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What cosmetics does Olga Buzova use? How to repeat Olga Buzova’s makeup: step-by-step instructions. Main trends of the season

“Let’s fix our cheekbones! I want to be exactly like Olya!” - spectacular 27-year-old Natalya took out a credit card to pay the cosmetologist. The girl comes to the clinic every month to get Botox injections, lip augmentation, and permanent makeup. She has already spent about 300 thousand rubles on this and does not intend to stop - Natalya works as a simple manager in one not very large company, but if necessary, she is ready to take out a loan for all beauty procedures. All in order to look like her idol - singer, TV presenter and the most popular girl on Russian Instagram Olga Buzova.

Life was told this story at the clinic itself.

If earlier everyone wanted to be like Angelina Jolie, now there is no end to those who want to have lips, cheekbones, hair, and a body like Buzova’s, says Tatyana Ayupova, head physician of Tesla Clinics.

Several more beauty salons that Life surveyed confirm: Olga Buzova’s image is now the most popular among Russian fashionistas. The number of her fans who want to look just like the TV star is growing every day.

Especially for those who want to look like Olga Buzova, experts have calculated how much it will cost to become a star.


According to Tatyana Ayupova, Buzova underwent several plastic surgeries one-time. Namely, correction of the shape of the nose (will cost approximately 350 thousand rubles) and cheekbones (50–70 thousand). Most likely, the TV star has repeatedly undergone injection-contour plastic surgery of her face oval - it costs about 200 thousand rubles.

At the same time, according to experts, Buzova regularly receives Botox injections (15–20 thousand). It maintains the star and the shape of the lips - this costs about 25 thousand rubles every 3-4 months.

And also eyelash extensions - you will have to spend 3-5 thousand rubles on this every month.

≈ 655 thousand rubles


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The most precious thing that Olga Buzova has, and you will have if you want to get closer to her in appearance, will definitely be her teeth.

According to beauty experts, Olga Buzova’s bright snow-white smile did not come from nature. Most likely, she has veneers - plates that replace the outer layer of teeth. I chose the most popular color - A1 (just bright white, without any shades). Approximately, a star’s smile costs more than a million rubles - this includes the work of a dentist, various teeth cleanings, and the making of veneers.

≈ 1.5 million rubles


Perhaps the only thing you can save on. In the case of a manicure, most likely, it is not necessary to run to an expensive salon for VIPs. Judging by the photo, Olga Buzova regularly applies gel polish - it lasts a long time and looks impressive. At the same time, you can maintain the length (Buzova has long, pointed nails).

A good master can also be found in a simple nail salon. Buzova is not keen on nail design with rhinestones, flowers and other details. In a regular salon or with a specialist at home, you can do a simple color coating with gel polish and remove the old one (if there was one) for 1,500 rubles.

≈ 1500 rubles

Evening look

When all the beauty procedures are over, you can safely choose your favorite evening idol look and go out. We chose Buzova's most popular look at various events - a red velvet dress with a shiny line along the silhouette from Russian designer Bella Potemkina. Styling - spectacular curls.

A dress like Olga Buzova’s costs almost 20 thousand rubles. To get the same hairstyle in a good salon will cost about 5 thousand rubles. She does not specify the brand of shoes that Olga wore when going out in this dress - so you can choose any one. Let's add about 3-5 thousand more for evening make-up.

≈ 25 thousand rubles

In total, the image of Olga Buzova (provided that you do not skimp on cheap hair dye and do not inject Botox from dubious masters in the basement)will cost approximately 2.2 million rubles.

We tried to unravel the beauty secrets of the dream girl, TV show host and chief editor of Dom-2 magazine Olga Buzova on the website page. Olga Buzova is recognizable by at least a good half of the Russian population. Success in show business, in addition to personal qualities, is often associated with external beauty and grooming. In one interview, the TV personality admitted that she has special secrets, but there are fundamental principles... No matter how little time there is, Don't forget about face and body care; no matter how tired you are, you can’t go to bed with makeup on your face; no matter how rushed you are in the morning, you need to have time to wash your face with cold water, wipe your face with an ice cube and apply day cream; No matter how little money you have, you shouldn’t waste it on good cosmetics and good salons.

And if more details...

When beauty is your bread and butter, it needs to be well nourished with high-end cosmetics, and that’s for sure.

What are the preferences in cosmetics by Olga Buzova? Observant fans noticed that she prefers special cosmetics for young skin brand L"Occitane on a natural basis, and she bought all the products in this line - day cream, night cream, body cream, hand cream, balm and lip gloss. But for foot care she chooses cream Vivax.

Decorative cosmetics by Olga Buzova

It's clear that she's not one of those girls who carries a full makeup bag in her bag and uses the same products for all occasions. On filming days she takes care of her appearance professional make-up artist- that’s who knows all her secrets! If filming is in the evening, the TV presenter’s skin is given rest during the day. It is known that She doesn't wear makeup at all at home, and, say, to the store, to the gym or for some minor errands, she also goes without makeup.

Apparently, in such cases it is used minimal set of cosmetics by Olga Buzova: hygienic lipstick, lip gloss, powder and hand cream, all from the same favorite brand L "Occitane. And immediately before filming, all the weapons of the fatal beauty are used: foundation, powder and mascara from Guerlain or Dior, M.A.C blush, eye shadow Atelier.

Since show business is a continuous cycle, Olga spends quite a lot of time in makeup. And if you don’t devote the same amount of time to restoring skin balance, will beauty and health last for long? And it’s not just about Olga Buzova’s cosmetics and minimal home care - cleansing, moisturizing and resting.

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Beauty salon - as part of the image

A busy work and life schedule cannot prevent Olga from regularly visiting beauty salon is sacred. A mandatory part of the program is a massage once a week, masks for the face, neck and décolleté - at least twice a month, seaweed wraps once a month. Of course, she also does manicures and pedicures in the salon, only with her own specialists.

The final touch - varnish brand O.P.I., another preference in Olga Buzova’s cosmetics - on her beautiful hands with short nails, bright or dark varnish looks amazing.

TO super-fashionable spa treatments Olga seems to be philosophical: if she has 3 extra hours, she’ll do it, if not, she’ll get by. Although during her frequent trips abroad she does not deny herself this pleasure - apparently, she has more free time outside the capital.

Tell me what your scent is...

Perfume in Olga Buzova’s cosmetics, like any self-respecting girl, it occupies a special place. It is imperceptible that she maintains fanatical loyalty to one brand. On the contrary, she chooses and changes smells easily, according to the “like it or not like it” principle.

The last time her choice fell on, for example, "Acqua di Gioia" by Giorgio Armani is a new scent this year. The longest preference is probably Marc Jacobs, these perfumes have firmly taken their place in Olga Buzova’s cosmetics for the fourth year now.

In general, fashion for her, as we understand, is a subjective concept. It is fashionable to visit a solarium, but she does it extremely rarely. It's fashionable to have eyelash extensions - and she prefers simple false eyelashes and good mascara. It's fashionable to have hair extensions - and she chooses gentle hair care. Plastic surgery is fashionable - well, at some point she may need it, but there is no such need yet! For now, good cosmetics and natural beauty are enough for Olga Buzova. -- Authorship - website Shtuchka.ru— a site for modern girls .

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The makeup artist of the host of “DOM-2” revealed several secrets of perfect makeup. The star approaches the choice of cosmetics very responsibly.

Olga Buzova

The host of the project, Olga Buzova, has an army of millions of fans. Many of them strive to imitate their favorite - they copy the style of clothing, hairstyle and, of course, makeup. Especially for readers of the DOM-2 magazine and the website, Oli’s personal makeup artist Jennis Montano told how to repeat make-up in Buzova’s style.

Jennis Montano:

“Most often, Olga prefers to place a pronounced emphasis on the eyes. At the same time, we must not forget about the even skin tone, which I create with several products, as well as expressive eyebrows.

Any makeup by Olga Buzova is suitable for every day, the main thing is to understand the general style of the image (clothing, accessories, hairstyle). You don’t have to do only black smokey eyes; they can be applied in light colors, with a dark brown pencil and even with colored elements.

In order to perform makeup in the Buzova style, you will need to take the following steps:


We even out the skin tone with foundation and hide imperfections with concealer. We get rid of unnecessary shine with powder and contour the face with blush.


We use a base for the shadows, as well as cream shadows as a base. Apply dry shadows in light and dark tones and line the inner eye with a pencil. We tint our eyelashes with mascara, and use gel eyeliner for our eyebrows.


As a rule, I use lipstick with a matte or satin effect, and outline my lips with a pencil.
Finally, I go over the T-zone with a translucent mattifying powder to remove any unnecessary shine from the skin. Since we work on camera every day, translucent powder is a must-have product in my arsenal.

Main trends of the season

In the current season, colored eyeliner or pencil for the lower eyelid is trending. You can modestly line the lower mucous membrane of the eye, or you can do everything in fashion style: apply it to the skin and mucous membrane and shade the entire edge, along the growth of the lower eyelashes. Do not lengthen everything into an arrow. The result will be grunge street style, a la Kate Moss.

Crazy contouring from Kim Kardashian and eyebrows to the temples is no longer in fashion.
Pay attention to which models are released on the catwalk: none of them have unrealistic darkened spots in the form of cheekbones and the same eyebrows. Learn to focus on one thing, not everything at once."

Continues to talk about how she prepared for MUZ-TV awards. This time the singer talked about makeup from Gohar Avetisyan. Users noticed that Buzova was losing compared to her.

Gohar Avetisyan

Gohar Avetisyan

25-year-old Gohar Avetisyan is the most famous makeup artist in Russia, on her Instagram page there are almost 5 million subscribers. Olga Buzova turned to her to do her makeup for the MUZ-TV award. Subscribers unanimously wrote that it turned out great. Many even claim that they noticed from the broadcast that it was Gohar who painted Buzova, since there was a video of her “handwriting.” Fans agreed that the makeup came out restrained, but still expressive. It was unusual for many to see Buzova without “too much” on her face.

Makeup artist Gohar Avetisyan and Olga Buzova

Gohar radiates goodness, unlike the tense Buzova

However, some fans decided to compare celebrities. For many, it was Gohar who became the winner, despite the fact that Buzova was wearing a princess outfit and high-quality makeup. As subscribers say, they liked the makeup artist because she radiates kindness, unlike the tense singer. In addition, Gohar is a master in his field, and many doubt Buzova’s musical talent even after her victory on MUZ-TV.

Olga Buzova, who is known from the reality show “Dom-2,” released her first solo song “To the Sound of Kisses” in 2016, which was included in the album of the same name and quickly reached the top of the iTunes chart. In addition to the fact that the girl is a TV presenter and singer, she plays in the theater (performances “Honeymoon”, “Black Diamond”, “A Man in Great Demand”, etc.), performs with her DJ sets, and is the chief editor of a magazine about the lives of participants famous TV project on TNT.

An active social life literally obliges Olga to maintain social networks: she keeps in touch with her fans on Instagram, where she already has 12.9 million subscribers, and shares shots from her life.

With girlfriends

It should be noted that Buzova is only getting prettier every year. Many attribute this to the intervention of professional plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

Changes in the volume of her lips are noted: the girl probably had lip contouring done. In addition, the cheekbones have become more expressive, which may be due to fillers.

The girl herself does not comment on rumors about her plastic surgery. She claims that simple secrets help her stay fresh and attractive even after a sleepless night at work: a glass of water with lemon and honey in the morning, proper nutrition, exercise and a moisturizing mask or patches on the way to work.

With mom