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Dream Interpretation close the window. The magic of numbers

The plot of a dream in which you crawl out of a window indicates your dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Such visions manifest a desire to change one’s life, to make adjustments to it at one’s own discretion. However, apparently, things will not go further than intentions, and you will continue to endure unbearable conditions.

Get ready to fight for your happiness. Look for opportunities to implement your plans and make your dreams come true.

I dreamed that I was closing the window

Closing a window in a dream means that you are losing sight of important details and nuances. Due to the lack of vision of the complete picture, you cannot make the right decisions and deviate further from your goal. Your absent-mindedness and lack of concentration are taken advantage of by those around you who manipulate you, forcing you to do what is beneficial to them.

Get yourself together, focus your attention on really important things. Don't get distracted by small things and don't let strangers tell you what to do.

The meaning of a dream in which you had to climb into a window

If you dream about climbing into a window, you can take your mind off your worries and devote time to your loved ones. Perhaps you will receive an invitation to a festive event for some special occasion, where you will plunge into an atmosphere of fun and joy. The upcoming events will be extremely pleasant and will give a lot of positive emotions.

Allow yourself to relax and take your mind off anxious thoughts. Be more relaxed and sociable. Share your experiences and emotions - this will help cope with everyday stress.

What does an open window mean according to the dream book?

A dream in which you saw a window wide open foreshadows a period full of pleasant events. There are many meetings to be had and new people to meet. interesting people. Relationships with others will be friendly. If there have been any conflicts recently, they will all soon be forgotten and resolved peacefully.

Don't hold a grudge against people. Know how to forgive and forget grievances. Don’t look for benefits in communication and friendship, do everything from the bottom of your heart.

The dream book interprets the opening or closing of a window as intense negotiations and sudden changes. To achieve what you want, you will have to use not only permitted methods, but also, possibly, break the law.

When trying to decipher what a window is in a dream about, consider what role it played in the dream.

According to Miller

The psychologist interprets the opening in the window as a favorable symbol. If it is open, then you can have a significant influence on the actions of others. In addition, your social circle will expand significantly.

But the dream book deciphers a closed window as unexpected obstacles on the way.

Did you have to sneak into the room through a window door? Miller promises: business partners or immediate superiors will make a lucrative offer.

Think before you act

In a dream, opening a window to ventilate the room is interpreted as a change in intimate life. Freud says that your current partner is boring and you are looking for a replacement. If you look at passers-by through a window, the dream book recommends avoiding casual relationships, otherwise you will lose your loved one forever.

A young woman closing the door tightly foreshadows an imminent marriage proposal. She will be happy and will be married for many years.

Felomena interprets closing a window opening in a dream as a warning. As a result of absent-mindedness, you will bring trouble onto your head. And leaning out of it means you need to appreciate every minute of life, strive to do as much as possible.

In a dream, a window that is wide open is a warning. If you want to keep your luck, hold your tongue, otherwise envious people will jinx you.

Risk is a noble cause

In a dream you tried to get into public premises? They will offer to complete a project on a topic of interest using modern technologies and the latest equipment.

If you were going to rob a building, then in reality the dream book prophesies a cure for a serious illness and completion of an important task. However, if you had to return the same way, closing the door behind you, in reality you will encounter difficulties. Avoid risks; calculate everything several times before making a decision.

Hello from the past

In a dream, a small bird flew through the window. The oracle believes that there is a person in love next to you. Take a close look at your surroundings, otherwise you may miss your happiness.

The dream book deciphers a flying dove as expecting news from relatives in another country, perhaps from children who have left to study. In the morning you will find out how things are going with them.

The black crow portends that neighbors and relatives will wash your bones.

Dust and dirt flying through a window in a dream predicts a threat to your reputation.

Analysis of the dream in which the window was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Window - You opened the window, which means you urgently need to change something in your relationship with your loved one. Of course, love forgives a lot, but often you turn a blind eye to very serious things, trying to convince yourself that nothing terrible is happening.

The dream says the opposite: it means that if this continues, then eventually your love will collapse, like a sand castle. In a dream, going to the window to get some fresh air - family life you're a little bored and want something new. Don't you think that you yourself should first of all take care that what used to be your happiness does not turn into a routine? If the window in the dream did not respond to attempts to open it, it means that your hopes that the black streak of your life will soon be replaced by a white one are in vain - you will have to wait a little longer.

Seeing the Window, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Window - If you open windows in a dream, then this portends a very good period in your life, you will communicate a lot with friends and make many new acquaintances. To dream that you are closing a window is a warning of danger. You need to be extremely careful if you want her to pass you by. If you look out into the street through the window, then you are full of thirst for life. You are happy and want to do as much as possible. The energy is pouring out of you. If you see dust flying into the house through the window, it means that there is a person near you who is spreading dirty gossip about you. If the glass in the window broke in a dream, then you should not waste your energy.

The meaning of the dream about the Sash (Jewish dream book)

If you dreamed about the Window, the reason for your bad luck will be revealed to you.

Meet with Window in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Window - You will achieve your goal, although this will require you to sacrifice something. Imagine that you open a window and someone comes into the room through it. Fresh air.

What does it mean to dream with a Window, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about a window - Carelessness and negligence in handling and storing money will lead to its loss.

In the summer, why did you dream of a window - A way out of a bad situation will be found.

In the fall, why did you dream about the window - A mistake on your part, from which your business was almost covered up, will be resolved successfully, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

In winter, why do you dream of a broken window - a missed opportunity to make money.

A window in a dream symbolizes hopes and desire for changes for the better.

What if you dream about a window?

If you dreamed about a window, it is a warning dream that the time has come to change something in your life. Changes can be related both to personal life and to all other areas.

Whether these changes are good or not can be understood if you better know why you dream about a window.

If you open the window, then the dream foreshadows your subconscious dissatisfaction with your personal life. To prevent hidden desires from spilling out into a serious scandal, admit to yourself that your relationship is imperfect and challenge your partner to a frank conversation. Believe me, it will be easier to survive it than separation.

Also, the window is a symbol of a carefree and easy life. But such a life does not always await you. Perhaps you dreamed of a window only because your colleagues or like-minded people do not like your frivolous attitude to business. Think about whether this is true - otherwise difficulties at work are inevitable, since you will not be taken seriously.

What does it portend?

If you dreamed about the following dream - the window does not open in any way, then the troubles that surround you at the moment will not recede soon. Be patient and don't get depressed. Remember that no black streak lasts forever. Maybe you already know how to emerge victorious from this situation.

Looking through a window onto the street is a dream that speaks of boredom that you are tired of. To avoid getting bored, treat yourself and your partner to a trip somewhere or come up with a pleasant surprise. Business people need to be more careful if they saw a window in a dream. If they act too rashly, they can lose a lot.

A closed window in a dream symbolizes danger. She is hanging over you, and you need to carefully think through your actions so as not to collide with her.

At night, our body rests, and the brain “reviews” the events that happened during the day. This is where your dreams come from. Sometimes we recognize ourselves in them, but many require reflection. Even if you take dreams seriously, then try not to panic when you see an incomprehensible plot at night. It's better to do it calmly actions that the dream book advises you.

Window - If in a dream you opened a window, it means that you urgently need to change something in your relationship with your loved one. Of course, love forgives a lot, but often you turn a blind eye to very serious things, trying to convince yourself that nothing terrible is happening. The dream says the opposite: it means that if this continues, then eventually your love will collapse, like a sand castle.

In a dream, going up to the window to get some fresh air - your family life is a little boring, and you want something new. Don't you think that you yourself should first of all take care that what used to be your happiness does not turn into a routine?

If the window in your dream did not respond to attempts to open it, it means that your hopes that the black streak of your life will soon be replaced by a white one are in vain - you will have to wait a little longer.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a window in a dream

If you open the windows in a dream, then this portends a very good period in your life; you will communicate a lot with friends and make many new acquaintances.

If you dream that you are closing a window, then this may be a warning of danger. You need to be extremely careful if you want her to pass you by.

If you look out into the street through the window, then you are full of thirst for life. You are happy and want to do as much as possible. Energy just pours out of you.

If you see dust flying into the house through the window, it means that there is a person near you who is spreading dirty gossip about you.

If the glass in the window broke in a dream, then you should not waste your energy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Dream about Window

Opening the window means you will achieve your goal, although this will require you to sacrifice something.

Imagine that you open a window and fresh air enters the room through it.

Interpretation of dreams from