home · Appliances · With the air that contains in. Air is a mixture of gases. Where and how can you “charge” with negative air ions

With the air that contains in. Air is a mixture of gases. Where and how can you “charge” with negative air ions

Every second any Living being inhales air rich in oxygen and exhales air rich in oxygen carbon dioxide. Oxygen from the air will be used up by any combustion process. So why then does the basic composition of air on Earth remain the same? In this lesson we will learn about the constant and variable components of air, how oxygen is replenished in the atmosphere and what dust particles are for.

Topic: Inanimate nature

Lesson: Air is a mixture of gases

We often say “there is an empty glass on the table,” but in fact it is not empty, but filled with air.

Rice. 1. Glass filled with air ()

Air is a mixture of gases. Air contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and some other gases. The permanent constituent gases of air are oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. But in addition to permanent gases, there may be impurities in the air, the content of which is not constant. These are water vapor, microbes, particles of smoke, dust and salt, and plant pollen.

To better understand the quantitative composition of air, imagine that 100 liters of air contain 78 liters of nitrogen, 21 liters of oxygen, 1 liter of carbon dioxide and a few other impurities.

Oxygen is necessary for the respiration of humans, animals and plants. Oxygen dissolved in water is consumed during breathing by the inhabitants of water bodies.

A person or animal inhales air containing oxygen and exhales air containing large amounts of carbon dioxide.

You can often hear the phrase “the room is stuffy,” this happens if the room for a long time there was no ventilation and most of the oxygen had already been used up.

Oxygen supports combustion . If you cover a burning candle glass jar, the candle will burn for some time and then go out.

Rice. 4. Burning candle wick ()

This will happen because the burning candle will use up the oxygen in the jar that supported its combustion, but there will be a lot of carbon dioxide.

This experiment proves that oxygen supports combustion. Carbon dioxide is released during any combustion - wood, coal, oil, tobacco, and other flammable substances, and does not support combustion.

Using knowledge about this property of oxygen, we can help a person if his clothes are on fire: it is necessary to cover the fire with thick fabric so that oxygen does not enter.

The composition of the air is constant, this important condition life on Earth. But in all countries of the world, billions of tons of fuel are burned annually, releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and consuming oxygen.

Rice. 5. Car exhaust gases ()

The same thing happens in factories and during fires.

People, animals, plants and even microbes breathe and also absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Rice. 7. Breath of a living being ()

But at the same time, the composition of the air on the planet as a whole remains constant. This is the result of the work of green plants, which are the main source of oxygen replenishment on Earth.

In plants, under the influence of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water are formed nutrients and oxygen. The more green plants, the cleaner air, that’s why it’s so easy to breathe in the forest.

As has been said, not all components of air are constant. The presence and quantity of dust particles, plant pollen, salt and other impurities depends on the area and time of year.

These particles come from the smoke of volcanoes, deserts, oceans, soil, flowering plants. At the end of June, for example, poplar fluff appears, and during active flowering of plants, there is a lot of pollen in the air.

Rice. 11. Sea salt particles ()

Breathing polluted air is not good for your health. Although, on the other hand, dust makes our world beautiful: colorful sunsets and sunrises are the result of the reflection of sunlight from dust particles scattered in upper layers atmosphere.

Sunset is usually red - particles of dust and water vapor reflect red Sun rays in such a way that we see them last.

In the center of every raindrop there is a speck of dust that helped the droplet quickly form.

Fogs, clouds and rain consist of many dust particles that are enveloped in liquid.

In the next lesson we will learn about such a natural phenomenon as wind, about the reasons for the movement of air in nature and at home. Let's consider methods for determining the direction and strength of the wind. Let us characterize the role of wind in nature and people’s lives.

  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. M.: Fedorov Publishing House.
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us 3. M.: Education.
  1. Encyclopedia around the world ().
  2. Academician ().
  3. Librarian.Ru ().
  1. Prepare a short report on the problem of air pollution and suggest ways to eliminate these problems.
  2. Conduct experiments to prove the properties of oxygen. Describe your actions, observations, results.
  3. *Write a detailed answer to the question “How do green plants maintain balance in the gas composition of the atmosphere?”

Let's make a reservation right away: nitrogen in the air takes up most, however chemical composition the remaining share is very interesting and varied. In short, the list of main elements is as follows.

However, we will also give some explanations on the functions of these chemical elements.

1. Nitrogen

The nitrogen content in the air is 78% by volume and 75% by mass, that is, this element dominates in the atmosphere, has the title of one of the most common on Earth, and, in addition, is found outside the human habitation zone - on Uranus, Neptune and in interstellar spaces. So, we have already figured out how much nitrogen is in the air, but the question remains about its function. Nitrogen is necessary for the existence of living beings, it is part of:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • nucleic acids;
  • chlorophyll;
  • hemoglobin, etc.

On average, about 2% of a living cell consists of nitrogen atoms, which explains why there is so much nitrogen in the air as a percentage of volume and mass.
Nitrogen is also one of the noble gases produced from atmospheric air. Ammonia is synthesized from it and used for cooling and other purposes.

2. Oxygen

The oxygen content in the air is one of the most popular questions. Keeping the intrigue, let's distract ourselves with one fun fact: Oxygen was discovered twice - in 1771 and 1774, but due to differences in publications of the discovery, the honor of discovering the element went to the English chemist Joseph Priestley, who actually isolated oxygen second. So, the proportion of oxygen in the air fluctuates around 21% by volume and 23% by mass. Together with nitrogen, these two gases form 99% of all earth's air. However, the percentage of oxygen in the air is less than nitrogen, and yet we do not experience breathing problems. The fact is that the amount of oxygen in the air is optimally calculated specifically for normal breathing, in pure form this gas acts on the body like poison and leads to difficulties in working nervous system, respiratory and circulatory problems. At the same time, the lack of oxygen also negatively affects health, causing oxygen starvation and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with it. Therefore, how much oxygen is contained in the air is what is needed for healthy, full breathing.

3. Argon

Argon ranks third in the air; it is odorless, colorless and tasteless. Significant biological role This gas has not been detected, but it has a narcotic effect and is even considered doping. Argon extracted from the atmosphere is used in industry, medicine, to create an artificial atmosphere, chemical synthesis, fire extinguishing, creating lasers, etc.

4. Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide makes up the atmosphere of Venus and Mars; its percentage in the earth's air is much lower. At the same time, a huge amount of carbon dioxide is contained in the ocean, it is regularly supplied by all breathing organisms, and is released due to the work of industry. In human life, carbon dioxide is used in fire fighting, the food industry as a gas and as food supplement E290 – preservative and leavening agent. In solid form, carbon dioxide is one of the most well-known refrigerants, “dry ice.”

5. Neon

That same mysterious light of disco lights, bright signs and modern headlights is the fifth most common chemical element, which is also inhaled by humans – neon. Like many inert gases, neon has a narcotic effect on humans at a certain pressure, but it is this gas that is used in the training of divers and other people working at high pressure. Also, neon-helium mixtures are used in medicine for respiratory disorders; neon itself is used for cooling, in the production of signal lights and those same neon lamps. However, contrary to the stereotype, neon light is not blue, but red. All other colors are produced by lamps with other gases.

6. Methane

Methane and air have very ancient history: in the primordial atmosphere, even before the appearance of man, methane was in more. Now extracted and used as fuel and raw material in manufacturing, this gas is not as widespread in the atmosphere, but is still released from the Earth. Modern research establishes the role of methane in the respiration and vital functions of the human body, but there is no authoritative data on this yet.

7. Helium

Having looked at how much helium is in the air, anyone will understand that this gas is not one of the most important. Indeed, it is difficult to determine the biological significance of this gas. Apart from the funny distortion of the voice when inhaling helium from a balloon :) However, helium is widely used in industry: in metallurgy, the food industry, for filling aircraft and weather probes, in lasers, nuclear reactors etc.

8. Krypton

We are not talking about the homeland of Superman :) Krypton is an inert gas that is three times heavier than air, chemically inert, extracted from air, used in incandescent lamps, lasers and is still being actively studied. From interesting properties krypton, it is worth noting that at a pressure of 3.5 atmospheres it has a narcotic effect on humans, and at 6 atmospheres it acquires a pungent odor.

9. Hydrogen

Hydrogen in the air occupies 0.00005% by volume and 0.00008% by mass, but at the same time it is the most common element in the Universe. It is quite possible to write a separate article about its history, production and application, so now we will limit ourselves to a small list of industries: chemical, fuel, food industry, aviation, meteorology, electric power.

10. Xenon

The latter is a component of air, which was initially considered only an admixture of krypton. Its name translates as “alien”, and the percentage of its content both on Earth and beyond its borders is minimal, which determined its high cost. Nowadays they cannot do without xenon: the production of powerful and pulse sources light, diagnostics and anesthesia in medicine, spacecraft engines, rocket fuel. In addition, when inhaled, xenon significantly lowers the voice (the opposite effect of helium), and recently inhalation of this gas has been included in the list of doping agents.

Modern research shows that intense pollution of the air we breathe may be the cause of many respiratory (from the Danish respiro. respratum - to breathe) diseases that exist today.

Air composition

It is known that the composition of the earth’s atmosphere has not changed for millennia during the existence of mankind. Our ancestors breathed air consisting of chemically inert nitrogen (N 2), vital oxygen (0 2), as well as carbon dioxide (CO 2), argon (Ar) and a minimal amount of other gases harmless to humans.

Quantitative composition of air:

  • nitrogen - 78%
  • oxygen-21%
  • carbon dioxide - 0.03%
  • other gases (argon, hydrogen, neon, krypton, helium, xenon) - about 1%

Today we breathe the same air, but with some harmful impurities that affect environment and human health have a strong negative impact

The main compounds that pollute the atmosphere are carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene; and also in the air of large cities there is mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel, more than 50 hydrocarbons and other impurities, most of which are highly toxic

Main sources of air pollution

  • road transport, thermal power plants, exhaust air from various industries emitted into the atmosphere through pipes (cement, heavy metals, chemical waste, etc.);
  • tobacco smoke, dust, radon entering the air through the soil and basements;
  • white lead, reinforced concrete walls containing all kinds of chemical compounds, including very toxic ones, and continuously emitting them long years; linoleum, plastic, foam upholstery of chairs and sofas;
  • household chemicals - solvents, washing powders, dishwashing liquids, repellents, air fresheners, antistatic agents, insecticides used to control cockroaches, mothballs, etc.;
  • construction and finishing materials.

In the exhaled air, the oxygen content decreases (up to 16% and the carbon dioxide content increases (approximately 3-4%)

The impact of poor air quality on human health

There is a direct relationship between air quality and a number of diseases

City residents, as a rule, suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.) and the cardiovascular system. Constant headaches, increased fatigue, insomnia, stress and even cancer of the respiratory system can also occur due to poor air quality.

Heavy metals contained in the air can create mass poisoning.

That part of people who spend more time indoors are subject to a special type of disease, called by doctors “syndrome.” closed premises" Stuffy nose, dry throat, cough, rhinitis, headache, increased irritability - these are just some of its signs.

According to the World Health Organization, 20% of the world's population is susceptible to dust allergies - a real global disaster.

House dust

Research has shown that in every cubic meter The air in our homes contains approximately 250-300 mg of fine dust particles. In other words, we inhale approximately 4 grams of dust every day without noticing it. And the finer the dust, the deeper it penetrates into the lungs. Dust particles damage the walls of the alveoli, disrupting the first immune barrier and opening the way for infections and allergens.

Household dust may contain dander and hair from pets, pieces of human hair and skin, insects, mold spores, fiberglass, nylon, sand, particles of paper and fabric, tiny fragments of materials from walls, furniture, household items, etc. But the most harmful and significant (up to 80%) part of house dust is dust mites, which can only be seen with a magnification of 30-40 times.

About 42 thousand dust mites live in 12 g of dust

Dust grains are capable of absorbing any substance, so house dust contains almost half of the periodic table and more than 100 organic compounds. There are many bacteria on dust particles that do not move freely in the air, but travel along with dust particles. One thimble of house dust contains 5 million microbes. When microorganisms die, bacterial endotoxins are released, which can also cause allergies.

In one day, residents of large cities “pass” up to 6 billion dust particles through their lungs, which would fit in 2 tablespoons

How to protect yourself from house dust

  • Ventilate the room frequently. If weather conditions do not allow you to do this several times a day, then at least for an hour in the early morning (when the air in the city is not yet so polluted) and the same amount before going to bed at night.
  • Use water vacuum cleaners or vacuum cleaners with 6 paper filters (disposable) to clean the room. Use air purifiers. Vacuum carpets and furniture upholstered with fabrics at least 2 times a week.
  • Conduct daily wet cleaning smooth surfaces.
  • Store books, clothes, and bed linen only in closed cabinets.
  • Thoroughly clean (vacuum or wash) mattresses and pillows.
  • Do not keep rags at home: old clothes, pillows, linens, which clutter up the apartment and accumulate dust.
  • Wash soft toys regularly.
  • Do not allow pets to sleep in the same room as you, and wash and brush their hair regularly.
  • Do not store boxes of vegetables or a basket of dirty laundry in the hallway.
  • Purify the air in your apartment using essential oils(eg frankincense, spruce, juniper, cedar).

Beneficial and harmful air ions

The atmospheric air that we breathe, like everything around us, consists of atoms that can be either charged or neutral (not have electric charge). Charged atoms are called ions, or aeroins. Depending on the charge they receive, ions can be positive or negative. Despite its name, positive ions are harmful to our health, and their predominant amount in the air has a destructive effect on the body, causing fatigue, decreased performance, and weakened immunity.

Modern man lives in very unfavorable conditions. Big cities, air pollution (cars, manufacturing), electromagnetic radiation (cell phone, computer, TV, Appliances) - all these are sources of huge amounts of positive ions.

Negative ions, on the contrary, have a strong stimulating effect on the body. Their positive influence is quite extensive, for which they are called “air vitamins.”

The Russian biophysicist A.L. Chizhevsky was the first to become interested in the influence of aeroins on the body. He also conducted an experiment: he placed laboratory mice in a sealed chamber and let them through ordinary air through a dense filter layer of cotton wool. After 5-10 days the animals became lethargic, as if they had vitamin deficiency. A needle was inserted into the same chamber, onto which high voltage. Negative air ions were formed at the needle tip. After this, the experimental animals felt much better. Thanks to the “air vitamins,” their vital activity became even higher than that of animals in the wild. According to Chizhevsky, air devoid of ions is like food without vitamins or water without mineral salts.

Beneficial effects of negative air ions

  • improve sleep
  • increase concentration
  • reduce headaches
  • normalize blood pressure
  • stimulate blood circulation
  • enhance metabolism
  • activate the immune system
  • have a bactericidal effect
  • accelerate healing and recovery processes
  • reduce the amount of pollutants in the air
  • being excellent antioxidants, they neutralize free radicals and thereby protect the body from premature aging and cancer.

The number of negative air ions in 1 cm 3 of air

  • at the waterfall - up to 3000
  • in the mountains - up to 2000
  • in the forest - up to 1500
  • in the city - up to 200
  • in an apartment - up to 100
  • in the car - up to 50

Where and how can you “charge” with negative air ions

  • Outside the city, since their number there is higher than in the city. Take forays into the forest or at least take a walk in the park.
  • Go for a walk immediately after a thunderstorm. Quantity negative ions in the air at this time increases sharply.
  • Go on vacation to the sea or to the mountains at any time of the year - this is a real ion boost for the body.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Place a decorative fountain or aquarium, since air humidification also increases the number of negative air ions.
  • Shower more often. A flowing stream of water is a real magnet for negative air ions.
  • Don't forget about indoor plants. The champion in the production of negative air ions is geranium. Small coniferous trees, which are quite easy to grow in a pot, are also good.
  • Buy an air ionizer.

A person feels most comfortable with air humidity: in summer - from 60 to 75%; in winter - from 55 to 70%.

At medium and low air temperatures, its movement has a cooling effect on the human body (a layer of warm air heated by the body is carried away, heat transfer increases, and the temperature of the body surface decreases), and at high temperatures it has a warming effect.

We no longer doubt that the world around us is alive. It is filled with vitality, which is not static: it is in motion, as the world breathes! And thanks to the movement of life force, we and everything that surrounds us exist: seas, rivers, mountains, forests, everything vegetable world and animal diversity.

To be healthy and strong, a person also needs the life force to be in constant motion within him. And the main engine of life force is, of course, breathing.

It seems so simple: breathe as best you can, and you will be healthy!

Not so! It turns out that we have long forgotten how to breathe, and, oddly enough, evolution and technological progress are to blame.

We are so rarely alone with nature, breathing fresh, unpolluted air. Our lungs have not worked for a long time full force, because they have learned to protect themselves from toxic emissions from production. And breathing ceased to be the engine of life force. It is no longer energetic and does not trigger the life-giving forces of our body. Because we have forgotten how to breathe correctly.

Try to forget that you have been living on Earth since birth. Imagine finding yourself on a beautiful unknown planet for the first time, having flown in from a distant galaxy. Introduced?

Look how majestic nature is! There is no raging passions, anger, hatred and aggression in her. Even during natural disasters, when volcanoes erupt and trees are uprooted, the peace of our planet is calm. Yes, he is constantly on the move, but he does not experience the emotions that torment a person. Nature does not know what anger and resentment are.

Now compare with yourself. How different we are from the world around us!

We are filled with all sorts of emotions; passions, fears, worries, and anger are boiling inside. But we have learned to hide them from others: it is impossible for anyone to guess about my fears - I am calmness itself. Despite the fact that we are overwhelmed with emotions, the energy has frozen!

Do you feel the difference? Nature is completely calm, with constant energy activity, and man, with all his overflowing emotions, is deprived of the movement of energy.

Conclusion? There are barriers in our body that we create, and they impede the movement of vital force and prevent it from circulating.

Why is this happening? Yes, very simple! We have forgotten how to breathe. And we reap a variety of diseases, since breathing is no longer energetic.

Therefore, in order for the life force to be constantly in motion and destroy barriers and stagnation in its path, you need to learn to breathe again. And proper breathing will wash away all the negativity, along with unnecessary emotions.

Like all other processes occurring in the body that are necessary for functioning (or in other words, for life), breathing occurs automatically. We don't have to tell ourselves: Breathe! Exhale! In the same way, the habits developed by humanity over the centuries, to breathe incorrectly and superficially, are also automated.

How does breathing happen?

Look how perfect breathing mechanism Nature has gifted us! But we found ourselves in the shoes of a first-grader who was allowed to fly an airplane: there was no necessary knowledge or even basic instructions on how to use this mechanism. But the best engineers of the Universe worked on its creation!

It all starts with the nose, through which the air passes into the throat, larynx, trachea, gradually clearing and warming, and enters the bronchi. We have a pair of bronchi - left and right, and they are connected by bronchioles, consisting of a huge number of tubes through which air, after traveling a rather long way, enters the lungs.

But to breathe, you don’t need to diligently suck in air through your nose! Imagine what a terrifying sight it would be: loudly wheezing pumps, drawing in and pushing out air...

No, universal engineers have come up with a mechanism that is simple in its genius and obeys the laws of physics. If you somehow expand the lungs, a vacuum will form inside them, and water will immediately rush into it. respiratory tract air.

But how to make the lungs expand?

They do not consist of muscle tissue, which means they cannot contract and expand on their own, but they can be forced to expand rib cage. But the chest does not move along at will, she needs to be “forced” to do it. And this is possible by a wonderful muscle that acts as a partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities - the diaphragm.

The ability of a muscle to contract and stretch is known to everyone: it is to it that we owe the ability to walk, move, talk, chew... Well, I won’t list all the benefits that muscles give us.

The operation of the diaphragm is very similar to a blacksmith's bellows. (I think you can find a corresponding video on the Internet of bellows in a forge and at glassblowers). By expanding, the diaphragm expands the chest, and it already stretches the lungs. A vacuum is formed inside the lungs, which is immediately filled with outside air. We inhaled!

But, like any muscle, after expansion the diaphragm begins to contract, compressing the chest. The lungs also compress, following the chest, and push out the air that no longer fits in out. We exhaled!

But the man tried to ruin everything. Everything was used for this: tight clothing (remember the corsets used to tighten the ribs to make thin waist), and air spoiled by production, and emotions such as fear, anger, anger, which interfere with proper breathing. The diaphragm has stopped fulfilling its duty, does not stretch enough and we do not receive the amount of air necessary for a full life.

If the entire respiratory system works together, then the inhaled air fills the lungs to the very top tips, and when exhaling, it begins to displace it from the very top. It turns out that the air in the lungs is constantly moving. But if the diaphragm is turned off, there is no “pump” that will fill the lungs to the brim, and the tops remain empty, oxygen does not enter them. There is no movement of oxygen - stagnation of energy is formed. And stagnation is the same swamp. And in a swamp, as you know, rot and mold are different diseases for humans.

In addition to this stagnation, such incomplete breathing does not deliver the amount of oxygen necessary for the body to the lungs. This means that all other organs do not receive the energy they need and stagnation also forms in them, which will certainly lead to illness.

It turns out that incorrect, incomplete breathing can harm your health.

Wonderful words about breathing are found in an ancient Sanskrit text:

Life is the interval between one breath and another, he who breathes half-heartedly lives half-heartedly, but he who has mastered the art of breathing has gained control over all the activities of his being.

It is quite possible to independently determine what exactly is preventing our breathing from being correct. To do this, you need to analyze “only” 4 points.

First- full lung function. The smaller the volume of air inhaled, the less oxygen gets to each individual organ.

Second- breathing rate. Count the number of breaths taken in one minute. If it turns out to be more than 8-12, the lungs will not fill completely, since this is only possible with slow, calm, smooth breathing. Usually, breathing becomes more rapid when there is a lack of air and is a consequence of incomplete breathing. But frequency does not replace the depth of filling; breathing remains shallow. But the damage to the respiratory system is significant.

There is an opinion that a person is allotted a certain number of breaths, and the frequency with which you breathe determines how long you will live and how long it takes to use all your breath.

Thirdactive work the duet of the diaphragm and chest and calm, relaxed shoulders and chest, not involved in the breathing process.

Try to conduct a small examination.

  • If you place your palms on your shoulders at the base of your neck and watch while breathing, you can feel whether they rise up and down in time with your breathing.
  • Then move your palms to your chest in the area of ​​your lungs and notice how noticeably your chest rises when you inhale.
  • And the next stage is to place your palms on the abdominal area and determine whether it begins to move, sticking out when you inhale and retracting when you exhale.

During natural breathing, the diaphragm actively works, so the stomach will protrude and retract at the pace of inhalation and exhalation. The shoulders do not react at all to the breathing process, because... the chest is stretched by the diaphragm, not pulled by the collarbones.

All you need to do is direct your attention to the diaphragm and ask it to lower (expand). The air will easily, without your effort, automatically begin to fill the entire respiratory system.

And finally, the fourth point. Need to , rather than using it as a pump. The air itself fills the respiratory system, passing along two paths to the very edges of the lungs, in this case breathing will be light and silent. And this is facilitated only by the work of the diaphragm.

What conclusion should be drawn?

In order for breathing to be complete, you need to take control of its process. And by regaining the ability to breathe, we will gain control over our vital energy, over our emotions, and over our health.

It depends where you breathe. The same action - inhalation-exhalation - has striking differences depending on the location of the inhaler-exhaler.

About the composition of atmospheric air - the basic one, so to speak - briefly and only in order not to return to it again: 78.3% of it is nitrogen, 20.95% is oxygen, 0.94% is ozone and other inert gases, 0.03% - carbon dioxide and 0.05% - water vapor. But this is ideal. Now let’s talk about what kind of air (and most importantly, where) we actually pump in a volume of up to 1.5-2 liters through our lungs in one inhalation and exhalation.

Should I start with the good or the bad? Perhaps from a good point. Even better - from high.

Mountain air! About his delightful and healing properties speaks not only of the fact of health and longevity among the inhabitants of the mountainous regions, but also the fact that the inhabitants of the lowlands and cities go to the mountains for the same health and peace. It's all about the air, which in high altitude conditions is saturated with negatively charged ions, high carbon dioxide content and low oxygen content, which creates the effect of rarefaction. Finally, this air contains practically no impurities that poison us.

The air of coniferous forests and parks is on a par with mountain air in terms of purity and benefits for the body. Here it is saturated with phytoncides, which tend to destroy pathogenic microbes of various origins, including tubercle bacilli, not to mention colds, pulmonary and bronchial infections. Not so efficient, but the air is clean and fresh in any place where trees grow in abundance - the lungs of the planet.

If you breathe air near the sea, it has its own characteristics. Firstly, all the healing components sea ​​water They are also found in the sea air in the form of microscopic crystals - these are salts of magnesium, calcium, and, of course, iodine.

And now about the air that envelops us in Everyday life, that is, in urban conditions. Alas, this is far from mountain, coniferous, sea or even park air. Everything harmful impurities in the atmosphere - the consequences of the activities of the human community. The first and inevitable thing is car exhaust. It is estimated that up to 80% of pollutants come from motor vehicles. Thanks to it, we inhale ammonia, formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides.

Up close industrial enterprises air, accordingly, contains a large number of production emissions, and sometimes not even in the form chemical substances, but quite tangible substances, for example, coal dust.

There is no escape in the premises either. Ecologists have calculated that the air here is five or more times dirtier than outside. So, in offices there is an active selection harmful substances comes from modern building materials and structures, as well as office equipment with its permanent electromagnetic radiation. Here the air is teeming with compounds of the same formaldehyde, lead, cadmium, mercury, phenol, zinc, chlorine, etc. It’s not hard to guess what the dangers of daily inhalation of these substances may be.

Is everything all right at home? Unfortunately no! Already because not everyone can afford renovation and interior design, as well as furniture made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials. All kinds plastic windows and surfaces, chipboard furniture, paint coatings– all this poisons us every hour. In the cleanest house, toxic fumes from detergents and detergents are in the air. household products, as well as hundreds of thousands of invisible dust particles and dust mites. Adherents of sterile cleanliness in the house bring that same poisonous chlorine along with chlorine-containing products. The “fresh” smell of perchlorethylene remains on clothes after dry cleaning and spreads throughout the house. What about tobacco smoke, which contains more than three thousand types of toxic substances? By the way, it tends not to erode and settle on all surfaces, as well as in the lungs of the smoker and those around him. The inhabitants of the home themselves - people and animals - emit into the atmosphere about 150 types of not entirely useful chemicals and microbes contained in microscopic fragments of skin, dandruff, wool, and exhaled air. Aerosols, varnishes, deodorants...

The most interesting thing is different rooms the air has different composition.

So, in the kitchen it abounds with combustion products - carbon monoxide, phenol, formaldehyde, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, etc. In the bathroom - mold fungi, bacteria and the same fumes from detergents and cleaning products. The bedroom is a real breeding ground for saprophytes - mites that feed on microscopic particles of human skin and live on our bedding, as well as in the air in the form of dust particles - from carpets on the floor and regularly shaken bedspreads and pillows. If you sleep without influx fresh air at closed windows, the already poor air will be pumped through the lungs repeatedly, and each time the oxygen content in it will be less and less.

So what now, don’t breathe? Move to the mountains and grow flowers? This is probably not a solution. Eat various ways, helping with varying degrees of success to purify the air and saturate it with useful components - ionizers, special vegetation... But this is another topic, and also a very large one.