home · On a note · Texture for the ceiling in art deco style. Stretch ceilings in the style of art decor. What kind of stretch ceiling is suitable for decorating an art deco room?

Texture for the ceiling in art deco style. Stretch ceilings in the style of art decor. What kind of stretch ceiling is suitable for decorating an art deco room?

Art Deco in the interior appeared in the post-war period. Early 20s. 20th century was marked by the desire of the representatives of the upper classes of America and Europe for beauty and luxury after the harsh military times. Remember the film "The Great Gatsby" - it is this film that best reflects the aesthetics of art deco. The name of the style comes from the title of the 1925 Paris exhibition "Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes", which first presented the achievements of this new direction in art.

The art deco style embodied the spirit of scientific progress (the appearance of electricity), the process of knowing the world (eclectic style - a mixture of Western canons with Asian and African motifs), humanity's craving for beauty (luxury, sophistication, decorative loading).

Interior design in this style is characterized by the following:

  • Mixing decorative motifs of Antiquity, Africa and Egypt, China and Japan with European traditions;
  • Functionality and practicality along with underlined luxury;
  • Geometric patterns and design solutions: stripes, trapezoids, steps, zigzags, curved lines;
  • Graphic: frames and contours are the basis of style formation, geometry reigns both in the design of furniture and in the decoration of walls, floors, ceilings, and decorative elements.

Art Deco style is a style for those who appreciate exquisite luxury, originality and at the same time comfort and functionality.

Art deco in a large and small kitchen

Luxurious art deco kitchen interior implies large space, which has enough space for sophisticated textiles and decor, elegant finishes and furniture. Therefore, the art deco style is most effectively implemented in spacious kitchens combined with a dining or living room. See photos, scroll to the right.

However, both on and in a modest studio apartment, you can implement design ideas in the spirit of the Jazz Age. In this case, light neutral tones should dominate in the interior, the decor should be used in moderation, and for visual magnification space, you can use mirrors - the most recognizable attribute of art deco style. In the photo below, the interior of a small kitchen-living room decorates large mirror above the bar.

And here are more medium-sized kitchens with art deco elements - chairs, chandeliers and a characteristic color scheme.

How to keep the style?

There are several basic rules for decorating a kitchen in this style:

  • Art deco in the interior of the kitchen is appropriate only in high-quality performance using mainly natural materials: mahogany, dark and rare woods, metals (bronze, brass, gilding, silver, chrome steel), stones (preferably polished), mother-of-pearl, crystal, textured leather, luxurious ceramics and glass.
  • Art Deco is functional, which means that the work and dining area should be clearly marked. Zoning space can be done by arranging furniture, light sources, decor and finishing materials.

  • , cabinets - all pieces of furniture should be predominantly strict geometric shapes, but not modest in decor. For example, chairs can be upholstered in leather or jacquard.
  • Characteristic: a neutral background (beige, gray, silver, white) and bright contrasts of furniture and decor (brown, black) or a recognizable combination of black and white.
  • "Framework" should be present in the design of cabinets, upholstery of chairs, paintings or mirrors on the walls.
  • Glitter and gloss are sure signs of the era of "jazz modern". A chandelier, fittings, chrome or bronze surfaces of household appliances, glass in furniture and decor can shine.

Art Deco style does not accept:

  • An abundance of soft, flowing lines and circles.
  • Poor-quality finishing materials and furniture - avoid excessive "props" and unreliable imitations. If an artificial stone countertop can adequately replace the surface of natural material, then a countertop made of laminated chipboard with granite imitation is unlikely.

Finishing and decor


  • The ideal solution from an aesthetic and practical point of view - stone or. The color of the floor should be combined with the color of the walls, but not necessarily the same. The contrasting dark floor will fit into the interior very organically. A checkerboard pattern is also appropriate: black and white squares and rhombus masonry with contrasting inserts.


  • The ceiling can be either flat or multi-level. You can decorate the ceiling with built-in or thin stucco borders around the perimeter of the room.

  • The main decoration of the ceiling is art deco chandeliers: massive, artsy, often crystal or forged. There can be one chandelier (in the center or above the dining area), and a combination is acceptable central chandelier with spotlights or placing several small identical chandeliers above the dining table.
  • It is appropriate to use a mirrored ceiling.


  • Walls can be decorated with wallpaper or tiles with art deco prints, stone or paint.
  • Wallpaper can be either plain or with geometric patterns, ornaments, African animal motifs, striped.

  • The main emphasis can be placed on or some other decorative elements.
  • It is appropriate to combine finishing materials: paint and wallpaper, wallpaper and ceramic tile, tiles and paint.
  • Working area, i.e. the apron is decorated with tiles or paint - materials that can be washed, the rest of the room is decorated with wallpaper (or paint).
  • Pictures or photographs on the walls are placed stepwise, pyramidal or diagonally.
  • You can replace the paintings with framed mirrors in the form of suns or lamps.

Furniture and household appliances

  • Art Deco furniture is made of wood, glass and/or metal. Glass inserts and fabric or leather upholstery upholstered furniture.
  • The use of functional and at the same time original furniture: barrel chairs, mobile island tables made of metal and glass, bar counters with elegant bar stools.

  • If the dining area is a significant space, then the dining table can be massive, covered with an expensive silk tablecloth, and the chairs will be exquisite - with curved legs, a trapezoidal or oval back.
  • kitchen set can be neutral color(light wood, ivory, beige, etc.) or contrast (silver, black and white, dark brown).

In the photo below, an art deco kitchen design made of MDF in Zebrano color.

  • The facades of the cabinets are deaf, household appliances are hidden in them. Some, such as mezzanine upper cabinets, may have glass doors - these are display cabinets with elegant porcelain dishes.
  • Facades can be glossy, as in the photo below.


  • Design in this style is unthinkable without a large number a variety of lamps: chandeliers, sconces, spotlights, furniture lighting for cabinets and shelves.
  • Apart from central lighting it is appropriate to highlight paintings, photographs or mirrors decorating the walls.
  • Geometric Art Nouveau lamps, sconces in the form of rhombuses, trapeziums, pyramids will look organic.
  • The central chandelier can be made in a classic style - a tribute to modernity: forging and crystal, pendants, massive shape, sophistication, imitation of candles. In addition to such a chandelier would be appropriate Wall lights imitating candelabra.
  • Lamps are better to choose a warm spectrum.


  • As already noted, plain wallpaper neutral shades - an ideal background for placing accessories: mirrors, paintings, photographs. To emphasize that these accessories belong to the art deco style, you need to purchase the appropriate frames and frames: sun, trapezoid, multi-level steps.

  • The eclecticism of the style is reflected in the use of vases reminiscent of Chinese or ancient Greek in form, with stylized images of the sun and geometric designs. It is also appropriate to use animal print textiles (primarily zebra skin), images of exotic landscapes and room decoration.

Art Deco literally translates as "the art of decorating" from French. This is a stylistic trend that got its name from the international exhibition of 1925. The art deco style in the interior has always been chosen by the creative intelligentsia, the elite, the aristocratic elite. It is associated with luxurious high-status interiors like from the pictures of glossy magazines, fashionable apartments, boudoirs of stars, and exclusive furnishings. Characteristics are the best fit for the description - expensive, bright, bold. Lately observed new wave the popularity of the direction. Designers have rethought the main successful components and its return to European interiors has not gone unnoticed.

This style of geometric patterns and elite finishing materials allows you to ideally include numerous expensive appliances in the interior, which is very much appreciated. modern people. More suitable for large apartments, country cottages, studio apartments.

5 distinctive features

Art Deco design has some similarities with other areas - there are points of contact with the trends of modernity, hi-tech, but there are basic postulates that make it unique:

  1. Large geometric pattern with zigzags, straight lines starting on the ceiling and walls, moving on to furniture, textiles. Mirroring the circular motifs of the ceiling strictly vertically onto the floor.
  2. Use when finishing elite natural materials of pronounced texture: crocodile skin, zebra, leopard skin, ivory inlay.
  3. The color scheme is quite monochrome, does not tolerate halftones, the combination is built due to the contrast of the following colors: white, black, gold, purple.
  4. Design maximalism: saving is not a place, expensive and rich is the motto of this style.
  5. The complete absence of romantic, natural ornaments.

Basic colors and shapes

The versatility of the design is manifested in the excellent fit of its important elements into modern design. Zigzag shapes perfectly organize the space, it is enough to apply parquet laying in a zigzag pattern or laying black and white herringbone tiles. Another important element- This Sun rays slipping in forms, finishing. The striping of many elements is acceptable: the stripes of drapery of upholstered furniture pass to the walls or floor. Designers often combine the principle of sunbeams with steps - then expressive rays are able to diverge in steps.

bohemian living room

The art deco style of the living room can embody the embodiment of various ideas, turning the room into a real center of aesthetics. Here, the use of extravagant materials (crocodile skin, shark skin), a combination of incongruous, for example, glass with metal casting, oriental, Egyptian motifs, is relevant. The presence of a fireplace or stairs allows you to make them a logical center, and the geometry of the living room completely abandons smooth lines and enhances the contrast even deeper.

The ability to divide surfaces into clear blocks allows you to harmoniously fit modern technology. The optimal color scheme is brown-beige or black and white. When decorating walls, it is possible to combine more budget materials such as wallpaper, with exclusive wood paneling. A favorite among floor coverings is dark-colored parquet.

The furniture is luxurious, made to order from the darkest possible woods. A distinctive feature of the location is symmetry, you may need double items to balance one part of the room with the opposite. Sometimes it is enough to place a capacious display case and fill it with beautiful valuable gizmos. Be sure to have carefully selected textiles - heavy velvet curtains set the tone, and sofa cushions support him; vintage antique accessories; small sculptures of female figures; large vases; wall or even antique grandfather clocks.

Hollywood stars bedroom

To create an art deco bedroom, you must not be afraid to experiment with decorative elements, but not to cross the line between sophisticated, sophisticated elegance and luxury, bordering on kitsch.

Bedroom given design solution the softness of the forms is more characteristic, because the center of this room is the bed with its elaborate headboard, decorated with upholstery. Availability dressing table unusual shape and an ottoman is simply necessary, as well as a sufficient number of mirrors that will not allow the room to visually decrease due to the muted tones necessary for a comfortable sleep. Drawings and ornaments are one of the main elements of wall decoration, frescoes or decorative painting are possible, stucco molding is suitable for the ceiling.

In front of the bed, a natural skin or a long-haired fur rug with a thick undercoat should settle. The bed itself is covered with a luxurious bedspread, the color of the pillows is combined with the tone of the upholstery of the ottoman and armchair. The upholstery should be in contrast to the walls and ceiling. Along with the central crystal chandelier, additional lamps, floor lamps, LED lighting are required.

Luxurious kitchen-dining room

For kitchen and dining area distinctive feature there is sufficient multi-levelness and the replacement of some mandatory materials with more functional ones: the parquet on the floor definitely needs to be replaced with tiles; in the upholstery of chairs, give preference to leather. The ideal option will be the layout of the kitchen with an island (a special place where the sink is placed, work zone, cooking area). A good solution would be an impressive mirror above the bar counter to visually enlarge the space of the kitchen-dining room. Clear zoning should be done on the ceiling and walls, on the floor - a podium under the dining table. Fabric panels are perfect for finishing the dining area. Still the best color solution black and white combination, which will allow you to harmoniously fit household appliances made of plastic and chromed steel.

The main rule for creating expressive kitchen decoration is constancy. Everything should be equally solemn, from dining table and ending with tiles on the apron.

mirror world

Lighting plays almost the main role, giving the room space, cleanliness, light. At the same time, it is impossible to do without his companion - a mirror. After all, even furniture can be not just metal, but have mirror surfaces (and now we are not talking about a banal closet in the bedroom). So, in the bedroom you can make a mirrored door, which will be identified only by the golden handle. It is possible to create the effect of multiple presence of patterns, which, when reflected, make the interior of the room visually richer. Designers advise using the maximum number of reflective universal surfaces, bronze candlesticks, forged figurines. The decoration involves a huge selection of mirror surfaces - framed by simulated sunbeams, trapezoidal shapes, huge wall-high mirrors, instructed by crystals.

The mirror-sun is the hallmark of this style, it is an exquisite piece of furniture, symbolizing harmony and perfection, and the diverging sun's rays can give good mood and warmth.

Only with the help of a huge number of mirror surfaces can you try to create a unique art deco genre in small apartment, which at first seems impossible due to the abundance of heavy textiles and multiple decorative elements.


It should be noted that every year new finishing materials and solutions for their application appear. The art deco interior is constantly evolving - designers are working on details, selecting accessories, transforming new ideas. The emergence of new building tools allows you to design rooms and decorate them in this style more quickly and affordably, because a lot of time can pass from design to implementation. The variety of furniture and other accessories in 2018 will simplify the task of decorating.

Well-known furniture manufacturers are increasingly developing new collections with items belonging to a particular style, which also opens up wider horizons in design, because custom-made furniture is not so much expensive as very troublesome.

Classics will always remain fashionable, but art deco for several recent years strengthens its positions and it is safe to assume that it will be relevant for a long time to come. Now there is another increase in interest in art deco in architecture, fashion, and, accordingly, interior solutions. The comfort of all family members becomes the main philosophy of this style solution.

Of the most relevant innovations, one can note the use of illuminated onyx, which is no longer so difficult to implement. Used for finishing stairs, doorways, countertops, ceilings. The stylistic orientation of art deco was more actively used in the design of a children's room. So, another novelty, luminescent photo wallpapers, are quite self-sufficient in themselves, they do not need additional accompaniment of unnecessary details, but they are able to create a unique atmosphere of magic.

  • luxury, true chic, combined with the possibility of displaying creativity;
  • expensive natural finishing materials (marble, natural fur, leather, silk, velvet, valuable breeds wood, glass, metal, stained-glass windows);
  • original valuable furniture, combined with modern household appliances and gadgets;
  • refinement of colors;
  • active use of chrome, gilding for interior details;
  • strict geometric patterning;
  • bright lighting.

If we consider the style as a whole, then it looks very extravagant, expensive, bohemian, elite, elegant. Significant disadvantage- significant financial costs for its implementation, which limits wider distribution. But if you want luxury, freedom, bohemian chic, then incredibly fashionable and stylish interior just created to feel the taste of life.

In 1925, at the Paris exhibition "Exposition Internationale des Arts D?coratifs et Industriels Modernes", a new style was presented to the visitors' judgment, which now, after almost a hundred years, can be safely called its main event. Luxurious and at the same time progressive style made it possible to boldly combine Western and Asian canons, scientific and technological progress and art. The real heyday of the art deco style (the style owes its name to the Paris exhibition) came at the beginning of the 30s, when he "settled" in the homes of Hollywood stars. The guests of their numerous parties tried to resemble their idols as much as possible and “en masse” copied both their lifestyle and the interiors of their houses.

Today, after almost a hundred years since its inception, the style has not lost its relevance. And in what room the best way could the Great Gatsby party style be revealed? Of course, in the living room!

Main features

Art Deco style can be safely called the most luxurious and expensive. The decoration uses exclusively elite materials, such as precious woods, a natural stone, leather, velvet, bamboo, coconut and ivory. All this is complemented by art objects and ultra-modern household appliances. Modern building technology complemented the style with stretch ceilings, multi-level plasterboard structures, hidden lighting and laminated parquet.

Luxury in every centimeter of space

Characteristic of art deco is the "combination of circle and square". In other words, smooth lines coexist with strict geometric shapes. massive rectangular furniture can be complemented by round puffs, and strict "angular" moldings can be adjacent to light arches.

And, of course, the main distinguishing feature of the style is brilliance. The play of light is achieved due to the large number of "gilded", polished and metal surfaces. It is also necessary to have a large number of mirrors and crystal.

Color features

There is never enough gold in art deco style

The main colors of art deco are silver or gold. The word "OR" should be emphasized, since the use of these colors together will, to put it mildly, "give away bad taste." Therefore, before decorating the living room, first of all, you need to determine which of the primary colors you will prefer.

Defining gold and silver as "primary colors" does not mean that they should dominate the interior. But it will not be possible to do without them.

Like gold or silver, black and white are mandatory for the color scheme. But if you have to make a choice between the "primary colors", then sharing black and white is not only not forbidden, but even welcomed, and in any version. Patterns in the form of "chess" or "zebras" can decorate walls or floors, as well as stranded upholstery or window drapery.

Some "adherents" of the style believe that classic art deco should be limited to only these two colors, complemented by silver or gold.

In addition to the above colors, the use of gray, beige, burgundy and dark brown colors is allowed. Pearlescent shade and color are also very popular. Ivory. Application bright colors such as green, blue or orange is highly undesirable.

Video: artificial gilding at home

Since real gilding and silver plating are quite expensive, but it is impossible to do without them in the art deco style, we offer you a small master class on applying artificial gilding. Potal is used as "gold" in this case - inexpensive material made from copper or aluminium.

wall decoration

Smooth white walls make a great backdrop for furniture and accessories.

The walls in an art deco living room should be perfectly even and preferably plain. Great option walls will be finished with plasterboard and painted with white or beige paint. It is allowed to decorate the walls with wallpaper, but when choosing them, it is better to give preference to plain or wallpaper for painting.

If you still prefer wallpaper with an ornament, then you will have to choose from two “extremes” - either an almost imperceptible print or a contrasting black and white pattern.

Wallpaper with black and white print is the 'calling card' of the style

Given the principle of “multi-stage” characteristic of the style, when decorating walls with drywall, it would be appropriate to create columns, ledges or niches. Wall moldings will also organically fit into the style concept.

In addition to the decorative function, moldings can visually expand the room or “raise” the ceilings.

Ceiling decoration

The principle of multi-stage should also be taken into account when decorating the ceiling of an art deco living room. Multi-level plasterboard structures, stretch ceilings, and more better combination first and second will be the best option ceiling decoration.

The combination of a stretch ceiling with a plasterboard construction - perfect ceiling for living room art deco

When choosing a stretch ceiling material, give preference to glossy films. Extra shiny mirror surface in art deco style will never be superfluous.

Just like decorative moldings on the walls, baguettes and stucco rosettes around the central chandelier will be very appropriate on the ceiling.

Floor finish

Dark natural parquet - Art Deco classic

The floor must be covered with parquet, laminate or stoneware tiles. As a "budget" option, you can consider linoleum, imitating parquet board. The color of the floor can be either dark, contrasting with the ceiling and walls, or light.

One of classic options art deco floor designs are "chess" of black and white tiles.

The combination of black and white tiles is considered one of the most popular flooring options.


The main source of light in the living room should be "rich" Crystal Chandelier. Such massive lamps on copper or bronze frames with big amount crystal pendants have become one of the " business cards style, so you can't do without a chandelier in an art deco living room.

The main source of light in the living room is a massive crystal chandelier.

Additional lighting can be provided either by wall or floor lamps, made in the same style as the main chandelier, and hidden lighting in the ceiling and wall niches.

Very characteristic of the Art Deco style is the illumination of wall mirrors and paintings.

Windows and doors

Since the style implies the use of exclusively natural materials, windows and doors should ideally be made of wood. But since the cost of quality wooden windows and the doors are high enough, you can get by with plastic counterparts. True, in this case it is desirable to use a profile with lamination, which will imitate natural wood.

Gold bars will perfectly complement the art deco living room interior.


Furniture must be made from natural wood. Expensive fabrics such as silk, satin or velvet, or genuine leather can be used as upholstery. The selection of furniture for the living room should be given Special attention, since the furniture is the "heart" of the art deco style, and the rest of the interior serves as nothing more than a background.

Velvet furniture will add richness and luxury to an art deco living room.

A special chic will be the use of "exotic" leather for furniture upholstery.

Sofas and armchairs in the living room should be classical form, quite compact, but at the same time "heavy" in appearance. "Heaviness" is achieved through low altitude furniture that gives it a squat look. An obligatory addition to upholstered furniture will be a low coffee or coffee table with mirror or glass top.

Please note that the living room is art deco cushioned furniture never placed close to the walls. It should form a kind of island in the center or in one of the corners of the room.

Cabinets, chests of drawers and other cabinet furniture should also be made of wood. Polished facades are complemented by gold-tone fittings, a large number of mirrors and inlays. Ideally, all living room furniture should be custom-made, and if funds permit, it would be a good idea to purchase handmade furniture.


The 'heart' of an art deco living room will certainly be a fireplace

Speaking of an art deco living room, one cannot fail to mention such an element of the interior as a fireplace. If possible, of course, it is better to build real fireplace if not, you can get by with a decorative one.

The fireplace facade must be finished with natural or artificial stone. If we are talking about a false fireplace, then when choosing it, first of all, you should pay attention not to its heating characteristics, but to the quality of the imitation of "live fire".


Art deco accessories

Accessories in an art deco living room should emphasize refined taste owner and bring into the interior an element of exoticism, which is obligatory for this style.

Oriental vases or figurines of Greek goddesses are considered classic accessories. Lamps in velvet shades or an animal skin as a floor carpet would be quite appropriate. Walls can be decorated with abstract paintings or black and white photographs.

A must-have accessory is a large wall mirror. "Classic of the genre" is considered round mirror in a golden frame-sun.

Decorating a living room in the art deco style is, of course, "not a cheap pleasure." Literally every centimeter of the area of ​​​​such a living room should simply sparkle with luxury. In addition, the selection of all interior elements must be approached very responsibly, with taste and a sense of proportion, because otherwise an exquisite art deco living room can turn into a kitsch room. But on the other hand, if you manage to cope with the difficult task of decorating in the style of the Great Gatsby, the living room will become the real pride of the owners of the house, in which they will be able to “royally” receive guests. Good luck with your repair!

It has become fashionable to use in interior design a variety of both classic and modern design styles. bright representative a mixed version of the design solution favors the art deco style.

In the art deco style today, not only bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms are decorated, but also bathrooms, and even children's rooms. But will it work in this case? stretch ceiling? And if so, what color scheme should be preferred?

Style history

Art Deco has become an inspiration for designers various styles for many years. It appeared after the First World War, with the aim of raising the spirits and instilling optimism in the inhabitants of Europe and America.

In 1925, an exhibition was held in Paris, which showed new trends in clothing and interior designers. It was called Arts Décoratifs (art deco for short). That is where the name came from. The main goal of the authors of the exhibition was to raise the spirits of people who survived the war. The French wanted to show that Europe has not ceased to live a vibrant and eventful life, and Paris itself is still the center of fashion and style, despite any problems.

Using art deco style in a modern interior

This style is very popular today. During its existence, a number of features inherent in it have stood out:

What kind of stretch ceiling is suitable for decorating an art deco room?

This style can be considered quite modern and fashionable. Art Deco combines the elegance of eighteenth century classicism and functionality modern style high tech. That is why stretch ceilings will look good in this style. There are several types of them, these are film, or made of polyvinyl chloride, and fabric. Both of these types are suitable for decorating an art deco room.

Since this style is aimed at combining contrasting and at the same time quite stylish elements, then when choosing a color scheme, these features must be taken into account first of all. In the art deco style, both dark and dark colors look good. light shades. For a stretch ceiling, it is best to choose white, gray, dark brown, coffee, beige colors. With the help of photo printing, you can create various geometric patterns, use images of animals or stylizations for modern art.

Two- or three-level stretch ceilings will look good. This style is characterized by the presence of a large amount of light. Therefore, you can use stretch ceilings with built-in lighting, as well as lamps and chandeliers of an unusual shape.


So, the art deco style arose at the beginning of the nineteenth century and today has gained immense popularity. It is used in the decoration of most premises of a residential building.

Stretch ceilings of all kinds are well suited for this style. Look especially harmonious in art deco style. The most acceptable colors for them are blue, white, beige, sand, terracotta, gray. Also in this style, you can use two- and three-level stretch ceilings, plasterboard structures.

Art Deco is a classic design style that appeared at the very beginning of the 20th century in Paris. For this direction in design feature was the use of materials from the category of very expensive, allowing you to create a luxurious and beautiful environment. An important role in the decoration of rooms in the Art Deco style is played by the ceiling, which is customarily decorated with various ornaments and ornaments. expensive materials finishes.

The main four styles

This type of design is characterized by the use of an extensive range of colors when finishing floors. From light tones are used: beige, white, soft gold and silver shades, as well as ivory. If we talk about dark tones, then black, gray and dark brown options prevail here.

The best option for using monochromatic coloring will be volumetric solutions, and multi-level structures are suitable for using several colors or shades. It is worth paying attention to the choice of material from which the coating will be assembled - their different types can completely transform the composition being created.

An important role in the design will be played by a wide variety of patterns and ornaments on ceiling structures. Images of tree branches or plants have become a very popular version of the pattern. More modern motifs consist of geometric patterns in the form of triangles, squares or straight lines.

Finishing materials are usually wood, leather, both natural and artificial, as well as various products made of metal, serving as decorative elements. Various crystals can be used as an additional floor decor, which gives room for imagination when choosing. ceiling lights- Models that use Swarovski crystals will fit perfectly.


The ceiling of such a bright design can be smooth surface, so and . The presence of many tiers has become one of the distinguishing features this kind of design. Therefore, multi-level compositions made of drywall or stretch fabric will be an excellent detail of such an interior.

If you use a solution with several levels, you can use a very popular technique among designers: arrange the main planes in one color scheme, and make the vertical parts of the composition a different color. The same technique can be used with ornaments: make the main plane, and decorate the border or vertical surfaces of the composition with various patterns.

Smooth ceilings with a single plane can also become part of such an interior. True, in this case you will have to figure out how to finish the resulting surface - texture and color are of great importance. A very popular option for such a finish is steel, painted in one of the natural shades or completely gold, as well as silver planes.


The best of modern finishing materials for this type of decor will be stretch fabric. Such a design can be made in several levels, decorated with various ornaments using photo printing, and at the same time, choose the color and texture of the canvas. In addition, this design is characterized by the presence of glossy and reflective surfaces that can be created using a stretch.

Drywall is also well suited for creating such ceilings. It will make an excellent design with both one and several levels. Given that such compositions can be created with my own hands, you will have a wide field for creativity and imagination.


No story can replace what you see in person or in photographs, therefore, below are a few photo examples of what an art deco ceiling might look like. Drawings will not replace personal impressions, but they will help you understand what such a ceiling looks like in real interiors.

The volume on this design allows you to use a monochromatic color without depriving the whole design of a certain charm.

The modern vision of this type of decor is the geometric coloring of the stretched canvas. This design will fit perfectly into modern interiors.

Borders, painted in a different color from the main coating, add a sense of volume and perfectly decorate the structure.