home · Measurements · Do-it-yourself chest from a box, a country of craftsmen. DIY Santa Claus chest. How to make a New Year's chest from cardboard with your own hands? DIY chest with a flat lid

Do-it-yourself chest from a box, a country of craftsmen. DIY Santa Claus chest. How to make a New Year's chest from cardboard with your own hands? DIY chest with a flat lid

Chest - undeservedly forgotten, but very comfortable spot storage of things. And also a colorful home decoration and a great gift for the hero of the day or newlyweds! Make a decorative chest with your own hands, it’s not difficult at all:

DIY decorative chest. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Collect frame from boards measuring 40x50 cm. To make the sides, you need to step back 10 cm from the edges of the two boards and cut the material in a semicircle. The sides are glued to the bottom or fastened with self-tapping screws.

Decorative chest with your own hands. Photos step by step

Cover the walls with boards. The first blanks are attached in the upper part under the semicircular cuts. After them, on the sidewalls, 20 cm from the top, marks are made with a pencil - they are needed to indicate the future cutting of the lid. Then the boards are fastened on both sides to the very bottom.

Cover the lid. Narrower blanks are attached to semicircular sections to form a lid.

Saw the sides with a jigsaw along the marked lines. After completion of the work, it is recommended to cover the wood with stain or varnish.

Attach loops. With their help, the sawn-off lid is attached to the base. On the other side, screw a loop on which you can hang a lock.

old chest with your own hands. Photo

Attach to the sides pens, for example, bronze. They need to match the style of the hinges and lock.

Decorate DIY chest. For example, fill the bottom with iron corners. Leather strips nailed with nails with large heads look interesting on a decorative chest. Finally, the legs are attached to the bottom.

DIY wooden chest. Photo instructions

Complete inner part . To do this, cover the entire space with velvet, choosing the color to your taste.

DIY decorative wooden chest. Option 2

There is another way to make a wooden chest with your own hands. It involves the following steps:

Preparation of material. As in the previous case, it is necessary boards. Select the size depending on the size of the chest you want to receive. A quarter is made using a router.

how to make a chest. Step by step photos

Assembly boxes. From the resulting blanks, a box is assembled, which occupies approximately two-thirds of the size of the future chest.

Preparation of material for bottom. To do this, the quarters on the boards are processed using a router.

Bottom installation. It is assembled from blanks using self-tapping screws.

Manufacturing covers. Two side semicircular walls are cut out, then the lid is sheathed with boards over the entire surface.

Product coating stain or varnish. This is necessary for decoration and also to preserve the wood.

Fastening accessories. The chest needs three hinges, legs and handles. They can be purchased at any store, but to make the loops look more interesting, it is recommended to file them with a jigsaw. Two loops are attached to one side of the lid, and one, for the lock, is attached to the other. The legs are screwed to the bottom, and the handles are screwed to the sides.

old chest with your own hands. Photo master class

Finishing. Copper or steel tapes that are attached to the edges of the product look stylish. However, you can use any decor.

DIY pirate chest for a children's room

If the child's room is designed in a marine theme, it will be suitable for pirate chest. It looks great in such a room and is very convenient for storing toys or children's things.

To make such a chest, you must first prepare materials and tools:

  • furniture board;
  • glue;
  • putty for working with wood;
  • acrylic paint in caramel, brown, white and black colors;
  • gold powder;
  • a little flour and milk;
  • decorative beeswax;
  • potal for imitation gold leaf and glue for it;
  • leather belts;
  • jigsaw;
  • spatula to create a cut texture;
  • stencils with images corresponding to the theme;
  • rope;
  • drill with a pen attachment;
  • furniture casters;
  • door hinges.

When everything you need to make a pirate chest is ready, you can get to work. The stages are:

Creation blanks. They are cut from furniture board according to a pattern. Since they will have to be connected with a lock, the tenons should be cut out immediately.

Assembly designs. The parts are connected and coated with glue for strength.

DIY pirate chest for a children's room. Photo instructions

Painting. Before applying the coloring composition, the chest should be covered with a layer of plaster inside and out. Only after it has dried can you apply caramel-colored paint.

Creation textures. To make the chest look stylish and interesting, we recommend decorating the freshly painted surface with a mixture of milk, flour and brown paint. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a composition resembling the consistency of sour cream. It is applied in large strokes to the outer surface of the product. While the paint has not dried, a spatula is passed over it - the result is a clear wood pattern.

Decoration. The pirate chest is actually ready, all that remains is to decorate it. To do this, a stencil is applied to the lid. The picture can be anything: a ship, an anchor, etc. Apply on top White paint, the stencil is removed - and the drawing appears on the surface. The entire outer surface is covered with wax with the addition of gold powder and polished using soft fabric, after which a thin translucent layer of black paint is applied. The inside of the chest is covered with gold leaf using gold leaf glue.

Installation accessories. All parts are assembled: the lid is attached to the base door hinges, furniture casters are installed on the bottom. It is better to make a handle from a rope, passing it through two holes in the lid. The ends of the rope are tied sea ​​knots. Finally, leather straps are attached to the sides of the design on the lid, which wrap around the entire product.

It turns out to be a stylish do-it-yourself pirate chest for a children's room.

DIY chest with a flat lid

The instructions above show how to make a chest with a semicircular lid. But it can also be flat. This product is even easier to make. The instructions are:

First of all, you need to prepare tools and materials by deciding on the size of the chest and cutting the boards.

Collect sidewalls: connect several boards, attaching thin bars along the edges.

Glue parts of the chest, using a furniture board as the bottom. The sides of the product are covered with boards. Don't forget to cut out the grooves so that the pieces fit end-to-end.

Collect cover: take measurements, cut boards of suitable length, connect them by gluing thin bars on the sides. Then drill two holes in the top on both sides. Do the same on the lid. A rope is inserted into each hole on the chest, pulled through the hole in the lid and tied at both ends with a sailor's knot.

Do pens: drill two holes in the sidewall at a short distance from each other, insert a rope, tie knots. Repeat on the other side.

Cover by stain or varnish.

DIY chest-bench. Photo

Your DIY chest with a flat lid is ready!

DIY decorative chest from a box

If you don’t want to work with wood, you can make a chest out of cardboard with your own hands. Suitable, for example, packaging from household appliances. Manufacturing stages:

From the top make cover. To do this, you need to forcefully draw lines across the entire surface so that the cardboard bends. Then cut out two semicircles and cover them with wallpaper, leaving teeth around the circumference. The blanks are attached to the lid on both sides.

DIY cardboard chest. photo

Insert the inner box into the outer one, having previously attached pens. Both parts are firmly glued to each other (for convenience during work, they can be fastened with clothespins) and covered with wallpaper.

Create decor. It can be made from leatherette, cutting out shaped belts, or baked clay. Cuts of napkins and thick twisted threads will also come in handy. The elements are glued to the chest, and patterns are formed from threads and cuts.

cardboard money chest. Photo

Attach legs. They are cut out of wood or plastic and glued to the bottom of the chest.

Paint DIY cardboard chest. The surface is covered with black acrylic paint, then applied with a sponge. thin layer gold.

DIY paper chest

Another economical option a chest made of paper and cardboard, which is useful for storing various small items and will serve as interior decoration. It's very easy to do:

Prepare materials and tools. Cardboard will come in handy box, consumer paper two shades, from which tubes of the same size are rolled, glue, tailor's pins, side cutters, decorative elements.

Take cardboard box need size, make it marking future chest and cut it out. There should be semicircular sides on both sides.

External part paste over paper, bending inward about 6 cm.

Tubes flatten and pin along the long side.

DIY paper chest. Photo

Secure strips of a different shade on one side of the chest with pins and weave with existing tubes so as to create an imitation of a basket. Weave all the way to the top, then fold the remaining ends and glue from the inside of the layout. Also braid the sides, not forgetting to glue the strips to the bottom.

To make a lid you will need a regular bottle, the width of which is equal to the width of the chest. Take a piece of cardboard of the appropriate size, wet it, attach it to the bottle with tape, and after drying, spread it with PVA and cover it with newspaper. Cover the finished lid with the same paper as the entire product.

Attach strips along the edge.

Try on the lid issue by weaving it or in another way, for example, by simply gluing strips of paper evenly.

Decorate the chest as you like.

DIY chests

It is not necessary to stop at the design options described - a do-it-yourself chest can be anything! Here are some examples:

Do-it-yourself wooden chest, made in the style of log house made of rounded bars, decorated with metal handles, hinges and lock. The surface is covered with stain.

Carved chest with massive metal handles and ring for the castle. There is an ornament carved on the sides, weaving from thin boards on the lid, the bottom protrudes slightly beyond the walls of the product.

Stylish black chest, covered with leatherette and decorated with leatherette belts. Bronze hinges, locks and handles are perfect for it, as well as decorative nails with large heads.

Laconic wooden product, suitable as a place to store things. A regular hinge and metal handles are used, the lid is flat with rounded edges, and the chest is painted in a discreet color.

Product rectangular shape, reminiscent flirty box. A do-it-yourself decorative chest is covered with plain leatherette or paper, decorated with vintage locks and a patterned metal flower.

Bright chest with a flat lid for a children's room, decorated with images of cartoon characters. The handles are cut out on the sides, and a recess is also made under the lid on one side for ease of opening.

Do your children (grandchildren, nephews) love to play pirates? They like dangerous adventures difficult tests and romantic pirate paraphernalia? Then it's time to throw them a birthday party or New Year, an interesting quest game “Search for Pirate Treasures”. And the main element of this idea, of course, is a real mysterious pirate chest, quickly and easily made with your own hands, in which the kids will definitely find treasures.

It is worth noting that after direct use (finding treasures), the chest can have an equally valuable purpose. You can put jewelry in it, and then it will continue to “store treasures.” Or you can put it in the nursery and invite the child to put toys in it. Surely the baby will like this type of cleaning, and the process of cleaning the nursery will become more enjoyable and faster. You can also store a variety of household supplies in the chest, from plastic bags to shoe polish. Or you can sprinkle nuts, sweets and cookies, and turn the chest into an unusual “sweet stall”, because almost every housewife may have a problem: “where to put these numerous sweets?”

How to make a simple pirate chest with your own hands in a step-by-step tutorial

Gone are the days when people created chests from heavy oak boards, metal and stone. And so today, making a pirate chest with your own hands is not at all difficult, because, everything necessary materials are sure to be found in any home. So, what might you need to make a chest?

  • The cardboard box is the base of the chest, and its size and shape directly affect the size and style of the finished product. For a pirate stall, a box from under kitchen appliances or shoes. And for a large chest it is better to take a box from under household appliances.
  • Cardboard (ordinary (thick and thin), as well as decorative: metal, colored, ribbed). Cardboard is necessary if there is no suitable box. In this case, you can assemble a small cardboard chest using a suitable pattern. Basically, cardboard is useful for decorating and cutting out decorative elements - “forged corners”, hinges, locks, etc.
  • Paper – white, colored. For gluing the inside of a chest, a piece of light-colored wallpaper works well.
  • Paints, markers, pencils - all this is useful for decoration.
  • Ribbons, braid, pieces of fabric - for decoration.
  • Furniture fittings (handles, locks, hinges, staples, etc.) - if you want to make the chest more believable.
  • Limitless imagination, and perhaps the help of one, two, three pairs of hands.
  • Tools: scissors, utility knife, glue (moment or PVA), paper tape, wire and painting brush.

If you don’t really want to bother with making cardboard chest, you can pick up or buy wooden box, box or chest. Decorate it with decoupage, paint it with acrylic, glue keys, shells, coins and end up with an amazing product that will have an undeniable advantage - unlike a cardboard chest, this chest cannot be torn or opened without a key.

Manufacturing instructions.

When creating a chest from a box, you need to decide what kind of lid to make. You can leave the factory flat lid, and then all you have to do is decorate the box itself.

But it’s better to make the chest much more interesting. The semicircular lid, which is made directly from the walls of the box, looks practical and pleasant.

To do this, mentally divide the box into three thirds, and draw with a marker the rounded end of the chest, along the width of the upper third part. When marking, it is better to use a cut-out template so that the ends are the same. Then we cut out the round ends and part of the walls, and cut out a rectangle from a suitable thin cardboard and glue it on top - this will be the lid. For strength, seal the seams with paper tape on both sides.

All! We prime the chest for further painting, or cover it with paper.

Decorating a chest using interesting techniques with your own hands

At this most interesting stage, you can give free rein to your imagination, because WHAT the finished chest will look like depends only on you.

Below are ideas on how you can decorate a cardboard crust for a pirate chest.

  • The chest can be made in any colors. Cover the inside with paper black or of blue color, and then the chest will acquire mystery and mystery. The outer part can also be made in dark colors, but then the product will seem more gloomy.
  • When decorating a chest, you can use color printed cut-out pictures with various pirate paraphernalia: skull, bones, flags, ships.
  • Or you can take bright ones acrylic paints and with their help also depict flags, anchors, chains, Jolly Roger, etc.
  • Scraps of old maps will look very impressive. To do this, we carefully tear the prepared pictures and “age” them with coffee.
  • You can decorate the chest with materials such as coins, shells, pebbles, rope, glitter, pieces of wood, etc.
  • To depict the surface structure of the chest, glue pieces of cardboard, crumpled newspaper and beads. Sample in the photo.

Video to help on the topic of the article

So, in just a couple of hours, you can make a practical, lightweight pirate chest from cardboard. And after watching these videos, you can find a few more ideas that, if implemented, you will definitely get a unique and fun element to almost any children's adventure. Enjoy watching!

To make a paper craft we will need:

  • Piece of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Foamiran sheet (foam material)
  • Duct tape
  • Various decorative elements
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

DIY paper chest

Cut out three rectangles from cardboard. This will be the bottom, back and front of the chest.

Then cut out another rectangle the same size and cut it in half. These will be the sides of the chest.

Cut out another similar rectangle. Cut it in half. You have two squares. We cut one of them diagonally. We round off the part opposite to the diagonal. We got two shapes in the form of an orange slice, which will serve us to create the sides of the chest lid.

From foamiran we cut out a rectangle the length of the back of the chest and such a width to cover the rounded side. It will be top part chest. Now we glue the foamiran to the rounded part to assemble the lid of the chest.

Cut out 3 strips of yellow thick paper, or yellow tape. Glue these strips onto the lid of the chest in the shape of the letter "H".

Using adhesive tape, attach all the elements of the bottom of the chest.

Cut a small circle out of cardboard as a decorative detail. You can use any color material.

Glue the circle onto the lid of the chest.

Using adhesive tape, secure the bottom of the chest and the lid together.

You've just created a treasure chest.

You can use clear tape.

You can wrap the chest in foil for a different look.

The chest came to us from the last century and took its rightful place in modern decor. It is designed to store various things. Do original chest with your own hands. You will need a little imagination and tools.

Making a chest with your own hands - what materials to choose

Make the product:

  • made of wood. You can sit on a cabinet in the hallway or make a chest into a chest of drawers and put a lot of things there;
  • from plywood or chipboard. Place children's things or toys in the chest and place them in the child's room;
  • from cardboard. A regular cardboard box will do. Place accessories and various trinkets in the chest;
  • polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. You can even hang the chest on the wall.

Making a wooden chest with your own hands


  • jigsaw with hacksaw;
  • screwdriver, screws and self-tapping screws;
  • paint brush and hot melt adhesive;
  • construction glue gun;
  • sandpaper and clamps;
  • paint, varnish;
  • wooden boards. If there is no wood, replace it with plywood;
  • decorative loops.

First, dry the boards well so that the future chest does not crack. Find a place for the future chest. Draw a sketch of it on paper and decide on the dimensions. Let's get started:

  • Using a jigsaw, cut out blanks from wood according to the selected size. It is advisable to first make paper blanks and attach them to the wood, making markings, and then cut them out. Blanks – two sides, front and back panels, lid and bottom;
  • connect all four walls of the product with self-tapping screws. After screwing in the screws, cover the fastening points with overhead corners or putty to match the wood tone;
  • insert the bottom into the resulting box and screw it to the strips with self-tapping screws;
  • attach the cover. You can pre-fill the boards onto the part in the form of a semicircle. Fix the decorative hinges with self-tapping screws and connect them to the bottom top part chest;
  • use self-tapping screws to secure the lock;
  • get started decorative design chest. Sand the surface and corners well with sandpaper. Open with varnish or treat with stain. Transparent finishing coat will highlight the structure of the wood, and tinting paint will add color to the product. Draw a picture if desired.

Use your imagination to decorate the finished chest. You can order forged elements, choose them according to the design of the product.

Making your own cardboard chest

Select a cardboard box according to the size of the future product. Manufacturing process:

  • make a sketch of the product. Along the circle of the box, draw two lines for cutting with a pencil, draw semicircles on the sides for the roof;
  • cut off sharp knife all excess cardboard from the end along the bend and cut off the top;
  • Build a cardboard lid according to the width of the box. Connect it with back wall products with office fasteners or nuts and screws made of plastic;
  • connect the lid of the chest with a lock at the front;
  • decorate the product beautifully. Cover it with dark stripes, wallpaper or paint;
  • Attach the handles on the sides to the product.

Insert another box inside the box, glue it, and the chest will become stronger.

Making your own chest from polystyrene foam

Prepare a sheet of polystyrene foam. Draw details on paper required sizes. Cut out parts from polystyrene foam. After cutting, check that everything matches and the future chest will turn out smooth. Connect the parts without fastening and you will see. Using a screwdriver, carefully draw straight lines on the surface of the parts, which will create an imitation of boards. Paint inner surface parts are painted black, and the outside is painted brown, like wood. Leave to dry. Glue the dried elements together with silicone glue. Use your imagination to decorate the product. You can cover it with shells or decorate it with the same polystyrene foam.

You will do interesting subject DIY interior design and diversify the design of any room. Experiment with materials, surprise yourself and your family by making an original and useful product for your home.

Quite often, there is a catastrophic lack of space in the bedroom to store pillows, blankets and blankets. Of course, most people solve this problem by simply storing bedding in the closet, but this approach is irrational, since this greatly reduces the capacity of the closet. Therefore, making a chest with your own hands for storing bedding will be the best option, which will help you solve the problem of lack of space.

It’s worth saying right away that making a wooden chest with your own hands will be quite difficult, especially if you want it to look beautiful. But if you know how to make a chest and put in some effort, then you will definitely succeed.

In order to get started, you will need quite a lot of tools, since making chests is a rather labor-intensive process; here you need not only to process external surfaces, and also make grooves at the ends; in addition, you will need clamps with clamps to assemble the parts and the entire chest at the end.

The most important thing is to take your time, and before gluing the pieces together, try laying them dry first without glue and see how they stick.

Side walls

start doing wooden chest, best from the side walls. Below you can see a drawing of the side wall and the dimensions of the parts you need to make to fold it.

There is actually nothing complicated here, just follow the instructions and use high-quality dry wood. Be sure to monitor the depth and width of the tongues (grooves) for the liners. You can make them in many ways, but the best way is to use a simple one. manual frezer. The most important thing is to use a cutter of the appropriate size and side stops that will allow you to make even grooves. It is best to clamp the workpiece itself in a vice while working, since otherwise you simply will not be able to hold it in your hands.

It is important that when the side wall of the chest dries, it inside, you will need to make tongues to secure the bottom and side walls. Since the entire structure is held on by glue, so as not to spoil appearance products.