home · On a note · Distance from chair to table in the kitchen. Kitchen ergonomics: we cook in a comfortable and safe environment. Bar stool sizes

Distance from chair to table in the kitchen. Kitchen ergonomics: we cook in a comfortable and safe environment. Bar stool sizes

Ergonomics deals with the optimization of workplaces in order to ensure maximum labor efficiency. If we take it more broadly, it is responsible for convenience and comfort. An ergonomic kitchen should allow owners to prepare food minimal costs time without getting physically tired. And, of course, without the risk of injury. We have to take into account cooking technologies and understand the peculiarities of human physiology and psychology. Universal kitchen ergonomics and creating an individual comfortable environment for specific person or the whole family - the topic of our article.

There are generally accepted rules for designing furniture; with their help, you can create an environment in which any person will feel more or less comfortable. But people are different, they lead their lives differently, and have physical characteristics and habits unique to them. A standard solution that is considered convenient will not always be the best for a particular person. When setting up your own kitchen, it’s worth thinking about how you prepare your food. And how this process could be improved and facilitated if the situation were organized differently. Individual ergonomic design is not a luxury, but a way to reduce cooking time, preserve health and create Have a good mood.

An ergonomic kitchen is comfortable, allows you to cook food faster without getting tired

Everything according to the mind: rational kitchen layout

The basis of an ergonomic kitchen - convenient layout and the arrangement of furniture, taking into account the cooking technology. We cook basically like this: take a piece of meat (fish, vegetables) out of the refrigerator, wash (clean), cut (crumb), put in a frying pan (in a pan, on a baking sheet). The path of most products: refrigerator - sink - cutting board- plate. You just need to arrange the kitchen equipment and furniture without confusing their sequence. If in linear kitchen If you put a stove between the refrigerator and the sink, the housewife is forever doomed to unnecessary manipulations, which will certainly cause inconvenience and irritation.

It doesn't matter in what configuration the furniture will be arranged. In one line, L-shaped or P-shape. The main thing is to observe the technologically determined sequence in the arrangement of equipment

As for the size of the zones: the larger the better. A large refrigerator, a sink with two compartments with a “wing”, a food preparation (cutting) area with a length of 90-120 cm and a full-size kitchen stove - perfect solution. Alas, in domestic conditions, the size of the room limits the flight of imagination. The inhabitants of “Khrushchev” apartments have no choice: the refrigerator, provided there is a table, often has to be taken out into the corridor or hallway, because in a kitchen with an area of ​​6 m2 there is simply no room for it.

Functional layout kitchen furniture must comply with cooking technology

Options for arranging furniture and appliances in a standard kitchen with an area of ​​12 m2

When planning a kitchen, it is necessary to take into account recommendations for both height individual elements furniture, and along the width of the aisles

Optimal length of working area

Let's calculate what, in our opinion, a convenient length of the kitchen front should be. It will consist of the following elements:

  • Standard refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 80 cm. A smaller one (60 cm) will not be so convenient. The “trough” will take about 35-40 cm, and the remaining 20-25 cm for the “wing” will be too small. The sink wing is used not only for storing unwashed dishes, but also for preliminary preparation products. You should not place the sink close to the refrigerator; it is advisable to step back at least 10 cm.
  • Product preparation (cutting) area - from 90 cm.
  • Standard size slab - 60 cm.

As a result, we gained 300 cm. This almost corresponds to the capabilities modern apartments or "Brezhnevok" increased comfort, if the furniture is arranged in an L-shape. You can “tighten up” by reducing the width of the cutting area and the distance from the stove to the refrigerator. You can get by with a 50-centimeter stove.

One of possible options distribution of elements of the kitchen working area. For those who cook a lot at home, we recommend making the food preparation area much wider than in the diagram. It’s better to give up a separate zone for additional household appliances, placing a kettle and coffee maker between the sink and the stove. If necessary, the equipment can be rearranged, freeing up space for “big” cooking

The role of an additional or main place for cooking can be played by an “island”, if, of course, there is a place for it. The island should be the same height as the main work area. Given its sufficient dimensions, it is extremely convenient to cook on it, but when transferring food from the island to the sink or stove, something will definitely fall or spill on the floor.

A kitchen island can simultaneously serve as a work surface, dining table and bar counter. Its height should be the same as that of the tabletop

If there is not enough space

What should owners do? small apartments, where there is a catastrophic lack of space for full-fledged kitchen furniture and appliances, and it is impossible to make an improving redevelopment? We offer the following solutions:

  • Place the refrigerator outside the kitchen: in the hallway or hallway. If, of course, there is a place for him there. This will allow you to install a full-size stove and sink, leaving enough space for preparation and cutting and a kitchen table for two or three people. True, in big family A housewife who is actively involved in cooking may eventually regret her choice, making her way with pots along a narrow corridor past her husband, children and dog to the refrigerator.

Arranging furniture in a tiny apartment is always a search for compromise. In this case, when planning the kitchen, they “sacrificed” the wardrobe in the hallway by placing a refrigerator there. This made it possible to at least slightly expand the working surface of the kitchen and set up a dining table for not two, but three people.

  • Use the kitchen table for big cooking. A small area of ​​30-40 cm at the work front is enough for preparing breakfast. If no one is sitting at the dining table at this time, it is a convenient and large place for cutting and cutting food, kneading dough, and serves as a kitchen “island”. However, it should be noted that the height standard table for breakfasts and lunches - 70-72 cm and working at it while standing will be extremely inconvenient. Not everyone will like cooking while sitting, but for standing work it is more comfortable when the table height is identical to the level of the kitchen countertop (90-95 cm). Standard-height chairs are not suitable for such a table; medium-height models are needed.

The room is small, there is room for a full dining table wasn't enough. Instead, they installed a half-bar table, which is a continuation of the tabletop

For a table that is identical in height to the tabletop, neither ordinary low nor too high bar stools are suitable. You will have to choose a chair of intermediate height - they are on sale, but in a smaller range. Bar stools with adjustable height seats are suitable

  • “Bachelor kitchen” involves more free planning and distribution of elements of the work area. Usually there are only one or two people in the room at the same time person in progress There are no numerous household members scurrying around while preparing food. In a “bachelor kitchen,” you can even sacrifice a standard dining table in favor of a stylish bar counter, which will serve as additional work space. A table or counter can be installed under the window, this will free up the center of a small kitchen.

The window sill table allows you to have a normal breakfast, but takes up virtually no space

  • Transformable furniture will help you get more functionality in a small space. In addition to sliding tables, there are retractable and folding tables.

In this small and very narrow kitchen there is only room for a pull-out dining table, which, after eating, is completely hidden under the countertop

Inside the transforming table (length varies from 20 to 150 cm) a full set of folding chairs fits

The folding table when folded does not take up any space in the room

Many kitchen furniture manufacturers offer retractable cutting boards.

Not enough space when cooking a lot - increase the kitchen work surface by pulling out an additional cutting board

  • You can also build drawers into the base, storing infrequently used items.

A usually unused reserve for storing utensils is the base, where drawers can also be built in. They should be recessed relative to the main facade of the kitchen by 6-10 cm

How high should the tabletop be?

The wrong choice of tabletop height can lead to overstrain of the back muscles and, as a result, excessive fatigue and constant lower back pain. The height of the kitchen working surface should be determined individually, in accordance with the height of the owners of the apartment or house.

In accordance with domestic standards, according to which standard furniture is still produced, the height of the kitchen countertop should be 85 cm. But GOST was developed in the 60s of the last century, when the average height Soviet women was 157 cm. Today's ladies have “grown” by almost 10 cm, and the younger generation continues to stretch even higher. Nowadays, even men, whose average height is 175 cm, do not disdain cooking. The low “grandmother’s” kitchen is no longer suitable for most contemporaries.

When determining a comfortable height for the kitchen work surface, it is necessary to take into account the differences in height between people

Fortunately, the architecture of the modern kitchen modular furniture makes it possible to install the kitchen work surface at a height convenient for a particular family. Most European manufacturers produce lower tier cabinets with a height of 72 cm. The thickness of the tabletop is 3-4 cm. The height of the working area is set by correct selection supports, the height of which ranges from 10 to 18 cm. Moreover, the supports have an adjustable design, which allows you to increase its height by another 2 cm. We get a minimum height of 85 and a maximum of 96 cm with the ability to set any value within these parameters.

Standard legs for kitchen furniture have an adjustment range of 2 cm

How to choose the right kitchen countertop height for a specific person? We recommend taking a simple anthropometric measurement. While standing, bend your elbow at a right angle. The shoulder is vertical, the forearm is strictly horizontal. Open your palm and point it down. Measure the distance from the floor to your palm. Subtract 10-15 cm from the obtained value. This will be the height range of the kitchen countertop on which it will be convenient for this person to cook.

It is better to determine the ergonomic height of the working surface not so much by height as by the distance from the floor to the elbow. The optimum lies in the range of 10-15 cm below the elbow

Higher tabletop means more space for utensils

Not enough space to store kitchen utensils? With a high countertop, additional space can be found by making the lower cabinets higher standard size. For example, with a working area height of 94 cm and a table top of 4 cm, you can install low 10 cm legs. 80 cm remains, which is 8 cm more than the standard value. If the furniture is not standard, but is made to order, it is not difficult to make cabinets of increased height and this will have a slight impact on their cost. The only limitation is that you won’t be able to use standard panel doors with non-standard cabinets. It must be remembered that the base should fall about 8 cm relative to the front so as not to rest your feet on it.

Uneven-height work surface

When determining the height of the working surface, you may encounter two problems:

  1. Working surface, the height of which the best way Suitable for cutting and washing dishes, it will be inconvenient for manipulating a frying pan on a built-in stove. Especially if the hob is gas. Given the height of the pan and the grate above the burner (a total of 6-10 cm), the home cook will have to raise his elbow too high to stir and turn the contents. If you cook this way often, you may experience pain in your arm and spine. The solution is to lower the level of the countertop in the area where the hob is placed by about 8 cm. Or install a freestanding slab at the appropriate height. Unfortunately, such a solution is only possible if the kitchen is spacious enough.

From an ergonomic point of view, it is correct when a section of the table top with a built-in hob located below the main working area. Such a solution can only be implemented in large kitchen with a long front

  1. It will not be possible to choose a perfectly comfortable tabletop height that is suitable for all family members who are interested in cooking if they differ noticeably in height. You will have to make a compromise, as a result of which short people will be a little high, and tall people will be a little short. Installation solves this problem kitchen cabinets on transformable (adjustable using electric motors or pneumatic mechanisms) supports. He pressed a button - and the countertop, and with it the sink and stove, lowered or rose to a level convenient for the “kitchen duty officer.” Fantastically convenient, but still very expensive. However, “advanced” technologies are becoming cheaper. Transformable office desks have already moved from the category of exclusive exotics to standard equipment of the modern workplace. We hope that in a few years, prices for automatically height-adjustable kitchens will drop to an acceptable level.

It is difficult (possible, but, again, expensive) to make the connection of a height-adjustable tabletop to the wall airtight, so kitchen “islands” are often installed on supports with lifting mechanisms. For built-in gas stoves and sinks produce special flexible connections.

A work surface adjustable in height using servo drives is no longer a curiosity; such mechanisms are sold in Russia

The height-transformable table top is also good because it is equally convenient to study baking recipes (you need to raise the table higher), knead the dough (set it in the middle position) and roll it out with a rolling pin (lower it)

Ergonomics of base cabinets

  • To store relatively small things, it is more convenient to use drawers rather than shelves - you don’t have to get down on your hands and knees to remove things from the far corners. It makes sense to store large kitchen appliances, like an air fryer, and perhaps heavy stacks of dishes on the shelves. The more often items are used, the higher they should be placed.

It is more convenient to store small items in drawers. Bulk products, placed in transparent containers, will take less space and will be easily accessible

It is also more practical to place pots and pans in drawers

  • It is most convenient to store bottles and similar-sized items in a narrow pull-out basket closer to the stove.

Bottles and tall cans are always at hand in a narrow pull-out basket

  • It is advisable that the door width hinged wardrobe, especially located under the sink, was at least 40 cm. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to get anything out, and it will be even more difficult to service the sink drain. The width of the cabinet (and door) for the sink with the filter located under it should not be less than 60 cm.

The wider the door in the cabinet under the sink, the easier it is to service the equipment installed in it.

  • Fashionable minimalist furniture handles protruding forward look impressive, but on lower cabinets they are not very convenient, especially in the cutting and washing area. An adult will rest his hips against their edges while cooking, and a naughty child may get a bump on his forehead.

The railing handles are unusually beautiful, but they will rest against the housewife’s stomach and thighs while washing dishes. A child who gets too playful may hit his head on the edge of such a handle.

Hidden kitchen handles, which are horizontal slits in the doors, are injury-proof

Modern solutions for upper cabinets

The standard distance at which it was previously recommended to place upper cabinets above the countertop level is 50 cm. However, today, for many, a half-meter clearance seems insufficient and cabinets are hung higher, 60-65 cm from the work surface. Undoubtedly, this is more convenient, especially when there is equipment on the countertop: an electric kettle, food processor etc. However, it should be taken into account that due to the cabinets being hung too high, the access area without a stepladder is reduced.

Hinged doors on upper cabinets with standard hinges that open at an angle of 90º or slightly more are potentially hazardous. When you're caught up in the process of cooking, it's easy to miss open door and bump into its corner, getting a bump or, even worse, a black eye. Hinged doors equipped with full opening hinges, allowing the door to be opened to an angle of up to 180º, are safe if used correctly. A fully open door does not stick forward, it is parallel to the front. True, it overlaps adjacent cabinets, so it is impossible to open adjacent doors. However, the need for this arises rarely. Our advice: if the doors in the upper cabinets are designed to open to the side, at a minimum, it is worth equipping the dryer with special hinges - it is used most often.

A special hinge allows you to open the door to an angle of 180º, thanks to which it is located parallel to the cabinets, and does not stick out perpendicular to the furniture front

Another injury-safe way to open doors is up. They can swing open or move. Sliding doors almost do not protrude relative to the plane of the facades; it is impossible to bump into them. Swings should be positioned so that they are above the head of the home cook.

Upper cabinets equipped with hinged doors (1) are potentially hazardous. You can also stuff the cone into the upward-opening hinged door (2), if it is located below the top of the head. Sliding (3), tilting (4) and folding (5) upward-opening doors are safe

If the height of the upper cabinets exceeds 60 cm, it is better to make the door opening upwards folding. The disadvantage of a door that opens upward: to close it, you have to reach high for the handle, which is inconvenient for a short person.

Folding upper cabinet doors are the most practical and safest type of opening. If you spare no expense and order a mechanism with an electric drive, the cabinet can be made as high as you like, because we close and open it by simply pressing a button

Upper cabinet height

Upper cabinets are available in three sizes:

  • Low cabinet - 60 cm.
  • Standard - 72 cm, which is equal to the height of the lower cabinets.
  • High - 92 cm.

Many manufacturers offer cabinets of other sizes. In the manufacture of furniture individual order in the house with high ceilings You can make the upper cabinets even higher. However, if heavy dishes will be stored in them, it is more rational to hang two rows of cabinets. It's more reliable this way. The bottom row of cabinets with doors that open upward should be of such a height that a person can easily reach the handle.

Range of common standard cabinet doors. If you have space, it makes sense to use upper cabinets with a height of 92 cm

Happy owners of apartments with high ceilings can hang upper cabinets in two rows

Open shelves vs cabinets

From an ergonomic point of view, the cook should have everything he needs at hand while cooking. List the right tools, utensils and ingredients for preparing a dish can be great. There can be a dozen of spices alone, packaged in small jars. Salt, pepper, a cutting board, all sorts of spatulas, tea and coffee are needed for almost every meal preparation and meal, unless the owners eat frozen fast food heated in the microwave. Several times a day, taking it all out of a closed closet and hiding it back is a dubious pleasure. In our opinion, it is much more convenient to keep frequently used utensils on open shelves. Everything is before your eyes, and even if a thing is not put in its place, it is easy to find.

Open shelves, rails and hooks provide quick and easy access to frequently used items

Adherents of a refined minimalist style in the interior will prefer to wipe the sink dry after each dishwashing and hide it in a closet. detergent, sponge and napkins, not to mention other things. But for most people it will be more comfortable to use open shelves and racks for small items. Two reasons prevent the wider spread of the “open top”. First: the contents of the shelves will have to be kept in order and wiped periodically. However, infrequently, provided that the room is installed good hood. The second reason: the lack of traditions; “Soviet” kitchens were equipped with blind cabinets.

In the kitchen of the famous designer Artemy Lebedev there are no closed cabinets on top, only open shelves

Sink and trash can: a practical upgrade

The size of the sink bowl should allow you to wash the largest dishes in your home

The side “wing” and the second, small bowl are very convenient. If there is enough space for them.

The side wing will serve as an additional cutting surface. Additional bowl - optional, but convenient equipment

If you have a water filtration system, you should make sure that the sink allows you to install a second faucet for purified water, if you do not want to purchase an expensive faucet with a switch. It is inconvenient to wash dishes under a faucet with a low spout big size, and splashes fly out from the tall mixer when washing small dishes. The best, but not cheap, option is a faucet with a pull-out spout.

A pull-out spout on a kitchen faucet will not only make washing dishes more comfortable, but also reduce water consumption

We recommend purchasing a sink with a bottom valve that allows you to close the drain by turning the handle. The valve is more convenient than a plug, and due to the rise in prices for housing and communal services, it is more economical to wash dishes by pre-soaking them. Yes, and faster.

It is customary to keep the trash can under the sink. They opened the bottom cabinet door, took out a bucket, threw out the trash, and closed it. It will be easier if you hang the bucket on the door - there will be less movement.

Inexpensive but convenient trash can mounted on the cabinet door. Open the door and the lid of the bucket rises; close it and it lowers. No smell

The best option placement of the “trash bin” - built-in, under the work surface. A hole is made in the tabletop, and a container for garbage is placed under it. The hole and container are closed flat lid. You can purchase a sink with a built-in trash can, which is even more convenient. The presence of a grinder on the sewer drain will significantly reduce the volume of waste and almost eliminate the “aroma” of waste. Unfortunately, advanced waste collection and removal systems are not cheap.

The most convenient “trash bin” is one built into the countertop. It can be easily removed - upwards.

Convenient and safe placement of equipment

We talked about the arrangement of the main elements of equipment on the floor plan. Some tips for selection and placement kitchen appliances:

  • If the kitchen front has an L-shaped configuration, it is more rational to place household appliances located on the countertop (microwave, electric kettle, coffee maker) internal corner, which is problematic to use for cooking.
  • A very convenient solution - placement oven in a high column cabinet at a height of 65-80 cm from the floor. It is much more convenient to observe the cooking process, load and unload baking sheets without bending. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a place for a “column” in a small room.

Using an oven installed in a high cabinet at a height of 65-80 cm is much more convenient than under the countertop in the standard version

  • A traditional fireplace hood does a good job of removing kitchen fumes, but it protrudes dangerously forward. You can get a bump trying to look into the pan. The same disadvantage also affects exhaust devices, built into furniture. But the inclined hood is absolutely safe; it does not stick out above the stove at head level. By the way, minimum height the hood hanger above the electric stove is 65 cm, above the gas stove - 75 cm.

An ergonomic inclined hood removes kitchen fumes no worse than traditional hoods, but hardly protrudes above the stove

  • The process of cooking or heating food in a microwave oven is easier to control when it is transparent door installed slightly (about 20 cm) below eye level. The optimal place for a microwave is in the “column” above the oven or on the bottom shelf top cabinet. And owners of cramped Khrushchev apartments can find a place for a stove on the windowsill.

It is advisable to place the microwave so that, while standing, you can see the cooking process through the glass window.

The right tables and chairs for the dining area

In Soviet times, the dining table had to have a height of 70 cm, this corresponded physical characteristics man of the 60s. And today many enterprises manufacture furniture according to these standards. But for people taller than 160 cm, this height is already too small. Today, dining tables in EU countries generally have a height of 72-76 cm, and in the USA they are already 74-78 cm. domestic market you can find furniture of various parameters. It is not uncommon to find tables on supports that are adjustable by a few centimeters.

On private kitchen You can find two more types of tables: semi-bar and bar. We have already mentioned the first one; it is made level with the tabletop (85-95 cm) and is used both for eating and as an additional work area. A high bar counter (as in public bars) has a height of 120-125 cm, but at home it can be a little lower.

In terms of width, it is recommended to allocate a space of 60 cm for one person sitting at the table. Accordingly, for two - 120 cm. It makes no sense to do less than 50 cm per person, it is too cramped. The recommended minimum depth of a table with people sitting on both sides is 80 cm.

Chairs must be chosen according to the table. Provided that the thickness of the tabletop together with the stiffener does not exceed 10 cm, the chair seat should be lower than the top of the table by approximately 30-35 cm for a standard dining table, 28-33 cm for a half-bar table and 23-27 cm for a bar table. A chair for a high bar counter must have a support bar for the legs.

Dining and bar chairs with adjustable height easy to adjust to a position that is convenient for a specific person and type of table

Looking to a Brighter Future: Lighting and Plugs

There is never too much light. Besides general lighting kitchen, bright illumination of the work area is necessary and good lighting above the dining table.

Moderate general light and bright lighting of the work area is the key to comfortable work and preservation of vision for the home cook

Sockets: no matter how many you make, there are still not enough. We recommend counting the number of electrical appliances that you plan to install in the kitchen and adding a couple more sockets. You should also not forget about the TV and telephone system, if they are planned in the kitchen. You shouldn't put the TV on the refrigerator, as is often done: you could break your neck looking at it from your chair. TVs are now flat, it is better to hang them on the wall or place them on a table.

Recommended layout of sockets in the kitchen. Sockets for appliances located on the countertop are above the cooking and cutting areas. It is better to make sockets for built-in appliances in the sink cabinet or in the plinth, so access to them will be ensured

Once again about safety: how to protect children from injury

We have already mentioned safety, an integral part of ergonomics. If there are small children in the house, care should be taken to ensure that the children do not get injured. Should be avoided if possible sharp corners when designing or selecting furniture.Can be used special devices, protecting the child from being hit by sharp objects.

A soft pad on the corner of the table will protect a naughty child from injury

We should not forget that children are curious and will definitely climb into places where they are not allowed:

The “children’s” pad on the door (on the left) will not allow a child to get into the “secret” cabinet, and the stop-brake (on the right) will prevent a finger from getting caught in the door

Electrical wires should not be left accessible; blocking plugs should be inserted into low-lying sockets.

Special protective screens Cookers that prevent children from reaching hot pots are not sold in every store, but parents should look for this one. useful thing. The magnetic lock on the refrigerator (on the right) is also useful

Many models of modern household appliances are equipped with a power-on lock function, in which children can press buttons and turn knobs - nothing will happen.

We hope our recommendations will be useful to you. Within the framework of the article, many questions about ergonomics and kitchen organization remained unaddressed. We recommend that you seek advice from specialists at the furniture design stage. An experienced furniture or interior designer will be able to suggest a lot of useful things and protect you from mistakes. Good luck.

Sometimes we need to buy custom-made furniture or, in general, make furniture ourselves. And the main thing in it: not to harm human health. Convenience and comfort of use are the basic principles of furniture, both home and office. For this purpose, standard sizes of furniture products have been developed. And below you can familiarize yourself with them.

It is clear that these dimensions must be dictated by something. And such a factor is the anthropometric data of the average human body, as well as the dimensions of the future locations of this furniture.

For better understanding dimensions of the human body at rest, in motion, during the operation of furniture, below is a picture with human anthropometry. Based on the above factors, furniture size standards are formed.

Comfort in using furniture is determined by the size of the human body, and the relationship also matters various products and the choice of their parameters.

For example, height tables both workers and lunch, are calculated taking into account the fact that the average human height is 1700 mm.

And the height standard chairs and stools, tied to a table height of 720-780 mm. Then the seat height of the chair should be chosen within the range of 420-480 mm. It is recommended to design the width of the seat at least 360 mm, and the width of the work chair - 400 mm. The backs of chairs and work chairs can be designed with or without curvature. In the first case, the radius of curvature of the backrest should be 220 mm with a height of no more than 320 mm. And the so-called straight backs have a radius of curvature of 450 mm with a height of more than 320 mm.

Table top desk It makes more sense to design with dimensions of at least 800×500 mm, for ease of writing and working with it. The distance between the legs or cabinets of the desktop must be at least 520 mm, for a comfortable position of the sitting legs. The width of the seat at the dining table is calculated in the range of 500-600 mm per person, and the depth is at least 325 mm. Calculate the size of the entire cover in accordance with the number of seats.

If you are developing dinner table with a rectangular lid, then the distance between its legs along the longitudinal axis should be planned at least 910 mm to install two chairs. Kitchen tables for small-sized apartments can be made in smaller sizes, at the rate of 500x300 mm per seat.

Considering armchairs for relaxation, it is necessary to mention that their depth should vary between 450-600 mm, for sofa beds and chair beds - 500-600 mm. The width of the seat is at least 500 mm. The length of the sleeping place of a chair-bed and a sofa bed is designed to be at least 1860 mm, or, of course, design the length according to the height of the person who will use this furniture.

Chair-bed And sofa bed assume a width of at least 650 mm per person, otherwise you will end up with guest furniture designed for only one night of use. There are standards for the length and width of bed mattresses. Most often it is 1900, 1950, 1980, 2000, 2100, 2200, if we talk about length. The width of single ones is from 700 to 1000 mm, double ones – 1100-2200 mm.

The dimensions of the kitchen furniture can be seen in the figure below.

The height of the working surface is designed to be 850 mm high. Depth of the lower kitchen cabinets It’s more logical to choose according to the size of a gas or electric stove if you don’t plan hob. Standard sizes slabs 500×500 or 600×600 mm. Depth wall cabinets and choose shelves with a size of 300 mm. This size can be reduced, but taking into account the dishes and equipment.

Compartments for clothes and linen built-in wardrobes will be optimal if you think through them for certain things at once. But for reference, they are shown in the following figure.

Dimensions linen shelves You can also see in the figure below, where the dimensions for storing bed linen are indicated in brackets.

The distance between the shelves themselves should be in the region of 200-400 mm. If you plan to store hats, the shelf for them should be at least 240 mm deep and 170 mm high.

It is necessary to design furniture taking into account the size and configuration of the room itself, take into account the dimensions of the passages between products, providing for different groupings of furniture.

The importance of chair size does not need to be proven - just try to sit on any uncomfortable model for at least 30 minutes. Incorrect body position almost immediately makes itself felt with unpleasant sensations in the back or joints. Which one is correct? If the chair fits the height perfectly, then both feet of the person sitting rest on the floor, while the bend of the ankle, knees and hip joint should be 90°. Therefore, in order to choose a chair according to height, it is enough to pay attention to two factors:

  • If the foot does not completely adhere to the floor, you should look for a lower chair.
  • If your knees are raised too high, choose an option with a higher height.

Most often, chairs serve as an attachment to a table - dining, writing, etc. In this case, it is advisable to take into account one more rule: the comfortable distance between the seat and the edge of the tabletop is 30 cm.

However, it is impossible to give a universal answer to the question of size. By itself, standard height bar stool will vary dramatically in height kitchen stool. Therefore, we will try to analyze each case separately.

- What should be the height of a chair for the kitchen or living room? Traditional models are usually designed for standard height (165-175 cm), so the seat height of such chairs is about 40-45 cm. When choosing a single set, you should focus on the tallest member of the family - it is believed that a chair that is too low brings more discomfort.

- What should be the height of a bar stool? There are no clear rules here, because in any case, the legs of the person sitting do not rest on the floor, but on a stand, or they do without any support at all. However, there are several standards for the height of bar stools: models around 60-70 cm are considered low, models around 75-81 cm are considered medium, and models high are 85-95 cm. They are comfortable for almost everyone, with the possible exception of children. In addition, bar stools are often equipped with height adjustment and a gas lift mechanism.

How to choose the height of a children's chair?

This issue deserves separate consideration. Parents often prefer children's chairs with height adjustment. In this case, there is no need to buy often new furniture as the baby grows. However, there are standards for chair seat height depending on height:

  • If a child is 90 cm tall, the seat height of the chair should be 22 cm.
  • With a height of 120 cm – 30 cm.
  • With a height of 140 cm – 37 cm.
  • With a height of 160 cm – 40 cm.

What's important besides height?

Other chair parameters also matter. For example, the optimal seat width is considered to be 50 cm - such a chair will be comfortable for a person of almost any size. But the choice of furniture with armrests should be approached with caution: full person sitting on such a chair may be uncomfortable.

The seat depth of the chair is usually about 40-45 cm. To understand whether the model is right for you, do a short test. The optimal distance between the bend of the knees of the seated person and the edge of the seat should be 5-8 cm. The gap may be larger, but not smaller, because in this case the edge of the chair will “cut” into the skin if you just sit a little deeper.

When choosing a chair “intuitively”, without paying attention to its real parameters, it is very easy to make a mistake. And such a mistake can be quite expensive. Once you are convinced that the model is uncomfortable, you will most likely start looking for a new one. Therefore, it is better not to waste money and time, but to immediately select chairs taking into account all the important dimensional characteristics.

In furniture design, knowledge of such an aspect as ergonomics is of great importance. That is, the compliance of the product parameters with the parameters human body. In order for your furniture to be not only stylish and original, but also comfortable, you will have to follow a number of rules, which we will discuss below.

Basic anthropometric indicators of the average person

Based on them, all the basic patterns were developed. Let's move on to specifics.

For example, if the height of the table is 720-750 mm, then the height of the seat of the chair should be 430-450 mm. It is possible to reduce the height of the working surface of the table to 680 mm (for working with a keyboard or typewriter).

One seat at the table should be 500-600 mm wide per person, and at least 325 mm deep.

For desks, the dimensions of the working area must be at least 800 X 500 mm.
For dining tables ( rectangular shape The recommended distance between the table legs should be at least 910 mm - to fit two chairs). Compared with desks, workplace kitchens are smaller - 500 X 300 mm is allowed - per person. If the dimensions of the kitchen allow it, then it is better not to do this.

The space for a comfortable position of the legs under the table is 450-520 mm per person.

For secretaries, the dimensions of the working area are at least 700 x 400 mm, while the door must be at least 300 mm (to accommodate the legs).

For seats, the width at the widest part of the chairs should be at least 360 mm; if the chair is a work chair, then the entire width is 400 mm. When using backrests with curvature in furniture, the radius of curvature should be 450 mm - for regular full-size backrests (their height is up to 320 mm), and 220 mm for lumbar backrests (their height exceeds 320 mm).

As for the depth, for sofas and armchairs it should be 450-600 mm, for folding sofas and chair-beds at least 500. The width per person should be at least 500 mm.

Length of one sleeping place (folding sofa and chair-bed) should be 1860 mm, the width varies - for a chair-bed 600 mm, for a sofa from 700 mm (wider is possible).

Standard mattress lengths are 1600, 1860, 1900, 1950, 2030 mm. Width for single - 700, 800, 900 mm; for doubles - 1100, 1200, 1400, 1600 and 1800 mm. ... Although today mattresses can be ordered in any size

Let's move on to the next type of furniture - cabinets. There are much fewer strict standards here, but when designing you should focus on the following points:

Height for comfortable use shelves 1500, 1900, 2100 mm (not absolutely - variations are possible). The average distance between shelves is 300 mm.

As for the sizes of the shelves themselves, they are clearly shown in the figure (shelves for clothes, dimensions for shelves intended for bed linen are indicated in brackets). The following standards exist for bookshelves: when books are placed in one row, the depth of the shelf is 150-300 mm, when placed in two rows - 300-440 mm. The height of bookshelves is 180-400 mm (depending on the size of the publications placed on them).

Clothes hangers on hangers should be placed at a height of no more than 1900 mm (of course, if this is not the case). The distance to the overlying shelf must be at least 50 mm.

The height of the dining table is incredible important parameter, which determines the level of comfort while eating. For example, if the table parameters are correctly selected, you will not feel any discomfort.

If the kitchen table is lower, then a person automatically leans towards it, over time this can cause pain in the spine due to an uncomfortable posture. In another case, when a piece of furniture is higher than necessary, the person’s shoulder and back muscles will strain.

Selection of kitchen furniture

The average height of the kitchen table is 75 cm

Kitchen tables are quite an important item. It is here that families will gather and spend time together. Therefore, furniture dimensions are very important. Standard products can take up quite a lot of space, and to avoid inconvenience, it is necessary to calculate in advance how much space you need to allocate for kitchen products.

To be comfortable in the kitchen, you need free space, which can be obtained by choosing the optimal size of the kitchen table. Standard products have parameters of approximately 80x60, but are not suitable for every room.

For large kitchens It doesn’t really matter what the dimensions of the furniture are. But for small kitchens The size of the table should be designed for all family members. The smaller the kitchen area, the more difficult the choice becomes.

In addition to size, it is worth considering the cost and your financial capabilities. Of course, we cannot forget about the interior. The selected kitchen table must match general style rooms to complement it. Plastic and metal kitchen furniture is used all over the world. It is quite common to make a dining table from wood. It is cheap and convenient, in addition, it is made from environmentally friendly, natural material.

In addition to wood, kitchen furniture is also made of plastic and iron with glass countertops. Many styles allow you to choose exactly what the client needs.

Iron countertops are quite heavy, making them very difficult to move. The dimensions of the kitchen table made of iron meet all the necessary standards and do not stand out for their large dimensions among other types, therefore they are no less convenient to use. Such products can last a very long time. Iron furniture legs can be made in decorative style, emphasize the features of the interior. One of the disadvantages is glass countertops (this is the most fragile part of the structure). If it bursts, the legs will no longer be useful to you even as a stand.

You can often find dining table models made of plastic. It is a very practical material: cheap, lightweight, but can look quite presentable. However, plastic can sustain combustion and release toxic substances, and this is a very dangerous property. Some types of plastics do not burn, but are not cheap.

How to choose the height?

If you have already decided on the type of furniture, now it remains to choose the right size of the product for the kitchen.

The standard tabletop height is 75 cm, but it can vary from 72 to 78 cm.

The optimal height of a kitchen table can be determined arithmetically.

Calculation using the formula is suitable for accurately determining the required height of furniture. The average height of a person, for whom most products are made, is 165 cm, the height of the table is 75 cm. To get the required figure, you need to multiply your height by average height countertops and divide by the average height of a person: (height x 75) / 165.

Accordingly, you can choose the correct chair height for the selected table. You must subtract 40 cm from the resulting height if you are short (42 cm for people of average height and 45 cm for tall people). This way you can choose all the furniture to suit your height.

Conclusion on the topic

Everyone knows how important the height of the dining table is for comfort in the kitchen. Required height kitchen tables for complete comfort, it is subtracted using a very simple formula that even a child will remember.

To do this, you just need to make small calculations and choose furniture based on your finances and preferences.