home · Networks · Modern methods of finishing ceilings. How to decorate the ceiling: types of finishing materials for different rooms. Stretch ceiling structures

Modern methods of finishing ceilings. How to decorate the ceiling: types of finishing materials for different rooms. Stretch ceiling structures

Decorating the ceiling is the first stage finishing works. Today there are different kinds ceilings in an apartment or private house, each of which differs in the materials used and the methods of their application or installation. In addition, the available ceiling finishing options vary in cost and complexity of the work.

Decorating ceilings with paint is the simplest and most affordable way finishing. Most often, water-dispersed compositions are used for this purpose. Their cost is relatively low. In addition, such materials demonstrate excellent resistance to water and temperature changes. It will only take a few hours for the paint to dry. Water-dispersed compositions do not emit harmful substances, and their range allows you to choose a shade that will harmonize with the interior of the room. The material can be applied to any surface except metal, due to the risk of corrosion.

The main disadvantage of this method of finishing ceilings is the need to completely remove the old coating, for example, whitewash or plaster layer. You will also need high quality preliminary alignment, since all defects on the painted surface will be visible. The paint coating regularly requires updating, that is, it will have to be tinted annually. This is especially true for ceilings in kitchens, where grease will settle during cooking.


Ceiling decoration using plaster mixtures also quite a popular procedure. Using this material you can not only decorate the surface, but also level it. Besides, plaster compositions do not burn or support combustion, do not emit toxic substances, and are relatively inexpensive.

Important! Such work requires two people, as well as some experience - for a beginner home handyman It will be difficult to make everything perfectly straight.

Finishing the ceilings in an apartment with plaster is impossible if the ceiling is more than 5 cm thick. Too large a layer of material can significantly reduce the service life of the coating. In addition, the plaster “steals” the height of the walls a little.

Previously, the ceiling in the house was finished only with whitewash, but now other, higher quality ceiling coverings and their types have appeared. Nevertheless this option is still in demand due to its versatility. White surface will fit into any interior. In addition, the cost of whitewashing is the lowest of all finishing materials. The finishing process itself is also very simple, so you can save on the services of specialists. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the need for careful surface preparation. Also, whitewash tends to constantly crumble, so the surface needs to be renewed regularly.

Exist different variants decoration of ceilings in the apartment, but wallpaper has not lost its popularity to this day. Almost any type of this material is relatively cheap, and even a novice craftsman can prepare glue and hang wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper

This type of material is used extremely rarely. A ceiling decorated with paper wallpaper will not last long, but it will take a lot of effort and time to arrange it. Currently, these types of wallpaper are used to decorate children's rooms and other rooms where regular redecorating. This coating hides minor defects in the ceiling, is inexpensive and does not “steal” excess space. Disadvantages: short term operation, the need for careful surface preparation.

Liquid options

These types of ceiling finishes are more preferable in modern world. Liquid wallpaper hardens quickly, is easy to apply, does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is wear-resistant. In addition, it is possible to replace the damaged area without removing the entire coating. It is important to remember that all these qualities apply only to materials manufactured using precise technology. Handicraft wallpaper may not have them. The main disadvantage is the high cost. It also does not tolerate moisture well.


How can you decorate the ceiling so that it is not the same as everyone else’s? For lovers of everything original, there are the following options for finishing the ceiling: chintz, linen, silk, tapestry and special furniture fabrics. Burlap is also suitable for decorating the ceiling surface. You will like these methods of finishing ceilings creative people, who will independently select combinations, colors, patterns, and so on. If you involve professionals in the matter, the cost of the project can be very high. The main advantage is exclusive appearance, disadvantages - short service life and fragility of the coating.

The finishing of the ceiling in an apartment can also be done using textile or PVC products, which are stretched over installed baguettes. The main advantage of such designs is a wide range: the market offers matte and glossy coatings, plain and with various pictures, drawings, photographs. Such ceilings last an average of 10 years.

Another advantage of this finish is that there is no need for careful leveling. The fact is that the products are mounted on the wall with an indentation, so irregularities will not be visible. You can install the material yourself.

On a note! The ceiling, which was finished using PVC film, will protect the apartment in the event of flooding by neighbors or a roof leak, which is especially important for residents on the upper floors.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the need to pre-arrange the lighting system, which may not be within the power of a home craftsman. In the summer, due to extreme heat, the coating may sag and burst in the winter. In addition, such a structure is easily pierced by sharp objects and slightly reduces the height of the ceiling.

Dropped ceilings

These ceiling finishing options have gained popularity due to their simple installation system. Hanging types Ceiling finishes are mounted on profiles fixed to the walls and ceiling surface. Therefore, no preliminary leveling is required, and the work is relatively clean.


This is the most common type of ceiling decoration in an apartment. Using gypsum board slabs you can design not only a regular ceiling, but also a multi-level structure or a niche. The plasticity of the material allows you to create fancy shapes for various options interior Among the advantages, it is worth noting the ease of installation - even an inexperienced craftsman can sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard. In addition, the material is relatively inexpensive.

One of the disadvantages is the “fear” of water. When exposed to moisture, the product deteriorates very quickly. Before covering the ceiling in an apartment with plasterboard, you need to think about the lighting system and the thermal insulation layer. Another disadvantage is the need for subsequent finishing of the coating with putty and paints.


This ceiling finishing option is considered one of the most affordable. For this reason, it is used in hospitals, office buildings and other buildings where practicality is a priority, and an attractive appearance is not at all necessary.

The material is installed in this way: a mesh frame is fixed on the main covering, onto which sheets of mineral fiber of various shapes are fixed.

The main advantage of this type of ceiling finishing in an apartment is the ability to disguise utility lines under the slabs. In addition, the product is easy to replace if damaged. Tiles are produced in a wide range, so finding the desired color and texture is quite easy.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that the material is not the most attractive appearance and fragility. Like any other suspended structure, tiled construction reduces the height of the walls, therefore small apartments The presented ceiling finishing option is rarely used.


This type of ceiling decoration is similar to the previous one. Only instead of fragile mineral sheets, durable cassettes made of metal or plastic are used. The advantage is that there is insulation between the sheets of metal, so the entire installation process does not last long. The disadvantage of this type of ceiling is its high cost.

Rack and pinion

If you have a dilemma about what to make ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen from, it is recommended to pay attention to this option. In this case, not tiles are installed on the frame, but long slats made of plastic, galvanized aluminum or wood. The result is an imitation of lining, although such finishing costs much less. Another advantage is quick dismantling and easy material repair. Among the disadvantages, one can note the relatively short service life of the coating - on average 5 years.


Modern designers usually use several design options when creating a project for a home. Suspended and suspended ceilings are often combined, but any options are acceptable. Sometimes in a niche plasterboard construction install a mirror or use a suspended ceiling as a border, and the main area is leveled with plaster and painted.

Glued ceilings

In this case, we are talking about a ceiling that is covered with tiles with one adhesive side. Such products are easy to install and are moisture resistant, which is why they have gained popularity among domestic users. Also using adhesive tiles You can save on expensive stucco molding. The main disadvantage of this option is the need for careful leveling of the coating; in addition, the tile itself is very fragile.

Ceilings made of natural materials

Natural ceiling design options Lately are gaining more and more popularity. The fact is that every year new methods of processing and impregnation of products are invented that improve its performance.


Wooden lining- These are thin wooden boards or MDF boards. They are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, nails or clamps. The main advantage of such materials is environmental friendliness, attractive appearance, durability and strength. The disadvantages are the need to use wood impregnations and a limited range of colors.


This type of ceiling is more suitable for a summer house or country house. It will look out of place in an apartment, although some lovers of all things natural find a use for it here too. The timber has all the features of lining, but lasts longer and is durable. Disadvantages: difficult installation, need for ventilation. Before finishing the ceiling in an apartment or house with this material, you will have to impregnate it with special compounds for a long time.

Cork ceilings are not widely used, but this material has some advantages: the presence of a wax coating protects the surface from water and dust accumulation, and also increases the service life of the products. Among the shortcomings we can note quite complex installation and high cost.

When deciding how to decorate the ceiling on the balcony, it is recommended to pay attention to PVC lining. The resulting coating will be strong, durable, and utility lines and a thermal insulation layer can be hidden under it. In addition, the material is available in a wide range, it is resistant to the development of bacteria, fungi and mold, ultraviolet radiation and so on. At the same time, such a ceiling is quite fragile and can be easily damaged even by light mechanical impact. There will be a specific smell in the room for several days after installation.

Multi-level structures

This ceiling can be decorated using any of the above finishing material. It differs only in the installation technology. In this case, we are talking about suspended structures that will be installed at different distances from the ceiling surface, plasterboard niches, multi-level stretch ceilings and their combinations with paints, plaster, and so on.

The ceiling made of PVC panels is suitable for a balcony, bathroom or utility rooms. Use in the kitchen or living rooms cannot be excluded, although it is extremely rare. Installation is possible either with or without lathing. First, a special mounting strip is installed around the perimeter of the room. It has grooves into which PVC panels are inserted, as well as a mount for the ceiling plinth.

Each panel has a locking groove, thanks to which they are fastened together, creating a smooth surface without gaps. At the junction, of course, a stripe is visible - this cannot be avoided.

Panel sizes:

  • width from 10 to 50 cm – standard 25 cm;
  • length from 2.4 to 3 m – on order up to 6 m;
  • thickness from 5 to 12 mm.


  • quick installation;
  • low price;
  • variety of colors and patterns.


  • the smell of plastic in the sun;
  • deformation from high temperature;
  • they crack due to low temperatures.

Cheapest white PVC panel costs 125 rubles/sq.m. Installation 350 rubles/sq.m. The work is not difficult and you can easily do it yourself.

Foam tiles

Foam ceiling tiles are glued directly to the base of the ceiling, without constructing a sheathing. This a budget option finishes that are suitable for all rooms, including the bathroom.


The tiles differ in shape and thickness. Can be rectangular, square, diamond-shaped and hexagonal. Happens seamless tile, where the end is arranged in such a way as to overlap the joints, forming monolithic surface. The thickness depends on the production method:

  • 2.5-3 mm – extruded;
  • 7-8 mm – pressed or stamped, compacted with a press;
  • up to 14 mm – injection, cast into molds.

Foam tiles are available in various patterns. The color is mostly white, but other shades are also found. After gluing to the ceiling, it is advisable to cover the tiles with water-based paint.

Among the advantages I can note ease of installation, sound and heat insulating effect, low cost. At the same time, the appearance of the tile immediately reveals its cheapness - it doesn’t look that special. In addition, during operation, the foam may turn yellow if it is glued to the kitchen ceiling. In the bathroom, mold forms on it, which is impossible to remove.

  • tiles from 175 rubles/sq.m;
  • glue 25 rub/m2;
  • gluing work 140 RUR/sq.m.

For your information

Typically, such tiles are glued independently, so the minimum final price of materials will be 200 rubles/sq.m.

MDF panels

MDF board is compressed wood chips, on top of which is applied protective covering. It looks like laminate. Suitable for any premises, but more often used in non-residential premises. Although I have met beautiful interiors bedrooms, where there were MDF panels on the ceiling.

Types of MDF panels:

  • veneered or veneered - natural wood is used;
  • laminated - PVC film is used;
  • painted.

Installation methods:

  • onto the sheathing using a construction stapler or ordinary self-tapping screws;
  • on the sheathing or without it, using clamps (special fastenings);
  • glue - if working surface perfectly smooth.


  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • are burning;
  • impregnated with antiseptics - mold does not form;
  • laminated and painted do not absorb moisture - can be used in the bathroom;
  • unpretentious in maintenance;
  • easy to install.

Minimum price 325 rub/sq.m. Work 340 RUR/sq.m.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are the most popular type of finishing, because... it's fast, cheap and beautiful. You can make ceilings in a three-room apartment in a day. They come in glossy, matte, and any shade. You can apply any design to the canvas.

The “starry sky” ceiling looks beautiful.

Kinds stretch ceiling:

  • PVC is the cheapest and therefore most common;
  • fabric - more expensive, does not differ in appearance from fabric.

Installation principle:

  • A wall edge is installed around the perimeter (using a laser level). The minimum gap is 5 cm from the bottom point;
  • the canvas is attached to the edge grooves with a special spatula;
  • the canvas is heated by a gas heat gun, which causes it to stretch.


  • quickly installed;
  • large selection of materials and colors;
  • increased protection against leaks, but only if there are no spotlights or chandeliers.

It is not a panacea for flooding by neighbors, because... There is a gap between the wall and the wall edge.


  • fades or turns yellow (if white);
  • the likelihood of defects appearing (if fallen pieces of plaster or debris fall, dark spots remain and can be cut during use);
  • It can stink (even a good one stinks for a few days after installation).


I know several cases when, when installing a stretch ceiling, workers directed heat gun on plastic windows and they floated.

Rarely, but it still happens, they explode gas cylinders. Imagine the consequences of such an explosion!

Such cases are possible only in winter. Masters, when filling a cylinder at a gas station for cars, blow it out to the maximum so that it lasts longer. And according to the rules, the balloon needs to be inflated by 30%, no more. When a cylinder is brought from a cold street into warm room and start working, the temperature in the room rises to 60-70 degrees. The gas expands accordingly and BAM!!!

Tips for use:

  • if your neighbors flooded you and the ceiling sagged like a bubble, call the offices that handle the installation. You will not be able to eliminate the consequences on your own. It is extremely important that no moisture remains on the film, because of this, various bugs can hang there. Once we dismantled an old suspended ceiling and found a lot of insect corpses there;
  • wash the film by special means otherwise divorces remain;
  • if the fabric is torn, then stick it on the cut site Double-sided tape, and glue some decorative gag onto it (a butterfly or a flower). You can decorate regular patches in the same way.
  • cheap Chinese PVC film with installation will cost 550 rub/sq.m;
  • installation of a chandelier 500 rubles;
  • installation of a spotlight 400 RUR/piece;
  • pipe bypass (heating riser, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.) RUB 150/piece.

Modular suspended ceilings

In this category I include all types of ceilings for which you need to assemble a cellular frame. This frame serves as the basis for square panels, usually 60x60 cm, or lamps of the same size. A damaged element can be replaced at any time, which is very convenient. This includes:

  • Armstrong;
  • Cassette;
  • Grilyato;
  • Baffle.

Their difference lies in the type of profile used for the frame, and, of course, the tiles. Such ceilings are mainly used for offices, but their use in an apartment is quite acceptable. It all depends on how the designer plays this decision in the interior.

The frame is attached to the perimeter guides, as well as to the ceiling using hangers. The length of the hangers is adjustable to level the frame.


  • difference in color solutions;
  • quickly install;
  • the ability to install it yourself;
  • the ability to replace individual elements;
  • hides communications.


  • hides space due to hangings (minimum 15-20 cm).


Mineral fiber boards are used. The surface of the tile can be smooth, rough, with a wormhole pattern, or perforated. The panels also have a different edge, which determines the appearance of the outer (front) surface after installation. The panels absorb sounds well.

Price 650 rubles/sq.m. (materials 300 rubles/sq.m. and labor 340 rubles/sq.m.).


A cassette panel made of aluminum or galvanized steel is laid on the frame in the same way as a classic Armstrong.

Price 790 RUR/sq.m.(materials 450 rubles/sq.m. and labor 340 rubles/sq.m.).


Also called a lattice ceiling. The profile has special slots into which the lattice panel is inserted.

Price 940 RUR/sq.m.(materials 600 rubles/sq.m. and labor 340 rubles/sq.m.).


Ceiling with increased acoustic protection. Metal panels have a liner made of mineral wool. It belongs to designer ceilings, which is why it is expensive

Price 1140 RUR/sq.m.(materials 800 rubles/sq.m. and labor 340 rubles/sq.m.).

Ceiling made of lining

Today, clapboard ceilings are extremely rare. This is more of a story, but there are still people who still like it this type finishing. For the lining you need to make a sheathing from wooden beams. The lining is stuffed onto them with small nails. I don’t think I’ll tell you anything new about her.

Price 1010 RUR/sq.m.(materials 610 rubles/sq.m. – linden, labor 400 rubles/sq.m.).

Suitable for dry and wet areas, the main thing is to choose the right drywall (moisture resistant or not). Personally, I like the plasterboard ceiling the most, but it’s a lot of hassle, and it’s not very cheap.

For your information

You can make multi-level structures with straight and curved lines, insulate, install sound insulation, install recessed lamps or LED backlight. There are no problems with it during operation. It won’t crack, it’s quite strong, it’s perfectly smooth – there are only advantages...

Plaster can be rolled over wooden or metal sheathing, as well as directly onto a rough wooden ceiling.


  • variety of design solutions;
  • installation of built-in spotlights;
  • possibility of using sound insulation;
  • closes utility lines;
  • reliable and problem-free.


  • hides space;
  • relatively long and labor-intensive installation (we are talking about turnkey work);
  • a lot of dust during installation (putty/grout).

Price 1452 rub/m. sq without taking into account the sheathing.

Materials 252 RUR/m. sq:

  • moisture-resistant plasterboard 106 RUR/sq.m.;
  • self-tapping screws 11 rub. (at the rate of 24 pcs/sq.m.);
  • 45 RUR/sq.m – 2 layers of putty (start/finish);
  • 90 rub/sq.m – water-based paint 2 layers.

Work 1200 rub/sq.m:

Slatted aluminum ceiling

Suitable for bathroom, hallway, kitchen. With the right approach, you can use it anywhere.

The slats are attached to special comb strips, they snap into place. These combs can be attached to the sheathing or directly to the rough ceiling, that is, installation is possible without a noticeable reduction in the height of the ceilings.

There are two types of slatted ceilings:

  • with a gap - there is a distance between the slats. Decorative strips can be inserted into this distance;
  • no gap - no space between the slats.


  • installation of built-in lamps;
  • moisture-resistant - if the neighbors flooded, then it doesn’t matter to him, the water passed through the slats, they wiped it with a rag and that’s it;
  • many colors and textures;
  • hides communications;
  • possibility of sound insulation.


  • patina appears;
  • risk of edge damage (bending) during installation, that is, installation skill is required;
  • space is hidden if installed Spotlights or heat and sound insulation is installed.

Price 1550 RUR/sq.m.(materials 650 rubles/sq.m. and installation from 900 rubles/sq.m.).

Plastered ceiling

Before the advent of newfangled ceiling finishing materials, plastering was the only decent option. In the old fashioned way, many still recommend making plastered ceilings, saying they are environmentally friendly and do not take up space. I recommend you not to do this. Honestly, I am against plastered ceilings. For the same money better than drywall twist.


  • does not hide space;
  • vapor permeable, environmentally friendly.


  • long installation;
  • a lot of dirt and dust during installation;
  • complexity of implementing design solutions;
  • the quality of work strongly depends on the skill of the performer and the quality of materials - there is a big risk of running into jambs.

For your information

I’ll tell you honestly, it’s extremely rare to see a perfect plastered ceiling without jambs. For such work they usually charge normal money - this is far from the average tariff. Yes, and you won’t find a normal craftsman during the day.


But I’ve seen a lot of shoals—almost all of them. Plastered ceilings love to crack – it’s a fact. It also happens that some unskilled craftsman puts on such a layer of plaster and putty that it simply falls off under its own weight. The last time a client had his bathroom ceiling redone was after a “familiar master” whom someone there recommended to him. Common situation? So the ceiling fell off after six months. The layer was small, but there were problems with adhesion.

Price 1600 rub/sq.m. This is provided that initially the ceiling is relatively flat, without differences of 10 cm.


  • 115 RUR/m2 Knauf gypsum leveling plaster;
  • 45 RUR/sq.m – 2 layers of putty;
  • 90 rub/m2 water-based paint 2 layers.
  • plastering from 500 rub/m2;
  • puttying for painting 400 rub/m2;
  • polishing 150 rub/m2;
  • painting in 2 layers 300 RUR/sq.m.

3D ceiling panels

This designer ceilings. I won’t talk much about them, since installation methods and materials vary greatly, depending on the designer’s concept. They are mostly made to order. Here are a few examples so you can understand what we're talking about.

Summary table - which ceiling is better


Price of materials (sq.m.)

Work price (sq.m.)

My subjective assessment

Ceiling made of PVC panels

Only on the balcony, in the hallway or utility room.

Foam tiles

Cheap and cheerful, if you’re really tight on money, it’ll do

MDF panels

They look good, but it’s better not to use them in wet rooms

Stretch ceiling

Fast, inexpensive, beautiful. Great option, if the budget is modest.


For the hallway. More office option.


For the kitchen, you can use it in the bathroom or hallway. Not for rooms.


For designer renovations.

Not very suitable for an apartment, but it can be used as designer inclusions.

Ceiling made of lining

It’s unreasonably expensive, and even the “scoop” from such a ceiling is a mile away.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

without sheathing

Slatted aluminum ceiling

Fashionable, beautiful. With the right approach, it can be used throughout the entire apartment. Spots may appear on the coating.

Plastered ceiling

Expensive. Installation is long and very dirty. Difficult to achieve ideal surface. Very problematic.


Let's summarize now. If you want to normal repairs ceiling, without involving designers, then you will be guided by the price.

The cheapest option that is suitable for all rooms is foam tiles. She looks pretty good. But keep in mind that you will need to glue it yourself. It's not difficult, but you still need to spend some time.

The most popular are suspended ceilings. Of all the options where contractors are involved, this is the cheapest option. They can be installed quickly; a three-room apartment will definitely be completed in a day. Many options for colors, prints, shiny and matte - for every taste. But it is easy to puncture, so you need to be careful during operation.

If you have the money and want to do it once and definitely not return to this issue, then I recommend plasterboard ceilings. The master will definitely putty the plaster well, without any mistakes. You can put soundproofing or insulation. To damage such a ceiling you need to try.

I am against plaster ceilings. It's expensive, long, a lot of dirt and dust. And there are almost always some mistakes. Very rarely have I come across perfect plastered ceilings. They love to crack and peel. In general, they are problematic - they are in the furnace.

Uneven ceilings with crumbling whitewash and cracked plaster are a thing of the past. Today's ceiling repair options allow you to get a fairly smooth coating with any result.

The most difficult thing is to choose the most best option from a variety of methods and choose one of dozens of finishing materials.

When choosing, you should take into account almost everything: room humidity, room height, interior design style, as well as the renovation budget.


There are different options for decorating the ceiling with your own hands, but wallpaper has not lost its popularity even today. In fact, any type of this material is inexpensive, and preparing glue and gluing canvases can be done by an inexperienced craftsman.

When you work with wallpaper, you need to consider the following facts:

  • Their advantage is a wide range in comparison with whites and paints. You can choose wallpaper with the desired color and structure. In addition, photo wallpaper will help you apply a variety of images and paintings to the ceiling.
  • In order to quickly change the design of a room, you can buy wallpaper that is not afraid of paint. This will create a real canvas on the ceiling where you can depict virtually anything. These types of ceilings in apartments are very popular today.
  • Should not be used paper wallpaper, because there are many problems with them even when gluing walls. The ceiling always complicates the process itself significantly. The best option for wallpapering the ceiling - this is non-woven material, which is much thicker than paper and is not afraid of moisture.
  • If you want to use some unusual variations in the design of the ceiling in the apartment, you should think about liquid wallpaper for the ceiling. The latter are applied to a pre-dried surface with a special gun. Then they are smoothed out, creating a special relief. On the other hand, the patterns will be of the same type, and dirt is the eternal companion of this option.

Paper wallpaper

This material is used very rarely. A ceiling decorated with paper wallpaper will not last long, but it will take a lot of time and effort to arrange it.

Currently, this wallpaper is used to decorate children's rooms and other rooms where frequent cosmetic repairs are necessary.

Paper wallpaper hides significant defects in the ceiling, is cheap and does not “steal” excess space.


  • Short service life.
  • The need for careful preparation of the ceiling surface.

Liquid options

Liquid wallpaper hardens very quickly, is easy to apply, and does not fade when exposed to the sun. In addition, they are highly wear-resistant. In addition, it is possible to replace any damaged area without completely removing the entire coating. This makes them very popular.

It should be remembered that all these properties relate only to materials that are manufactured using precise technology. Various handicraft wallpapers may not have them. Key disadvantage - high price. Also, this coating is very poorly resistant to moisture.


How can you currently decorate the ceiling so that it is completely different from everyone else? For all lovers of the original, there are the following options for finishing the ceiling: covering with chintz, silk, linen, tapestry and special furniture fabrics. In addition, for finishing ceiling will do even burlap.

These ceiling design options will appeal to all creative people who will choose their own combinations, patterns, colors, and so on. And if you involve professionals in the matter, the price of the project can turn out to be quite high. Key Advantage- This is an exclusive appearance.


  • Short service life.
  • The fragility of this coating.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are a structure whose main element is the canvas. The latter is mounted directly under the ceiling on plastic or metal profiles. Options for stretch ceilings: films made from PVC (matte canvas, glossy or satin ceilings), as well as fabric canvases.

Characteristics of modern stretch ceilings:

  • Excellent hydro- and thermal insulation. With this ceiling, a flood suddenly caused by neighbors above is no longer a problem at all, since the coating will retain water, which can then be drained.
  • They don't take up too much space. Therefore, the height of the room will not be affected.
  • You can choose shapes and colors to suit every taste.
  • They are afraid of any sharp objects.
  • High price.


The very name of this type of finish already says a lot. Whitewashing is the decoration of ceilings with a lime or chalk composition, which gives the ceiling a snow-white texture (provided the base is properly prepared).

The key words here are “prepared base”: before starting such ceiling finishing, it is necessary to do a number of labor-intensive and troublesome works (plastering, leveling), the quality of which will certainly affect the final appearance of the coating.


  • Low price of materials.
  • Technological simplicity of all work.


  • Labor intensity.
  • The need for good protection during whitewashing the walls of furniture, as well as one’s own person.
  • Quick loss beautiful view finishing ceilings in direct contact with water (if the neighbors above cause a flood in their own apartment, then you will have to finish the ceilings again).


This method of decorating ceilings is very familiar to the eye. The painted ceiling looks attractive, and the cost of finishing it is low. In addition, you can paint the ceiling at the most different colors, guided only by his harmonious participation in the interior of the room, as well as his own tastes.


  • Low price of materials.
  • Practicality of the coating in everyday life.


  • The dependence of the decorative effect of the coating on the professionalism of the finisher.
  • Tendency to cracks.
  • Fragility (service life - no more than two years).
  • Labor intensity of preparatory work.

Dropped ceilings

This ceiling design option has gained popularity due to its simple installation system. During installation, fastening profiles must be used, which are fixed to the ceiling surface and walls. Therefore, no preliminary leveling is required, and the work proceeds quite cleanly.


Finishing with plasterboard is the most popular type of ceiling design in an apartment. Using gypsum board slabs you can make not only an ordinary ceiling, but also an amazing multi-level structure or niche. The plasticity of this material allows you to create the strangest and most bizarre shapes for different interiors.

Among the advantages, it is necessary to note the ease of installation - even an inexperienced person can sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard. In addition, the material is inexpensive.

The main disadvantage is the “fear” of water. When exposed to moisture, such a ceiling quickly collapses. Before covering the ceiling with plasterboard, it is necessary to consider the thermal insulation layer and lighting system. Another drawback is the need for subsequent finishing of the coating with putty and paints.


This method of finishing the ceiling is one of the most affordable and budget-friendly. That is why it is often used in hospitals, office spaces and other buildings where practicality is a priority and an attractive appearance is not necessary.

The installation of the material is carried out as follows: a special frame made of mesh is fixed on the main covering, where sheets of mineral fiber of various shapes are fixed.

The main advantage of this type of ceiling design in an apartment is the ability to disguise all utility lines under the slabs. In addition, the product is very easy to replace if damaged. Tiles today are produced in a wide range. Therefore, finding the right texture and color is very simple.


  • Not the most beautiful appearance.
  • Fragility of the material.
  • The tiled construction reduces the height of the walls.


This type of ceiling design is similar to the previous one. True, instead of fragile mineral sheets, durable cassettes made of plastic or metal are used here. The advantage is that between metal sheets there is insulation. Due to this, the entire installation does not last long. The disadvantage is the price.

Rack and pinion

If a difficult dilemma arises about what to make ceilings from in the kitchen or bathroom, it is advisable to pay attention to this option. In this case, it is no longer tiles that are installed on the frame, but special long slats made of wood, plastic or galvanized aluminum. The result is a beautiful imitation of lining, although this finish costs much less.

Another advantage - quick installation and simple material repairs. Among the disadvantages is the rather short period of use of the coating - usually five years.


Currently, when creating a project for a home, designers often use several design options and two-level ceilings. Stretch and suspended ceilings are often combined. Sometimes a mirror is installed in a niche of a plasterboard structure, or a suspended ceiling is used as a border, and the main surface is leveled with plaster and then painted.

Glued ceilings

Here we are talking about a ceiling that is covered with tiles with one adhesive side. These products are very easy to install and have good moisture resistance. In this regard, they have gained popularity among Russian users. In addition, with the help of adhesive tiles you can save a lot on expensive stucco molding.

The main disadvantage of this ceiling design option is the need for careful leveling of the coating. In addition, such tiles are very fragile.

Ceilings made of natural materials

Last time natural options Ceiling finishes are becoming increasingly popular. Every year, more and more new methods of impregnation and processing of products are invented, increasing their performance characteristics.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining - thin wooden boards or MDF boards. The latter are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, clamps or nails.

The main advantages of these materials:

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Durability and strength.


  • Limited color range.
  • The need to use wood impregnations.

Timber ceiling

This type of ceiling is more suitable for a country house or cottage. It will look somewhat out of place in an apartment. However, some fans natural materials they find application here too. The timber has all the characteristics of lining, but lasts much longer and is particularly durable.


  • Quite a complicated installation.
  • The need for ventilation.
  • Before finishing the ceiling with such material, it will have to be impregnated for a long time with special compounds.

Cork covering

Cork ceilings, alas, are not widely used. However, this material has certain advantages: the presence of a wax coating reliably protects the surface from the deposition of dust and water, and also increases its service life.


  • Difficult installation.
  • High price.

Plastic lining

When finishing the ceiling on the balcony, it is advisable to pay attention to PVC lining. The resulting coating will be durable and strong enough; a thermal insulation layer and utility lines can be hidden under it.

In addition, the material is available in a wide range, it is resistant to the development of fungi, mold and bacteria, as well as ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, this ceiling is very fragile and can be easily damaged by light mechanical impact. There will definitely be a special smell in the room for a couple of days after installation.

Multi-level structures

This ceiling can be decorated using any of the finishing materials listed above. However, it differs in its installation technology. In this case, we are talking about a variety of suspended structures that will be installed on different distances from the ceiling surface, multi-level stretch ceilings, plasterboard niches and their combinations with plaster and paints.

In order to choose the right finishing method, you first need to think carefully about the overall concept of the interior of the room, and then think over the budget for purchasing materials and paying for the work.

As for choosing a supplier, it is advisable to work with proven and reliable companies that can confirm their business reputation with numerous positive reviews their clients.


We really hope that this article was useful to you and significantly expanded your knowledge about possible options finishing the ceiling in an apartment or house during their renovation. Applying important knowledge received here, anyone will be able to choose one, the most optimal and suitable only for him, method of finishing the ceiling of his home.

Modern cosmetic renovation of any room is not complete without decorating the ceiling, be it simple city ​​apartment, luxury cottage or Vacation home. But not every average person has an idea of ​​how to decorate the ceiling in a room using simple materials, as well as a minimum of financial and physical costs.

Besides, the ceiling does not have to be made in classic style – if you wish, you can even create a map of the starry sky above your head.

Main ceiling design options:

  • whitewash;
  • coloring;
  • wallpapering;
  • pasting with ceiling tiles;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. So, not every ceiling can be suitable for painting due to Not flat surface. IN similar cases It’s better to resort to using tension or hanging fabric, which will hide all the constructive shortcomings of the builders.


  • Our grandmothers used this method of finishing the ceiling. when they were setting up their homes. IN modern houses And in offices, in corridors and in the hall, you can also often find whitewashed ceilings, because the necessary finishing materials are quite inexpensive.
  • However This finishing option can only be used for perfectly flat surfaces. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite of what you want.
  • The main disadvantage of using whitewash as a finishing material is dirt. Firstly, it is not recommended to wet the whitewashed surface, which is a serious limitation for choosing this method of finishing the ceiling in rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom, or boiler room. Secondly, whitewashing leaves difficult-to-remove stains on all surfaces where the solution gets in contact.

To avoid lengthy post-repair cleaning, the following whitewashing technology is recommended:

  1. Cover the floor with cellophane film or newspapers.
  2. Remove furniture from the room, and if this is not possible, cover it with cellophane film or special covers.
  3. Prepare whitewash (chalk or lime).
  4. Whiten surfaces with brushes one or more times.

Advice! No matter how carefully the whitewashing is carried out, splashing is inevitable, so it is recommended to cover the floor and use gloves and work clothes.


This finishing method is becoming increasingly popular. As with the whitewash option, in this case a perfectly flat ceiling is required - almost anyone who has performed this procedure at least once can tell you how to finish it with paint.

Painting technology:

  1. putty and sand ceiling;
  2. prime surface diluted with water-based paint;
  3. carry out coloring surfaces 1-2 times.

Painting the ceiling, compared to other methods of finishing it, has several undeniable advantages:

  • special paint is not afraid of water, so painted ceilings can be safely washed and even use special products;
  • if desired can be easily changed color scheme rooms, just repaint the ceiling;
  • this option is quite cheap and accessible.

Pasting ceilings with wallpaper and slabs


When choosing a room design option, many still stop at the usual wallpaper. This material is the best you can use to decorate the ceiling in residential premises yourself.

Wallpaper is great even for covering not too smooth and cracked surfaces. This procedure is inexpensive and does not require large costs for materials.

The disadvantage of this method of finishing ceilings is high labor intensity. It is necessary to carefully ensure that air does not accumulate under the wallpaper.

This problem is especially acute for rolls with large widths. In addition, it is better to carry out gluing work together - this should be taken into account before finishing the ceiling yourself.

Ceiling tiles

As with wallpapering the ceiling, ceiling tiles do not require a perfectly flat surface. They hide everything with ease minor flaws, including small cracks and not very prominent irregularities.

Carefully! The ceiling tiles have a soft texture. It should be glued very carefully, otherwise traces may remain in the places of pressure that will be impossible to remove.

Before you finish the ceiling in a room by covering it with special slabs, you need to decide where the so-called starting point will be. It is recommended to place it in the most visible corner and start gluing the ceiling from there.

The second option is to start gluing the slabs from the center of the room, trimming them evenly along the edges near the walls. Irregularities in the joints of walls and ceilings are perfectly hidden by ceiling skirting boards.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper or silk plastergreat alternative other methods of finishing the ceiling. They are able to give the ceiling special features of royal luxury and amazing grace, turning it into a real work of art.

In order to finish the ceiling with liquid wallpaper:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. Drain the ceiling completely.
  3. Prime the surface.
  4. Apply silk plaster to the ceiling using a specially designed trowel.

However, applying this type of plaster is very complicated procedure and requires certain skills. Therefore, before finishing the ceiling, it is better to consult a specialist.

Suspended ceiling

This option is very popular when decorating city apartments, residential buildings, as well as office premises. The suspended ceiling is a metal frame, attached to the ceiling and lined with removable panels.

Much is known about how best to finish a ceiling using this method. The main task is the choice of material.

Best used for kitchens and small spaces plastic panels . This material is easy to clean and interacts well with cleaning agents, and is resistant to constant exposure to moisture and steam. It is often used to decorate bathrooms and toilets.

But in ordinary rooms you can use panels from any materials. The most common is drywall.

It is easy to cut and therefore is excellent for decorating figured suspended ceilings, which is often practiced in large halls and living rooms. Among the disadvantages of plasterboard boards, we can highlight them instability to leaks.

The main "minus" suspended ceiling is that it significantly reduces the height of the ceilings. Therefore, this method is not suitable for decorating low rooms.

Advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • possibility of change individual slabs(in case of leaks or cracks in the slabs, you will not have to replace the entire ceiling);
  • the ability to hide any ceiling imperfections, including deep cracks and relief that cannot be eliminated;
  • the ability to hide any ceiling communications (pipes, wiring, etc.).

The ceiling is one of the most noticeable and important details interior It will depend on its finishing final result repairs, so this issue needs to be approached as responsibly as possible.

Ceiling finishing methods

Currently, ceiling design includes the following finishing methods:

  • Whitewash.
  • Coloring.
  • Wallpapering
  • Pasting ceiling tiles made of polystyrene foam.
  • Hemmed structures.
  • Hanging systems.
  • Tensile structures.

Due to such a variety of choices, when renovating, many questions arise regarding its design. How to decorate the ceiling so that it is not only beautiful, but also extremely functional? In order to make this task easier, let’s take a closer look at each type of finish, its pros and cons.

Whitewashing the ceiling

Whitewashing is the most economical look ceiling repair in an apartment, which consists of applying lime or chalk mortar to a leveled, puttied surface.

You can only whitewash a flat ceiling surface, so first you need to wash and putty it, and also remove the previous layer of whitewash, if any.

Pros of whitewashing:

  • cheap materials;
  • the compositions used in it are natural, do not burn, lime has antifungal, antibacterial effects, and fights the appearance of mold on the walls;
  • suitable for low ceilings;
  • If you have enough skill, you can whitewash it yourself.

Disadvantages of whitewashing:

  • difficult to clean and wash the surface;
  • instability to moisture;
  • Currently not the most fashionable type of renovation.

Painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint

This method is similar to whitewashing, except that instead of natural solutions, water-based paint is used and this type of repair is more durable.

Wallpapering the ceiling

This method involves gluing the surface with both regular and liquid wallpaper.

As in the case of whitewashing, before wallpapering, you should level the surface, remove defects, plaster over uneven areas, and only after that you can start gluing.

The advantages of this finish include the following:

  • cheap materials (paper wallpaper);
  • simplicity of technology;
  • lack of toxicity of paper wallpaper.

Disadvantages of ceiling design with wallpaper:

  • unproven safety of vinyl wallpaper;
  • liquid wallpaper has high prices;
  • Quite often, wallpaper gives rooms a boring, slightly rustic look, this is especially evident in the photo of the ceilings in an apartment with such renovations.

Pasting the ceiling with foam tiles

Foam tiles come in different textures: smooth, stucco-like, laminated, and also in various shapes.

This method was especially popular in the past couple of decades, but now, although it is used quite rarely, it still occurs.

Preparing the surface for gluing is no different from preparing it for other finishing: it should be: smooth and clean. In the process itself, the most difficult thing is to calculate the number of tiles per ceiling area.

In order for the spaces between the tiles to be even, they must initially be laid at a distance of several millimeters from each other.

This finishing option has its advantages:

  • The material from which the tiles are made is moisture resistant;
  • Thermal insulation and sound insulation of the tiled surface is quite high;
  • Ceiling tiles are inexpensive;
  • Tiles can be glued without the help of an installer;
  • The tiled ceiling is easy to clean.

Disadvantages of covering streams with foam tiles:

  • Cheap tiles quickly turn yellow;
  • Foam plastic has a tendency to deform;
  • Polystyrene foam burns easily;
  • This type of flow design is not currently relevant.

False ceilings

Most often this is a draft version. The sheathed structure is immediately attached to the floor beams. This method serves to level the ceiling before the main repair method.

Among other things, it represents good remedy for sound insulation and thermal insulation. Foam plastic is most often used for thermal insulation.

Many people consider plastic, wooden, and suspended plasterboard structures to be false ceilings, but this is a wrong opinion.

Dropped ceilings

Suspended structures include several varieties.

Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard ceilings are a complex structure made of metal frame And plasterboard sheets. This type of finishing allows you to realize the most interesting design: multi-level structures with different system lighting, and also make the smoothest ceiling with built-in lamps.

This design option is especially good in an apartment with high ceilings.

The advantages of this design:

  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • the ability to bring any design to life;
  • creating zones in apartments, which is especially important for a studio apartment.

Disadvantages of a plasterboard structure:

  • installation duration;
  • lack of opportunity to make repairs alone, by yourself.

Tiled ceilings

Armstrong tiled ceilings, like plasterboard ceilings, consist of a metal frame, only instead of plasterboard, pressed tiles are used, and metallic profile they are not hidden under the structure, and it is a decorative element.

The advantages of the Armstrong system are as follows:

  • Low cost;
  • Quick installation;
  • Possibility to hide all cables under it.

  • Low resistance to moisture and fragility;
  • This design is more suitable in an office than an apartment.

Slat ceilings

Slatted ceilings made of lining (PVC) are very popular. Due to their resistance to frequent exposure to water, such structures are especially popular in bathrooms.

Stretch ceiling

Currently, the most popular finishing method is installing a stretch ceiling in an apartment - stretching the film over a pre- installed frame. They can be different types, but the most popular are glossy, matte and satin.

Glossy ones have an interesting effect: visual increase premises, which is especially important when the ceiling is not very high.

Matte is the most common option, allowing you to create a perfectly smooth matte surface.

Satin has a slight matte effect, but reflects glare.

The advantages of this design are as follows:

  • Durability;
  • Practicality;
  • Possibility of interesting design.

Whatever method of finishing the ceiling you choose, the most important advantage of the design will always be its relevance and practicality in your interior.

Photo of ceilings in the apartment