home · electrical safety · Dream interpretation broken doll. Italian dream book by Meneghetti. Interpretations from various sources

Dream interpretation broken doll. Italian dream book by Meneghetti. Interpretations from various sources

Often a doll appears in a dream like good sign. This toy symbolizes a carefree childhood, to which each of us would sometimes like to return.

Therefore, if you dreamed about a doll, this may indicate missing emotions in real life, although some dream books consider such a figure as a symbol of fulfilled desires. What else the vision with a doll in a dream reflects depends on the more detailed circumstances contained in the dream book. A doll, presented in the form of a modern Barbie, a puppet, a traditional doll, or even a mystical voodoo, is a bearer of a certain meaning.

What was the toy in the story?

The key to understanding a dream in which you saw a doll is knowing its details. So, for example, the appearance of the toy will tell you what the doll means in a dream. If the doll in the dream had light colors, in life it will turn out to be a new acquaintance. That is, soon a person will appear in your environment who will become a faithful and reliable comrade.

At the same time, if you dream about toy figures with dark-haired figures, they will indicate difficult tasks. And in this interpretation, they confirm that the dreamer will be able to overcome such obstacles on his own.

If we talk about why you dream about a doll with blue eyes, then this is another good news. This image of a toy indicates the fairness and kindness of a best friend/friend. The brown-eyed dolls that fill the plot of the night vision will indicate gossip. Having seen such a dream, try to refrain from frank statements, because there are many people around you who like to gossip.

Sleep gains new meaning, if such a game item appears in the dreamer’s house:

  • A toy lying on it means quick reconciliation with your loved one.
  • Dolls scattered on the floor - the dream book indicates that a rival will appear in life.
  • If you dreamed of a figurine standing on a shelf, expect a gift or a surprise.
  • A doll sitting neatly on a closet is a symbol of determination. Dreams in which toys are placed on cabinets and are pulled out mean confident progress towards your goal.

When analyzing the interpretation of “toy” dreams, it is worth mentioning the decoration in which the doll appeared. The dream book considers a smartly dressed figure as a harbinger of pregnancy. A girl who sees such a plot at night may soon find out about her new status. For men, such dreams can be a sign of an imminent breakup.

If a figure appears in a dream without clothes, the person is tormented and repents for past misdeeds. Well, if he himself has to undress a toy in a dream, he will soon reveal his feelings.

The material from which the doll is made in the dream plays an important role:

  • Plastic toys represent wealth and prosperity.
  • Rubber dolls are a person’s attempts at self-affirmation.
  • Rag reels mean that in family relationships there will be harmony and peace.
  • Expensive porcelain figurines symbolize an unstable period in your personal life.

IN different dream books There are also versions about “strange” toys. For example, if you dream of a doll with its hair cut off or completely bald, then this indicates the dreamer's disorientation. In other words, this person has a lot of ideas in his head, but he doesn’t know where to start implementing them. According to the dream book, if the doll turns out to be without a head, the dreamer will soon literally “lose” his own from love.

In the plot of a dream, certain toys often appear, familiar to many of us by name:

  • Barbie had a dream - expect news about a long trip or an invitation to a holiday.
  • The puppet visited the dream - soon fate will offer you a good chance to get rich.
  • Dreaming of glove dolls (finger theater) is a signal that you do not miss a unique opportunity in real life.
  • A child, presented in the form of a toy, reflects internal experiences.
  • The rubber doll warns of deception - be careful in the near future and do not be too frank with people you don’t know.
  • Voodoo figurine - a person who is surrounded will try to manipulate you.

What does it mean to play in a dream?

The dream book also considers games with objects such as dolls. In this case, the meaning of the vision will depend on how and with what kind of thing the person had to play. Doll dreams, in which a person simply plays, mean complexion, isolation. In many ways, a person who sees himself carried away toy doll, underestimates his capabilities. However, if the figurine is of impressive size, this may indicate excessive pride of the hero.

When a person wears a naked figurine in his dreams, this may indicate a holiday in your home. In this case, toy outfits can be interpreted as decorating your home for a celebration. If a person takes off the clothes from the baby doll, dressing it in new things, it means he wants to relax. Household worries and work have exhausted you - you urgently need a vacation.

Also, a dream in which a doll figurine becomes the subject of a game has other interpretations:

  • Bathing a toy means soon visiting the seashore or lake.
  • clothes for the doll - look for a new hobby, hobby.
  • Combing her hair means spending quality time with your family or best friends.
  • Braiding your hair means being frank with your sister or best friend.
  • Lull her to sleep, put her to bed - a fruitful day will end with a good rest.

As in life, playing with dolls in a dream can end in failure, and a person can break the toy. However, in real life such dreams have the opposite effect: if a person breaks a thing, in reality he will receive a gift. And if you break it and fix it right away, you will be able to achieve your goals. When the dreamer sees a lost doll in a dream, such a plot will promise him monetary profit. Finding toys are a reflection of a successful acquisition in such night visions.

Dreams in which you can see unusual toys are considered special. For example, a voodoo doll visiting a night vision will become a sign of alarming manipulation. Perhaps someone from the environment will want to use the dreamer for personal gain.

You dream about many figures - expect important news. Such stories speak of the importance of upcoming matters. If there is a living or talking doll in your dream, you should reconsider your habits. Perhaps by changing your principles, you will discover new talents in yourself.

The givers of such things in “toy” dreams are those who in life are able to make people happy. If a child receives a doll, it means that the person is able to make his dream come true. If the hero receives a toy as a gift, he should learn to restrain his emotions.

In any case, the answers to the question of why the doll is dreamed of will, for the most part, be positive. Symbolizing what is unattained or desired, such a toy can warn about interesting and unexpected moments in real life.

For many people, a doll is the personification of spontaneity, childhood and pleasant memories from past. But most people, seeing a doll in a dream, begin to worry. After all, they simply don’t know what such a vision means, whether they are preparing for bad events or for good ones.

Many dream books interpret such a dream as a reflection of a person’s subconscious desires and aspirations. Psychoanalysts interpret such a dream as a desire to return to a carefree childhood, which was filled with fun and joy.

Quite often, a dream about a doll expresses a person’s desire to escape from accumulated problems, to feel like a child again without obligations.

But this interpretation is only general. To accurately interpret what you saw, it is worth remembering the events and appearance toys. After all, it is these moments that help give exact interpretation visions and indicate to a person what to prepare for: bad or good.

Interpretation based on the situation

The actions performed with the toy are important in the interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of the vision based on situations and actions occurring in the dream:

Interpretation based on the type of doll

For an accurate interpretation of the dream, it is worth remembering what the doll looked like:

  • I dreamed about Barbie. The vision has several interpretations:

    The favorite doll of all girls in their dreams is not very good value. Such a vision prophesies loss loved one. This is not about death, but about loss. The person will stop communicating with the dreamer or move to live in another country.

    The children's doll - Barbie personifies the female ideal of beauty. Many generations of girls have tried to be like this toy with ideal body proportions and porcelain skin.

    If you saw such a doll in a dream, it means that a person strives to become ideal. But his plan does not work out.

    Such a dream indicates to a person that he is moving in the wrong direction. Trying to be an example and an ideal, he forgets about inner world, exhausts himself mentally, does not develop.

    The third interpretation says that the toy predicts the emergence of a new hobby or a radical change in interests.

  • A voodoo doll causes concern among many. And this is not in vain. These toys are used in magic.

    Therefore, if you saw such a doll in a dream, you should prepare for the fact that they will try to influence you. This dream symbolizes the presence of an experienced and skillful manipulator next to the keeper of the dream.

    The dreamer should be careful, not succumb to provocations and not listen to other people's advice. This is the only way he can protect himself from manipulation.

  • Beautiful and cute doll– the baby evokes admiration and tenderness. Baby dolls dream of troubles, fuss and worries.

    A baby doll in a dream represents the behavior of a person who in real life takes care of a child. Fear and unreasonable worries - this is what the guardian of sleep should prepare for.

    If a girl or woman had a vision, then she will soon become a mother.

    If a pregnant woman saw a dream, then there is no need to worry. The dream reflects a woman’s inner fear of the birth of a baby, her inability to properly raise and cope with the baby.

  • Porcelain. Breaking such a doll means parting with dreams.
  • Inflatable. There is a lot of deception and falsehood in the dreamer's life.
  • Mechanical. The dreamer often imitates other people.
  • Talking doll to accomplish the intended action.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Many dream books interpret a dream with a donated doll as a reflection of a person’s powerlessness and moral and physical fatigue. This is a sign that the dreamer needs rest. Otherwise, he will not be able to withstand difficult life situations and it will break.

Other interpretations of the vision:

  1. This is a sign that you should not trust the people around you.
  2. Be surrounded by toys. A person is surrounded by ill-wishers.
  3. Buy a toy for yourself. This is a symbol of narcissism.
  4. See an abundance of pupae. A person feels unprotected in society.
  5. If a girl dreams that she gave birth to a doll, then she will soon become the mother of a newborn girl.
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Thousands of dolls that our children love so much are sold on store shelves. In most cases, these toys do not mean anything bad, but only help brighten up your rest and free time child.

But what does it mean to dream in which the doll is almost the main thing? actor? About what to expect and whether you should be afraid of such dreams, will help you understand the meanings from dream books.

Seeing a baby doll in a dream

Such a dream can indicate some concern. You place too much emphasis on some things in your life. great importance, although they don't deserve it.

Also, such a dream can speak of the bustle before the upcoming one. You just need to calm down a little and do your usual things.

The Jewish dream book interprets such a dream as a waste of one’s physical and spiritual strength. You put a lot of effort into achieving an unnecessary goal, although you could devote this time to yourself and your loved ones.

A baby doll can also represent yourself. This dream speaks of lack of love and the need to be needed. You should directly tell your loved ones that you need attention.

See a voodoo doll

Such a dream speaks of the importance of taking a closer look at your loved ones and colleagues. Some of them are trying to achieve their goals with your hands and at the same time pretending to be a benefactor.

If you see a Voodoo doll while at work, one of your colleagues considers you a rival. Don't be fooled by all the smiles and be wary of accepting multi-person jobs. As a result, it may turn out that all responsibilities fall on your shoulders.

If you control a Voodoo doll, this indicates your desire to suppress the will of a person close to you or a colleague. In achieving your goals, you do not hesitate to use dishonest methods and are not afraid of appearing rude.

If your own child is holding a doll, it is worth thinking about the methods of raising him. More likely, You please and indulge your child too much. Perhaps it is time to become more strict and impose fair punishment for the wrongdoings committed.

I dreamed about a baby doll

Baby doll can mean upcoming troubles and worries. They will most likely be of a joyful nature. If the toy makes pitiful sounds, worries will become forced.

Such a dream can have a very pleasant meaning for a woman, especially if she wants to become a mother. Taking care of a baby doll in a dream can.

But for a person from the business sphere, such a dream will be a warning about the futility of trying to win the favor of the right partner. All attempts will bring only waste and disappointment.

Seeing a living doll in a dream

A living doll is always bad sign, indicating that there are problems. They can be created by someone from the environment or by the person himself. Sheremenskaya's dream book connects such a dream with an attempt to hide your true face from others, you are trying to seem better than you really are.

There are also interpretations of such dreams that indicate the possibility of getting into an unpleasant situation. Someone wants to make fun of you and destroy your plans and affairs. A living doll is a bad sign for people in the business world.

Most likely, you have not found a very suitable partner. It is also worth paying more attention to what your old partners offer you. Perhaps one of them decided to profit from your failures.

If a living doll also talks, you should spend it carefully. There is a possibility of unexpected waste and the acquisition of faulty or unnecessary goods.

If a talking doll has no arms or other parts of the body, such a dream may indicate the presence of internal problems with the body. It will be useful to get tested or monitor your health more closely.

Dreaming of a doll in a wedding dress

This is the most favorable interpretation for the person seeing the dream. Dressed in a doll means the coming of true love into life.

Also, such a dream for a young girl can become. If a woman dreams of a child, after this dream her wish will certainly come true. For a man, such a dream portends unexpected profit, making a successful deal and a successful purchase.

Some dream books interpret such a dream as not a very good sign. A dream gets a bad interpretation if wedding dress there are some stains. This speaks of unsuccessful attempts to make a profit, have a child or receive some item. The dream book advises you to relax and forget about these goals for a while.

See a doll in a coffin

Such a dream is interpreted in different ways. In the Everyday Dream Book, such a dream means getting rid of all problems and removing pink. You will soon be able to understand the true reasons for people's behavior and find among them those who are only pretending to be your friend.

In the Women's Dream Book, such a dream suggests that you are deliberately hiding in the world you have invented and do not want to see the real situation. The dream is trying to show you that such behavior is unacceptable and you may suffer from an unwillingness to change your life for the better.

If the doll also cries, the ancestors believed that such a marriage would not last long and would bring the woman a lot of sadness.

Other meanings of sleep

The Egyptian dream book indicates life in its imaginary world. You hide from problems in it and don’t try to solve anything.. If you do not pull yourself together soon, illness and serious problems with health.

The Eastern women's dream book also does not bode well. He talks about the upcoming sad news. There is a possibility of a serious illness of one of your loved ones or relatives. Such a dream also predicts spending and disruption of all planned activities.

The May dream book saw the doll as a favorable sign. The dream promises an unexpected gift, as well as establishing relationships with. Unmarried girl after such a dream he can wait and not be afraid that the marriage will become unhappy.

A family dream book also promises only good things. If you are playing with a doll, everyone in yours will be healthy and will not experience financial problems. If the doll is smiling, and you have been dreaming of a new addition for a long time, you can expect it in the coming year.

The general dream book talks about good news soon. But if the doll turns out to be broken or missing some parts of the body, the notification received will bring sad news and will require financial investments.

Remember, even in a dream that, according to the dream book, does not bring anything good, you should not give up and go with the flow of the current circumstances. With perseverance and the desire to change your life for the better, you can overcome any trials and difficulties.

    I was dreaming about a doll today! I suppose my ex-boyfriend and I were visiting his current girlfriend, he tells me in front of her how much he loves me, etc., and then when we all went to bed, we began to hear sounds coming from the apartment above, and after a few minutes they moved to the basement, I ran to put the door behind the guy so that they wouldn’t let him out of the apartment, he wanted to figure it out, I opened the first door to close it with another lock, but it was open and a man of about 30 came to us and gave me a child at first, but when I picked up the child in my arms, he became with a doll and I was homesick for him, then this fellow hatel bent out of the 4th floor, then I changed my mind, I went up to him and offered to hide in the attic! fuck what a dream what is it for

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    I dreamed of a small wooden doll in a wooden box, I was looking for it in someone else’s bed with a yellow bedspread, there was supposed to be a paper ruble there - white with a pink pattern and folded in four. but I didn’t find the ruble - apparently it was stolen, and I took the doll and left my ex-husband’s house at night. But he stayed, sleeping peacefully and not worrying about anything. His partner does not speak to me, but wants me to quickly leave their house while he is sleeping. And all her relatives want me to leave, but no one talks to me, everyone is waiting for me to leave. Before he fell asleep, we were close to him. But I leave alone and with a doll in my hands at night, I go out into the darkness alone.

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    I had a dream that I woke up on bunk bed, on the second floor there is a transparent man sleeping (ghost, apparition, brownie - I can’t say for sure). I was experiencing great fear, then I called the guy, he saw the same transparent man (silhouette) and his legs were sticking out from under the blanket, when he came up to push his leg, it jumped out from under the blanket wooden doll(such as they show in horror films). A very scary dream, looking at the explanations, I see that this does not bode well for me ((((I would like to see your wording of my dream! I really need it!!! Thank you very much in advance!!!

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    I regularly have a dream once or twice a week that I’m choosing a doll for myself in a store. And I still can’t choose: Either I don’t like the hairstyle, or the face isn’t pretty enough. That is. in constant search for a PERFECTLY beautiful doll. And as a result, in my dreams I always leave the store with empty handed. I’ve been having this dream for about 2 years now, every week! I'm already tired of him!!! I can’t quite understand its meaning, but it’s clearly intrusive. Perhaps nothing mystical, rather a psychological emphasis on something. Maybe some kind of nostalgia for childhood... Although, I am an absolutely serious and not childish person.

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    I want to know more, I haven’t seen much pleasant dream the doll was made for me, as if for rituals, with a hole in the stomach from a needle and was given as an amulet, but I understood that I was not in such a relationship with this person now good relations and that he thereby casts a spell on me, I couldn’t throw it away, I didn’t know that I needed to do something with it, I was very afraid to look at it and was afraid of losing it. If my dream means something, help me decipher it, I’m really looking forward to your answer in advance, blogger

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    I dreamed that I was walking down the street and came across a suitcase, opened it and there were many many beautiful dolls, but all with terribly lifeless eyes, I took the suitcase and walked forward, old people were lying on the beds around me and told me that I could only spend the night in psychiatric hospital. this is where the dream ended and then I dreamed about dolls again

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    I had a not very pleasant dream, in the kitchen there was a small chair on which a doll was sitting, when I came closer, the doll looked at me as if it were alive, then it began to move, as if it was showing me something, I got scared and left!

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    I dreamed of a wooden doll, it was the size of a man, but it committed murders, sneaked up, it killed on the railway line where trains run, and pushed passers-by under the train, and then it noticed me and wanted to kill me too...

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    I dreamed that my friend came to me ex-husband and I'm in it travel bag found a doll that his current wife allegedly gave him. With his permission, I wanted to throw it away at first, then I changed my mind and gave it to some girl.

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    I dreamed of a man holding a voodoo doll in his hand, and no matter what he did with it, all this happened to me, he broke his hands, cut, I was in great pain in the dream, what does this mean?

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    I had a dream where I sat and looked at small scary dolls, all dirty, broken and very scary. There were 7 or 8 pieces, and one had two faces and was alive. What is this?


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    Why did I dream about a small wooden doll with white hair and big blue eyes, in a dream, I just hold it in my hands

    What could such a dream mean?

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    I dreamed of an old lady who offered me to buy a doll in the form of an angel. There were several types, but I didn’t have time to choose.

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Wanting to know his future, a person closely monitors everything that surrounds him: he lives according to signs, and also tries to interpret his dreams. Now I would like to talk about why dolls are dreamed of. After all, it would seem, on the one hand, this dream simply means longing for childhood, but there is also a deeper, different meaning.

So, what in general could a dream mean in which the sleeper saw a doll? This means quick cooperation, partnerships in business. It is important to remember that such a dream also promises excellent result from future transactions, so it is very important in reality not to miss your chance to improve your own financial condition.


If a person receives a doll as a gift in a dream, this may mean misunderstanding on the part of others, as well as loneliness. The doll in such a dream tries to replace everyone around him. If the sleeper goes to a store and buys a ceramic doll there (especially in packaging), this indicates that in life this person does not receive from his environment the due respect and attention that he rightfully deserves. Therefore, in reality you need to try hard to change this state of affairs.

A loss

Why do you dream about dolls? If a person gives his toy in a dream, this means that those around him in reality value and respect him very much. If the doll is simply given away as unnecessary, you should be wary, because all the bad deeds done by the person seeing this dream will be perceived too negatively by others in reality, and some people may even then incriminate the person. Gossip and unpleasant conversations behind your back from those close to you are also possible.

Be a doll

If a person is sleeping and realizes that in the dream he is the doll, he needs to take a close look at his surroundings in life. After all, all close people simply do not consider a person as an independent person, constantly trying to guide and direct the sleeping person at their own discretion.

Living doll

It is also important to understand why you dream about a living doll. In this case, it is important to remember what her face was like. If it is good, there is no need to be afraid, but if it is evil, then the sleeper needs to be afraid of what will soon happen in real life. After all, a person can be drawn into an adventure, which, unfortunately, will not end well at all. It is important to say that you should not underestimate the danger and you need to carefully look at any proposals, even the most harmless at first glance.


I would also like to talk about why Barbie dreams. A woman’s dream about a doll may indicate that she simply wants to return to the past, where everything was simple and carefree. If a young lady dreams of Barbie, this may mean empty fun, which may end in some problems. And the naked beauty doll says that a sleeping person in reality cannot trust anyone and open his soul, keeping his experiences to himself.

Games with a doll in a dream

When understanding why dolls are dreamed of, it is also important to fully remember the dream, taking into account even the most insignificant details at first glance. After all, they can tell you a lot. So, if a girl in a dream dresses up a doll in various beautiful outfits, this indicates that in reality no one appreciates the lady or pays due attention to her, and her beauty also remains unappreciated. If the sleeper combs the doll’s hair, this means that he will soon be initiated into a secret, which, however, he does not need at all and will only weigh on his mind and soul. If a man dreams of a large rubber doll, then this means that in his life he lacks thrills in the intimate sphere of life, and he is afraid to reveal his secret fantasies to the lady of his heart. It is also important whether one person plays with his doll in a dream, or in a group. In the first version, such a dream promises a single solution to one’s problems, an independent achievement of the intended goal. If the sleeping person plays with dolls in the company of friends or even strangers, this means that a huge number of well-wishers will help solve problems in reality.

Special dolls

Why do you dream about dolls? It’s important to remember here that this is exactly what the toy was like. For example, a dream about a voodoo doll is not a good sign. This means the beginning of a black, difficult period of life. After such a dream, it is important to take a close look at your surroundings, because it is because of a loved one that some negative changes will occur in the life of the sleeper, and ordinary communication with him will not bring anything good either. If you dreamed of a broken doll, without a head or with torn clothes, this is also not very good dream. You should expect deception or betrayal from a loved one. If a child breaks a doll in a dream, nothing particularly terrible will happen. The worst: too much spending or uninvited guests. Why do you dream about a child doll? A dream about a baby doll does not foretell anything bad; it means that the dreamer regrets the past time and is a little nostalgic about the past. However, in reality it is worth abandoning such actions, because living in the past, a person simply has no future. The matryoshka warns the sleeping person that he needs to be attentive to new friends, comrades and acquaintances. After all, some of them are a multifaceted person who only wants to benefit from communication for themselves, constantly changing masks and guises. Also similar person may soon become a traitor and cause considerable damage to the life of the sleeping person if you do not get rid of such communication in time.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is also interesting to consider what the Italian dream book says about what the doll is dreaming about. Thus, the author believes that such a dream of an adult only speaks of nostalgia for the past, especially for a carefree childhood. Also, in his opinion, this can indicate that a person is a puppet in the hands of others and he should change his pliable position.

Maly Velesov dream book

In this book you can read that the doll itself is a marvel. If you dream about a lot of them, it means having many children. If the toy is bought, the person becomes a leader in the work, maybe even a leader. If received as a gift - to profit or fulfillment of desires.

Eastern dream book

Eastern people say that seeing a doll in a dream is not good, it is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream could mean news of a loved one’s illness, deception on the part of dear people, or even an unpleasant situation.

Esoteric dream book

On the pages of such a publication you can find the following interpretation: to see a doll - to receive real estate or something significant as a gift. If a person becomes a doll in a dream, you should be afraid of losing your property.

Modern dream book

What does it mean for a woman to see a doll in a dream? According to the latest dream book, this promises a quick pregnancy for the lady, and a new love adventure for the man.

Dream book for the whole family

According to the interpretations of this source, seeing something like this in a dream means that the sleeper simply does not have the fortitude to resist others in defending his opinion; such a person very easily falls under the influence of others. This dream should be a signal that you need to get together and fight back against those people who brazenly apply pressure.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If in a dream a person sees a voodoo doll pierced with needles, this means that the person sleeping in reality is controlled by other persons, constantly manipulating him. This could also mean that new friend uses the connections of a sleeping person very efficiently for himself, and for this purpose makes friends with him.