home · On a note · Design of a children's room in lilac tones. Lilac children's wallpaper. Color and hobbies of the child

Design of a children's room in lilac tones. Lilac children's wallpaper. Color and hobbies of the child

Did you know that the purple children's room falls under main trend 2018?

The Pantone Color Institute named ultra purple the main thing in the coming year. “Dramatically provocative”, “thoughtful”, “mysterious”, “awakening the spirit of invention and imagination that can challenge the status quo” - these are the epithets that Pantone representatives described this color.

And bye fashion magazines offer their readers clothes, shoes and accessories in purple, we will see how it is implemented in interiors, including children's.


Formed as a result of mixing blue and red, the violet color acquired contradictory properties, thanks to which it has some kind of magical attraction.

A deep, mysterious, magical, noble color attracts the eye and helps to look into the future with more confidence. Artistic and domineering, he looks expensive and respectable, and in his pastel shades captivates with tenderness and romance.

The color purple is associated with wisdom and spirituality, which makes it especially relevant for bedroom interiors, including a child's room. The purple nursery will become the place where you want to return, where you want to dream and reflect.

What doctors and psychologists say about the color purple:

  • this color improves hormonal levels, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being and behavior of the child;
  • it stimulates the production of endorphin - the “happiness hormone”, as well as melatonin - the sleep hormone that ensures stability nervous system and biological rhythms, makes it easier to fall asleep, improves the depth of sleep;
  • this color has a positive effect on memory, stimulates imagination, accelerates development creative thinking, making it ideal for the creative child.


Purple fits into most classic and modern trends design, including the following styles:

  • classic;
  • shabby chic;
  • provence();
  • Scandinavian style ();
  • pop Art ;
  • Art Deco ;
  • high tech ;
  • minimalism();
  • loft

Examples of classic and traditional children's rooms in shabby chic and Provence styles are presented in the photo:

Here are examples of children's rooms in modern styles from Scandinavian to loft:

Also in interior design, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in creating themed children's rooms. “Thematic” means not determined by the canons of a certain style, but simply devoted to one narrow topic.

For example, for girls the most relevant topics are:

  • princesses;
  • fairy tales;
  • fairies;
  • ballerinas;
  • cartoons, including Disney and anime;
  • hello kitty
  • butterflies;
  • flowers, etc.

Fashionable themes for boys:

  • space;
  • superheroes;
  • urban themes;
  • rock music, etc.

Themed nurseries with purple accents are presented in our photo selection:


As with any active color, you need to work with purple carefully. Indeed, in excessive quantities it causes fatigue, melancholy and a passive state, and also reduces the productivity of studying exact disciplines (mathematics, physics, etc.).

What factors should also be taken into account when designing a children's room in purple tones:


Dark colors make the room visually smaller. Therefore, in a small room it is advisable to use light purple shades. And for spacious rooms there are no restrictions - dark colors make them feel intimate and compress them a little, which turns “ football stadium"into a cozy space.


Consider the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. So, for a southern child’s room, purple tones with a pronounced bluish undertone are suitable, and for a northern child’s room, with a reddish undertone. Purple comes in a wide range of shades, so you are sure to find the right one:


Rich shades of purple are more suitable for decorating a sleep and relaxation area, as this color has a calming, enveloping effect, which makes you feel sleepy. The study area should be made light, with small color accents possible - a lamp, a stand for stationery, etc.


A children's room for a girl involves the use light shades purple. And in a boy’s nursery, rich purple tones are welcome.


From 3 to 12 years old, children actively develop and learn about the world, and you can add bright, juicy accents– yellow, orange, green, turquoise or red. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of catchy accents, so that the children's room does not burn with all the colors of the rainbow. Bright colors should be introduced in small quantities and be sure to be diluted with neutral tones.

Adolescence is a time when a child challenges the environment and himself accepts the challenges of the outside world. And this is expressed in daring, creative, non-trivial design solutions. So dark, rich colors and their bold combinations are welcome in a teenager’s room.

For example, in teenage rooms, provocative combinations of purple with black, gold and silver are used. A bright accent wall, a photo print depicting a night city on the cabinet facades, or futuristic-looking lamps, furniture of unusual shapes: all this creates a life-affirming atmosphere of struggle and victory over life’s contradictions.


Saturated shades of purple are suitable for active children - the kind of “live” who cannot sit still. Deep purple color will restrain excessive bursts of energy and manifestations of emotions.

But for phlegmatic and melancholic people, lighter and more delicate colors are recommended. The gloomy purple color will drive such a child even more into his little world. On the contrary, he needs to be encouraged to communicate with outside world, taking initiative and making decisions, so it is better to choose a muted shade of purple combined with cheerful and cheerful accents of other colors or introduce purple in limited quantities.


It is advisable to dilute purple neutral color in a ratio of 1:2. White, gray, beige and their shades do an excellent job with this task. Purple also goes well with other active colors. Let's look at proven combinations that are guaranteed to give good results:


Are you afraid of making a mistake? Go for a white and purple nursery - you can't go wrong with this pair of colors. Just remember that there should be more white, especially if the room is small.

White and purple create a calm, serene atmosphere. On a pure white background, violet reveals all its aristocratic nobility, depth and richness.


A good alternative to white is grey. This solution is especially relevant for boys’ rooms. For children's boys up to 12 years old are recommended bright hues gray, and in the room of an older guy, dark gray tones are allowed. Gray and purple give a feeling of calm, confidence in the future and in one’s masculinity.


Beige also comes to the aid of those who do not like the “sick leave” White color. It creates a soft, visually pleasing contrast with purple, creating a feeling of homely warmth and comfort.


Yellow and purple nursery is one of best solutions for a room located on the north side, and for phlegmatic, calm children who need to be stimulated to physical and mental activity.

Cheerful yellow creates a good-natured, optimistic atmosphere. Thanks to yellow, purple, even in a dark version, will not look gloomy and dreary.


A purple-orange children's room is an unusual and bold decision. Orange carries even more warmth than yellow, so this combination is recommended for northern rooms.

Only red is hotter, and you need to think carefully color scheme so that there is no oversupply warm color. If you are designing the interior yourself, then the safest way is to introduce violet and orange as accents, and make the main background of the decoration neutral (white, light gray, etc.).

A creative, dreamy child who is actively developing in humanitarian areas will appreciate the orange-purple room. Orange will lift his spirits, inspire him and energize him for new successes in his creativity.


Purple goes well with blue and its shades, and the combination with turquoise looks especially good. The cool combination of “purple + turquoise” is suitable for a sunny room located on the south side.


Purple-green and light green-violet combinations are suitable for both boys' and girls' rooms. Green fills the atmosphere with natural freshness and gives purple a more positive sound.


For girls they make pink and purple nurseries, and it is not necessary to choose bright shades of these colors - just limit yourself to their pastel versions, and you will get a gentle, romantic, enchanting atmosphere.

To prevent the interior from turning out too sweet, take a lilac shade as the basis for the design of the walls, and let pink be the accent color.



The walls in the nursery can be plain purple, covered with purple wallpaper with a pattern, neutral or combined. Let's look at all these options:

  • Plain purple walls: in this case, it is advisable to make the floor light, the ceiling white, and also choose furniture in light colors.
  • Purple patterned wallpaper: Any will do pattern (stripe, checkered, other geometric ornament, floral pattern).
  • Neutral walls: Purple furniture will look luxurious against white, light gray or beige walls.
  • Combined walls: for example, in the desktop area, cover part of the wall with white or beige wallpaper, rich purple wallpaper is suitable for the sleeping and relaxation area, and wallpaper in light lilac tones is suitable for the gaming corner.
  • Accent wall: Can be plain or decorated with a pattern, vinyl stickers, decorative stickers, etc.


The purple ceiling looks very unusual and creative. You can also order a two-color ceiling, a small part of which is made in purple and has unusual shape(flower, heart, butterfly, etc.).


Those who are interested in purchasing bright purple furniture for their children’s room should make the overall background of the decoration neutral. The bed is selected depending on the chosen style or theme of the interior; it can have laconic minimalist shapes or an elegant figured headboard.

Here are some purple baby beds, both solid and mixed colors.

Star modern interior could be a cabinet with glossy purple fronts. If the purple tone is present in the decoration of the main surfaces, then choose a cabinet with neutral facades - matte, glossy or mirrored.


The easiest and least expensive way is to neutralize the main surfaces and introduce purple color in the form of textile elements.

3-4 elements are enough, and these could be:

  • soft pouf bag;
  • cover;
  • decorative pillows;
  • headboard;
  • upholstery of a chair or armchair;
  • chair cover;
  • carpet;
  • canopy;
  • curtains.

Rich purple curtains are suitable for the southern children's room, and translucent lilac curtains for the northern one.


If you go the accent route, then complement the textiles with purple decor, for example:

  • a vase made of colored violet glass;
  • colored wall shelves;
  • purple photo frames and mirrors;
  • a lamp with a purple lampshade;
  • painting in lilac and lavender tones.

In classic and glamorous interiors, the combination of violet and golden decor looks great. For example, choose lamps with golden legs, gilded candlesticks or boxes.



Instead of a canopy in a girl’s room, you can hang these pendants, which will serve a decorative function and delimit the space. As you can see from the photo, the area of ​​this room is small, and it is very important that the sleeping area and the table with the laptop are separated from each other.


IN in this example a small part of the ceiling above the bed is decorated with letters spelling out the name of the owner of the room - it looks nice and, moreover, personalizes the room.


If you take a closer look at this photo, you can see what the furniture set The walls are covered with graffiti-style drawings. This immediately demonstrates the youthful character of the room and, moreover, due to the neutral set, it does not look too intrusive.


They will fill the room with freshness. The main thing is to carefully study the information about the flowers that you want to put in your child’s room. After all, each flower has its own effect on the human psyche, and it is important that the plant you choose has a beneficial effect on the child.


Polka dots will fit into any children's interior, traditional or modern. Peas can be small or large, present in the design of curtains, bed linen, decorative pillows, as well as in the upholstery of chairs and the design of other textile and decorative elements.


In this set of textiles, polka dots are combined with unusual animal motifs. It is surprising that purple is a color that is not very common in nature, except for flowers with petals in lilac tones, forms a fairly harmonious and visually pleasing combination with the theme of wild nature.


No more boring rectangular rugs! Here is a carpet in the shape of a flower, which continues the theme of floral designs in the interior of this children's room.


The photo shows a teenage girl’s room with art deco elements. Round bed immediately attracts attention. And the drawing on the wall finally dispels doubts - a creative, artistic person lives here.


How kids want to draw on the walls! This expresses their desire for self-realization, the desire to be noticed and heard. To prevent this from being a crime, purchase a chalk board or cover part of the wall with chalk wallpaper.


Just hanging a mirror is boring. In this photo we see a whole artistic composition, of which that same mirror is a part. Here it is no longer perceived as an ordinary object.


The child will be pleased to place his favorite books, toys and souvenirs in special niches equipped with lighting. Perhaps your child's trophies will be there if he plays sports.


Although this room cannot be called small, due to the massive bed there was practically no space left in it. Therefore, transparent plastic objects are included here, which create the impression of free space.


The pattern on a lilac background became the main decorative element in this room. You can paint the wall manually, or create another composition from decorative stickers.


In this nursery, the designer placed beige furniture and installed a shelf of the same color against a purple wall. This allows you to level out some of the gloominess of purple and create a balanced, calm environment.


There are wallpapers that create a truly fabulous, magical mood in the evening and at night. Such a nursery doesn’t even need additional decor. Enchanting walls and a bewitching view of the city at night from the window are enough.


Why is it necessary to insert all photographs, pictures and drawings into the same rectangular frames? Here we see rectangular frames, an oval frame, and a heart-shaped frame - different geometric shapes attract the eye to this ensemble of drawings.


How to decorate a room for two girls with different personalities? Here is an example of contrasting design of sleeping areas. One is white, the other is black, and both are tied together with purple and pink accents.


Before us is a children's room with play area, where there is a table for creative activities with unusual chairs. Moreover, the theme of bears is duplicated on the carpet and in the wall decor.


The possibilities of photo printing allow you not only to apply any thematic image to the cabinet, such as a landscape of a city at night. You can also transfer a real photograph from your family history into the design of your closet - the best way It's hard to personalize a room.


This nursery has unusual wardrobe, the design of the facades of which combines both mirror and matte surfaces. It looks very unusual, and, besides, mirror surfaces create an illusion visual expansion space.


And here is another closet, which is decorated with paintings with floral motifs and plays one of the main roles in the interior of this nursery. The theme of vegetation is continued in the design of the sleeping area and work area.

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, Colors in the interior

The lilac color has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, evokes joyful emotions, improves mood and tones. And more muted shades of this tone calm and remove excessive emotionality, and are therefore recommended for the sleeping area and bedding.

There is a misconception that lilac color is suitable only for girls, as it contains pink shades, however, if you combine correctly color scheme, for example, with green or blue tones, the interior will turn out to be more brutal, which is perfect for both boys and girls. teenage boys.

Lilac color can be used both to decorate the general background of a children's room and for color accents in the room. The children's interior will be sophisticated and refined if you use lilac in combination with white and light beige tones. If you want stronger colors and contrasts, try combining lilac and blue, pink and yellow. Such a bright color palette would be appropriate for a small child.

Bright lilac perfectly enlivens even the most boring and inconspicuous tones, for example khaki, which is generally difficult to combine with anything. Only lilac can revive it without drowning it out, and lilac, at the same time, becomes less bright and irritable; in general, both colors form a beautiful color palette, this option is suitable for both

This color is quite complex and emotional; it is not often decided to be used in interior design. But childhood best time for experiments. You can create a truly fabulous and magical atmosphere by wisely combining all its shades in your baby’s room.

Advantages of purple tones when decorating children's rooms

Aggressive red and cold blue, merging, neutralize each other. The result is a warm, relaxed and graceful purple color that is great for a child's room. Don't think it's too heavy and gloomy. Having correctly played with a purple nursery, you will see that this color scheme has many advantages, including:

  • versatility- this palette is suitable for both boys and girls. An excellent option if the room is shared by children of different sexes of different ages;
  • abundance of shades - having decided to decorate the nursery in purple tones, you have a large range of colors at your disposal, from soft lavender to rich berry tones;
  • Creation comfortable environment - psychologists believe that all shades of this color are beneficial for the human brain and psyche, providing a mild tonic effect and stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system. And according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it relieves tension well.

Color combinations in a purple nursery

When selecting a palette to be used in the interior, it should be taken into account that for boys, shades of purple are ideal, the undertone of which is closer to blue. And for girls, lighter colors, combined with pink and beige touches, are suitable. It is also important to combine shades correctly, since an excessive concentration of lilac and plum creates a depressing atmosphere and can cause irritation.

The following colors are best suited to complement a nursery in purple tones:

    • beige and white are a winning neutral combination. Light details will make the room wider and more spacious, and all shades of purple will become even deeper and more mysterious;

    • golden - a fabric lampshade, candlesticks or a gold-plated box in a purple nursery will look very impressive. A teenage girl will like this combination;
    • yellow - sunny shades will add positivity and energy to the room. Yellow, orange and lemon accents will dilute some of the coldness of purple, making the interior more emotional;

    • turquoise - if you think that the plum color is too aggressive, dilute it with turquoise details, they will add calm and tranquility to the interior;
    • mint - goes well with light lilac shades when creating a fairy-tale apartment for a little princess;

  • brown - purple goes well with all shades natural wood. Traditionally a win-win combination.

When choosing shades for a nursery in purple tones, adhere to the classic rule of interior design: no more than three leading colors at a time, not counting neutral white. Too much a large number of shades will make the room overly bright and colorful, which will tire the child. It is better to focus on using different textures.

Many parents, when choosing colors for a children's room, do not even think about the fact that certain colors play a huge role in the lives of children. The child is affected not only children's room wall color, But furniture color, even toy color, which he constantly looks at. It depends on what colors will prevail in the children's room. What colors should you choose for decoration? children's room and when choosing toys for a child?

Currently, there is an entire science dedicated to the influence of colors on human health and development - color psychology. So let's talk about how certain colors affect the development of our children.

In the photo: red color for a children's room

Red color – activity. A child whose room has red elements in its design becomes more active. Adding red elements to the design of a children's room is ideal for low-active children and undesirable for hyperactive children. But, it is important to consider that there should not be too much red, because the color red can develop cruelty in a child. When choosing the color of the walls, keep in mind that the bedroom is bright red.

Children's room in yellow

Yellow color has a beneficial effect on mental capacity child. If you want to raise a smart child who can concentrate, then you need to decorate the children's room in yellow. This color stimulates children's desire to learn and absorb information. In addition, yellow promotes self-confidence and the development of intuition.

In the photo: a children's room in positive yellow tones with the addition of orange

Children's room in orange

Orange is the color of mutual understanding and joy. If you need complete harmony in your relationship with your child, then for the nursery choose Orange color. Orange color also reduces the feeling of loneliness when a child is left alone in the nursery. This color stimulates the appetite, which is very good for children who eat poorly.

Children's room in blue

Blue color calms and reduces activity. Adding blue to a child's room will make the child more calm. This color develops a child’s imagination and desire to learn new things. However, blue must be used in small quantities, otherwise it can cause severe depression.

In the photo: shades of blue color in the children's room

Children's room in blue

Blue is the color of dreams and carelessness. It, like blue, calms, but looking at the blue color, it is impossible to concentrate. Blue color does not contribute to the development of imagination. A child's room that is too blue slows down the child's growth and development.

Children's room in purple

Purple is the color of magic, magic and sensuality. If blue represents only dreams, then purple is a complete escape from reality.
Interestingly, women during pregnancy often begin to prefer the color purple. This happens due to serious changes in their lives. Escaping reality, immersing yourself in dreams, expecting miracles - all this is normal for pregnant women. But be careful, purple is not a recommended color for decorating a child's room. It prevents the abilities of not only a child, but even an adult, from being realized.
In addition, studies have shown that the predominance of purple in a child's room can arouse a child's interest in same-sex relationships in later life.

In the photo: green children's room

Green color helps to dispel a child's negative emotions. IN green children's room the children sleep well. This color has a beneficial effect on children suffering from claustrophobia. However, the predominance of green in a children's room can develop selfishness in a child. Being constantly in an interior that is too green, a child will feel sick for no apparent reason - this refers to the classic green color (with a bluish tint).
When choosing green as a wall color for a child's room, opt for a cheerful yellow-green shade that makes your child want to learn and explore the unknown.

In the photo: a girl’s room in pink

Pink color (a delicate shade of red) develops sensitivity in children and reduces aggressiveness. It calms, improves mood, evokes a feeling of coziness and comfort. Child living in pink children's room, usually friendly, sensitive, calm, rarely, does not accept violence and cruelty. The softer the shade, the more beneficial pink color affects the child. In the interior of a children's room, pink goes well with white.
Too much pink in the interior of a children's room develops frivolity in the child, a desire to be liked no matter what. Such a child often overestimates his strength and cannot fulfill everything he promises.

Blue - for boys, pink - for girls

In the photo: too much one color can be harmful to a child

Some parents consider blue to be the ideal color for boys and pink for girls. However, these colors cannot be categorically separated by gender. Both colors have many shades. Blue color can be successfully used in a girl’s nursery, just as pink can be used in a boy’s nursery. By the way, if a boy grows up too active and aggressive, then the color pink will influence him faster than any persuasion from his parents. But there should not be too much of this color, because any color in excessive quantities has a Negative influence on the development of the child.

What color to choose for a children's room?

On the picture: light walls And bright colors toys in the children's room

When decorating a children's room, it is best to combine different colors. Use different shades of the main color: the brighter and more saturated the color, the stronger its impact on the child. For walls, choose light shades; for furniture and toys, choose rich and bright shades. When choosing, consider how long the child will have to look at this color. Ideal option is to delimit the children's room into zones with certain colors. Then you can be sure that the child will grow up healthy both physically and emotionally.

  • Relax completely.
  • Have a full rest.

It so happens that lilac is one of the most popular colors for decorating children's rooms. Last but not least, this happened thanks to its versatility.

Photo: lilac color is one of the most common colors when decorating children's rooms.

Interesting to know! Unlike pink or blue tones, lilac children's wallpaper is ideal for both boys and girls. In addition, in cases where you have both girls and boys, lilac wallpaper for the nursery will also be the optimal solution.

It should also be borne in mind that this color, as well as its various shades, is great for children of almost any age: from very young children to teenage children.

Photo: when designing a children's room, use different shades of lilac

Various variations of tones and shades help to adapt the lilac color well to children of different characters and temperaments. In any case, a lilac children's room can become a space for a child in which he can:

  • Relax completely.
  • Have a full rest.
  • Get inspired by new ideas for children's creativity.

The lilac color of wallpaper has a positive effect on the accelerated development of boys and girls

Many scientists have proven that this particular color has a positive effect on accelerated mental development babies, and also contributes to more active work child's brain. You can look at the photos attached in this article for examples of interior design for children's rooms in lilac color.