home · Installation · How to decorate the outside of a country house. We decorate the dacha with our own hands: we make decorations from scrap materials. Install an artificial fireplace if you don't have a real one

How to decorate the outside of a country house. We decorate the dacha with our own hands: we make decorations from scrap materials. Install an artificial fireplace if you don't have a real one

Country houses are not usually intended for year-round use, but this does not mean that you can be negligent in the design of the premises. For country house, no matter what style it is decorated in, it is more characteristic thin walls And autonomous systems heating and water supply.

Features of country buildings

The modern interior of a country house often resembles the design of city apartments. Today popular house designs are made from wooden materials, although brick, cinder block and other types of building materials are no less often used.

The choice may depend interior interior dachas:

For any country house you will need to prepare all surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor. This is ensured by a full range of rough work, which involves leveling surfaces, as well as preparing them for the application or installation of finishing materials.

Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

The center of the interior of a country house is many designers or, which are gaining popularity again, displacing the gas and electric systems that replaced them not so long ago.

Among the advantages of such heating, experts note:

  • stoves and fireplaces look great in the interior of a country house in the living room, kitchen or bedroom;
  • they can be decorated in a rustic style or given modern look design;
  • a fireplace can be made one of the design elements of a Russian stove for beauty, as well as efficient heating;
  • such systems do not require gas or electricity, and fuel is cheap.

For the interior of a country house, a fireplace will be simple ideal option, because it becomes a practical element heating system, but also emphasizes the special atmosphere of a country home. This is precisely the detail that city apartment owners cannot afford, which is why a fireplace is very relevant in a dacha.

Furnishing of premises

What is also typical for a country house is that for the furnishings inside they usually use old furniture, which is removed from the city apartment after being replaced with new ones.

This imposes some features of a country interior:

  • it represents confusion various styles in design;
  • Often people decorate the interior of their dacha with their own hands, making homemade furniture;
  • motley and varied design refers to the kitsch style, and the soft one is simply called country style.

Sleeping places and homemade furniture

Another feature of the house in country style is the need to arrange additional sleeping places.

The interior of a country house is approached from a practical standpoint, first of all, which is why sofas are usually selected as folding sofas, with the ability to be folded out. This is required because quite a lot of people periodically gather at the dacha; relatives and friends come for weekends or holidays.

Furniture in a variety of styles will fit into the decor of a country house, and mixing is acceptable different styles for decorating the interiors of such a house. But wooden furniture looks best at the dacha, even if these are outdated options and models. It is only very important that the house is cozy and comfortable for everyone who lives in it from time to time, since the atmosphere should be relaxing and help you relax.

Complementing the interior with handmade furniture

In a rustic style, a country house interior does not require serious financial investments - it does not make sense and is not rational.

If there is no old furniture, which could be transported from the apartment to the dacha, then you can try to make it yourself. Also relevant homemade designs in the house, including partitions or verandas.

Homemade furniture does not look good in every style:

  • Provence is good for a bright and delicate country house;
  • Wooden structures look great with country style;
  • rustic style allows you to combine any furniture options;
  • very bright and unusual style loft for any premises;
  • will be bright and free.

A modern garden interior can be decorated with wooden finishing materials or stone. Loft allows you not to use finishing materials in some places, since this is a feature of the style.

Layout, its features

The plan of a small country house may have only one room combined with a kitchen, or there may also be several rooms, which are also typical for a classic house for year-round use.

If you plan to regularly receive guests, then you should get a dining room. And if you plan to stay at the dacha large quantity people, then limit yourself to a minimum area.

For a summer residence the following are acceptable:

  • thin walls and partitions;
  • lack of electric or gas heating;
  • makeshift stairs and dining areas on verandas.

Dachas are usually used in the summer, and therefore there is no need to worry about ensuring that the heating is sufficient for living in winter period. Although if you plan to spend the winter holidays at your dacha, you need to create autonomous heating.

Designer things

The interior design of a dacha involves the use of a large number of decorative elements, including decorations from city apartments that have already gone out of fashion.

When a person does not have old things in stock, then an excellent move to decorate the house and liven up the atmosphere would be:

  • flowers or artificial trees in massive tubs;
  • light curtains combined with big amount wood;
  • antique lamps or with a minimum of decoration.

Paintings or copies look great at dachas. However, it is not recommended to store valuable paintings at dachas, because such housing is more susceptible to attacks by thieves and looters if it remains without owners for a long time. OK, when country house ik is located on the territory of a gated community, but this is typical only for suburban villages near large cities. Otherwise, there is a high risk of robbery if the house is decorated with very valuable items.

Bathroom of a private house

To decorate in a rustic style, they use antique, out-of-fashion cast iron alloy bathtubs, mounted on large legs, often made in the form of animal paws. Often, and this great alternative street summer soul and a village toilet.

If you have or are planning to have children, then you should take care of stone or tile flooring. This will allow children to play without fear of getting the floorboards wet, since wood can rot quite quickly from water and moisture.

Features of kitchen design

A kitchen in a country house can be decorated in both modern and classic style, and are of great importance wide windows in this room - they allow you to save on lighting in daytime days, since bright sunlight enters the kitchen through the windows.

In this case, it is necessary to select a furniture option for the kitchen from materials that are not afraid not only of moisture and dirt, but also of direct sun rays. There are usually few cabinets in a country kitchen, since the bulk of the dishes are usually stored in permanent housing, and only the essentials are kept in the country house.

Bouquets of fresh or fresh flowers or flowers in pots can refresh the atmosphere. Still lifes in reality and in paintings also look advantageous. Despite the fact that we are talking about a country house, you should not give up modern household appliances, which can greatly facilitate the work of cooking and cleaning, so that the rest becomes complete, and household chores do not interfere.

Country houses outside

Country houses are perfect for spending time in in the summer or spring, and garden plantings are usually placed in front of the building. Vegetable gardens with greenhouses are often taken out to backyard, or even outside the courtyard. If there is space, then it would be relevant to install a pool or pond with fountains and streams in the courtyard of a country house.

The paths to the house are being laid out decorative bricks or filled with concrete, and unpretentious flowers are planted along them, which do not require regular watering and care.

To make yard maintenance easier, you can use special coatings with lawn grass, and lighting can be made with built-in motion sensors.

The exterior decoration of a country house is important stage, which involves serious preparatory work. Let's try to figure out what kind of exterior finishing can be used for similar works to make the house beautiful.

Finishing country houses performed outside different materials depending on what the log house itself is built from. Let's analyze the main types of exterior finishing work.

Decorating a house made of timber

There are certain conditions that must be met when planning exterior finishing timber house.

Attention! You cannot begin exterior finishing of a timber dacha immediately after its construction.

Decorating the outside of a country house with a block house is possible only after some shrinkage of the building. Professional builders it is recommended to carry out exterior finishing only 2-3 years after completion construction work.

Among the many finishing materials suitable for external cladding log house, of interest natural materials: stone, wood, decorative plaster, metal.

The exterior decoration of the country house is done with natural clapboard. Among the main advantages of this choice we highlight:

  • durability and reliability of the material;
  • excellent appearance;
  • possibility of masking utility lines;
  • environmental friendliness of the lining;
  • ease of installation

In addition to natural lining or block house, artificial materials can also be used to decorate facades.

This finishing has a low cost and allows you to obtain the façade of the desired color.

Advice! Siding is suitable for those owners of country houses who want to forget about exterior painting his dacha.

In addition to siding panels, thermal panels or fiber cement boards can be used for the exterior decoration of a country house.

It is siding panels that are currently considered the most common and sought-after materials for the exterior decoration of country houses. This material does not require special processing; even those who do not have construction skills can install it.

Attention! Panels can only be used if the building has a solid and reliable foundation.

Brick is also suitable for exterior decoration of a summer house, but you must remember about the possibility of its shrinkage. Among the advantages that can be highlighted for brick, we note its fire safety, ease of use, and aesthetic appearance.

Using brick as finishing material guarantees an increase in the thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics of the building.

Attention! For the use of brick as a finishing material in exterior decoration In a wooden house, ventilation grilles should be left at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other.

Compound wooden wall and bricks between each other is made using metal elements. The only significant drawback that stops many summer residents is high price this finishing material.

Finishing of aerated concrete country house

Decorating the outside of a country house is an issue that concerns not only the owners wooden buildings, but also owners of houses made of aerated concrete.

Basically, such houses are plastered, and in some cases tiles or bricks are used to decorate the facade.

Attention! The façade of a house built from aerated concrete can be decorated only after all interior finishing work has been completed.

In this case, vapors will escape through the walls without any problems.

After watching different photos finished exterior facades in interior magazines, you can choose the option that is suitable for the landscape of the entire site.

Ordinary plaster is not suitable for the exterior finishing of an aerated concrete house, as the walls will absorb moisture, losing their performance characteristics.

Professionals recommend choosing for exterior decoration aerated concrete house special mixtures that do not allow moisture to pass through. As soon as all work related to plastering the walls of the house is completed, you can begin decorating the facade. To treat aerated concrete, you can use special water repellents.

Advice! For those owners of country houses who want to carry out work related to the design of the facade in a minimum amount of time, professionals recommend choosing ceramic magnet slabs.

Installation is carried out on the lathing or using an adhesive solution. IN last years the number of summer residents who choose to decorate the facade has increased metallic profile. Previously, this material was used only for the design of warehouse buildings and industrial premises. Manufacturers offer metal profiles in different colors, so you can choose the color you like for exterior decoration.

This material is suitable not only for vertical, but also for horizontal finishing.

Block house

When selecting facing material For the facade of a country house, many country property owners prefer to purchase a block house. In order to decorate your dacha with a block house on your own, you must:

  • pre-calculate the number of boards that will be required for the work;
  • after purchasing a block house, you need to wait a few days for them to “acclimatize” to the climatic conditions;
  • Such materials for finishing the outside of a country house, after being mounted on the wall, are covered with a special impregnation or drying oil;
  • when constructing the sheathing, a building level will be required, and the distance between the slats should be no more than fifty centimeters;
  • When attaching a block house, a tongue-and-groove system is used; boards are attached to the sheathing using self-tapping screws

In addition to the wooden block house, vinyl analogues are also used. It will be much cheaper for them to decorate the façade of the dacha, and they will not require special additional treatment of the finished coating with protective compounds.

With the help of penoplex you can not only decorate the outside of the house, but also significantly insulate it.

Attention! After finishing the walls with penoplex, it is necessary to plaster the surface.

Professionals consider penoplex finishing to be high-quality protection for a country house. This finishing option will be much cheaper than covering it with siding or fiber cement slabs.

Before you start insulating the walls of a country house with penoplex, you need to assess the condition of the walls. If serious irregularities are identified, they must be completely eliminated. Professionals recommend choosing dense foam plastic, the thickness of which is 5-6 centimeters, for wall decoration. The slabs are fastened using dowels and special glue. After this stage of finishing work is completed, you can proceed to plastering the surfaces.

During operation, partial loss occurs wooden house its original appearance. Is it possible to choose a finishing option that would guarantee full preservation performance characteristics wood, the aesthetics of its appearance? How to choose the right color for the facade of your wooden house?

In addition to the overall design of the site, it is important to consider the color of the roof when choosing a color. For northern latitudes interior stylists consider light shades optimal, while in the southern regions you can choose cool colors. Of course, every owner of a country house has every right to choose a shade for the walls based on his personal taste preferences.

Advice! If you find it difficult to decide on shades for the exterior decoration of the facade, you can choose colors similar to the interior decor.

Before proceeding to painting surfaces, it is necessary to carry out their preliminary preparation.

Depending on which finishing option is chosen for the facade, additional treatment of the walls with impregnations or stains may be required. This will reliably protect the wood from decay processes and give the surface a beautiful appearance.

When carrying out external repairs, you can do it yourself without involving professionals. To do this, you first need to select high-quality and safe materials, decide on the option for their fastening, and carry out work related to surface preparation.

For fans natural wood, experts advise using it as a coating for finished surface clear varnishes specially designed for wood. They do not hide the structure of the wood and give it a beautiful natural shine, reliably protect the material from negative impact atmospheric precipitation.

This informative article contains some of the most interesting ideas for a country house and the decor of the country house itself - they will decorate your country corner and at the same time help you save money.

So, start getting inspired now!

Useful rake

Old tools can also be useful in your household. For example, a broken rake will make an excellent replacement for a garden supply rack or even a dish holder.

Because their teeth are very convenient and practical for storing gloves and spatulas or glasses.

Old boot - new pot

When sorting out things that have gone out of fashion and everyday use, do not rush to throw them away, give them another chance - worn-out shoes, torn hats and old watering cans can be turned into original flower pots.

They just need to be refreshed and applied... to the “envy” of your dacha neighbors.

Hemp table

Uprooting stumps for landscaping garden plot or – quite hard work.

But, if you add a little imagination, you can transform a nondescript and “unnecessary stump” into an elegant table for tea parties.

To do this, you just need to cover the stump with a glass or wooden tabletop.

And a stump standing in the middle of the garden can be decorated with flowers - then no one will notice it in the thicket of plants.

In addition, the stumps growing on the territory can also be used as a platform for games - checkers, tic-tac-toe or scrabble.

Children will definitely love this idea - they will play right in the garden!

"House" for the hose

A hose lying along a summer cottage can cause a lot of inconvenience and problems. And in order not to trip over it again, and, even worse, not to fall, you can put it in a large container (for example, in a flowerpot), having previously made a hole in it.

This is a very convenient and absolutely safe idea that will not irritate your eyes or spoil your landscape design!

colorful tiles

Give your dacha exterior some variety with bright acrylic paints. For example, paint the gray tiles around the house or the garden stones - life will become brighter and more fun!

Can lanterns

You can not only store pickles and all kinds of preserves in jars - they can become an original and practical decoration for your summer cottage.

Make stylish candlesticks out of them and hang them on the roof, branches or. Flower pots can also be used as candlesticks.

flower window

Don't forget to decorate the windows to delight yourself and your guests. Flowers will lift your spirits, give a delightful aroma and will make the monotonous facade of the house simply incredible.

Mirror reflection in windows

Another one great idea for a country house - a blank wall of a country house can also be decorated.

For example, old unused windows can be revitalized with a mirror. They will be able to reflect the summer landscape and create the visual illusion of a large space.

Board for children's creativity

Everyone knows about the benefits and practicality of drawing boards.

Therefore, in order not to scold children for their sudden manifestation of creative inspiration, and not to later wash the walls and fences of various arts - just hang a chalk board on them.

Let the children “express themselves” directly on!

Elegant feeder

An old broken chandelier can also be used to decorate a summer cottage.

For example, good idea- pour bird food into light bulb stands, thereby attracting winged guests.

Wooden garden path

Wall decoration is usually the final stage of construction work. In such a situation, even at the design stage, a color and stylistic solution is determined, materials are selected, and the necessary preparations are made. If we are talking about the need to change an old interior that has become boring over several years, or to transform the appearance of one or more walls without carrying out large-scale renovation measures, you can use creative ideas and independently add original notes to the decorative design of the room. How to decorate walls with your own hands, based on fashion trends, later in our article.

Wall decor using improvised materials

If you have the skills to work with scissors and paints, quickly make your own wall decor possible from ordinary items.

Decor made from toilet paper rolls

  1. Collecting cardboard tubes remaining after use toilet paper, they are slightly flattened and cut into equal parts, each of which will subsequently become a flower petal.
  2. Now, from the cut pieces, you need to create a single composition. To do this, all the elements are glued together with their side planes, then they are given the required shape and painted in the desired color. Elegant paper wall decor ready.

It is important to know! An unusual wall design in a house with a classic one is always popular. Even with minimal financial investments You can recreate a noble atmosphere in the interior or hallway by making bricks from cardboard and painting them in the desired color.

Texture painting of walls

Texture painting of walls is used to give them relief and create a bright accent in the interior. When carrying out work it is possible to use various technologies, with which you can transform any room according to your taste.

When using texture painting technology, the surface does not need to be leveled, thus replacing a certain section of the wall is possible at any stage.

Below are practical advice, which will help you quickly and efficiently decorate walls, while obtaining excellent results.

Preparatory work

To get the best result, before starting work, the walls are plastered in one layer, good are being cleared, then covered with paint on an emulsion basis. Texture paint is applied to the surface in three ways.

  • The wet method is to use fabric.
  • Dry method - using a brush.
  • And the last method is the rolling technology of “rolling” textured fabric along the wall or ceiling in the same direction.

Texture painting technology:

  1. To begin with, the walls are cleaned of old paint, all cracks are sealed, the putty area is sanded, after which the surface is coated with a special primer.
  2. Next, to create a tint tone, apply base layer paints. Usually acrylic paint is used for this light colors(light grey, beige or white). The paint is applied with a regular roller, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
  3. After application, you need to wait for the paint to set and only then begin to create painterly textures.
  4. The glaze is applied to the wall using a brush, pressing the ends of the bristles into the fresh coating, so that a clear structural mark remains on the surface. To ensure that the deep pattern is not blurred, it is recommended to clean the bristles of the brush as often as possible.
  5. Depending on preferences, the brush can be replaced with fabric, the fibrous structure of which will change the texture of the wall, giving it an interesting and unpredictable pattern. Special attention should be given to the corners, they should be perfectly smooth. For joint finishing it is best to use small brushes.
  6. After the glaze has completely dried, it is necessary to apply several layers of varnish or cover the surface with a transparent glaze without texturing it. It is recommended that two people work together to process a strip from floor to ceiling in one step.

Even amateurs can do this type of work, but achieving an excellent result will require perseverance and patience.

Wall photo gallery

Decorating one of the walls with photographs brings a feeling of family unity into the interior, creates a special mood, awakening the kindest and brightest feelings.

These can be large portraits, genre scenes or ordinary shots captured from Everyday life. A collage looks great, allowing you to fit many images into it. If desired, it can be made themed, dedicating it to a significant event, anniversary, or one of the family members.

Volumetric photographs - elegant addition modern interior

Photos in frames different sizes and shapes give the interior a modern dynamism. For example, what makes a space more conservative and static is decorating the wall with rectangular frames, which are arranged strictly horizontally in one or several lines. What unites this composition into a single whole is the color shade of the frames.

You can move away from the usual way of placing photographs by decorating the wall with a stylized image of a trunk, successfully placing portraits of household members on its branches, creating a whole family tree.

Photographs that are not framed, but pasted onto thick cardboard in rich colors that echo the color motifs of other items will help add sophistication and uniqueness to the interior. They are fixed on stretched cords, fishing line, chains.

Wise quotes, important wishes, monograms written on high-quality thick paper in an elegant font and framed with a gilded frame will be emphasized and romantic. They are placed next to photographs or on an adjacent wall, thus creating a space permeated with rhythm.

Important! If the wall area is small, it is not at all necessary to create a large composition. You can place one photo on a narrow glass shelf, highlighting it with beautiful lighting.

Volumetric elements

Architectural decor completely changes the surrounding space, becoming the center of the entire room. Having in spacious room a free wall, with the help of volumetric elements, you can turn it into a cozy relaxation corner, combining it with an exhibition of your favorite collectibles.

Having built a shallow false wall, they construct built-in decorative, small niches with glass and soft lighting. Objects placed in such niches attract attention in such lighting. A portal with antique half-columns and imitation stucco will help decorate the fireplace.

In order not to disturb the harmony, color scheme façade planes are selected according to general style interior The color stylized as noble marble looks advantageous.

Frames as a decorative element

Create amazing world aesthetics are allowed by frames from which glass is removed, and cardboard is painted in bright colors or removed altogether. The material and color scheme of the frame are selected to match the specific style of the room.

  1. Strict in shape will easily fit into the classic surroundings rectangular products, made from noble wood.
  2. In Provence style it looks harmonious with smooth lines and rounded corners.
  3. For eclecticism, you can choose frames of the same shade, but of various shapes and configurations.

Another option for wall decor would be a single frame shape, but with different colors and the texture of the material.

Empty frames are arranged in various combinations and shapes. They can create strict horizontals, verticals, and move diagonally. Created from small frames geometric figures or dynamic curved lines.

An interesting stylish image arises if several frames are fixed on one image, breaking it into several fragments.

Use of paintings

It is possible to create a certain mood with the help of paintings, which have long been a win-win option wall decoration.

Wall decoration in style will be supported by images with clear, ordered lines on an achromatic background. They should have a simple frame without unnecessary decorative elements.

Important! If several small posters are selected, they are aligned along one line.

Noble, vintage style Provence suggests the presence of paintings depicting idyllic village landscapes or genre scenes, and stylized solid wood Frames with impeccable varnish and carving will add more attractiveness to the interior.

A touch of modernity is brought into the interior by modular paintings, which allow you to create compositions in accordance with your own preferences. Red furniture and black and white paintings combine stylishly. For those who prefer calm, elegant solutions, floral motifs in beige tones will suit them.

Mirror fantasies

Mirrors are held in special esteem by designers, especially when decorating the interior, since with their participation the space visually expands. When fixed under the ceiling along the entire perimeter of the wall, a mirrored border creates the impression of a significant increase in the height of the room.

You can bring a feeling of celebration and freshness into the room if you place small mirrors on a free section of the wall, framed by frames stylized as aristocratic marble or mysterious malachite. They are placed randomly or in a clear order. The free layout brings speed and makes the interior more dynamic.

  • A beautiful carved frame with gilding turns the mirror into bright accent classic interior.
  • For rooms designed in high-tech style, mirrors are framed with a narrow chrome strip.
  • The eco-style is supported by deliberately rough bamboo or wooden frames.

Soft decor

Soft panels allow you to create an expressive image of a room and bring coziness and comfort into it. Their surface is made of textile, leather or faux fur. Eco-friendly padding adds volume.

Such decorative elements Most often they decorate the wall at the head of the bed.

You can create a subtle and sophisticated interior in the living room by covering it with sheets of plywood required sizes noble fabric. Brocade or velvet with bright colorful patterns will add an unusual oriental accent.

Such panels placed on the wall visually highlight the guest area where chairs and a table are located. A decorative fireplace will fit perfectly there.

Having mastered sewing skills, you will be able to accomplish decorative wall element using timeless patchwork technique ( patchwork). Exclusive knitted products made with crochet or knitting. Openwork or multi-colored patterns, well-chosen to the main interior style, give the room a complete, original look.

They are stretched onto a round or rectangular base and create a planned compositional pattern. If necessary, use frames to enhance the overall perception.

Decorative paper elements

The walls can be skillfully decorated with butterflies, flowers, made from paper - corrugated, writing, papyrus. Lightweight parts are fixed on Double-sided tape and can be easily restored or replaced with other decor. On painted in neutral color on the wall, the thinnest paper parts form lines - horizontal, diagonal, broken, curved, concentric, vertical and others.

You can make them in collaboration with children. Having fixed circles on the fishing line that change color saturation from yellow to orange tone or from blue to violet shades, it is possible to create a special dynamic atmosphere.

Using Cymbals

Special charm and sophistication for interior wall decoration have wall plates. Painted collectibles are quite expensive. However, it is possible to make the kitchen look festive by gluing fragments of the ornament onto ordinary porcelain or plastic plates. This could be the splendor of sophisticated Gzhel or the majestic Zhostovo painting. You can decorate your kitchen surroundings with bright Gorodets motifs.

After spending a little time, you will be able to decorate the plates with elegant pastel or contrasting patterns using the decoupage technique. Will add mood and emphasize special style premises, transferring the ornament present on the curtains to plates. For these purposes, you can cut out individual fragments from the remnants of the fabric and use transparent varnish to fix them on a plywood circle.

Important! Plastic products they can become deformed from the varnish, so PVA glue is used to work with them.

Vinyl stickers

It will be possible to quickly update the interior if decorate walls with ready-made vinyl stickers. Among the extensive assortment, you can choose images with different color combinations, shapes and sizes.

For example, a window design expands the room. The same purpose is served by the appearance on the wall of a road going into the distance, fields and meadows or boundless outer space. A nautical theme would be great in a bathroom. For home interior Dark subjects are not suitable.

It is important to know! Vinyl stickers are easy to replace if there is a need to refresh the interior or add a new touch to it.

Wall art

Since ancient times, painting has been the most popular method of wall decoration. To final result turned out to be exquisitely elegant, you need to have not artistic abilities, but also a rich imagination.

Drawing is done using tempera, acrylic, water emulsion, oil paints. Having mastered certain skills, you can use an airbrush, cans of pearlescent, fluorescent paints (Fig. 1).

Creative wall decor ideas

  1. Gives amazing expressiveness and depth to the wall 3D drawings, for which, at the first stage, relief semi-volumetric images are made from gypsum mass. Then they are beautifully painted. (Fig.2)
  2. Most simple trick giving plain walls unusual color sound is striping. The edges are sealed masking tape, which allows you to get perfectly smooth edges of the image. You can vary the width, color, direction of the stripes. (Fig.3)
  3. For connoisseurs wall painting even without knowledge of artistic techniques, you will be able to bring a special mood into the interior if you use stencils. You don’t need to make them yourself, since specialized stores and showrooms offer a wide range that allows you to choose the planned pattern. (Fig.4)
  4. It’s even easier to decorate wall planes using stamps. Previously sketch is being developed And markings are being made. This will avoid mistakes. The material for stamps is rubber. There are foam rubber and wooden crafts, and also in the form of a roller. For home use, simple stamps are cut out of ordinary potatoes. (Fig.5)

Beautiful DIY wall decor is the end result of a lot of work, patience and perseverance.

(Fig. 1) Beautiful hand-made wall painting

(Fig. 2) Three-dimensional 3D image of a musical violin, which remains to be beautifully decorated with a drawing

(Fig. 3) Bright stripes on the wall

(Fig. 4) Using a stencil you can get an original drawing on your wall

Flowers in the interior

Fans of home gardening often place plants on the walls using flowerpots. If for these purposes, hanging varieties are selected, forming entire waterfalls of descending shoots covered with foliage and flowers, then it will be possible to create a magnificent vertical that enhances the perception of homeliness and comfort.

The graceful shape of the pots serves as a decorative additional element, allowing you to install flower arrangements on narrow, almost invisible glass shelves. In such situations, priority is given to compact flowers, selecting them according to the shades of the petals.

flower beds You can enhance the effect with the help of mirror elements placed on the wall behind the pots. This technique expands the space, makes it unusual and mysterious.

Video: how to decorate the walls in the house

There are many ways to decorate walls. Some of them are easy to do yourself, allowing you to quickly update them with available materials, and some will require certain skills. Good luck with your remodeling.

For a creative person in the country - freedom! After all, here we can afford everything that we cannot afford in an apartment. It is there that the “decency” of finishing is important to us - but at the dacha you can play around with paints in your hands!

For example, the owner of this dacha painted a silhouette of a cat in the rays of sunset on the wall of the barn. Without his “painting” it would be just a dull barn wall, but otherwise it would be a work of art.

You can also draw on the wall of the house, outbuilding or some picture on the fence. And if you don’t know how to draw, you can print a stencil and simply stamp the design using a foam sponge. For this you will need acrylic paints.

It would be better if it were art acrylic paints, which are sold in art stores or stationery stores. It is best to cover such a painting with acrylic varnish for exterior use, or even more reliably with alkyd yacht varnish, which protects even wooden boats from sea water.

If the surface is large, then you can buy acrylic paint for facades at a hardware store and mix it with the desired color, which is sold there. It will be less opaque than art acrylic, but it can still be used.

More wall decor options for your dacha

The pallet left over after construction can be used for vertical gardening.

Another interesting idea on how you can decorate a wall at home is to put vegetables on it. Again, double the benefits!

Here is another option for home wall decor. The idea was filmed in the Thai border town of Chiang Kong, next to Laos.

Boxes with herbs can be placed in a checkerboard pattern next to the wall. Fresh salad will be a pleasant tasty bonus of such decor.

Dull concrete walls can be made alive. To do this, it is enough to let climbing plants along the trellises and make a waterfall with a pond.

Even from the inside, the room can be turned into a winter garden.

The creative scarecrow is not scary, but friendly plays an old guitar, sitting surrounded by green plants.

The entrance to the house can be made through a pond, islands-stones will serve as a bridge.


I still have a lot of interesting things on my site, and if you love country house design, and in general, everything related to the arrangement of your site, then I invite you to wander through my archives. On the right in the Categories menu, you can scroll through there. Or go to the Home page and start browsing page by page from there.

Video on the topic

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a selection of video ideas on how to decorate a wall at home and a fence at the dacha.