home · On a note · What to make the ceiling on the loggia from. What ceiling to make on the balcony. Do-it-yourself balcony ceiling repair: high-quality insulation

What to make the ceiling on the loggia from. What ceiling to make on the balcony. Do-it-yourself balcony ceiling repair: high-quality insulation

As an apartment renovation progresses, the question inevitably arises about the correct arrangement of the ceiling decoration on the balcony. The fact is that this room is quite specific, so not every material is suitable for its decoration.

What should the balcony ceiling finish be like?

The main difference between a balcony and other rooms in the apartment is significant fluctuations in the microclimate, depending on the weather outside. This also applies to sudden changes in temperature, increased humidity, and direct exposure to sunlight. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on the ceiling on the balcony, no matter what it is made of.

He must:

  1. Resistant to frost and heat without collapsing or deforming.
  2. Be sufficiently moisture resistant so that raindrops, condensation or leaks that fall on it will not spoil its appearance.
  3. They are not afraid of biological influences in the form of rotting, mold and mildew.
  4. If heated by direct exposure to sunlight, do not emit harmful substances.
  5. Do not lose its decorative qualities due to burnout.
  6. It is good to complement the overall design of the balcony, matching the style of decoration of the room.

Despite the rather stringent requirements, the list of materials suitable for the given characteristics is quite extensive. To make the final choice, beginners often focus on the catchy appearance and cheap finish. In the future, this approach can lead to disappointment and the need to redo everything.

Unsuitable options for an open balcony

To decorate the ceiling on an open balcony, it is not recommended to use plywood, fiberboard and chipboard, non-laminated MDF panels, plasterboards, interior paint and chalk whitewash. Atmospheric precipitation and accumulating condensate will inevitably lead such materials to swelling, deformation and gradual destruction.

On glazed balconies, it makes sense to use such a finish only after installing additional thermal insulation on the ceiling. In this case, moisture in the form of condensation will not accumulate on its surface.

Painting a concrete slab

When considering options for what to make a ceiling on a loggia from, they often resort to the most budget-friendly and simplest method - direct application of paint to the floor slab. This approach can be implemented on open and glazed balconies, when the project does not involve changing the ceiling level, installing spotlights or additional thermal insulation of the surface.

Strengths of painting:

  • Low financial costs for implementation.
  • Easy to operate, no special skills required. As a rule, such finishing is carried out independently.
  • Absolute fire safety.
  • Good paints can withstand temperature fluctuations, high humidity, condensation, etc.

The disadvantages include a fairly simple and unpretentious type of finish and the need for periodic repairs with repainting. For balconies, it is recommended to select painting materials for exterior use: they tolerate low temperatures and direct exposure to sunlight quite well. An excellent option are facade paints, characterized by a long service life and a rich variety of shades.

To paint the ceiling on the balcony you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Deep penetration primer with antiseptic properties.
  • Putty or plaster, depending on the condition of the rough base.
  • A set of spatulas, sanding paper, facade paint for exterior work. The instructions must indicate that the material is suitable for application to concrete, brick and plastered surfaces.
  • A set of paint brushes, a roller and a paint container.

On the paint bucket there is usually an indication of its consumption when applied in one layer. To achieve a good aesthetic effect, it is recommended to paint in 2-3 layers.

The technology for painting a balcony ceiling is as follows:

  1. Preparing the base. This procedure involves the complete removal of the old finish, right down to the concrete slab. If the layer of plaster or putty is held firmly enough, it can be left. All metal objects discovered during cleaning (fittings, nails, screws) must be removed.
  2. Ceiling priming. To do this, use deep penetration acrylic compounds, applying the liquid using a roller or large brush. The primer-impregnated ceiling must dry completely.
  3. Leveling the surface. To eliminate large cracks and differences, it is better to use plaster. Small flaws are filled with putty. If there are seams, they need to be expanded and filled with plaster mixture, reinforcing it with a sickle mesh. To make the ceiling look beautiful, it is necessary to apply continuous putty in 2-3 layers. Before applying each subsequent layer, pause to allow the previous one to dry.
  4. Grinding. A completely dry ceiling must be sanded using painter's sandpaper and a float. After this, another layer of primer is applied.
  5. Painting. For the first time, it is recommended to dilute acrylic paint a little with water (10-20%). For convenience, the diluted composition is poured into a special paint cuvette: it has a separate pedestal for rolling out the roller. It is recommended to lay the first layer in the longitudinal direction, the second - in the transverse direction. Between applications there is a pause to allow the previous layer to dry. To paint areas along the walls and in corners, it is more convenient to use a paint brush.

After waiting for the paint to dry completely, they proceed to installing the frieze, lighting fixtures, etc.

Using wood cladding

A wooden ceiling on a balcony is most often made using boards or panels. The fastening base is the guides pre-installed on the base floor. This type of finishing is used on open and glazed balconies. It involves the possibility of additional insulation or leveling of the ceiling, if necessary. Most often, wooden ceiling cladding on the balcony is combined with wooden wall decoration. To increase the service life and give the finish the required shade, painting or impregnation of the material with natural or mineral compounds is used.

The strengths of cladding usually include:

  • Excellent aesthetic characteristics.
  • Absolute environmental friendliness of the materials used.
  • Low cost and ease of implementation.
  • Possibility of additional thermal insulation of the ceiling.
  • Significant service life. With proper care, this finish will last at least 20 years.

You should also take into account a number of disadvantages of wooden cladding. These are, first of all, low fire safety and fear of moisture. For this reason, wood trim will require regular maintenance, otherwise it will quickly lose its original characteristics. The role of finishing elements is usually performed by lining, block house, imitation timber or simple edged board. Considering the small size of the room, it is recommended to install the cladding in the transverse direction: in this case, the balcony under the ceiling will visually increase its size.

How to make wood trim

First of all, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Finishing boards, profiles made of wooden beams 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Fastening elements - dowels, screws or anchor bolts. They are needed to fix the timber to the base.
  • Self-tapping screws, clamps or nails. Devices for fixing finishing elements.
  • Antiseptics, fire retardants and a brush for applying them.
  • A hammer drill (drill), a jigsaw and a hacksaw for working with lumber.
  • Measuring tools - tape measure, square, building level.
  • Marker or simple pencil.

If additional thermal insulation of the floor is expected, you will also need board insulation (expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam), a cement-based adhesive, dowels in the form of umbrellas for additional fixation of the insulation, and a mounting knife. After insulation, condensation will not settle on the ceiling surface. This phenomenon provokes a temperature difference, especially if the balcony of the neighbors above is not glazed.

Operating procedure:

  1. Preparing the base slab. This includes removing old finishes and treating with an antiseptic primer.
  2. Marking the fixation points of the guide bars. They are placed along the perimeter of the walls at the very edge of the balcony slab. This will make it possible to lay ceiling panels on the balcony in the transverse direction.
  3. Manufacturing the required lengths of timber for the guides. The bars are equipped with a series of holes with a pitch of 50-60 cm: they will be used to fix the profile on the floor slab. When selecting the diameter of the drill, they are guided by the parameters of the fastening elements - anchor bolts or dowels.
  4. Marking the points for fixing the guides to the ceiling. To do this, apply the bars one by one to the base and put marks through the holes: it is at these points that the drilling will be carried out. The tool you will need is an impact drill or hammer drill.
  5. Installation of guides. When screwing the bars, it is important to achieve the formation of one plane. Wooden pads are used to smooth out any unevenness in the base. Verification of horizontality is carried out using a building level.
  6. If necessary, the space between the bars is filled with thermal insulation material. The most convenient way to use slab insulation is to cut it using a sharp knife. To fix the slabs, a special dry composition is used: before starting work, it must be diluted in water and stirred. The finished substance is spread on the base in a thin layer, after which insulation is applied. For reliability, the slabs are secured with plastic umbrella dowels: holes are drilled directly through polystyrene foam.
  7. To begin laying the finishing panels, select an area near the far wall. On the first slab you need to cut off the tenon, which will make the fit to the wall as tight as possible. Subsequent elements are tightly inserted into each other, achieving complete connection of the lock. Self-tapping screws, nails or clamps are used to attach the lining to the frame.
  8. Finished cladding requires additional processing. To do this, use wood paint, varnish or Penotex liquid of the desired shade.

Plastic ceiling

Another popular way to decorate balcony ceilings is plastic panels. Most often, glazed balconies and loggias are designed in this way, because Due to sharp temperature fluctuations, plastic is at risk of gradual deformation. Using plastic panels, you can effectively level and insulate the ceiling, giving it a stylish look. Typically, this type of finish is combined with painted or plastic-lined walls. The role of guides is given to wooden blocks or galvanized profiles for the installation of plasterboard slabs.

The advantages of plastic panels are their low cost, light weight, resistance to moisture and biological influences, and a significant selection of decorative designs (this allows you to make the ceiling stylish and beautiful). Among the disadvantages are the flammability of the material and the tendency to fade when exposed to direct sunlight. Plastic-lined ceilings can be decorated with spotlights, hiding the wires from visual inspection. This way it turns out to make the balcony very cozy. Along with plastic panels, vinyl siding is widely used, which is installed in the same way.

Installation of a suspended ceiling on a balcony made of plastic panels is carried out in the following order of operations:

  • Arrangement of the level of the mounting frame for fixing the panels. Because The plastic is quite thin, it can sag. To avoid this, the guides are placed at a distance of no more than 50-60 cm. They can be fixed directly to the wall using the PN profile for this. When installed on the ceiling, U-shaped brackets or hangers are used. Metal screws are used to fasten profiles. If there are brackets in the structure, their free ends are bent inside the frame.
  • Laying the necessary communications. They are used to power built-in lighting. If necessary, install fittings.
  • Molding installation. It is placed around the perimeter of the base on three sides. Self-tapping screws or glue are used as fastening materials. To achieve a beautiful joining of the corners, the molding is cut at an angle of 45 degrees: a miter box and a hacksaw are used for this.

  • Panel cutting. Here you will also need a hacksaw. It is better to perform the procedure from the front side of the panels: this makes it possible to obtain a more even cut, without chips and burrs.
  • Panel installation. The first element from the edge fits tightly into the groove of the ceiling molding (you can only tap it by hand). Fastening to the intermediate guides is done using self-tapping screws: they must fit into the wide mounting edge.
  • Treatment of joints with silicone sealant. This will make it possible to achieve complete sealing and resistance to moisture.
  • Installation of lighting fixtures. A special bit-crown is used for drilling holes in the panels. The lamp body is installed in the finished holes, connecting its contacts with the wires. It is better to screw in the light bulbs at the very end of the work.
  • Completing the procedure. Usually the very last lamella needs to be cut to width. The measurement must be carried out as accurately as possible to avoid the formation of an unsightly gap. The area of ​​immersion in the molding is fixed with glue.

Aluminum slatted ceilings

The frequent use of slatted ceilings for balconies is explained by the presence of suitable performance characteristics in this type of finish. These include resistance to moisture, temperature changes, deformation and rotting. Aluminum systems can be installed at any height, thanks to special hangers. This allows you to cover even large irregularities and differences. A wide variety of colors allows you to decorate any interior.

Aluminum ceilings mean a prefabricated slatted structure, which is secured to the traverse with latches. This makes it possible to reduce the number of fasteners to a minimum. The presence of a distance between the decorative and base surfaces allows wiring, ventilation and other communications to be placed there. Decorative slats can not only be of the same type: alternating colors or textures are often used.

Mirror strips look especially impressive, contributing to the visual expansion of the balcony space. Aluminum slatted trim is an excellent solution for open balconies.

Installation work is carried out as follows:

  • Mark the level of the decorative surface using a marker.
  • Mount the profile on three sides using dowel screws. To cut to size you will need a jigsaw or metal scissors.
  • Screw spring hangers to the base base. Special fastening strips - combs - are fixed on them. The spacing of the hangers is no more than 60 cm, the combs are 120 cm.
  • Laying of aluminum slats is carried out by inserting them into the grooves of the starting profile. After this, each rail must be snapped onto the comb. The slats are mounted one at a time, with the possibility of diluting them with contrasting inserts.

Tensile structures

Suspended ceilings on a suspended balcony have long ceased to be perceived as something outlandish. This approach to the design of the balcony space allows you to obtain a completely moisture-proof finish on the ceiling, which reacts quite painlessly to temperature fluctuations. Thanks to the wide selection of colors and textures, there are practically no problems with choosing a harmonious combination with other surfaces of the loggia. The presence of a ceiling space allows you to lay the necessary communications, insulating or soundproofing material there.

For balconies, film stretch ceilings are more suitable than fabric ones. Their installation is quite complicated, because... requires the presence of special equipment for heating PVC sheets. Special teams can carry out such work. There is one more condition: the balcony where the suspended PVC ceiling is supposed to be used must be glazed. The fact is that in the event of frost, the decorative film quickly deforms.

Many residents of apartment buildings often think about adding a balcony to their apartment and getting additional square meters of housing. And this idea is quite possible to implement. Moreover, all that is needed for this is desire and a certain amount of money for insulation and glazing. Moreover, absolutely everything will have to be insulated: the floor, the walls and the ceiling. A natural question arises: “Where to start?”

First you need to decide what you want to see on your balcony? From this small space it is quite possible to make any room. For example, it can be used as an office by installing a small table and a computer with shelves, or it can be used as a children’s room, dressing room, women’s boudoir or even a sauna. The choice is yours alone. Well, now you will learn about how to repair the ceiling on a balcony with your own hands, look at interesting photos of design solutions and useful videos.

Ceiling repairs can be done efficiently, quickly, using your knowledge and skills. A beautiful, even ceiling will give the room warmth and comfort. Using different materials will help correct all the unevenness and roughness. But first, you need to think about all the issues related to insulation and finishing of the ceiling and calculate your costs.

Do-it-yourself balcony ceiling repair: high-quality insulation

To keep the balcony warm, as well as in the apartment, several measures need to be carried out sequentially. First of all, you need to install plastic windows. For our climate, the best option is designs with three-chamber double-glazed windows. If you are planning to turn a balcony into a living room, then it is better not to reduce the intimacy.

If your neighbors above have insulated floors, then you will not have to insulate the ceiling. But it is important to clarify this point, otherwise you risk wasting your money.

If the floor of your neighbors’ balcony is not insulated, then you will have to do this with your ceiling, using high-quality thermal insulation material. As practice shows, it is better to use mineral wool, which has excellent performance and physical and technical characteristics. In addition, it is one of the most budget-friendly insulation options today.

Laying mineral wool on the balcony ceiling

To do this, you will need bars 40x50 cm. They must be cut taking into account the width of the balcony and secured with self-tapping screws on the ceiling surface. The distance between the bars must be less than the width of the insulation. By the way, mineral wool is produced in rolls and mats.

Why is this distance required? The whole point is that each insulation must be laid so that there are no cold bridges at the joints between its layers. For this reason, mineral wool must be placed in the space between the slats with tension.

But it is important to first isolate it from moisture, which often passes through the surface of the ceiling. For this, waterproofing material is used.

Why is insulation waterproofing needed?

The bulk of such heat-insulating materials can collapse under the influence of moist air vapor and very soon become unusable. Therefore they need to be protected. Waterproofing serves precisely this purpose. Moreover, roll or coating material can be used as a waterproofing material. They are both equally good, so you can choose either of them.

After waterproofing is completed, insulation must be laid between the bars. It will hold up well, since its dimensions are slightly larger than the space between the slats.

Then a special vapor barrier must be laid and secured over the entire ceiling area. This can be ordinary polyethylene film, which is folded into several layers, or a special material. The film is attached to the bars of metal staples with small nails or using a stapler.

Attention! If the width of the film is not enough to completely cover the ceiling, then it will have to be laid in two rows and with an overlap of at least ten centimeters. It is best to secure the edges of the strips with construction tape.

When the ceilings on the balcony are fully insulated, it is necessary to finish them. But mineral wool is not the best insulation suitable for such cases.

Other materials intended for ceiling insulation

In addition to mineral wool, you can use glass wool, polystyrene foam, penoplex, penofol and other insulation materials. By the way, the last two represent a new approach to the process of thermal insulation of ceilings.

Penofol has a special structure, which consists of three layers:

  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier.

By using it when repairing the ceiling on the balcony with your own hands, you definitely won’t have to mess around for a long time. Just lay penofol on the ceiling, attach it and you can completely forget about its existence.

Penoplex is also one of the modern materials. It consists of slabs that are installed without wooden frames. They are laid directly on the ceiling and attached to it using mushroom-shaped plastic screws. To do this, drill a through hole through the slab into which a dowel is driven. Next, mount the plate and attach it with self-tapping screws.

The insulation materials listed above can be used for thermal insulation of ceilings, floors and walls. Therefore, by choosing one of them, you will solve the issue of capital insulation of the balcony.

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair on a balcony: more about waterproofing

Waterproofing is required even if the balcony has openings. It’s one thing when rain seeps in from the outside, and another when water penetrates the ceiling, flows along the walls, penetrating into the façade seams (in such a situation, the walls of the room will be constantly wet). And this is not to mention the damaged interior.

It is much easier to treat the ceilings if the neighbors have a glazed balcony above. In this case, it is enough to fill the seam between the slab and the wall with silicone sealant from your balcony, and prime the surface of the slab using a hydrophobic compound.

If your neighbors have an open balcony, it is advisable to negotiate with them and investigate the condition of the connection. If it is of high quality, you can act in exactly the same way as in the previous case. Otherwise, you will have to tidy up your neighbor’s balcony: when water flows from above, silicone sealant will protect the balcony for a short time.

In standard-built houses, upper balconies require waterproofing on both the top and bottom of the balcony slab. Usually the top is insulated with roofing materials at the same time as the roof. Roofers should do this when performing repairs. For such work, the resident himself will have to go down from the roof to the slab, but for this he will need to take permission from the DEZ.

But be that as it may, you can’t do without waterproofing the top slab. Concrete has a porous structure, as a result of which water easily penetrates into it. It goes right through the slab, ruins the finish and drips from the ceiling. What’s even worse is that the slab’s reinforcement is subject to corrosion, which can provoke an emergency.

What materials are used for roof waterproofing:

  • “liquid rubber”, bitumen mastic;
  • guided bitumen waterproofing;
  • PVC membrane (an expensive option, but much more durable than bitumen materials).

To have the slab top treated, contact a company that specializes in roof repairs. They have permission to work at heights and are professional workers at heights. So, you will not risk your life, but it is better to save money on the interior decoration of the balcony ceiling by doing it yourself. We'll talk about it below.

DIY balcony ceiling repair: finishing options and photos

When finishing an apartment, its owners often had a question about how to make the ceiling on the balcony so that it would be beautiful and not too out of sync with the aesthetics of the renovation. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to see a dull concrete slab every day.

  1. Suspended or hemmed systems on the balcony.

When choosing a balcony ceiling finish, you should definitely pay attention to different hanging systems. They are considered an economical, practical and simple solution.

Of course, it is believed that hemmed systems are better suited for balconies rather than suspended ones. They differ from each other in methods of fastening, height, that is, the space between the ceiling and the main slab. But when deciding how to make the ceiling beautiful enough and choosing ceiling floor materials, you need to take into account that they meet the following requirements:

  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high resistance to different temperature changes.
  1. Plastic panels.

Plastic panels are not afraid of serious temperature changes; they are resistant to humid air, so you don’t have to think about how to additionally insulate the ceiling. Such panels are installed on a sheathing made of aluminum profiles or wooden beams.

Advantages of ceilings made of plastic panels:
  • durability;
  • easy to care for;
  • ease of installation;
  • It is convenient to work with and process plastic panels.
  1. Metal slats and balcony.

It is believed that a suspended ceiling on a balcony, which consists of similar metal slats, is used when the finishing itself is done in bad weather. Although this is not a mandatory rule, because slatted metal ceilings can be made even in insulated loggias. This material is very popular, as it has a very beautiful design.

The main advantages of this ceiling:

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • the ability to create coatings of varying complexity and shape - you can see the original shapes in our photos;
  • not exposed to moisture;
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  1. Wooden lining.

Often, when deciding how to decorate a balcony ceiling, owners give preference to simple wooden lining. This material has been successfully used for finishing balconies for a long time and has gained trust.

The main advantages of wooden lining:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • elegant look;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • hygiene;
  • excellent thermal and sound insulation performance;
  • resistance to negative atmospheric influences;
  • durability;
  • Easy to install, you can do the installation yourself.
  1. Drywall.

This material does not have moisture-proof properties; even moisture-resistant material does not have them. When covering the ceiling on a balcony, you can use plasterboard only if the balcony is reliably protected from various atmospheric influences, it is insulated and glazed.

It's no secret that a plasterboard ceiling requires additional finishing, which is what actually makes it different from all the options we discussed above.

Attention! When installing false or suspended ceilings, do not forget about drying racks for clothes, because if they are on the ceiling, then you should take care of securing them. It is necessary to determine the fastening points in advance in order to install the bars on them even before the sheathing is carried out.

  1. Painting.

A rather interesting option is suspended ceilings, but they cannot always be used. For example, if the balcony does not require additional insulation, then you can simply paint it.

The balcony ceiling is painted with specialized facade paints. It is important that they are not afraid of changes in temperature or humidity. If the tiles do not seem smooth and even enough, then you can putty everything with a special façade putty.

Attention! It is worth using an appropriate primer when filling and painting the ceiling.

  1. Expanded polystyrene boards.

When insulating a balcony, you will have to solve the problem with condensation. Without knowing how to do this correctly, it is worth remembering that it is quite possible to combat this by insulating the ceiling with a material that has low vapor permeability. Polystyrene foam boards are perfect for this.

As for extruded polystyrene foam, it has the lowest vapor permeability. The thickness of the slabs is about 3 cm, and it can perfectly protect the balcony from excess moisture. But to perfectly protect the room, you should choose tiles up to 6 cm thick.

Expanded polystyrene is attached to the boards using specialized glue. It is also additionally secured with “fungi” - dowels. It is necessary to carry out reinforcement with a mesh consisting of fiberglass. It must be glued to the plate using special glue, and another layer of glue must be applied on top. In general, PVC makes an excellent coating.

All that remains is to paint, putty, apply plaster or paste over with decorative tiles. Giving preference to the latter option and covering the ceilings with extruded polystyrene tiles, it is worth reducing the thickness of the slabs, taking into account the thickness of the decorative tiles. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about condensation. Watch the video to see how PVC panels are installed on a balcony ceiling.


We have considered several options for installing ceilings on the balcony, and after carefully studying all the options and technologies, you will be able to make the repairs on your own. Follow our recommendations carefully, and we guarantee that everything will work out for you.

Few people now use the balcony as a place to store unnecessary things. After all, this additional space can be arranged to be used as a recreation area. This raises the question of what to make the ceiling on the balcony from, what requirements should the material meet for this type of room. We will try to understand all the nuances of finishing the balcony ceiling.

What materials should be used for a balcony ceiling?

A balcony is a place where the temperature is constantly changing, and this applies to minus and plus marks. This small room, unlike the other living rooms in the apartment, is exposed to sunlight with high air humidity. Therefore, the surface finish must be chosen taking into account all of the above points.

To choose what to decorate the ceiling on the balcony with, you need to make sure that the selected material meets the following requirements:

  • not subject to deformation under the influence of sub-zero temperatures or high humidity;
  • will not get wet, swelling is excluded if it rains;
  • leaks during operation are eliminated;
  • does not emit toxic substances in hot weather;
  • the color of the material does not fade;
  • When the material gets wet, mold does not form.

Of great importance when choosing a finish for the ceiling on a balcony is the presence or absence of glazing. So, if the balcony is not glazed, then many materials designed for interior work cannot be used.

Finish options

Among the options for finishing the ceiling on the balcony, the following coatings are considered the most popular:

  • plastic panels;
  • suspended metal rack structure;
  • lining;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • painting;
  • polystyrene foam boards;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • cassette finish.

The choice is large. To decide which ceiling to make on the balcony, you need to consider each coating with its advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic ceiling

If the balcony or loggia is glazed, then plastic panels will be the best option for finishing the ceiling surface. If you install a plastic ceiling on a balcony that is not closed, then at low temperatures the plastic will deform.

The advantages of decorating the surface of a balcony ceiling with plastic include the following points:

  1. the ability to not only level, but also insulate the lined space;
  2. budget cost;
  3. the material does not place additional load on the floors due to its lightness;
  4. even when exposed to moisture, the plastic does not collapse;
  5. does not rot;
  6. the ability to choose the desired color. There are options for plastic panels with a pattern.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  1. may catch fire. When ignited, toxic substances are released;
  2. in the heat, under the influence of sunlight, the plastic fades.

If you cover the ceiling on the balcony with plastic, you can hide the wiring under it and mount ceiling lights.

Rack design

You can finish installing a balcony ceiling from metal slats using a minimum number of fasteners.

Aluminum coating is not afraid of air humidity, temperature changes and various microorganisms. The rack structure can be mounted at any height, eliminating significant differences with the help of a suspension.

In the space between the slats you can install wiring, ventilation, lighting, and hide communication elements.

To hem the ceiling on the balcony, you can use slats of different colors and widths. The advantages of aluminum material include:

  1. resistance to temperature surges;
  2. the ability to create a two-level structure;
  3. easy installation;
  4. easy care, with the possibility of wet cleaning;
  5. non-flammable material.

The only disadvantage of such a balcony design will be its high cost.

Cladding with clapboard

You can cover the balcony ceiling from the inside with wooden clapboard. Although, this option is also suitable for open balconies. The method makes it possible to simultaneously insulate and level the ceiling space.

The wood covering is suitable for wooden floors and walls and is suitable for almost any type of interior.

The advantages of lining include:

  1. natural composition, which means safety and environmental friendliness;
  2. optimal cost;
  3. not too labor-intensive installation;
  4. the possibility of additional insulation of the room;
  5. With proper care, this coating can last more than 20 years.

The disadvantages include the flammability of the material, poor tolerance of high humidity and the need for constant processing of the material.

Plasterboard sheets

You can cover the balcony ceiling with plasterboard sheets. But, one should take into account such a feature of the material as absolute intolerance to moisture. So if the balcony is not glazed, you will have to abandon this option.

The main advantage of plasterboard cladding is the lack of preparatory measures. The installed plasterboard covering can be finished with any finishing material. Suitable coatings include water-based paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster, plastic tiles, and even whitewash.


The most inexpensive method of finishing a balcony ceiling is painting. Moreover, you can use paint as a finish on open and closed balconies.

The painting option is suitable if there is no need to install lighting fixtures, insulate the surface, and there is no need to adjust the height of the room.

The advantages of painting include:

  1. budget cost;
  2. the work can be done independently, without special skills;
  3. non-flammable material;
  4. if the coloring composition is correctly selected, then during operation and finishing there is no risk of precipitation, humidity and temperature changes.

Painting also has its disadvantages:

  1. too simple option;
  2. coverage requires constant updating.

To paint the surface, you need to select paints produced for outdoor work and that are resistant to low temperatures. After all, even on closed balconies there is no heating. Thus, paints for facade work are suitable for finishing a balcony ceiling. You can choose any color you like.

Expanded polystyrene boards

When insulating a balcony ceiling, you may encounter a problem such as condensation. Expanded polystyrene boards used to cover the base covering will help solve the problem.

The slabs have a thickness of 30 mm, so they will become a reliable waterproofing of the ceiling space. Installation is simple and consists of plates secured with glue and dowels.

Reinforcing mesh must be installed on the slabs. Afterwards the adhesive composition is applied and the surface is puttied. If desired, the lined surface can be painted.

Tension fabric for balconies

The use of stretch fabrics for balcony ceilings is not uncommon. In this way, you can create a finish that is resistant to humidity and temperature changes. Moreover, the stretch fabric can be of any shade and structure.

Since the tension covering is fixed to the walls, the ceiling can be mounted at any height. The surface can be insulated and soundproofed.

The advantages of installing tension fabric on a balcony ceiling include the following points:

  1. the ability to install coatings of any texture, both matte and glossy;
  2. choice of color shade;
  3. obtaining a homogeneous surface;
  4. moisture resistance of the material;
  5. the material does not respond to temperature surges.

Like any ceiling covering, stretch fabric has the following disadvantages:

  1. expensive material;
  2. It is difficult to perform independent installation without certain skills.

Important: To install tension strips you will need a special tool. If such work was not carried out on your own, then it is better to invite specialists to carry out high-quality installation.

Ceiling covering from cassettes

The cassette ceiling structure on the balcony is mounted from aluminum and plastic cassettes. After installing the cassettes, square or rectangular elements are mounted.

Cassettes for such a ceiling are made of pressed cardboard, or even glass.

This suspended, cassette structure for a balcony ceiling belongs to the Armstrong variety of suspended structures.


When choosing an option for finishing the ceiling on a balcony, be sure to take into account the service life of the material, the complexity of installation and practicality.

Anyone who lives in a city apartment is familiar with the desire to have a cozy and comfortable corner without sacrificing living space. And many, for this purpose, decide to make an additional room out of a balcony or loggia. Some set up an office on the balcony, others set up a bed, and there is also the option of installing a mini-sauna. There are many options for how to use these square meters. But first of all, you should create cozy and comfortable conditions in this room. Therefore, in this article, we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to make a ceiling on a balcony with your own hands. So, you can save money by not hiring craftsmen, but by doing all the work yourself.

The first thing you need to do is insulate the ceiling. But first you need to waterproof it. There are many special materials that can be used to complete this stage of work. For example, you can use liquid rubber or secure roll material.

As for insulation, the choice will depend on the finishing material. For example, this could be mineral wool, polystyrene foam and other insulation. Let's take a closer look at the process of insulating the ceiling with mineral wool and polyurethane foam boards.

This material is the most affordable of all insulation materials. At the same time, its installation is quite simple to do yourself.

  • You build a frame on the ceiling or fill in slats with a certain pitch. It is desirable that their height be 2 times the width of the wool.
  • Next, cut the rolled mineral wool into the required pieces and insert it between the sheathing.
  • Between the ceiling and the wool, you should definitely lay a plastic film, which will serve as waterproofing.
  • This stage of work should be done slowly. All corners and cracks must be filled with insulation and also protected from moisture penetration.
  • After this, the finishing ceiling is immediately installed. Alternatively, you can stuff the slats across, but this will eat up useful centimeters of the height of the balcony.

Polyurethane foam boards are also a common material for insulating ceilings on balconies. To install them, it is necessary to cut the slabs to the required dimensions. Afterwards, each slab should be treated with glue and glued to the ceiling. Instead of this glue, you can use plastic dowels as fastenings. The joints can be filled with polyurethane foam. When it dries, carefully cut off the remaining foam and the ceiling is ready for further finishing.

Now is the time to consider options for finishing the ceiling with different materials.

This material is budget-friendly because it has a relatively low price. They can only be glued to an insulated ceiling. To work you will need the following:

  • dye;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • spatula;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paint;
  • adhesive for polystyrene tiles;
  • ceiling plinth made of polystyrene.

Considering the fact that the material will be glued directly to the ceiling, its surface must be flat. In this case, it is best to use polyurethane foam boards as insulation. The ceiling can be leveled first.

The process of gluing tiles is as follows:

  • Determine the center of the balcony ceiling. To do this, pull two diagonals and put a mark at the intersection of the ropes.
  • After this, draw the axes perpendicularly through the center. Their ends will be in the middle of the side walls. This will serve as a guide for gluing the tiles.
  • You need to start gluing from the center along the marked axis.
  • It is not necessary to apply adhesive all over the tiles. You can put several points, for example, in the corners and in the center.
  • During the gluing process, the tile must be gently pressed and held for two minutes so that the glue sets.

When gluing polystyrene tiles, it is advisable to avoid drafts. The glue should dry in as natural an environment as possible.

When gluing is finished and the glue has dried, you can begin gluing the ceiling plinth. It is glued with the same glue. Finally, the ceiling and baseboard are painted in the desired color.

MDF panels can compete on equal terms with other finishing materials. They are durable, economical and come in a variety of colors. Due to this, they can be adapted to any interior style chosen for the balcony.

The panels are not without positive technical characteristics. MDF boards are best suited for installation on a loggia or balcony, as they have a high degree of moisture resistance. As for the method of their fastening, a slatted frame is usually made of wood or aluminum profile.

Wooden lining will maintain an excellent indoor climate. This finish will maintain normal humidity and, in addition, will look beautiful and organic.

If the wooden lining is treated with special compounds, it will last for many years, as it will be protected from rotting and mold.

The material can be mounted either on an aluminum profile or on a wooden frame. To give the interior originality, the direction of the planks can be changed, and several levels can be made. Accordingly, this will affect the design of the frame.

So, to work you will need the following tool:

  • ladder;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • level;
  • drill/screwdriver.

Also buy this material:

  • bars for sheathing:
  • wooden baseboard;
  • nails 40–50 mm;
  • lining.

  1. First of all, you make the sheathing from wooden blocks.
  2. The sheathing pitch can vary from 400 to 600 mm.
  3. The sheathing is installed strictly level and in one plane. To do this, align two bars along the edges of the balcony and stretch the rope between them. As a result, all remaining beams of the frame will be aligned along a stretched rope.
  4. After making the frame, insulate the ceiling.
  5. Then you can sew up the ceiling with clapboard.
  6. Nail the panels to the edge with nails. Each subsequent strip should cover the head of the nail.
  7. When the ceiling is completely sewn up, nail a plinth along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, which will hide the corner and give the structure a finished look.

By following a simple sequence of work, you can complete this job in a short period of time by making a ceiling from wooden clapboard panels.

A plastic ceiling is perhaps the most economical method of finishing the ceiling on a balcony. Due to its technical characteristics, plastic lining is excellent for balconies. Even if the ceiling is not insulated, it is not at risk of moisture and dampness. Considering the light weight of each lamella, its installation, which includes the manufacture of a lightweight frame, is quite simple. You can also use wooden blocks or an aluminum profile for the frame.

As practice shows, it is better to choose an aluminum profile for the frame of suspended ceilings. The tree may dry out over time, causing it to lose its original technical characteristics.

To work you will need the following material and tools:

  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw/metal hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • ceiling plastic plinth;
  • stapler/staples or nails (if the frame is made of a profile, then self-tapping screws);
  • timber or profile for the frame;
  • level;
  • panels.

The work itself looks like this:

  1. You make the frame according to the level.
  2. As in the previous case, the ceiling is insulated.
  3. There are two methods for attaching panels. Install a plastic ceiling plinth around the perimeter. Then measure and cut the panels to the required size. The panel is simply inserted into the guide and fixed in the middle with a self-tapping screw to the sheathing. Another option is to install all the panels and then secure the ceiling plinth/baguette.
  4. When joining the panels, make sure that the seam does not have any gaps. If the model includes a small gap, it should be the same everywhere; if not, then the ceiling should be seamless.

As you can see, the process of installing plastic panels is very simple.

Using drywall is also considered a budget option. To install it on a balcony, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant gypsum board, which is painted green. The technology for installing such a ceiling is as follows:

  • The lighting is pre-wired.
  • Next, the sheathing is installed under the drywall. For this you can use both wooden slats and a metal profile.
  • First of all, the UD profile is attached to the wall along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. But before that, you need to set it strictly according to the level.
  • The CD cross members can then be attached. They are inserted into the UD profile. The pitch of the transverse profile can vary from 400 to 600 mm.
  • The sheathing is mounted so that afterwards it is possible to install lighting fixtures without hindrance.
  • If the width of the ceiling is small, then it is not necessary to attach additional hangers. But for greater strength, it is better to install hangers in the middle of the transverse CD profile.
  • Now it's time to attach the drywall. To do this, cut off pieces of sheet such that the joint is necessarily on the transverse profile.
  • Drywall is fastened with 40 mm self-tapping screws. The screw head should be slightly recessed into the drywall. In order not to break through the gypsum board with a self-tapping screw, it is recommended to use a special cue ball that has a limiter on the depth of penetration of the head.
  • Each drywall joint is treated with reinforcing mesh and puttied.
  • If desired, the drywall can be completely puttied. After which the ceiling is sanded, primed and painted.
  • Now the ceiling plinth is glued around the entire perimeter.

One of the most modern technologies for ceiling treatment is suspended ceiling. Since the ceiling area on the balcony is small, you can install it yourself, without calling a specialist.

The advantage of stretched canvas is that you can place any photograph or image on it. This will be a wonderful addition to the interior.

So, to work you will need a special device - a gun. If you have all the necessary equipment, then you can start working, which looks like this:

  • Along the perimeter of the ceiling, attach a guide profile to the wall, strictly horizontally. In this case, it is advisable to immediately purchase a baguette profile.
  • Before unrolling the canvas, turn on the gun indoors. The temperature should reach 40°C. And only after that you can unwind the film.
  • When working, it is important to ensure that the film does not get too close to the muzzle of the gun.
  • The film itself is attached to the guide. You start installation from the corner that is marked as your base. Then secure the diagonally opposite corner. The remaining 2 corners are attached in the same sequence.
  • Using a special spatula, insert the side edges of the film into the baguette profile. The direction of fastening should be from the corner to the middle.
  • When all the film is in the profile, make sure that there are no places where it could sag.
  • Now heat the installed material until the air warms up to 50°C. Afterwards heating can be stopped.

Another simple method of installing a stretch ceiling is to purchase PVC film with a special harpoon, which is welded to the edge. Its installation is carried out strictly according to the attached instructions.

Well, the last method of finishing the ceiling on the balcony is to paint it. To do this, a series of painting works must be carried out, which include leveling the ceiling, puttying, sanding and painting. It is better to buy ready-made façade putty in a bucket. This also applies to paint. The ceiling is painted using a roller. It is recommended to paint the ceiling in 2 or 3 layers. Each layer must dry thoroughly. This technology is the simplest and requires a small set of tools and materials:

  • putty;
  • facade paint;
  • primer;
  • roller;
  • putty knife;
  • brush.

So, we have looked at various methods of finishing the ceiling on the balcony. We learned how to make a ceiling in different styles that everyone can afford. If you have your own experience in this work, then leave comments at the end of this article. They will also be useful for beginners.


This video describes in more detail the installation of PVC lining on the walls and ceiling of a balcony:


The photographs show various options for making a ceiling on a balcony: