scary!..

    Often, the consumption range is indicated in the passports - the boundaries of the minimum and maximum consumption are indicated. But this, probably, will not be of great help in carrying out calculations of real needs.

    But it is still very useful to know the gas consumption as close to reality as possible. This will help, firstly, in planning the family budget. And secondly, the possession of such information should, voluntarily or involuntarily, stimulate diligent hosts to the search for energy saving reserves - it may be worth taking certain steps to reduce consumption to the minimum possible.

    Determining the required heat output for efficient heating of a house or apartment

    So, the starting point for determining gas consumption for heating needs should still be the heat output that is required for these purposes. This is where we start our calculations.

    If you go through a lot of publications on this topic posted on the Internet, then most often you can find recommendations to calculate the required power based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheated premises. Moreover, for this a constant is given: 100 watts per 1 square meter area (or 1 kW per 10 m²).

    Comfortable? - undoubtedly! Without any calculations, without even using a piece of paper and a pencil, you perform the simplest arithmetic operations in your mind, for example, for a house with an area of ​​100 "squares" you need at least a 10-watt boiler.

    But what about the accuracy of such calculations? Alas, things are not going so well in this matter ...

    Judge for yourself.

    For example, will rooms of the same area be equivalent in terms of thermal energy demand, say, in Krasnodar Territory or areas of the Northern Urals? Is there any difference between a room bordering on heated rooms, that is, having only one external wall, and a corner room, moreover, facing the north windward side? Will a differentiated approach be required for rooms with one window or those with panoramic windows? You can list a few more similar, quite obvious, by the way, points - in principle, we will deal with this in practice when we move on to the calculation.

    So, there is no doubt that the required amount of thermal energy for heating a room is affected not only by its area - it is necessary to take into account a number of factors related to the characteristics of the region and the specific location of the building, and the specifics of a particular room. It is clear that rooms within even the same house can have significant differences. Thus, the most correct approach would be to calculate the need for thermal power for each room where heating devices will be installed, and then, summing them up, find total score for the house (apartment).

    The proposed calculation algorithm does not claim to be a professional calculation, but has a sufficient degree of accuracy, a proven practice. To simplify the task to our reader as much as possible, we suggest using the online calculator below, the program of which has already included all the necessary dependencies and correction factors. For greater clarity, a brief instruction on how to perform calculations will be given in the text box below the calculator.

    Calculator for calculating the required heat output for heating (for a specific room)

    The calculation is carried out for each room separately.
    Sequentially enter the requested values ​​or mark the required options in the proposed lists.


    Room area, m²

    100 watts per sq. m

    Ceiling height in the room

    Up to 2.7 m 2.8 ÷ 3.0 m 3.1 ÷ 3.5 m 3.6 ÷ 4.0 m over 4.1 m

    Number of external walls

    no one two three

    External walls look at:

    The position of the outer wall relative to the winter "wind rose"

    Level negative temperatures air in the region during the coldest week of the year

    35 °С and below from - 30 °С to - 34 °С from - 25 °С to - 29 °С from - 20 °С to - 24 °С from - 15 °С to - 19 °С from - 10 °С up to - 14 °С not colder than - 10 °С

    What is the degree of insulation of the outer walls?

    External walls are not insulated Average degree of insulation External walls are high-quality insulation

    What's on the bottom?

    Cold floor on the ground or above an unheated room Insulated floor on the ground or above an unheated room Heated room is located below

    What is on top?

    Cold attic or unheated and not insulated room Insulated attic or other room Heated room

    Type of installed windows

    Number of windows in the room

    Window height, m

    Window width, m

    Doors facing the street or a cold balcony:

    Explanations on the calculation of thermal power

    • We start with the area of ​​the room. And we will still take the same 100 W per square meter as the initial value, but in the course of the calculation many correction factors will be introduced. In the input field (slider slider) you must specify the area of ​​the room, in square meters.
    • Of course, the volume of the room affects the required amount of energy - for standard ceilings of 2.7 m and for high ceilings of 3.5 ÷ 4 m, the final values ​​\u200b\u200bwill differ. Therefore, the calculation program will introduce a correction for the height of the ceiling - it must be selected from the proposed drop-down list.
    • Of great importance is the number of walls of the room that are in direct contact with the street. Therefore, the next item must indicate the number of external walls: options from “0” to “3” are offered - each of the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill have its own correction factor.
    • Even on a very frosty, but clear day, the Sun can affect the microclimate in the room - the amount of heat loss is reduced, direct rays penetrating the windows warm the room sensitively. But this is typical only for the walls facing south. Specify the approximate location of the outer wall of the room with the next data entry point - and the program will make the necessary adjustments.

    • Many houses, both suburban and within urban areas, are located in such a way that the outer wall of the room most winter turns windward. If the owners know the direction of the prevailing winter "wind rose", then this circumstance can be taken into account in the calculations. It is clear that the windward wall will always cool more strongly - and the calculation program maintains an appropriate correction factor. If there is no such information, then you can skip this item - but in this case, the calculation will be carried out for the most unfavorable location.

    • The next parameter will adjust for the climatic specifics of your region of residence. We are talking about temperature indicators that are typical in the area for the coldest decade of winter. Important - we are talking about those values ​​that are the norm, that is, they are not included in the category of those anomalous frosts that every few years, no, no, and “visit” any region, and then, because of their atypicality, remain in memory.

    • The level of heat loss is directly related to the degree. In the next data entry field, you need to evaluate it by choosing one of the three options. At the same time, a wall can be considered fully insulated only if thermal insulation work has been carried out in full, based on the results of thermal engineering calculations.

    Prices for PIR boards

    The average degree of insulation includes walls lined with “warm” materials, for example, natural wood(log, timber), gas silicate blocks with a thickness of 300-400 mm, hollow brick - laying one and a half or two bricks.

    The list also contains completely uninsulated walls, but, in fact, in a residential building this should not be at all by definition - no heating system can effectively maintain a comfortable microclimate, and energy costs will be “cosmic”.

    • A considerable amount of heat loss is always accounted for by ceilings - floors and ceilings of rooms. Therefore, it would be quite reasonable to evaluate the “neighborhood” of the calculated room, so to speak, vertically, that is, from above and below. The next two fields of our calculator are dedicated to exactly this - depending on the specified option, the calculation program will introduce the necessary amendments.

    • An entire data entry group is dedicated to windows.

    - Firstly, you should evaluate the quality of the windows, since it always depends on how quickly the room will cool.

    - Then you need to specify the number of windows and their sizes. Based on these data, the program will calculate the "glazing factor", that is, the ratio of the area of ​​windows to the area of ​​the room. The resulting value will be the basis for making the appropriate adjustments to the final result.

    • Finally, in the room under consideration there may be a door "to the cold" - directly to the street, to a balcony or, say, leading to an unheated room. If this door is regularly used, then each opening of it will be accompanied by a considerable influx of cold air. And this means that the additional task of compensating for such heat losses will not fall on the heating system of this room. Select your option from the proposed list - and the program will make the necessary adjustments.

    After entering the data, it remains only to click on the "Calculate" button - and the answer will be received, expressed in watts and kilowatts.

    Now about how such a calculation would be most convenient to carry out in practice. Seems like the best way:

    - To begin with, a plan of your house (apartment) is taken - it probably contains all the necessary dimensional indicators. As an example, let's take a completely derived floor plan of a country house.

    - Further, it makes sense to create a table (for example, in Excel, but you can also just on a sheet of paper). The table is free-form, but it must list all the rooms that are covered by the heating system, and indicate the characteristic features of each of them. It is clear that the value of winter temperatures for all rooms will be a single value, and it is enough to enter it once. Let, for example, it will be -20 °C.

    For example, a table might look like this:

    roomArea, ceiling heightExternal walls, quantity, location relative to cardinal points and wind rose, degree of thermal insulationWhat is above and belowWindows - type, quantity, dimensions, presence of a door to the streetRequired heat output
    TOTAL PER HOUSE196 m² 16.8 kW
    Hallway 14.8 m²,
    2.5 m
    one, North,
    t / i - full
    from below - a warm floor on the ground,
    above - heated room
    There are no windows
    one door
    1.00 kW
    Pantry 2.2 m²,
    2.5 m
    one, North,
    t / n - full
    the sameOne, double glazing,
    0.9×0.5 m,
    no door
    0.19 kW
    Dryer 2.2 m²,
    2.5 m
    one, North,
    t / n - full
    the sameOne, double glazing,
    0.9×0.5 m,
    no door
    0.19 kW
    Children's 13.4 m²,
    2.5 m
    Two, North-East,
    t / n - full
    the sameTwo, triple glazing,
    0.9×1.2 m,
    no door
    1.34 kW
    Kitchen 26.20 m²,
    2.5 m
    Two, East - South,
    parallel to the direction of the wind
    t / n - full
    the sameOne, double glazing,
    3×2.2 m,
    no door
    2.26 kW
    Living room 32.9 m²,
    One, South
    t / n - full
    the sameTwo, triple glazing,
    3×2.2 m,
    no door
    2.62 kW
    Dining room 24.2 m²,
    2.5 m
    Two, Southwest,
    t / n - full
    the sameTwo, triple glazing,
    3×2.2 m,
    no door
    2.16 kW
    Guest room 18.5 m²,
    2.5 m
    Two, West-North,
    t / n - full
    the sameOne, triple glazing,
    0.9×1.2 m,
    no door
    1.65 kW
    Total for the first floor in total: 134.4 m² 11.41 kW
    2 FLOOR
    … and so on

    - It remains only to open the calculator - and the whole calculation will take a few minutes. And then you need to summarize the results (you can first by floors - and then for the entire building as a whole) to get the desired thermal power necessary for proper heating.

    By the way, pay attention - in the table an example is given real results calculation. And they are quite significantly different from those that could be obtained using the ratio 100 W → 1 m². So, only on the first floor with an area of ​​134.4 m² such a difference, to a smaller side, turned out to be about 2 kW. But for other conditions, for example, for a more severe climate or for not so perfect thermal insulation, the difference can be completely different and even have a different sign.

    So, why do we need the results of this calculation:

    • First of all, the required amount of thermal energy received for each specific room allows you to correctly select and arrange heat exchange devices - we mean radiators, convectors, "warm floor" systems.
    • The total value for the whole house becomes a guideline for choosing and acquiring the optimal heating boiler - as mentioned above, they take a little more power than the calculated one so that the equipment never works at the limit of its capabilities, and at the same time - it is guaranteed to cope with its direct task even with the most unfavorable conditions.
    • And, finally, the same total indicator will be our starting point for further calculations of the planned gas consumption.

    Carrying out calculations of gas consumption for heating needs

    Calculation of network natural gas consumption

    So, we proceed directly to the calculations of energy consumption. To do this, we need a formula showing how much heat is produced when a certain volume is burned ( V) fuel:

    W = V × H × η

    To get a specific volume, we represent this expression a little differently:

    V = W / (H × η)

    We deal with the quantities included in the formula.

    V- this is the same desired volume of gas (cubic meters), the combustion of which will give us the required amount of heat.

    W- the thermal power required to maintain comfortable living conditions in a house or apartment is the same one that we have just calculated.

    The same, it seems, but still - not quite. A few clarifications are required:

    Underfloor heating prices

    warm floor

    • Firstly, this is by no means the nameplate power of the boiler - many make a similar mistake.
    • Secondly, the above calculation of the required amount of heat, as we remember, was carried out for the most unfavorable external conditions- for maximum cold weather, and even along with a constantly blowing wind. In fact, there are not so many such days during the winter, and, in general, frosts often alternate with thaws, or are set at a level very far from the specified critical level.

    Further, a properly adjusted boiler will never work continuously - automatics usually monitor the temperature level, choosing the most optimal mode. And if so, then to calculate the average gas consumption (not peak, mind you) and this calculated value will be too much. Do it without much fear serious mistake in calculations, the resulting total power value can be safely “halved”, that is, 50% of the calculated value can be taken for further calculations. Practice shows that on the scale of the entire heating season, especially given the reduced consumption in the second half of autumn and early spring, this usually happens.

    H- under this designation lies the heat of combustion of fuel, in our case - gas. This parameter is tabular and must necessarily comply with certain standards.

    True, there are several nuances in this matter.

    • First, you should pay attention to the type of natural network gas used. As a rule, in household networks gas supply applies gas mixture G20. However, there are networks in which consumers are supplied with a mixture G25. Its difference from G20– a higher concentration of nitrogen, which significantly reduces the calorific value. You should make inquiries at the regional gas utility, what kind of gas is supplied to your homes.
    • Secondly, the specific heat of combustion can also vary somewhat. For example, you can see the notation Hi- this is the so-called lower specific heat, which is taken to calculate systems with conventional heating boilers. But there is also a value hs is the highest specific heat of combustion. The bottom line is that the combustion products of natural gas contain a very large amount of water vapor, which have a considerable thermal potential. And if it is also used with benefit, the heat output from the equipment will increase markedly. This principle has been implemented in modern boilers, in which the latent energy of water vapor, due to its condensation, is also given to heat the coolant, which gives an increase in heat transfer by an average of 10%. So, if a condensing boiler is installed in your house (apartment), then it is necessary to operate with the highest calorific value - Hs.

    IN various sources magnitude specific heat gas combustion is indicated either in megajoules or in kilowatts per hour per cubic meter of volume. In principle, it is not difficult to translate if you know that 1 kW = 3.6 MJ. But to make it even easier, the table below lists the values ​​in both units:

    Table of values ​​of the specific heat of combustion of natural gas (according to the international standardDINEN 437)

    η - this symbol is used to denote the coefficient useful action. Its essence is that it shows how completely in this model of heating equipment the generated thermal energy is used specifically for heating needs.

    Such an indicator is always indicated in the passport characteristics of the boiler, and, moreover, two values ​​\u200b\u200bare often given at once, for the lower and higher calorific value of gas. For example, you can find such a record Hs / Hi - 94.3 / 85%. But usually, in order to get a result closer to reality, they still operate with the Hi value.

    In principle, we have decided on all the initial data, and we can proceed to the calculations. And to simplify the task for the reader - below is a convenient calculator that will calculate the average consumption of "blue fuel" per hour, per day, per month and in general for the season.

    Calculator for calculating network gas consumption for heating needs

    It is necessary to enter only two values ​​- the total required thermal power, obtained according to the algorithm given above, and the efficiency of the boiler. In addition, you need to select the type of network gas and, if necessary, indicate that your boiler is a condensing one.

    The air temperature in industrial premises is set depending on the nature of the work performed in these premises. In the forging, welding and medical areas, the air temperature should be 13 ... 15 ° C, in other rooms 15 ... 17 ° C, and in the department for repairing fuel equipment and electrical equipment, the temperature should be 17 ... 20 ° C.

    The maximum heat consumption for heating is determined by the formula.

    Qo \u003d qo (t in - t n) * V, (3.2)

    where qo is the specific heat consumption for heating 1 m3 with a temperature difference between outside and inside of 1 ° C, equal to 0.5 kcal / h.m3

    t in- internal temperature premises;

    t n - outdoor temperature;

    V-room volume

    Let's make a calculation according to the average temperature inside the room, equal to 17 ° Cubature production building, at medium height 4.5, is V = 4.5 * 648 = 2916 m3, outdoor temperature - 26 ° C.

    Qo \u003d 0.5 (17- (-26) 2916 \u003d 62694 kcal / h

    The maximum hourly heat consumption for ventilation is calculated by the formula

    Qv \u003d qv (t in - t n) * V, (3.3)

    where qw is the heat consumption for ventilation of 1 m3 at a temperature difference of 1 °C, equal to 0.25 kcal/h.m3.

    Qv \u003d 0.25 (17- (-26)) 2916 \u003d 31347 kcal. h.

    The amount of heat given off by heating devices per hour will be equal to the sum of the heat spent on heating and ventilation of the production room.

    Qn= Qo+ Qv (3.4)

    Qn= 62694+31347=94041 kcal/h

    Surface heating appliances, required for heat transfer, is determined by the formula

    where Kn is the heat transfer coefficient of the device, equal to 72 kcal / m2 h.grad.

    t n - average design temperature of the coolant, equal to 111 ° C

    fn= 2

    For heating the production building, it is proposed to use cast iron radiators, each section of such a radiator has a surface of 0.25 m2. The number of sections required for heating the workshop will be equal to

    n sec=

    For heating, we will take batteries of 10 sections, then 56 batteries are needed for the workshop.

    The annual consumption of standard fuel required for heating the workshop can be calculated using the formula,

    where is the heating period equal to 190 days;

    is the fuel efficiency factor.

    The amount of natural fuel is found by the formula,

    where is the coefficient of conversion of standard fuel into natural, equal to 1.17

    G n \u003d 24309.9 * 1.17 \u003d 28442.6 kg

    We accept the amount of coal for heating equal to 28.5 tons.

    The amount of firewood for ignition is found by the formula:

    G dr \u003d 0.05 Gn (3.6)

    G dr \u003d 0.05 * 28442.6 \u003d 1422.13 kg.

    We accept 1.5 tons of firewood

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