home · On a note · Maria Butyrskaya is pregnant with her third child. Maria Butyrskaya and Vadim Khomitsky: "Pleasant memories remain from the birth." Personal life of Maria Butyrskaya

Maria Butyrskaya is pregnant with her third child. Maria Butyrskaya and Vadim Khomitsky: "Pleasant memories remain from the birth." Personal life of Maria Butyrskaya

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov / PhotoXPress.ru

Today it became known that 44-year-old figure skater Maria Butyrskaya and 34-year-old Vadim Khomitsky are celebrating a new addition to the family. The famous athlete became a mother for the third time. At the moment, the woman and the baby feel great and accept numerous congratulations from relatives and friends.

The good news appeared on the official website of the Sochi hockey club, for which Vadim Khomitsky plays. The gender and name of the heir of the athletes are already known. Khomitsky's colleagues wish his charming child all the best.

“The management, coaches, teammates and the entire staff of HC Sochi congratulate the Sochi defender and his wife Maria Butyrskaya on the birth of their son! Vadim and Maria decided to name their son Gordey. The height of the baby is 52 cm, weight is 3500 grams. We congratulate the parents and wish them only pleasant troubles, and the child - good health, great happiness and good luck on the path of life! - representatives of the press service of the club shared.

Social media users joined the warm words of the hockey player's colleagues. “Health to mommy and baby”, “Happiness to you”, “Hooray, congratulations on the new addition to the family!”, “Well done”, “Puck, puck,” fans of sports stars discuss.

Recall that the interesting position of Maria Butyrskaya became known in February this year. Then the athlete, who became a guest of the international award of the glossy magazine Marie Claire Prix d "Excellence de la Beauté, came out with a rounded belly. Maria smiled happily and posed for photographers with pleasure.

We also add that Maria Butyrskaya and Vadim Khomitsky are raising two children - 10-year-old Vladislav and seven-year-old Alexandra. The wedding of the athletes took place in August 2006. The lovers tried not to draw too much attention to the solemn ceremony, so the journalists learned about the joyful event in the life of Maria and Vadim only two days after it took place. Butyrskaya and Khomitsky got married in the St. Nicholas Church of the Archangel. There were few guests at the wedding - only relatives and friends. Maria was dressed in a cream-colored dress with a cape, while Vadim chose a formal dark blue suit.

After the sports stars were married, they went to a banquet in one of the restaurants located nearby. The happy chosen one of the famous figure skater gave her a horse named Alverta, which cost 20 thousand dollars. Journalists wrote that Maria liked Vadim's present.

World champion in figure skating, a wonderful coach, smart and beautiful, and more recently also a mother all this is she, Maria Butyrskaya. Many athletes could envy her sports career, hundreds of parents dream that their children would study under her guidance. Today, the main concern of the champion is her son, who was born in mid-April, although Masha successfully combines both maternal and professional duties. In an interview with our magazine, Maria and her husband, hockey player Vadim Khomitsky, talked about how the pregnancy went and what surprises they had to face during this important period in the life of every family.

People meet in different ways. For some, the first meeting turns out to be bright and memorable, while for others, relationships develop gradually, imperceptibly at first, and then it suddenly turns out that a new couple has formed. How did it happen for you?
Vadim and I had nothing particularly romantic, just like love at first sight. Theoretically, we could collide on the ice, but we met in a circle of friends in a restaurant. True, Vadim is like a man with a real masculine fighting! character immediately began to give me signs of attention. And it was very nice.
Maria, pregnancy and active sports are not easy to combine. How did you feel when you learned that you would soon become a mother?
When I found out about my pregnancy, of course, I had to give up a lot in my work. Although by this time I had already left big sport, there were contracts signed earlier, which I had to refuse. So, for example, it happened with the program "Dancing on Ice" on Channel Two. The situation was not the easiest, because I am a responsible person and do not like to let people down. As a partner, I got a rock musician Sergey Galanin, who got on skates for the first time in his life. In general, among all the participants in the project, only one Petr Krasilov was engaged in figure skating as a child. It was harder for me than for the rest of the athletes, because I had always been a “single skater” and had no experience of skating in pairs. In addition, Sergey, being a creative person, is not used to daily hard training, without which nothing can be achieved in sports at all. It was very hard for us to adjust to each other, and when it finally happened, I found out about my pregnancy. Of course, I immediately told my husband about it, but I didn’t even think about stopping participation in the program. After all, what the artists have learned to do on the ice in a few months is just an initial training program that is mastered by kids who have just started figure skating. There were no difficult jumps or other figures, and the area of ​​​​the rink did not allow to develop high speed. Therefore, I was full of desire to work in the program to the end. But then Vadim suddenly intervened
And what were the consequences of this intervention?
Vadim: Masha was dissatisfied with them. When I learned that we would have a child, I thought that, despite the low loads, it was still training, especially with a non-professional partner, and a mistake was possible that would affect the well-being of Masha and the baby. I decided to have a confidential conversation with the director of the Dancing on Ice program: I explained the situation to him and asked him to arrange for Maria to finish her performance. The couple was specially given the lowest scores and she finished her performance in this project. Well, right after that, all the newspapers wrote about the fact that Masha was pregnant. We experienced not the most pleasant sensations after all, the conversation was private. But, on the other hand, I tried to protect my wife and child, so I think that Masha's departure from the show was the right decision.
Was your reluctance to advertise the future addition to the family due to some superstitions? After all, many women keep their pregnancy a secret from everyone except relatives until it becomes obvious. Although you have a black cat that constantly crosses the road. So do you believe in any signs associated with the expectation of a child?
No, we don’t believe in omens, we just didn’t plan to tell the whole country about our personal life. And so we bought almost all the dowry before the birth of the baby, right down to children's furniture. We bought strollers, a bathtub, and many other necessary things at Kangaroo: we really like the combination of price and quality of goods and the level of service. Almost all the clothes were donated to us. However, a lot of it is not needed because the kids grow up so fast. For the very first time, I generally bought several cotton and flannelette undershirts in Detsky Mir, and this turned out to be quite enough. Then we mostly went to the store for diapers. The only thing we didn't have was an envelope. I looked after the one that I liked, but I didn’t have time to buy it myself, and when Vadim wanted to do it, this was no longer the case. My close friend, who became the godmother of our son, came to the rescue by giving me a very beautiful envelope specifically for discharge.

Vadim, what did you feel when you learned that you would become a dad?
Of course, I was extremely happy. The only thing that overshadowed my joy was the need to urgently fly to America: they were running out of contract terms. But, as soon as the opportunity arose, I immediately returned to Masha.
Did you want a boy or a girl?
To be honest, we didn't care. The main thing is that the child is born healthy. The first ultrasound did not allow us to find out the sex of the baby, but at a later date it became clear that it was a boy. We were very happy, although we would have been just as happy with a girl.
You gave birth at a Family Planning and Reproduction Center. Why did you opt for it?
Many of Masha's good friends had children born in the TsPSiR, and all the newly-made parents vying with each other advised this particular maternity hospital. They “infected” us, speaking especially admiringly about the head physician of the Center for Social and Social Development, Mark Arkadyevich Kurtser.
Maria: And now, having already given birth to a child myself, I also want to say the most sincere words of gratitude to Mark Arkadyevich for all the care and attention that were rendered to us in this medical institution. I was registered in a private paid clinic, and a few weeks before the birth I came on an “excursion” to the Planning Center. I liked the environment, the doctors, and the recommendations of my friends had their effect after all, personal impressions mean a lot. In general, we signed a contract and began to wait for our son to decide to be born.
It was quite a long way for you to travel to the CPS&R from Khimki
We moved to Khimki after the birth of the child, and before that we lived on Krasnoproletarskaya. Although this is also not close. Luckily for us, the contractions started as if by order, at 4 o'clock in the morning: early in the morning, almost at night, not a single car. In general, at that time we happily avoided traffic jams.
Maria: I have a lot to say about tubes. I came to my doctor Natalya Nikolaevna Zimina for a consultation on Friday evenings, around 18:19. From the city center to Sevastopolsky Prospekt it was possible to get both 2 and 3 hours. It is not easy to stand in a traffic jam for so long without a belly, and even with a belly In general, Vadim violated everything that was possible, sometimes going around the traffic jam even in the oncoming lane. In general, when the traffic cops stopped us, I told them: “Look at me. Do you want me to give birth right here? I will do it. Write a protocol if you know how to take birth! We were released. I understand, of course, that it is necessary to follow the rules, but, unfortunately, on our roads this is far from always possible.
Did you go to give birth together?
I insisted on joint birth. Masha at first was against it, and then agreed.
Maria: Vadim was with me during the contractions, but at the very moment the baby was born, he left. I don't think you should look at it at such a moment, only the presence of professionals is necessary. But while the “preparatory period” lasts, the support of the husband, even if purely psychological, is very important. You understand that you are not alone, that your dear and beloved person is with you, that he worries in the same way, that there is someone to complain about pain and fear Yes, and a man, when he himself takes part in the process of childbirth, understands that giving birth to a child is far away not easy.

Were you scared?
When we arrived at the hospital, we were immediately placed in a box. But as we walked to him, I heard other women screaming loudly, and I thought: “Is it really going to scream like that?” And then I cried all the time, because everything took too long. The waters have broken, but there are still no contractions. We agreed that Natalya Nikolaevna would come at 8 o'clock. Apparently, there was an agreement with the staff that nothing would be done with me until she arrived. They did not touch me, they only asked several times if the water had definitely broken. Then we both really wanted to sleep. There was such a narrow couch in the box, we somehow lay down on it and, apparently, fell asleep from excitement. The light is off, no one interferes We were awakened by Natalya Nikolaevna, who looked into the ward and said that daddies are not supposed to lie here. Made us blush.
When did you first see your son?
They showed it to me right away. Such a small squeaky lump! ..
Vadim: While Masha was giving birth, I was very worried. I could not sit still, I just walked quickly and quickly along the corridor from corner to corner. And when he heard that the child was screaming, he immediately calmed down. He was taken out of the birth box already swaddled. When I saw these crescent-shaped brows, I immediately thought: "Positive Masha." And they let me hold him in my arms right away. It's such an unforgettable experience! After all, just a few minutes ago he was not there and now he is already here, and you can hug him and talk to him.
You probably immediately took a picture of your son?
No, we didn't want to film childbirth and the first minutes of life. But now, of course, we have accumulated more than one album of pictures and more than one cassette that captured our child.
Now some parents refuse vaccinations given to children after birth.
In this matter, I completely trust the doctors. If you need any vaccinations, of course it is better to do them so that you don’t bite your elbows later.
Did you immediately start breastfeeding?
It turned out that feeding a child is not so easy. For some reason, everyone believes that the main thing is to give birth, and then everything will somehow work itself out. And in fact it is not. Of course, the patronage nurse came, showed and told everything. But at first it still hurt. Then, of course, I got used to it, and the experience appeared. True, now we have almost completely switched to mixtures.
You hear a lot about the vagaries of pregnant women. How did you manage to deal with them?
Yes, Masha had absolutely no whims. The character did not change at all, although I know that this happens quite often in pregnant women.
Maria: During my entire pregnancy, I only once visited the desire to immediately eat something specific. I saw an advertisement for a Big Mac from McDonald’s on TV and realized that if I didn’t get it immediately, I would feel very bad. Vadik was in America at that time, and Oksana Kazakova lived with me during the filming of the Dancing on Ice project. She was just supposed to fly in, so I called her and asked her to buy this unfortunate bun with a cutlet on the way. And so I went into the store, looked around the shelves and thought: what do I want? Of course, during pregnancy I became much more than before, I decided not to limit myself in anything. And gained as much as 20 kg! I think that next time I will be more “modest”. Although even now, I’m sure the weight will quickly return to normal: after all, since July I have returned to coaching.
Vadim NHL player, and you had the opportunity to give birth in America. Why didn't you use it?
I have many friends who have the opportunity to go to give birth in any country, but they preferred to give birth in Russia. I talked to different people, because the opinion of friends and buddies who have already become parents is very valuable in such an important issue, especially when you are expecting your first child. There are certainly good doctors in America, but if we have our own excellent specialists, is there any point in replacing them with strangers?
How do you manage without a babysitter?
So far so good. Vadim helps a lot when he is at home. But after the start of classes, something will have to be decided. Coaching work is daily, children constantly need attention, everything needs to be monitored. Therefore, I think I will definitely have an assistant.
Why did you decide to store stem cells and use the services of the Cryocenter?
At the Planning Center, I took the brochures of the Cryocenter to read, then I talked with several acquaintances. Some of them also retained cells. True, no one could specifically answer the question of what it is for and whether they advise doing it. But if at the moment there is such an opportunity, why not take advantage of it? And Vadim and I decided to preserve stem cells because this can be done only once. Moreover, the doctor advised me to contact the Cryocenter and gave me a contact phone number. That's how we became their customers.
Maria, what are your impressions of pregnancy and the actual process of childbirth?
I don't have any negative feelings. I would love to go through this again. Pregnancy turned out to be harder for me personally, especially in the last weeks: the baby was pushing hard, it was very difficult to bend over. Although I continued to train children until the age of 8 months, I skated on the ice. Only in the last 23 weeks she could no longer lace up her shoes, so she didn’t skate, but just walked. Of course, I did not make any jumps and complex movements, but my physical load was quite large. As for social events, I practically didn’t go anywhere, because people around me constantly wanted to take a picture of me, and it was inconvenient to refuse. Once I came to my friend for the opening of a store in full dress, in high-heeled shoes. And although the heels were stable, it was not easy for me to hold on to them.
And where did you dress during pregnancy?
I had new clothes once or twice and miscalculated. I bought one evening dress because I went to see Vadim in Switzerland for the New Year. And besides that, I bought only one shorts and panties, and even a shirt, but in a regular store, just a few sizes larger. Actually, I continued to work throughout my pregnancy, so a tracksuit was enough for me. I probably would not refuse a thing that hides figure flaws and emphasizes all its advantages during pregnancy. And she had no desire to look like a bombshell in a shapeless dress.
Many women during the 9 months of pregnancy try not to visit a beauty salon. How did you take care of yourself?
Certainly. And she dyed her hair, and did a manicure with a pedicure, although less often than before pregnancy. Still, I was very tired, I constantly wanted to sleep, so it was hard for me to spend the whole day in the salon. So I "stretched the pleasure" for several visits. I believe that a woman should always remain a woman beautiful, well-groomed, enjoying life. Then her baby, and her loved ones, and herself will live easily and interestingly.

The good news about the addition of Maria Butyrskaya and Vadim Khomitsky to the family appeared on the official website of the Sochi hockey club, in whose defense the athlete plays. "Vadim and Maria decided to name their son Gordey. The height of the baby is 52 cm, weight - 3500 grams. Congratulations to the parents and wish them only pleasant troubles, and the child - good health, great happiness and good luck on the path of life!" - listed on the website of HC "Sochi".


It should be noted that the information appeared the day before, on May 22, but journalists learned about it only now. The reporters guessed that Maria Butyrskaya was expecting her third child at the end of March. Then the famous figure skater came out in black trousers and a white blouse, over which she threw a dark loose-fitting jumper. Spacious clothes could not hide the changed figure of the athlete. And Maria literally glowed with happiness.

Recall that Butyrskaya and Khomitsky are already raising their nine-year-old son Vladislav and their seven-year-old daughter Alexandra. In 2017, Maria and Vadim will celebrate their 11th wedding anniversary.

The couple's first child was born in 2008. Then Maria had to leave the Dancing on Ice project. Butyrskaya's husband insisted on such a decision. “I thought that, despite the low loads, it’s still training, especially with a non-professional partner, and a mistake is possible that will affect the well-being of Masha and the baby. I decided to talk confidentially with the director of the Dancing on Ice program: I explained to him situation and asked to arrange so that Maria finished the performance. The couple was specially given the lowest scores and she finished her performance in this project. Well, immediately after that, all the newspapers wrote that Masha was pregnant, "Khomitsky said earlier in an interview.

According to him, they experienced not the most pleasant sensations. “Still, the conversation was private. But, on the other hand, I tried to protect my wife and child, so I think that Masha’s departure from the show was the right decision,” said the hockey player.

There is an opinion that it is difficult for two athletes to get along together. But it seems to me to be different. And it definitely does not apply to two famous personalities - the player of the HC "Sochi" Vadim Khomitsky and the world champion in figure skating Maria Butyrskaya. I have known this couple in love for many years and I am always amazed at their relationship - very sincere and reverent.

"We always wanted to have a big family"

Vadim, Masha, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on the replenishment. A year ago, Gordey was born - the third child in your family.

Vadim: - Thank you! We have always wanted to have a big family. But at the moment, I think that the kids are already enough. (Smiling.)

Maria: - All our babies were planned. The third "baby", let's say, "was in the plans", but had to be postponed - either I have a job, or Vadik. And then with two children it is already quite difficult. But one day we sat down, talked and decided that we definitely wanted another son. And here is the result.

Vadim: - This, of course, is happiness. The birth of Gordey - Masha gave the name, she really likes it - brought even more positive and unity to our family. The brother and sister of the little one simply adore. The age difference between them is significant: with Vadim - ten years, with Alexandra - seven. But Gordey is very drawn to them. Probably more than even parents. (Smiling.)

Vadim, we have known each other for many years. I have seen more than once how you communicate with your children - very kindly. As always?

You're right. I try to be positive with them. But sometimes up to a certain point. When the line is crossed, it is necessary to shake them periodically. You can't always be soft. As a result, it can have a negative impact.

Maria: - Vadik in communication with children is cool. But due to the fact that he is not often at home in Moscow, we have such roles: mom is a whip, and dad is a carrot. I even feel embarrassed at times! Every day I get up early with the children, school, lessons, classes in sections ... Everywhere you have to keep up. I can't say that everything is going smoothly. And sometimes, for some reason, you have to swear. And daddy comes with gifts - he is kind, good. (Smiling.) I remember when the season ended, Gordey could not approach Vadim for three days. Like, some uncle with a beard appeared, who took him in his arms. Now everything is in order - I'm used to it.

“I thought Masha was an impregnable fortress”

- You've been together for 12 years. Can you remember your very first meeting?

Maria: - We ended up in the same company at the same table. We were introduced by mutual friends. I did not pay much attention to Vadik then, because I knew that he was much younger than me, ten years. So I felt a bit uncomfortable.

Vadim: - I also knew that Masha was older, but I was absolutely calm about this. Fell in love at first sight and saw no barriers to win her heart. And those people who once talked about our difference in years, they are no longer around.

- In my opinion, you look like peers.

Maria: - I just try to match the age of my husband, and he mine. (Smiling.) In general, after so many years of living together, we no longer think about this topic. It even seems to me that I introduced such a fashion. Hockey players marry women older than themselves. I'm not the only one.

- Age is definitely not the most important thing.

Agree completely. (Smiling.) The main thing, of course, is love and respect.

Vadim, did you recognize Masha at the first meeting? After all, at the time of your acquaintance, she was already the world champion in figure skating.

Vadim: - I have never been fond of this sport and did not know who this girl was. To be honest, when I was introduced to her, I was a little wary. After all, she really turned out to be a fairly famous person. Then I thought that in front of me was an impregnable fortress. (Smiling.) I had to work hard. Trust had to be earned.

We met at that time, Masha was just finishing her performance. I am one of the lucky ones who got on her last show. When my beloved was once invited to a project where it was necessary to dance in tandem with the famous rock musician Sergei Galanin, I came to the producer of the TV show and said that Butyrskaya should have been released from such a role, because at that time she was in position.

“Vadim fully corresponds to his role”

- Masha, it seems to me that Vadim is one of those guys who knows how to court gallantly, beautifully ...

Maria: - So it was. He always behaved very sincerely, and signs of attention began from the first day of our acquaintance. All this seemed to me funny and funny, and then, seeing what actions Vadim does for me, it became pleasant. I began to understand what kind of person he was. My heart melted. For example, he could take the keys to my car, go to repair it and put it back in its place. Such is the surprise. Or I remember when I returned from filming The Great Race from South Africa, he met me in a limousine at night with a huge bouquet of flowers. Winter. It was terribly cold. Vadik then drove all my girlfriends home in a luxury car.

Vadim: - I always tried to surprise Masha with something - with my positive, correct actions. What do I appreciate most about her? Loyalty, reliability. And she is a person with a core inside. Knows how to defend his opinion.

Maria: - Before we decided to legitimize our relationship, we met for a year. It so happened, Vadik received an invitation from the NHL, he had to go to play in America. He did not know when he would return. And then he invited me to go with him. And at that time I couldn’t, because I had just started coaching. Quitting everything is extremely difficult. The question arose by itself - either we part, or we sign. (Smiling.) Everything came together rather quickly. In the end, we got married.

This is a very serious step. Perhaps, having decided on it, they finally felt that they were made for each other?

Vadim: - Yes. Absolutely. And they believed each other. I do not regret anything. Next to Masha happy all these years.

Maria: - Me too. And we go through life together. The husband's role is a protector, and he fully corresponds to him. It is so nice to realize that there is a reliable shoulder nearby, a dear person who can always lend a helping hand - both to his family and to his parents, whom he madly loves, respects and supports.

I always tried to surprise Masha with something - with my positive, correct actions. What do I appreciate most about her? Loyalty, reliability. And she is a person with a core inside.

- Vadim, Masha lives with her children in Moscow, and you are in Sochi. Is it difficult to be away from family?

Of course, it's not easy. Especially for a loved one. She has a hard time when she is alone, and I don’t have days off for a long time. But as soon as they appear, I immediately get on the plane and fly to my people.

In any case, I see no point in moving. Children study and play sports. And if something changes, they will only suffer from it. And Masha, after all, works - trains. I absolutely don't mind. I see what she likes. At work, she unloads, switches mentally. It's a favorite thing. Being at home every day is also very difficult. The picture needs to be changed.

Maria: - When Vadik comes to Moscow, he always helps in everything. Try something different with me. (Smiling.) Although in our family there is complete equality. It’s just that Vadik has such a character: if he thinks so, something must be done, he will insist on his own to the end. But there are no global conflicts. In general, the views on life are the same.

Vadim: - When I'm at home, I can't help but help. Washing dishes is not a problem. Clean up, cook breakfast for the children at school - too. I'll do anything.

"We "cooked in the same porridge"

- You are both athletes. Surely there are advantages to living together?

Maria: - Absolutely. As they say, "in one porridge" they were cooked. (Smiling.) It's much easier for us to communicate. And I don't need to explain anything - let's say it's worth calling on the day of the match or not. I understand everything from the first word - I can suggest some things, set them up.

- It is noteworthy that you instilled a love for sports in children.

Maria: - Because we appreciate and respect him. We do not set ourselves the goal of necessarily growing champions. Guessing is a thankless task. They gave the opportunity to my son and daughter to study, and then how it goes. Alexandra is fond of tennis. In February of this year, she turned eight years old, it was possible to register in the PTT - the Russian Tennis Tour, and now every game is points. I made the decision to send my child to tennis. I just saw that the girl will grow tall. And figure skating did not begin to torment. The son plays hockey, Vadim wanted the boy to follow in his father's footsteps. Although I saw him more in football.

Vadim: - Our son himself also wanted to put on skates and pick up a hockey stick. When I played for Ak Bars, he lived with me in Kazan. We went out there with him many times on the ice, he liked it, and then off we go. Now I sometimes tease, I say: “Maybe we’ll go to another sport or we won’t continue playing hockey at all”? Vadik is offended, nervous and replies that he will definitely not quit the business he has begun.

The most important thing is that children have fun, in no case should you force them. This is a big mistake some parents make. Will the son play hockey professionally or not - how will it turn out. In fact, not everything is as easy as it seems. This is a very hard sport. In general, while he is passionate, let him play. For our part, we help in any way we can. The kids were sent to sports for development. For Masha and me, it is important that they be disciplined, observe the regime, and develop character.

Maria: - Sometimes we are literally torn apart. Now Vadik has a tournament, then Sashenka has a tournament. Recently, my son participated in competitions in Sochi, we all went there together, and for our daughter we were looking for where she could play tennis.

The husband's role is a protector, and he fully corresponds to him. It is so nice to realize that there is a reliable shoulder nearby, a dear person who can always lend a helping hand.

- Khomitsky Jr. is also a defender?

Maria: - No. He is not very suitable for such a role because of his height, and our boy is quite mobile. It's better to be a striker.

Vadim: - How does Masha feel about hockey in general? Positively. It's my job. When I played for CSKA, she came to all home games and now, when we play in Moscow, she is also, of course, in the stands. She never gives any advice or comments, because she understands this sport at an amateur level. (Smiling.) The only thing he can ask is: “What kind of situation did that arise?” She is more worried about me not getting hurt.

Maria: - If our team is defeated, my husband always shares his experiences with me. We always discuss everything together.

- Vadim, how would you rate the past season? For Sochi, it has developed quite successfully.

I agree. (Smiling.) By and large, the task was completed - they got into the playoffs. We left behind Dynamo Moscow and a number of other strong clubs. And I think that the forces were to pass the first round. We played well, but as usual, we want more. In general, I will put "plus" for the season. The main thing: bypassed the injury.

You have been together for so many years, how do you manage to keep love? When we meet, I still see how fresh your feelings are.

Vadim: - First of all, we must respect each other and listen to each other's opinions. And I sometimes catch myself thinking that there are pluses in the fact that we don’t see each other every day. This warms up the relationship, we have time to get bored.

Photo by Dinara Kafiskina and from the personal archive of Vadim Khomitsky and Maria Butyrskaya