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Painting exterior wooden windows. How to paint a wooden window. Types of paints for exterior use


Has your old wooden window become unusable: the wood has dried out, the paint has peeled off? Don't rush to change it to a new one. Repairs, as well as painting and repainting wooden windows will be much more economical if you do them yourself.

Determining the degree of window destruction

Open the window and inspect the wood where the paint has peeled off. If its density already resembles foam plastic or is even softer, it’s not worth the candle, and it’s better to replace the window. If there are cracks or fungus, but the frame is quite solid , then after restoration the wooden window will last for a long time. Check the geometry of the window and sashes. Aren't they squinting too much?

If the sashes are skewed and when opening they touch the window sill , for repairs you will need wooden wedges and steel corners. Close the window sash tightly. Adjust its position with wedges. Install metal corners in the loose corners of the frame. Secure them with screws. The sashes should now sit firmly in the frame.

The glass itself also requires careful inspection. Old and cracked out! Prepare money for something new. We clean and lubricate the fittings, and replace any rusty ones.

Dismantling the old coating

The glass is pulled out and cleaned of old putty.

To restore old windows yourself, you need to carefully remove the frame from the window frame. Then remove the flaps. Just don’t pull them out with the meat, but gently tap them on the loops with a chisel. The glass also needs to be removed. And remove the old putty from them with a chisel or an aggressive solvent if you plan to put them back in.

Preparing and painting the window frame

This is a rather tedious and dusty process. But such repairs of old wooden windows will bear fruit. After it, the window will be little different from the new one.

Removing old paint

There are two ways to remove old paint from wooden frames: using a hair dryer or liquid remover.

Method No. 1

A hair dryer softens the old paint and makes it easy to remove with a spatula.

Take construction hair dryer in one hand, in the other - a spatula. Blow hot air over the paint. As soon as it starts to bubble and peel off, start scraping it off with a spatula. To avoid overheating and damage to the tool, work intermittently. The advantage of this method is that the paint is removed in one go.

Method No. 2

You will need aggressive wash . It is quite dangerous and not only for old paint. Therefore, wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when working with it. Apply the wash with a brush without skipping. It's better to use too much; an even layer is not required. Your task is to ensure that the solution gets generously onto all painted areas.

Paint thinner is very dangerous, so wear gloves

After a few minutes, you will see that the paint begins to swell and soften to a cheesy state. Now is the time to remove it before it hardens. Repeat this process as necessary until the frame is completely clean. The undoubted advantage is that buying a liquid remover is much cheaper than a hair dryer.

Degrease the surface

This is a simple but very important step in window repair. Grease on the wood will prevent paint and primer from sticking. And all this will be reflected in the quality of painting. Therefore, we clean the surface with a solvent, such as White Spirit. As a last resort, gasoline, but not acetone or alcohol - they are mixed with water.

Level the frame with putty

Rotten areas in the frame must be removed with a plane. And cover the resulting potholes and cracks with acrylic wood putty and a rubber spatula.

Putty for smoothing out holes in the frame/window sill is made from fine sawdust and PVA glue. Just mix them until the consistency of thick sour cream. It will turn out no worse than store-bought.

Attention! If the pieces of rotten wood are quite large and putty alone is not enough, you will need patches made of dry material. Cut wood wedges to size and place them on glue.

Sanding the surface

Before painting window frames, they must be sanded. To do this, you need to go over them with sandpaper.

The frame is rubbed with sandpaper so that the paint adheres better later.

It is very convenient to sand with a wooden block wrapped in sandpaper. The surface should become uniformly rough. This way the paint will adhere better to it. Remember that sanding produces a lot of fine dust. Pros wear a respirator and safety glasses.

Prime the frame

By removing the old paint, you will open up the pores of the wood. They need to be covered with a primer. It will penetrate deep into the wood, creating a film on it that will prevent the wood from rotting. In addition, a primer is needed for better adhesion of the paint to the surface.

For priming you will needoil (linseed oil) or acrylic primer for wood . You don't have to buy an expensive one at all. A cheap primer will also work, but it will need to be applied in several layers. You can prime with a small brush or a spray bottle. Wait until the primer is completely dry before painting.

We paint

For painting windows yourself It is better to use acrylic, oil or alkyd enamel paint . Alkyd is more expensive, but dries faster and has almost no odor. Acrylic comes in second place. The brush should be flat. It is also called flutz.

The window frame is painted in 2-3 layers

In hardware stores you can find special paint for frames and window sills. The consistency is similar to jelly and does not leave streaks. It also has self-leveling properties. This means there will be no brush marks on this paint. Start painting from the top of the frame. Apply paint in a thin layer to avoid smudges. At the same time, do not allow omissions. Effective coloring requires 2-3 layers. When applying each subsequent layer, wait until the previous one dries.

Paint smudges can be avoided using a foam swab instead of a brush. It's a tampon, not a roller. The foam rubber for it should not be too old, but not new either. A bath sponge that has already been used is just the thing! Such a swab will absorb excess paint, do not let it flow off in sloppy drops.

Inserting glass

To prevent the glass from falling out, it is secured with this glazing bead

We apply construction silicone to the edges of the glass. After this we insert the glass into the frame. Use a spatula to remove excess silicone. To ensure that the glass stands securely in the frame and does not rattle, we will need wooden window beads. These are such triangular thin strips.

We apply glazing bead to the junction of the frame and glass. We secure it with small nails, driving them vertically into the frame. The optimal distance between them is 25-30 cm. All that remains is to screw on the fittings.

Read about legal approval of new glazing on the balcony (what if it comes to this?), fines and other nuances.

Returning the frame to the window box

We install the frame into the window frame. If there are gaps, you can seal them with a special rubber self-adhesive seal. Cut the strip of sealant to the required size, peel off the protective film and apply tightly around the perimeter of the frame.

October 14, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

With the advent of PVC, wood began to lose its position, but if you are a true connoisseur of natural materials, you will never give up wooden windows. With proper care, they will faithfully serve you for decades, bringing a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort to your home.

Be ready!

Painting wooden frames requires preliminary preparation of the base. For what?

  1. First, you won't be able to apply a new coat of paint evenly.
  2. Secondly, over time, the bottom layer will begin to peel off, undermining the top one.

Well, was I convincing enough? Don't want to waste your time? Let's move on to removing the old paint.

If the old coating is already fairly “worn out,” it can be removed mechanically using a regular spatula or dish net. The last handicraft tool is useful for cleaning small “flakes” of coating.

If the windows were factory painted using polyurethane or catalytic paint, wipe the frames with soapy water and sand before cleaning. This will allow you to complete the procedure quickly and efficiently.

If the last painting of the frame was carried out quite a long time ago, it is recommended to remove the layer using a thermal method. Propane cylinders for hiking are used for firing.

Before removing the old paint, the container is turned over with the nozzle down, holding it strictly vertically. A lit match is brought to the open valve and, determining the intensity of the flame with the valve, the frames are burned. After heating, the paint is cleaned mechanically using a spatula.

The next stage of preparation is processing with coarse sandpaper. If cracks and chips are visible on the frame, putty is applied and sanded again.

If you have to remove old paint from several frames, rent a heat gun with a special attachment that allows you to work on double-glazed windows.

If the frames were painted with oil paint, preliminary cleaning of peeled and cracked areas is carried out with a scraper or brush.

Windows that have been painted a long time ago are often damaged by fungus, so before painting the frame, treat them with a special anti-mold agent. The same procedure is carried out on frames previously painted with alkyd varnish.

The right to choose

Criterias of choice

The next question that requires attention is what paint is best to paint wooden frames. Before you paint the frame, answer yourself a few questions:

  1. What type of wood was used to create the frames?
  2. Under what conditions will the frames be used (high humidity, temperature)?
  3. Is it possible to re-process?
  4. Is the new paint compatible with the old coating?

  • Enamel, oil and dispersion adhesive coatings are used to color wood. From personal experience, I recommend looking towards acrylic and polyurethane paints, which are the most modern paint and varnish compositions.
  • Polyurethane coatings Tikkurila, Sirca, Akzo Nobel and Sayerlack have proven themselves excellent in painting the external parts of frames. You can safely use them in the country house, balcony and apartment.
  • If your goal is to update the appearance of window frames or window sills, look for odorless paint, such as alkyd and nitrocellulose enamels. As an alternative, you can consider paints used for finishing walls and ceilings: zinc white, oil paints MA-15 and MA-11, enamels PF-560 and PF-115.

No matter how tempting the idea of ​​painting the frames and window sills in a dark shade may look, refuse it. The thing is that the dark pigment fades, as a result, all your efforts will be invisible in 1-2 years.

  • Before painting a frame that has a coating layer, grout it with putty and primer tinted to match the paint. After drying, the surface is sanded and painting begins.
  • Oil-enamel compositions are applied to the frame, previously painted with two layers of oil paint.

Warm up the enamel a little; this improves its coating characteristics.

Paint rating

If the windows are no longer the same

Your fight against peeling paint may not be successful. In addition, wooden structures often lose their appearance, revealing their age.

Don’t despair, I have instructions for you that will allow you to turn an ordinary wooden frame into a designer element with your own hands. Next we will talk about decorative painting with an aging effect. So you can easily get vintage, shabby chic, country, etc.

Old frames can be made even older, giving them the effect of honorable age. For this, the techniques of craquelure, brushing, staining, gilding with patina, liming and aging are often used.

Who's the oldest here?

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase “old windows”? Scuffs of paint, signs of age, slightly sagging doors. And if the last point is a little non-functional, then the first two can easily be implemented to achieve a vintage style.

To realize the plan we will need two shades of paint. The first bottom layer should be as contrasting and rich as possible. If you purchased light paint, do not rush to go to the chocolate store; take a closer look at colors that not only allow you to get a shade, but also vary its saturation.

The second color should be light; shades of coffee latte, baked milk and ivory are optimal. The main color is applied with a brush after the base has completely dried.

Now you can arm yourself with sandpaper and work until the dark shade appears through the light shade. And now your frames acquire the patina of time and become the protagonist of the interior.

How everything was cracked!

Another way to quickly age is to use craquelure compositions. Here you cannot get by with ordinary acrylic or alkyd paints; you will need a special craquelure varnish, which “breaks” the top layer, forming cracks.

You can use several shades for the base, this will make your cracks multi-colored.

Execution sequence:

  1. Paint for wooden window frames of the base color (the color of the cracks) is applied to the prepared surface and left until completely dry.
  2. Craquelure varnish is applied over the paint.
  3. After it dries, you can apply the main color and admire the scattering of cracks.

Brushing technology

Brushing is a mechanical method, so feel free to arm yourself with chisels, sandpapers, metal brushes and drills.

The main goal of the method is to remove the soft top layer of wood, this allows it to be successfully combined with other aging methods. If this is your first time taking up the procedure, try your hand at hardwood, it could be oak, walnut, ash, larch. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the window frame into a sieve.

The brushing technique is not suitable for beech, maple, pear, teak, and cherry.

What is the best way to consolidate the result? Of course, stain and varnish, for example, Syntilor Vernis BSC Brilliant or Tikkurila Unica Super.

You killed me

Staining is an additional method that is more often used with craquelure and brushing. Some of the stain is washed off the surface with a damp sponge, while the edges, bends and cracks take on a darker shade, which is secured with antique wax and varnish.

If you were unable to get the desired result from the first treatment, work on the cracks with a thin brush with an aqueous solution of stain.

Old, very old

Olding is notable for the fact that it allows you to achieve various effects, here you have sunburn, swamp moss, fading, and even salinity. Almost all chemicals are designed for hard wood. The result is fixed with varnish.

Summing up

Now you know how to clean wooden windows from old paint, why to prepare and how to paint the frames correctly, all I have to do is offer you a video in this article and invite you to a discussion on the topic “Wooden windows: to be or not to be.”

Windows are the “eyes” of a house. Now most buildings seem to be impersonal due to the fact that standard PVC double-glazed windows are used everywhere. However, there are those who, despite the fashion and practicality of modern technologies, still prefer wooden construction, because its environmental and aesthetic advantages are undeniable.

In order for wooden frames to last longer, it is necessary to reliably protect them from the influence of sunlight and dampness, as well as various insects and their larvae. Painting a wooden window is designed to accomplish all these tasks. In addition, such treatment will preserve the appearance for a long time, however, provided that it was carried out correctly and in a timely manner. We will tell you how to paint and protect new wooden windows, as well as restore old ones if possible.

What tools are needed?

The simplest set is required when painting a new window. For the old design, the list expands noticeably. As for the tools, prepare in advance a spatula, a scraper, a drill with a special attachment or a grinding machine, a roller and brushes, sandpaper (fine and coarse), a metal sieve, a container for paint, a stable chair, a stool or a stepladder, and rags, and newspapers.

Next on the list are consumables. Strictly speaking, this is what to paint wooden windows and treat them before: putty, primer, paint, solvent, white spirit. Do not neglect protective equipment such as a mask, goggles, respirator, hat and gloves.

What paint to choose for windows?

Even a professional will not be able to definitively answer the question of which paint to choose for painting windows. The preferences of each owner of a wooden structure are different. Some are for traditions and white color, others are for the naturalness and natural structure of wood. The modern construction market offers a very wide choice:

  • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic (water-dispersed) paint;
  • clear nail polish;
  • Oil paint;
  • primers and drying oil;
  • solvent-based stain.

If preference is given to the natural color of wood, then experts recommend using special varnishes, glazes and impregnations for coloring and protection. They perfectly penetrate the wood, form a water-repellent layer and prevent the penetration of rot and mold, and also protect against pests.

For interior work, it is preferable to use acrylic paint, which is practically odorless and dries quickly (literally in a couple of hours). It is best to treat the structure from the outside. But the question of what paint is best to paint wooden windows, imported or domestic, is a purely personal matter for each owner, his preferences and financial capabilities.

Step 1: removing old paint from the window frame

If they are made of new wood, then painting them is not particularly difficult. The situation is much more serious with old windows, which have already been painted several times. Before carrying out a new treatment, they should be carefully prepared. It is best to remove peeling paint completely. Moreover, the better this is done, the more attractive the end result will be.

Old paint from windows can be removed using special compounds that soften the layers, gradually turning them into a curdled mass that can be easily removed with a scraper or spatula. However, it should be remembered that such products are quite toxic, and therefore when working with it you should use gloves, goggles and a respirator.

When treating old windows, you can use a construction hair dryer, which will soften the old paint using hot air. Then it will be easy to remove it with a scraper. Remove the old coating in stages, warming only small areas. Before the procedure, it is advisable to remove the glass from the frames.

If the coating is not very worn out under the influence of atmospheric factors, you can get by with minor preparatory measures and not remove it completely. However, before painting wooden windows using the old paint, in any case they should be thoroughly sanded and then cleaned of dust, and uneven areas should be treated with putty.

Step 2: Seal Gaps and Cracks

Wooden products have one significant drawback - cracking when drying. It is quite common to find both small and quite deep cracks on window frames. Therefore, before painting, be sure to inspect the structure, including the joints of the window unit and the wall. Cracks are places where dirt and moisture accumulate. Thoroughly clean them of accumulated dust using a brush or vacuum cleaner, dry them and fill them with a special putty. Once the compound has dried, sand the entire wood surface using coarse sandpaper. Otherwise, after painting, uneven areas on the frame will be very noticeable.

Step 3: Coating the window frame with primer

Before you paint a wooden window frame, you need to prime it. This is done not only in the case of a new structure, but also when stripping the old one down to the wood itself. If this is not done, the paint will not adhere well and within a year you will have to put it in order again. Applying a primer promotes better adhesion of paint to the surface and reduces its consumption. After using it, the wood fibers may rise slightly, so experts advise sanding the window frame again using fine-grained sandpaper. This should always be done in the direction of fiber growth.

The choice of primer depends directly on what kind of paint will be used in the future.

Step 4: Final preparation before painting

The process of preparing wooden windows for painting ends with an inspection of the structure. You should carefully inspect it for traces of resin. This is especially true if the frame is new and/or made of softwood. Resinous secretions should be carefully removed, since the acid present in them will gradually destroy the paint layer. Next, the surface of the wood needs to be degreased. What composition should be used for these purposes depends on whether it should be compatible with it. So, since ancient times, turpentine has been used in combination with oil paint. Its residues on the surface did not in any way affect the quality of painting. White spirit or simple kerosene and gasoline are popular.

Step 5: Protect the glass surface of the window

As practice shows, even the most experienced craftsmen easily touch structures with a brush. Therefore, it will be better if you protect it with special masking tape. The process will not take much time, but painting a wooden window will be much faster, and the coating will be streak-free, smooth and neat.

Keep in mind that glass should be removed from the surface before the paint on the window frame dries. Otherwise, there is a risk of tearing off part of the paintwork along with it.

Step 6: Paint and Brushes

Whatever composition you choose to paint a wooden window, you should first mix it well right in the jar. Then the paint must be filtered through a metal sieve into a special tray or other container. This step will save you from lumps that may later fall on the surface to be painted.

Do not dip the brush completely into the paint; it is best to do it halfway. The excess should remain in the tray or jar. To do this, carefully move the brush along the edge of the container. A large amount of paint is completely useless, as you only contribute to the formation of smudges.

Prepare several types of brushes in advance. For the most difficult to reach places, smaller ones are suitable, for a flat surface - large ones or a roller. A flat brush is much preferable to a round one.

Step 7: Applying Paint to the Surface

So, having learned how to prepare the surface before painting wooden windows outside and inside and having completed this stage, you can safely begin the main work.

It is best to paint a window from the inside out. You should open the frame and initially treat the internal surfaces, primarily the horizontal ones. Next, move from bottom to top. If there are shaped elements on the frame, it is better to start with them using a narrow brush. For smooth surfaces, use a roller, as with its help the paint goes on much more evenly. Apply it in several layers (2-3). Do not try to cover all dents, gaps and cracks with one stroke. A thick layer of paint will certainly begin to spread, sagging will appear and, in general, the work may be ruined.

Apply a thin first coat and let it dry. The waiting time depends on the weather and air humidity. When the surface is ready, apply a second coat of paint. As a rule, this is enough. In the case of old windows, a third layer may be necessary, since dry wood absorbs paint strongly.

What weather is best to paint windows?

The question of what weather is best to paint windows is far from idle, as it might seem at first glance. Experts always pay attention to this aspect. They advise carrying out work on a cloudy spring day, when it is already warm, but there is still little moisture in the air, and ultraviolet radiation does not have a destructive effect on the paint. Window frames dry best at temperatures above +5°C and humidity no more than 80%. Avoid rainy weather. Drops of water on the surface on which the paint is applied lead to further “bubbling” of the coating. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance, but also contributes to rapid destruction. In addition, when painting a wooden window, the coating may peel off due to dampness, poor primer or poor-quality preliminary cleaning of the surface.

Due to the fact that most of the population of our country uses wooden windows in their homes, the problem of painting them remains relevant to this day. Every year we are faced with a dilemma: how to properly paint a wooden window.

Indeed, from time to time a window needs painting; this is due not only to aesthetic factors, but also to practical ones. A painted window lasts longer and is not exposed to environmental influences such as rotting, staining and decay.

Correctly performed staining allows you to reduce the frequency of processing. From the street, the window frame is exposed to sun, rain, dust and temperature changes. To prevent damage to wood, painting must be carried out according to the rules.

What tools and materials are used

To paint and repair a wooden frame you will need the following tools:

  • scraper or sandpaper;
  • Grinder;
  • brushes and roller;
  • putty knife;
  • masking tape;
  • plastic film or paper;
  • rags;
  • paint container;
  • primer mixture and putty;
  • White Spirit;
  • solvent for thinning paint and washing tools;
  • ladder or stool;
  • carpentry tools: hammer, chisels, screwdriver, nails;
  • protective equipment: mask, gloves.

Important! Outdoor acrylic paint is used to paint the outer frame, and an oil-based alkyd compound is used inside.

How to paint windows?

To properly paint the surface of a wooden frame, you must adhere to the basic rules.

Painting algorithm:

Stage No. 1. Preparatory work

Preparatory work in this matter is a must. Firstly, painting is carried out under suitable weather conditions. The scorching sun, excessively high air temperatures, as well as cold and rainy days can affect the quality of coloring. This is due to the fact that the above factors can destroy the structure of the paint, as a result it will peel and flake. Bubbles and peeling may appear.

Preparing frames for painting begins with removing the old layer. A scraper and sandpaper are used for this. If the paint is difficult to remove, then it is more advisable to use a grinding machine or a suitable attachment for a drill.

Important! Cleaning must be done carefully so as not to damage the frame itself.

The fittings are removed during painting. In addition, during the process, it is better to remove the window from its hinges and disassemble it. This will allow you to paint the entire surface correctly, and the window will look aesthetically pleasing.

Advice! Nowadays you can buy a special paint remover at any hardware store. Its use will significantly reduce the time for repairing and painting the frame.

In cases where it is impossible to remove the fittings, it is recommended to use construction tape to seal the locks and wrap the handles.

To prevent the surface of the glass from becoming stained with paint, it is sealed with tape and paper. In this case, you should retreat 1-2 mm from the edge - this is done in order to fill the joint between the wood and glass with paint. If you are an experienced painter, then you can only use masking tape, which is applied around the perimeter of the sashes.

Stage No. 2. Window repair

If the window frame has any defects, they must be eliminated. In addition, it is worth checking the serviceability of the mechanisms of handles, hinges and bolts. The glazing beads that secure the glass are replaced with new ones every time they are painted. Moreover, they are painted separately and ready-made attached to the main frame.

If there are areas on the frame that have been damaged by mold, rot or mechanical damage, they will need to be repaired or replaced.

Stage No. 3. Frame putty

After an analysis of the condition of the frame and its repair, it is necessary to prime and putty. An antiseptic composition is also applied to the surface. This treatment prevents rotting and the development of fungus and insects.

Important! The putty layer should be thin, as a thick coating tends to peel off.

For wooden frames, a special wood putty is used; as a rule, it has an acrylic base. If you decide to varnish the windows after pre-treating them with stain, then you should add a color to the putty that matches the color of the stain. This is done so that the putty does not show through the transparent layer of varnish.

Advice! You can prepare the putty yourself at home. To do this, prepare a mixture of wood flour, PVA glue or epoxy resin.

After the first layer has dried, we process it with fine sandpaper, brush off the dust and again examine the frame for defects. If any are found, then apply a second layer of putty. Thus, we must obtain an ideal surface.

Stage No. 4. Surface primer

This process is mandatory, since the film formed during the processing process protects the wood from external influences and improves adhesion to the paint. Depending on the type of wood and paint, you need to choose the right type of primer. On the shelves of modern construction stores there is a wide range to suit every taste and budget.

Important! Use the primer only for wood; the mixture is not suitable for metal products.

Before applying the primer, the surface is treated with an antiseptic. Priming is done using a brush.

Stage No. 5. Coloring

For painting, it is preferable to choose oil- or acrylic-based paint.

Before painting, the paint is thoroughly mixed in a factory can, and then poured into a special tray. For better results, the paint can be strained through a sieve.

We apply the first layer with diluted paint, since its task is to fill all microcracks. To do this we use a solvent.

The second layer is applied after the frame has completely dried. It is applied with a brush or roller with undiluted paint. If you are satisfied with the quality of coloring, then you can limit yourself to two layers. If there are defects or gaps, the final layer is applied.

Usually several brushes of different sizes are used, this is necessary in order to paint all areas of the window, including hard-to-reach ones.

Stage No. 6. Final work

Newspapers, tape or paper that protected the glass must be removed before the paint dries completely, preferably immediately after finishing the work. This is done so that when dismantling them the main fabric is not damaged. Dried paint may chip and will have to be painted again.

After the paint has completely dried, you need to screw on the fittings and hang the doors on the hinges.

Paints dry differently depending on the type, composition and manufacturer. Typically, the duration of this process is approximately one day. It is important to remember that all final work must be done after the paint has completely dried.

In addition, experienced painters recommend wiping a freshly painted window with a sponge soaked in soft water. Soft water is easy to prepare. Add vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid to a bowl of warm water. To understand what kind of solution you should get, put your hand in the water - the water will become softer. Proportions: 1 bucket of water, 2 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp. citric acid or juice of 1 lemon. This treatment is necessary so that the freshly dried paint does not stick and acquires a glossy finish.

Simply following the rules will give you the desired effect. Happy renovation!

October 17, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Old window frames made of wood or plastic very rarely look attractive. And almost the only way to effectively restore the appearance of a product is to paint it.

Of course, wooden structures need to be painted regularly, but a metal-plastic window can also be restored using special paints - so this article will also be interesting for owners of PVC products.

What do we need to work?

What paints should I use?

For owners of standard wooden windows, painting frames is a routine procedure that is carried out every two to three years. At the same time, a variety of paints are used to process wood - from traditional oil paints to modern acrylic ones:

  1. Oil-based ones do not provide deep penetration into the wood structure, therefore they do not hold in the best way. But at the same time they are easy to clean. Actually, the tradition of repainting frames every couple of years was due precisely to the massive use of oil paints of dubious quality: they still did not last longer. The advantages of oil would include good coverage and good protection of wood from moisture, but otherwise there are much better options.

  1. Alkyd enamels are polymer-based compositions containing a large number of active components (solvents, resins, etc.). When applied, they clean the wood well from moisture and other external influences (4-5 years with a guarantee), form a smooth film, and perfectly mask stains on the wood. But how does such enamel stink when applied! This option is suitable for external use, but for internal use it is better to take something else.

  1. Acrylic paints are a universal option that is compatible with most surfaces to be treated. Easy to apply, dries quickly, smells moderate. The disadvantages I would consider is not the best coverage, especially for light shades: in order to mask a pronounced texture, knots or other contrasting elements, you will have to apply several layers. The rest is what you need!

  1. Acrylic composition for processing plastic is an option that you need to keep in mind if you are looking for something to paint plastic windows with. It is distinguished by increased adhesion to smooth polymer surfaces due to the high polyurethane content (most often) and acquires increased resistance to abrasion and peeling from the base.

Of course, this is not a complete list of possible options, but most often you have to choose from these paints. So, to finish the outside of the window, I would recommend taking alkyd enamel, and painting the inside with acrylic paint (either universal or specialized for plastic).

What should I paint with?

If you plan to do all the work yourself, then you will need a set of tools - plus some consumables. I usually use the items from this list:

  • construction to remove remnants of old pigment;
  • set of spatulas;
  • gun for applying sealant;
  • brushes of different shapes and sizes (preferably with natural bristles);
  • spray gun for applying paint in a thin layer;
  • sandpaper;
  • painting knife.

To perform painting work at height, it is worth taking care of a sufficiently comfortable and reliable support. And if inside the apartment you can get by with a table or stool, then painting the outside will require the use of trestles, scaffolding or stepladders.

When painting windows, you may also need some consumables. I would include the following items in the minimum painter's kit:

  • primer (the type of primer must match the type of paint used);
  • remover for old paint;
  • wood putty;
  • masking tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • sealant for plastic or wood.

Of course, there may be a need for other little things, but I will mention them when describing in detail the process of finishing window frames.

Option 1. Painting a wooden window

Preparation for finishing

So, the first option that I will consider in this article is painting a wooden window. It is easier to work with a new design than a used one, so here I will describe in detail how old windows are painted. With new ones, everything is the same, but you don’t have to clean the product from paint.

So, the algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Ideally, we remove the window from the window frame by dismantling the fasteners. In practice, this is done only for very light structures, while for others they only remove the sashes from their hinges. By the way, the hinges should also be dismantled - we’ll wash them off the paint and install them on a newly painted surface.

If you don’t want to remove it, at least unscrew the frames to access the space between the glasses.

  1. The next point is glass. Again, it is best to remove them from the frames (we will wash them on all sides at the same time), but this is not necessary. Below I'll tell you how to paint a window without staining the glass, so you can skip this step.
  2. Now you need to prepare all the wooden parts for processing. And here I am already adamant: the old paint must be removed! If this is not done, then the new decorative layer will look extremely sloppy, and its strength will leave much to be desired.

  1. To remove old paint, I usually use a spatula - the flaking material is simply scraped off with moderate effort.
  2. If the paint holds tightly, then before removing it you should warm it up with a hairdryer: the temperature effect softens the polymer. The film and promotes its detachment from the wood base.
  3. If a hairdryer doesn’t help, you have to spend money. I apply a liquid or gel remover to the painted area (gel is better - it evaporates more slowly), cover the wood with polyethylene and wait as long as the instructions require. After this, I remove the half-dissolved film with a spatula.

  1. After cleaning, I sand all areas with coarse sandpaper. I wipe the sanded frame with a damp cloth to remove wood dust.
  2. Then, using wood putty, I level all surfaces of the frame. I apply the composition using a spatula, filling all cracks and potholes and thoroughly smoothing the surface. After the putty has polymerized, I sand the surface with fine sandpaper.

  1. After completing the putty, I treat the frame with a wood primer with antiseptic components. By the way, if the putty does not adhere well to the wood, you can apply a primer before leveling: this will significantly increase the quality of the treatment.

Immediately before painting, you should think about protection from drops and drips. I usually work with a brush, so I just need to seal the glass around the perimeter with masking tape. But if you use a spray gun, then in order to avoid serious contamination, you need to seal the entire plane of the glass, and also cover the surface around the window with at least old newspapers.

Painting works

Painting technology does not contain any special secrets. We proceed as when finishing any wooden surface:

  1. First, prepare the paint: open the container, mix thoroughly, and, if necessary, tint until the desired shade is obtained. If during the mixing process an insoluble precipitate or films formed when the paint dries on the surface are discovered, filter the composition through a special filter or nylon stocking.

To remove sediment, you should only strain paint that you purchased a long time ago. If there are clots in a jar we just purchased, we return it to the store and demand that it be replaced with a high-quality composition.

  1. Then we pour a small amount of paint into a separate container and dilute it to a more liquid consistency (about 25%). This will allow the acrylic copolymers to penetrate deeper into the wood structure, which means the paint will adhere more firmly to the base.
  2. Using a brush or spray gun, apply the first layer. We try to distribute the paint evenly, without leaving unpainted areas, but also without allowing drips.

  1. After the first layer has completely dried, apply the next one - and so on until the desired effect is achieved. When working with acrylic paints, I am content with two layers for dark shades, and three or four for light ones.
  2. It is worth painting the outside of window frames either with a composition for interior work, but with a large number of layers, or with a more durable paint. So, I mentioned alkyd enamels - they would be quite appropriate here, because when working outdoors the unpleasant odor is not so annoying.

When all the paint is completely dry, we put the window back together, install the hinges and hang the sashes. If the glass was removed from the frames during dismantling, we install them in place, sealing the installation location with sealant, and fix them with glazing beads. The glazing beads, of course, also need to be painted.

Option 2. Painting a plastic window

Preparatory work

The question of whether it is possible to paint plastic windows is still considered controversial. In principle, PVC products are not intended for re-painting, but they, despite all the properties of the material, lose their attractiveness over time.

The profile turns yellow, its surface loses its shine, stains, stains, scratches appear on it... in general, “something needs to be done”!

From my point of view, the question of whether it is possible to paint PVC windows can be answered positively with some reservations:

  • firstly, as a result we still won’t get a perfectly smooth surface, so painting is quite a compromise solution;
  • secondly, the quality of the finish directly depends on the materials used and the quality of surface preparation.

I will focus on preparing the window for painting in as much detail as possible:

  1. At the first stage, we remove the sashes from their hinges and remove all removable elements from the window - linings, handles, additional fittings, etc.
  2. We clean the frame and sash profile from dirt by wiping it with a damp sponge.
  3. Carefully degrease plastic surfaces that will be painted. When degreasing, we pay close attention to the choice of solvent: it is very important that it does not react with PVC.

  1. We wipe the degreased structure dry, and then treat the surfaces with fine sandpaper. We need to make the plastic matte without scratching it.
  2. After sanding, wipe all surfaces dry again, simultaneously removing plastic dust. I would degrease again - this step definitely won’t be superfluous.
  3. Immediately before painting, we protect the fittings and seals from pigment by sealing them with masking tape or covering them with plastic film.

If you use a spray gun, then you need to close not only the double-glazed window, but in general everything except the surfaces to be painted.

Application of primer and paint composition

When restoring the appearance of plastic windows, I am guided by the following scheme: prime with a brush, paint with a spray. This approach allows you to achieve maximum quality of the coating, while primer for plastic can be applied with a brush, saving time and effort on fussing with a spray gun.

We work like this:

  1. First, apply one or two layers of primer to all surfaces. Between approaches we take a pause necessary for the soil to polymerize.
  2. After the primer has dried, we move on to painting. We apply the pigment using a spray gun, spraying the first layer to form the base coat.
  3. When the first layer of paint has dried, repeat the procedure. At the same time, we need to form a perfectly homogeneous surface, while simultaneously correcting all the shortcomings of the first layer.
  4. The number of layers is determined by the hiding power of the paint. Sometimes a light base appears under the dark pigment, so before painting plastic windows brown, it is worth checking how the paint will behave.

We protect painted structures from wind, precipitation and mechanical influences during the entire period of paint polymerization. You should be especially careful about dust and microscopic hairs: they stick to fresh paint and can greatly spoil the appearance of the window.

Aluminum windows are painted using approximately the same scheme, only the paint, of course, is taken accordingly. Ideally, aluminum pigments are used to decorate an aluminum profile, but, alas, they can only be applied in special chambers...

A few words about slopes and platbands

Above, I spoke only about painting the frames and sashes, but the window also includes other elements - these are slopes, window sills with ebbs, and platbands, and in some cases, a protective grille that prevents unauthorized entry.

When painting a window, you should also pay attention to these details:

  1. Window sills are usually treated together with the window itself. A wooden product is cleaned of old paint and coated with acrylic, a plastic product is sanded, degreased and painted with a spray gun. High-quality window sill boards made of artificial or natural stone are polished and sealed with a special varnish that protects them from moisture and scratches.

  1. It’s easier not to paint the drainage strips, but to replace them: they are inexpensive, and a special coating applied at the factory better protects the metal base from corrosion. If you don’t want to change it, just apply a layer of metal paint with an anti-corrosion effect to the surface.
  2. When choosing what to paint street slopes with, you should choose a vapor-permeable composition. Then the moisture will not be “locked” inside the assembly seam, which will ensure that natural ventilation is maintained at the proper level.

  1. An indoor slope made of either plaster or plasterboard can be painted with any interior paint. Plastic slopes are not painted at all, and if they lose their attractiveness, they simply replace the panels with new ones.
  2. It is best to treat the grating with anti-corrosion compounds for metal. At the same time, I am a supporter of using black paint rather than metallic paints - this way the grille does not glare and is less noticeable when viewed from the inside.
  3. Finally, wooden platbands are either painted with a composition for exterior use or treated with a special impregnation for wood. In the second case, the texture of the natural material is preserved, but the parts receive protection from moisture, rot and woodworms.

Safety precautions

When treating old windows or preparing new joinery for installation, you must not forget about your own health. In principle, painting work is not particularly dangerous, but remembering about labor protection (even if there is no inspector over your soul) is necessary:

  1. All work on the outside of the building, carried out on the second floor and beyond, is classified as high-rise. This means that only a specialist with the appropriate approval can paint the outer part of the frames. It’s clear that almost everyone ignores this rule, but at least don’t forget about insurance! The mounting belt fastened to the battery does not interfere with your work - but it can save your life!

  1. When carrying out painting work indoors, it is necessary to ensure effective ventilation. Yes, most modern interior paints are not so toxic, but there are also solvents, removers, and polymer putties. In general, you can inhale to the point of dizziness and nausea in a few minutes, because ventilation is everything to us!
  2. Don't forget about personal protective equipment. For the respiratory system - a respirator (when working with toxic paints, we take not the “Petal” but a full-function model with replaceable filters), for the eyes - goggles, for the hands - gloves. It is best to work in special overalls, but if you don’t have one, we wear clothes made of thick fabric with long legs and sleeves.

  1. Well, and a cap or scarf on your head - otherwise the amount of hair on non-freshly painted surfaces will increase, but on the head it will decrease.


Painting plastic windows, and even more so restoring wooden windows, are procedures that are quite possible to implement on your own. It is important to remember here that the final result directly depends on the quality of surface preparation and adherence to technology, so before starting work you should carefully study the recommendations, diagrams and videos in this article.

In addition, in the comments to the article and on the forum, you can ask any questions regarding the topic of painting windows - my colleagues and I will definitely help you.